Games English. Using game forms of work in English lessons

In play, the process of language acquisition occurs faster and easier, timidity and slowness disappear, and children learn unnoticed by themselves. That is why, due to their unobtrusive nature, game elements are so often used in the learning process. How to diversify 45 minutes of sitting at your desks and make the lesson not only effective, but also interesting? How to attract the younger generation to learn English?

So, what should you use to make the process of learning foreign words, sometimes alien structures and sounds, fall in love? Educational and educational games for children in English will be the best solution, assistant and friend. While playing, the child does not fully realize that he is learning; he does not look at how many words remain to be remembered or pages to read. Captivated by the plot, finding a solution or other tasks, children involuntarily expand their vocabulary, learn to understand, speak and read.

Games in English lessons

Many people mistakenly believe that this method of teaching is useful only for younger students, but for older students it is enough to read a textbook or listen to a teacher’s explanation. This is a deep misconception. Even an adult sometimes wants to play, let alone children. But everything is good in moderation.

1. Phonetic

  • I hear - I don’t hear

The teacher names words, for example, with the sounds [ð] and [θ]. If the first sound is pronounced, the children raise their hand, if the second sound is pronounced, they clap their hands. The game is aimed at developing phonemic hearing.

  • What word sounds

The learner is offered 10-20 words, which are written and distributed in advance. The teacher reads words at a certain speed in a varied sequence. Students should mark the ones that were said on the list (or, alternatively, put in order how they sounded).

  • Connecting the same sounds

Pictures are distributed (may be different for each child). Task: “Connect pictures that start with the same sound and name the objects depicted there.”

2. Spelling games

  • One letter

The teacher offers to name all the objects on any topic starting with the corresponding letter. Whoever names the most wins.

  • Card letters

The teacher distributes 3-4 pictures between students, which depict objects known to them. Then he names the letter, and the students must raise the corresponding cards for this sound, letter. (Alternatively, you can make the game more difficult. The teacher raises the pictures without naming them. Students must name the word and raise the corresponding letter). The one who is left without cards before others wins.

  • Telegrams

The teacher writes a word on the board. Each student must come up with a telegram (one or two sentences), in which the first word begins with the first letter written on the board, the second with the second, and so on.

  • The letters fell apart

The word is written in large letters, then cut. The children must assemble it. “Guys, I had a word, but it fell apart. Help me collect.” The one who collects the fastest wins. (As a grammatical version of this game, you can use a split sentence. This method is very effective in teaching how to construct questions and negatives for different tenses)

3. Vocabulary games for learning English

  • Cross out the extra word

The teacher offers different cards of 4-6 words. The student must find one extra thing that is not connected with others on the topic. For example, cow, dog, wolf, sheep, cat, horse - the odd word is wolf - does not relate to the topic “Pets”.

  • What's missing?

Objects on a specific topic are laid out in front of the children. Then students close their eyes and one of the objects is removed. “Close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing?” (you can appoint a child as a driver)

4. Grammar games

  • Write "my verb" correctly

The teacher writes several sentences on the board or cards, for example, on the topic Present Continuous. In places where auxiliary and semantic verbs should appear, spaces are placed (the semantic verb is in the infinitive form). Students must fill in the blanks. But, after giving 4 children cards “is, am, are, ing”, they go around and check the correct spelling of sentences. For example: “Did you remember to use me?” Here children must not only choose the right word, but also put it in the appropriate place.

  • Hide and seek in the picture (prepositions of place).

The teacher first selects a picture depicting any room. One of the students “hides” in this room, for example, under the table. He writes down his place on a piece of paper and gives it to the teacher. The children try to guess where he would hide. The one who guesses becomes the driver.

  • This is my spot

This game is very effective in learning different tenses and constructing sentences. Each player is given a card with one of the members of the sentence (I, do, at home, in, and so on). The teacher says a sentence in Russian, and the children must, accordingly, stand in the right order.

5. Games to develop listening skills

  • Guess who came

One student comes to the board and is blindfolded. Other children from the class take turns approaching him and saying hello, asking how he is doing, getting to know each other, or practicing other lexical topics. The driver must find out who is talking to him now by his voice.

  • Children's drawings

The teacher should give homework assignments in advance, for example, draw your room or family, toys, books. It all depends on the topic being studied. In the next lesson, the drawings are attached to the board (you can use not all, but 3-4). The teacher talks about one of the pictures, and the students must guess whose picture is being described.

6. Outdoor games, one way or another, related to lexical, grammatical or phonetic material.

  • Listen to the command

For example, the game can be aimed at practicing prepositions. In this case, it is better to carry out it with some object, for example, a chair. The teacher names the command and preposition, and the children perform: on the chair, under the chair, etc.

  • Reading the map

Children are given empty columns - tables - in advance. The whole class is divided into two teams. One by one, one of the participants runs up to the map, finds the desired name there and writes it down on a piece of paper. The team that completes the task faster wins.

  • Be careful.

Each participant is given a card with a certain word. Children sit in a circle. The teacher names one child. As soon as the student hears his word, he must stand up, run a circle and return to his seat. Those who miss their turn are eliminated.

