Kurt cobain quotes about love. Best kurt cobain quotes

I can't speak, I can only feel.

Life is what you build, it's your crossword puzzle.

I certainly couldn't allow my ego to admit that we were so great that we deserved so much attention. I felt stupid because there are a lot of bands in the underground scene that are as good as us or better than us, but somehow we're the only ones getting attention.

I have a message for our fans. If you hate homosexuals, people of color, or women for any reason, please do us a favor. Leave us alone. Yo Mama. Don't come to our concerts, don't buy our records.

All this grass. All that supposedly non-addictive, harmless, life-saving marijuana cigarette that damaged my nerves, ruined my memory, and made me feel like crashing the high school prom. It was just never strong enough, so I moved on and switched to poppy.

I ran out of talk when I was nine years old.

Each of us is lonely, and together we are also lonely.

Nobody dies virgin. Life has us all.

Wanting to be someone else is losing yourself.

We're so fashionable that we can't even escape ourselves.

Television, television is the biggest evil on the planet.

It's better to be a moody dreamer than a brainless party animal.

I use the pieces of other people's personalities to build my own.

It is the responsibility of the youth to challenge corruption.

I don't read much, but when I do read, I read carefully.

I love everyone - that's what's sad.

Better to be dead than cool.

The worst crime is pretending.

I never craved fame or anything like that. That's how it happened.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.

All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-esteem, everything related to self-esteem.

From time to time I even forget that I am in a group, I am simply blinded by love. I know it sounds strange, but it's true.

Don't stop, Courtney - for Frances, for her life, which will be much happier without me. I love you. I love you!

I hope I don't turn into Pete Townshend. It’s quite funny to be 40 years old and do what we do on stage now. That's why I want to quit my career before it's too late.

I'm so happy because today I found my friends - they are in my head.

Every time I watch a television show about dying children, I can't help but cry.

Everything I do is internal, subconscious, because you cannot rationalize spirituality.

When I realized that I wouldn't find someone like me, I just stopped making friends with people.

My name is Kurt, I sing and play guitar, and I'm basically a walking, talking bacterial infection.

I don't want to get too close to anyone. I don't want anyone to know how I feel or what I think. And if you are unable to understand what I am like by listening to my music, well, alas.

I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn’t communicate normally with my classmates, because I really wanted to have a typical family: mother, father. I wanted this confidence, and because of it, I was angry with my parents for several years.

If I go to jail, at least I won't have to sign autographs.

I haven't felt the excitement of listening to or creating music along with writing it for many years.

I'd rather hang out with a bunch of losers and sit and smoke with them than with people who are crazy about baseball.

  • Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington, USA.
  • Kurt grew up in a creative environment. Almost all of his relatives were connected in one way or another with music and the visual arts: his grandmother was a professional artist, his uncle Chuck Fradenburg played in the band The Beachcombers, his aunt Mary Earle played guitar in local bands, his grandfather Delbert made a career as a tenor and starred in films.
  • Kurt's childhood was happy: he constantly laughed, drew and hummed different tunes, but with his parents' divorce in 1976, he changed dramatically and became sullen and withdrawn. His relationship with his stepfather did not work out, so Cobain wandered around visiting relatives for a long time.
  • At the age of 14, Kurt began playing guitar. He received his first guitar as a gift from his uncle Chuck.
  • In 1986, he was first arrested for trespassing and drinking alcohol and was jailed for 8 days.
  • In 1985, Cobain formed his first band called Fecal Matter, which broke up a year later. And soon, in 1987, the cult team Nirvana was formed.
  • In 1991, Nirvana's second album Nevermind was released, which catapulted the group to unexpected fame. The single Smells Like Teen Spirit, to everyone's surprise, became a hit on MTV. Nirvana's sudden success on the international stage brought the band to the public's attention. The media called the team the “flagship of generation X”, and Cobain himself the “voice of the generation”.
  • In 1992, Kurt Cobain married singer Courtney Love, and soon they had a daughter, Frances Bean Cobain.
  • Since the release of their debut album, Nirvana records have sold 75 million copies worldwide.
  • Kurt had serious health problems. He suffered from chronic bronchitis and stomach pain from an early age (he sometimes claimed that he began using heroin to dull the pain). As a child, he was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and was forced to take Ritalin. Cobain was later diagnosed with manic depression.
  • Kurt became involved with drugs at age 13, when he first tried marijuana; he later began experimenting with LSD and other hallucinogens, and at age 19 he took heroin for the first time.
  • Cobain's work was influenced by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Aerosmith and AC/DC, Sex Pistols, Sonic Youth and Pixies.
  • The musician's favorite writers were Leo Tolstoy, Laura Wilder, Jerome David Salinger and Laurens van der Post.
  • Cobain died on April 5, 1994. The official cause of death is suicide.
  • After his death, several dozen books were written about Kurt and many films were made, one of the latest is “Kurt Cobain. Damn montage."
  • In 2011, a monument was erected in Cobain's hometown of Aberdeen in his honor, which is a concrete copy of one of the musician's guitars.


