Irina Kononova dancing at TNT qualifying round. Dancing Irina Kononova: how old, biography, personal life, height, weight? The beginning of Irina Kononova’s creative activity

10 March 2017 18:21

The whole city was rooting for her.

Every Saturday evening, Stavropol residents, who until that moment were completely uninterested in dancing, turned on the TV and with bated breath watched the third season of the show “Dancing” on the TNT channel, in which, among the children from different parts of the country, our fellow countrywoman Irina Kononova took part.

She amazed not only and not so much with her amazing plasticity and exceptional technicality, but with her ability to involve the audience in the world of dance, making them empathize with the action that was happening on stage. Therefore, people, even those who were far from fully using modern gadgets, downloaded a program onto their smartphones with which they could vote for Ira. She reached the finals. And although another participant in the show became the winner, for the residents of Stavropol she is the best.

In life, Ira looks younger and somehow softer than on the screen. Not an ounce of makeup on her face, which makes her seem a little defenseless. But only until he starts talking about his world - the world of dance. Then she is completely transformed, it seems that even her hands want to convey to me how amazing and beautiful this world is, although it is incredibly complex and requires a lot of work.

Yes, dancing is not some kind of fluttering around the stage in the rhythm you like, it is serious and painstaking work. Irina began her journey in this direction in the famous Stavropol group “Fantasy”, which successfully educates young dancers to this day. Irina remembers with gratitude her first teacher, who instilled in her a love of dancing - Elena Alekseevna Zinchenko, although she honestly admits that such an attitude did not come right away. Like any 5-year-old children, the girl often wanted to play more than study, and then her mother forced her to the studio.

“Today I am very grateful to my parents for this,” Irina smiles. - After all, if they had not insisted that I needed to study, my whole life could have turned out differently. But at an older age, I was never “pressured” - if you want to study more seriously, please, if you want to quit, it’s your right.”

She made her choice in favor of dancing as a profession at a conscious age, about 19 years old. Before that, Irina did not even think that she could become a professional dancer; she managed to graduate from school and enter the faculty of Romance-Germanic languages ​​at Stavropol State University (now NCFU), and later receive a diploma in the specialty “linguist-translator”.

The turning point came when Irina was in her fourth year: she switched to dance classes from three times a week to three times a day. She herself considers this moment the beginning of her professional career. She “grew up” from pop dances and followed the path of development of modern trends.

Harmony is important in any style

Irina is often called a “universal” dancer. And indeed, no matter what styles her mentors suggested she dance during her participation in the project on TNT, she did everything not just beautifully, but also with feeling, with soul. This is how she herself talks about this ability: “For me, versatility does not lie in the fact that you can dance everything. Rather, versatility is how you can dance what the choreographer suggests to you, even if you have never done anything like it before. What matters is not how well you know the basic movements and how technically you perform them. It’s important how much I can make the dance sparkle with colors so that it’s interesting to the viewer.”

At some point, Ira was noticed at master classes and invited to Paris. Unfortunately, there she was faced with a choice: either earn money and dance in the remaining time, or return home and follow the path of professional development as a dancer. Ira chose the second and never regretted it.

The entire time she participated in the “Dancing” show, where Irina became a finalist, became one vivid impression for her: how professionally and efficiently the team works, how quickly and beautifully the costumes are sewn, what amazing ideas come to the minds of the choreographers. Each week was different from the previous one, seemed even more eventful, and most importantly, completely new. And of course, today those people whom she met on the project mean a lot to her: each is amazing in their own way, each is an original, bright, extraordinary personality.

Now the entire team of dancers from the third season is moving around the cities of the country on a large concert tour. On March 11, the guys will give a performance in Stavropol. Irina hopes that their hometown will greet them warmly and with great sympathy. “I would like other kids to like my city, because for me, Stavropol, first of all, is a place where I can realize my ideas, this is my most important platform, this is our dance school “10th Avenue.”

Dance school

The 10th Avenue School of Contemporary Dance has been operating in Stavropol for 11 years, and 10 of them have been taught by Irina Kononova, who is now its artistic director. About 150 people practice here, people of all ages - from 5-year-old kids to adults; no one has set an upper age limit, because dance, like love, is suitable for all ages.

