Evelina Bledans Instagram official 7. Evelina Bledans Instagram account

The bright and slightly provocative surname Bledans seems to be a pseudonym that the artist chose specifically for her appearance and manners. However, this is a real name. Evelina was born on April 5, 1969 in Yalta into a family with ancestors in the most different peoples peace.

Evelina’s acting career began in the acclaimed 1988 film “Regional Emergency.” The first place where Evelina truly became famous was the most popular “Mask Show” throughout the nineties and half of the 2000s. This program was truly popular, and all its heroes became real favorites of the public. Evelina was remembered as a bright girl with a beautiful face, great figure and somewhat defiant manners, which added spice to the show's sketches.

After the completion of the story of “Masks”, Evelina became famous as a TV presenter. This was not enough for the creative beauty; in 2009 she released music album“The main thing is to love!”, and at the same time she starred in many films and television series. The colorful Evelina is not only in demand by film authors, but also popular with viewers.

Now Evelina is married - today for the third time in her life. Her husband is businessman Alexander Semin; in 2012, the couple had a son, Semyon.

Evelina Bledans Instagram, what awaits us?

It is difficult to confuse this surname with something, exotic and with several connotations for the Russian ear. Evelina Bledans chose a simple and clear address for Instagram: @Bledans. New photographs appear on the page almost every day, and these are not just official (like some other artists), but informal, spontaneous pictures from life. In terms of style, her page is similar to Anastasia Volochkova’s Instagram.

Dance rehearsals on the beach, hanging out with friends at festivals, holiday pictures, family photos with my son and photos of food that became jokes. Bledans posts all this on Instagram in huge quantities. Subscribers (who number about sixty thousand today) never get bored. Five to six new photos a day, and diverse ones, is the norm for the blog owner.

In the comments, as a rule, a positive tone of communication prevails, but there is also quite a lot of outright spam. No one is purposefully filtering and cleaning it on Evelina Bledans’ Instagram. Although communication in discussions is not good for Evelina last place. Sometimes she directly turns to subscribers for advice or opinions on some fashionable item.

Almost the first thing they ask when meeting someone is “Do you have Instagram?”, and they are very surprised if there is no account. Insta conquered great amount users, including ordinary people, and celebrities of different levels.

Not the most obvious, but no less striking figure in the domestic show business, Evelina Bledans keeps up with the trend - a million people have subscribed to the star’s account, actively participating in the young lady’s online life: likes and comments accompany every post. The number of the latter has exceeded 5 thousand, but the brunette does not stop there, adding several new photos to her feed every day.

Evelina Bledans posts Instagram photos, videos and advertisements with self-promotion, where would we be without them? Experience, intelligence and active life position contribute to the fact that viewing the page is interesting and pleasant to read, so the number of subscribers is steadily growing.

Evelina Bledans' Instagram is simply called @bledans.

Previously, the question was often raised whether this was a surname or a well-chosen pseudonym, but over time, the artist’s biography became public knowledge, and the question disappeared. Evelina Visvaldovna Bledans is a real last name, first name and patronymic, although they sound very colorful.

The star's account is dedicated to work trips, events, announcements of upcoming events, meetings with friends, recreation and family. Even after divorce ex-husband Alexander flashes in the feed, and sunny Semochka gets into the frame every day. The tandem “Bledans Evelina - son Semyon” is seen on Instagram very often.

Evelina’s son was born with Down syndrome, but the mother beams with love for the baby, and in addition participates in many projects and charity events dedicated to such children, their characteristics and possible help for the kids.

Despite his illness, the boy is invited to take part in various advertising campaigns, he “runs” his Twitter, and thanks to his parents’ Instagram, many people know and love him.

Bledans often posts videos from regular filming or preparation for a performance, where she rehearses, corrects or applies makeup. Cute videos with your son are not uncommon.

Among other things, the page contains information on how to contact the star (email address).

Photo of Evelina Bledans in her youth

Bledans often told the story of her name. At birth, the parents wanted to name the baby Nastya, but the midwife who delivered the baby insisted that such a girl could not just be Nastya, but must become the whole Evelina. That's where we stopped.

The photo shows the artist in her childhood.

At school, the future artist took choreography classes, where she was also taught acting. When filming took place in her native Yalta, the girl and her friend often found themselves in the crowd, and after graduating from school she entered and graduated with honors from a course at LGITMiK. The next step creative development Bledans began an internship in the USA at a theater center under the direction of Eugene O'Neill.

A boost of youth from Evelina Bledans from the filming of the first film.

Young Evelina’s acting debut took place in the 1998 film “Regional Emergency.” After him, the actress played in several more episodes and moved to Odessa to start working in the cabaret theater “Sweet Life”.

