Fundamentals of state policy in the field of culture. “Fundamentals of state cultural policy”

These Fundamentals define the main directions of state cultural policy and represent the basic document for the development and improvement of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the processes of cultural development in the Russian Federation, as well as state and municipal programs.

State cultural policy is designed to ensure priority cultural and humanitarian development as the basis for economic prosperity, state sovereignty and civilizational identity of the country.

Due to its geographical location, multinationality, multiconfessionalism, Russia has developed and is developing as a country uniting two worlds - East and West. The historical path of Russia has determined its cultural identity, the peculiarities of the national mentality, and the value foundations of the life of Russian society.

A unique historical experience of mutual influence, mutual enrichment, and mutual respect of different cultures has been accumulated - Russian statehood has been naturally built on this for centuries.

The key, unifying role in the historical consciousness of the multinational Russian people belongs to the Russian language and the great Russian culture.

Orthodoxy played a special role in the formation of Russia’s value system. Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, other religions and beliefs traditional for our Fatherland also contributed to the formation of the national and cultural identity of the peoples of Russia. Neither religion nor nationality divide and should not divide the peoples of Russia.

Literature, music, opera, ballet, theater, cinema, circus, fine arts, architecture, design, art photography - achievements in all areas of Russian art are indisputable and recognized not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The current stage of Russia's development requires maximum involvement of the potential of culture in the processes of social progress.

The culture of Russia is as much its heritage as its natural resources. In the modern world, culture is becoming a significant resource for socio-economic development, allowing us to ensure the leading position of our country in the world.

Throughout Russian history, it was culture that preserved, accumulated and passed on the spiritual experience of the nation to new generations, ensured the unity of the multinational people of Russia, fostered feelings of patriotism and national pride, and strengthened the country’s authority in the international arena.

The affirmation of the priority of culture is intended to ensure a higher quality of society, its ability to civil unity, to define and achieve common development goals. The main condition for their implementation is the formation of a moral, responsible, independently thinking, creative personality.

The unity of science, education and art lays the foundation for understanding the social mission of culture as an instrument for transmitting to new generations a set of moral, ethical and aesthetic values ​​that form the core of national identity.

By adopting these Fundamentals, the state for the first time elevates culture to the rank of national priorities and recognizes it as the most important factor in the growth of the quality of life and harmonization of social relations, the key to dynamic socio-economic development, the guarantor of the preservation of a single cultural space and the territorial integrity of Russia.

1. The Russian Federation is faced with the task of carrying out the economic and social modernization of the country in a historically short period, entering the path of intensive development, ensuring the readiness of the state and society to respond to the challenges of the modern world.

Deformation of historical memory, negative assessment of significant periods of national history, spread of false ideas about the historical backwardness of Russia;

3. The state cultural policy of Russia covers such areas of state and public life as all types of cultural activities, the humanities, education, interethnic relations, support for Russian culture abroad, international humanitarian and cultural cooperation, as well as the education and self-education of citizens, education, development children's and youth movements, formation of the country's information space.

The need to overcome interdepartmental, interlevel and interregional contradictions on issues of cultural development requires raising the status of state cultural policy to the national level.

4. The development and implementation of state cultural policy requires a scientific basis for the changes being undertaken, the priority development of the humanities, and is carried out in close interaction between the state and society.

5. State cultural policy is aimed at increasing civic consciousness, readiness and ability of people to actively participate in the processes of social development.

“culture” is a set of formal and informal institutions, phenomena and factors influencing the preservation, production, transmission and dissemination of spiritual values ​​(ethical, aesthetic, intellectual, civil, etc.);

“cultural policy” - actions carried out by government bodies of the Russian Federation and public institutions aimed at supporting, preserving and developing all branches of culture, all types of creative activity of Russian citizens and the formation of personality based on the value system inherent in Russian society;

"subjects of state cultural policy" - state authorities of the Russian Federation and local governments, educational, scientific organizations, cultural organizations, public associations and organizations, other organizations operating in the field of art, science, education, education, upbringing, family relations, working with children and youth;

“objects of state cultural policy” - tangible and intangible cultural heritage, all types and results of creative activity, education system, science, Russian language and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, family, systems of interpersonal and public communication, media and information space, international cultural and humanitarian communications;

“cultural activities” - activities for the creation, dissemination, preservation, development and popularization of cultural values ​​and the provision of cultural benefits in the field of cultural heritage, literature, theatrical, musical, visual, circus arts, architecture, urban planning, landscape art, design, cinematography , photography, media, cultural (creative) industries, folk arts and crafts, cultural leisure, folk arts, folklore, intangible cultural heritage, museums, archival, library science, aesthetic education, art education, pedagogical activities in the field of culture , international cultural cooperation;

“mentality, mentality of the Russian people” - a set of intellectual, emotional, cultural characteristics, value orientations and attitudes inherent in Russians;

“cultural heritage” is a set of objects, phenomena and works that have historical and cultural value. Cultural heritage includes tangible cultural heritage (buildings and structures, samples of engineering, technical solutions, urban planning objects, industrial architectural monuments, historical and cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, monuments, sculptural monuments, memorial structures, etc., works of fine art, applied and folk art, documents, books, photographs - all objects of the material world that preserve an idea of ​​the characteristics of people's lives in past eras) and intangible cultural heritage (languages ​​and dialects, traditions, customs and beliefs, folklore, traditional ways of life and ideas about the structure the world of peoples, nationalities, ethnic groups, Russian literature and the literature of the peoples of Russia, musical, theatrical, cinematic heritage, the unique system of training creative personnel created in the country);

The President signed the Decree “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy”...

By Presidential Decree
Russian Federation


These Fundamentals define the main directions of state cultural policy and represent the basic document for the development and improvement of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the processes of cultural development in the Russian Federation, as well as state and municipal programs.

The legal basis of these Fundamentals is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

These Fundamentals define the goals and strategic objectives of state cultural policy, the key principles of its implementation.

State cultural policy is designed to ensure priority cultural and humanitarian development as the basis for economic prosperity, state sovereignty and civilizational identity of the country.

State cultural policy is recognized as an integral part of the national security strategy of the Russian Federation.

I. Introduction

Russia is a country of great culture, enormous cultural heritage, centuries-old cultural traditions and inexhaustible creative potential.

Due to its geographical location, multinationality, multiconfessionalism, Russia has developed and is developing as a country uniting two worlds - East and West. The historical path of Russia determined its cultural identity, features of the national mentality, the value foundations of the life of Russian society.

