Extracurricular activity on literary reading "KVN based on the stories of N. Nosov." Pedagogical development







Prepared and conducted by members of the project group:

Senior teacher: O. Ya. Sevryukova

Teachers of senior and preparatory groups:

N. A. Zeleneva, D. P. Knyazeva, L. N. Savalver,

A. V. Velavas, S. A. Aksenova

Speech therapist: I. V. Tyurina

Moscow, 2018


Project topic: "Nikolai Nosov. A great inventor and dreamer!”

Project type: medium-term, informational and creative, group children 5-7 years old, collective.

Project type: informational - creative, educational, playful.

Implementation deadlines:from 03/12/2018 to 04/13/2018

Participants: Children of senior and preparatory groups, senior teacher, teachers, speech therapist, parents.


Funny, humorous books occupy a significant place in children's reading. It teaches you to notice the funny in life, understand a joke, make jokes yourself, and experience positive emotions. N. Nosov's stories for children combine two valuable qualities - humor and instructiveness. In the stories, the author talks to the child reader about complex things in a funny, entertaining and understandable way. Children develop the habit of listening to books and develop a lasting interest in fiction. By reading slowly, day after day, we give children the pleasure of anticipating new meetings with their favorite characters and their adventures.


Having a conversation with children of senior and preparatory groups. We came to the conclusion that more than 80% of children are not familiar with the stories of N. Nosov. Therefore, our creative group decided to prepare and implement a project based on the work of N. Nosov. Children will get acquainted with a short biography of the writer and his stories. They will find out whether the stories he wrote have anything to do with his personal life. Find out who are always the main characters of his stories.


Insufficient time is spent in the family due to the busyness of parents.

Forms of implementation:

Direct educational activities;

Joint activity of an adult and a child;

Artistic and creative activity.


Introduce children to the works of children's writer N. N. Nosov.

Develop the child’s speech, imagination and fantasy, make the project meaningful for children and parents; to form in children and parents an interest in the writer’s work and his stories. Teach children to do good deeds using examples from the writer’s stories


Introduce children to the biography and stories of N. Nosov.

To promote the moral and communicative development of preschool children by expanding the horizons of children and enriching their vocabulary.

To develop in children the ability to empathize with the heroes of works.

Involve parents in family reading.

Equipment for the teacher:

Selection of literature, camera, stereo system, video and audio materials, Internet, presentation, colored pencils, albums, plasticine.

Equipment for children:

materials for productive activities (art activities, modeling).

Distribution between project participants


Collection of information material.

Decoration of a book corner, exhibition of drawings and crafts.

Reading and discussion of works.

Project presentation.


Introduction to the project. Replenishment of the book corner, illustrations for books - joint creativity.

Reading N. Nosov's stories to children.


Together with adults they collect information.

They write stories.

Together with the teachers, they draw illustrations for N. Nosov’s stories.

Together with teachers they participate in defending the project.

Expected Result:

Children's knowledge of N. N. Nosov as a children's writer.

The ability to pose a problem and find ways to solve it, evaluate the actions of heroes from the works of N. Nosov.

Stage I – preparatory – 1 Week

Survey of children and parents.

Selection and study of methodological and fiction literature for educators.

Selection of fiction for children to read.

Create an exhibition of books by N. N. Nosov with illustrative material.

Replenish the audio library with recordings of Nosov’s stories.

Prepare consultation material on the topics: “All about N. N. Nosov”, “What books are useful for children?”, “Reading N. N. Nosov’s stories to children.”

Select gaming and didactic material for games - dramatizations based on the works of N. N. Nosov “Dreamers” and “The Living Hat”.

Drawing up a work plan for the project.

Stage II - main- 2 weeks

Conducting classes, conversations, games, quizzes based on the stories of N. Nosov.

Games based on stories by N. Nosov. Verbal game “Good - bad”, “Help the hero”, outdoor game “Collect cucumbers”.

1. Educational conversations and activities:

Acquaintance with the biography of N. N. Nosov.

Acquaintance with the work of N. N. Nosov.

Evening of mysteries.

Quiz based on the works of N. N. Nosov.

Independently compose funny poems from the work “How Dunno Was a Writer”, choosing a rhyme.

Retelling of Nosov’s work “On the Hill”.

Examination of illustrations for N. Nosov’s books by illustrator I. Semenov.

