6th grade literature for summer reading. What are the requirements for a student in a literature lesson? The fastest and most convenient search

At the end of the sixth grade, success in studying such a subject school curriculum, like Russian literature, is different for everyone: some students leave each lesson with the highest grades, others have more modest results, and others have nothing to brag about at all - the latter most often feel that the teacher is lowering their grades. And some parents agree with their children on this: “The child has read everything!” - they complain when they see in the diary not the mark they expected.

In fact, highly appreciated in high school children receive not for reading a book, but for the fact that they could analyze the work in class, answer the questions posed by the teacher with reason, had their own point of view and could explain it. It is in the summer that you can pay more attention not only to the reading itself, but also to the development of skills in working on the text you read.

How can you help children?

If parents are truly interested in the success of their son or daughter, they should provide them with the necessary literature assigned at school for the summer, and, in addition, find time to talk with them about the books they have read. Perhaps one of the parents will think: “A grade in Russian literature is not that important! There are more necessary items!” Indeed, it is possible that the child will never associate himself in the future with the philological faculty, and yet the books he read will not be superfluous for him. It is no secret that children who read learn all humanities subjects more easily, write more competently, and speak more beautifully. Therefore, the summer literature list for 6th grade should not get lost: most The child must read the books suggested by the teacher. If at the end school year The student did not have such a list, you can use the following:

A.G. Aleksin. "The happiest day".

F. Iskander. "Chick's Day"

D.S. Merezhkovsky. "Nature".

S.V. Mikhalkov. "Sombrero".

A.P. Platonov. "Nikita", "Journey of the Sparrow".

Yu.V.Yakovlev. “But Vorobyov didn’t break the glass...”, “”.

Many guys love science fiction very much:

Summer books for children 12 years old may already include the works of A. Conan Doyle, A. Christie - many children read detective stories.

Perhaps some of the children will be fascinated by adventure literature:

Parents should pay attention to whether the child likes the book. If the bookmark has been lying on the same page for a week, you need to offer him another book - it means that he has not yet matured to the one suggested earlier.

What are the requirements for a student in a literature lesson?

Parents may be faced with the following situation: their child diligently reads, one after another, all the books assigned for the summer for the 6th grade and even keeps a reading diary, but when asked to retell the content of a work, he answers something like this: “Ask questions - I will answer.” ! He will actually answer questions - it is easier to answer than to retell the content. Try to force him to speak for a few minutes himself, that is, to retell a text or a fragment of a text - and it will immediately become clear to you what difficulties he has in speaking monologue speech. During a conversation, they are sometimes not so noticeable, since the child constructs simple short sentences, carefully avoiding speech difficulties - retelling reveals them perfectly.

It should be noted that the books assigned by the teacher for the 6th grade for the summer correspond to the developmental level of twelve-year-old children, that is, they will not be difficult for them! Here rough plan, according to which the child should be able to analyze the work:

  1. Name the author of the work and the time of writing.
  2. Determine the genre of the work (story, short story, fairy tale, epic, legend, etc.).
  3. Note the features of the composition.
  4. Characterize the main characters, compare their characters and actions (based on the text of the work).
  5. Express your attitude towards the characters.
  6. Evaluate the work, focusing on the following: what the story or story teaches, why such books should be read, etc.

Gradually, the child will get used to the fact that he receives a “credit” for a book from his parents only when they have analyzed it in detail together. This approach to summer reading will greatly simplify the child’s work in humanities classes during the school year; will help you quickly read the terms of problems in lessons related to the exact sciences.

Feedback on a work read is an indicator of the degree of intellectual development of a child

And if the majority of sixth-graders cope well with oral tasks, then the teacher’s offer to write a short review about the book they read causes difficulty for many: it is impossible to beautifully express in writing what could easily be expressed during an oral survey. However, everything comes with experience. Once your child practices writing reviews, he will cope with this task much easier. IN reader's diary You can set aside separate pages for reviews. Of course, parents will have to check them and edit them, helping the child learn to express his thoughts correctly. Good exercise To develop speech, you will also write mini-essays on various topics: “My favorite book”, “My favorite hero”, “My favorite writer” and others.

By the end of the summer, with systematic reading and regular work on feedback, it will become noticeable how much better the child’s oral and written speech has become. The time spent on books will pay off handsomely: the child will speak better, write more competently, expand his horizons, feel more confident, and in September it will be much easier for him to start studying!

Olga Krus (Russian language teacher)
specifically for the site

Explanatory note

Working programm on extracurricular reading for grade 6A is compiled in accordance with the main provisions of the Federal State educational standard primary general education, Concepts of spiritual and moral development and personality education citizen of Russia, requirements author's program V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravleva, V. I. Korovina.

The program lasts 68 hours. Classes twice a week, lasting 30 minutes.

Extracurricular reading is one of the important subjects in the training system junior school student. Along with the Russian language, it forms functional literacy, promotes general development and raising a child. Course success extracurricular reading ensures the effectiveness of learning in other primary school subjects. Extracurricular reading is one of the important and responsible stages long way child into literature. The child’s full familiarization with books and the development of his ability to intuitively feel the beauty of words, which is characteristic of schoolchildren, largely depend on the quality of study during this period. younger age, the formation in the future of the need for systematic reading of works of authentic fiction.

Artistic literary work with its spiritual, moral and aesthetic content, it can actively influence the entire personality of the reader, his feelings, consciousness, and will. By its nature, it has a great educational impact on the student and shapes his personality.


Reading is one of the main means of learning, education and development.

Extracurricular reading is significant for a child’s personal development, as it forms an idea of ​​the world, culture, ethical concepts, good and evil, morality; creates conditions for successful learning in all subjects; creates the need for systematic reading.

Target This program is to create conditions for instilling in children a love of reading through organizing independent reading, stimulating the need for reading and the importance of developing a literate, talented reader.


Improve students' reading skills;

Develop a stable and conscious interest in reading fiction;

Teach children the ability to see the aesthetic side of a text and teach them how to analyze a work;

Develop creative and associative thinking, imagination, writing and oral speech;

- develop conversational and dialogical speech;

- form creative imagination;

Improve the ability to evaluate the actions of the characters in the work.

Methods and forms of solving the tasks:


Group work;

Individual work;

Front work;

Pair work;

Game work;

The game is a journey;

Creating a book from drawings;


Problem-search activity;


Differentiated approach;

Practical activities;

Exhibition of books read;

Creation of booklets;

Illustration competition for your favorite book.