A unique historical experience of mutual influence, mutual enrichment, and mutual respect of different cultures has been accumulated - Russian statehood has been naturally built on this for centuries.

The key, unifying role in the historical consciousness of the multinational Russian people belongs to the Russian language and the great Russian culture.

Orthodoxy played a special role in the formation of Russia’s value system. Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, other religions and beliefs traditional for our Fatherland also contributed to the formation of the national and cultural identity of the peoples of Russia. Neither religion nor nationality divide and should not divide the peoples of Russia.

Literature, music, opera, ballet, theater, cinema, circus, fine arts, architecture, design, art photography - achievements in all areas of Russian art are indisputable and recognized not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The current stage of Russia's development requires maximum involvement of the potential of culture in the processes of social progress.

The culture of Russia is as much its heritage as its natural resources. In the modern world, culture is becoming a significant resource for socio-economic development, allowing us to ensure the leading position of our country in the world.

Throughout Russian history, it was culture that preserved, accumulated and passed on the spiritual experience of the nation to new generations, ensured the unity of the multinational people of Russia, fostered feelings of patriotism and national pride, and strengthened the country’s authority in the international arena.

The affirmation of the priority of culture is intended to ensure a higher quality of society, its ability to civil unity, to define and achieve common development goals. The main condition for their implementation is the formation of a moral, responsible, independently thinking, creative personality.

The unity of science, education and art lays the foundation for understanding the social mission of culture as a tool transferring to new generations a set of moral, ethical and aesthetic values ​​that form the core of national identity.

By adopting these Fundamentals, the state for the first time elevates culture to the rank of national priorities and recognizes it as the most important factor in the growth of the quality of life and harmonization of social relations, the key to dynamic socio-economic development, the guarantor of the preservation of a single cultural space and the territorial integrity of Russia.

II. Basis for developing state cultural policy

1. The Russian Federation is faced with the task of carrying out the economic and social modernization of the country in a historically short period, entering the path of intensive development, ensuring the readiness of the state and society to respond to the challenges of the modern world.

This is possible only under the condition of systematic and consistent investment in a person, in a qualitative renewal of personality.

In the recent past, such investments have been clearly insufficient, posing the threat of a humanitarian crisis.

2. The most dangerous possible manifestations of this crisis for the future of Russia include:

decline in the intellectual and cultural level of society;

devaluation of generally accepted values ​​and distortion of value guidelines;

an increase in aggression and intolerance, manifestations of antisocial behavior;

deformation of historical memory, negative assessment of significant periods of national history, spread of false ideas about the historical backwardness of Russia;

atomization of society - severance of social ties (friendships, family, neighbors), growth of individualism, disregard for the rights of others.

3. The state cultural policy of Russia covers such areas of state and public life as all types

cultural activities, humanities, education, interethnic relations, support of Russian culture abroad, international humanitarian and cultural cooperation, as well as education and self-education of citizens, education, development of the children's and youth movement, formation of the country's information space.

The need to overcome interdepartmental, interlevel and interregional contradictions on issues of cultural development requires raising the status of state cultural policy to the national level.

4. The development and implementation of state cultural policy requires a scientific basis for the changes being undertaken, the priority development of the humanities, and is carried out in close interaction between the state and society.

5. State cultural policy is aimed at increasing civic consciousness, readiness and ability of people to actively participate in the processes of social development.

III. General provisions

In these Fundamentals, the concepts used mean:

“culture” is a set of formal and informal institutions, phenomena and factors influencing the preservation, production, transmission and dissemination of spiritual values ​​(ethical, aesthetic, intellectual, civil, etc.);

“cultural policy” - actions carried out by government bodies of the Russian Federation and public institutions aimed at supporting, preserving and developing all branches of culture, all types of creative activity of Russian citizens and the formation of personality based on the value system inherent in Russian society;

“subjects of state cultural policy” - state authorities of the Russian Federation and local governments, educational, scientific organizations, cultural organizations, public associations and organizations, other organizations operating in the field of art, science, education, education, upbringing, family relations, working with children and youth;

“objects of state cultural policy” - tangible and intangible cultural heritage, all types and results of creative activity, education system, science, Russian language and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, family, systems of interpersonal and public communication, media and information space, international cultural and humanitarian communications;

“cultural activities” - activities for the creation, dissemination, preservation, development and popularization of cultural values ​​and the provision of cultural benefits in the field of cultural heritage, literature, theatrical, musical, visual, circus arts, architecture, urban planning, landscape art, design, cinematography , photography, media, cultural (creative) industries, folk arts and crafts, cultural leisure, folk arts, folklore, intangible cultural heritage, museums, archival, library science, aesthetic education, art education, pedagogical activities in the field of culture , international cultural cooperation;

“spiritual sphere” - a system of ideas about the world and man, about human society and relationships between people, about values ​​and their hierarchy;

“mentality, mentality of the Russian people” - a set of intellectual, emotional, cultural characteristics, value orientations and attitudes inherent in Russians;

“cultural heritage” is a set of objects, phenomena and works that have historical and cultural value. Cultural heritage includes tangible cultural heritage (buildings and structures, samples of engineering, technical solutions, urban planning objects, industrial architectural monuments, historical and cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, monuments, sculptural monuments, memorial structures, etc., works of fine art, applied and folk art, documents, books, photographs - all objects of the material world that preserve an idea of ​​the characteristics of people's lives in past eras) and intangible cultural heritage (languages ​​and dialects, traditions, customs and beliefs, folklore, traditional ways of life and ideas about the structure of the world of peoples, nationalities, ethnic groups, Russian literature and literature of the peoples of Russia, musical, theatrical, cinematic heritage, a unique training system created in the country creative personnel);

“preservation of cultural heritage” - ensuring the physical safety of objects of tangible cultural heritage, collecting, documenting and studying objects of intangible cultural heritage, involving objects of cultural heritage in cultural and scientific circulation;

“information environment” - a set of media, radio and television broadcasting, the information and telecommunications network “Internet” (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet”), text and visual materials distributed with their help, information, as well as created and being created digital archives, libraries, digitized museum collections;

“information literacy” - knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to obtain information, evaluate and use it, acquired both in the process of training in professional and educational organizations and outside them, including all types of information resources: oral, printed and digital;

“creative industries” - companies, organizations and associations that produce economic values ​​in the process of creative activity, as well as activities for the capitalization of cultural products and their presentation on the market. The creative industries include: industrial design and fashion, music and film industries, television and computer games, gallery business, publishing and bookselling, advertising production and media.

