Arseny Shulgina's girlfriend Anna. New generation: Valeria's son Arseny Shulgin about his relationship with Prigozhin, business and his girlfriend

And others. My mother, singer Valeria, realized herself on stage. Arseny's parents were unable to save their marriage. The reason for the separation was cases of domestic violence, which Shulgin Sr. committed against his wife. Since 2004, Arseny has been raised by his stepfather, a producer.

Arseny's height is 186 centimeters, weight – 90 kilograms. The older sister is making a career as an actress, singer and TV presenter. Older brother Artemy Shulgin studied at the Austrian Webster University with a degree in programmer and financier and remained to live abroad.

The boy's musical abilities showed up early. Already at the age of four, Arseny began learning to play the piano at the Gnessin Music School. Since 2011 he has been a student at Moscow State College musical performance them. in piano class, teacher - Honored Artist of Russia Valery Pyasetsky.

The performer’s brilliant technique and talent contributed to his being invited to perform at anniversary concert mother, held in the Kremlin Palace. There he performed the third movement of the Concerto in A major for piano and orchestra, accompanied by the Russian national orchestra under the leadership of Mikhail Pletnev.


In the asset talented performer– silver “Nutcracker” for second place in the competition of the same name, which is held by the TV channel “Culture”, received at the age of 13. The beginning of spring 2012 brought Arseny two Grand Prix at once. He received his first at the second international youth music competition-festival “Night in Madrid”. The second - within the framework of the Moscow international competition children's and youth artistic creativity"Open Europe".

The creativity of the aspiring artist was awarded the prize of the Interregional Charitable Public Foundation “New Names”. Arseny was given the opportunity to play one part during the concert held on stage concert hall"Alexandrite".

The pianist has already received recognition at home and in Europe. Shulgin Jr. gave a number of successful performances in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Giessen. Arseny's repertoire consists of famous works famous composers different eras and directions. The young pianist himself prefers works by Mozart and Scriabin and.

Arseny Shulgin at the piano

First solo concert V creative biography Arseny took place on his fifteenth birthday on the stage of the Moscow House of Music. Recordings of this performance 10 months later became the basis debut album young pianist. And so successful that the album immediately took second position in the sales ranking of the iTunes virtual store.

At the age of 17, he gave a solo concert of works classical music for piano and orchestra on stage large hall Moscow Conservatory.

In the spring of 2016, Arseny opened up with subscribers in a popular social network "Instagram" about plans for further studies. In his blog, he wrote that he was thinking about becoming a student at a prestigious educational institution Great Britain. However, Arseny subsequently did not report anything about the results entrance exams to Oxford or Cambridge, which were reported as possible places of study.

Earlier, unconfirmed information appeared in the media that Valeria’s youngest son allegedly dropped out of music college. According to the administration of this educational institution, student Shulgin had debt for 12 failed exams. The singer asked her son not to give up his studies and music, because he has great abilities. Valeria tried to convince her son that education should be the main thing in life. this moment in his life. There was a scandal between mother and son, as a result of which Arseny left home, but returned some time later.

In one interview, Arseny admitted that he loves watching films. He believes that American and Russian cinema cannot be compared, but national cinema there is great potential that its creators must exploit. Among his colleagues, Shulgin highlights his performance.

At the end of 2016, Arseniy acquired the popular “I thought” blog on Instagram, which had more than a million subscribers. Shulgin made him his official account. However, after the change of ownership, many followers unfollowed this page. The prank promotion didn't help either. Valeria's son promised 10 thousand rubles to the millionth subscriber.

Anna and Arseny Shulgin

Together with his older sister Anna, Arseny performed Valeria’s song “Hang Out.” At first, the young man simply accompanied the singer, and then joined her. The clip was published on Anna's page in "Instagram" and received many likes from her followers. The performers' mother also approved of their first experience of performing a duet.

In 2015, Arseny began developing his own business project. Together with his friends, the young man co-founded the hookah cafe Beaumonde Lounge on Lubyanka. Arseniy himself claimed that he did not think about the success of the enterprise, but his mother, who arrived at the opening of the establishment, appreciated the efforts of her son and his team.