The young actress's real fame came from filming a comedy show, filmed in the style of a bit of the movie "Mask Show." Evelina played several roles, but was remembered for her image of a sexy nurse in a short robe with an open neckline. In subsequent years, Bledans retrained as a TV presenter, and hosted quite a variety of TV shows.

Evelina Bledans: what Wikipedia writes about her

Wikipedia knows the impressive young lady as a Russian theater and film actress, singer and TV presenter. The official website needs to verify a number of information, but the data on creative achievements ambitious brunette are true.

The creative life of Evelina Bledans includes participation in more than 30 theatrical productions, including musicals, about 50 films and TV series (“My Fair Nanny”, “Hitler, Kaput”, “Univer” and many others). Unfortunately, most of the roles were episodic in nature.

She also noted on Russian television, having taken part in the following projects: “One for All”, “The Invisible Man”, “ Last Hero", "Sexual Revolution", "Love at First Sight", "One to One" and others. In Kazakhstan, viewers know her as the host of the “They” program.

One of the aspects of creativity was the voice acting of “Cursed Paradise”, “Step by step”, “ Fairytale Patrol" and "Zambezia".

In addition, it is indicated that, according to Evelina herself, Crimea has never been Ukrainian. The artist welcomed the return of the peninsula to the Russian Federation, calling it a positive fact.

Biography of Evelina Bledans

The active and cheerful mother is already almost 50. Evelina Visvaldovna Bledans was born on April 5, 1969. Jewish, Latvian and Ukrainian roots were intricately mixed in her blood.

There are no super unusual events or data in the girl’s biography, but active life, which the star is now leading, attracts public attention to her.

Evelina's father was a photographer. They did not live long in marriage with their mother, and Tamila Nikolaevna got married again soon after the divorce. The actress has two sisters: with Maya they maintain a warm relationship, and with Diana, who became known only recently, it is not yet clear what the situation is - her existence and kidney disease became known too loudly.

The girl, like her mother, graduated from Yalta school No. 5, built with funds from A.P. Chekhov and now bears his name.

For some time, Bledans was courted by Sofia Rotaru’s son, but, as we see, it didn’t work out.

ABOUT creative path We mentioned Evelina a little earlier, we will add that as a singer she works in the styles of pop, chanson and romance, and performs pop music.

Evelina Bledans divorced

“Evelina Bledans divorced” or “Evelina Bledans: divorce” - in September 2017, the headlines of newspapers and magazines were full of these phrases. Indeed, the actress tore marital relations with producer Alexander Semin, which began in 2010. According to the woman, the marriage cracked long ago, and “there was no longer any strength to hold on.”

Let us remember that it was in marriage with Alexander Semin that little Semyon was born, in whom both parents dote. The couple has said more than once that they would like a second child, but, obviously, it’s not destiny.

Personal life of Evelena Bledans

Evelina Bledans often posts photos of her family and children on Instagram. Yes, she has more than one child, as does her ex-husband. The 48-year-old brunette was successfully married and equally successfully divorced three times.

  • The actress’s first husband was her colleague Yuri Stytskovsky, whose relationship began at the university. They played together in the “Mask Show”, lived together for 7 years, but ironically, the marriage lasted only 2 months.
  • For the second time, Evelina became married to businessman Dmitry, whom she met in Odessa. After living together for 18 years, the couple separated. The first child Bledans Nikolai went to live with his father in Israel and for a long time had no contact with mother. Only when he turned 21 did communication resume.
  • The actress’s third marriage shocked many: an atypical situation for Russians, when a wife significantly (9 years apart) older than her husband haunted the couple for a long time. There were rumors and gossip, but Evelina and Alexander coped. Photos often appeared on Instagram and magazines happy couple. When Semyon was born, it seemed that all the troubles were behind him, but fate decreed otherwise.

Now the artist’s heart is occupied only with her son.

Official Instagram account of Evelina Bledans

Evelina Bledans posts a huge number of photos and videos on Instagram. By subscribing to your account, your feed is in in a good way will be completely in it. In a good way, because most of what the star posts are casual everyday photographs, links and recommendations of the author’s programs and courses that Bledans is attending or plans to attend.

Evelina Bledans (on Instagram - bledans) was born on April 5, 1969 in Yalta. The actress’s surname is Latvian, inherited from her father, Visvaldis Karlovich Bledans. In addition to Evelina, there was another girl in the family - Maya. Evelina also has a half-sister - Diana. While she maintains a warm relationship with her first sister, she only found out about her second sister last year, 2016.

Evelina Bledans is known to Russian television viewers mainly from TV shows and films, but she also plays in the theater and sings, which we can see in the star’s account on the official website instagram.com. Higher education the presenter received at the Russian State Institute performing arts. A year after enrolling, in 1991, she began participating in the comic troupe “Masks”. She worked there until 2005, and since then many have associated Bledans with the image of a sexy nurse from these comic sketches.