Planning extracurricular activities

Lesson topic

Contents of the lesson

Educational tasks

Forms and methods

Vocabulary lesson


Small genres of folklore. Lullabies, pesters, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles, counting rhymes

Introduce the concept of “folklore”, expressive reading, conversation, work with a project

Strengthen students’ ability to evaluate their own answers and the answers of their comrades, develop Creative skills, cognitive activity through completing tasks creative nature;

Cultivate a kind attitude towards people, responsibility for one’s actions

Frontal, individual, group work.

Dialogue, problem statement, partial search method

What's happenedfolklore? What's happenedfolklore?
Folklore- folk art.




Russians folk tales"Princess Frog", " Ivan the peasant son and the miracle of Yudo"

Conversation, expressive reading, practical work, final conversation

Teach to divide heroes into positive and negative; - explain the role of animals in the fairy tale;

Work on students’ coherent speech

Frontal, individual, work in pairs.

Conversation, commented reading, illustration, answers to questions

What phrase does the fairy tale begin with?

Who are the main characters of the fairy tale?

Why do we call the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” magical? -What miracles happen in the fairy tale?

Magical fairy tale It is called because there is a miracle, magic in it.






I.A. Krylov fables

To form an idea of ​​such a creative genre as a fable. Learn to determine the moral of a fable and highlight the main meaning.

Presentation, work in a notebook on extracurricular reading. Answers on questions

Russian fabulist, What are the animals up to? Why are there no people in the fable? Moral, main idea


5. 10.

16. 10.

12. 10.


V.A. Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess"

Expressive reading. Thinking about what you read

Form your attitude towards what you read and be able to explain the meaning outdated words;

Develop the ability to express your point of view;

Develop the ability to find the necessary passages in the text;

Develop curiosity and interest in folk art;

To form fiction and fantasy in children.

Expand lexicon

Solution problematic situation(work with text);

Reading a fairy tale, answering questions, working with cards, working in a notebook for extracurricular reading, drawing as assigned.

Work with explanatory dictionaries Ozhegova, Dalia

What words and expressions seemed old and incomprehensible to you?

A prophet is a predictor of the future who carries out the will of the gods.

I made a mistake - I overlooked it, I acted mistakenly, unreasonably.





A. Pogorelsky " Black chicken or underground inhabitants"

Getting to know the writer's work. Reading a work. Answers on questions

Show the relationship between the fictional and real world, develop the ability to reason, express your opinion.

Conversation about the writer's work. Work in notebooks. Reading aloud in a chain

Who did we meet? What happened to Alyosha? What wish did he express? to the underground king?


M.Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”

Presentation on the poet's work. Introduction to the War of 1812. Reading a poem

Introduce children to the works of the poet. To provide knowledge about Russian history, the resilience of Russian people

Presentation on creativity, drawing on assignment.

Working with explanatory dictionaries

What have we read? What time do the events take place? From whom is the story told?



N.V. Gogol " May night, or drowned woman"

A word about the writer.

Getting to know Ganna.

A story with a head.

Meeting at the pond.


Introduce the work of the writer; - show the color of Ukrainian nature, reveal the relationship between the real and the fictional; describe illustrations and correlate them with text.

Reading, conversation on the material read, answering questions, watching A. A. Rowe’s fairy tale “May Night,” drawing according to assignment, working in a notebook on extracurricular reading.

Which writer's work have we met? Name the main characters. What did the lady ask Levko? Read the description of nature. What words go with this illustration?


N.A. Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose”

Introduce the work of the poet. Arouse interest in reading poetry. Develop monologue speech.

Presentation of the poet's life and work. Reading a poem. Discussion of the material read. Drawing on the proposed topic.

Reading by roles, working in a notebook for extracurricular reading, watching the cartoon of the same name, the image of the main characters.

Poem, queen, village, wretched situation, wonder, shock, idleness, joy, equestrian, timid, pearls, wretched, beggar.

7.128.12 14.12

I.S. Turgenev “Mumu”

Getting to know the works of I.S. Turgenev, expressive reading, text analysis

Introduce students to the writer and his heartfelt work; talk about the history of the creation of the story; attract the attention and sympathy of readers to the fate of the main character; show spiritual and moral qualities Main character; teach to sympathize with someone else’s misfortune, the ability to help, console

Frontal, individual, work in pairs (groups).

Getting to know the text. Vocabulary work. Drawing up a portrait of the main character. Conversation about what you read with elements of selective reading

What are your impressions of what you read? What did you learn about the hero? What does a manor's house look like? How did you see Gerasim? (This is a man gifted by nature with extraordinary strength, handsome, a good worker, but not entirely happy because of his silence

15.12 21.12 22.12 28.12

A.P.Chekhov Stories

Acquaintance with the work of A.P. Chekhov using the example of the story “Surgery”. Reflection on the actions of the heroes and their consequences

Introduction of the concepts of “humor”, “satire”; develop a culture of speech, reading skills; develop skills comparative analysis; cultivate moral qualities

Presentation “The Life and Work of A.P. Chekhov”, working with cards - tasks in groups, reading in a chain, answering questions.

Frontal, individual, work in pairs

Let's get acquainted with the biography of A.P. Chekhov.

What new did you learn about A.P. Chekhov?

Did you like Chekhov's story?

Can this story be called humorous?

Satire is a burning, eradicating laughter, laughs at something dangerous, harmful to people, ridicules social vices, denounces evil

18.01 19.01 25.01

P.P.Bazhov " Copper Mountain mistress"

To introduce students to the personality and work of P.P. Bazhova;

Continue training in expressive reading, oral monologue;

Develop skills in working with text, the ability to observe, generalize and draw conclusions;

Develop memory, logical thinking, speech;

Cultivate a love of reading and cognitive interest

Frontal, individual, work in pairs (groups).

Working with cards - tasks in groups, reading in a chain, answering questions

Which writer did we meet today? - We met P.P. Bazhov.-When was he born? He was born on January 28, 1879. In what year was the book published? Malachite Box"? The book was published in 1939. What tale have we started to get acquainted with today? The Tale of “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”

26.01 1.02 2.028.02

K.G. Paustovsky "Hare's Paws"

Getting to know the works of P.P. Bazhova. Conversation on reading

Getting to know the works of K.G. Paustovsky. Expressive reading. Work with text

Develop speech and imagination of students;

Development of the ability to analyze the actions and character of heroes; the ability to highlight the main thing, i.e. separate the essential from the unimportant; ability to generalize; development of mental operations;
- teach thoughtful, conscious reading;
- cultivate a sense of compassion, empathy and mercy

Frontal, individual, work in pairs (groups).

