The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are prohibited. Alex Tarn - Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Fathers of the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage

The foundation of the desert dates back to the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. IN early XVII centuries, the Church of the Entry stood in the monastery “wooden in a cage”and there was a hieromonk of Theodosius with his brethren. In 1689, a cathedral stone church was founded, in the construction of which Tsars Ivan V and Peter I and Princess Sophia assisted. In 1724, due to poverty, the monastery was abolished, but in 1726 it was restored. In 1764, with the introduction of states, it was left unemployed. In 1773, only two monks lived in Optina. Only towards the end of the 18th century, with an increase in the flow of private donations, a turn for the better came for Optina. With the money received, it was possible to purchase new land, a mill and build stone buildings.

The spiritual rise of the ancient monastery began in 1821, when a monastery was built in the monastery apiary. At this time, eldership was revived in the monastery - a type of spiritual mentoring that had been practiced since ancient times, but was practically forgotten in later times. The elder was in charge of the entire spiritual life of the monastery. Suffering lay people, from the poorest peasants to nobles, flocked to him for words of consolation and advice. "Pillar"Optina eldership was the Monk Ambrose (1812-1891), canonized in 1988. F. M. Dostoevsky came to talk with the elder in 1878. Being the center of eldership, the monastery attracted prominent figures of Russia and left an amazing mark on Russian culture. Historians Pogodin, Vl. came there. Solovyov and the Slavophile Shevyrev, writers Gogol, Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.K. Tolstoy, the Kireevsky and Aksakov brothers, A. Zhemchuzhnikov, Apukhtin... Members of the imperial family also visited Optina.

In 1923, the monastery churches were officially closed, a sawmill was built in the monastery itself, and a rest house was built in the monastery. In 1988, Optina Pustyn was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Fourteen elders of Optina Hermitage, canonized as saints:

Reverend Leo,

Venerable Macarius,

Reverend Moses,

Reverend Anthony,

Venerable Hilarion,

Reverend Ambrose,

Reverend Anatoly Sr.

Reverend Isaac the First,

Reverend Joseph,

Venerable Barsanuphius,

Reverend Anatoly Jr.

Venerable Nektarios,

Venerable Nikon the Confessor,

Venerable Hieromartyr Isaac the Second.

Prophecies of the Fathers of the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage

In 1848, a storm swept over the St. John the Baptist monastery in the Optana Hermitage. The whirlwind tore off roofs and broke crosses. Elder Macarius said: “This is a terrible sign of God’s wrath against the apostate world. Political passions are raging in Europe, and in our country, the elements are raging... It started with Europe, it will end with us.”. Soon a revolution occurred in France.

In 1866, Count A.P. Tolstoy turned to the famous monastery for elders. He asked to interpret a dream dreamed by the Tver priest D. M. Konstantinovsky, the son of Gogol’s confessor. Dmitry Matveyevich dreamed of a cave illuminated by a lamp, filled with many clergy, among whom were his late parent, Father Matvey, and Metropolitan Philaret, who was still alive at that time. Amid the silent prayers, clear words were heard: “We are experiencing scary time"We're in our seventh summer". After these words, Amitry Matveevich woke up in excitement and fear... Elder Ambrose of Optina said that the cave illuminated by the lamp - current state Churches. A new paganism is spreading across Russia, where the light of faith barely glimmers. The living and the deceased pray together - which means they equally belong to the earthly Militant and the heavenly Triumphant Church. Seeing the disastrous state of the Orthodox faith, bright men beg the Queen of Heaven: may she spread Her Veil over suffering Russia. "We're in our seventh summer" - these words may mean a time close to the Antichrist, when the faithful children of the Church will hide in caves and only the prayers of the Mother of God will have the power to save people from persecution and unrest.

Half a century before the Russian Revolution, Elder Ambrose already knew about it. “Once Father Agapit came to me,” recalls novice Nikolai, future father Nikon (Belyaev), “and said that Father Ambrose, he himself heard from him, said that the Antichrist is just around the corner...”

One day Father Barsanuphius told Hieromonk Nektarios that he had a dream that the Antichrist came to him. He promised to tell us in more detail, but did not resume the conversation, and Elder Nektarios did not dare to ask. A few years later, the elder himself will tell his spiritual children about this: “We will live to see terrible times, but the grace of God will cover us. Christianity is hated everywhere. It is a yoke for them, preventing them from living freely and freely committing sins. Decays, decays, degenerates newest generation. They want to live without God. Well then! The fruits of such mischief are obvious... The Antichrist is clearly coming into the world. And the first time his hordes will go against Orthodox Rus', and the second time they will want a third [meaning world wars].”.

Once at the very beginning of the 20th century, Elder Barsanuphius prophesied: “... from here from the monastery you can see the devil's network better... And in the last times the temples will be destroyed. Idol temples and so on will be built in their places. The monasteries will be in great persecution and oppression. True Christians will huddle in small churches. The persecution and torment of the first Christians may be repeated... All monasteries will be destroyed, Christians in power will be overthrown. That time is just around the corner, mark my words. You will live to see these times, then you will say: “Yes, I remember, Father Barsanuphius told me all this.”.

Once in Optina, proverbs were read during vespers. Suddenly, one of the priests’ eyes became confused: the altar and all the servants seemed to dissolve, and crowds of people appeared in confusion running to the east [meaning the Great Patriotic War]. An angel appeared and said: “Everything you see will happen soon.”.

Father Nektary prophesied about the “cold” war: “Three decades or more will pass, and we will build high walls, and the gnashing of teeth will be heard behind these walls, and there will be a quiet, but dangerous enmity...”

Father Nektary did his best to warn his spiritual children about what they would have to endure during the revolution. They hoped that the new government would not last long, but the priest did not share their hopes and even gave his blessing to teach their children in a Soviet school. From now on, they should receive Christian education in the family, through the example of their father and mother.

“Russia, if you fall away from your faith, as many intellectuals have already fallen away from it, then you will no longer be Russia or holy Russia,” warned the Optina elder Macarius back in 1905. - And if there is no repentance among the Russian people, the end of the world is near. God will take away the pious king and send a scourge in the person of wicked, cruel, self-appointed rulers who will flood the whole earth with blood and tears.”.

In 1916 cmapeii Anatoly (Potapov) talked with Prince N.D. Zhevakhov. “There is no greater sin than resistance to the will of God’s Anointed One,” said the priest. - Take care of Him, for through Him the Russian Land and the Orthodox Faith are held together... But... - After hesitating, he finally finished his thought: The fate of the Tsar is the fate of Russia, 11 will rejoice, and Russia will rejoice. If the Tsar cries, Russia will also cry... Just as a man with his head cut off is no longer a man, but a stinking corpse, so Russia without a Tsar will be a stinking corpse.”.

“The fundamental elements of Russian life are expressed in familiar words: Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality [i.e. e. Church, Tsar and Kingdom], Elder Nikon warned in 1915. - This is what needs to be preserved! And when these principles change, the Russian people will cease to be Russian. He will then lose the sacred tricolor banner.".

When "Holding", that is, the king will be taken away from the social environment, the mystery of lawlessness will prevail - this is what the apostle warned. This became a reality in 1917. “And now the Emperor is not himself, how much humiliation he suffers for his mistakes,” said Elder Nektarios. - 1918 will be even harder. The sovereign and the whole family will be killed and tortured... If people do not repent before 1922, they will die.”.

Soon after the revolution, the Optina chronicler S. A. Nilus visited Kyiv, where he communicated with the old lady of the Rzhishchev Monastery. On February 21, 1917, her novice teen fell into a trance, in which she remained for 40 days. Delirious, the girl told her visions, which those around her carefully wrote down. In particular, she said the following: “And I heard how the martyrs talked among themselves, rejoicing that the last time was coming, and that their number would increase, and that churches and monasteries would soon be destroyed, and those living in the monasteries would be expelled, that they would be tormented not only the clergy and monasticism, but also everyone who did not want to accept the seal and will stand for the Name of Christ, for the faith, for the Church. I heard them say that the Tsar would no longer exist and earthly time was approaching the end, I heard it, but it is not very clear that if the Lord does not add time, then the end of everything earthly will be in the 22nd year.”. Out of His infinite mercy, the Lord added time...

“Our Sovereign stands before the throne of God wearing the crown of the Great Martyr,” Elder Nektarios prophesied a year before the Yekaterinburg atrocity. - Well, this Sovereign will be a great martyr. Lately he will redeem his life, and if people do not turn to God, then not only Russia, all of Europe will fail.”.

In the 20s, a certain Nina D. directly told Elder Nektarios: “Everyone says that the signs of the second coming have been fulfilled.”. - “No, not everything,” answered the priest, “but, of course, even a simple glance can see that much is being fulfilled, but it is revealed to the spiritual: used to be a church was a vast circle covering the entire horizon, but now, you see, it’s like a ring, and in the last days before the coming of Christ it will all be preserved in this form: one Orthodox priest and one Orthodox layman. I’m not telling you that there will be no churches at all, maybe there will be, yes, but Orthodoxy will only survive in this form. Pay attention to these words. You understand. After all, it’s all over the world.”.

The Monk Nektary testified in 1917: « One pious girl had a dream: Jesus Christ is sitting on the throne, and around Him are twelve apostles and are distributed from the earth terrible torment and moans. And the Apostle Peter asks Christ: “When, Lord, will these torments end?”, and Jesus Christ answers him: “I give until the 22nd year; if people do not repent and come to their senses, then they will all perish.”. The year 1922 has arrived. The end of the world has not come. The question is why? There is, of course, only one real answer. This is Christ’s answer to the question of the apostles: “Is it not at this time, Lord, that you restore the kingdom to Israel?”The Lord answers: “It is not your business to know the times or seasons that the Father has set in His power.” (Acts 2, 6-7). Having said this, the Lord leaves the earth, giving the disciples the command to go and preach the Gospel to every creature, even to the ends of the earth. We know from the Holy Scriptures cases when the Lord postponed already appointed events. Thus, the death of Nineveh, determined by the preaching of Jonah after 40 days, was postponed for another 150 years by the repentance of the king and the townspeople. Regarding the fact that the end did not come in 1922, in the book “Russia before the Second Coming”an opinion is given on the importance of the Zemsky Sobor in Vladivostok in July-August 1922. At this council, repentance was offered on behalf of Russia for apostasy. The book expresses the opinion that this begged God for a continuation of the story. In August 1922, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich declared himself “Guardian of the Russian Throne”. Whether these are the reasons for God’s providential acts or not is hardly given to us to know.