2. Reading fiction:

Works by N. Nosov: “Patch”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “On the Hill”, “Dreamers”, “Cucumbers”, “Karasik”, “Living Hat”, “Entertainers”, “Lollipop”, “In the Subway”, “ Sparklers", "Telephone", "Putty", "Gardeners".

Listening to the audio book “The Adventures of Dunno.”

Watching the cartoon: “The Living Hat.”

3. Artistic and aesthetic cycle classes:

GCD. Drawing plot pictures based on the stories of N. Nosov.

GCD. Modeling "Dunno and his friends."

4. Theatrical activities based on the works of N. N. Nosova “Dreamers”.

5. Role-playing game

"Living Hat"

Working with parents:

1. Introduction to the project

2. Home reading with children of stories by N. N. Nosov.

3. Joint creativity “Drawing stories by N. Nosov with the whole family”

4. Help from parents in replenishing the book corner with stories by N. Nosov.

Stage III – final – 1 Week

Presentation on the works of N. Nosov

Presentation. Quiz based on the stories of N. Nosov.


During the project, the children got acquainted with a short biography of the Soviet children's writer N.N. Nosov, in his childhood, also remembered the old ones and got acquainted with the new main works of the writer. The children retold N.N.’s story. Nosov “On the Hill, Cucumbers, Living Hat”, close to the text or according to questions asked by the teacher. The presentation of a children's quiz based on Nosov's stories between senior and preparatory groups was interesting.


1. Nikolay Nosov “Dreamers”, “Merry Family”, “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends”. Moscow "Children's Literature" 1988

2. Nikolay Nosov “Dreamers”. Publishing house "Children's Literature" Moscow 1969

3. Nikolai Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.” Publishing house "Children's Literature" Moscow 1969

4. Nikolay Nosov “Entertainers”. Publishing house "Onyx" Moscow 1999

5. Nikolay Nosov “Mishkina porridge”. Publishing house "Samovar" Moscow 2010

6. Nikolay Nosov “Patch”. Publishing house "Children's Literature" Moscow 1981

7. Reader for preschoolers.

8. My favorite writer is Nikolai Nosov. Newspaper "Pedagogical Council" No. 3 1998

9. About the work of the wonderful writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov, article 2007, Natalya Burtovaya.

10. Children's literature//ed. E. E. Zubareva M., 1985

11. Children's literature // ed. A. V. Ternovsky M., 1977

12. Russian literature for children. // edited by G. D. Polozova M., 1998

13. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

14. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development with children 5-6 years old. - M.: Education, 2009.

15. Korotkova E. P. Teaching preschool children storytelling. - M.: Education, 1982.

16. Gerbova V.V. Introducing children to fiction. Program and methodological recommendations. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

This is a funny story about Kostya and Shurik. Two friends found window putty, and then their adventures began. A friend of mine went to the cinema, where they stained one visitor’s pants with putty, almost ate it instead of gingerbread, and then lost it altogether.

Story Putty download:

Read Putty's story

One day a glazier was sealing the frames for the winter, and Kostya and Shurik stood nearby and watched. When the glazier left, they picked up the putty from the windows and began to sculpt animals from it. Only they didn’t get the animals.

Then Kostya blinded a snake and said to Shurik:

Look what I got?

Shurik looked and said:


Kostya was offended and hid the putty in his pocket. Then they went to the cinema. Shurik kept getting worried and asked:

Where's the putty?

And Kostya answered:

Here it is, in your pocket. I won't eat it!

They took tickets to the cinema and bought two mint gingerbread cookies. Suddenly the bell rang. Kostya rushed to take up space, but Shurik got stuck somewhere. Kostya took two places. He sat on one himself and put putty on the other. Suddenly an unfamiliar citizen came and sat down on the putty.

Kostya says:

This place is occupied, Shurik is sitting here.

What kind of Shurik is this? “Here I am sitting,” said the citizen.

Then Shurik came running and sat down next to him on the other side.

Where's the putty? - asks.

Quiet! - Kostya whispered and glanced sideways at the citizen.

Who is this? - asks Shurik.

Don't know.

Why are you afraid of him?

He's sitting on the putty.

Why did you give it to him?

I didn’t give it, but he sat down.

So take it!

Then the lights went out and the movie started.

Uncle,” said Kostya, “give me the putty.”

What kind of putty?

Which we picked out of the window.

Did they pick it out of the window?