Pupils of the school have the opportunity to choose for themselves any of the modern directions, and, if desired, several. Each group has its own teacher, but Irina works with a professional group, with those who are already almost masters themselves. In addition, she is the main director of dance performances. This, by the way, is the peculiarity of the school: it doesn’t just teach some basic movements, it puts on full-fledged performances, which are then shown at various venues across the country. For example, the play “A Fly in Jam” was performed on the new stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg at the Open Look festival of theater and dance arts, where both Russian and foreign choreographers showed their productions.

The performance features eleven dancers, the youngest of whom is 10 years old. By the way, initially guys from Rostov and Krasnodar took part in it, but later they were replaced by Stavropol residents, because it’s not easy to “travel” to another city every week. “And in general, it’s easier to work with those whom you see every day, who train under your leadership, especially since a very talented generation is growing in Stavropol,” notes Irina.

The performance “Fly in Jam”, like a living creature, has undergone many changes over two years; it lives and develops together with the dancers. The latest version is very different from the original, it has become, first of all, more professional, because St. Petersburg choreographers Svetlana Vakulenko and her husband “Uncle Kolya” worked with the guys. In terms of meaning, the production has become more ironic and easier to understand - but only at first glance. As soon as the viewer gives himself the trouble to think, he sees the second and third plans of the performance and begins to think about his own life and the lives of the people around him. “It’s interesting that very professional people expressed their opinions to us,” says Irina, “and everyone had their own opinion about our performance, completely different from others, but at the same time, in our opinion, correctly reflecting the essence of what we wanted to express in dance". In general, the festival organizers noted the performance among the best.

Dance theater

“Today we come to the conclusion that for full development we need a platform where we can show our productions regularly - we need a dance theater,” says Irina. Once or twice a year, a school can afford to rent a good stage in the regional center and show its work to the audience. Such concerts are received with great enthusiasm by the audience, but it is difficult to hold them more often. At the same time, the size of the school premises is quite sufficient to create a hall where about two hundred spectators can be seated.

Of course, creating a theater space requires not only effort, but also financial costs. Therefore, the school announced the start of a crowdfunding project to raise funds. Its meaning is to collect a certain amount of money over a certain period of time to implement your idea. Unfortunately, the nuance is that if at least half of the amount is not collected by the end of the allotted period, the school will not receive a penny at all.

They have already done a lot on their own: they prepared the ceilings in order to hang backstage, theatrical backdrops, and lights; bought better sound equipment; prepared the stage cover. And now they will be grateful for any support that will help them get closer to their cherished goal.


Participant's name: Irina Aleksandrovna Kononova

City: Stavropol

Education: SSU, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages

Job: 10th Avenue

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Irina was born in warm Stavropol and here she first tried herself in dancing.

Moreover, she began studying at the age of 5, but at the same time she herself believes that her truly professional growth began only at 19. But first things first.

From a young age, Ira joined the “Fantasy” team, in which she learned the basics of classical styles, trained a lot and improved. For many years, Irina did not even think about leaving the team and doing something else.

But at 18 she meets Vitaly Makarenko, a hip-hop teacher. At some point they begin a romantic relationship and it is Vitaly pushes Irina to leave her native troupe and move to a young team called “10 Avenue”, the founder of which was himself.

Here Kononova not only learns the basics of such new styles as modern and hip-hop, but also becomes a teacher.

Moreover, Irina herself admits that she studied together with her students, discovered new techniques for herself, but this did not at all affect the quality of the educational process.

Kononova calls her departure to 10th Avenue the first step towards real development. Moreover, modern and hip-hop became her love for all subsequent years.

In 2009, the girl graduated from the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages ​​at Stavropol State University, and the following year Irina’s mind was captured by a new dance direction - the underground.

By this point, the dancer is moving away from hip-hop altogether, going to master classes a lot and looking for something new. At one of the trainings, the girl is noticed by the French choreographer Thierry Verger and invites her to Paris to study.

Vitaly and Irina have been in France for three whole months, but problems with documents force them to return to Russia. True, this was not the last meeting between Irina and Thierry. A year later, he invites her to his project and the dancer instantly agrees.

At this time, the romance with Makarenko becomes obsolete and the guys break up. True, as Ira herself claims, there are still warm, but friendly feelings between her and Vitaly, and they even cooperate at work.