Working with a crossword - tasks in groups, reading in a chain, answering questions

Casket - a skillfully made, decorated box for storing jewelry; box, chest. What is stored in the caskets? -That's right, they store some valuables. Name characters this story.

9.02 15.02 16.02

S.Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months"

Getting to know the works of S.Ya. Marshak. Expressive reading by role. Work with text. Watching an excerpt from the cartoon “Twelve Months”

To generate interest in the work of S.Ya. Marshak, his works familiar and unfamiliar; -develop the ability to expressively read works by role; - develop speech, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of students, the ability to draw conclusions; -develop the ability to imagine; - to cultivate the moral qualities of students; - develop the ability to listen to comrades

Frontal, individual, work in pairs (groups).

Working with cards - tasks in groups, reading by role, answering questions

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. - Where does the stepmother send her stepdaughter? Why are snowdrops needed in winter? Is it possible to find in winter forest flowers? Which of the characters did you like? Who are you condemning? Snowdrop - the first flower of spring

22.02 1.03 2.03 8.03

H.K. Andersen " The Snow Queen»

Brief introduction with the life and work of H. C. Andersen. Expanding the understanding of literature

Develop attention, memory, creative imagination of students, replenish their vocabulary. To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance, responsibility for loved ones, to show, using the example of a fairy tale, what friendship is

Frontal, individual, work in pairs (groups).

Expressive reading. Journey through the pages of books

What work did you get acquainted with? - We got acquainted with the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. -Did you like the fairy tale? How? - I liked the fairy tale.....

9.03 15.0316.03 22.03 23.03

Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Introduction to the works of Mark Twain. Short review works. Reading the story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

Compiling a filmstrip.

Evaluate the actions of heroes, teach them to defend own opinion. Be able to identify the main characters, identify positive and negative heroes in the story.

Reading, conversation based on the material read, answers to questions, reasoning on the topic, sketching a passage from the story you like, writing character descriptions of the characters, solving a crossword puzzle.

The writer's real name is Samuel Clemens. Pseudonym, typography, Mississippi River, fu, mulattoes, mass. What was Tom's ingenuity?

5.04 6.04 12.04 13.04

D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"

Reading text, parsing unclear words, conversation based on content

Define main idea works, highlight positive and negative characters

Sailor, shipwreck, desert island, boat, savage, loneliness

19.04 20.04 26.04 27.04 4.05

The theme of the Great Patriotic War in Russian literature

Acquaintance with works about the Great Patriotic War. Reasoning "What is heroism."

Remember the Great Patriotic War; - to give knowledge of what terrible trials our people had to go through during the war; - cultivate a sense of pride for your Fatherland, for your people; encourage children to think about the fate of a person, to evoke empathy for the difficult fate of others.

Presentation about the Great Patriotic War, reading stories, conversation

Treacherous attack on Soviet Union, occupation, surrounded and captured, concentration camp, crater from a bomb dropped from a fascist plane.

10.05 11.05 17.05 18.05

Quiz on the material covered

Consolidating the knowledge acquired throughout the year

Answer questions, solve crossword puzzle

24.05 25.05

Requirements for the level of training of students

By the end of the school year, students should know:

hygiene rules for reading and handling books;

the meaning of the material read;

must be able to

determine the content of a work by title and author;

navigate a group of books, determine the topic of reading;

express your attitude to what you read;

give a moral assessment of the situation, behavior and actions of the characters.


Gostimskaya E.S. Extracurricular reading M., 2005.

Korovina V.Ya. Literature. 5th grade. Textbook For general education Institutions. At 2 p.m. Part 1./ V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2013.-303p.

Russian literary classics. Samara: Fedorov Corporation, 1995.

Russian children's writersxx century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

Russian children's writersxx century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001. Russian school anthology. 1-4 grades. Publishing house "Interbook", 1985.

Svetlovskaya N. N. “Methods of extracurricular reading”, M. 1991.

Magazines « Primary School", 2006-2009

List for summer reading 5th grade students

Required Reading

1. Myths Ancient Egypt. The Journey of the Solar Boat (excerpt).
2. Myths Ancient Greece(optional by students).
3. Homer "Odyssey". Song nine.
4. Myths of the Ancient Slavs.
5. Folk tales (students' choice).
6. Legends and traditions. About the city of Kitezh. Ataman Kudeyar. About Nikitushka Lomov.
7. Literary fairy tale. A. S. Pushkin (optional by students).
8. A. S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila.”
9. Hans Christian Andersen “The Snow Queen”, “The True Truth”.
10. E. L. Schwartz (by students’ choice).
11. Charles Perrault “Cinderella”.
12. P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower".
13. I. A. Krylov. Fables.
14. Aesop “The Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Lion and the Mouse”, “The Fox and the Grapes”.
15. Jean de Lafontaine “The Fox and the Grapes.”
16. I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”.
17. L. N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”
18. V. M. Garshin “Signal”.
19. L. N. Andreev “Bite.”
20. A. I. Kuprin “White Poodle”.
21. A. S. Pushkin “Collapse”.
22. K. G. Paustovsky “Meshcherskaya Side”.
23. E. I. Nosov “Thirty grains”, “Like a crow got lost on the roof”.
24. V. M. Shukshin “Harvest.”
25. Yu. P. Kazakov “Quiet Morning”.
26. V. A. Soloukhin “Avenger”.
27. Ray Douglas Bradbury "The Invisible Boy"