7. Games to develop speaking skills

  • Chain

The teacher begins the story, says the first sentence. The children continue along the chain. (For example: I get up at 7 o’clock. I take a shower. I have breakfast....) You can complicate the game like this: each subsequent student repeats all previous sentences, and in the end, the last one must tell the whole story. Another variant of the chain: start each subsequent sentence with the last word of the previous one.

  • We are writing a story.

Participants receive sentences written on cards, they read it independently, comprehend it, and do not show it to anyone. The teacher says the first thing, and the rest, according to the logical sequence, must insert their own. At the end the whole story reads correctly.

For children of preschool and primary school age, you can often use games in English lessons. For middle and senior management, it is better to include some elements. After all, remember - children, of course, like to play, but gradually they must move on to independent activity, the ability to read a textbook and find information there, and use all available resources. Therefore, it is better to find a middle ground between game lessons and educational activities. Then the children will not be bored, and they will master the relevant skills.

Learn English at home

At home it is necessary to continue learning the language. All the tasks listed above can be used by parents. In addition, so that mom or dad has more free time, offer the children English computer games . Today, everyone, young and old, loves to spend hours in front of the screen of an “irreplaceable family member.” And so that your time is not wasted, you can download and install programs for your kids. And some of them are available online. Games in English for children must be selected according to age.

  • For babies:“Luntik”, “Learning English letters - Sesame Street”, “Kuzya is learning English”, “Hello, Boo”, “Mickey Mouse School”.
  • For schoolchildren:"Magic Lessons: Alice in Wonderland", "English for Children", "English from A to Z: Spy Mission", "Fun English for Children", .
  • For lazy people: course "English for hooligans". When you turn on the computer, the program blocks all others until the English language task assigned by your parents is completed. You can log out using a password, which, of course, only parents will know.
  • Online coloring pages, English games for girls and boys, puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, lotto, dominoes.

If many of you are wondering how to teach your child English, then games are the best choice. You can come up with them yourself, you can take them from textbooks, or you can look for them on the Internet, where there are a lot of different “developers” available.

The game, as a specific process of educational activity, is given a special place in the methodology. Game forms of learning are indispensable in learning a foreign language. They help, at different stages of studying certain linguistic phenomena, to comprehend the logic and systemic features of a foreign language environment. For children, play is the main activity, so in foreign language lessons, teachers increasingly give preference to playful forms of working on the material.

Pros and cons of gaming activities in English lessons

Children learn learning material more easily through play

A. S. Makarenko: “The game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as an adult’s activity, work, service. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up.”

The game in an English lesson has a multi-stage goal - teaching, developmental and educational:

  • helps explain certain linguistic features;
  • develops learning skills;
  • creates interest in the subject being studied.

Gaming technologies can be used at any stage of the lesson:

  • presentation of new material;
  • automation of the use of new material in practice;
  • consolidation of acquired knowledge;
  • as a control point for checking the assimilation of information.

In addition, gaming techniques guarantee a positive learning outcome for both the student and the teacher because:

  • all students are included in the educational process (the emotionality of the games captivates children);
  • each participant in the game can show their personal qualities (spontaneity of joint activity reveals not only the child’s educational abilities, but also his character traits, helps to socialize among peers and teachers);
  • even difficult language material can be presented in an accessible way for children;
  • The teacher experiences professional satisfaction, since with the help of the game, not only does learning the material go faster, but the lesson as a whole is carried out on an emotional upsurge.

However, despite all the positive aspects of gaming activities, there are a number of points that make some methodologists wary of introducing gaming aspects into an English lesson:

  • game elements distract from the educational material (during the game it is much more important for the child to concentrate on the conditions of the game, and not on its content);
  • it becomes difficult to maintain discipline in the classroom (it takes a lot of time to explain the rules - children are distracted from the educational material);
  • children do not join the game at the same time (some are too late, and some do not want to play at all, because they do not associate the entertaining form of activity with the lesson);
  • It is difficult to take students of any age out of the game and concentrate on other forms of work;
  • the teacher has to spend a lot of time preparing didactic material for the game;
  • Games in the classroom often provoke conflicts between children.

Types of games

The teacher selects a game for a specific lesson task

There are several classifications of games in the English lesson, which differ:

  • by the nature of the game (moving, static, role-playing);
  • form (riddles, crosswords, imitations);
  • goals (games for assimilation of educational information, consolidation, games for changing the type of activity, for getting to know each other);
  • the nature of the didactic material (phonetic, lexical, communicative).

As a rule, teachers use games from different categories in accordance with the objectives of the lesson.


Phonics games for toddlers make it easier to remember the alphabet

This type of gaming technique is aimed at practicing the correct pronunciation of individual sounds and sound combinations of the English language. Phonetic games are especially relevant for younger schoolchildren, as they allow them to master the articulatory nuances of the language they are learning. For example, when introducing a new sound, the teacher names 6-7 words where this sound occurs. The children's task is to name the sound (for middle grades this game can be complicated: guess the sound or sounds and write a transcription sign, for older students - add a number of words with the same sound).