Well, yes. Give it back, uncle!

Yes, I didn’t take it from you!

We know we didn't take it. You are sitting on it.

The citizen jumped up in his chair.

Why were you silent before, you scoundrel?

Well, I told you that the place is taken.

When did you speak? When I sat down already!

How did I know that you would sit down?

The citizen stood up and began to rummage around in his chair.

Well, where is your putty, villains? - he grumbled.

Wait, there she is! - said Kostya.

Look, she's smeared on the chair. We'll clean it up now.

Clean it off quickly, you worthless ones! - the citizen was seething.

Sit down! - they shouted at them from behind.

“I can’t,” the citizen made excuses. - I have putty here.

Finally the guys scraped off the putty.

Well, good now, they said. - Sit down.

The citizen sat down.

It became quiet.

Kostya was about to watch a movie, but then Shurik was heard whispering:

Have you eaten your gingerbread yet?

Not yet. And you?

Me neither. Let's eat.

A slurping sound was heard. Kostya suddenly spat and croaked:

Listen, is your gingerbread delicious?

But mine doesn't taste good. Somewhat soft. It probably melted in my pocket.

Where's the putty?

The putty is here, in your pocket... Just wait! This is not putty, but a carrot. Ugh! In the dark I mixed up, you know, putty and gingerbread. Ugh! That's why I see that it tastes bad!

Kostya angrily threw the putty on the floor.

Why did you leave her? - asked Shurik.

What do I need it for?

You don’t need it, but I need it,” Shurik grumbled and reached under the chair to look for putty. - Where is she? - he was angry. - Look now.

“Now I’ll find it,” said Kostya and also disappeared under the chair.

Ay! - was suddenly heard from somewhere below. - Uncle, let me in!

Who's that there?

Me, Kostya. Let me go!

Yes, I'm not holding you.

You stepped on my hand!

Why did you reach under the chair?

I'm looking for putty.

Kostya crawled under the chair and met Shurik nose to nose.

Who is this? - he was scared.

It's me, Shurik.

And this is me, Kostya.

Found nothing.

And I didn't find it.

Let's better watch a movie, otherwise everyone gets scared, they poke their feet in the face, they think it's a dog.

Kostya and Shurik crawled under the chairs and sat down in their places.

The inscription “The End” flashed on the screen in front of them.

The audience rushed to the exit. The guys went outside.

What kind of movie were we watching? - says Kostya. - I didn’t understand anything.

Do you think I figured it out? - Shurik answered. - Some kind of nonsense on vegetable oil. They show such pictures!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum No. 4 of the city of Dankov, Lipetsk region

Compiled by Margarita Valentinovna Balashova


Lesson topic: KVN based on the stories of N.N. Nosov

Purpose of the lesson: creating sustainable positive motivation for reading

books on the example of the life, creativity and works of N.N. Nosov.

Tasks: promote the development of children's cognitive and intellectual abilities;

summarize students’ knowledge about the stories of N.N. Nosov; develop interest in reading books, expand the literary horizons of students;

develop children's thinking and speech;

cultivate observation, hard work, and the desire to acquire knowledge; help understand the meaning of friendship and team; promote the development of reproductive activity associated with the active work of thinking: the ability to argue, analyze, classify, generalize.


Cognitive: the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks. Regulatory: the ability to plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation. Communicative skills: ability to formulate answers, ability to collaborate with classmates. Personal: formation of a positive attitude towards the process of reading, books: enriching the spiritual world of children through interest in the inner world of people using the examples of literary heroes.

Subject: the ability to answer questions based on the content of what is read, guess what is being said, and correctly construct answers to questions.

Equipment: presentation, portrait of the writer, exhibition of books by N. Nosov, exhibition of drawings by students, poster: « All Nosov’s heroes are as if they were alive, and their imagination, their actions and even tricks teach readers goodness and nobility” S.V. Mikhalkov,

V.P. Kataev: “...He perfectly comprehended the psychology of that wonderful, strange, sweet human being called “boy”... “The one who became friends with the books of Nikolai Nosov will become a man with a capital letter - brave, cheerful, selflessly loving our Motherland" A. Aleksin

Progress of the lesson.

I.Organizing time.

The call gave us a signal:
The time has come to work.
So let's not waste time
And we begin to work

II. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we guys are holding an extracurricular event based on the works of an extraordinary person, a talented, great children's writer.