  • My name is Kurt, I sing and play guitar, and I'm basically a walking, talking bacterial infection.
  • Let them hate me for what I am, and let them love me for what I am not.
  • I'm not afraid of death. When you die, your soul continues to live and becomes absolutely happy. Complete peace after death, rebirth into someone else - this is the greatest hope of my life...
  • Until I was 9 years old, I was firmly convinced that I would become either a rock star, or an astronaut, or a president...
  • I hope I don't turn into Pete Townshend. It’s quite funny to be 40 years old and do what we do on stage now. That's why I want to quit my career before it's too late.
  • I have a message for our fans. If you hate homosexuals, people of color, or women for any reason, please do us a favor...LEAVE US ALONE, YOU MOTHER! Don't come to our concerts, don't buy our records.
  • I'd rather hang out with a bunch of losers and sit and smoke with them than with people who are crazy about baseball.
  • I must be one of those narcissistic patients who only begins to value something when it is no longer there.
  • I love poetry because I can do it without experiencing any outside influences. I don’t want to talk about my favorite poets, because you need to discover this world yourself.
  • Life is what you build, it's your crossword puzzle.
  • Television, television is the biggest evil on the planet. Go to your TV right now and throw it out the window, or sell it and buy a better stereo system.
  • I don't want to get too close to anyone. I don't want anyone to know how I feel or what I think. And if you are unable to understand what I am like by listening to my music, well, alas.
  • If I go to jail, at least I won't have to sign autographs.

I always felt like an outcast, and it couldn't help but bother me. I couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to communicate with my peers and classmates. Many years later I understood why - I could not get along with them, primarily because they were indifferent to creativity.

I'm tired of constantly pretending to be a nice guy just so I can get along with others and have friends. He wore a simple flannel shirt, chewed tobacco, and became a reclusive monk in his little room for many years. Over time, I even began to forget what normal communication with people was.

"Grunge" is as strong a term as "new wave" and you have to come to terms with that. Over time, it will certainly become outdated, but for now you need to take advantage of the opportunity and either hope that the audience will accept you as one of their own, or grow with you.

Punk rock should mean freedom, the desire to do what you like, accept what you like, and play whatever comes into your head and whatever God puts on your soul, and play as much as you like, as long as it all turns out well and touches the soul.

It was a big goal for us (Nirvana) to play in Seattle one day.

We took drugs and had a blast with it, but we're done with it now. Anyone who knows me well knows that I value my time too much to waste it on drugs.

I'm really glad that I have a lot of money. It gives me confidence. In addition, I know that my child will grow up in prosperity and will always be provided for. It makes me feel good.

I was looking for something heavier and at the same time quite melodic. Something that would be completely different from heavy metal and have a completely different attitude towards the world.

My name is Kurt, I sing and play guitar, and I'm basically a walking, talking bacterial infection...

I don't want to get too close to anyone. I don't want anyone to know how I feel or what I think. And if you can't understand what I'm like by listening to my music, well, alas...

I hope I don't turn into Pete Townshend. It’s quite funny to be 40 years old and do what we do on stage now. That's why I want to quit my career before it's too late...

It's better to burn than to fade...

I'd rather hang out with a bunch of losers and sit and smoke with them than with people who are crazy about baseball..."

I have a message for our fans. If you hate homosexuals, people of color and women for any reason, please do us a favor...LEAVE US ALONE. YO MAMA! Don't come to our concerts, don't buy our records...

I never craved fame or anything like that. It just so happened...