An excellent game for learning and practicing transcription signs: “How many sounds are there in the picture?” - the teacher gives the children pictures that depict various objects, then names the sound (you can also write it on the board), and the children must show pictures with this sound. In parallel with the main task, you can ask children to write a sound and a word, thereby starting to work on lexical material.

The game “Dominoes” is well suited for practicing pronunciation: students are given chips on which the word and transcription are written. The first participant places a chip with a word, the task of the rest is to choose the transcription of this word. Next, participants look for a chip with the next word for a given transcription. At the same time, a mandatory requirement is to pronounce the words.


Using a ball you can diversify vocabulary games

This is the most popular type of game, as it allows you to automate the use of lexical units in speech. As a variant of the lexical game - “True/false”. The teacher names objects and shows cards. At the same time, the children are asked to repeat the word (the pronunciation is being practiced; for older children, you can make it more difficult to write the word) and say whether it matches the picture. For elementary school students, these can be mono-pictures (which show only one object), and for middle school students, the picture can be a plot one, and the named object needs to be found. The last option also works for mindfulness training.

Another very famous game is relay race. It requires a ball. The teacher gives a definition of a word or phrase and throws a ball to the student - the child must guess the word. If a student fails to complete the task, he is eliminated from the game. This type of gaming activity is well received by middle school students who need frequent changes of activity.

When studying topics with a lot of vocabulary, you can play “Topic Bingo”. For example, “Culinary Lotto”: children of two or three teams are given cards with pictures of products. The teams' task is to create a recipe using these ingredients. As an option for complication, you can add grammatical constructions for constructing sentences with the imperative mood.


Didactic material for games must be selected with special care

Communication games are the most popular in the process of learning English. They help to realize the main goal of teaching a foreign language - to learn the semantic perception of foreign language speech and to develop skills in using language structures in unprepared communication. For communicative games, foreign language teachers recommend using audio applications. For example, “Who is the champion?” Students are asked to listen to a passage of dialogue and write down all the adjectives used in it. For younger children, you can offer to paint over the story picture with flowers, as the participants in the dialogue presented in the recording did. Middle schoolchildren enjoy the simulation game “Like a fish.” The teacher offers to watch a video clip without sound. Children must voice what they see.

The game “A Pop Star” helps to train dialogical speech skills. Each student is a popular pop star who must create an original rider of 5 unusual things for the tour. Students exchange lists and ask to explain this or that position.

Video: Communication games for primary school age


The teacher’s task is to involve all children in the game process

The role-playing nature of the game is most preferable in English lessons. Since, in addition to fulfilling educational goals, such games develop in children the ability to work in a team and develop a healthy spirit of competition. For example, when studying the topic “Colors”, children are offered the game “Who is faster?” The teacher writes numbers randomly on the board, calls two (or more) students and begins to quickly name the numbers. Children must circle the word they hear with chalk. The winner is the one who made no mistakes and did not go astray. High school students like the game "Investigator". The group is divided into three investigative teams. The leader from each team asks to find the missing family member, gives a detailed description, and the “investigators” must draw the most accurate sketch. The team that makes the most accurate drawing according to the description wins.


The game should not become the main activity in the lesson.

When choosing a game for an English lesson for kids, you should pay special attention to active activities. For example, song games: children listen to a song and repeat the actions that are sung about in it. By the way, this type of activity is also quite acceptable for middle-aged schoolchildren: only the change of actions should be faster and more varied. For outdoor games, you can use a ball, toys or cards. The last attribute is indispensable for the game on Valentine's Day: students must find their “half” by making up a whole statement from the halves written on the cards. To make it more difficult in high school, you can add to the task: explain this phrase.

Probably the most difficult thing in raising children is getting them to do something. Especially if they are not very interested. For example, learn English.

For many children, this is simply torment, because they are torn out of their usual habitat - from the game where they are fun and comfortable. “Nothing,” you say, “we’ll find a governess with knowledge of English who will communicate with the child from the very beginning only in English, and that’s all.” This is an excellent option, but not everyone can afford it.

What then should we do if we decide to teach the child ourselves or send him to school? When then to start? As early as possible is not really our option if the child has not yet fully learned his native language. If the child manages to express his own speech competently and clearly and understand yours without any problems, you can begin.

Of course, it’s worth starting with the play form, which is so familiar and understandable, gradually increasing the load and taking into account the child’s interests. Please note that it is better to conduct shorter and more frequent lessons, giving time to rest, than to torment your child with hour and a half lectures and seminars.

It is better to introduce a foreign language in the same way as it was with your native language - first repeat words and phrases after us, and then add rules and systematize what you have learned, not forgetting about the game form.

Types of educational games in English

Let's start with the possible types of games:

  • Group(in class, in group);
  • Individual(paired with a parent).

Both types can be active games, or games for attention, speed of writing, logic, etc., which do not require physical activity. The main goal of the former is socialization, because it is here that the child learns to communicate with other people, make friends and learn the rules of etiquette. Among other things, such games can raise team spirit and introduce competition, which often motivates the child to complete the task better and faster.