Summer reading list for 6th grade students

1. “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”
2. “The Tale of Bygone Years”
3. “The Tale of the Ruin of the Russian Land”, “Evpatiy Kolovrat” (from “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan”
4. V.A. Zhukovsky “Svetlana”
5. A.N. Maikov “Emshan”
6. A.K. Tolstoy “Canut”
7. A.S. Pushkin “Song of prophetic Oleg", "Nanny", " Winter road», « Winter morning", "Prisoner",
“Flower”, “Cloud”, “Dubrovsky”
8. N.M.Yazykov “Song” (“From a country, a distant country...”), “Swimmer”
9. M.Yu. Lermontov “Sail”, “Three Palms”, “Cossack Lullaby Song”, “In the Wild North stands
lonely...", "Cliff"
10. N.V. Gogol “May Night, or the Drowned Woman”
11. S.T. Aksakov “Essay on a winter day”
12. V.A. Zhukovsky “Singer in the camp of Russian warriors”, “There the skies and waters are clear!..”
13. N.P. Ogarev “Road”
14. A.K. Tolstoy “My bells...”
15. A.A. Fet “Wonderful picture...”, “Evening”
16. I.S.Nikitin “The stars twinkle brightly...”
17. A.N. Pleshcheev “I’ll rest, sit at the edge of the forest...”
18. I.Z.Surikov “Steppe”
19. A.P. Chekhov “Thick and Thin”, “Death of an Official”, “Over-Salted”
20. V.G.Korolenko “In bad society" ("Children of the Underground")
21. N.D. Teleshov “Home”
22. A. Daudet “Little Spy”
23. A.P. Platonov “Sandy Teacher”
24. M.M. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun”
25. I.A. Bunin “The hollow water is raging...”, “The birch forest is turning greener and darker and curly...”, “The first
26. I. Severyanin “Spring Day”
27. A.T. Tvardovsky “Spring, morning, thin...”
28. A.P. Mezhirov “An icicle flies from winter to spring...”
29. M.M. Zoshchenko “Don’t lie”, “Poor Fedya”
30. Yu.M. Nagibin “Old Turtle”
31. V.G. Rasputin “French Lessons”
32. N.M. Rubtsov “Childhood”, “Distant”, “Star of the Fields”, “Old Horse”, “Levitan”, “My Boots -
creaking and creaking...", "Sparrow"
33. J. Aldridge “The Last Inch”

For independent reading (according to the 6th grade program)

1. N.G. Orlova. Heroes of Russian epics
2. V.A. Zhukovsky “Cup”
3. N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”
4. A.P. Chekhov “Horse Name”, “Surgery”, “I Quarreled with My Wife”, “Dear Dog”
5. V.G.Korolenko. Chapters from “The History of My Contemporary” (“ Early childhood", "Start of the exercise",
"IN county town", "Student years")
6. A.I.Svirsky “Ryzhik”
7. A.P. Platonov “Dry Bread”, “Cow”, “Nikita”, “Still Mother”
28. M.M. Prishvin. Pages from the diary “The Road to a Friend”, collection “In the Land of Grandfather Mazai”,
stories “Anchar”, “Man’s Friend”, “ A terrible meeting", "Treacherous sausage", "Vasya
9. V.P. Astafiev “Autumn sadness and joy”, “Boy in a white shirt”, “War is thundering somewhere”
10. Yu.M. Nagibin “Winter Oak”, “Komarov”, “Boys”
11. A.Ya. Yashin “Kulik”
12. J. Aldridge “The Boy from the Forest Bank”
13. K.M. Stanyukovich “Man overboard”

For independent reading (non-curricular works)

Russian literature

1. V.K. Arsenyev “Dersu Uzala”
2. A.R. Belyaev “The Head of Professor Dowell”, “Amphibian Man”, “Mr. Laughter”
3. Kir Bulychev “Girl from Earth”, “Alice’s New Adventures”, “A Million Adventures”, “New
labors of Hercules"
4. B.S.Zhitkov. Collection " Sea stories", "Stories about Animals", "What Happened", "Courage"
5. F. Iskander. Collection of stories "Holiday of waiting for the holiday"
6. M. Karim “The Joy of Our Home”, “Taganok”
7. V.P. Kataev “The Lonely Sail Is White”
8. A.I. Kuprin “Emerald”, “One-Armed Commandant”
9. A.A. Likhanov “The Last Cold”
10. G. Matevosyan “Stranger”
11. L. Panteleev “Lyonka Panteleev”
12. M.M. Prishvin. Stories and novellas in the collection “To My Young Friends”
13. B.N. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”
14. A.N. Rybakov “Dagger”, “Bronze Bird”, “Shot”
15. Y.V. Sotnik “All hope is for you”, ballads about Robin Hood (translated by S.Ya. Marshak)
16. M.A. Gershenzon “Robin Hood”

Foreign literature

1. E. Raud “Stainless saber”
2. L. Boussenard “Captain Daredevil”
3. J. Verne “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain”
4. Charles Dickens “Oliver Twist”
5. A. Conan Doyle “Red and White”, “Stories about Sherlock Holmes”, “ lost World»,
"Marakot's Abyss"
6. G. Malo “Without a family”
7. E. Poe “Golden Bug”
8. R. Stevenson “Treasure Island”, “Satanic Bottle”, “Heather Honey”
9. A. Lindgren “Rasmus the Tramp”
10. J. London “The Call of the Wild”
11. E. Seton-Thompson “Little Savages”
12. M. Twain “The Prince and the Pauper”, “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”, “Adventures”
Huckleberry Finn"
13. R. Kipling “The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly”
14. A. France “Life in Bloom” (chapter from the novel)
15. R. Bradbury “Rocket”

Reading circle in 5th grade.

Domestic literature.

Alekseev S.P. “Heroic surnames”, “The story of a serf boy”, “Unprecedented things happen”, “Glory Bird”, “Stories about Stepan Razin”, “Stories about Suvorov and Russian soldiers”.

Bianchi V.V. “Odinets”.

Bulychev Kir “Atlantis: Gods and Heroes”; From stories about Alice; " Great Spirit and fugitives."

Veltistov E. S. From the series about Electronics.

Volkov A. M. “The Wizard Emerald City"," Captive of Constantinople.

Golovina V. A. “Egypt: Gods and Heroes.”

Gubarev V. G. “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.”

Children's encyclopedia for the lazy.

Jackson T. N. (Sasha Smirnov participated in the compilation of the book). "Scandinavia: Gods and Heroes."

Dostyan R. “Kinto”.

Old Russian literature:

- "Eagle's Nest";

- “The Tale of Evpatiy Kolovrat”;

-"Russian land".

Zaitseva E. E., Yakhnin L. L. “Eldorado: Gods and Heroes.”

Karamzin N. M. " Dense forest», « Beautiful princess and happy Carla."

Karpov A. Yu. “Tales of the Russian Chronicle.”

Kataev V.P. “Son of the Regiment.”

Konchalovskaya N.P. “Our ancient capital.”

Korolenko V. G. “Children of the Dungeon.”

Kotlyar E. S. “Africa: Gods and Heroes.”

Krutogorov Yu. “The Baptism of Rus'.”

Kryzhanovskaya E. Fairy tale trilogy about Princess Utah - “Princess Utah and cuttlefish soup”, “Princess Utah and the Ogre-eating grandmother”, “Princess Utah and the Pied Piper”.