His books are read with great pleasure by children and re-read by adults. He is the author of many short stories and novellas “The Cheerful Family”, “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”, “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home”. But the most famous novel is the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.”

Take off your hat to Nosov,
After all, this is Dunno’s dad himself!
And by the way, there are a lot of funny stories,
Besides, he also wrote for the guys!

III.Contents of the lesson.

1.About the life and work of N.N. Nosov

Let us remember the life and work of N.N. Nosova.

Let's solve the crossword puzzle.

    The city where Nikolai Nosov spent his childhood? (Irpen)

    The title of the first story written by Nosov? (Entertainers)

    In which magazine was the first story published? (Murzilka)

    What did Nosov write besides stories? (Stories)

    What did he produce with his cousins? (Magazine)

    For whom did Nosov write his first stories? (For son)

    For whom were Nikolai Nosov's works written? (For children)

    Who is the main character of his fairy tale novel? (Dunno)

    What institute did Nosov study at? (Cinematography)

    What was the name of the magazine published by Nosov and his brothers? (X)

    What did Nikolai Nikolaevich work after graduating from the institute? (Director)

    The city where Nikolai Nosov was born? (Kyiv)


2. Presentation of commands.

We have created three teams. Teams need to create a team name from the given letters. 1: z e i k i t i n a; 2: a t e r f n a s; 3: e n k n i a k.

Team "Zateiniki" Our motto: Entertainers never get bored – We are jacks of all trades! Our motto: do not lose heart, go through everything and find out everything. Team "Fantasers" Our motto: Dreamers don’t even care about everyday gray days. We can imagine to make it more fun for everyone.

Team "Dunno" Our motto:
They call us Dunnos,
But they know our talents!
We dance, write and read
We know about everything in the world!

Every person knows
What is smarter than UNKNOW, no!

3. Competition “Warm-up”

In which story did the guys throw a hat? ("Live Hat" by N. Nosov)
Who got under the hat in the story “The Hat”? (Cat Vaska) What were the names of the boys in the story “The Living Hat”? (Vovka, Vadik)

In which story did Mishutka and Stasik make up tall tales? (“Dreamers.”) What vegetables did the boys pick in the collective farm garden? (Cucumbers) What was the name of the boy in the story “Patch”? (Bobka.)

What were the names of the boys in the story "Putty"? (Kostya and Shurik)

What did the boys do when the glazier left? (They peeled off the putty)

What was the name of the boy from the story “Grandma Dina” "? (Slavik)

4. Competition “Lost and Found”.

Determine which works of N. Nosov these objects escaped from? (I show things, each team gets a chip for the correct answer).
Threads, needles, fabric - "Patch"
The book "The Three Little Pigs" - "Entertainers" Potato - "Living Hat" Mimosa, photo frame - “Grandma Dina” Cucumber – “Cucumbers” Ice cream – “Dreamers”

5. Competition "Put the picture together."

Who can put together the illustration faster and name what work the picture came from?

6. Competition “Identify the sender”

Please help me find out who the telegrams are from. “Thank you, dear mother! My soul is now happy! I'm not a thief! (“Cucumbers” Kotka) “Our cat is missing. Vaska, my dear, how did you get under the hat?” (“The Living Hat.” Vadik) “Help me find the putty, I lost it in the cinema.” (“The Putty” Shurik) “We are not ashamed. We are not deceiving anyone. We’re just making it up, as if we’re telling fairy tales.” (“Fantasers” Stasik) “I should also learn how to sew buttons!” (“Patch” Bobka) “Uncle Vasily took her off at the factory in overalls. And when she puts on a beautiful dress on a holiday, you won’t even recognize her!” (“Grandma Dina, Slavik)

7. Competition “Guess the missing word.” Each team receives a card with phrases with missing words. Task: insert the missing words; determine which story the phrases are from. “- You know, Svetochka, your mother is very beautiful, and my mother is very beautiful, but my mother is still... (more beautiful than your mother. “Grandma Dina”) “- I won’t go! Grandpa has a gun. He will shoot and... (kill me. “Cucumbers”) “- Do you think I figured it out? - Shurik answered. - Some nonsense on... (vegetable oil. “Putty”)

“I was swimming in the sea once,” says Mishutka, “and a shark attacked me. I hit her with my fist, and she grabbed me by the head - ... (and took a bite. “Fantasers”)

"- What you! Are there really hats... (alive? “Living hat”)

8. Black Box Competition

Determine what subject we are talking about.