In subsequent years, she hosted many shows. Here are just a few of them. In 2005, she became the host of the show “Sexual Revolution with Evelina Bledans” on the TDK channel, and in 2007 - in the program “Eyewitness. The funniest thing." She also participated in the show “The Last Hero” from 2008 to 2009. In addition to these channels, Evelina also worked on others, for example, on STS (the program “Everything Our Way”), MTV (“Love at First Sight”). In fact, even from Instagram it’s easy to see that she always maintained her sexy image.

In addition to broadcasts, the actress performs in the theater. She participated in quite large quantities plays: “Danae”, musical “ Cherished dream", "Don't wake up a sleeping dog" and others. Bledans has a large filmography, she played roles in the films “When the Saints Go Marching,” “My Fair Nanny,” “Cursed Paradise,” “Love in big city 2", "Univer" and other films and TV series.

Personal life on Instagram

In the life of the heroine of this article there were three men with whom she started a family. The first husband was Yuri Stytskovsky. Eva met him in a media circle, since Yuri was the director of the show “Pun”. They got married 7 years later life together, but divorced after 2 months. In 1993, the girl married a second time, to a businessman from Israel, Dmitry. From this marriage a son, Nikolai, is born. Nikolai’s parents lived together for 7 years. Finally, in 2010, the actress meets the man of her dreams, as she herself describes, her third husband, Alexander Semin. According to the presenter, he became her main friend and mentor. They have a son, Semyon Semin, with whom Evelina Bledans often posts photos on Instagram. The boy was born with Down syndrome, but his parents are not sad about this and even try to help similar children.


On the official Instagram website, Evelina Bledans has almost a million subscribers. She posts not only photos, but also funny videos on Instagram. There are pictures of her playing with her son, her friends, and video clips from a photo shoot.

In some photos on Instagram, makeup is being applied to her, in others, her hair is being adjusted while she repeats the text. We see her practicing dances for the film or feeding little Semyon with berries. We are following new photos on Evelina Bledans’ Instagram. Subscribe to the news of our website and join the life of the stars.

Evelina Bledans Instagram is actively filling up. There are over 2000 publications in her feed.

Account: bledans

Occupation: Russian actress theater and cinema, singer, TV presenter

The future celebrity was born in 1969, in the city of Yalta. The star's first and last name are real. The beauty's spectacular appearance was ensured by a mixture of Latvian, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian blood. In 1991 she graduated from Leningrad Theatre Institute and as the best graduate was sent for an internship in the USA. After that, together with her classmates, the girl organized a cabaret theater in Odessa. Thanks to her friends, she got to film the “Mask Show”. Her acting and appearance were appreciated, and the beauty received permanent place in a team, and the audience is a new sex symbol.

Evelina Bledans Instagram account

Evelina Bledans regularly posts photos on Instagram. Main character her post is her son Semyon. The baby has Down syndrome, but despite the fact that the child would have been weak at birth, the baby is now developing well. Most recently, Sema starred in the “Love and Kindness” video; together with the star mom, he participated in the filming of the H&M lookbook. The baby travels everywhere with his mother, all the pictures with Bledans’ son on Instagram are very warm and touching.

Like all beautiful women, Evelina publishes in her feed own photos V beautiful dresses, pictures from beauty salons and gym. There is also a place in her feed for traditional selfies, pictures of tasty treats and gorgeous bouquets of flowers.

Evelina Bledans Instagram is actively filling up. There are over 2000 publications in her feed.

Account: bledans

Occupation: Russian theater and film actress, singer, TV presenter

The future celebrity was born in 1969, in the city of Yalta. The star's first and last name are real. The beauty's spectacular appearance was ensured by a mixture of Latvian, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian blood. In 1991, she graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute and, as the best graduate, was sent for an internship in the USA. After that, together with her classmates, the girl organized a cabaret theater in Odessa. Thanks to her friends, she got to film the “Mask Show”. Her acting and appearance were appreciated, and the beauty received a permanent place in the team, and the audience - a new sex symbol.

Evelina Bledans Instagram account

Evelina Bledans regularly posts photos on Instagram. The main character of her posts is her son Semyon. The baby has Down syndrome, but despite the fact that the child would have been weak at birth, the baby is now developing well. Most recently, Sema starred in the “Love and Kindness” video; together with the star mom, he participated in the filming of the H&M lookbook. The baby travels everywhere with his mother, all the pictures with Bledans’ son on Instagram are very warm and touching.

Like all beautiful women, Evelina publishes her own photographs in beautiful dresses, pictures from beauty salons and the gym on her feed. There is also a place in her feed for traditional selfies, pictures of tasty treats and gorgeous bouquets of flowers.