Krylov I. A. “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”, “Pig under the Oak”, “Donkey and Nightingale”, “Rooster and Grain of Pearls” (in comparison with Aesop’s fable “Rooster and Diamond”), “Wolf and Lamb” ( in comparison with A.P. Sumarokov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”) - at the choice of the teacher and students.

Kulikov A. N. “America: Gods and Heroes.”

Lagin L.I. “Old Man Hottabych.”

18th century literature:

Bolotov A. T. “Children’s philosophy” (fragment from conversation 14).

Kurganov N. G. “Writer’s Book” (fragments of your choice).

Novikov N. I. " Children's reading for the heart and mind" (fragments of your choice).

Mashkin G. “Blue sea, white ship.”

Moiseeva K. M. “The caravan goes to Palmyra.”

Nekrasov A.K. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”

Olesha Y. K. “Three fat men.”

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century

Domestic lyrics of the twentieth century (by choice of teacher and students).

Paustovsky K. G. “Hare’s Paws”, “The Thief Cat”, “The Old Cook”.

First poetic works for children(at the choice of the teacher and students; an introductory approach to learning is preferred).

Polotsk Simeon. "Preface", "Honor";

Savvaty. “This visible little book...” (from various poems).

Petrukhin V. Ya. “Slavs”.

Pimenova I.K. “The Dawn of a New Time”, “History ancient world: from the beginning of time”, “History of Great Rus' from the beginning of centuries”, “Young Russia”.

Pimenova I.K., Rassokha I.N. “Who was born before everyone else,” “Secrets of ancient civilizations.”

Pimenova I.K., Rassokha I.N., Solomadin I.M., Solomadina N.A. “The Birth of Rus'.”

Pimenova I.K., Solomadin I.M., Solomadina N.A. “Honor, cross and sword.”

“The Tale of Bygone Years” (adapted children's editions).

Pogodin R.P. “A book about Grishka.”

Prishvin M. M. “Island of Salvation”, “Treacherous Sausage”, “Floors of the Forest”.

Prokofieva S. L. “Patchwork and Cloud”, “Lord of the Magic Keys”, “The Magician’s Apprentice”, “Island of Captains”, “Astrel and the Guardian of the Forest”.

Redko-Dobrovolskaya T. I. “Japan: Gods and Heroes.”

Russian folk tales (optional, for example: “White Duck”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Finist-Yasny Falcon”, “Three Kingdoms - Copper, Silver and Gold”).

Ryleev K. F. “Ivan Susanin”, “Oleg the Prophet”, “Boyan” (optional).

Tolstoy A.K. “You are my land, my dear land!...”, “Kurgan”, “Ilya Muromets”.

The Kingdom of People: Clothing, utensils, customs, weapons, jewelry of peoples of ancient and modern times: Encyclopedia for kids and everyone, everyone, everyone.

Yudin G. N. " Unexpected joy: Christian stories, fairy tales, parables."

Yazykov N. M. “Two Pictures”, “Evpatiy”, “Horse”, “Swimmer”, “Motherland”, “Delight” ((excerpt).

Yakovlev Yu. A. “Ledum”, “Awakened by nightingales.”

Foreign literature.

Andersen G.H. “The Snow Queen”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Flint”.

Barry D. "Peter Pan".

Blyton E. “The Mystery of the Drumbeat”, “The Mystery of the Little Ragged One”; from cycles about: The Secret Seven; Fab Five, Five Finders.

De Beaumont L. “Beauty and the Beast.”

Gauf V. “The Story of the Caliph Stork”, “Frozen Heart”.

Hawthorne N. “The Snow Maiden” (“How the Children Created a Miracle”).

Defoe D. "Robinson Crusoe" (children's version).

"Kalevala". Finno-Ugric epic.

“Kanteletar” - Collection of Karelian-Finnish songs and ballads (runes).

Kipling J.R. "Mowgli."

Korczak J. “King Matt the First”, “King Matt on a Desert Island”.

Lagerlöf S. "Nils's Journey with the Wild Geese."

Lindgren A. “The Adventures of Kale Blumkvist the Detective,” “Rasmus the Tramp,” “Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter.”

Lewis C. S. "The Chronicles of Narnia": "The Sorcerer's Nephew", "The Lion, the Witch and wardrobe", "The Horse and His Boy", "Prince Caspian", "Journey to the Light", "The Silver Chair", "The Last Battle".

Myths of Ancient India.

Myths and legends of Ancient Egypt.

Myths and legends of Ancient Greece.

Onua D. “Beauty Golden Curls.”

Perrault S. “Riquet with a Tuft”, “Donkey Skin”, “Sleeping Beauty”.

Raspe E. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” (children's version).

Rowling J.K. "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone", "Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets", " Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban".

Sand J. "Griboul".

Seton-Thompson E. “Little Savages.”

Tales of the peoples of the world (optional).

Twain M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “Tom Sawyer the Detective”, etc.

Travers P. “Mary Poppins.”

Uida (Rame L.). Nello and Patrash.

Harris D. "Tales of Uncle Remus."

Ekholm Y. “Tuta Carlson, Ludwig the fourteenth and completely different”, “Tuta Carlson, the first and only.”

Emar G. “A Steady Hand.”

Emden E. “House with Magic Windows.”

Janson T. “Mummy Troll and the Comet,” “The Wizard’s Hat.”

Reading circle in 6th grade.

Domestic literature.

Aksakov S. T. “Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson” (fragments).

Aleksin A.G. “A very scary story.”

Altov G. From “Legends of Star Captains.”

Astafiev V.P. “Kapalukha”.

Bazhov P. P. “Malachite Box”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”.

Blokhin N. “Red Corner Curiosities.”

Budogoskaya L. A. “The Tale of the Red-Headed Girl,” “The Sentinel.”

Epics of the Russian people.

Voznesenskaya Yu. N. Trilogy “Juliana” - “Juliana, or the Game of Kidnapping”, “Juliana, or Dangerous Games”, “Juliana, or the Game of Daughters and Stepmothers”.

Gaidar A.P. " A military secret", "The Fate of the Drummer", "Timur and his team".

Grigorovich D.V. “Gutta-percha boy.”

Dubov N.I. “The Fugitive.”

Zheleznikov V.K. “Crank from 6-B.”

Ivanov A. B. “The Imperishable Treasure.”

Ivanov S.A. “He is not among us.”

Kataev V.P. “The Lonely Sail Is White,” “A Farm in the Steppe,” “Waves of the Black Sea.”