IV. Goals of state cultural policy

The main goals of state cultural policy are the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and strengthening of unity Russian society through priority cultural and humanitarian development.

The goals of state cultural policy are also: strengthening civic identity;

creating conditions for educating citizens;

preservation of historical and cultural heritage and its use for upbringing and education;

transmission from generation to generation of values ​​and norms traditional for Russian civilization, traditions, customs and patterns of behavior;

creating conditions for each person to realize his creative potential;

ensuring citizens' access to knowledge, information, cultural values ​​and benefits.

V. Principles of state cultural policy

The principles of state cultural policy are:

territorial and social equality of citizens, including citizens with disabilities, in the exercise of the right to access cultural values, participation in cultural life and use of cultural organizations;

openness and interaction with other peoples and cultures, the idea of ​​domestic culture as an integral part of world culture;

compliance of economic, technological and structural decisions taken at the state level with the goals and objectives of state cultural policy;

freedom of creativity and non-interference of the state in creative activities;

delegation by the state of part of the powers to manage the cultural sphere to public institutions.

VI. Objectives of state cultural policy

In the field of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

Affirmation in the public consciousness of the value of the historical and cultural experience accumulated by past generations as a necessary condition for individual and general development.

Supporting public initiatives in the field of identifying, preserving and popularizing the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Practical implementation of the priority of the right of society to preserve tangible and intangible cultural heritage over the property interests of individuals and legal entities.

Improving the system of state protection of objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, items of museum, archival and national library collections.

Creation of an all-Russian system for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage.

Preservation of ethnic cultural traditions and support of folk art based on them, preservation of ethnocultural diversity as one of the significant sources of professional culture and an important component of ethnonational identity.

Systematization, expansion and development of existing experience in the use of cultural heritage objects, items from museum and archival collections, scientific and information potential of Russian museums and museum-reserves in the educational process.

Increasing the role of cultural heritage sites, preserving the historical environment of cities and settlements, including small towns, creating conditions for the development of cultural and educational tourism.

Support and development of citizens' initiatives to participate in ethnographic, local history and archaeological expeditions, in work to identify, study and preserve cultural heritage sites.

In the field of carrying out all types of cultural activities and developing related industries

Support for professional creative activity in the process of creating and presenting to society works of literature, music, fine arts, drama, cinema, architecture, design, artistic photography, and other types of art.

Development of theatrical, musical, ballet, opera, circus arts, and other types of performing arts, creation of conditions for outstanding domestic performers to work in Russia.

Transfer of some of the functions for regulating contemporary artistic creativity and assessing its quality to professional communities and creative public organizations.

Promoting the development of professional criticism and journalism.

Development of festival, touring, exhibition activities.

State support for domestic cinematography, including the creation of animated, documentary, popular science, educational, and children's films, creating conditions for the development of creative industries.

Creating conditions for the development of the national sector of mass culture, improving the aesthetic quality of cultural products related to mass culture, involving mass culture in the process of implementing state cultural policy.

Increasing the aesthetic value of the architectural environment of Russian cities, state support for architectural creativity, recognition of architecture as a socially significant art form.

Development of a state system for training creative personnel using unique domestic traditions.

Improving the quality of training of professional personnel for all types of cultural activities.

Formation of basic skills in perceiving and creating works of art in the process of general education, increasing the availability of additional education in the field of arts.

Preservation of traditions and creation of conditions for the development of all types of folk art and creativity, support of folk arts and crafts.

Creating conditions for the development of creative initiative of citizens, supporting public initiatives in this area, taking into account ethno-national traditions, characteristics of regions and local communities.

State support and modernization of the material and technical base of the cultural sector.

Preservation of the existing network of cultural organizations, creation of conditions for their development, their mastery of new technologies of cultural activity.

Strengthening the role of such cultural organizations as a museum, library, archive, theater, philharmonic, concert hall, house of culture in the matter of historical and cultural education and training.

Transition to qualitative criteria when assessing the effectiveness of cultural organizations.

Creating conditions for the formation and activities of non-state cultural institutions, supporting charity and patronage.

Preservation and development of the unified cultural space of Russia, including through:

creating legislative, organizational and financial mechanisms for the development of interregional and intermunicipal cultural cooperation and interaction;

development of infrastructure for cultural activities, creation of a favorable cultural environment in small towns and rural settlements, including the creation of a club network for film and video screening;

creating a developed network of theater, concert, and exhibition halls;

development of a system of touring and exhibition activities;

development of book publishing and book distribution, improvement of reading infrastructure;

the use of digital communication technologies to ensure citizens’ access to cultural values ​​regardless of their place of residence.

In the field of humanities

Priority development of the humanities as sciences about man, his spiritual, moral, cultural and social activities.

Carrying out the necessary fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities.

Improving the quality of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of humanities.

In the field of the Russian language, languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, domestic literature

Improving the quality of Russian citizens’ command of the Russian language.

Use of the standard Russian literary language in the all-Russian public space and state media.

Development of a system for training Russian language teachers.

Improving the quality of teaching the Russian language in the system of general and vocational education, regardless of a person’s place of residence.

Development of the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Creation of conditions for the preservation and development of all languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, for the preservation of bilingualism of citizens living in national republics and regions, for the use of national languages ​​in print and electronic media.

State support for translations into Russian of works of literature created in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, their publication and distribution throughout the country.

Organization and support of work in the field of scientific study of the Russian language, its grammatical structure and functioning, research of ancient written monuments, creation academic dictionaries of the Russian language and electronic linguistic corpora.

Promoting the Russian language in the world, supporting and facilitating the expansion of Russian-speaking communities in foreign countries, increasing interest in the Russian language and Russian culture in all countries of the world.

Expanding the presence of the Russian language on the Internet, a significant increase in the number of high-quality resources on the Internet, allowing citizens of different countries to learn the Russian language, receive information about Russian culture and the Russian language.

Support for modern literary creativity, publication and distribution of literary magazines.

Support for scientific work on the preparation of academic editions of classical literature and works on the history of literature.

Preservation of traditions and development of the domestic school of literary translation.

Taking steps to revive interest in reading.

Expanding accessibility for citizens to works of classical and modern domestic and world literature, children's literature, and works created in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.

Preservation of the book as a type of printed material, development of the domestic tradition of book art.

Creating conditions for the development of book publishing and book trade, supporting socially oriented activities of publishing houses and book trade enterprises.

Preservation of libraries as a public institution for distributing books and introducing reading, taking measures to modernize their activities.