And here are the words of the Optina elder Isaac the Second about our times:“Shortly before the reign of the Antichrist, closed churches will be repaired and equipped not only outside, but also inside. They will gild the domes of both churches and bell towers, and when the main one is finished, the time will come for the reign of the Antichrist. Pray that the Lord will extend this time for us to strengthen: a terrible time awaits us. Renovations of churches will continue until the coronation of the Antichrist, and our splendor will be unprecedented.”.

Elder Nikon echoed him:“Do you see how insidiously all this is being prepared? All churches will be in the greatest splendor as never before, but it will be impossible to go to those churches, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there. Understand: there will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to visit them, since the whole “satanic gathering” will be there. (Apocalypse 2:9)! I repeat once again that it will be impossible to go to those churches: there will be no grace in them).”

Father Ambrose directly said to one deacon shortly before his death: « You will live to see the time when there will be Antichrist! Don’t be afraid, but tell everyone that it’s him, and there’s no need to be afraid! There will be a war, and where it takes place, there will be no people there! And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die, but under the Antichrist there will be no more death. The third world war will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination. And the Lord will leave the strongest to meet him.”.

The Venerable Elder Nikon often spoke about the Antichrist: “The time will come when they will fight and fight and a world war will begin. And in the midst of it they will say: let’s choose one king for the whole universe. And they will elect! The Antichrist will be elected as the world king and chief “peacemaker”on the ground. You have to listen carefully, you have to be careful! As soon as they vote for one in the whole world, know that this is already him and that you cannot vote.”.

And here are the words of the venerable elder of Optina Barsanuphius: « The Russian people will repent of mortal sins: they allowed the Jewish wickedness in Russia, did not protect the Anointed Tsar of God, the Orthodox churches and monasteries and all Russian sacred things, despised piety and loved demonic wickedness. But there will be a spiritual explosion! And Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One. Thanks to him, all schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because it already experienced the terrible pre-Antichrist time. Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar-Autocrat. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures. In Russia there will be prosperity of faith and rejoicing, but only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead.”.

And another prophecy of Elder Barsanuphius: “Blessed and blessed is the man who does not desire and therefore will not see the godless face of the Antichrist. Those who see him and hear his blasphemous speech with the promise of all earthly blessings will be seduced and will come to meet him with worship. And together with him they will die for eternal life, will burn in eternal Fire! The abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place and show the vile deceivers of the world who will deceive people who have apostatized from God and perform false miracles. And after them the Antichrist will appear! The whole world will see it once". To the question “Where in a holy place, in a church?”St. Barsanuphius said: “Not in church, but in our home! Previously, there was a table with holy icons in the corner, but then there will be seductive devices to seduce people. Many who have departed from the Truth will say: we need to watch and listen to the news. The Antichrist will appear on the news, and they will accept him.”.

Elder Nektary of Optina said: “Our most terrible sorrows are like insect bites compared to the sorrows of the next century.”.

“There will be a storm. The Prussian ship will be destroyed - this is how the Optina elder Anatoly described the future of Russia. - But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently. And what happens after a storm? After a storm there is calm. But that ship is gone, it’s broken, everything is lost!”

“It’s not like that,” the priest continued, “a great miracle of God will be revealed, yes.. And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in its beauty and will go its way, intended by God. So it will be a miracle that is obvious to everyone.”. This prophecy was pronounced in February 1917, when the troubles were just beginning, the tsar had not yet abdicated the throne and the Sovereign Mother of God had not yet appeared in the village of Kolomenskoye as a sign that from now on She would take upon Herself leadership over Russia...

In his New Year's speech for 1918, Father Nikon said: “Our builders want to make a name for themselves, with their reforms and decrees to benefit not only the unfortunate Russian people, but the whole world and even peoples much more cultured than us. And this arrogant undertaking will suffer the same fate as the plan of the Babylonians: instead of good, bitter disappointment is brought. Wanting to make us rich and needing nothing, they actually turn us into miserable, miserable, poor and naked.”. This is not only the result of the first revolutionary months, but also a prophecy characterizing the end of the century, strikingly in tune with all the cataclysms experienced today...

“And yet this is not the end! Russia will be saved - a year after October revolution cried Elder Isaac the Second. - A lot of suffering, a lot of torment. All of Russia will become a prison, and we must beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sin, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest outweighs the good in the cup, then God will show His mercy over Russia...”

“If at least a few faithful Orthodox remain in Russia, God will have mercy on it,” predicted Father Nektary in the early 1920s, who remained the only elder of Optina Pustyn after the death of Father Anatoly Jr. And he added with a smile: “And we have such righteous people.”.

And the elder also said: “In the last times the world will be girded with iron and paper.”.

In 1919, Elder Anatoly predicted what is little by little coming true today before our eyes: “Inactive churches will be repaired and equipped not only outside, but also inside. The domes of both churches and bell towers will be gilded. Renovations of the temples will continue until the adversary's arrival - the splendor will be unprecedented. And when everything is finished, the time will come when the Antichrist will reign. Pray that the Lord will continue this time for us to strengthen, because a terrible time awaits us. In this last time, true Christians will be exiled, and let the old and weak at least grab the wheels and run after them. Many of you, my children, will live to see it..."

As a sign of this time, Elder Anatoly points to the possibility of free entry into and exit from Jerusalem (he did not bless his spiritual children to make such a pilgrimage), as well as the appearance of massive false signs. The earth will stop giving birth, will part and give way to cracks. The lakes will begin to dry up and there will be no water in them.

Two months before the start of the First World War, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna visited Optina Pustyn. The next day, Her Highness left for Shamordino. Returning in the evening, under the pretext of fatigue, she locked herself in her cell. Over time Grand Duchess Alone, unaccompanied, she quickly walked through the senile forest. Elder Nektarios silently opened the door of the hut for her. They talked for a long time in private. What they talked about remained a mystery... The hour of parting had come. Surrounded by the Optina fathers, Elizaveta Feodorovna slowly walked towards the ferry. Having crossed to the other side of the Zhizdra, she looked back and crossed everyone with a wide cross. The monks, as one, bowed to her. Everyone had a presentiment of what they would soon have to endure...

“Russia is lost, but Holy Rus' is alive”, - the Grand Duchess will say in the fall of 1917, and when she is offered to go abroad, she will remain to share with this land everything that is assigned to endure from the Lord.

The meeting with Elder Nektarios was not accidental. A few decades later, in 1981, when Russia passes its way of the cross, both of them will be glorified by the Russian diaspora: the Grand Duchess as the Passion-Bearer, and Elder Nektarios - in the Cathedral of the Reverend Fathers of Optina. The basis for the canonization of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia will be the fragrant relics of the one who, secretly from everyone, came to the porch of the Optina elder to receive his blessing and offered up prayers for him until her last breath...

“The abyss will stretch out on the earth,” Elder Barsanuphius predicted, “and the “sirki” (demons) will all come out and be in people who will neither be baptized nor pray, but will only kill people, and murder is the original sin. It is interesting to deceive people more with this sin. And yet the hour will come when we will remember this time, which today seems so unbearable, and yet extremely favorable for salvation, for it contains the real possibility of Repentance and Action.”.

This is what the Optina elder Nektary answered to the nun Nektary, who asked the priest in 1924 “about the end of the world”: « ... It is not useful for people to know the time of the second coming. "Watch and Pray", - “said the Savior, which means there is no need to predict events, and in due time everything will be revealed to the faithful.”.

These words are thought-provoking... In an Orthodox country, the prophecies of elders enjoying unconditional authority, if they were widely published, could be used by the destroyers of the state in their political manipulations. How? Take, for example, the statement on television on June 20, 1991, by a supporter of B. N. Yeltsin, that the day of the election of the President of the RSFSR - June 12 - was determined based on the prophecies of what had become last years fashionable Nostradamus.

“My heart bleeds when I think about our dear fatherland, Russia, our mother, where is she rushing, what is she looking for? What are you waiting for? - Elder Anatoly Jr. wrote in 1918. - Enlightenment rises, but is imaginary; it deceives itself in its hope; the young generation does not feed on the milk of the teachings of our Holy Orthodox Church, but is infected with some foreign, muddy, poisonous spirit; and how long will this last? Of course, in the destinies of God’s Providence it is written what should be, but it is hidden from us due to His ineffable wisdom. But it seems that the time is coming, according to the father’s prophecy: “He who saves, let him save his soul!”.

Elder Nektarios echoes him: “We need, leaving European customs“, to love Holy Rus' and repent of the past passion for it, to be firm in the Orthodox faith, to pray to God, to bring repentance for the past”.

The Monk Nikon shared the same opinion: “Beneficent Europe taught us external arts and sciences, but internal kindness takes away and shakes the Orthodox faith; attracts money to itself".

In 1918, Elder Anatoly Jr. said:

" 1. God will take away all the leaders so that the Russian people will look only to Him.

2. Everyone will abandon Russia, other powers will abandon it, leaving it to itself - this is so that the Russian people will trust in the help of the Lord.

3. You will hear that riots will begin in other countries and things similar to what happened in Russia, and you will hear about war, and there will be wars - the time is already near.”.

And then the elder said that “The Cross of Christ will shine over all the worlds, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long.”.

The words of Elder Nektarios: “Reserves will not save you, because famine will not begin immediately. Every year it will become more and more difficult, harvests will fall, less and less land will be cultivated. We need to try to be closer to the ground. IN big cities life will be very difficult. There will be such a famine that people will break into their houses to find food. They will break glass windows, break doors, kill people for food. Weapons will be in the hands of many, and human life will be worth nothing.”.

Reverend Nikon:“At the coming of the Antichrist there will be such a famine that there will be no grain. It will be necessary to harvest linden leaves, nettles and other herbs, dry them, and then brew them - this decoction will be enough for nutrition.”

The elders prophesied that by the end of time there would be a sea in the place of St. Petersburg. Moscow will partially collapse, there are many voids underground. When they were asked about Optina Pustyn, the elders said:

There will be nothing left of the desert. One hut, there will be one more. There will be war and destruction, but the hut will remain. I won't see it, but you will. There will be that road and only one hut left, and there will be nothing near it. When there is a war, everything will be destroyed.

The time will come when the Chinese will attack us, and it will be very difficult for everyone.

Father Nikon gave the following prayer to one of his spiritual children: “Lord, Thy will be done in me, a sinner, on all paths of life, help me to remain faithful to You to the end. Holy Mother of God, save me, a sinner. Holy Apostle John the Theologian, be my mentor, be my representative and prayer book before the Lord and His Most Pure Mother. Amen".

The Lord will resurrect St. Seraphim of Sarov, who will be alive for quite some time. Whoever wishes will see him alive! Oh, how many miracles there will be then! The relics of the Venerable Father Seraphim are in Moscow with a pious old woman. The Angel of the Lord, when necessary, tells her to turn to the first hierarch and say...