After gaining his first experience, Shulgin took part in the opening of the Nebo Lounge restaurant in Moscow City, which is intended for wealthy people, members of the Nebo Wellness fitness club. But the restaurant business is only Arseny’s first try. Valeria's son plans to develop own project in the field of e-commerce and online trading.

Completely rethinking the attitude towards music and music education, Arseny decided to play the piano as a hobby; the young man does not intend to earn a living from performing work. Shulgin began the path of a composer. New melodies appear on Arseny’s Instagram with enviable regularity.

After the crisis he experienced, the young man decided to graduate from Central music school at the Moscow State Conservatory and at the same time entered the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov at the Faculty of Finance and Credit.

Personal life

At the age of 16, Arseny met with his daughter Russian singer and a pianist. A 14-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy even spent time together the winter vacation at a resort in Italy - at Forte Dei Marmi-Toscana. True, they were not alone there; I was vacationing with my son Dmitry.

One more hot topic in show business was the joint appearance of Arseny with, former soloist duet The appearance on the Internet of a joint photo in which a 15-year-old boy tenderly hugs a 29-year-old singer by the waist prompted journalists to start talking about the possible development of relations between the two celebrities. Of course, the affair never happened.

In 2015, the possibility was discussed romantic relationships between Shulgin and, a popular video blogger. The guys posted it on YouTube channel a joint video in which the girl interviewed Arseny. In addition, they often published on their accounts joint photos, which gave rise to rumors.

At the same time, in an interview with the girl, the musician mentioned several times about a certain Elizabeth, with whom he spends a lot of time.

Now the media mentions the “golden boy” more in connection with his personal life than with his work. Currently, Arseny Shulgin is dating model Anna Sheridan. It was the girl who made their relationship public by starting to post romantic photos with Arseny on her Instagram. But Shulgin did not immediately follow his friend’s example. At the end of December 2016, Arseny and his girlfriend went to Dubai, where they spent New Year holidays.

On his 18th birthday, the guy threw a grand party in a restaurant in the capital, where his girlfriend was also invited. The attention of the distinguished guests was focused on Anna Sheridan. Judging by the communication between Valeria and Anna at the celebration, the relationship between them was good. Arseny's family warmly received Sheridan. The young people are still together, and their feelings are becoming stronger.

On this day, congratulations poured in on the young man all day long: from his sister, brother, and friends. Mom admitted that she was a little sad that her youngest son had already grown up. Others were also present at the celebration. At the end of the holiday, everyone present was able to try the birthday cake, made in the shape of a miniature piano.

Arseny Shulgin now

At the beginning of June, Arseny Shulgin visited the 24-hour Le Mans race, which he had long dreamed of attending. The young man does not miss football matches Russia with its rivals at the 2018 World Cup.

Now Arseny is vacationing in Switzerland with his family and lover. Every day the young man pays attention to sports exercises. And after running a 5 km long cross-country race with his mother, Arseniy made this fact public by posting joint photo with Valeria on Instagram.

Arseny Shulgin (18) bears the title of one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital. This is not surprising - he is handsome, talented and independent beyond his years - at the age of 16 he flew away from his parents' nest and began to live separately. True, not alone, but with his girlfriend, model Anna Sheridan (22). "We've been together for over two years now." So his “bachelor” status is just a formality.

When Arseny was 4 years old, his parents divorced. Then, in 2002, the breakup of singer Valeria (49) with composer Alexander Shulgin (53) was not discussed only by the lazy. Arseny himself did not remember this difficult period, but he has not communicated with his father since then. Two years later, she married again - this time to producer Joseph Prigozhin (48), whom Shulgin Jr. now touchingly and homely calls “Yosei.” “It seems to me that the parenting process is already over, but if I need any advice, of course, I consult with him and with the whole family.”

