Popular expressions in Latin. Quotes, phrases in Latin about love for tattoos - Tattoo Today

Who doesn't know the wonderful adventurer Ostap Bender? He easily finds a way out of any situation, his adventures are distinguished by originality. And some of his phrases were so loved by readers that they became catchphrases. And even if you haven’t read the books about his adventures or watched the films based on them, most of Ostap Bender’s quotes will seem familiar to you.

About finances

Ostap Bender loved luxury. He always dreamed of going abroad and living for his own pleasure. But this requires money. Therefore, with amazing tenacity, he searched for various ways to quickly get rich. Or the adventurer could spend months planning the scam. But there was only one goal - to immediately receive huge sums, which would be enough for a comfortable life. Quotes from Ostap Bender about finances even later big gap time still remain relevant.

“The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses. You can fall into it all your life” - what could he mean? great schemer? It's very simple: a person who finds himself in a difficult financial situation may not get out of it. More often this happens due to improper spending of funds. After all, if a person is not able to manage his funds wisely, then a financial abyss will open before him. Therefore, dear comrades, approach your savings wisely!

On the importance of thinking

Ostap Bender was inexhaustible with ideas for enrichment. And all of them were distinguished by a non-trivial approach and careful preparation for large scams. But, if necessary, the great schemer could just as quickly earn money for the bare necessities. Some quotes from Ostap Bender are about how important it is to be able to quickly generate ideas.

“You have to think. For example, I am fed by ideas” - if you have read or watched a film about a great schemer, you will have noticed how easily he comes up with ideas for getting rich. And it doesn't matter whether it concerns huge sums or looking for money to travel to the appointed place. And anything could inspire him. Bender simply had an extraordinary mind, was more observant than most people, and had a creative approach to the task at hand.

"Religion is the opium of the people"

This opinion was shared by famous revolutionary figures K. Marx and V. Lenin. But it became so popular thanks to the well-known combinator Bender. "How much is opium for the people?" - Ostap asked this question to Father Fedor, his competitor in the search for diamonds. And it was this phrase, said in such a humorous and satirical manner, that became popular.

"How much is opium for the people?" - It was not by chance that Ostap asked such a question to his opponent. After all, Father Fedor was different from the usual image of a priest: he was not at all against getting rich. That's why Bender asked him, implying that he was misleading people with his apparent piety and modest lifestyle. But in fact, he is the same adventurer as Ostap.

Secret society

Ostap Bender knew that the dissatisfied Soviet power. These are nobles from whom all their property was taken away and given to the state. But they still had some savings. Therefore, the great schemer needed their help.

Created secret society and began to inspire people that Soviet power would soon fall, things would be like in Tsarist Russia. And for greater persuasiveness, Bender said the phrase: “Foreign countries will help us!” And this was a weighty argument, because the former nobles remembered the times when they calmly traveled abroad. Therefore, the great schemer quickly won their trust. "Foreign countries will help us!" - meant capitalist countries whose governments did not like Soviet power. Ostap knew about this, which is why he said such words.

Characteristics of a combinator in one phrase

Ostap Bender is a bright, charismatic personality. And, despite the fact that his main income is various financial frauds, he evokes sympathy among readers and viewers. Quotes from Ostap Bender remain relevant to this day. Even people who do not know about this character have heard them and use them in their speech. One of these is “I will command the parade!”

This phrase fully reveals the personality of the great schemer. A person who boldly and openly makes a statement that he takes upon himself the entire organization of the event already shows himself as strong personality. After all, not everyone can take control into their own hands and be ahead of the rest. Ostap Bender is a leader with excellent organizational skills and an understanding of psychology, and therefore he could find an approach to any person. But at the same time, he is not devoid of a sense of justice, which he carefully concealed in order to preserve his image of a strict and stern leader.

"I will command the parade!" people say when they take charge of organizing an event.

Ironic attitude towards a woman

Ostap Bender was not at all sentimental and did not dream of high feelings. More than anything in the world, he loved money. But sometimes the young adventurer became interested in beautiful people. Although, more often than not, this was necessary for his adventures.

Once, in a provincial town, he met a young attractive person, about whom he said: “A sultry woman is a poet’s dream!” The impressionable lady dreamed of passionate love. Ostap then condescendingly noted that in big cities Such women no longer exist, but they still exist in the provinces.

This is an ironic statement about overly temperamental representatives of the fair sex. Why do poets dream about them? Because they always write about sublime feelings. Likewise, these women dream of the same poetic passions.

"12 chairs"

Witty and memorable quotes from Ostap Bender appear on almost every page of the book. It is difficult to determine the most popular, because they are all different worldly wisdom, dressed in humor and sarcasm. Quotes from Ostap Bender from “12 Chairs” have long become catchphrases, but we can highlight special ones that will be known to everyone.