1. Cards will be introduced in Moscow, and then there will be famine.

2. There will be a big earthquake in Moscow. Six hills in Moscow will turn into one.

3. No one needs to move from their places: where you live, stay there (for rural residents).

4. Don’t go to the monastery in Diveevo now: the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov are not there.

5. Yes, there will still be persecution of the Orthodox Faith!

6. In Russia, the communists will still come to power...

7. As soon as you find out that such and such a priest was driven out of the temple, cleave to him for the duration of the persecution.

8. Japan and America will go under water together.

9. All of Australia will also be flooded.

10. America will be flooded by the ocean all the way to Alaska. So Alaska itself, which will be ours again.

11. There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!

12. The southern half of China will be flooded by the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back.

13. When China comes at us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, the Lord will convert them to Orthodoxy.

14. The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.

15. Everything will be in fire!... Great sorrows are coming, but Russia will not perish in fire.

16. Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But Ukraine will not unite with us then; and then there will be a lot of crying!

17. The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks.

18. Afghanistan faces an endless war.

19. Know! There will be war here, and there will be war, and there will be war! .. And only then the warring countries will decide to choose one common ruler. You cannot participate in this! After all, this single ruler is the Antichrist.


In recent times, for every Christian there will be a hundred or more sorcerers!<...>How many books of sorcery and witchcraft are published all over the world under the leadership of Jews?!

There will be great tribulation when the servants of the Antichrist will deprive the believers food, work, pensions... There will be groaning, crying and much more... Many will die, and only those strong in faith will remain, whom the Lord will choose and will live to see His Second Coming.

When the Lord allows the Antichrist to appear, then the majority of the clergy will immediately convert to another faith, and the people will follow them!
The Antichrist will sacrifice many nations, which Satan will prepare for this, turning them into ruminant cattle!<...>
There will be no food, there will be no water, the heat is unspeakable, the stings of animals, strangled people will hang at every step...<...>
Most people in the world, out of hunger, will accept the seal of the Antichrist; very few will not. This seal will forever seal those who accept it for the grace of repentance, that is, they will never be able to repent and will go to hell!

The Antichrist will only have enough food for those who have accepted the seal for six months, and then they will begin to suffer. great tribulation, they will start looking for death and will not find it!

The Russian people will be strangled by all means! And Adventists - the satanic faith - have a green light! There will be so many suicides in our country! More to come! Hunger, and in hunger - cannibalism! War and then choose the Antichrist!

Make every effort so that the Lord will deliver you from the sin of Sodom. Satan will give the command to shame especially the clergy and monasticism with this sin!<...>(This sin) will be spread on a large scale, it is sodomy!

The Antichrist teaching will differ from the Orthodox teaching of Christ only in that it will deny the redemptive Cross! - warned the saint of God Pelagia of Ryazan, - Seventh-day Adventists are the first enemies of the Cross of Christ!

Rich priests crucified the Lord!..
Rich priests overthrew the Tsar!!.
Rich priests will lead us to the Antichrist!!!

There will be three great miracles:
The first miracle - in Jerusalem - the resurrection from the dead of the holy patriarch Enoch and the holy prophet Elijah on the third day after their murder by the Antichrist!

The second miracle is in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra; St. Sergius will be resurrected after the reign of the Antichrist. He will rise from the shrine, walk in front of everyone to the Assumption Cathedral and then ascend to heaven! There will be a sea of ​​tears here! Then there will be nothing to do in the monastery, there will be no grace!

And the third miracle will be in Sarov. The Lord will resurrect St. Seraphim of Sarov, who will be alive for quite some time. Whoever wishes will see him alive! Oh, how many miracles there will be then!

The relics of the Venerable Father Seraphim are in Moscow with a pious old woman. The Angel of the Lord, when necessary, orders her to turn to the first hierarch and say that she has the relics of St. Seraphim. These holy relics will be carried on the shoulders through Kashira along the Volgograd road through Mikhailov to Tambov, and from there to Sarov. In Sarov, Father Seraphim will rise from the dead!

At the time when his relics are carried, there will be darkness among the people, and a great many sick people will be healed! His resurrection in Sarov will be announced on radio and television, and there will be countless people!

At this time, many foreigners will arrive in Sarov from all over the world: both the priesthood and simply the curious. Everyone will be convinced of the resurrection of St. Seraphim: yes, truly, this is the elder who dedicated himself to God on this earth, in this area! This will be a global wonder!

The whole world is under the influence of some force, which takes possession of the mind, will and all spiritual qualities of a person. This is an extraneous force, an evil force. Its source is the devil, and evil people are only the instrument through which it acts. These are the forerunners of the Antichrist.

In the Church we no longer have living prophets, but we do have signs. They are given to us for the knowledge of times. They are clearly visible to people who have a spiritual mind. But this is not recognized in the world... Everyone is going against Russia, that is, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers, the true faith of Christ is preserved in them.

Heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act by cunning in order, if possible, to persuade even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas of the Holy Trinity, the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the dignity of the Mother of God, but will imperceptibly begin to distort the teachings of the Church transmitted by the Holy Fathers from the Holy Spirit, and its very spirit and statutes, and these tricks of the enemy will be noticed only by a few, the most skilled in spiritual life .

Was it really a war (the Great Patriotic War)? There will be a war. It will start from the east. And then from all sides, like locusts, enemies will crawl towards Russia. This will be a war!

This time is already a rebellion among people (the destruction of the power of the Monarch), there will be great trouble on our land and great wrath on the people, and they will fall by the edge of the sword and will be captured<...>as the Lord showed me.

Now I saw the king sitting on the throne and standing in front of him were two brave youths with royal crowns on their heads. And the Lord gave them weapons in their hands against those opposing them, and their enemies will be defeated, and all nations will worship, and our kingdom will be pacified by God and established. You, brothers and fathers, pray with tears to God and His Most Pure Mother of God for the power of the kingdom of the Russian land.

America will soon collapse. It will disappear terribly, completely. Americans will flee, trying to escape to Russia and Serbia. It will be so.

This war of the world, perhaps the entire New World Order, against Russia will be terrible in its consequences for humanity, claiming billions of lives. The reason for it will be painfully recognizable - Serbia.<...>After the resurrection of Russia there will be a Third World War and it will begin in Yugoslavia. Russia will remain the winner, Russian Kingdom, which will be able to establish lasting peace and prosperity on earth after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of its opponents.

ELDER VISSARION (Optina Pustyn):
There will be something like a coup d'etat in Russia. The Chinese will attack that same year. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle...


Father Nikolai, who will come after Yeltsin? What should we expect?
- Afterwards there will be a military man.
- Will it be soon?
-...His power will be linear. But his age is short, and so is he.

A prediction found in the ancient Greek books of the Lavra of Sava the Sanctified by the Russian monk Anthony Savait, built on the prophecies of the Holy Fathers from Greek texts:

The last times have not yet arrived, and it is completely wrong to believe that we are on the threshold of the coming of the Antichrist, because the one and last flowering of Orthodoxy is yet to come, this time throughout the world - led by Russia. It will happen after a terrible war, in which either 1/2 or 2/3 of humanity will die and which will be stopped by a voice from heaven.
And the Gospel will be preached throughout the world!

For until now it was not the Gospel of Christ that was preached, but the Gospel distorted by heretics (This refers, of course, to the preaching of the Gospel in the world by Catholics, Protestants and various kinds of sectarians).

There will be a period of global prosperity - but not for long.

In Russia at this time there will be an Orthodox Tsar, whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people.

And after this, the world will again become corrupted and will no longer be capable of correction, then the Lord will allow the reign of the Antichrist.


They are called now aliens, somehow, but these are demons. Time will pass, and they will freely reveal themselves to people, being in the service of the Antichrist and his minions. How difficult it will be to fight them then!


Unfortunately, today people who have no relation to the Church and with absolutely worldly wisdom are being pushed into theology, who say different things and commit impermissible actions, with the goal of deliberately removing Christians from the faith with their position.

When you hear that the Turks are blocking the waters of the Euphrates in the upper reaches with a dam and using them for irrigation, then know that we have already entered into preparations for that great war, and thus the way is being prepared for an army of two hundred million from the rising of the sun, as Revelation says.

Apostasy (retreat) has set in, and now all that remains is for the “son of perdition” to come. (The world) will turn into a madhouse. There will be complete chaos, in the midst of which each state will begin to do whatever it pleases. God grant that the interests of those who make big policies will be in our favor. Every now and then we will hear something new. We will see the most incredible, craziest events happen. (The only good thing is) that these events will replace each other very quickly.

Ecumenism, a common market, one big state, one religion, tailored to their standards. These are the plans of these devils. The Zionists are already preparing someone to be the Messiah. For them, the Messiah will be a king, that is, he will rule here on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses are also waiting for an earthly king. The Zionists will present their king, and the Jehovah's Witnesses will accept him. They will all recognize him as king, they will say: “Yes, it is he.” There will be great turmoil. In this turmoil, everyone will want a king who could save them. And then they will put forward a person who will say: “I am the imam, I am the fifth Buddha, I am the Christ for whom Christians are waiting, I am the one whom the Jehovah’s Witnesses are waiting for, I am the Messiah of the Jews.” He will have five selves.

He will appear to the people of Israel as the messiah and deceive the world. Hard times are coming, great trials await us. Christians will suffer great persecution. Meanwhile, it is obvious that people do not even understand that we are already experiencing the signs of the (end) times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. It's like nothing is happening. That's why Holy Bible He says that even the elect will be deceived. Those who do not have a good disposition will not receive enlightenment from God and will be deceived during the years of apostasy. Because the one who does not have Divine Grace does not have spiritual clarity, just as the devil does not have it.<...>

(Zionists) want to rule the world. In order to achieve their goal, they use witchcraft and Satanism. They look at the worship of Satan as a force that will help in the implementation of their plans. Little by little, after introducing cards and identity cards, that is, compiling personal dossiers, they will slyly begin to apply the seal. With the help of various tricks, people will be forced to accept the seal on their forehead or hand. They will give people a hard time and say, “Only use credit cards, money will be abolished.”

In order to buy something, a person will give a card to the seller in a store, and the store owner will receive money from his bank account. Anyone who does not have a card will not be able to sell or buy.

One should not think that the Antichrist is either a devil or a demon, but one of the people in whom all Satan has a bodily dwelling.

Blessed is he who reads, and those who listen to the words of prophecy and keep what is written in it;
for the time is near (Rev. 1:3).