Kassil L. A. “Be prepared, Your Highness!”

Kassil L. A., Polyanovsky M. L. “Street of the Youngest Son.”

Krapivin V.P. From the cycle about the Great Crystal; "Riders from Rosa Station."

Kuprin A.I. “White Poodle”, “Taper”.

Lermontov M. Yu. “Ashik-Kerib.”

Nemirovsky A. I. “Myths of Ancient Hellas”

Nikitin I. S. “Meeting winter”, “Stuffy air, Smoke from a splinter...”.

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century.(optionally).


Panteleev L. “Skidsky stories.”

Panteleev L., Belykh G. “Republic of Shkid”.

Pleshcheev A. N. “Old Man”, “Grandmother and Granddaughters”, “Into the Storm”.

Rubinstein L.V. “Grandfather of the Russian fleet. (Historical stories)".

Rybakov A. N. “Dagger”, “Bronze Bird”, “Shot”.

Semyonova I. I. “Who are you.”

Smirnov S.S. “Gavroche of the Brest Fortress.”

Teffi (Lokhvitskaya Nadezhda Aleksandrovna). "Unliving Beast", "Huron".

Chudakova M. O. “The Deeds and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina,” “The Mystery of Angelica’s Death,” “Portrait of an Unknown Woman in White.”

Chudinova E. P. “Gardarika”.

Foreign literature.

Boussenard L. “Captain Rip-off.”

Weidenmann A. “Baggage receipt No. 666.”

Dickens Ch. “The Adventures of Oliver Twist.”

D, Ervilly E "The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy."

Conan Doyle A. “The Lost World.”

Carroll L. “Alice in Wonderland.”

Lindgren A. “Mio, my Mio,” “We are on the island of Saltkrok.”

London J. "Before Adam", "White Fang".

Luts O. “Spring”.

Marshall A. “I can jump over puddles.”

Malo G. "Romain Calbry".

Plutarch " Comparative biographies"(Alexander. Caesar. Demosthenes. Cicero).

Rice K. "Mrs. Cherington's Roses."

Reed M. "The Brave Huntress", "Osceola the Seminole Chief", "The Headless Horseman".

Roni Sr. "Fight for the Fire", "Cave Lion", "Vamireh".

Scott W. "Ivanhoe."

Shklyarsky A. “Tomek in the land of the kangaroo”, “Tomek on the warpath”, “Tomek’s adventures on the Dark Continent”, “Tomek’s mysterious journey”, “Tomek at the source of the Amazon”.

Wells G. “It was in the Stone Age.”

Yarunkova K. “The only one.”

Reading circle in 7th grade.

Domestic literature.

Aleksin A. G. “Crazy Evdokia”, “ Home essay", "Call and come" (optional).

Babel I.E. “The History of My Dovecote”, “Awakening” (optional).

Baruzdin S. A. “Her name is Christmas tree.”

Belyaev A. R. “The Head of Professor Dowell”, “Amphibian Man”, “Ariel”.

Bogomolov V. O. “Ivan.”

Bragin V.G. “In the Land of Dense Grasses”: A Fairy Tale Novel.

Gaidar A.P. " Blue cup", "Hot Stone", "Distant Countries".

Herzen A.I. “The Thieving Magpie.”

Green A. S. " Scarlet Sails", "Running on the Waves" (and other works of the students' choice).

Efremov I. A. “On the edge of the Oikumene.”

Koltsov A.V. Poems (optional).

Kravtsova N. F. “Because of the desk to war,” “From dusk to dawn.”

Murashova E.V. “Correction class.”

(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Russian lyrics of the twentieth century(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Pilyar Yu. E. “Five hours until immortality”, “All this happened.”

Pogodin R.P. “Rattle-brain,” “Waiting.”

Polevoy N. A. “Selected historical prose” / Comp., introduction and comments. A. S. Kurilova/.

Putilov B. N. " Ancient Rus' in the faces: Gods, heroes, people.”

Rybakov A. N. “The Adventures of Krosh,” “Krosh’s Vacation,” “The Unknown Soldier.”

Rytkheu Yu. S. “When the whales leave.”

Tendryakov V.F. “Spring shifters.”

Tolstoy A.K. “Prince Silver”; ballads.

Tolstoy A. N. “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid.”

Troepolsky G.N. “White Bim, Black Ear.”

Fraerman R.I. “Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love.”

Charskaya L. “Princess Javakha”, “Lesovichka”, “Magic Tale”.

Shiryaeva G.D. “Gyurgi-Dyurgi-Duke”, “The Man Ivan Chizhikov, or the Tale of a Girl from a Legend.”

encyclopedic Dictionary young historian: General history/ Comp. N. S. Elmanova, E. M. Savicheva.

Foreign literature.

Aitmatov Ch. T. “White Steamship”, “Early Cranes”.

Bayard J. From the cycle about Michel the detective.”

Bern P. “The Headless Horse.”

Blyton E. “The Mystery of the Underground Kingdom”, “The Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest.”

Bonham F. “The Mystery of the Red Tide.”

Bonzon P.-J. "The Mystery of the Stolen Dog", "Mystery sea ​​urchin", "Mystery antique piano", "The Mystery of the Green Donkey".

Verne J. “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain,” “The Children of Captain Grant,” “The Mysterious Island.”

Dumas A. “Three Musketeers.”

Kipling J.R. "Kim".

Clancier J.E. “Childhood and youth of Catherine Sharon.”

Cooper F. "Deerslayer", "Pioneers", "The Last of the Mohicans", "Pathfinders" (optional).

Le Guin W. “Magician (Wizard) of the Mediterranean.”

Lindgren A. “Brothers Lionheart.”

London D. “White Silence”, “In a Distant Land”, “Call of the Wild”.

Lofting H. “The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle.”

Luts O. “Walter the Apprentice,” “On the Margins.”

Marshall A. “This is the grass,” “In my heart.”

Mowat F. “The Mystery of the Viking Grave,” “The Dog Who Didn’t Want to Be Just a Dog.”

Aldridge J. "My Brother Tom."

Olivier J. "Viking Campaign".

Seton-Thompson E. “Ralph in the Woods.”

De Saint-Exupéry A. “The Little Prince.”

Tolkien J. R. R. "The Hobbits."

Whitney F. “The Mystery of the Seagulls.”

Haggard G. R. "Montezuma's Daughter."

Reading circle in 8th grade.

Domestic literature.

Averchenko A. T. Stories (students' choice).