In the field of expansion and support of international cultural and humanitarian ties

Support in foreign countries for a network of state and public institutions of the Russian language and Russian culture.

Supporting the activities of public organizations and associations of Russian-speaking citizens in foreign countries.

Expanding interstate cooperation in the field of education in Russian in foreign countries and the study of Russian as a foreign language.

Expanding cooperation between professional scientific and cultural communities, institutions and organizations in the implementation of joint projects to study and present Russian culture, history, literature abroad, as well as in the implementation of joint creative projects.

Supporting the activities of professional Russian scholars abroad and Slavists, translators of Russian fiction.

Promoting the expansion of interaction and cooperation between Russian cultural organizations and cultural organizations of foreign countries.

Promoting cooperation between Russian public organizations operating in the field of education, enlightenment, upbringing, family relations, work with children and youth, culture and art, with similar public organizations in foreign countries.

Support for international projects in the field of arts, humanities, and certain types of cultural activities.

In the field of education

Reviving the traditions of family education, bridging the gap between generations within the family.

Establishment of traditional family values ​​in the public consciousness, increasing the social status of the family.

Establishing dialogue between generations across society.

Providing parents with the opportunity to receive accessible pedagogical and psychological assistance in raising children.

Training of teachers in the field of education of children and youth.

Restoration and development of the system of education and self-education of adult citizens.

Increasing the social status of a teacher: establishing in the public consciousness the idea of ​​a teacher as a standard social behavior, the bearer of unconditional moral and intellectual authority.

Involving public organizations, scientific and cultural communities, and cultural organizations in the process of educating citizens of all ages.

In the field of education

Support for state, public, public-state institutions in disseminating knowledge and culture among citizens, including:

humanization of general and professional education;

identifying children who are gifted in various areas, creating conditions for their individual learning, their pedagogical and psychological support during the period of receiving education, creating conditions for their professional activities after completion of education;

establishing in society the idea of ​​the high social value of education, involving citizens in various forms of educational activities, including through the support of societies, clubs, and public associations with an educational focus;

revival and development of the mass local history movement in the country, as well as activities for the historical education of citizens;

dissemination of scientific knowledge (book publishing, Internet, television);

development of cultural education with the involvement of professional communities and cultural organizations in this activity.

In the field of children's and youth movement

Support for children's and youth organizations, associations, movements focused on creative, volunteer, charitable, and educational activities.

Ensuring the participation of children and young people in making decisions that can affect their lives, maximizing their abilities and talents.

Training of personnel to carry out the activities of children's and youth organizations. Support for the creation of such organizations in order to carry out their activities in forms that meet the needs and capabilities of various categories of children and youth.

In the field of formation of the information environment, favorable for personality development

Formation of information literacy of citizens.

Improving the quality of materials and information posted in the media and the Internet.

Increasing the ethical and aesthetic value and professional level of programs and products distributed by state television and radio broadcasters.

Formation of a unified Russian electronic knowledge space on the basis of digitized book, archival, and museum collections collected in the National Electronic Library and national electronic archives in various fields of knowledge and areas of creative activity.

Creation of a national Russian system for storing electronic information, including resources on the Internet.

VII. Comprehensive improvement of the management system

In the modern history of Russia, the task of developing and implementing state cultural policy aimed at the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and strengthening the unity of Russian society through priority cultural and humanitarian development is posed for the first time.

The adoption of these Fundamentals solely as a single act will not lead to the achievement of the set goals and objectives.

The new system for managing cultural development processes does not cancel, but integrates into itself the existing system for managing the sphere of culture. The expediency of creating new institutions is dictated by the impossibility of achieving the goals of state cultural policy within the framework of existing administrative structures by changing their powers, functions, forms of activity and regulations.

The scale and depth of the necessary transformations require the gradual and targeted inclusion of the professional community and public organizations in the process of transformation of the management system.

To develop and implement state cultural policy, it is necessary to form structures (institutions) to develop, ensure implementation and monitor the achievement of the goals of state cultural policy.

Organizational, analytical and information support for the development and implementation of state cultural policy

Creation of a coordinating body whose powers include:

development of a draft strategy for state cultural policy, clarification of strategic objectives for its implementation, preparation of proposals for adjusting existing ones and adopting, if necessary, new state programs that provide for interdepartmental coordination of activities to implement the strategy, organizing interaction between government bodies of the Russian Federation and other government bodies;

assessing the need to clarify the powers, functions and responsibilities of federal government bodies, taking into account the goals and principles of state cultural policy and preparing appropriate proposals;

creation of a regulatory framework for the implementation of state cultural policy;

formation of effective mechanisms for coordinating the activities of subjects of state cultural policy;

ensuring constant feedback from subjects and objects of state cultural policy;

monitoring the achievement of the goals of state cultural policy;

development of criteria for assessing the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the implementation of state cultural policy.

Resource support for the development and implementation of state cultural policy

Creation of the Russian Foundation for Cultural Development, whose powers include:

ensuring the implementation of projects that are interdepartmental, interdisciplinary, interregional and other in nature and aimed at solving the strategic tasks of state cultural policy;

organization of methodological and information support for the implementation of state cultural policy;

ensuring participation in the implementation of state cultural policy of professional and business communities, public organizations and public cultural institutions.

VIII. Expected results of the implementation of state cultural policy

1. The results of the implementation of state cultural policy should be:

increasing the intellectual potential of Russian society;

growth of social value and increase in the status of the family, awareness of family values ​​as the basis of personal and public well-being;

an increase in the number of citizens, especially young people, striving to live and work in their homeland, who consider Russia the most favorable place to live, to develop their creative and constructive abilities;

knowledge of the Russian literary language, knowledge of the history of Russia, the ability to understand and appreciate art and culture - as necessary conditions for personal fulfillment and social relevance;

harmonization of socio-economic development of Russian regions, especially small towns and rural settlements, activation of the cultural potential of territories;

qualitative growth in the cultural and leisure demands of citizens, including in relation to media products.

2. Achieving the goals of state cultural policy requires regular monitoring of the state of society and its cultural development on the basis of a specially developed system of target indicators, in which quality indicators should prevail.

3. Achieving the goals and objectives of state cultural policy will require at least 15 - 20 years, during which a new generation will be formed.

4. The first tangible results of the implementation of state cultural policy can be obtained within the next five years.

These Fundamentals define the main directions of state cultural policy and represent the basic document for the development and improvement of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the processes of cultural development in the Russian Federation, as well as state and municipal programs.

The legal basis of these Fundamentals is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

These Fundamentals define the goals and strategic objectives of state cultural policy, the key principles of its implementation.