“I, poor Seraphim, am destined by the Lord God to live much more than a hundred years. But since by then Russian bishops are so wicked, that in their wickedness they will surpass the Greek bishops during the time of Theodosius the Younger, so that they will not even believe in the most important dogma of the Christian Faith - the Resurrection of Christ and the General Resurrection, then therefore the Lord God is pleased until the time of me, poor Seraphim, to take from this pre-temporal life and then to affirmation of the dogma of resurrection, resurrect me, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the Okhlonskaya cave during the time of Theodosius the Younger. After my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveyevo, where I will preach worldwide repentance. And for this great miracle people from all over the earth will gather in Diveevo and there, preaching repentance to them, I will open four relics and I myself will lie down between them as the fifth. But then the end of everything will come.”

“In the last time you will have abundance in everything, but then everything will end.”

“But this joy will be for a very short time: what next?<...>will<...>such sorrow as has not happened since the beginning of the world!”

“Then life will be short. The angels will barely have time to take souls!”

“At the end of the world, the whole earth will burn<...>, and there will be nothing left. Only three churches all over the world, from all over the world, will be taken entirely, undestroyed, to heaven: one in the Kyiv Lavra, another (I really don’t remember), and the third is yours, Kazan”...

“To me, poor Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there will be great disasters on the Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, The bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will deviate from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. I, poor Seraphim, prayed to the Lord for three days and three nights that he would rather deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered, “I will not have mercy on them: for they teach the doctrines of men, and with their lips they honor Me, but their heart is far from Me.”...

Any desire to make changes to the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy... blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them..."

“But the Lord will not be completely angry and will not allow the Russian land to be completely destroyed, because in it alone Orthodoxy and the remnants of Christian piety are predominantly preserved... We have the Orthodox faith, the Church, which has no vice. For the sake of these virtues, Russia will always be glorious and terrible and insurmountable to enemies, having faith and piety - the gates of hell will not prevail against them.”

“Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog , before whom all nations will be in awe." And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times predicted about him and his formidable dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other peoples, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured . When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia..."

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1825-32

“The European peoples have always envied Russia and tried to do harm to it. Naturally, they will follow the same system for future centuries. But great Russian God. We must pray to the great God that He preserve the spiritual and moral strength of our people - the Orthodox faith... Judging by the spirit of the times and the ferment of minds, we must believe that the building of the Church, which has been shaking for a long time, will shake terribly and quickly. There is no one to stop and resist...

The current retreat has been allowed by God: do not try to stop it with your weak hand. Stay away, protect yourself from him: and that’s enough for you. Get acquainted with the spirit of the time, study it, in order to avoid its influence if possible...

Constant reverence for the destinies of God is necessary for correct spiritual living. One must bring oneself into this reverence and submission to God by faith. The Providence of Almighty God is vigilantly vigilant over the destinies of the world and every person, and everything that happens is accomplished either by the will or by the permission of God...

No one will change the predestinations of God's Providence for Russia. The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church (for example, Saint Andrew of Crete in his interpretation of the Apocalypse, chapter 20) predict extraordinary civil development and power for Russia... But our disasters must be more moral and spiritual.”

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, 1865

“Modern Russian society has turned into a mental desert. Serious attitude to thought has disappeared, every living source of inspiration has dried up... The most extreme conclusions of the most one-sided Western thinkers are boldly presented as the last word of enlightenment...

How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering it from its strongest enemies and subduing its peoples! And yet, evil is growing. Will we really not come to our senses? The Lord has punished and will punish us with the West, but we don’t understand everything. We got stuck in Western mud up to our ears, and everything was fine. We have eyes, but we don’t see, we have ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand with our hearts... Having inhaled this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we spin around like crazy, not remembering ourselves.”

“If we don’t come to our senses, the Lord will send foreign teachers to us to bring us to our senses...”

“Evil is growing, malice and unbelief are raising their heads, faith and Orthodoxy are weakening... Well, sit idly by? No! Silent shepherding - what kind of shepherding? We need hot books that protect against all evil. We should dress up scribblers and force them to write. .. Freedom of ideas must be suppressed... Unbelief must be declared a state crime. Material views must be prohibited under penalty of death!"

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1894

“Rulers-shepherds, what have you done from your flock? The Lord will seek His sheep from your hands!.. He primarily oversees the behavior of bishops and priests, their educational, sacred, pastoral activities... The current terrible decline in faith and morals depends very much on the coldness of many hierarchs and the priestly rank in general towards their flocks".

"But the All-Good Providence will not leave Russia in this sad and disastrous state. It righteously punishes and leads to revival. God's righteous destinies are carried out over Russia. Troubles and misfortunes forge it. It is not in vain that He who rules all nations skillfully, accurately puts on His the anvil of those subjected to His strong hammer. Be strong, Russia! But also repent, pray, cry bitter tears before your heavenly Father, Whom you have angered immensely!.. The Russian people and other tribes inhabiting Russia are deeply corrupted, the crucible of temptations and disasters is necessary for everyone, and the Lord, who does not want anyone to perish, burns everyone in this crucible.

“I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Rus' will be erected - according to the old model; strong in its faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity! And it will be according to the behest of the holy Prince Vladimir - as a single Church! The Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus' is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord! Russian people must understand this and thank God for being Russian."

Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt. 1906-1908

“The persecution and torment of the first Christians may be repeated... Hell is destroyed, but not destroyed, and the time will come when it will make itself felt. That time is just around the corner...

We will live to see terrible times , but the grace of God will cover us... The Antichrist is clearly coming into the world, but this is not recognized in the world. The whole world is under the influence of some force that takes possession of the mind, will and all spiritual qualities of a person. This is an extraneous force, an evil force. Its source is the devil, and evil people are only the instrument through which it acts. These are the forerunners of the Antichrist.

In the Church we no longer have living prophets, but we do have signs. They are given to us for the knowledge of times. They are clearly visible to people who have a spiritual mind. But this is not recognized in the world... Everyone is going against Russia, that is, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers, the true faith of Christ is preserved in them.”

Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina, 1910

There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently... A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in all its glory and will go its way, intended by God. .."

Rev. Anatoly Optinsky. 1917

And Russia will be saved. Much suffering, much torment. Everyone must suffer a lot and deeply repent. Only repentance through suffering will save Russia. All of Russia will become a prison, and we need to beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest good outweighs the balance, then God will show His mercy over Russia...

But first, God will take away all the leaders so that the Russian people will look only to Him. Everyone will abandon Russia, other powers will abandon it, leaving it to its own devices. This is so that the Russian people trust in the Lord’s help. You will hear that riots will begin in other countries and things similar to what happened in Russia, and you will hear about wars and there will be wars - now the time is near. But don't be afraid of anything. The Lord will show His wonderful mercy.

The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone."

Schieromonk Aristoklius of Athos. 1917-1918

The monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised.

Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong king on the throne.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930

When a little freedom appears, churches will be opened, monasteries will be repaired, then all false teachings will come out. In Ukraine there will be a strong uprising against the Russian Church, its unity and conciliarity. This heretical group will be supported by the godless government. The Metropolitan of Kiev, who is unworthy of this title, will greatly shake the Russian Church, and he himself will go into eternal destruction, like Judas. But all these slander of the evil one in Russia will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church of Russia...

Russia together with everyone Slavic peoples and the lands will form a mighty Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar - God's Anointed One. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. Jews from Russia will go to Palestine to meet the Antichrist, and there will not be a single Jew in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church.

In Russia there will be prosperity of faith and the former rejoicing (only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead). Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures

The Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination. Where it passes, there will be no people there. There will be such strong bombs that iron will burn and stones will melt. Fire and smoke with dust will reach the sky. And the earth will burn.They will fight and two or three states will remain. There will be very few people left and then they will start shouting: down with the war! Let's choose one! Install one king! They will choose a king who will be born of a prodigal virgin of the twelfth generation. And the Antichrist will sit on the throne in Jerusalem."

Venerable Lavrentiy of Chernigov.

Statements by the outstanding ascetic of Orthodoxy, Schema-nun Macarius

(Artemyeva; 1926 - 1993).

From the age of one and a half her legs began to hurt, and from the age of three she no longer walked, but crawled; falls asleep at eight lethargic sleep and his soul remains in heaven for two weeks. With the blessing of the Queen of Heaven, she receives the gift of healing people. During the war, the girl was left on the street, where she lived for seven hundred days. She is picked up by an old nun, with whom the ascetic will live for twenty years, and then she herself will accept monasticism and schema. Before last day throughout her life she was in obedience to the Queen of Heaven.
The feat of Schema-nun Macaria was tireless prayer, day and night, for Moscow, for Russia and all Russians. The lofty life of the people's mourner and prayer book is presented in the form of a hagiographic narrative. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. Mother Macaria's stories about the future were either an answer to the questions posed, or a warning, with the goal of protecting people close to her from trouble or future trials. Speaking about the future, she often limited herself to short remarks, explanations and brief characteristics. We present some of them. We have grouped all of them according to their meaning, and the date when they were said by the ascetic is noted in brackets.

About the onset of terrible times.

And now there are no young people, everyone is old in a row, soon there will be no people at all (06.27.88). Until 1999, nothing should happen now, no disaster (05/12/89). According to the Bible, we are now living. It's called "Committed". And when the 99th ends, then we will live according to “History” (07/02/87). Until the Bible “Complete” ends, nothing will happen, and it will last until the year 99! You won’t die before that time, I will die, God will take me away (12/27/87).
Okay now, but next summer- worse. I also said: it’s not good to be in such darkness, there will be some kind of hole (06/28/89). The Lord doesn’t promise anything good, we won’t get anything, so we’ll just get along somehow (12/17/89). The Mother of God is with us (meaning, in the Russian land. - Author) grace was removed. And the Savior sent the apostles Peter and Paul, and John the Theologian to them (in other Christian countries. - Author) remove grace. We need to pray a lot here! (03/14/89) Now nothing big will happen (07/07/89).
Money won’t get any better, it’ll just become twice as cheap, and then it’ll get even cheaper.(11. 02. 89).
Such a time comes, the power is taken away by the sorcerers. It will be even worse, God forbid we live to see it (05.10.88). A bad man is coming soon, will go like a wheel. It would be nice to see the end of the world, but here - the destruction of buildings and people, everything is mixed with dirt, you will walk knee-deep in blood (03.25.89).
Soon all people will do this (witchcraft. - Author) know. There will be all the evil spirits around the evil one. He'll gather them together and start. Bad Life Comes (10/28/87). Now their time is coming Good times ends (05.24.88). They will spoil people, and then start pointing at each other (03.27.87).
Now people, in general, are not good. The authorities will not bow to the people, and there will be complete devastation(11.07.88). Now they have no zeal for the people, that’s what they want to do evil: who steals, who gets drunk, but what about the children (12/20/87).
Now it’s impossible to go to the floors (to live in multi-storey buildings. — Auth.). Now there is crowding, there are bad people everywhere, now with their unclean intentions they are crowding out the believing people (03.25.89).
The Chinese are worse for us. The Chinese are very evil, they will cut without mercy. They will take half the land, they don’t need anything else. They don't have enough land (27.06.88),

When the victory of darkness is complete.