“The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken!” - who hasn’t heard this exclamation? This is what they say when the first successes appear in working on a complex task. Such a comparison is most likely associated with spring: after all, if the ice begins to melt, it means that it is warm. Now this statement is one of best quotes Ostap Bender.

"Golden calf"

In the second part of the adventures of the great schemer there are many funny episodes that readers remember. Comrade Bender is still witty, resourceful, and loves to give advice. Not indifferent to money. In "The Golden Calf" there are many apt and sarcastic quotes from the young adventurer, which quickly began to be used in speech by everyone.

One of the most memorable episodes was associated with a car rally - Ostap’s original adventure. And then he said famous phrase: “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation!”, thereby showing that people greatly exaggerate the importance vehicle, mistakenly believing that only the rich should have it.

Writers I. Ilf and E. Petrov managed to create a character that readers fell in love with, despite the fact that he was involved in various scams and frauds. Ostap Bender is a person whose charm fell on everyone who knew him. In his phrases one could read a mockery of human stupidity and the shortcomings of the Soviet government. Therefore, many of his quotes resonated with readers and later became catchphrases.

AND LF and Petrov are among the most notable satirists
and comedians of the Soviet era, and quotes from Ostap Bender and other heroes have already become true classics. In this post, I propose to recall everyone’s favorite phrases of the heroes.

Maybe I should give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

Closer to the body, as Maupassant said!

Soon only cats will be born.

You are an interesting person! Everything is fine with you. It’s amazing, with such happiness - and in freedom!

Be strong! Russia will not forget you! Abroad will help us!

He loved and suffered. He loved money and suffered from its lack...

There are also sleeves from a vest, a circle from a donkey and ears from a dead donkey.

-Who do you think this powerful old man is? Don't say, you can't know. This is a giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy and a person close to the emperor.

Ostap walked into a room that could only be furnished by a creature with the imagination of a woodpecker.
- Is this your boy?
- Boy, is it bad? Typical boy. Whoever says it's a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me!

The client must be accustomed to the idea that he will have to give money. He must be morally disarmed, his reactionary possessive instincts suppressed.

I'm certainly not a cherub. I don't have wings, but I respect the Criminal Code. This is my weakness.

This mental exercise seems to have exhausted you greatly. You are becoming stupid right before your eyes.

You need to show him some paper, otherwise he won't believe that you exist.

The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses; you can fall into it all your life.

Being a beggar is not so bad, especially with a moderate education and a weak voice!

However, you can leave, but here, I warn you, Long hands!... He stayed - the “long arms” made an unfavorable impression on him.

Ostap quickly snatched it from Panikovsky’s hands, saying:
— Don’t make a cult out of food.
After that he ate the cucumber himself.

Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour. Goeben mir zi bitteetvas kopek auf dem stück ford. Give something to the former State Duma deputy.

Cold soft-boiled eggs are very tasteless food, and a good, cheerful person would never eat them.

A sultry woman, said Ostap, is a poet’s dream. Provincial spontaneity. In the center there are no such subtropics for a long time, but on the periphery, in the localities, they still occur.

The time, he said, that we have is money that we do not have.

“You are a rather vulgar person,” Bender objected, “you love money more than necessary.”

Why are you yelling like polar bear in warm weather?

By the way, about childhood, when I was a child I killed people like you on the spot. From a slingshot.

An idea is a human thought expressed in a logical chess form.

- Give me the sausage, give me the sausage, you fool! I will forgive everything!

- Well, uncle, are there any brides in your city?
- Whose bride is the mare?
More questions I do not have.

All smuggling is done in Odessa, on Malaya Arnautskaya Street.

— For what purpose is the fee charged?!
- For the purpose of repairing the failure.
- So as not to fail too much!

“Eh, Kisa,” said Ostap, “we are strangers at this celebration of life.”

I'll give you parabellum...

No, this is not Rio de Janeiro!

Only an insurance policy can give a person complete peace of mind.

You are not in church, you will not be deceived.

I have problems with the Soviet regime Last year serious disagreements. She wants to build socialism, but I don’t want to. I'm bored of building socialism.

I am an ideological fighter for banknotes!

Don't overthink it. Keep quiet. And don't forget to puff out your cheeks.

Don't knock your bald head on the parquet
- You are not in church, you will not be deceived.
- How much is opium for the people?

Well stated, dog.

Life, gentlemen of the jury, is a complicated thing, but, gentlemen of the jury, this thing opens as simply as a box. You just need to be able to open it. He who cannot open it disappears

He courted a typist whose modest hips unleashed his poetic feelings.

I will command the parade!

Hit or miss. I choose the gentleman, although he is clearly a Pole.

- Never, never did Vorobyaninov extend his hand!
- So stretch your legs, you old fool!

- Is it possible to do this - chairs in the morning, and money in the evening?
- Can! But money - go ahead!

Half of mine is half of ours...

Since there are some banknotes floating around in the country, there must be people who have a lot of them.