State cultural policy is designed to ensure priority cultural and humanitarian development as the basis for economic prosperity, state sovereignty and civilizational identity of the country.

State cultural policy is recognized as an integral part of the national security strategy of the Russian Federation.

I. Introduction

Russia is a country of great culture, enormous cultural heritage, centuries-old cultural traditions and inexhaustible creative potential.

Due to its geographical location, multinationality, multiconfessionalism, Russia has developed and is developing as a country uniting two worlds - East and West.

The historical path of Russia has determined its cultural identity, the peculiarities of the national mentality, and the value foundations of the life of Russian society.

A unique historical experience of mutual influence, mutual enrichment, and mutual respect of different cultures has been accumulated—Russian statehood has been naturally built on this for centuries.

The key, unifying role in the historical consciousness of the multinational Russian people belongs to the Russian language and the great Russian culture.

Orthodoxy played a special role in the formation of Russia’s value system. Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, other religions and beliefs traditional for our Fatherland also contributed to the formation of the national and cultural identity of the peoples of Russia. Neither religion nor nationality divide and should not divide the peoples of Russia.

Literature, music, opera, ballet, theater, cinema, circus, fine arts, architecture, design, art photography - achievements in all areas of Russian art are indisputable and recognized not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The current stage of Russia's development requires maximum involvement of the potential of culture in the processes of social progress.

The culture of Russia is as much its heritage as its natural resources. In the modern world, culture is becoming a significant resource for socio-economic development, allowing us to ensure the leading position of our country in the world.

Throughout the entire national history, it was culture preserved, accumulated and passed on the spiritual experience of the nation to new generations, ensured the unity of the multinational people of Russia, fostered feelings of patriotism and national pride, and strengthened the country’s authority in the international arena.

The affirmation of the priority of culture is intended to ensure a higher quality of society, its ability to civil unity, to define and achieve common development goals. The main condition for their implementation is the formation of a moral, responsible, independently thinking, creative personality.

The unity of science, education and art lays the foundation for understanding the social mission of culture as an instrument for transmitting to new generations a set of moral, ethical and aesthetic values ​​that form the core of national identity.

Taking the real Basics, the state for the first time elevates culture to the rank of national priorities and recognizes it as the most important factor in increasing the quality of life and harmonizing social relations, the key to dynamic socio-economic development, the guarantor of the preservation of a single cultural space and the territorial integrity of Russia.

Moscow Kremlin

Fundamentals of state cultural policy
(approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014 N 808)

These Fundamentals define the main directions of state cultural policy and represent the basic document for the development and improvement of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the processes of cultural development in the Russian Federation, as well as state and municipal programs.

The legal basis of these Fundamentals is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

These Fundamentals define the goals and strategic objectives of state cultural policy, the key principles of its implementation.

State cultural policy is designed to ensure priority cultural and humanitarian development as the basis for economic prosperity, state sovereignty and civilizational identity of the country.

State cultural policy is recognized as an integral part of the national security strategy of the Russian Federation.

I. Introduction

Russia is a country of great culture, enormous cultural heritage, centuries-old cultural traditions and inexhaustible creative potential.

Due to its geographical location, multinationality, multiconfessionalism, Russia has developed and is developing as a country uniting two worlds - East and West. The historical path of Russia has determined its cultural identity, the peculiarities of the national mentality, and the value foundations of the life of Russian society.

A unique historical experience of mutual influence, mutual enrichment, and mutual respect of different cultures has been accumulated - Russian statehood has been naturally built on this for centuries.

The key, unifying role in the historical consciousness of the multinational Russian people belongs to the Russian language and the great Russian culture.

Orthodoxy played a special role in the formation of Russia’s value system. Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, other religions and beliefs traditional for our Fatherland also contributed to the formation of the national and cultural identity of the peoples of Russia. Neither religion nor nationality divide and should not divide the peoples of Russia.

Literature, music, opera, ballet, theater, cinema, circus, fine arts, architecture, design, art photography - achievements in all areas of Russian art are indisputable and recognized not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The current stage of Russia's development requires maximum involvement of the potential of culture in the processes of social progress.

The culture of Russia is as much its heritage as its natural resources. In the modern world, culture is becoming a significant resource for socio-economic development, allowing us to ensure the leading position of our country in the world.

Throughout Russian history, it was culture that preserved, accumulated and passed on the spiritual experience of the nation to new generations, ensured the unity of the multinational people of Russia, fostered feelings of patriotism and national pride, and strengthened the country’s authority in the international arena.

The affirmation of the priority of culture is intended to ensure a higher quality of society, its ability to civil unity, to define and achieve common development goals. The main condition for their implementation is the formation of a moral, responsible, independently thinking, creative personality.

The unity of science, education and art lays the foundation for understanding the social mission of culture as an instrument for transmitting to new generations a set of moral, ethical and aesthetic values ​​that form the core of national identity.

By adopting these Fundamentals, the state for the first time elevates culture to the rank of national priorities and recognizes it as the most important factor in the growth of the quality of life and harmonization of social relations, the key to dynamic socio-economic development, the guarantor of the preservation of a single cultural space and the territorial integrity of Russia.

II. Basis for developing state cultural policy

1. The Russian Federation is faced with the task of carrying out the economic and social modernization of the country in a historically short period, entering the path of intensive development, ensuring the readiness of the state and society to respond to the challenges of the modern world.

This is possible only under the condition of systematic and consistent investment in a person, in a qualitative renewal of personality.

In the recent past, such investments have been clearly insufficient, posing the threat of a humanitarian crisis.

2. The most dangerous possible manifestations of this crisis for the future of Russia include:

decline in the intellectual and cultural level of society;

devaluation of generally accepted values ​​and distortion of value guidelines;

an increase in aggression and intolerance, manifestations of antisocial behavior;

deformation of historical memory, negative assessment of significant periods of national history, spread of false ideas about the historical backwardness of Russia;

atomization of society - severance of social ties (friendships, family, neighbors), growth of individualism, disregard for the rights of others.

3. The state cultural policy of Russia covers such areas of state and public life as all types of cultural activities, the humanities, education, interethnic relations, support for Russian culture abroad, international humanitarian and cultural cooperation, as well as the education and self-education of citizens, education, development children's and youth movements, formation of the country's information space.

The need to overcome interdepartmental, interlevel and interregional contradictions on issues of cultural development requires raising the status of state cultural policy to the national level.

4. The development and implementation of state cultural policy requires a scientific basis for the changes being undertaken, the priority development of the humanities, and is carried out in close interaction between the state and society.

