How old is actress Ginny Weasley? Ginny Weasley: actress who played in the story of Harry Potter

You know, when you grow up with Fred and George, you gradually begin to think that nothing is impossible, if only you have the desire. Ginny Weasley to Harry Potter (OF29)
“I’m three years older than you were when you fought You-Know-Who for philosopher's Stone, and it is thanks to me that Malfoy is now stuck in Umbridge’s office, with huge snot flying above him... Ginny Weasley to Harry and Ron (OF33)

Ginny Weasley is the youngest of the children and the only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley (interestingly, according to JKR, Ginny is the first daughter born into the Weasley family in several generations). Her full name- Ginevra Molly Weasley (JKR, WBD). She is currently studying at a school of witchcraft and magic hogwarts(Faculty - Gryffindor, like her parents and all her brothers), where she entered in 1992, a year later than Harry, Ron and Hermione. Apparently, she is very connected with the latter strong friendship: They are willing to share secrets that they hide from the rest of their friends (and in Ginny's case, from their brothers).
Ginny is determined and often willing to stop at nothing to achieve her goals. So, when in childhood her brothers did not take her to play Quidditch with them, she - starting from the age of six! - I secretly made my way into the barn where the family brooms were kept, and tried to fly on each of them in turn. It was surprising that the twins, and especially Ron, with all his brotherly guardianship over his little sister, had never caught her, so all three were amazed when this fact found out after 14-year-old Ginny was accepted into the faculty team as a catcher (OF26). Harry watched only one match with her participation - Gryffindor against Hufflepuff, when Gryffindor lost, although Ginny caught the Snitch. Harry was impressed by her performance. Ginny herself, in response to Harry's praise, said that next year(assuming that Harry's suspension will be lifted with Umbridge's departure) would like to try herself as a hunter, since she enjoys shooting balls more than catching the Snitch.
Ginny's friends also include Neville Longbottom. He invited her to the Yule Ball - after Hermione refused him (OK22). Obviously, Ginny cannot be called Neville’s girlfriend in the generally accepted sense of the word: she went to the ball with him primarily because she had no other opportunity to do so - at that moment she was only in her third year, and fourth years were allowed to go to the ball and older and those whom they invited. To Ginny's credit, however, she did not turn down Neville's invitation after Ron asked her to go to the ball with Harry, and she liked him from the very first time they met! (By the way, a year and a half later, Neville, who obviously had not forgotten Ginny’s human relationship with him in this story with the ball, tried to rescue Ginny from the clutches of the Inquisitorial detachment, which was dragging her to Umbridge’s office - see OF32. As a result, Neville himself ended up there and almost suffocated in Crabbe's arms. Only the intervention - the irony of fate! - of Professor Snape, who could not stomach Neville almost as much as Harry, saved the poor fellow.)
But back to Ginny... and Harry. According to Hermione, Ginny "gave up on it" (sighing for Harry) sometime during her third year. Before this, she had always been embarrassed when confronted with him, and all she could do was either anonymous signs of attention, like a singing valentine in her first year, or, in the language of the criminal code, “taking advantage of the helpless state of the victim,” as it happened the following year: when Harry was lying in the hospital wing after falling off his broom during Quidditch, Ginny brought him a homemade singing (again!) get well card...
But all this, we repeat, is in the past. Now Ginny has not only “started talking” in Harry's presence (in OP16 he remarks: “Ginny never spoke directly to me before”). Unlike many of his friends, she finds enough courage to reprimand him when, in her opinion, Harry is doing wrong, although she understands perfectly well that he is in such a state nervous tension who can easily lose his temper at the slightest provocation!
At the Yule Ball, Ginny met Michael Corner from Ravenclaw, and sometime towards the end of 1994/5 school year(her third year) started dating him, trying not to let her brothers know about it: she was well aware that they, especially Ron, would “make a fuss” (as Hermione said in OP16). Thanks to Ginny, Michael and his friends came to DA, which without them would have practically no Ravenclaw students - without Michael’s company, this house was represented only by fifth-year prefects, as well as Zhou Chang and her friend, who, we recall, subsequently betrayed the organization... Ultimately, Ginny broke up with Michael: after his house lost to Gryffindor in the 1995/6 Quidditch final, Michael “became darker than a cloud,” and Ginny “left him, and he rushed off to calm Zhou,” thus replacing one catcher with another...
Ginny flatly refused to stay at Hogwarts when Harry decided to go in search of Sirius. She did not agree to “watch and warn” in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic. During the battle in the Department of Mysteries, in order not to distract her fighting friends, Ginny refused their help whenever possible, despite the fact that one of the Death Eaters broke her ankle (OP33, 34).
Ginny is a pretty powerful witch. Even Fred and George are impressed by her power, especially the famous Spell of Snot Airplanes. Among her abilities is an acting gift: she is able to convince Mrs. Weasley that it was Crookshanks who planted cacobombs at the kitchen doors at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, imitates Hambridge's voice, and so on (OF4, 16, 32).
And one more interesting fact: Ginny is the only person to survive after being "at the mercy of You-Know-Who" (TK, OF23). If Harry had not rescued her in the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle - the past Voldemort - would have broken out, which, according to JKR, would have greatly strengthened the current Voldemort. Details are promised to us in the following books...