We'll be in the dark (08/27/87). And they won’t let you turn on the light, they will say: need to save energy(28.06.88).
This is the beginning, then it will be cold. Easter is coming soon - with snow, and winter will come on Pokrov. And the grass is only for Peter's Day. The sun will decrease by half (08/27/87). Summer will become bad, and winter will become worse. The snow will lie and will not be driven away. And then we don’t know what frosts there will be (04/29/88).

There will be a great famine.

The Mother of God said: “You, Mother, have almost lived to see the government tables. Soon there will be government tables. If you come, they’ll feed you, but they won’t even let you take out a piece of bread.” The youth will be driven to the village. (09/15/87).
Soon you will be left without bread(29.01.89). Soon there will be no water, there will be no apples, there will be no cards (12/19/87). There is a great famine, there will be no bread- Divide the crust in half (02/18/88).
There will be a big uprising. From floors (from cities. - Author) people will run away, they won’t be able to sit in their rooms. You can't sit in the rooms, there won't be anything, not even bread.(12/28/90). And if you pray to the Savior, the Mother of God and Elijah the Prophet, they will not let you die of hunger, they will save those who believed God and sincerely prayed (06.27.88).
The harvest will begin to fail when the monks will be exiled (02/18/88).
And you won't die. It will be the will of the Lord, whoever is not written down to die will suffer and will not die (06/21/88). All good people died, they are all in heaven, they did not know this emptiness: they prayed to God, they will be fine there (02/01/88).
It's bad that we lived to see the end of the world. The world will end soon. Now there is a little left (12/11/88). Now she said: (meaning the Mother of God. - Author)“There’s a little left.” Now the people are bad, rarely anyone goes to heaven. (04/04/88).

Church unrest is coming.

The Bible they print is wrong. They (apparently, Pharisaical Jews. - Author) They will be thrown out of there as far as they are concerned, they don’t want reproach (03/14/89).
A change of faith is in preparation. When this happens, the saints will retreat and will not pray for Russia. And those who are (from the faithful. - Auth.). The Lord will take you to Himself. And the bishops who allow this are neither here nor there (in the next world. - Author) They will not see the Lord (08/03/88).
Soon the service will be half and will be reduced. (07/11/88). They will retain the service only in large monasteries, and in other places they will make changes (05.27.88). I only say one thing: woe comes to the priesthood, they will scatter one by one and live (06/28/89). They will serve in churches in red dresses. Now the evil Satan will take everyone (05.20.89).
Soon the sorcerers will spoil all the prosphora and there will be nothing to serve with (the liturgy. - Auth.). And you can take communion once a year. The Mother of God will tell her people where and when to receive communion. You just have to listen! (28.06.89)

My hope to the Mother of God.

When at four o'clock in the afternoon it becomes dark as night, then the Mother of God will come. She will go around the earth, will be in all Her glory and will come to Russia to establish faith. The Mother of God will come - she will level everything, not according to them (those in power or sorcerers. - Auth.), but in His own way, as the Savior commands. The time will come such that everyone will think not about what they ate, but how much they prayed that day. She will restore faith for a short time (07/11/86).

The time of persecution is near.

They will create such confusion, and you won’t be able to save your soul (01.90). Whoever enters the church will be recorded (02/18/88). Because you pray to God, that’s why you’ll get persecuted (05/20/89). You need to pray so that no one knows, pray quietly! They will start to chase and take away (05.15.87). First they will take away the books, and then the icons. The icons will be selected (01/07/88). They will torment: “We don’t need believers” (14.07.88).
Then it will get worse: churches will be closed, there will be no services, services will be held here and there. They will leave you somewhere far away so that you can neither go nor pass. And in cities where they consider that they do not interfere (01/07/88).
These churches that are being built and repaired will go to other enterprises and will not benefit anyone. Registration will be tricky: they will remain called churches, but there will be no idea what, their production, they will find something to do (07/11/88).
He who is God will not see the Antichrist (01/07/88). It will be open to many where to go, where to go. The Lord knows how to hide his own, no one will find them (11/17/87).

Blessed are those who keep God's commandments.

According to the Bible we are now living, it is called “Complete” (07/02/87). Soon everything will be nearby: the earth is nearby, and the sky is nearby, there will be a lot of everything, such a Master (apparently, the Savior. —Auth.) will be (06/08/90). Said (Mother of God. - Auth.):“A little remains, he will descend to earth with the Savior, everything will be sanctified, and it will appear on earth as paradise (04.04.88).”

In conclusion, let me recall the words of Hieromonk Nektary of Optina: “Look for the greater meaning in everything. All events that happen around us and with us have their own meaning. Nothing happens without a reason..."

Nowadays, scientists themselves, futurologists, various modern psychics and even ordinary people. But what did the holy elders predict about Russia in the distant past and to our present time? Let's take a look at their presentation below:

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1825-32

“Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The formidable and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog , before whom all nations will stand in awe.” And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his terrible dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia...”

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1890s

“How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering it from its strongest enemies and subduing its peoples! And yet, evil is growing. Will we really not come to our senses?

The Lord has punished us and will punish us with the West, but we don’t understand everything. We got stuck in Western mud up to our ears, and everything was fine. We have eyes, but we don’t see, we have ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand with our hearts... Having inhaled this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we spin around like crazy, not remembering ourselves. If we don’t come to our senses, God will send us foreign teachers to bring us to our senses... It turns out that we too are on the path of revolution. These are not empty words, but a deed affirmed by the voice of the Church. Know, Orthodox, that God cannot be mocked.”

Holy Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky, early 20th century

“The time will come when not persecution, but money and the charms of this world will turn people away from God and many more souls will perish than during the times of open fight against God. On the one hand, they will erect crosses and gild domes, and on the other, the kingdom of lies and evil will come. The True Church will always be persecuted, and it will be possible to be saved only through sorrows and illnesses. The persecution will take on the most unpredictable and sophisticated character. But the salvation of the world comes from Russia.”

Schieromonk Aristoklius of Athos. 1917-18

“Now we are living through the pre-Antichrist time. God's judgment on the living has begun and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be affected by this. It started with Russia, and then further... And Russia will be saved. There is a lot of suffering, a lot of torment... All of Russia will become a prison, and we must beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest good outweighs the balance, then God will show His mercy over Russia...

The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

Bishop John of Shanghai, 1938

“Shake off the sleep of despondency and laziness, sons of Russia! Behold the glory of her suffering and be cleansed, washed from your sins! Strengthen yourself in the Orthodox faith so that you may be worthy to dwell in the dwelling of the Lord and move into the holy mountain. Arise, arise, arise, Rus', you who drank from the hand of the Lord the cup of His wrath! When your suffering is over, your righteousness will go with you, and the glory of the Lord will follow you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the radiance rising above you. Then lift up your eyes around and see: behold, your children will come to you from the west, and the north, and the sea, and the east, blessing Christ in you forever!”

Venerable Anatoly of Optina, early 20th century

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently... A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in all its glory and will go its way, intended by God..."

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930

“The monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong king on the throne.”

Paisiy Svyatogorets, Athonite elder. 1990s

“My thoughts tell me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because a third of the Turks will become Christians, a third will die in the war and a third will go to Mesopotamia... What will happen in Constantinople Great War between Russians and Europeans, and a lot of blood will be shed. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it. Not because the Russians will revere the Greeks, but because a better solution cannot be found... The Greek army will not have time to get there before the city will be given to it.”

Joseph, Athonite elder, Vatopedi monastery. year 2001

“Now is the beginning of events, difficult military events... The devil will force the Turks to finally come here to Greece and begin their actions. And although Greece has a government, it actually doesn’t exist as such, because it has no power. And the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia will also move its forces to push back the Turks. Events will develop like this: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, a merger of two Orthodox peoples... There will be a big massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. There will be about 600 million people killed alone. The Vatican will also actively participate in all this in order to prevent the reunification and increasing role of Orthodoxy. But this will result in the complete destruction of Vatican influence, right down to its very foundations. This is how God’s Providence will turn... There will be God’s permission so that those who sow temptations are destroyed: pornography, drug addiction, etc. And the Lord will so blind their minds that they will destroy each other with gluttony. The Lord will allow this on purpose to carry out a great cleansing. As for the one who rules the country, he will not be around for long, and what is happening now will not be for long, and then immediately there will be war. But after this great purge there will be a revival of Orthodoxy not only in Russia, but throughout the world, a great surge of Orthodoxy.”

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What dreams portend separation from a loved one?

What can be used as a talisman or talisman against evil and ill-wishers?

For a long time, the Protocols were a reference book for anti-Semites. As is known, in them we're talking about about a certain Jewish-Masonic conspiracy: wars, revolutions and capitalism were supposedly supposed to, according to the plans of the “wise men,” lead to the fall of the monarchy and the destruction of Christian civilization, clearing the way for world Jewish domination.

As a result of research conducted by leading Russian historian Mikhail Lepekhin, it became known that the protocols were written by Matvey Golovinsky, who devoted his life to espionage and propaganda activities. Having worked for the Tsarist secret police, he subsequently changed his political orientation and joined the Bolsheviks.

Golovinsky was born in 1865 in Ivashevka (Simbirsk province). His father was friendly with Dostoevsky and was sentenced to death for his participation in the conspiracy. He was subsequently pardoned and died when Matvey was 10 years old, so the child remained to live with his mother and French governess.

After briefly studying law, Golovinsky joined the Holy Brotherhood, an anti-Semitic secret society that used falsification as a means of fighting revolutionaries. He was engaged in publishing newspapers and pamphlets using falsified materials. As a result of the contacts established, Golovinsky managed to get a job in the government press department, where he published articles in “obedient” newspapers and paid remuneration to some journalists.

After the death of his patron, Golovinsky was publicly exposed by Maxim Gorky as an informant and was forced to go abroad. Settling in Paris, he came into contact with the head of the Russian secret police, Pierre Ratchkovsky, who offered him a job writing stories about Russia for the French press.

Subsequently, Golovinsky was entrusted with more important task. Reactionary circles in Moscow, shocked by the successes of the reformers around Nicholas II, were fired up with the idea of ​​fabricating a fake that would show the Tsar that the growth of capitalism in Russia was in fact a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow the monarch himself and the entire Tsarist regime.