Annensky I. F. “Old barrel organ”, “In the carriage”, “ Old manor", "Among the Worlds" and other works from the book of poems "The Cypress Casket" (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Akhmatova A. A. Books of poems “Evening”, “White Flock” (in pre-specialty classes - humanitarian and philological).

Baklanov G. Ya. “Forever nineteen years old.”

Balmont K. D. Works from the book of poems “Under the Northern Sky” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology.

Belyaev A. R. “Lord of the World”, “The Man Who Lost Face”, “ Last Man from Atlantis", "Air Seller", "Jump into Nothing".

Bondarev Yu. V. “The battalions ask for fire.”

Bykov V. “Obelisk”, “Sotnikov”.

Voznesenskaya Yu. N. “Cassandra’s Path, or a Journey with Pasta”, “The Adventures of Lancelotte”.

Gaidar A.P. “School”, “Distant Countries”.

Drunina Yu. V. Lyrics (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Dubov N.I. “The sky is like a sheepskin”, “Boy by the sea”.

Efremov I. A. “Andromeda Nebula.”

Yesenin S. A. Lyrics (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Zheleznikov V.K. “Scarecrow.”

Kaverin V. A. “Two captains.”

Minaev B. “Leva’s childhood.”

Ibragimbekov M. “For everything good, death.”

Karamzin N. M. “Tales of the Ages” (Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State”).

Lermontov M. Yu. “Masquerade.”

Levshin V. A. "Master of Disseminated Sciences."

Nemirovsky A. I. « Legends early Italy and Rome"; "Myths and Legends of the Ancient East."

Orlov S.S. Lyrics (optional).

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Russian lyrics of the twentieth century(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Platonov A.P. "Gian".

Pristavkin A.I. “A golden cloud spent the night,” “Kukushata, or a plaintive song to calm the heart.”

Pushkin A. S. Lyrics (optional). "House in Kolomna."

Rasputin V.G. “Live and Remember”, “Fire”, “Farewell to Matera” (optional).

Solomka N. “The white horse is not my grief.”

“A Line Torn by a Bullet” (poems by poets who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War).

Strugatsky A. N., Strugatsky B. N. “Monday begins on Saturday,” “Land of crimson clouds.”

Tolstoy A. N. “Aelita.”

Tolstoy L.N. “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Sevastopol Stories” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Tsvetaeva M.I. “To my poems, written so early...”, “You come, you look like me...” and other works of choice (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Encyclopedia for children. T. 1. World history./Chief editor and compiler S. T. Ismailova/.

Encyclopedia for children. T. 5., part. 1. History of Russia and its closest neighbors/Comp. S. T. Ismailova/.

Encyclopedia for children. T. 5., part 2. History of Russia. From palace coups before the era of the Great Reforms.

Encyclopedia for children. T. 5., part 3. History of Russia. XX century/Comp. S. T. Ismailova/.

Yan V. “Genghis Khan”, “Batu”, “To the Last Sea”, “Youth of a Commander” (optional).

Foreign literature.

Bradbury R. “Dandelion Wine,” “451* Fahrenheit.”

Golding's Lord of the Flies.

Hugo V. "Les Miserables", "The Man Who Laughs", "Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris" (optionally).

Dickens Ch. " David Copperfield"(in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Curwood J. " Extraordinary Adventures Captain Plume, The Burning Forest.

Keen K. From a series of books about Nancy Drew.

Kipling J.R. The Light Has Gone Out, The Brave Mariners, Lispeth; stories (chosen by teacher and students).

Collins W. “Moonstone.”

Conan Doyle A. “Stories about Sherlock Holmes.”

Sabatini R. “The Odyssey of Captain Blood.”

Smullyan R. “What is the name of this book?”

Twain M. "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court."

Tim Tom "Scientific fun: interesting experiments, homemade products, entertainment."

Tolkien D. R. “The Lord of the Rings.”

Wells G. “The Invisible Man,” “War of the Worlds.”

Reading circle in 9th grade.

Domestic literature.

Aksyonov V.P. “Moscow Saga” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Astafiev V.P. “Tsar Fish”.

Baruzdin S.A. “Tasya”, “Repetition of what has been covered” - in pre-profile classes (humanities and philology).

Bondarev Yu. V. “Hot snow.”

Bulgakov M. A. " dog's heart"; stories and feuilletons.

Bunin I. A. Lyrics; " Clean Monday"and other stories of students' choice. The cycle “Dark Alleys” - in pre-professional classes (humanities and philology).

Bykov V.V. “Survive until dawn”, “Sign of trouble”, “To go and not return” (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Vasiliev B.P. “Tomorrow there was a war.”

Volkov O. V. “A century of hopes and ruins” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Gogol N.V. “Petersburg Tales” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Zhigulin A.V. “Black Stones”; poems of your choice.

Zamyatin E.I. Novels and short stories (optional).

Ilf I., Petrov E. “Twelve chairs.”

Kaverin V. A. “Open Book” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Klyuchevsky V. O. “Historical portraits. Figures of historical thought.”

Krapivin V.P. “Green’s Role”. “A Novel about the Grains of Sand of Time: A Fantastic Novel.”

Kuprin A.I. " Garnet bracelet", "Duel" (in pre-profile classes).

Lermontov M. Yu. “Vadim.”

Obruchev V. A. “Sannikov Land”, “Plutonia”.

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century(optionally).

Russian lyrics of the twentieth century(optionally).

Platonov A.P. " Hidden Man", "The Sandy Teacher", "In the Beautiful and furious world", "Girl Rose", "On the graves of Russian soldiers"; stories (optional); "Juvenile Sea" (in pre-professional classes).

Polonsky G.I. “We’ll live until Monday.”

Polonsky Ya.P. Poems (optional).

Poetry " silver age» Russian literature (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Rasputin V.G. “Deadline.”

Rybakov A. N. “Children of Arbat.”

Simonova L. “Circle”.

Tolstoy L.N. “Lucerne”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “After the Ball” (in pre-professional classes).

Tyrdanov I.V. “Battle of the Prophets.”

Ulitskaya L. Stories (optional); “The Kukotsky Incident” (in pre-professional classes).

Chekhov A.P. Stories (optional).

Chudinova E. P. “Casket”, “Lileya”.

Shalamov V. T. " Kolyma stories"(in pre-profile classes).

Shcherbakova G. “Desperate Autumn”, “You Never Even Dreamed of..”, “The Door to Someone Else’s Life” (and other works of your choice).