Full name: Ginevra Molly Weasley
Date of birth: August 11, 1981 (JKR)
Eyes: brown (PC3)
Hair: bright red, “mane of fiery hair” (OF4) - a wonderful style for Gryffindor, whose emblem, as you know, is a lion.
Body type: " short version"The Weasleys are like twins, not like Ron. With her jaw jutting out, she generally becomes “terribly like Fred and George” (OF33).

Ginny is one of my favorite GP characters. And of course, it’s offensive when they use the typical argument in their hatred of her: “she’s a Mary Sue.” Such completely stupid statements, in my opinion, are primarily due to the fact that Ginny stayed with Harry, and not because anyone is interested in the heroine’s personality. Ginny, of course, has many advantages: she changes from an insecure girl to a girl who does not shy away from Harry and can be herself around him. Strong and confident, she doesn't act like an arrogant person.

I like that she is truly friends with Luna, is sincerely happy for her and stands up for her, and can even shut up her brother. Of course, Ginny is very brave. A true Gryffindor. What also attracts me to her is that she is a little tomboyish, plays Quidditch and can show her character. How could it be otherwise if she grew up among six brothers, especially ones like Fred and George.

But to prove that Ginny is not perfect, as one might think, I can say her shortcomings: the fact that Ginny possessed the bat evil eye. I don't consider this such a big plus, since she can harm other people at will, even her loved ones during a quarrel. Of course, Ginny is not a good girl, on the one hand, this is a plus, but if you look at the fact that she could sometimes argue even with her mother, this is not good. . Thirdly, the whole Burrow situation with Fleur when Ginny called her Phlegm. I get that maybe Fleur was annoying her, but I think part of Ginny's anger at her was that all the attention was on her. So to say that everyone (brothers) adore her. I consider this action to be Ginny's fault because she acted like a typical girl.

Fleur Delacour

But the most important thing is that Ginny is hot-tempered and cannot control her emotions. The fact that she faked Ron and Hermione during their fight shows how much Ginny gives in to her bad emotions, which can offend loved ones.

Ginny teases Ron

Regarding the relationship with Harry. Yes, she wasn't always around the Golden Trio. Yes, she appears so brightly in Harry’s life only in the sixth part, but before that he spent the holidays with her, it’s easy and pleasant for him to be with her. The fact that he smelled flowers next to the love potion suggests that at that time he was happy precisely in her presence. And the fact that Harry saw Ginny with Dean simply makes him finally understand that this girl is not indifferent to him. This is not a sudden outbreak of feelings, but only an awareness of his already existing attachment to Ginny as a girl. And Harry really needed such a fighting girl who would understand him, support him in any case and be with him until the very end.