Group English games for children

Simon says. A fun, simple and active game, the essence of which is to follow the instructions. The game host says the phrase “Simon says” and, for example, “touch your nose” - touch your nose, or “clap your hands” - clap your hands. The game is perfect for a short physical exercise break or warm-up.

Countable and uncountable. Using a ball and standing in a circle, you can easily and cheerfully take a break and repeat nouns. We just throw the ball and name the word, and the one who caught it says whether it is countable or not. If the answer is incorrect, the player is eliminated.

Basketball. Props: 2 buckets (baskets) and stickers. We divide the class or group of children into 2 teams and give any topic of words. Over the next minute, members of each team write as many words as possible on a given topic, roll what they wrote into a ball and throw it into the opponent’s basket. At the end of the minute, the results are summed up - only pieces of paper from the basket with correctly written words are counted. The team that throws in the most pieces of paper wins.

Crocodile. A well-known game, the essence of which is to show a certain word to the members of your team. Great for repeating entire word themes. The team that finishes first or shows the most words in a certain period of time wins.

Freeze. We simply ask the children to run around the class, but at the moment when we say “Freeze”, they must freeze in some position. Our task is to unfreeze the first student by guessing who he/she is frozen in. For example: Are you a cat? - Yes, I am / No, I am not. The one who was unfrozen in the same way unfreezes the others.

Fairytale. The game, which is so popular at corporate events and weddings, can easily be suitable for an English lesson. For props, you need a simple story in English (the stranger, the merrier) and posters with inscriptions (for example, dog, tree, wind, etc.). We distribute roles among the children and begin to read: the wind has moved the tree, the dog says “bark”, etc.

There are also games that you can easily play with your child at home, as a couple.

English games for two

Colors. We give the command “quickly touch something red” - quickly touch something red. You can complicate the game and give the command to bring something - bring me a blue book - bring a blue book.

Opposites. You just need to name the antonyms for English words: men - women, white - black, etc. To make it a little more interesting, you can throw a ball and name the antonyms.

Where is it? The game is interesting because you can play hide and seek with different objects and repeat prepositions and names of objects in English. While we turn away, the child hides, for example, a book and we must find it, following the instructions - look at the wall, on the shelf, next to the lamp, etc.

dress me up. A fun way to repeat clothing names. We ask the child to put on a coat, a hat, etc., but do not remove the previous item. We play until there is nothing left to wear or simply nowhere to wear.

What am I doing? A fun way to unwind. We show the child how we walk or dance, and his task is to describe what exactly we are doing. For example, you are dancing, you are walking.

As many as you can. We take a big word or phrase from which we need to come up with as many English words as possible in 2 minutes. The winner is the one who comes up with the most words (make sure they are all spelled correctly).

Can you draw? The game will allow the child to unleash his imagination. You can repeat the names of objects, giving the opportunity to draw what we called in English, for example, a bear or an apple. You can vary the game - let them color and sign in English the picture that we prepared in advance. You can hang these works around the house and then repeat the words you have already learned involuntarily, because your child will definitely come across them with his eyes.

What is missing? We develop attentiveness and repeat the names of objects. We lay out several objects in front of the child (or show him a room with objects). Then we ask him to turn away or leave the room, after which we remove one object. The child’s task is to name the missing object in English.

This list can be replenished with types of games for a very long time, if only there was time for all these activities.

How children can learn English by playing

But what if we are busy, and the child already has a lot of electives, swimming, piloting an airplane every Tuesday and Thursday? In this case, sending the child to a tutor or to a local language school will be too difficult, because again this is time, which is already short. In addition, the chances that the child will receive proper attention become even less.

In this case, English via Skype will come to the rescue. Judge for yourself - the child is at home nearby, we can spy on what he is doing there and see immediately whether there is progress and benefit from these activities. You can also improve your homework + receive feedback, influence the learning process and flexibly change your schedule if necessary.

You can say that this is ineffective and that the child simply will not sit in front of the computer for that long, but this will not be entirely true. If a lesson of up to an hour in duration is correctly structured from a methodological point of view, as well as taking into account age characteristics, then the lesson simply flies by with great pleasure and benefit for the child.

“But the child does not sit next to the teacher and cannot write in a notebook, as in a regular lesson!”, you say. This is true, but that is precisely why he will open up to the teacher more easily and quickly, being at home, in a comfortable environment. And writing practice can also be done, like many other things, because an online teacher has a huge variety of tools. Interactive online whiteboards, of which there are now a lot (for example, allow the child to draw and write, see and move pictures, compare words and sentences, and all this is seen and easily corrected by the teacher.

Board games. You won’t believe it, but with the help of the same online board and a simple dice (which can also be thrown online), you can play fun board games - the child makes a move, depending on the number on the dice, and completes the task from the square he lands on (smile, tell about your family, show a monkey, etc.). The same game of writing as many words as possible from one phrase in English can be easily played on Skype, as well as crocodile, Simon says or colors.