9. Competition “Match the proverb and the story”

Take it together, it won't be too heavy. (On the hill). Fear has big eyes. (Living hat).

You made the porridge yourself, so you can disentangle it yourself. (Cucumbers).

Patience gives skill. (Patch). Lying does not lead to good. (Karasik) Speaking the truth boldly is a good deed. (Dreamers)

10. Competition “Define the story”

Using the supporting words, name the work of N. Nosov. If a team doesn't know, the other team answers.

Bench, jam, Africa, sea. ("Dreamers")

Wolf, blanket, table. (“Entertainers”)

Chest of drawers, poker, potatoes, sofa. ("Live Hat")

Threads, fence, soldier (“Patch”)

Cinema, chairs, gingerbread (“Putty”)

11. Captains competition.

Test with questions based on the stories of N. Nosov. For each question there are 3 possible answers. You need to choose the only correct one from them and highlight the letter of the answer.

1. Who was afraid of the wolf under the bed? A)Valya "Zateiniki" b) Ira “Fantasers” c) Bear “Knock - knock - knock” 2. What did Volodya throw into the hat in the story “The Living Hat”? a) stick b) toyc) potatoes 3.What were the names of the heroes in the story “Entertainers”? a) Kostya and Mishka b) Valya and Petya c) Kotka and Pavlik4. What did mom give to Vitalik? a) an aquarium with fish b) kitten c) telephone5. What was the name of the fish?a) goldfishb) silver crucian carp c) perch6. What was the name of the kitten in the story “Karasik”?A) Murzik b) Vaska c) Fluff7. What game did Valya and Petya play in the story “Entertainers”?a) “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”b) “The Three Little Pigs” c) "Three Hunters"» 8. Who put jam on my sister’s lips?a) Igor b) Mishutka c) Stasik9.Where did Kotka and Pavlik go when returning from fishing? a) garden b) vegetable garden c) dacha 10. Who had wonderful pants?a) Bobki b) Bones c) Pavlik 13th competition “Decipher the words”

Decipher the phrase and name the work.

The key to the cipher is the alphabet.

Team 1: “17 16 19 13 21 11, / 21 / 20 6 2 33 / 17 18 33 15 10 12 / 3 12 21 19 15 29 11? "

“Listen, / is / your / gingerbread / delicious? "- story "Putty".

Team 2: “20 1 12 10 6 / 19 3 10 19 20 12 10 / 15 6 / 17 18 16 5 1 32 20 19 33.”

“Such / whistles / are / not / for sale” - story “Karasik”.

Team 3: “19 21 14 6 13 / 17 16 18 31 20 30 / 19 21 14 6 11 / 10 / 9 1 26 10 20 30 /

“Managed / to tear, / managed / and / sew up / with a fly.” - story “Cucumbers”

14. Competition “Find the extra picture”

It is necessary to determine which of the proposed pictures is “extra” and name the work.

    Fish, fishing rod, cucumbers, watermelon("Cucumbers")

    Hat, potatoes, poker, cucumber("Live Hat")

    Pants, fence, thread, tailor("Patch")

    Police whistle, fish, dog, cutlet (“Karasik”)

15. Competition “Who pronounces the phrase? »

1. “I’m having lunch,” he thought, “and poor Murzik is sitting in the basement.” (“Karasik” Vitalik) 2. - Mom, I brought you cucumbers! (“Cucumbers” Kotka)

3. - Well, that's what! - he said. - I was once in Africa, and a crocodile ate me there. (“Fantasers” Stasik) 4- Look, guys, what kind of pants I have. Soldiers!. (“Patch” by Bobka) 5. - Let's go together. I'll take the poker. If she comes to us, I’ll crack her with a poker. (“Living Hat” by Vovka) 6. Mom and Dad went to work in the North for two years, and I live with Grandma Ding. Grandma Ding is good. (“Grandma Dina” Slavik)

16. Competition "Blitz tournament".

What was the weapon used to shoot the hat? (Potato)

Where was the hat? (On the dresser)

What did Vovka and Vadik play from the story “The Living Hat”? (Colored the pictures)

What was the whistle made of? (Made of iron)

Whom did mom call a robber, and Vitalik a stupid head? (Murzika)

What did Kostya and Shurik read on the screen from the story “Putty”? (End)

Who covered the frames for the winter? (Glazier)

What Kostya made out of putty. (Snake)

What color were Bobka's pants? (Green, protective color)

What does the patch on Bobkin's pants look like? (Cucumber)

How many times did Bobka sew on a patch? (Two) What did the children argue about in kindergarten? (Whose mother is more beautiful)

17th competition “The most attentive readers.”