In several interviews, J.K. Rowling revealed some secrets about the fate of the Potter characters after the final book.

1. Harry married Ginny Weasley. They had three children: James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna.

Order of the Phoenix, Kingsley Breastwork

J.K. Rowling:

“Kingsley became the new permanent Minister of Magic and, naturally, he wanted Harry to lead the Auror Department. Kingsley promoted a number of positive changes in the Ministry, including the eradication of hidden discrimination. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, etc. undoubtedly played important role in rebuilding wizarding society through their future professions."

3. Hermione and Ron got married and had two children: Hugo and Rose.

4. Draco Malfoy married the purebred sorceress Astoria Greengrass, younger sister Daphne Greengrass. They had a son, Scorpius Hyperion.

5. After the death of his parents (Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks), Teddy Lupine was raised by his grandmother Andromeda.

J.K. Rowling:

"Unlike Neville Longbottom, Teddy had his father's friends from the Order and his godfather, Harry, so he wasn't alone."

6. George Weasley married Angelina Johnson, who played on the same Quidditch team with him. They had two children: Fred and Roxanne.

7. Harry began working in the Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic, and over time Ron joined him. Hermione became a high-ranking official in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

J.K. Rowling:

“Harry and Ron have changed the Auror Department beyond recognition. Hermione also continued her career at the Ministry of Magic after graduating from Hogwarts. She worked in the Department of Regulation and Control Magical Creatures, with the help of which she fought for the rights of both house elves and their entire family as a whole. She then transferred to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and influenced the abolition of cruel laws oppressing non-pureblood wizards."

8. Fleur and Bill Weasley's first child was born on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. The girl was named Victoire, which means “Victory” in French.

Dementors on vacation

J.K. Rowling:

"Dumbledore has always maintained that the use of Dementors shows the insignificance of the Ministry of Magic."

10. Ginny Weasley was professional player Quidditch, but then became the sports editor of the Daily Prophet.

J.K. Rowling:

“ Ginny was a successful player on the Hollyhead Harpies Quidditch team for several years, but later she wanted to spend more time with her family and become the editor-in-chief of the sports column for the Daily Prophet.

11. Harry and Dudley decided to continue seeing each other and supporting a good relationship between their families.

J.K. Rowling:

“Harry and Dudley met occasionally, usually at Christmas. But they met mostly out of a sense of duty so that their children could communicate with each other.”

12. Percy Weasley began working at the Ministry of Magic under Kingsley Brestwer and married a woman named Audrey. They had two daughters: Molly and Lucy.

13. Bill and Fleur Weasley had three children: Victoire, Louis and Dominic.

14. Hermione returned to Hogwarts to finish her seventh, Last year training and pass the final exams TOAD. Ron and Harry decided not to follow her example.

J.K. Rowling:

“Hermione would definitely return to Hogwarts to complete her training. I think she was... I mean, I adore Hermione. She followed Harry and Ron because goodness was much more important to her than knowledge and this can say a lot about her. Was she forced to fight? Not at all. She's not Bellatrix. She is not the kind of woman who wants to hurt, fight or kill. "Hermione was happy to get back to school, study, and then join Harry and Ron at the Ministry."

15. Mr. Weasley eventually fixed Sirius Black's motorcycle and returned it to Harry.

16. Luna Lovegood married Rolf Scamander. His great-grandfather was the famous naturalist and writer Newt Scamander in the wizarding world. They had two children: twins Lorcan and Lysander.

J.K. Rowling:

“19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry was headed by a completely new director. McGonagall has done quite well in this position."

18. Harry made sure that the portrait of Severus Snape returned to its rightful place in the Hogwarts headmaster's office.