A teacher who has undergone special training and knows how to properly motivate a child, distribute the load, and take into account the age characteristics and interests of students will also play a significant role. By the way, these are the kind of teachers we have at the EnglishDom online school! You can see this for yourself by enrolling your child in a free introductory lesson, where they will help you determine their level of language proficiency and select the most suitable teacher and training program for children.

And if your child is already old enough, you can teach him to use our training sessions, where, with the help of pictures and interesting interactive exercises, you can learn sets of words, watch an interesting video in English, and even review grammar.


Thus, we can safely say that the online learning format has an impressive number of advantages: a game format is also available, huge time savings, comfortable conditions, a convenient schedule, the ability to influence the learning process and regular feedback from the teacher. We will be happy to help your child significantly improve his English level.

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Using game forms of work in English lessons

in primary school

Melnichenko Yu.E.

English teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 68




    Main part. Variability of game forms.



5. Application.


Junior school age brings with it great opportunities for learning about the world around us, including the English language. Any adult perfectly remembers poems and songs learned in childhood, regardless of what language they were in, native or foreign - it’s worth remembering one line - and the whole poem immediately comes to mind. This happens because a young child has well-developed long-term memory. Everything he taught is remembered for a long time. But RAM is less developed. Time passes before the child learns to extract information from memory on demand, before he moves from recognizing units to meaningful use. In this case, you should take advantage of children's memory, such as the strength of memorization. The child is able to memorize language material in whole blocks, as if “imprinting” it into memory. But this happens when he has created an appropriate mindset and it is very important for him to remember this or that material. The easiest way to do this is in the game. If, in order to achieve success in the game, a child needs to perform some kind of speech action, then it is mastered almost without effort. The game creates excellent natural conditions for language acquisition; it helps language acquisition at any age, but at primary school age it is especially productive. At this age, play is a way of introducing adults to the world, a way of learning.

The more children are immersed in the atmosphere of a game with unpredictable results, but according to clear rules, the more successful their learning will be. There should be no fear that children who play “too much” will not learn seriousness and responsibility. The child is excellent at distinguishing the fictional world from the real world and transfers the skills acquired in the game to really meaningful activities.

Play is an activity in which a child first emotionally and then intellectually masters the entire system of human relationships. This feature of the game has great potential for managing the process of intensifying the educational and cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren. Games are multifunctional. They have a complex impact on the intellectual, emotional, volitional, communicative and other aspects of the growing personality.
The variety of games that we can use in English lessons in primary school is enormous. Games in the classroom give us the opportunity to:
– justify the requirement for a child to communicate with partners in English, which is actually unreasonable;
– find ways and show the significance of English phrases built according to the simplest models;
– make the repetition of the same speech patterns and standard dialogues emotionally attractive.
In teaching practice, teachers use didactic games with the aim of: developing the linguistic competence of students; development and implementation of the child’s cognitive activity.

There is another reason why an early age is preferable for learning a foreign language. The younger the child, the smaller his vocabulary in his native language. But at the same time, his speech needs are also smaller: a young child has fewer areas of communication than an older child, and he does not yet have to solve complex communication problems. This means that when mastering a foreign language, he will not feel such a huge gap between his capabilities in his native and foreign languages, and his sense of success will be more vivid than that of older children.

Extracurricular work in the subject allows you to make full use of the possibilities of game-based learning and creative initiative of the teacher and students to increase the motivation of children.

    Variability of game forms.

There are different approaches to classifying games.

In accordance with the pedagogical conditions for the formation of cognitive activity, didactic games used in English lessons can be divided according to a certain principle. First of all, these are games that develop mental cognitive processes; forming sociocultural competence; forming a picture of the objective world; developing emotional and aesthetic experiences.

Games that shape mental cognitive processes contribute to the development of attention, memory, imagination, perception, thinking.

Game "Magic Mirror".

Goal: development of attention. Toy animals approach the mirror (one at a time). Several animals are reflected in the magic mirror. Children need to be told who they see and in what quantity:

I see a dog.

I see five dogs.

A game " I can`t see” (or “What’s missing?”)

Goal: development of attention. There are several toy animals on the table. Children close their eyes, and one toy “runs away.” Students need to answer which of the toys is missing and which of the animals is left:

I can see.

I can`t see.

(This game can easily be adapted for any theme.)

Game Simon says” (or “Please”)

Goal: development of cognitive interests. Children stand next to the teacher (or any driver). The children’s task is to follow the teacher’s (or driver’s) commands: Hands up! Sit down! Jump! Run! Skip! Swim! Etc. only if the words “Simon says...” (or “Please...”) are said before the command.

In the process of playing this game, it is possible to use lexical material on various topics.

Games that form sociocultural competence model communication situations on one occasion or another and imitate social relationships.

A game " Toy shop.”

Goal: formation of sociocultural competence. The guys act out a dialogue in a toy store.

What are you?

I am a shop-assistant.

Where do you work?

I work in the toy shop.

Then the children “buy” toys from the seller, which are displayed on the table/counter.

What would you like to buy?

I`d like to buy a toy car.

Here you are.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

Communication situations can be different: at a birthday party, at the Zoo, in the park...