Until I was 9 years old, I was firmly convinced that I would become either a rock star, an astronaut, or a president...

The fact that I sometimes dress in women's clothing shows that I can be as feminine as I want. I'm a heterosexual... big deal! If I were homosexual, I wouldn't mind too much...

All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-esteem, everything connected with pride...

When I started taking heroin, I knew it would be as boring as smoking marijuana, but I couldn't stop, heroin became like air!

I love everyone - that's what's sad...

Life is what you build, what your crossword...

All my life I have not believed the things they say in history books and most of what I was taught in school. But now I conclude that I have no right to judge anyone based solely on what I read in books. I have no right to judge anything at all. This is the lesson I learned...

I'm not afraid of death. When you die, your soul continues to live and becomes absolutely happy. Complete peace after death, rebirth into someone else - this is the greatest hope of my life...

Thousands, perhaps millions, of articles have been written about Kurt Cobain, the leader of the group Nirvana. His work, his personal life, his mysterious death at the age of 27 haunt many to this day. But now I don’t really want to go into the details of his life, since most of us already know what we need to know, and everything else can be studied at our leisure for days on end. At one time, Kurt was called the “voice of a generation,” but he rejected all kinds of titles throughout his short life, since they weighed on him and did not allow him to do what he really wanted. In general, I liked his views on life.

No one dies a virgin. Life will fuck everyone...

I love everyone - that's what's sad

All my life I have not believed the things they write about in history books and most of what I was taught in school. But now I conclude that I have no right to judge anyone based solely on what I read in books. I have no right to judge anything at all. This is the lesson I learned...

Life is what you build, it's your crossword

Until I was 9 years old, I was firmly convinced that I would become either a rock star, or an astronaut, or a president...

Wanting to be someone else is losing yourself

Television, television is the biggest evil on the planet

It's better to be a moody dreamer than a brainless party animal

I never craved fame or anything like that. It just so happened

Everything I do is internal, subconscious, because you can't rationalize spirituality.

When I realized that I wouldn't find someone like me, I just stopped making friends with people

I'm so happy because today I found my friends - they are in my head

I'd rather hang out with a bunch of losers and sit and smoke with them than with people who are crazy about baseball.

I don't want to get too close to anyone. I don't want anyone to know how I feel or what I think. And if you can't understand what I'm all about by listening to my music, well, alas

The fact that I sometimes dress in women's clothing shows that I can be as feminine as I want. I'm not homosexual, although I would like to be, just to annoy homophobes

I'm tired of constantly pretending to be a nice guy just so I can get along with others and have friends. He wore a simple flannel shirt, chewed tobacco, and became a reclusive monk in his little room for many years. Over time, I even began to forget what normal communication with people is

Each of us is lonely and together we are also lonely

Let them hate me for what I am, let them love me for what I am not

I use bits and pieces of other personalities to form my own

I always felt like an outcast and it couldn't help but bother me

Most of my texts are woven from continuous contradictions. I'll write a few sincere lines and then start fooling around and making fun of them

Punk rock should mean freedom, the desire to do what you like, accept what you like, and play whatever comes into your head and whatever God puts on your soul, and play as much as you like, as long as it all turns out well and touches the soul.

I'm really glad that I have a lot of money. It gives me confidence. In addition, I know that my child will grow up in prosperity and will always be provided for. It makes me feel good.

Many people try to live the lives of other people. Their thoughts are other people's opinions, their lives are mimicry, their passion is quotes. The ability to quote well hides the lack of your own ideas

The worst crime is pretending

When I started taking heroin, I knew it would be as boring as smoking marijuana, but I couldn't stop, heroin became like air!

All drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-esteem... everything related to self-esteem...

Never met a sage, and if I did, it was a woman

I'm a walking, talking bacterial infection...

Every time I watch a TV show about dying children, I can't help but cry.

If I go to jail, at least I won't have to sign autographs.

I have a message for our fans. If you hate homosexuals, people of color, or women for any reason, please do us a favor. Leave us alone. Yo Mama. Don't come to our concerts and don't buy our records.

I'm not afraid of death. When you die, your soul continues to live and becomes absolutely happy. Complete peace after death, rebirth into someone else - this is the greatest hope of my life...

Live to the fullest, die young and leave a beautiful corpse...