J.K. Rowling:

"This (The absence of a portrait of Severus Snape in last scene"Deathly Hallows") was no coincidence. He actually left his position as Headmaster during the Battle of Hogwarts, so he didn't deserve a place in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts. But I like the idea that Harry was instrumental in bringing Snape's portrait to its rightful place...Harry would do everything he could to make sure people knew about Snape's heroism."

19. Alice and Frank Longbottom never returned from St. Mungo's Hospital and lived there for the rest of their lives.

J.K. Rowling:

“Readers were really hoping that everything would be okay with Neville's parents, and I can understand why. In fact, what happened to Neville's parents was even worse than that, what happened to Harry's parents. The injuries they suffered were caused by very dark magic and in most cases are permanent."

20. Harry lost the ability to speak with snakes after the Horcrux inside him was destroyed.

J.K. Rowling:

“He lost that gift and I’m very glad about that.”

21. The young centaur Florenz, who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts and was a teacher of divination, was eventually accepted back into his fold.

J.K. Rowling:

“The rest of the herd was forced to admit that Florenz’s desire to help people was not disgraceful, but showed his nobility.”

24. Golden-earth Lockons never recovered from the injuries received in the Chamber of Secrets.

Don't try to escape, Lokons

J.K. Rowling:

“I wouldn't want to give it back. He is happy in the place where he is, and I am even more happy without him.”

25. Neville became a teacher of herbology at Hogwarts and married Hannah Abbott, who became the new mistress of the Leaky Cauldron.

J.K. Rowling:

“Neville married Hannah Abbott, who later became the owner of the Leaky Cauldron. This has made him popular with students as he lives directly above the pub.”

26. Dolores Umbridge was tried and then imprisoned in Azkaban prison for crimes against Muggle-borns.

27. Harry and Ginny's children found the Marauder's map and took it to Hogwarts.

28. Harry, Ron and Hermione were immortalized on the Chocolate Frog cards.

J.K. Rowling:

"Ron said it was best moment in his life."


The Weasley family tree, drawn by J.K. Rowling.

Harry Potter: The Next Generation

Top row(from left to right): James Sirius Potter, Victoire Weasley, Teddy Lupine, Dominic Weasley, Molly Weasley, Fred Weasley, Roxanne Weasley.

Bottom row (from left to right): Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Potter, Rose Weasley, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, Louis Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Lily Luna Potter, Hugo Weasley.

Many actors who starred in the Harry Potter franchise at a young age were unable to achieve success in other projects. However, their work on the film adaptation of Joan Rowling's story about a young wizard made them famous throughout the world. One of the participants in the film, who no longer appeared in successful projects, is actress Bonnie Wright, who portrayed Ginny Weasley.

First appearance in the franchise

Bonnie Wright's character was introduced to audiences in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when Ginny and her mother sent her brothers to Hogwarts School of Magic. During the farewell, the girl was very upset. According to the book, she was sad not only because she would not see her brothers for a long time, but because she could not go with them and learn magic.

Back then, no one knew how significant the little girl Ginny Weasley would be for history. The actress also had no idea that a few years later her character would become one of central characters stories. At the time of filming, Wright was ten years old, as was Ginny Weasley, according to the story.

Ginny Weasley's appearance

Like all members of the Weasley family, Ginny has red hair and freckles. She is known to be short and frail in build and has a slightly upturned nose, which suits her personality very well. The girl also has bright brown eyes. While studying at Hogwarts, Ginny was very popular among the guys.

The actress who played Ginny Weasley has straight red hair, just like her character. The only thing that distinguishes the actress and her character is the color of her eyes, because Wright Blue eyes, and not brown, like Weasley's.

Character of the heroine

In the first and second episodes of Harry Potter, the character of the heroine remains undisclosed, but in the following parts of the franchise it becomes clear that she is not as fragile as she first seems.