5. State cultural policy is aimed at increasing civic consciousness, readiness and ability of people to actively participate in the processes of social development.

IV. Goals of state cultural policy

The main goals of state cultural policy are the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and strengthening the unity of Russian society through priority cultural and humanitarian development.

The goals of state cultural policy are also:

strengthening civic identity;

creating conditions for educating citizens;

preservation of historical and cultural heritage and its use for upbringing and education;

transmission from generation to generation of values ​​and norms traditional for Russian civilization, traditions, customs and patterns of behavior;

creating conditions for each person to realize his creative potential;

ensuring citizens' access to knowledge, information, cultural values ​​and benefits.

V. Principles of state cultural policy

The principles of state cultural policy are:

territorial and social equality of citizens, including citizens with disabilities, in the exercise of the right to access cultural values, participation in cultural life and use of cultural organizations;

openness and interaction with other peoples and cultures, the idea of ​​domestic culture as an integral part of world culture;

compliance of economic, technological and structural decisions taken at the state level with the goals and objectives of state cultural policy;

freedom of creativity and non-interference of the state in creative activities;

delegation by the state of part of the powers to manage the cultural sphere to public institutions.

VI. Objectives of state cultural policy

In the field of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

Affirmation in the public consciousness of the value of the historical and cultural experience accumulated by past generations as a necessary condition for individual and general development.

Supporting public initiatives in the field of identifying, preserving and popularizing the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Practical implementation of the priority of the right of society to preserve tangible and intangible cultural heritage over the property interests of individuals and legal entities.

Improving the system of state protection of objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, items of museum, archival and national library collections.

Creation of an all-Russian system for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage.

Preservation of ethnic cultural traditions and support of folk art based on them, preservation of ethnocultural diversity as one of the significant sources of professional culture and an important component of ethnonational identity.

Systematization, expansion and development of existing experience in the use of cultural heritage objects, items from museum and archival collections, scientific and information potential of Russian museums and museum-reserves in the educational process.

Increasing the role of cultural heritage sites, preserving the historical environment of cities and settlements, including small towns, creating conditions for the development of cultural and educational tourism.

Support and development of citizens' initiatives to participate in ethnographic, local history and archaeological expeditions, in work to identify, study and preserve cultural heritage sites.

In the field of carrying out all types of cultural activities and developing related industries

Support for professional creative activity in the process of creating and presenting to society works of literature, music, fine arts, drama, cinema, architecture, design, artistic photography, and other types of art.

Development of theatrical, musical, ballet, opera, circus arts, and other types of performing arts, creation of conditions for outstanding domestic performers to work in Russia.

Transfer of some of the functions for regulating contemporary artistic creativity and assessing its quality to professional communities and creative public organizations.

Promoting the development of professional criticism and journalism.

Development of festival, touring, exhibition activities.

State support for domestic cinematography, including the creation of animated, documentary, popular science, educational, and children's films, creating conditions for the development of creative industries.

Creating conditions for the development of the national sector of mass culture, improving the aesthetic quality of cultural products related to mass culture, involving mass culture in the process of implementing state cultural policy.

Increasing the aesthetic value of the architectural environment of Russian cities, state support for architectural creativity, recognition of architecture as a socially significant art form.

Development of a state system for training creative personnel using unique domestic traditions.

Improving the quality of training of professional personnel for all types of cultural activities.

Formation of basic skills in perceiving and creating works of art in the process of general education, increasing the availability of additional education in the field of arts.

Preservation of traditions and creation of conditions for the development of all types of folk art and creativity, support of folk arts and crafts.

Creating conditions for the development of creative initiative of citizens, supporting public initiatives in this area, taking into account ethno-national traditions, characteristics of regions and local communities.

State support and modernization of the material and technical base of the cultural sector.

Preservation of the existing network of cultural organizations, creation of conditions for their development, their mastery of new technologies of cultural activity.

Strengthening the role of such cultural organizations as a museum, library, archive, theater, philharmonic, concert hall, house of culture in the matter of historical and cultural education and training.

Transition to qualitative criteria when assessing the effectiveness of cultural organizations.

Creating conditions for the formation and activities of non-state cultural institutions, supporting charity and patronage.

Preservation and development of the unified cultural space of Russia, including through:

creating legislative, organizational and financial mechanisms for the development of interregional and intermunicipal cultural cooperation and interaction;

development of infrastructure for cultural activities, creation of a favorable cultural environment in small towns and rural settlements, including the creation of a club network for film and video screening;

creating a developed network of theater, concert, and exhibition halls;

development of a system of touring and exhibition activities;

development of book publishing and book distribution, improvement of reading infrastructure;

the use of digital communication technologies to ensure citizens’ access to cultural values ​​regardless of their place of residence.

In the field of humanities

Priority development of the humanities as sciences about man, his spiritual, moral, cultural and social activities.

Carrying out the necessary fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities.

Improving the quality of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of humanities.

In the field of the Russian language, languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, domestic literature

Improving the quality of Russian citizens’ command of the Russian language.

Use of the standard Russian literary language in the all-Russian public space and state media.

Development of a system for training Russian language teachers.

Improving the quality of teaching the Russian language in the system of general and vocational education, regardless of a person’s place of residence.

Development of the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Creation of conditions for the preservation and development of all languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, for the preservation of bilingualism of citizens living in national republics and regions, for the use of national languages ​​in print and electronic media.

State support for translations into Russian of works of literature created in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, their publication and distribution throughout the country.

Organization and support of work in the field of scientific study of the Russian language, its grammatical structure and functioning, research of ancient written monuments, creation of academic dictionaries of the Russian language and electronic linguistic corpora.

Promoting the Russian language in the world, supporting and facilitating the expansion of Russian-speaking communities in foreign countries, increasing interest in the Russian language and Russian culture in all countries of the world.

Expanding the presence of the Russian language on the Internet, a significant increase in the number of high-quality resources on the Internet that allow citizens of different countries to learn the Russian language, receive information about Russian culture and the Russian language.

Support for modern literary creativity, publication and distribution of literary magazines.

Support for scientific work on the preparation of academic editions of classical literature and works on the history of literature.

Preservation of traditions and development of the domestic school of literary translation.

Taking steps to revive interest in reading.

Expanding accessibility for citizens to works of classical and modern domestic and world literature, children's literature, and works created in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.

Preservation of the book as a type of printed material, development of the domestic tradition of book art.