In 2014, a new stage begins in Irina’s life. It was then that she met Renat L’eto and they formed a duet. The project turned out to be very successful, the guys travel a lot around Russia and Europe, participate and win in many competitions.

In parallel with all this, the girl plays on the theater stage. Her credits include the performances “The Roof” and “Fly in Jam”.

She came to the project with one sole purpose - to show the world that she has something to say through her dances. Got into the team.

Photo by Irina

The girl posts many photos from her performances on social networks.

Participant " Dancing on TNT", season 3.

Irina Kononova. Biography

Irina Kononova born in Stavropol. She started dancing at the age of five in the pop group “FANTASY”. Having matured, Ira more than once expressed gratitude to the leader of this group, Elena Alekseevna Zinchenko, calling her the person thanks to whom she became a patriot of dance. She graduated from SSU in 2009, where she received a specialty as a translator from German.

The path to becoming a professional began at the age of 19: it was then that Irina began studying at the 10 Avenue dance school. The school was led by the first serious mentor and part-time Irina’s boyfriend Vitaly Makarenko (at the time of participation in the DANCE show, Ira broke up with Vitaly). With Vitaly, Irina developed the school, herself and her students - they became champions according to IDO. Both directions (modern and hip-hop) developed simultaneously, but initially modern prevailed.

Irina Kononova traveled a lot to master classes. At one of the classes she was noticed by a French choreographer Thierry Verger and invited me to work and study with him in Paris. In 2014, the girl met Renat L’eto, with whom she began performing. The team won many significant festivals in Russia and Europe. At the same time, Irina was engaged in productions. So, in 2013 her first performance “ Roof", and later - the play " Fly in jam».

    Irina Kononova, participant of the Dancing project. She is already about 30 years old and she is a very energetic girl, she was born in Stavropol, and has been dancing since childhood. Currently she teaches dance to young children. She studied in France for about 3 years, her teacher was choreographer Thierry Vergera. She graduated from SSU (SKFU), Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages, where she received a specialist degree. Currently working at 10th Avenue, What the flock, she is a choreographer, dancer and actress. Her words about what inspires her

    You can follow Irina’s personal life on her page on Facebook, VKontakte and Instagram.

    One can say about Irina Kononova that she was born first, and only then dance was born. There is no information about her date of birth even on her pages on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram. But based on her appearance, I would not give her more than twenty-five years of age. It is known that her hometown is Stavropol, where Irina was born and studied first at the fifth lyceum, and then at the Stavropol State University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

    Irina Kononova in dance

    Irina Kononova successfully passed all qualifying castings and became a participant in the Dancing show.

    Now she is 29 years old, she is from Stavrapol. She has been dancing for more than 10 years, she started dancing at an early age, but then for her it was just a pleasant hobby, and at the age of 19 she already began to dance professionally, but nevertheless, during this time she has achieved a lot and may well become a strong competitor for others dance show participants. During this time, Irina tried herself in various dance styles, and also taught dance lessons for children. I studied in France for 3 years.

    Now she has her own dance school. He also tries himself in the theater, by the way, quite successfully.

    Twenty-nine-year-old talented dancer Irina Kononova is currently filming the project Dancing on TNT (season 3). This development of events is quite logical, given that Irina has been dancing for about twenty-five years.

    Irina joined Yegor Druzhinin’s team, but given Irina’s professionalism, it’s difficult to say who was luckier: Irina, that Yegor has her, or Yegor, that he has Irina.

    Irina is from Stavropol.

    Here you can check out Irina’s official Instagram page.

    From the age of eighteen, Irina had a whirlwind romance with dancer Vitaly Makarenko, who invited her to his 10th Avenue troupe. Now this couple is not together.

    In addition, Tria went to Paris to study dance.

    Irina can also be found on the theater stage. In a word, the girl is diversified.

    Irina Kononova is already called the diamond of the project Dancing on TNT 3, she is 29 years old, born in Stavropol, graduated in 2009 from SSU, Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages.

    I started dancing at the age of 5, but professionally only 10 years ago. She herself teaches modern dances; information can be found on her VKontakte page.

    From the age of 18 she was in a relationship with Vitaly Makarenko,

    and then went to France to improve her skills.

    The exact height is unknown. about 165-170 cm, and weight just above 50 kg.