Many history fans believe that the girl gained strength in character after the events described in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. When Ginny was a first-year student at Hogwarts, she came across the diary of Tom Riddle, the young Voldemort. In two months, the memory of the Dark Lord was able to completely take over the mind of an eleven-year-old girl, who, under the influence of a notebook, opened the Chamber of Secrets and wrote messages on the walls of the school in blood.

Then the diary almost killed Ginny Weasley. Bonnie Wright, in the image of her heroine, found herself in the center of horrific events that she could not tell anyone about. As a result, the girl was no longer naive, nor could her mind be controlled by any magic. This was evident in the book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", when her brothers and Harry almost fell asleep from the enchanted box, but nothing happened to Ginny, moreover, she was able to slam it so that the magic would dissipate. In the fifth part of the film, she also begins to participate in Quidditch competitions as a Seeker.

It is also known that Ginny is very stubborn, but understanding, in addition, she has good feeling humor. The girl's character greatly influenced her magical abilities. Already at the age of fourteen, she learned to summon a patronus in the form of a horse, taught her friends the spell of the Bat Evil Eye, the creator of which was Ginny Weasley herself. The actress was able to convey on the screens everything inner strength heroine, despite the fact that she appeared in the film much less frequently than the main characters.

Weasley family

Ginny is the seventh child of her parents Molly and Arthur, and all six eldest children in the family are boys. Thanks to the fact that she grew up surrounded by guys, she understood them very well, which helped her in communicating with Harry Potter.

The Weasley family members are one of the few pureblood families. It is also known that all the Weasleys study in the Gryffindor house, where only the bravest students of Hogwarts school end up. Also distinguishing features of the family are red hair and freckles.

It is known that the family lives on Arthur’s salary, which is never enough to provide for all seven children. Children often have to wear their elders' clothes and use their school supplies.

Confrontation with Voldemort

After the revival of Voldemort, Ginny is one of the few who believed Harry's words about the return of the Dark Lord. During her fourth year at Hogwarts, she becomes one of the members of Dumbledore's Army, formed by Potter to teach everyone to defend themselves against Voldemort and his followers. The girl also very quickly masters complex spells that are beyond the ability of older students at the school.

Ginny takes part in the final battle against the Death Eaters led by Voldemort, also known as the Battle of Hogwarts. After all the school's minors, including the girl, are evacuated from the building, Ginny secretly sneaks into the battle site and fights on Harry Potter's side.

At the age of eleven, Ginny Weasley falls in love with Harry Potter, but then her feelings pass. In her fourth year of study, she begins dating Michael Corner, but their relationship ends very quickly. At the end of the same school year, Dean Thomas becomes Ginny's boyfriend. Despite the fact that their relationship lasted much longer than with Michael, the couple breaks up.

Soon the girl falls in love with the main character of the story again, but not like a child, but for real. The guy's feelings become known earlier when he sees Dean kissing Ginny Weasley. The actress was able to convince the audience that she was in love during the scene in the Room of Requirement, when Ginny hides the Half-Blood Prince's book there and then kisses Harry. The couple's relationship in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince never works out because Harry is sure that he will die in the war with Voldemort. Despite this, in The Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley kiss again, and the girl promises to wait for the guy.

Harry and Ginny's story continues in a scene that takes place eleven years after the end of the war with the Dark Lord. At King's Cross Station, Ginny appears with her husband Harry and three children, two of whom are going to Hogwarts.

Actress who played the heroine

Bonnie got the role of Ron's little sister without any audition. According to the directors, they carefully selected only the leading actors, and to the approval minor characters They didn't take it seriously either. It was also the case with Wright, the producers simply did not take into account how important the heroine Ginny Weasley would become in the future. The actress, despite this, perfectly suited the role of the girl and was able to fulfill everything that the directors required of her.

Fans of "Harry Potter" fell in love with Ginny Weasley, mainly thanks to the actress, who was able to present a strong and at the same time gentle girl.