Encyclopedia for children: Additional volume. Russian capitals. Moscow and St. Petersburg/chief editor. V. A. Volodin/.

Foreign literature.

Amadou J. “Generals of the Sand Quarries.”

Byron J. G. N. “The Giaur,” “Jewish Melodies.”

Balzac O. de “Gobsek”, “Eugenia Grande” (in pre-professional classes).

Bronte S. "Jane Eyre."

Bronte E. “Wuthering Heights.”

Dickens Ch. “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby” (in pre-professional classes).

Cusack D. “The sun is not everything...”.

London D. "The Little Mistress" big house", "Iron Heel"; stories (optional).

McCullough K. “The Thorn Birds.”

Merimee P. “Carmen”, “Tamango”, “Double Fault”.

Mitchell M. “Gone with the Wind.”

O.Henry. Novels (optional).

According to E. Novella (optional).

Remarque E. M. " Triumphal Arch", "Life on loan" (in pre-professional classes).

Stendhal F. “Red and Black” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Reading circle in 10th grade.

Domestic literature.

Batyushkov K. Poems of choice.

Baratynsky E. Poems of choice.

Bulgakov M. “Days of the Turbins.”

Volodin A. “Elder Sister.”

Gogol N.V. “Nevsky Prospekt”, “Nose”.

Goncharov I. A. " An ordinary story", "Frigate" Pallas".

Dostoevsky F. M. “Netochka Nezvanova”, “Idiot”.

Zhukovsky V. A. “Twelve Sleeping Virgins.”

Zamyatin E. “We.”

Kazakov Yu. “In a dream you cried bitterly.”

Konetsky V. Work of choice.

Leskov N. S. “The Enchanted Wanderer,” “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.”

Lermontov M. Yu. “Scene from Faust”, “Mountain Peaks”, “Masquerade”, “Demon”.

Pushkin A.S. “Village”, “Brownie”, poems addressed to E.K. Vorontsova, “Arap of Peter the Great”, “Mermaid”, “Boris Godunov”.

Olesha Yu. “Envy.”

Rasputin V. “Live and Remember.”

Tendryakov V. “Reckoning.”

Tolstoy L.N. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich.”

Trifonov Yu. “Another life.”

Turgenev I. S. “Faust”, “ Noble Nest", "Rudin".

Schwartz E. “Shadow”.

Sholokhov M. “Quiet Don”.

Shukshin V. “Alyosha the unescorted.”

Ehrenburg I. “People. Years. Life.".

Lyrical works by A. Blok, N. Zabolotsky, D. Samoilov, N. Rubtsov, A. Fet, V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, A. T. Tvardovsky.

Foreign literature.

Arro V. “Look who came.”

Galsworthy J. “The Forsyte Saga.”

London J. "Martin Eden."

Campanella T. “City of the Sun.”

Mann T. “Lota in Weimar.”

Faulkner W. “The Sound and the Fury.”

Lyrics by P. Beranger, G. Heine.

Reading circle in 11th grade.

Domestic literature.

Akunin B. Work of choice.

Akhmadullina B. Poems of choice.

Bely A. “At the turn of two centuries.”

Brodsky I. Nobel lecture.

Bulgakov M. “White Guard”.

Bunin I. A. “Village”, “ Antonov apples", stories from the series "Dark Alleys".

Vampilov A. “Last summer in Chulimsk.”

Vesely A. “Russia, washed in blood.”

Voinovich V. “We are the best”

Vysotsky V. Lyrics of choice.

Gelman A. "Prize".

Gorky A. M. “Mother”, “The Artamonov Case”, “Egor Bulychev and others”, “Foma Gordeev”, “Konovalov”, “Across Rus'”, “Leo Tolstoy”.

Yesenin S. “Soviet Rus'”, “Moscow Tavern”, “Black Man”, “Pugachev”, “Anna Snegina”.

Kuprin A.I. “Song of Songs”, “Duel”, “Listrigons”, “Gambrinus”, “Olesya” and other stories.

Klyuev N. “Christmas of the Hut”, “There is a vast land in the world...”, “We are rye, oatmeal...” and other poems of your choice.

Lavrenev B. “Forty-first.”

Mandelstam O. “The Noise of Time.”

Mariengof A. “A novel without lies.”

Mayakovsky V.V. “Good”, “Bathhouse”, “Bedbug”.

Nabokov V.V. “Mashenka”, “Defense of Luzhin”, “Feat”, “Invitation to Execution”, “Lolita”.

Okudzhava B. “Poor Avrosimov,” “Journey of Amateurs.”

Platonov A.P. “Fro”, “Potudan River”, “Old Mechanic”, “In a Beautiful and Furious World”, “Return”, “Pit”.

Pilnyak B. “The Naked Year.”

Pristavkin A. “The golden cloud spent the night.”

Serafimovich A. “Iron Stream”.

Solzhenitsyn A.I. “A calf butted an oak tree,” “How can we arrange Russia?”, “Two hundred years together.”

Tvardovsky A. “Terkin in the Other World,” “House by the Road.”

Tokareva V. Play “Fantasy-impromptu”.

Fedin K. “Cities and Years.”

Furmanov D. "Chapaev".

Tsvetaeva M. “My Pushkin”, “Phaedra”, “Poem of the End”, “I came to visit the poet...”, “We have the freshness of words and feelings of simplicity...”, “Reader”, “And you, my friends of the last call! ...", "All the dear souls on high stars...", " Summer garden", "The City of Pushkin".

Chekhov A.P. “Case from practice”, “Enemies”, “In the ravine”, “Bishop”, “Bride”.

Foreign literature.

Apollinaire G. Poems of choice.

Brecht B. “Mother Courage and Her Children.”

Belle G. “Through the eyes of a clown.”

Golding W. “Lord of the Flies.”

Camus A. “The Outsider.”

Kafka F. “Metamorphosis.”

Lorca G. Lyrics.

Mann T. "Doctor Faustus", "The Magic Mountain".

Nietzsche F. “Antichristian”.

Orwell J. "1984", "Animal Farm" (optional).

Rilke R. M. “Duinese Elegies”, “Sonnets to Orpheus”.

Remarque E. M. “On western front no change", "Arc de Triomphe".

Rolland R. “The Enchanted Soul.”

Faulkner W. “Arsonist.”

France A. "Pontius Pilate".

Hemingway E. “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” “The Old Man and the Sea.”

Chapek K. "Poet".

Show B. “Heartbreak House.”

Sappho. Lyrics.