At the end of 1900 - beginning of 1901, Golovinsky sat down to work. In writing the Protocols, he took much from a pamphlet written in 1864 by an anti-Bonapartist lawyer who accused Napoleon III of being involved in a conspiracy to usurp all power in France.
The book brought to the attention of readers is of interest in several respects. First of all, it answers the question of the authenticity of the document, which is still in circulation as one of the grounds for Black Hundred anti-Semitic propaganda.
The prominent English scholar Norman Cohn, based on a significant number of documents, traces the history of the creation of a fake, which, under the name “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” was launched at the beginning of the 20th century by pogromists in Russia, and then used in Germany during the preparation for the Nazis’ coming to power.
I myself had to hear about the reappearance of this fake in the “samizdat” of the Black Hundreds in 1977, and later “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” became widely known in our country. Unfortunately, the history of the fake was covered in detail only in the foreign press. Although the inauthentic nature of the document is generally recognized, which is reflected, for example, in all the latest editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica and in other standard Western European and American reference works, our reader has not yet had a sufficiently complete and detailed description of the history of the creation of this forged text .
The main milestones in revealing how the document was fabricated were outlined by the outstanding researcher of modern Russian history Burtsev. Drawing on Burtsev's revelations and work done by other researchers, Cohn convincingly traces the stages of creating a fake. Using intertextual research methods, he irrefutably proves that the basis for the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and their subsequent modifications, which were widely used for Black Hundred propaganda purposes, was a brilliant French political pamphlet of the last century.
One of the main methods of this propaganda was and still is the spread of fiction about an alleged Jewish (in Nazi terminology, “Judeo-Masonic”) conspiracy aimed at enslaving other peoples. One of the recent manifestations of this general trend discussions about Russophobia appeared that flooded our press.
Unfortunately, this is further evidence of the relevance of Norman Cohn’s book, which recreates that gloomy atmosphere first in Russia at the beginning of the century, then in pre-fascist Germany, which made it possible to spread the fake.
Kohn's book will be usefully read by all readers.
Vyacheslav Ivanov
People's Deputy of the USSR,
doctor philological sciences, Professor