Ginevra Molly Weasley, or simply Ginny Weasley, is a sorceress who was destined to become a wife in the legendary novel. For some reason, fans of the saga attribute to her a victim complex: in fan fiction she is mainly presented as a heroine who is attacked, beaten, and kept in captivity. Although the character is much deeper, and the events that she had to go through strengthened the girl’s character.

History and prototype

In 1997, the Englishwoman JK Rowling was overwhelmed by a wave of popularity. Readers appreciated the attempt of the pen in the form of a novel about young magicians “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and demanded a continuation. The woman greeted the beginning of the new millennium with a billion-dollar fortune. But at first the manuscript gathered dust on the shelves of publishing houses for two years.

Ginny Weasley as a child and her mother Molly

Ginny Weasley is included in the cohort of minor characters, despite this, she is involved in some of the main events of the saga. Unlike many of the characters in the book, the girl did not have a specific prototype - she had a collective image. Only the name was borrowed from King Arthur’s wife, whose name was also Ginevra.


A pretty, slender girl with brown eyes inherited a family trait - red in her hair. Despite the fact that this is a long-awaited girl in the Weasley family, Rowling specifically added strong qualities: courage, courage, courage in the face of danger.

As a child, Ginny Weasley, like all kids, dreamed of independence; from the first meeting she demonstrates perseverance - she runs after the train, falls, but continues to wave to her departing brothers. At the same time, she is characterized by modesty, which manifested itself only in the presence of Harry Potter, although her brother noted:

“You can’t usually shut her up.”

In her first years of study at Hogwarts, the heroine is withdrawn and does not know how to quickly make friends. In adulthood, enviable calm and poise are complemented by a willingness to take risks. For her, showing feelings is more important public opinion.

Ginny, like Ron, has an excellent sense of humor, which is what attracts Harry Potter most in a girl.

Ginny - true friend, devoted to her family, loved ones can always count on her support.


Even as a kindergartener, Ginny stole her brothers' brooms and learned to fly. The capable sorceress created a bodily patronus (a magical entity summoned to protect against Dementors) at the age of 14, which is almost impossible for inexperienced young magicians. It is not a silver cloud that rushes to Ginny’s aid, but a fully formed horse.

In her first lessons, Ginny receives praise from her teachers for magical power. In addition, the girl has a talent for resisting the Dark Arts and using the “Bat Evil Eye” spell.

In the second book, she easily communicated with the basilisk in the language of snakes, but the heroine cannot be credited with the abilities of a parselmouth - she did this solely under the influence of hypnosis.

Poppy Miller as adult Ginny Weasley in Harry Potter and Cursed child"

By the way, Ginny managed to survive after being under the spell of the Dark Magician, which few, even adult wizards, could do.

The girl plays Quidditch very well and was accepted into the faculty team. sports game first in the place of the catcher, and then the hunter.

Family and friends

For several generations in a row, only boys were born to the wizards of the Weasley dynasty. The couple Arthur and Molly were no exception; the couple had six sons, and in 1981 a girl was suddenly born. Although the parents dreamed of a daughter, Ginny was very surprised.

Ginny Weasley with her family on vacation in Egypt (episode from the film "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban")

It is clear that the mother pays more attention to her daughter and takes care of her. The girl grows up under the tireless control of her older brothers, is terribly jealous that they are students at Hogwarts, and cannot wait to join the ranks of the students of the school for young magicians.

Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger - art

Every year the heroine went with her mother to see her brothers off to school. A year before I was a student, I saw Harry Potter for the first time, and when I put on my Gryffindor uniform, I became friends with this “boy-who-lived.” In general, Ginny is characterized by friendship with the opposite sex, the girls went through the spell, Michael Corner, Dean Thomas. In addition, being in the company of his brother, he maintains warm relations with and.

Ginny was connected with Harry Potter not only by friendship, the couple had affection for each other tender feelings. A love story that started with school time, had a continuation: after graduating from Hogwarts, the young people got married. The wizard couple have three children - James Sirius, Albrus Severus and Lily Luna.