Games that form a picture of the objective world, contribute to the development of cognitive interests about the world around us, which leads to the development of cognitive activity.

Game “Seasons.”

Goal: forming a picture of the surrounding world. Pictures depicting different seasons are hung on the board. Children are asked to guess which picture they are talking about (listen to a recording of short texts about the seasons using a background sound: birdsong, the sound of rain...).

Games that develop emotional and aesthetic experiences, as a rule, competitive (these are crosswords, auctions, board and printed games), command execution, rhythm and musical games. By influencing the emotionally sensitive area, such games contribute to the development of motivation for cognitive activity.

Game "Compliment".

Goal: development of emotional experiences. Students join hands to form a circle. When you meet your neighbor’s gaze, you need to say a few kind words to him, thank him for something: “You are my friend”, “You are very good”... The recipient of the compliment says: “Thank you”. In case of difficulty, the teacher helps.

Game "At the Zoo".

Goal: formation of emotional and aesthetic experiences. Children are invited to play as animals. The teacher pronounces the name of the animal, and the children must accurately reflect the movements and habits of the animal. This game can be musical.

There is also a division of games into grammatical, lexical, phonetic and spelling. These games help develop speech skills.

Let's give some examples. Lexical games.

Game "Broken Hearts"

Cut out a heart from A4 sheet. Tear the heart into equal pieces. Draw or glue a picture on each piece of the heart about the topic being studied. The pictures must be different. For example, draw a pig on one piece, and a cow on the other. Make more hearts on other topics. Each participant gets a heart.

Place all the pieces in a box or bag. Each participant draws one heart piece from the box. At first no one looks at the pictures. When all participants have drawn out the pieces, the leader commands: “Go!”. On command, participants begin to look for the remaining pieces of the heart (each their own). At the same time, they should not show each other pictures, but should describe them in English. The first heart collected wins.

Game "Rainbow".

Each student has colored pencils on his desk. The teacher sets out the conditions of the game: “Children, you probably noticed that after the rain, when the sun comes out from behind the clouds, a multi-colored rainbow appears. Let us draw such a rainbow too. But there is one condition: you draw the colors of the rainbow in the same order as I will now say in English. Let's start from the bottom arc:

Blue – red – yellow – orange – green – brown.

Game "Poets".

Counter used:

One and Two and Three and Four

I am sitting on the floor,

I am playing with the ball

And a little pretty doll.

The teacher shows two pictures with rhyming words, for example: Pen - Men, Frog - Dog, Boy - Toy. Children replace the underlined words with them.

Game "Find the differences".

Younger schoolchildren are especially enthusiastic about completing tasks involving the use of colored pencils and felt-tip pens. An example of such an exercise is a cognitive task, during which attention is also tested: color the numbers on the wings of a butterfly in different colors: yellow those written by the British, and red those written by the Russians. (Appendix 3).

Game "Entertaining steps".

It is necessary to correctly connect words with numbers - steps. (Appendix 4).

"Digital crossword". The task is more difficult than the previous one, since there is no visual support and you need to solve the crossword puzzle yourself by filling in the boxes with words. (Appendix 6).

Game "My Calendar".

Write the serial number of each month of the calendar. (Appendix 5).

Grammar games.

Game "I am a robot".

The game can be played as a warm-up during the lesson, involving all students, or as a control task on the topic studied. The teacher gives commands, and the children carry them out (learned verbs are used). The robot “picks up the signal” and carries out orders.

Game "Understand Me".

The game is played in pairs. One player depicts the action, the other names it using the learned verbs.


Connect the letters A to Z and a to z in alphabetical order, and then color the resulting pictures. (Annex 1).

Another option: write in the letters of the English alphabet to make the bike move. (Appendix 2).

  1. Conclusion.

The above classification of games helps to adjust the work on the formation of cognitive interests of primary school students in English lessons. The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson.

It should be remembered that young children perceive the world holistically, not dismembered. Their favorite activities: coloring, drawing, cutting out figures from paper, designing, singing, dancing, playing. Let the children draw on the board or in notebooks and immediately comment on what they have drawn or describe it, let them cut out figures according to the teacher’s oral instructions in a foreign language, let them sing not only songs, but also sing speech patterns.

It is very important to remember that a foreign language lesson in elementary school should be united by a common theme, but the activities of children in the lesson must be varied. It is necessary to frequently change types of work, be sure to intersperse them with dynamic pauses and games with elements of movement. But at the same time, each element of the lesson is necessary to solve its general task or tasks, so that movements or play do not become an end in themselves.

In addition, it is especially important for an elementary school teacher to provide the child with freedom of choice, demonstrate enthusiasm, provide authoritative assistance, be tolerant of possible disorder, encourage maximum involvement in joint activities, approve of the results of student activities, be able to convince students that the teacher is like-minded and not opponent, respect the potential capabilities of students who are not very strong in the language.

It should be noted that games in English lessons should not be used occasionally, but regularly. Only under these conditions do schoolchildren develop active educational and cognitive activity, which leads to a new level of mastery of a foreign language.

As a result of compliance with all these conditions, the process of teaching a foreign language in primary school will be successful.