T-shirt, Uniqlo; trousers, Guess

Arseny’s older brother, Artemy (23), while still a schoolboy, went to study at the Swiss Webster University to become a programmer and financier, and (24) decided to conquer Russian show business. Now she - successful actress, singer and TV presenter. But Arseny prefers the restaurant business. When he was 17, he and his friends (who, as it turned out, had been “in business” for more than ten years) opened the hookah cafe Beaumonde Lounge on Lubyanka. “It all happened by chance; I didn’t discuss my affairs with my parents. An opportunity just turned up, so I decided to do it,” but insiders report that Valeria appreciated her son’s efforts after the first dinner at his cafe.

“And in general, I have such a character that I always do everything in my own way, so it was always difficult to teach me something. And as for my older sister, now it’s more likely that even I play the role of her mentor than vice versa,” Shulgin laughs.

“By the way, I recently opened my second establishment - the Nebo Lounge restaurant in Moscow City. The contingent is wealthy people, members of one of the best fitness clubs in Moscow, Nebo Wellness, says Arseny. “But the restaurant business is not all I do, and it’s far from the main direction. I’m much more interested in e-commerce and online trading.” True, he does not reveal details, but he sounds serious.

Turtleneck, Uniqlo; trousers, Guess; boots, Pal Zileri

Shulgin also has a hobby - you won’t believe it - music. Arseny plays the piano and even gives concerts: “This is the very hobby with which I want to connect my life, but I have no goal of making money from it.”

In the spring of 2016, information appeared in the media that Shulgin was expelled from a music college, but he assures: “I was not expelled from anywhere. Now I am graduating from the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky and at the same time studying at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov is a second-year student at the Faculty of Finance and Credit,” says Arseniy.

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Arseny Alexandrovich Shulgin born in Moscow on November 8, 1998 in absolutely musical family. His mother - Alla Yurievna Perfilova, better known by her stage name Valeria, - popular singer, Honored Artist of Russia. Father - author and composer Alexander Shulgin. The boy's parents divorced in February 2002.

Arseny has an older sister and brother - Anna Shulgina (born 1993), who chose a career as an actress and TV presenter, and Artemy Shulgin, who chose to work in the field of finance.

When Arseny was four years old, his parents sent the boy to the Gnessin Music School, where their son studied piano. In 2011, he became a student at the Moscow State College of Musical Performance. F. Chopin and began to learn to play the piano from the Honored Artist of Russia Valery Pyasetsky.

In December 2011, the son famous singer took part in Valeria’s anniversary concert, held in Kremlin Palace, performing accompanied by the Russian National Orchestra under the direction of Mikhail Pletnev.

At the beginning of spring 2012, Arseny was awarded two Grand Prix: as part of the second international youth music competition-festival « Night in Madrid"and the Moscow International Competition of Children's and Youth Art Creativity" Open Europe" Also Arseny silver medalist competition " Nutcracker».

Arseny Shulgin. Personal life

At the end of 2015 it became known that the 17-year-old Arseny Shulgin, hitherto became a news hero thanks to his creativity, and not love affairs, dating a model Anna Sheridan, who is three years older than him. Joint photographs of young people began to appear on social networks. His mother and stepfather, Joseph Prigogine, reacted neutrally to their son’s novel, so as not to embarrass Arseny.

Joseph Prigogine: I know for certain that Arseny has many fans. He's such a macho guy. Once we had a manly conversation about the girls he likes, and he admitted that in addition to appearance, the chosen one’s hobbies and level of intelligence are very important to him. Before his eyes there is a mother who manages to do everything: look great and work. So Arseny is guided by her.

However, subsequently news came about a conflict in the star family: Arseny Shulgin left his father’s house for the sake of Anna Sheridan. Star mom did not approve of this choice, but did not create any obstacles, and meanwhile the son became so carried away by his beloved that he abandoned classes at a music college, from where he was eventually expelled.

Valeria was very worried about her son, who was predicted to have a brilliant musical career, but wisely accepted his step.

Joseph Prigogine: Valeria perceives the situation philosophically. We call this self-searching. Personally, I do not approve of this choice, but this does not stop Arseny from being our child. Communication with him is now quite difficult. There is no mutual understanding, youthful maximalism prevails.