I will ask questions to the teams one by one, and you will answer them. If a team cannot answer a question, then fans of the opposing team answer it and thereby earn points for their team.

* What was the name of the girl in the story “Dreamers”, on whom Igor blamed him? (IRA)

* What was the name of the kitten in the story “Karasik”? (MURZIK)

* What was the name of the kitten in the story “The Living Hat”? (VASKA)

* What movie did the boys see in the story “Putty”? (NO ONE BECAUSE THEY WERE LOOKING FOR PUTTY)

*What did mom do when Kotka brought cucumbers from the collective farm garden? (MAKES YOU TAKE THEM BACK)

* What fairy tale did the children read in the story “Entertainers”? (THREE PIGLETS)

* What offense did the heroes of N.N.’s story commit? “Cucumbers” Pavlik and Kotka?

* How do you feel about Pavlik? (He is dishonest, a coward, and does not want to be held accountable for his actions.)

* Was it easy for Kotka to return to the field? (No, he was ashamed.)

* Why was Kotka happy in his soul when he ran home? (He admitted his actions and asked for forgiveness, although it was difficult.)

*Where did Shurik and Kostya, the boys from the story “Putty”, go after buying gingerbread? (In the movie theaters.)

* What is the name of the story in which Mishutka and Stasik compose fables? ("Dreamers")

* What did Stasik use to fly us to the Moon in the story “Dreamers”? (On a rocket)

V. Summing up the lesson. Winner's reward ceremony

His heroes are mischievous

Cheerful and very funny.

Nosov is the creator of children's books.

Well, what a great guy he is

So many funny and wonderful books
He managed to write to us.
Kindness, and laughter, and humor,
He wanted to show us all.

Favorite books beautiful pages

Let them come to life!

Here are the dreamers: Stasik, Mishka,

And Kostya and Vitya.

Do you remember the story “Knock, Knock, Knock”?

A friend was once transported in a suitcase -

How did you lose the putty?

I think it's worth a look!

Here Mishka is cooking porridge,

He tries, he puffs.

And the porridge from the pan

Everything climbs and runs.

To be kind and cheerful

And you become smart!

I advise, friends:

“Take Nosov’s books!
Don't be greedy for the day -
Read the naughty story.
Take a break from your worries,
You'll have a good laugh,
And away from worries,
You will be carried away to childhood.

Our competition program is ending. I think that you liked the wonderful world of fairy tales and stories created by N. Nosov.

“All the heroes of Nikolai Nosov are “as if alive,” and their imagination, their actions and even tricks teach readers goodness,” said S. V. Mikhalkov. I hope that your love and interest in N. Nosov’s works has just begun.


1. N. Nosov “Dreamers” Moscow. 1987

Khromova Galina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten compensatory type No. 6"
Locality: Korolev, Moscow region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Project “Through the pages of Nikolai Nosov’s works”
Publication date: 17.11.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Project “Through the pages of Nikolai’s works”


Prepared by 1st category teacher Galina Nikolaevna Khromova

MBDOU Korolev, Moscow region

“Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 6 “Thumbelina”

“In the stories I wanted to pose problems: education of honesty, courage, feelings

camaraderie, will, perseverance in achieving goals, ridicule of envy, cowardice,

deceit, boasting, rudeness,” wrote writer N. Nosov


Teachers have always been faced with the task of emotional development, or formation

moral qualities of the personality of preschool children. The importance of "social

emotional" or "moral" education is obvious. It was in preschool

age, the emotional and moral foundations of the individual and attitude towards

to other people. Fiction opens and announces life to a child

society and nature, the world of human feelings and mutual understandings. She develops

thinking and imagination of a child, enriches his emotions, gives beautiful images

Russian literary language. Its enormous educational, educational and

aesthetic value.

Objective of the project:

- introducing children to the works of N. Nosov

- development of speech and emotional responsiveness through the works of N. Nosov and

living, and understanding the moral foundations of man in social


1. Introduce children to the works of children's writer Nikolai Nosov.

2. Learn to understand funny, funny, amusing plots of Nosov’s works.

3. Promote the development of children’s dialogical speech, enrich and activate

vocabulary, increase the expressiveness of speech.