Abroad is a myth about the afterlife. Whoever gets there does not return.

Why are you looking at me like a soldier at a louse? Stunned with happiness?

That's all that's left of the ten thousand. 34 rubles. And I thought. that we still have seven thousand in our current account. How did it happen? Everything was so fun, we were preparing horns and hooves, life was delightful and the Earth was spinning especially for us, and suddenly...

I am 33 years old - the age of Jesus Christ, but what have I done? He didn’t create a teaching, he squandered his students, he didn’t resurrect poor Panikovsky!

Pedestrians must be loved. Pedestrians make up most humanity. Moreover, the best part of it. Pedestrians created the world.

The gasoline is yours, the ideas are ours.

Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy?... Not for today, but in general. For happiness. Clear? So that you feel good in the world.

In our vast country, an ordinary car, intended, according to pedestrians, for the peaceful transportation of people and goods, has taken on the menacing shape of a fratricidal projectile.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head.

If you see an American laughing, it doesn't mean he's funny. He laughs for the reason that an American should laugh.

You can be a sweet and smart boy, do well at school, do well in university science courses - and after several years of regularly visiting the cinema, turn into an idiot.

Rio de Janeiro is the crystal dream of my childhood, don’t touch it with your paws.

There is always that person who tries his best to be the last to speak.

He got so drunk that he could already perform various minor miracles.

Just don't shoot at the chandelier, it's unnecessary.

- You are a rather vulgar person, you love money more than necessary.
- Don’t you like money?
- I do not like.
- Why do you need sixty thousand?
- Out of principle!

Although we are not in Paris, you are welcome to our hut.

- The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken!

The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken.

Maybe I should give you another key to the apartment where the money is?

Ostap walked into a room that could only be furnished by a creature with the imagination of a woodpecker.

Is this your boy?

Boy, is it bad? Typical boy. Whoever says it's a girl, let him be the first to throw a stone at me!

The client must be accustomed to the idea that he will have to give money. He must be morally disarmed, his reactionary possessive instincts suppressed.

I'm certainly not a cherub. I don't have wings, but I respect the Criminal Code. This is my weakness.

This mental exercise seems to have exhausted you greatly. You are becoming stupid right before your eyes.

You need to show him some paper, otherwise he won't believe that you exist.

The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses, you can fall into it all your life.

He loved and suffered. He loved money and suffered from its lack.

Being a beggar is not so bad, especially with a moderate education and a weak voice!

However, you can leave, but I warn you, we have long arms!... He stayed - the “long arms” made an unfavorable impression on him.

Ostap quickly snatched it from Panikovsky’s hands, saying:
- Don’t make a cult out of food.
After that he ate the cucumber himself.

Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour. Goeben mir zi bitteetvas kopek auf dem stück ford. Give something to the former State Duma deputy.

Cold soft-boiled eggs are very tasteless food, and a good, cheerful person would never eat them.

Over the past year, serious disagreements have arisen between me and the Soviet authorities. She wants to build socialism, but I don’t want to. I'm bored of building socialism.

Don't knock your bald head on the parquet

You are not in church, you will not be deceived.

How much is opium for the people?

Life, gentlemen of the jury, is a complicated thing, but, gentlemen of the jury, this thing opens as simply as a box.
You just need to be able to open it. He who cannot open it disappears

I will command the parade!

Pedestrians must be loved. Pedestrians make up the majority of humanity. Moreover, the best part of it. Pedestrians created the world.

The gasoline is yours, the ideas are ours.

In our vast country, an ordinary car, intended, according to pedestrians, for the peaceful transportation of people and goods, has taken on the menacing shape of a fratricidal projectile.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first, terrible thoughts about men came into her head.

If you see an American laughing, it doesn't mean he's funny. He laughs for the reason that an American should laugh.

You can be a sweet and smart boy, do well at school, do an excellent course in university sciences - and after several years of regularly visiting the cinema, turn into an idiot.

Rio de Janeiro is the crystal dream of my childhood, don’t touch it with your paws.

There is always that person who tries his best to be the last to speak.

He got so drunk that he could already perform various minor miracles.

Just don't shoot at the chandelier, it's unnecessary.

He courted a typist whose modest hips unleashed his poetic feelings.

You are a rather vulgar person, you love money more than necessary.
- Don’t you like money?
- I do not like.
- Why do you need sixty thousand?
- Out of principle!

Although we are not in Paris, you are welcome to our hut.

You are an interesting person! Everything is fine with you. It’s amazing, with such happiness - and in freedom!

After reading and laughing, you understand why the main character of “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf” Ostap-Suleiman-Berta-Maria-Bender-Beit, aka the son of a Turkish citizen, became our favorite hero

Popular joke:

Why do India have the strongest marriages? Yes, because for a wedding they give a gun to a husband, and a red dot is drawn on a woman’s forehead.

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