At the end of January 2016, Arseny finally made peace with his family and returned home. And in the fall of the same year, when the young man celebrated his coming of age, online media reported that Valeria’s son had achieved his goal: stardom

June 17, 2016

The girl lifted the veil of secrecy for fans

The girl lifted the veil of secrecy for fans.

In the family of Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin not so long ago Younger son The singer began dating 21-year-old model Anna Sheridan and abandoned his studies at music college because of her. His parents opposed his romantic relationship; Arseny, without hesitation, left home. However, now in star family full order. Arseny introduced Anna to his family, and the parents finally approved of their chosen one. If earlier it seemed that the couple’s relationship was absolutely frivolous, now serious passions are boiling between the lovers. Sheridan told fans about her emotions towards her lover on the microblog.


“Sometimes I get offended and delete photos (like a woman, to be honest), then I regret it, but they are not the main thing. Your image is always in my head and in my heart,” Anna wrote to Arseny.

Subscribers to the model’s personal page only supported the girl and talked about their personal experience. “I have the same situation now, ha ha ha, well, we are girls, we can do it,” “Every girl should have a little zest... In the form of madness” ,” users supported Sheridan.


Let us remember that Arseny Shulgin never complained about problems in his personal life. Last fall, when he was only 16 years old, everyone was talking about his affair with a girl his age named Lisa - according to rumors, girls from rich family. The young man was also credited with a relationship with Dmitry Malikov’s daughter Stefania. Valeria said then that her son has many fans, but he is not yet interested in the opposite sex.

Arseny Shulgin decided to improve relations with his family and returned home. Let us remember that a 17-year-old boy met a girl who turned his whole life upside down. It was because of her that he quarreled with his mother and abandoned School of Music, and then completely packed up his things and left home. All for the sake of 21-year-old beauty Anna Sheridan.


Now, finally, the conflict in the star family has been resolved. It’s just that he didn’t make Arseny change his mind. common sense, but need. The musician was unable to provide for himself, at least that’s what his friends say.

“Arseny realized that this could no longer continue, especially since he himself was not making money,” family friends told StarHit. - Yes, and his parents mean a lot to him, no matter how you look at it. Reconciliation between him, Valeria and Joseph did occur. He returned home. True, I didn’t recover at the music college, I went to secondary school. But Valeria hopes that in the future he will continue to make music. He continues to see Anya, but much less often.”

Let us recall that a week ago it became known that Arseny Shulgin did not attend the prestigious Chopin School for the entire last semester, accumulated a lot of money, did not pass a single exam and therefore was expelled.

Joseph Prigogine confirmed this fact with great sadness in his voice. He and Valeria hope that their son will come to his senses and not bury his talent.

“I don’t know what to answer you. This is true. This is probably his age, he is 17 years old, you understand. I think he was just tired of music, new hobbies appeared, there is no tragedy in this. I hope he rests and does right choice. Such talent cannot be abandoned. However, if Arseny decides to give up music, I will not interfere, he is a grown boy and has the right to decide everything on his own. It would be wrong to tilt him in one direction,” Prigozhin told a Woman’s Day correspondent. - Everyone has crises, and Arseny is no exception. We try to support him, although it’s not easy to communicate with him now.”

Many believed that the girl with whom Arseny fell madly in love was, of course, to blame. Whether this is true or not is still unclear, but there are rumors that Valeria is categorically against her son’s relationship.

“Senya’s mother is against him dating Anya, because she believes that she enjoys the fame of a flighty girl, and Arseny is in love and doesn’t want to believe it,” a close friend of Arseny Shulgin told SUPER.

Let us remember that the lovers started dating relatively recently. Just a couple of months ago Arseny in exclusive interview Woman's Day admitted that he does not have Serious relationships and he plans to look for his love in 10 years...

“It’s too early for me to think about relationships. In 10 years, when I have serious intentions, I will start looking for love. I think only then will I be ready for life together with another person. Fortunately, I haven’t fallen in love seriously yet. I think it’s too early for 17 years old.”