    Irina Kononova is a participant in the 3rd season of the show DANCING ON TNT. She is from Stavropol, she is 29 years old. I started dancing at the age of 19 (which is quite late by dance standards) after I saw a Contemporary dance team perform.

    For 10 years, Irina has been developing in various dance styles, but preferably for non-modern dance. She actively teaches children to dance. Irina has her own dance school and she is the leader of the 10th Avenue group, which is quite popular in our country. Here is Irina’s VKontakte page and a few photos:

    Kononova Irina Aleksandrovna was born in Stavropol, age 29 years. Her dancing career began in the pop group Fantasia, at the age of five. At the age of 19, Irina moved to the 10 Avenue School of Contemporary Dance. Vitaly Makarenko led and taught there (I had a close personal relationship with him at one time). Kononova also began teaching children, and is still a teacher and artist at 10 Avenue. At one of the master classes, Thierry Vergera (French choreographer) noticed her and invited her to learn and work with him. Irina learned a lot in France, and also there her fate brought her together with Renat Leto. The result was an explosive dance tandem that won more than one festival in Europe and Russia. In addition, Kononova is involved in staging the plays The Roof, The Fly in the Jam. Irina’s favorite dance styles, according to her, are modern and hip-hop.

    Kononova Irina Aleksandrovna born in Stavropol

    She is 29 years old. (b. 1987)

    Ira has been dancing since she was 5 years old.

    At the age of 18, Kononova meets Vitaly Makarenko- a hip-hop teacher with whom the girl developed a romantic relationship.

    In 2009, Irina graduated from the Stavropol State University. SSU University (Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages).

    After which she begins to work as a teacher, as well as attend various master classes.

    Then the girl was noticed by a French choreographer and Irina left for France for 3 months.

    Soon the couple broke up.

    Vitaly Makarenko - ex-boyfriend

    I think Irina’s height is average - about 165-167 cm.

  • Irina Aleksandrovna Kononova is one of the participants in the project Dancing on TNT Season 3 of Egor Druzhinin’s team. Currently, Irina is 29 years old, she comes from Stavropol. Irina Kononova has pages on social networks:

    • Instagram -
    • In contact with -

Irina Aleksandrovna Kononova- was born on April 8, 1987 in the city of Stavropol (one of the largest cities in the North Caucasus).

In 2009, the girl graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Stavropol (faculty of Romance-Germanic languages).

The beginning of Irina Kononova’s creative activity

The girl started dancing at the age of 5. The first young step towards developing her dancing talent for Irina was the pop group “Fantasy” under the leadership of artistic director and chief choreographer Elena Alekseevna Zinchenko.

This group instilled in the young dancer the basics of the classical school of Russian choreography, acrobatics, choreographic gymnastics and even acting. As Elena Alekseevna notes, already from these young years Irina began to show perseverance, determination, and a desire to achieve maximum results, which is characteristic only of a talented person.

The beginning of Irina Kononova’s career and teaching at a dance school

At 18 years old Irina Kononova leaves the "Fantasy" team and moves to "". The dance group is led by a young talented dancer Vitaly Makarenko, with whom a personal relationship began to develop.

Irina reaches a new level and becomes a teacher. Learns, develops styles and...

As the motto of the Stavropol Institute says, Irina Kononova graduated from “Preserving traditions - striving for perfection.” Indeed, Irina has made and is making a huge contribution to the development and improvement of modern and hip-hop dance styles.

The joint personal life of Vitaly and Irina lasted until 2010.

At this time, Irina discovers her passion for such a dance direction as underground.

This year for a dancer is a year of searching, discovering something new in the dance genre. A talented girl is noticed by a choreographer from France - Thierry Verger. A year later, she was already invited to take part in Thierry’s project.

In 2014 Irina Kononova realizes himself as a theatrical choreographer - director of a dance school, presenting the dance and at the same time theatrical project “Roof”, the dance performance “Fly in Jam”. The team of the 10 Avenue Dance Theater successfully completed the production.

Participation of Irina Kononova in the show Dancing on TNT

Irina came to the show with the goal of showing that dancing is its own specific world of signs and words.

She took part in the team of Yegor Vladimirovich Druzhinin (choreographer, actor, film director).

This show gave Irina the opportunity to appear before the audience in all her glory.

It remains to wish the dancer even greater creative development.