People who in the 19th century spread the myth of universal Jewish conspiracy, constitute a rather motley society. This is Barrel and the Simonini Letter at the beginning of the century; much later, in last third century, - Gedsche in Germany and "Rabbi's Speech"; the French Gougno de Mousseau, Archbishop Meran, Abbot Chabot, Edouard Drumont, Russian Brafmann, Pole Lutostansky, Serb Osman Bey. These people together cleared the way for the famous forgery, which for a long time outlived their own works, which had sunk into oblivion.
“Around 1840,” Osman Bey wrote in his book “The Conquest of the World by the Jews,” “the Jewish Parliament was convened in Krakow. It was something like an Ecumenical Council, where the leaders of the Chosen People gathered for a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the means most suitable for the Jews to achieve dominion over the entire globe."
This fantasy formed the basis of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The "Protocols" consist of reports or notes for reports in which a member of the secret Jewish government - the "wise men of Zion" - lays out a plan to achieve world domination.
The number of “protocols,” reports, or chapters in the usual, standard version is twenty-four; they are collected in a booklet, which in both English editions of a small format is about one hundred pages. The content of the "Protocols" is not so easy to convey, since they are verbose and presented in a pompous style, and their argumentation is evasive and devoid of logic. However, with some effort, three main themes can still be discerned in them: a critique of liberalism, an analysis of the methods supposedly allowing the Jews to achieve world domination, and a description of their future world state. These topics are presented in the most disorderly manner, but in general it can be said that the first two predominate in the first nine "protocols", while the remaining fifteen are devoted mainly to the description of the coming kingdom. If we try to organize the argumentation of the “Protocols”, then, in general terms, it looks like this.
The calculations of the “wise men” are based on a specific understanding of politics. In their opinion, political freedom is just an idea - an idea that has great appeal to the masses, but which has never been put into practice. Liberalism, which undertakes this insoluble task, ultimately leads only to chaos, because people are not able to govern themselves, they do not know what they really want, they are easily deceived by appearances, and are not able to make the right decision when it is necessary to choose. When the aristocracy was in power, which was quite just, and freedom was in its hands, it used it for the common good; for example, she took care of the workers whose labor she lived with. But the aristocracy is a thing of the past, and the liberal order that replaced it is not viable and must inevitably lead to despotism. Only a tyrant can restore order in society. Moreover, since there are more wicked people in the world than good people, force remains the only acceptable means of government. Might is always right, and in the modern world the basis of such strength is capital and control over it. Today gold rules the world.
For many centuries there has been a conspiracy to concentrate all political power in the hands of those who are able to use it correctly - that is, in the hands of the "Elders of Zion." Much has already been done, although the conspiracy itself has not yet achieved its goal. In accordance with the very precisely formulated plans of the "wise men" in the period preceding the establishment of their domination over the whole world, the non-Jewish states that still exist, but are already sufficiently weakened, must be destroyed.
First, for this it is necessary to achieve an increase in discontent and anxiety in each state. Fortunately, the means for this are provided by the very nature of liberalism. Already now, by encouraging endless propaganda of liberal ideas and incessant chatter in parliaments, the “wise men” are helping to achieve complete confusion in the minds of common people. Confusion and disunity will increase thanks to a multi-party system: the "wise men" carefully deepen the differences by secretly supporting all parties. They will ensure that the people are alienated from their leaders. In particular, they will create constant discontent among the workers, pretending to support their demands, but at the same time secretly doing everything possible to lower the standard of living.
In any state it is necessary to discredit the government. The aristocracy must ultimately be destroyed by increased taxation on land; Since aristocrats will never give up a luxurious lifestyle, it is necessary to help them get entangled in debt. As a result, a presidential form of government should be introduced, which makes it possible for the “wise men” to nominate their puppets to the presidency; Preference should be given to people with a “dark past” to make it easier to control their activities. Freemasonry and secret societies must be made obedient instruments in the hands of the “wise men”; any Mason who resists must be physically destroyed. The industry is concentrated in the hands of giant monopolies so that the property of non-Jews can be instantly destroyed when the “wise men” need it.
Relations between states should also be undermined. It is necessary to aggravate national hatred until mutual understanding between nations is completely lost. Stockpiles of weapons must gradually increase, and wars must be started as often as possible. These wars, however, should not lead to the final victory of any country, but only contribute to the creation of even greater economic chaos. In the meantime, it is necessary to constantly undermine the moral foundations of non-Jews. Widely promote atheism, beautiful image life, debauchery and vice; For this purpose, the “wise men” are already introducing teachers and governesses specially selected as agents into the homes of non-Jews. Particular care should be taken to encourage drunkenness and prostitution.
The "Wise Men" admit that the Gentiles may still be able to thwart their plot, but they are quite confident that they can break all resistance. They can use the common people to overthrow the rulers, bringing the masses to such a degree of impoverishment that they will simultaneously rise up in all countries at once and, under the complete control of the “wise men,” destroy all private property, except, of course, for property owned by Jews. They can play one government off against another; after for long years By skillfully weaving intrigues and encouraging mutual hostility, they can easily achieve the outbreak of war against any nation that opposes their will. Even if by chance all of Europe united against them, they could turn to the support of the guns of America, China and Japan. In addition, there is also a metro: underground railway lines were invented for the sole purpose of giving the “wise men” the opportunity to blow up any capital in the event of serious opposition. After this, the remnants of the opposition can be destroyed at any time with the help of terrible diseases. There was even a possibility: if some Jews showed obstinacy, they would be dealt with through anti-Semitism.
Looking around the modern world with their inner gaze, the “wise men” prepare the ground for far-reaching plans. Already now they can state that they have destroyed religions, especially Christianity. Now that the influence of the Jesuits has been reduced to nothing, and the papacy is defenseless, it can be destroyed at any moment. The prestige of secular rulers also declines; murders and assassination threats force them to appear in public only surrounded by bodyguards, and the killers are glorified as true martyrs. Neither rulers nor aristocrats can now rely on the loyalty of the common people. Economic unrest has shaken social foundations. Clever financial manipulations led to economic decline and huge public debts; finances have fallen into a state of complete confusion, the gold standard [The gold standard is a system of monometallism, in which one metal (gold) serves as the universal equivalent and the basis of monetary circulation. It was first established in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, and in most other capitalist countries at the end of the 19th century. In Russia in the 19th century. silver played this role. In 1897, the gold standard was introduced, under which gold coins circulated freely and were exchanged for banknotes. The gold standard met the needs of developing European and Russian capitalism. - Approx. ed.] everywhere led to a national catastrophe.
The time will soon come when the Gentile states, pushed to the limit, will be glad to hand over the reins of government to the “wise men” who have already managed to lay the foundation for future domination. Instead of an aristocracy, they have established a plutocracy, or the rule of gold, and gold is completely under their control. They established control over legislative activity and brought the laws into complete confusion; the invention of arbitration is a clear example these devilish tricks. They have firmly taken control of the education system. In this area, their destructive influence was reflected in the invention of teaching with the help of visual aids. The purpose of this technique is to turn non-Jews into “unthinking, obedient animals, waiting for evidence to figure it out...”.
The "wise men" already exercise control over politics and politicians; all parties - from the most conservative to the extremely radical - are essentially tools in their hands. Hiding behind the backs of Freemasonry, the "wise men" have penetrated the secrets of all states, and, as all governments know, they are powerful enough to bring into existence societies with new social orders or, conversely, destroy society whenever they want. After centuries of struggle, costing the lives of thousands of non-Jews and even many Jews, perhaps only a hundred years separate the “wise men” from finally achieving their goal.
Their goal is the advent of the “messianic age”, when the whole world will be united by one religion, that is, Judaism, and it will be ruled by a Jewish ruler from the line of David. This century is sanctified from above, for God himself chose the Jews for world domination, but its structure will be distinguished by a very specific political structure. Society will be organized in full accordance with the principle of inequality; the masses in it are separated from politics; education and the press suppress even the slightest interest in politics. All publications are heavily censored, and freedom of speech and association is severely restricted. These restrictions will be presented as temporary measures that will supposedly be lifted after all the enemies of the people have been dealt with, but in fact they will be permanent. History will be taught only as a visual aid, which will highlight the difference between chaos in the past and ideal order in the present; the successes of the new world empire will be constantly contrasted with the political weakness and failures of the previous Gentile governments. Every member of society will be under surveillance. A large secret police force would be recruited from all sections of the population, and every citizen would be under strict obligation to report all criticisms of the regime. Anti-government agitation will be equated to the most shameful crime, comparable only to theft or murder. Every manifestation of liberalism will be put an end to, and unconditional obedience will be required from everyone. Freedom will be promised in the indefinite future, but this promise is ephemeral.
On the other hand, a high standard of living of the population will be ensured. Unemployment will be eliminated, and taxes will be made dependent on income. The interest of the “little” person will be spurred by the development of small-scale production. Education will be planned so that young people are trained according to their background. Drunkenness is condemned, as is any manifestation of independent will.
All this will give the masses satisfaction and peace, and the example of the leaders will help them in this. Laws will become clear and unchangeable, and judges will become incorruptible and infallible. All Jewish leaders will be selected from among capable, business-minded and benevolent people. Moreover, the paramount chief will be a man of eminent merit; all unsuitable heirs are ruthlessly eliminated. This Jewish ruler will communicate freely with people, accept their petitions; no one will guess that he is constantly surrounded by secret police agents. He must lead an impeccable private life, without patronizing his relatives; he will not own any property. He is called upon to constantly work on the instructions of the government. The result will be a world without violence or injustice, in which all will enjoy the true benefits of society. The nations of the world will rejoice and praise the wonderful government, and therefore the kingdom of Zion will last long.
This is the plan that is attributed to these mysterious gentlemen, the “wise men of Zion.”
* * *
The general public first learned about it after several editions of the Protocols were published in Russia between 1903 and 1907. The earliest printed version, with minor abbreviations, is the version that appeared in the St. Petersburg newspaper Znamya, where it was published from August 28 to September 7, 1903. The editor-publisher of "Znamya" was P.A. Krushevan, a known ardent anti-Semite. A few months before the “Protocols” appeared in print, he organized a pogrom in Chisinau, during which 45 Jews were killed, more than 400 were wounded, and 1,300 Jewish houses and shops were destroyed.
Krushevant did not say who forwarded or gave him this manuscript; he only mentioned that it was a translation of a document written in France, which the translator entitled “Minutes of the Meetings of the World Union of Freemasons and Elders of Zion”; He himself entitled them: “The program for the conquest of the world by the Jews.”
Two years later, the same version, but this time without abbreviations, appeared in the form of a pamphlet entitled “The Root of Our Troubles” with the subtitle “Where is the Root of the Modern Disorder in the Social Order of Europe in General and Russia in Particular. Excerpts from the Ancient and Modern Protocols of the World Union Freemasons." This work was transferred to the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee on December 9, 1905; permission for publication was received immediately, and in the same month the brochure appeared in St. Petersburg with the imprint of the Imperial Guard. The editor's name was not mentioned, but it is likely that in reality it was a retired officer named G.V. Butmi, a close friend of Krushevan, both of them are from Bessarabia.
At that time, from October 1905, Butmi and Krushevan took an active part in the formation of the far-right organization - the "Union of the Russian People" - known as the "Black Hundred", which created armed units to fight radicals, liberals and for mass bloodshed massacres of Jews. In January 1906, the organization again published the pamphlet The Root of Our Troubles, but this time the editor's name, Butmy, was on the cover and it was given a new title, "Enemies of the Human Race." The main part of the book is subtitled “Protocols extracted from the secret repositories of the Zion General Chancellery (Where is the root of modern disorder in the social system of Europe in general, and in Russia in particular).” This brochure appeared this time with the output data not of the Imperial Guard, but of the School for the Deaf and Dumb. Three new editions of this version of the Protocols appeared in 1906 and two more in 1907, all in St. Petersburg; in addition, they were at the same time published in Kazan with the subtitle "Excerpts from the ancient and modern protocols of the Elders of Zion of the Universal Society of Franc-Massons."
"The Root of Our Troubles" and "Enemies of the Human Race" are cheap pamphlets aimed at the mass reader. The “Protocols” are presented in a completely different way in the book that appeared entitled “The Great in the Small and the Antichrist as a Imminent Political Possibility.” Its author was the mystical writer Sergei Nilus. The “Protocols” were not included in the first edition of his book (1903). They were included in the second edition, which was published in December 1905 with the imprint of the local branch of the Red Cross in Tsarskoe Selo. Subsequently we will see that this edition was prepared with specific purpose- to impress Nicholas II, therefore it bore the imprint of the mystery of the original source. The beautifully published book was camouflaged as those mystical works that the king loved to read. In addition, it contained references to events in France and other countries, while the Krushevan-Butmi edition was more focused on events taking place in the Russian Empire.
Let's go back a little. So, Nilus's book was approved by the Moscow Censorship Committee on September 28, 1905, but still remained in manuscript; nevertheless, it appeared in print almost simultaneously with The Root of Our Troubles. But even before that, she attracted attention. Since Sergei Nilus then enjoyed the favor of the Imperial Court, the Moscow Metropolitan gave orders to read a sermon containing an exposition of his version of the “Protocols” in all 368 churches of Moscow. This was performed on October 16, 1905; in addition, the sermon was hastily reprinted in the right-wing newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti, effectively becoming another edition of the Protocols. It was Nilus's version, not Butmi's, that influenced world history. But this did not happen in 1905, or even in 1911 or 1912, when new editions of “The Great in the Small” appeared. This happened only when the book in question appeared again, in a somewhat modified and revised form, in a larger volume, under the title “There is Near, at the Door.” This happened in 1917.
When you come across a top secret document, which is a whole series of reports, you can’t help but wonder: who wrote these reports, to whom, for what reason; and also, how did this document get to those for whom, obviously, it was not intended at all? The various publishers of the Protocols have done their best to satisfy legitimate curiosity, but their answers are, alas, far from clear and consistent.
Even the earliest edition, which appeared in the Znamya newspaper, is puzzling. While the translator claimed that this document was obtained “from the secret repositories of the Zion General Chancellery” in France, the publisher admits: “How, where, how the minutes of these meetings in France could have been copied, who exactly copied them, we do not know ..." But that is not all. The translator, in a postscript, says: “The protocols set forth were written by Zionist representatives” and persistently warns us not to confuse “Zionist representatives” with representatives of the Zionist movement, but this does not stop the publisher, who claims that the protocols represent a threat to Zionism, “called upon to unite all Jews on earth into one union, even more united and dangerous than the Jesuit order."