Creating conditions for the development of book publishing and book trade, supporting socially oriented activities of publishing houses and book trade enterprises.

Preservation of libraries as a public institution for distributing books and introducing reading, taking measures to modernize their activities.

In the field of expansion and support of international cultural and humanitarian relations

Support in foreign countries for a network of state and public institutions of the Russian language and Russian culture.

Supporting the activities of public organizations and associations of Russian-speaking citizens in foreign countries.

Expanding interstate cooperation in the field of education in Russian in foreign countries and the study of Russian as a foreign language.

Expanding cooperation between professional scientific and cultural communities, institutions and organizations in the implementation of joint projects to study and present Russian culture, history, literature abroad, as well as in the implementation of joint creative projects.

Supporting the activities of professional Russian scholars abroad and Slavists, translators of Russian fiction.

Promoting the expansion of interaction and cooperation between Russian cultural organizations and cultural organizations of foreign countries.

Promoting cooperation between Russian public organizations operating in the field of education, enlightenment, upbringing, family relations, work with children and youth, culture and art, with similar public organizations in foreign countries.

Support for international projects in the field of arts, humanities, and certain types of cultural activities.

In the field of education

Reviving the traditions of family education, bridging the gap between generations within the family.

Establishment of traditional family values ​​in the public consciousness, increasing the social status of the family.

Establishing dialogue between generations across society.

Providing parents with the opportunity to receive accessible pedagogical and psychological assistance in raising children.

Training of teachers in the field of education of children and youth.

Restoration and development of the system of education and self-education of adult citizens.

Increasing the social status of a teacher: establishing in the public consciousness the idea of ​​a teacher as a standard of social behavior, a bearer of unconditional moral and intellectual authority.

Involving public organizations, scientific and cultural communities, and cultural organizations in the process of educating citizens of all ages.

In the field of education

Support for state, public, public-state institutions in disseminating knowledge and culture among citizens, including:

humanization of general and professional education;

identifying children who are gifted in various areas, creating conditions for their individual learning, their pedagogical and psychological support during the period of receiving education, creating conditions for their professional activities after completion of education;

establishing in society the idea of ​​the high social value of education, involving citizens in various forms of educational activities, including through the support of societies, clubs, and public associations with an educational focus;

revival and development of the mass local history movement in the country, as well as activities for the historical education of citizens;

dissemination of scientific knowledge (book publishing, Internet, television);

development of cultural education with the involvement of professional communities and cultural organizations in this activity.

In the field of children's and youth movement

Support for children's and youth organizations, associations, movements focused on creative, volunteer, charitable, and educational activities.

Ensuring the participation of children and young people in making decisions that can affect their lives, maximizing their abilities and talents.

Training of personnel to carry out the activities of children's and youth organizations. Support for the creation of such organizations in order to carry out their activities in forms that meet the needs and capabilities of various categories of children and youth.

In the field of creating an information environment favorable for personality development

Formation of information literacy of citizens.

Improving the quality of materials and information posted in the media and the Internet.

Increasing the ethical and aesthetic value and professional level of programs and products distributed by state television and radio broadcasters.

Formation of a unified Russian electronic knowledge space on the basis of digitized book, archival, and museum collections collected in the National Electronic Library and national electronic archives in various fields of knowledge and areas of creative activity.

Creation of a national Russian system for storing electronic information, including resources on the Internet.

VII. Comprehensive improvement of the management system

In the modern history of Russia, the task of developing and implementing state cultural policy aimed at the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and strengthening the unity of Russian society through priority cultural and humanitarian development is posed for the first time.

The adoption of these Fundamentals solely as a single act will not lead to the achievement of the set goals and objectives.

The new system for managing cultural development processes does not cancel, but integrates into itself the existing system for managing the sphere of culture. The feasibility of creating new institutions is dictated by the impossibility of achieving the goals of state cultural policy within the framework of existing administrative structures by changing their powers, functions, forms of activity and regulations.

The scale and depth of the necessary transformations require the gradual and targeted inclusion of the professional community and public organizations in the process of transformation of the management system.

To develop and implement state cultural policy, it is necessary to form structures (institutions) to develop, ensure implementation and monitor the achievement of the goals of state cultural policy.

Organizational, analytical and information support for the development and implementation of state cultural policy

Creation of a coordinating body whose powers include:

development of a draft strategy for state cultural policy, clarification of strategic objectives for its implementation, preparation of proposals for adjusting existing ones and adopting, if necessary, new state programs that provide for interdepartmental coordination of activities to implement the strategy, organizing interaction between government bodies of the Russian Federation and other government bodies;

assessing the need to clarify the powers, functions and responsibilities of federal government bodies, taking into account the goals and principles of state cultural policy and preparing appropriate proposals;

creation of a regulatory framework for the implementation of state cultural policy;

formation of effective mechanisms for coordinating the activities of subjects of state cultural policy;

ensuring constant feedback from subjects and objects of state cultural policy;

monitoring the achievement of the goals of state cultural policy;

development of criteria for assessing the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the implementation of state cultural policy.

Resource support for the development and implementation of state cultural policy

Creation of the Russian Foundation for Cultural Development, whose powers include:

ensuring the implementation of projects that are interdepartmental, interdisciplinary, interregional and other in nature and aimed at solving the strategic tasks of state cultural policy;

organization of methodological and information support for the implementation of state cultural policy;

ensuring participation in the implementation of state cultural policy of professional and business communities, public organizations and public cultural institutions.

VIII. Expected results of the implementation of state cultural policy

1. The results of the implementation of state cultural policy should be:

increasing the intellectual potential of Russian society;

growth of social value and increase in the status of the family, awareness of family values ​​as the basis of personal and public well-being;

an increase in the number of citizens, especially young people, striving to live and work in their homeland, who consider Russia the most favorable place to live, to develop their creative and constructive abilities;

knowledge of the Russian literary language, knowledge of the history of Russia, the ability to understand and appreciate art and culture - as necessary conditions for personal fulfillment and social relevance;

harmonization of socio-economic development of Russian regions, especially small towns and rural settlements, activation of the cultural potential of territories;

qualitative growth in the cultural and leisure demands of citizens, including in relation to media products.

2. Achieving the goals of state cultural policy requires regular monitoring of the state of society and its cultural development on the basis of a specially developed system of target indicators, in which quality indicators should prevail.

3. Achieving the goals and objectives of state cultural policy will require at least 15-20 years, during which a new generation will be formed.