4. Bibliography.

    Vereshchagina, Rogova. Methods of teaching English at the initial stage in general education institutions. M., 1998

    Zimnyaya I.A. Psychology of teaching a foreign language at school. M., Education, 1991.

  1. Klementieva T.B. 555 dialogues, texts, poems and creative tasks in English for primary school. M., Bustard, 2002.

    Appendix 5

    Appendix 6

There is no need to talk long about the role of the English language in the modern world, since it is obvious that it is huge. Knowledge of the English language becomes one of the components of a successful person, which ensures stability and prosperity, well-being in life.

When should you start learning a language and what is necessary for this? It is worth starting to learn English as early as possible, because it is impossible to learn a language completely. Therefore, the sooner you start classes, the more you can learn.

However, how can you explain to a child that classes are necessary, that they need to learn this, since the knowledge acquired now will be useful to you in 10 or even more years?...

In fact, it will be easier and better if you do not waste precious time on explanations, which in most cases are useless and are not perceived by the child. The best solution would be to spend this time on effective activities with your child.

As a rule, the first impression of something matters a lot. If he liked the first lessons with a child in English, then the further learning process will be a joy, there will be a desire to learn new things, an incentive to learn more.

How to conduct games for children in English?

Academic studies for children are something incomprehensible and uninteresting, especially if they are still at an age when they do not attend school.

But even if they already go to school, the presence of additional English lessons for them is more of a burden than a joyful event.

It should also be remembered that children are not able to concentrate for a long time, this does not depend on the desire or unwillingness of the child, this is a physiological feature. In order for classes to bring maximum benefit, frequent changes in the type of activity are necessary.

In the initial stages, this should be done every five minutes with short intervals in between. The most effective method of teaching children is play. This is the simplest and most understandable, familiar to children and bringing positive emotions.

This unobtrusive form of learning English gives excellent results. This does not mean that you need to play the game for hours or all day, because there are many games and they are different.

You should alternate between different types of games, focusing on the child’s preferences and the result - the material learned.

By immersing yourself in the gameplay, the child not only gains new knowledge of the English language, but also develops imagination, logic, thinking, trains memory, improves perseverance and the ability to concentrate.

Educational outdoor games in English for children

All children are restless, energy simply bursts out of them in an inexhaustible stream, they need to move as much as possible. However, movement can also be beneficial! Outdoor games in English are ideal for useful activities with children.

Game Simon Says

  • Required materials for the game: not required.
  • Number of players: unlimited, minimum 3 people, one of whom is the host and two players.
  • Benefits of the game: coordination of movements, concentration of attention, and increased vocabulary in English are improved.
  • Rules of the game: It is necessary to choose a presenter who is fluent in English and does not make grammatical errors in simple sentences in order to avoid incorrect memorization of words by the rest of the game participants.

    The main task of the presenter is to give clear and loud commands. The presenter says a phrase, for example: “Simon says: Touch your ears!” (Simon says: Touch your ears!). The remaining players stand in front of the leader and execute this command.

    If one of the participants performed the command incorrectly and hesitated to watch how the others were doing it, he is eliminated. The presenter's commands can be constantly different or repeated several times, for example, touch your nose, chick, eye..;move your head to the right, up..; jump; sit down. You can complicate the task and give a command like this: “Touch you knee with your nose.” If the leader pronounces a command without the words “Simon says,” then the players should not carry it out; those who make a mistake and do so are eliminated from the game. The game continues until one player remains who has completed all the commands correctly and is the winner, who usually becomes the leader in the repeated game.

Game Sea - Ground

  • Required material: blue cloth, or chalk, or thread. It is necessary to delimit the space into 2 parts, one of which is the sea, the other land. You can put a blue canvas on the floor, which will represent the sea, or you can draw an area of ​​the sea with colored chalk; you can stretch a bright, clearly visible thread low above the ground, so that on one side of the thread there will be a sea, on the other there will be land.
  • Number of players: is not limited, but it is better to play in a group of up to 10 people, so that there is no crowding among children, which entails falls and injuries.
  • Benefits of the game: improving attention and coordination of movements.
  • Rules of the game: The leader stands to the side and says the words, when he says the word “Ground”, all children must stand on the marked area, which is conventionally designated as the ground.

    When the leader says the word "Sea", all children must jump to the sea area. You can complicate the task and say a phrase, for example, “Tigers go to us,” then the players need to escape and jump into the sea area.

    If a participant in the game makes a mistake in his actions, he is eliminated from the further game. The player who turns out to be the most dexterous and attentive, having accurately followed all the instructions of the presenter, becomes the winner.

Game Letters and Numbers

Option 1:

  • Required material: a badge or cards with letters and numbers that can be attached to clothing.
  • Number of players: 1 leader and 2 teams with an equal number of players.
  • Benefits of the game: coordination of movements, attention, teamwork skills, learning letters and numbers in English improves.
  • Rules of the game: the first team is the letter team, the second team is the numbers team, each player receives a badge with a letter or number. The presenter calls out a combination of letters and numbers, then gives the command to run. For example, “3D.Run!”, the command must be said quickly so that players have less time to think. Players who have the corresponding letter and number on their badges must run to the leader as quickly as possible. Whoever comes in second is eliminated from the game.