Boutmi also explained that the “Protocols” were removed from the secret archives of the “main Zion Chancellery,” but he sets out a much more colorful story:
"These protocols, considered secret, were obtained from with great difficulty, in fragmentary form, and translated into Russian on December 9, 1901. It is almost impossible to get to the secret vaults in secret archives, where they are hidden, and therefore they cannot be supported by exact indications of the place, day, month, year, where and when they were compiled."
The author calls the main argument in favor of the fact that the “Protocols” were not forged “shameless self-praise, contempt for all humanity, as well as shamelessness in choosing means to achieve one’s goals, that are inherent in such a measure.” only to the Jews."
Nilus becomes confused in his statements and ends up contradicting not only Butmi, but also himself. In the 1905 edition of the Protocols, a note follows after the text: “These protocols were secretly extracted (or stolen) from an entire book of protocols. All this was obtained by my correspondent from the secret vaults of the Zion General Chancellery, now located on French territory.”
This fiction echoes Boothmy's version, but, unfortunately, the same edition of the "Protocols" is accompanied by a note stating that they were stolen by some woman from a very influential, high-ranking leader of the Freemasons after one of the secret meetings of "initiates" "in France, that nest of Masonic conspiracy. And in the 1917 edition, Nilus further confuses the question of the origin of the Protocols:
“...only now it has become reliably known to me, from Jewish sources, that these “Protocols” are nothing more than a strategic plan for the conquest of the world under the heel of the God-fighter Israel, worked out by the leaders of the Jewish people during many centuries of their dispersion and reported to the council of elders.” Prince of Exile" Theodor Herzl during the First Zionist Congress, which he convened in Basel in August 1897."
The author couldn't come up with anything better! The original manuscript was allegedly found written in French, but there were no French delegates at the First Zionist Congress, and the official language was German. Herzl himself, the founder of modern Zionism, was an Austrian journalist; all the work of the congress took place with the participation of the public, and the city of Basel was flooded with journalists who could hardly miss such an unusual meeting. But in any case, Nilus himself, in the 1905 edition, categorically stated that the reports were read not in Basel, but in France, “this modern nest of the Freemason conspiracy.”
In an atmosphere of general confusion, the publishers of the Protocols continued to invent new versions. Publisher German translation(1919), known as Gottfried zur Beck, argued that the "Elders of Zion" were simply delegates to the Congress of Basel; he also explains how their machinations were exposed. According to him, the Russian government, long concerned active work Jews, sent a spy to the congress to monitor them. A Jew, tasked with taking a shorthand record of (non-existent) secret meetings from Basel to the "Jewish-Masonic lodge" in Frankfurt am Main, was bribed by a Russian spy to give him the manuscript for one night in some town along the way. Fortunately, the spy had a whole platoon of census takers at hand. During a night of feverish work, they managed to copy many protocols, which were then sent to Russia to Nilus to translate them into Russian.
This is what Gottfried zur Beck said. But Theodor Fritsch, the “patriarch of German anti-Semitism,” in his edition of the Protocols (1920), offers a completely different version. For him, this document was also a Zionist product - he even called them the "Zionist Protocols" - but they were stolen not at the Basel Congress by the Russian police, but in some unnamed Jewish house. Moreover, they were not written in French, but in Hebrew, so the police handed them over for translation to "Orientalist professor Nilus" (who in reality, as we will see, was neither a professor, nor an Orientalist, nor even a translator." Protocols").
A completely different story is given by Roger Lambelain, who published the most popular publication; according to him, the “Protocols” were stolen from a closet in some Alsatian town by the wife or fiancée of the leader of the Freemasons. After such colorful stories, the Polish publisher's assertion that the Protocols were simply stolen from Herzl's apartment in Vienna sounds like gray prose.
The lady, known as the American Leslie Frey, and by her husband as Madame Shishmareva, has written a lot about the Protocols since 1922. Her main contribution to the debate was her arguments proving that the author of the Protocols was none other than Asher Ginsberg, who wrote under the pseudonym Ahad Gaam (that is, “one of the people”), an author essentially so apolitical that he It’s hard to even imagine another. According to Madame Frey, the “Protocols” were written by Ginsberg in Hebrew, read by him at a secret meeting of “initiates” in Odessa in 1890, and then forwarded to French translation to the World Jewish Union in Paris, and then in 1897 to the Basel Congress, where, as one can assume, they were translated into German for the convenience of the delegates. The hypothesis is too complicated, but nevertheless it finds quite influential support.
Thus, the various authors writing about the Protocols do not have a common opinion about their origin. Even the belief that the “Elders of Zion” are delegates to the Basel Congress is not shared by everyone. The unknown Russian translator of the French text, according to Krushevan and Boutmi, unequivocally states that the “wise men” cannot be identified with representatives of the Zionist movement. For Nilus, before his belated discovery, the "main Zion office" was the headquarters of the World Jewish Union in Paris; Urbain Gautier, one of the first publishers of the Protocols in France, was also convinced that the "wise men" were members of the Union. Others, following Mrs. Frey, have tried to combine the two hypotheses - no easy task, since the Union is a purely philanthropic, apolitical organization, which pinned all its hopes on the adaptation of the Jews to their countrymen and was so hostile to Zionism that it caused general surprise. Of course, there were also the Freemasons, who were very often mentioned in connection with the “Protocols”...
Meanwhile, in 1921, something came to light that proved in the most decisive way that the Protocols were a fake. Moreover, the “Protocols” are such an obvious and ridiculous forgery that it may seem surprising why it was necessary to prove the fact of forgery. However, in the years immediately following the First World War, when the Protocols emerged from the fog and thundered around the world, many quite sensible people took them completely seriously. To realize this, it is enough to refer to what the Times newspaper wrote on May 8, 1920:
“What are these “Protocols”? Are they reliable? If so, then what evil bunch drew up such plans and rejoices at their rapid implementation?.. Have we not, by straining all the forces of our nation, avoided the “All-German Union” only in order to fall into the snare of the "All-Jewish Union"? A year later, on August 18, 1921, The Times published a sensational editorial in which it admitted its mistake. In the issues of 16, 17 and 18 August, she published a detailed report from her correspondent in Constantinople, Philip Graves, which stated that the Protocols were basically a copy of a pamphlet against Napoleon III, a pamphlet dating from 1864. Here's what Philip Graves reported:
“...I must admit that when the discovery reached me, I initially refused to believe it. Mr. X., who provided me with the evidence, was convinced of it. “Read this book,” he told me, “and you will You will find irrefutable evidence that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is plagiarized."
Mr. X., who does not wish his name to be known, is a Russian landowner whose relatives live in England. Orthodox by religious convictions, by political convictions he is a constitutional monarchist. He came here as a refugee after his final failure white movement in Southern Russia. He had long been interested in the Jewish question in Russia. To this end, he studied the "Protocols" and, during the reign of General Denikin, undertook some research to find out whether there really existed in the south of Russia some kind of secret "Masonic" organization similar to that mentioned in the "Protocols". It turned out that there was only one organization there - the monarchical one. He came upon the solution to the appearance of the “Protocols” completely by accident.
A few months ago, he bought a stack of old books from a former secret police officer who had fled to Constantinople. Among them he found a small volume on French without title page size 15x9 centimeters, in cheap binding. The word "Joly" is imprinted on the leather spine in large Latin letters. The preface, entitled “Just an Announcement,” is marked: “Geneva October 15, 1864...” Both the paper and the font are very typical of the 60s and 70s of the last century. I present these details in the hope that they may lead to the discovery of the book's title...
Mr. X. considers this book to be a bibliographic rarity, since otherwise the Protocols would immediately be recognized as plagiarism by anyone who read the original.
The authenticity of the book will not be doubted by anyone who has seen this book. Its first owner, a secret police officer, did not remember where he got it from and did not attach any importance to it. Mr. X., one day, looking through a book, was struck by the similarity between the phrase on which his gaze rested and a phrase from the French edition of the Protocols. He continued comparative study and soon realized that the "Protocols" were basically... a paraphrase of the Geneva original...
Before receiving the book from Mr. X.'s hands, I did not believe this. I did not consider the “Protocols” of Sergei Nilus to be authentic... But I would never have believed it if I had not seen for myself that the writer who provided Nilus with the original was a shameless and unscrupulous plagiarist.
The Geneva book is a thinly disguised pamphlet against the despotism of Napoleon III and consists of 25 dialogues... The interlocutors are Montesquieu and Machiavelli..."
Before publishing the message of its correspondent from Constantinople, The Times undertook a search in the British Museum. Joly's name printed on the cover provided a clue. The mysterious volume was identified: it is “Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli,” which was written by the French lawyer Maurice Joly. It was first published in Brussels (albeit with a Geneva imprint) in 1864.
In his autobiography, written in 1870, Maurice Joly told how one day he was walking along the Seine embankment in Paris and suddenly had the idea of ​​writing a dialogue between Montesquieu and Machiavelli. Direct criticism of Napoleon's regime was prohibited. In the same way, it became possible, albeit through the mouth of Machiavelli, to reveal the reasons for the actions of the emperor and his methods, freeing them from the usual camouflage. Joly thought so, but he underestimated his opponent. "Dialogue in Hell" was printed in Belgium and secretly delivered to France, but the moment it crossed the border, the cargo was seized by the police, and soon the author of the book was tracked down and arrested. On April 25, 1865, Joly was brought to trial and sentenced to fifteen months' imprisonment. His book was banned and confiscated.
Future life Jolie's life was just as unsuccessful. Witty, aggressive, and disrespectful to authorities, he became increasingly disillusioned with everything and finally committed suicide in 1879. He certainly deserved a better fate. Joly was not only a brilliant stylist, but also had excellent intuition and the gift of foresight. In his novel The Starving People, he showed a rare understanding of the tensions in the modern world that gave rise to revolutionary movements of both the right and the left. But above all, in his reflections on the amateurish despotism of Napoleon III, he achieved a vision that has retained its relevance in relation to the various authoritarian regimes of our time. Moreover, some of Joly's visions came to life again when Dialogue in Hell was turned into The Protocols of the Elders of Zion; and this is the reason, as we will see later, why the Protocols often seem to be a prediction of twentieth-century authoritarianism. But in the end it is an unenviable immortality, and the cruel irony is that a brilliant but long-forgotten defense of liberalism served as the basis for a horribly written reactionary nonsense that has misled the whole world.
Joly's pamphlet is real wonderful work, precise, ruthless, logical, beautifully constructed. The dispute begins with Montesquieu, who claims that in this century the enlightened ideas of liberalism gave rise to despotism, which has always been immoral and also unsustainable. Machiavelli answers him with such eloquence and at such length that he dominates the rest of the pamphlet. “The masses of the people,” he says, “are incapable of governing themselves. They are usually inert and happy only when they are governed by strong personality; at the same time, if something awakens them, then they are only capable of senseless violence, and then they again need a strong personality to bring them under control. Politics has never had anything to do with morality, and as for the practical side of things, it has never been so easy as now to establish despotic rule. The modern ruler must only pretend to observe the forms of legality, he must convince his people of the merest appearance of self-government, in which case he will have not the slightest difficulty in attaining and exercising absolute power. The people willingly agree with any decision that they consider their own; therefore, the ruler must only transfer decisions on all issues to the people's assembly, having first, of course, arranged the matter in such a way that the assembly will make exactly the decisions that he needs. It is easy to put an end to opposition forces that might oppose his will: one only needs to tighten censorship and also instruct the police to monitor their political opponents. He is not afraid of either the power of the church or financial problems. As long as a statesman dazzles the people with the force of his authority and wins military victories, he can be completely confident of support.
This is the book that inspired the author of the fake Protocols. He shamelessly engaged in plagiarism, and the extent to which this was done shamelessly and unceremoniously can be judged by the parallel texts placed at the end of the book [See: Appendix, p. 195.]. More than 160 passages in the Protocols - two-fifths of the entire text - are openly taken from Joly's book; in nine chapters borrowings reach more than half of the text, in some - up to three quarters, and in one (protocol VII) - almost the entire text. Moreover, with a few exceptions, the order of the borrowed passages remains exactly the same as in Joly's, and it seems that the author of the Protocols worked on the Dialogue mechanically, rewriting page after page. Even the arrangement by chapter is almost the same - the 24 chapters of the "Protocols" almost entirely coincide with the 25 chapters of the "Dialogue". Only at the end, where the prophecies of the “messianic age” predominate, does the copyist allow himself some deviations from the original. This is truly an undeniable case of plagiarism and forgery.
The author of the forgery built his evidence on calculations extracted from the dispute between two opposing sides in the “Dialogue”: Machiavelli’s defense of despotism and Montesquieu’s defense of liberalism. But his borrowings are drawn mainly from Machiavelli. What Joly puts into the mouth of Machiavelli, the author of the forgery makes the nameless “wise man of Zion” speak with the same words, but with some important additions. In Joly's book, Machiavelli, personifying the position of Napoleon III, describes a state of affairs that has always existed, while in the Protocols this description is presented in the form of a prophecy about future times. Machiavelli argues that a despot can find in democratic forms of government a useful cover for his tyranny; in the Protocols this argument is turned on its head, with the result that all democratic forms of government are but a cover for tyranny. But the plagiarist borrows some passages from Montesquieu, and here they acquire a specific meaning from him, that, supposedly, the ideas of liberalism are an invention of the Jews and they disseminate them for the sole purpose of disorganizing and demoralizing non-Jews.
Given free time, it would be possible to build a brilliant forgery on such material, but when you read the “Protocols”, you get the impression that they were fabricated in a hurry. For example, the Dialogue makes a very clear distinction between the policies of Napoleon III when he was just trying to seize power, and his policies when he already had power firmly in his hands. "Protocols" suspects nothing of such nuances. In one place the speaker speaks as if the “wise men” already have absolute control, and in another he gives the impression that they will have to wait another hundred years for this. Sometimes he boasts that the non-Jewish governments are already intimidated by the “wise men,” and sometimes he admits that they know nothing about the conspiracy of the “wise men” and that they have never even heard of its existence. Other inconsistencies are explained by the fact that the despot described by Joly seeks to achieve dominance over France, while the “wise men” try to achieve dominance over the whole world. The author of the fake does not care about somehow reconciling such discrepancies; moreover, he likes to tear apart the verbal fabric of the “Dialogue” with absurdities of his own invention, for example, such as the threat to blow up rebellious capitals, using the subway to achieve this goal.
It is even more strange that the author of the forgery preserves all the passages that are devoted to attacks on liberal ideas and praise of the landed aristocracy as a necessary stronghold of the monarchy... These passages are so gentile in nature that they caused confusion even among the publishers of the Protocols. Some publishers simply excluded them, others tried to explain it by saying that the ardent Russian conservative Sergei Nilus must have inserted his own reasoning here. Their difficulties are understandable. Nilus was not the author of the forgery, but, as we will soon see, the curses against political freedom and the praise of the aristocratic and monarchical system will help us discover the true nature and reasons for the appearance of this forgery.