4. The first tangible results of the implementation of state cultural policy can be obtained within the next five years.

"Fundamentals of state cultural policy." Presentation in Russian

The other day the President signed the Decree “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy” ( Let's look at what basics are offered to us, and what is the role of each of us in the development of national culture.

After reading the document, it becomes clear that it was clearly drawn up by officials not for the people, but more because “the president instructed”:

- “non-systematic”: unclear, illogical structure;

A lot of “water”, verbosity;

Repetition of the same thoughts;

- “imbalance”: excessive attention is paid to some things, and insufficient attention to others;

Templates of many words and phrases;

Excessive focus on the past and lack of attention to the future (goals and results).

1) In its form, the document reflects the “embeddedness” (largely unconscious) of Russian officials in the existing “crowd-elite” society: the desire to hide the essence behind verbosity is clearly visible.

2) Nevertheless, in terms of content (hidden behind the form), the document is of undoubted value as a fixed direction of cultural development and the state’s intention to deal with it.

Let's imagine what the document could have been like if it had been drawn up not for “approval,” but for use by the people. To do this, we will do the following:

Let us introduce a rigid logical structure;

Let's present all thoughts in the form of theses;

Let’s remove the template messages (while remembering that they are largely due to the current political situation);

Let's change the emphasis in accordance with the concept of the Russian project declared by V. Putin ( );

Let's make some brief conclusions.

Fundamentals of state cultural policy

(“squeezing” the content into “simple” language)

The role of state cultural policy in the life of the state and society:

1) Society culture:

Its resource (along with material resources);

The basis for its economic and political development.

2) State cultural policy:

Strategic direction of the state;

One of the foundations for other areas of public policy;

One of the foundations of the country's national security.

Conclusion: The priority (“seniority”) of the cultural (spiritual) sphere of society’s life over the material sphere is recognized (after decades of dominance of the “economic approach”).

The purpose of state cultural policy:

“Formation of a moral, responsible, independently thinking, creative personality”, this requires the following:

Revival of traditional cultural values;

Creation of a system of education and upbringing of an intelligent and morally healthy person.

Conclusion: The priority of the individual over the state is recognized (for the first time in a very long time in the country).

National basics:

1) Russian culture and the Russian language as a source of multinational Russian culture and a unifier of all national cultures.

2) Mutual respect and mutual enrichment of all national cultures.

3) Preservation of the cultural traditions of each people, thereby preserving the ethnocultural diversity of Russia.

Conclusion: The basis for the cultural development of society will be the values ​​of Russian civilization, realized for each nation in a form that corresponds to the characteristics of its national culture.

Historical background:

1) The value of the accumulated historical and cultural experience of the country.

2) The concept of the country's history must correspond to its state interests.

3) The concept of the country’s history should be based on objective facts, and not on myths (about the historical “backwardness” of Russia, about “bad” periods).

4) Knowledge of the true (not mythologized) history of Russia by all its citizens.

Conclusion: The true history of the country, its knowledge and unity of understanding by all Russians is the basis for the unity of society in the future, necessary for the development of the country in accordance with the concept of the Russian project.

Social Basics:

1) Equality of citizens (regardless of any differences).

2) Refusal of individualism in favor of conciliarity.

3) Patriotism of citizens, the desire to work for the good of the Motherland.

4) High civic activity of members of society, incl. in the field of education.

5) State support for civic activity.

Conclusion: State cultural policy and the participation of every person in its implementation (to the best of their abilities) is a necessary tool in building a society of social justice.

Basics of attitude towards a person:

1) “Ensuring citizens’ access to knowledge and information.”

2) Support of civil initiatives for the study and preservation of cultural heritage.

3) Promotion (with non-interference) by the state of the creative activity of citizens, incl. in the process of general and additional education.

4) Fostering love and respect for knowledge and education.

Conclusion: The main attention in state cultural policy will be focused on the person, on creating conditions for his development.

Basics of interaction with the cultures of other countries and world culture in general:

1) Russian language and literature as a key element of Russian/Russian culture.

1) Promotion of Russian/Russian culture in the world.

2) Openness to interact with other cultures.

Conclusion: Russian/Russian culture and its dissemination throughout the world is a tool for implementing the state’s foreign policy and for promoting the concept of the Russian project in the world.

Conditions for the implementation of state cultural policy:

1) Systematic, purposeful work of government agencies.

2) Overcoming bureaucratic barriers.

3) Joint participation in the implementation of the state and society.

Conclusion: The main role in the implementation of state cultural policy belongs to society; the role of the state should be to create conditions. This is true both strategically (development of society) and tactically (the “core” government bodies are not able to sufficiently cope with the tasks at hand).

State objectives for the implementation of cultural policy (for the coming period):

1) “Development of the state system for training creative personnel.”

2) Training of personnel (in the field of humanities) for the education system.

3) Increasing the prestige of the teacher’s social status.

4) “State support and modernization of the material and technical base of the cultural sector.”

5) Legislative regulation and support for the cultural life of society.

6) Scientific support (in the field of humanities) of the cultural life of society.

7) Creation of electronic databases on various fields of knowledge.

8) Improving the quality of information in the media and the Internet.

Conclusion: Decent support for the development of culture from the state has been declared.

Now it’s up to the implementation of the state cultural policy. However, let us remember that cultural policy, or rather the development of culture, is a matter not only and not so much of the state, but of society and each individual. Let's see how each of us can contribute to this matter and thereby to the development of Russia.

Every person is responsible for the development of the culture of his country

A person can participate in the cultural life of his country in the following main forms:

1) Self-education. Yes, you need to start with your own development.

2) Research, knowledge of the world around. These include expeditions, the study of objects of the material world, and “thoughts about the eternal.”

3) Creativity, creation. The creative process is not only the creation of works of art, but also, for example, household items (embroidery and wood carving are also creativity). In general, any task in any profession (even a janitor) can be approached with a “creative streak” (and with a “research” streak too).

4) Enlightenment. Giving your knowledge and skills to others is even more exciting and joyful than receiving them yourself (like everything else in this world).

5) Organization. Organization of festivals, exhibitions and other cultural events, as well as the organization of “platforms” for communication and exchange of information on the Internet.

Everyone, in accordance with their inclinations and inner feeling of “what I can,” can and should become an active participant in the process of cultural development of the people.


Returning to the document “Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy”, we admit that there are shortcomings and unnecessary things in it, but the essence is not in specific words; The essence is the message that this document gives to society. And the message is to appeal to each of us: “what goes around comes around,” so it’s time for us to break away from our usual “entertainment,” tear our friends and loved ones away from them, and together actively get involved in the implementation of cultural policy.