Option 2:

  • Required material: chalk or numbers and letters printed on paper.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: coordination of movements, attention, learning letters and numbers in English improves.
  • Rules of the game: Lay out or draw circles on the floor with numbers and letters inside. The presenter calls a letter or number, and the participants in the game must find it on the floor as quickly as possible and stand in that place.

Run-Freeze Game

  • Required material: not required.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: improved coordination of movements, attention, vocabulary replenishment.
  • Rules of the game: One person is the leader, he gives the command: “Run”. All participants run in free form. After some time, the presenter gives the command: “Freeze! Pets! (can be changed to: musical instruments, transport, food, etc.)” Hearing these words, everyone freezes in place, trying to imitate one of the pets. The presenter guesses the figures and asks the players questions: “Are you a dog?” (or other pet)." Participants answer “Yes, I am or No, I am not.”

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Didactic games

Working in groups in a playful way contributes not only to learning English, but also to the development of children’s communication skills, which is very important and useful for the harmonious development of the child. Didactic games are ideal for optimization and high-quality development of educational material.

Pass the card game

  • Required material: cards with a picture and a word on a specific topic.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: improving communication skills, working in a group, increasing vocabulary, training memory.
  • Rules of the game: Children sit in such a way that it is convenient to pass handouts from hand to hand; it is best to sit in a circle. Each participant in the game draws a card. The first one says: “I have...(what is shown in the picture)”, then the card is passed around the circle and each participant says out loud what he has and adds what has already been named by previous players.

Game What words do you know?

  • Required material: You can use cards with English letters for clarity, but this is not necessary.
  • Number of players: not limited. But it’s ideal to work in a small group, otherwise the game drags on and you lose interest.
  • Benefits of the game: trains memory, attention, increases vocabulary.
  • Rules of the game: The presenter calls a letter or shows a card with a letter, and says a number from 1 to 10. Participants in a short time must select the number of words specified by the number that begin with this letter.

Game Is it true or not?

  • Required material: ball, but you can do without it.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: improves communication skills, develops logical thinking, ingenuity, imagination, and increases vocabulary.
  • Rules of the game: The first player says a statement, for example: “all pigs can fly,” and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who has the ball in his hands must confirm or refute the statement. If the player did this correctly, he says his statement and passes the ball to the next player. If the answer is incorrect, the player is eliminated from the game.

Games based on songs

Games based on songs are practically well-known physical education lessons that are held at school. The difference is that in this way the student does not take a break from the lesson, but learns.

Song If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

This is a well-known and very popular analogue of the Russian song “If you like it, then do it this way.” A very instructive and simple song with repeated words, which is very good for quickly memorizing and repeating body parts in English.

It is very good if at first children not only listen to the song, but also watch a video that shows the movements and contains the text. For example, this funny video with dancing animals will surely appeal to children

Song We're Going on a Bear Hunt

The song about a bear hunt is somewhat similar to the Russian “A clubfooted bear walks through the forest...”, and although it is quite long, even kids can easily cope with it.

You can come up with movements yourself so that they meaningfully fit the words of the song. For example, you can watch a video where children perform this song as a small skit:

Song "Head and Shoulders"

A fun song that will help you learn and reinforce the names of body parts in English. Children really like it for its rhythm and pleasant music. This kind of boy can make a pleasant company for learning a song:

Game ideas for English lessons for children

To prevent English lessons from turning into boring and uninteresting, you need to add something bright and unforgettable to them, for example, games.

Such informal parts of the lesson are very well remembered by students, so there is a high probability that all the useful information will be learned.

Of course, for different classes, games should be selected according to age and level of mastery of a foreign language.

For example, outdoor games and song games are well suited for the lower grades of school.

They contain a minimal amount of lexical material and, as a rule, they cover a specific topic.

Another advantage of such games is their duration; a song game takes a maximum of 5-7 minutes, which is quite enough for children of this age.

Middle school students usually prefer didactic games on various topics. Funny physical education lessons often cause laughter and stiffness of movements at this age, which violates discipline and brings less benefit than in elementary school, because the material on which the song is based is already well known to the students.

High school students require more thorough preparation for games in English. It is worth choosing complex didactic games for them.

A very good idea is to hold a brain-ring, where students can show not only their knowledge of the English language, but also their knowledge of the history of Great Britain and the United States, knowledge of the traditions, customs and culture of the British.

Games in English for schoolchildren online

Thanks to the Internet and access to a huge number of educational portals and sites, learning English has become much more enjoyable and effective. This is the case when you don’t have to worry about your child playing on the computer, because this is how he learns the language.

Typically, games are divided into themes and difficulty levels. There are games for beginners where they learn letters, numbers, and basic words by topic. There are games for those who are already familiar with English vocabulary and grammar. In a word, everyone can choose what they need.

Here are a few sources that have a good collection of games for children in English:

Playing should not only be fun, but also useful, so don’t waste your time: let’s start play!!!