4. Develop individual emotional manifestations in all types of activities,

creative abilities of preschoolers.

5. Nurture the moral qualities of the child’s personality.

6. Interact with specialists in project activities.

7. Involve parents in family reading of literary works.

Type of project – research - creative

The subject of the research is the works of N. Nosov

Project period – short-term (1 month)

Project participants: educators, students of the compensatory group

directions for children with speech impairments 5-6 years old, parents, teachers -


Expected results:

To interest children in the works of Nikolai Nosov.

Attract interest in listening to stories.

Teach children to see a problem and outline solutions (with the help of an adult).

Learn to work in a team.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1. Preparatory

Drawing up a project passport.

Selection of children's fiction for reading to children (works by N.

N. Nosova)

Preparing the presentation.

Work with methodological material and literature on this topic.

Creating a developmental environment: selecting materials, theatrical attributes

activities; illustrated material, works by N.N. Nosova, cartoons

according to the writer's stories.

Preparation of consultation material for parents “Biography of N. Nosov”,

“How to develop speech in children?”, “What benefits does a book bring to children?”

Stage 2. Performance



Conversation “Where the book came to us” (the history of the book’s creation)

Conversation on moral topics “What is friendship?”, “Good and

bad deeds"

Conversation “Illustrators”

Conversation with practical actions “How to provide first

Conversation “Rules of behavior on the road”

Conducting an educational lesson “My beloved

children's writer - N. Nosov."

Conducting a lesson on familiarization with artistic

literature “Tell me about your favorite hero!”


Outdoor games “Dreamers”, “Get to know a friend”, “Colored


Role-playing games: game “Car”, “Library”,

“Construction of the Flower City”, “Cooking Porridge”

Exercise “Put yourself in the shoes of the hero of the story”

Didactic games: “Patch”, “Call kindly”, “Transfer

feelings”, “Find out the story from the illustration”

Pantomime game “Get to know the hero”



Making your own funny poems from

works “How Dunno Was a Writer”, choosing a rhyme.

Reading the work “Dunno and His Friends”

Reading and conversation based on the stories “Patch”, “Telephone”, “Live

hat”, “Karasik”, “Step”, “Knock-knock-knock”, “Entertainers”,

“Putty”, “Dreamers”, “Metro”, “Cucumbers”, “Car”

Watching cartoons about Dunno.

Dramatization of the story “Patch”, “Dreamers”



Making paper crafts “Hat”

Drawing on the theme “Book covers by N. Nosov”

Drawing in coloring books “Dunno and His Friends”

Design of a homemade book “Kaleidoscope of Stories”

Stage 3. Final

Presentation “For children about Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosovo».

Design of an artistic and productive exhibition of family works based on friends

works by N. Nosov “Children's writer Nikolai Nosov and his book heroes.”

Literary and musical leisure “Through the pages of N. Nosov’s works”


During the project, the children got acquainted with a short biography of the children's writer N.N.

Nosov, also got acquainted with the writer’s new works. Children

retold the story of N.N. Nosova, close to the text or on questions asked

teacher, participated in performances. They played out the actions of the heroes of the works

in games. The literary and musical leisure time based on stories was interesting

works by Nosov. Exhibition of crafts and drawings made by the children of the group

together with parents based on the works of Nosov. Preschoolers began to show

sustained interest in fiction. The group has created the necessary

conditions for introducing children to Nosov’s work. Parents were introduced to

family reading of literary works, involved in the life of the kindergarten.


1. N. Nosov “Big Book of Stories”. 2014

2.A. Levertinov “Biography of Nikolai Nosov”. 1998

3. N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.” 1991

4. Agapova I., Davydova M. Literary games for children; Lada - Moscow, 2010.

5. N. Semenova “N. Nosov in children’s literature.” 1991

6. Gritsenko Z.A. Send me readings of good...: A guide for reading and storytelling

7. Korotnova N. Fiction in educational work with children

senior preschool age/Preschool education, 2001.

7. Ostrovskaya L.F. Conversations with parents about the moral education of preschoolers. –

9. Petrovsky V. A. “Development of social emotions in preschool children.” M -

10. Kolpakova N. “Development of the emotional and moral sphere and communication skills in

senior preschool children.