JK Rowling created a magical world that fit into seven volumes. Ginny Weasley participates little in central events and is mostly on the periphery. The character is clearly shown in the second, fifth and sixth books.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

The girl appears in the first volume of the Potter series, the reader encounters her twice - when Ginny and her mother accompany her brothers to the train, and at the end of the school year she comes to meet her on platform 9¾.

"Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"

Ginny turned 11 years old, and she finally went to conquer magical sciences at Hogwarts. While shopping for textbooks, father and mother met Lucius Malfoy, a trustee magic school and father, classmate of Harry Potter. Lucius planted Tom Riddle's diary, which contained a piece of Voldemort's soul, in the books bought for Ginny.

Through the diary, Tom communicates with the girl and eventually subjugates her mind. At the behest of Riddle, Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets, where the terrible basilisk monster was hidden. The heroine almost became a victim of the Dark Magician, but Harry came to the rescue in time.

"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban"

In the next book of the magical saga, Ginny appears in episodes. While waiting for the train with Harry, the girl laughs at her brother Percy, who is acting pompous and important because he has become the head of the faculty, and comes to the hospital to see the main character, who has fallen from his broom.

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

Ginny is suffering from unrequited love to Harry, and Hermione to Ron. The girls try to find out the secrets of making a love potion from Molly Weasley, but come to the conclusion that it is better to just hope than to force boys to fall in love.

Ginny goes to the Christmas ball with Neville Longbottom. When conveying this news to her lover, the girl seems to apologize, but Potter doesn’t care yet - the young man is infatuated with someone else.

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

The heroine acquires individuality and participates in all significant events. Ginny replaces Harry as Seeker in the Quidditch game and, thanks to her agility, brings the team the School Cup. Joins the secret “Squad” organized by Hermione Granger.

The girl strikes up a friendship with Luna Lovegood. In addition, her popularity with the opposite sex is gaining momentum: the heroine dates first one Gryffindor, then another. Ginny rushes to help Harry in saving her godfather and participates along with the guys in the battle with the Death Eaters.

"Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince"

New Potions teacher Horace Slughorn singled out Ginny from among the Hogwarts students as one of the most gifted students.

Harry finally pays attention to Ginny and realizes that she doesn’t need anyone except this red-haired beauty - the young man is jealous of her boyfriend Dean Thomas. The first kiss happened during the decisive Quidditch match, after which the couple began dating.

However, in the end main character Saga breaks up with the lady of his heart, fearing that Voldemort will consider the girl Harry’s weak point and try to use this fact. True, as it turned out later, the couple did not stop communicating.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

Central event final novel Rowling becomes The Battle of Hogwarts. Ginny Weasley is also involved in the battles - the girl almost died at the hands of the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange.

In the epilogue, the author of books about young magicians talks about the lives of the main characters, who are already approaching 40 years old. Ginny did sports career, having achieved heights in the game of Quidditch, married Harry Potter, gave birth to three children and works as a sports columnist for a print publication.


Success awaited not only book works English writer. The film adaptation of Rowling's novels has joined the ranks of fans magical world. Based on the saga of novice magicians, the directors shot eight films:

– it was she who introduced the viewer to the heir to the dynasty of wizards, Ginny Weasley.


JK Rowling's books are filled with touching or simply funny moments and life-affirming phrases that Potter fans know by heart. Among popular quotes those belonging to Ginny Weasley were also found:

“You know, when you grow up with Fred and George, you gradually begin to think that nothing is impossible, if only you have the desire.”
“I never stopped thinking about you. I just couldn't. Always hoped... Hermione told me that I should live own life, maybe meet others, so that I can feel more free next to you, I couldn’t even open my mouth in your presence, remember? She believed that if I became, at least a little, myself, then you would pay a little more attention to me.”
Ginny Weasley: Mom, have you seen my jumper?
Molly Weasley: Yes, honey. He's on the cat.