The role of family in shaping the character of Peter Grinev. A

Alexander Green is a Russian writer and poet known for his original neo-romantic works. are connected not only with his writing, but also with his revolutionary activities.

  1. Many agreed that Green was real sea ​​wolf who sailed the seas from early childhood.
  2. Actually born future writer in the Vyatka province in the family of an exiled Polish nobleman in 1880. Parents Stefan Grinevsky and Anna Lepkova named their son Alexander.

  3. Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky was not distinguished by obedience in childhood and, despite his curiosity and love of reading, was expelled from a real school, having reached the second grade. In class he stood on last place on behavior, but were transferred from preparatory class to first class. In the second, Alexander wrote a poem offensive to the teachers and was expelled.

  4. At the school, Grinesky received the nickname “Green” from his fellow students, which became his pseudonym.

  5. Since childhood, Sasha strove for the sea, reading books about adventures and travel, tried to escape from home several times, but he was never able to get onto the ship - he was caught in the port and returned home. But the father, seeing his son’s energy, took him hunting and hiking, taught him how to use a saber and a gun.

  6. At the age of 16, Alexander Grinevsky got a job as a sailor on a ship, but he failed to connect his life with the sea; after leaving the fleet, he worked as a miner, cut down wood, was a builder, and then joined the army.

  7. Green was arrested and imprisoned several times for escaping from a military unit and for propaganda. revolutionary ideas among sailors. He was supposed to spend 4 years in exile in Tobolsk, but escaped after three days by getting the guards drunk. He described the details in the book “Travels in the Middle Urals.”

  8. In 1906, when fake documents after escaping from Turinsk, Green arrives in Moscow, his writing career, but for radical thoughts in works, copies are confiscated and burned, and the author is exiled to Arkhangelsk, where he continues to write.

  9. With his literary godfather Green called N.Ya. Bykhovsky, one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, who said that their underground worker would make good writer. After these words, Alexander Stepanovich began to think about writing books and realized that this activity could make him happy.

  10. Grinevsky’s first literary pseudonym was Malginov.. This name was on his fake passport after escaping from Turinsk, a town in Tobolsk province. It was published under the names A. Stepanov, Elsa Moravskaya, Victoria Klemm, Odin.

  11. Fighting on the side of the Red Army in Civil War, Green fell ill with typhus and was discharged. But with the victory of the new system, Green did not calm down - Soviet authority he didn’t like it either, since he himself wrote that violence cannot be destroyed by violence. He stopped speaking at meetings and engaging in propaganda, did not sign any appeals to the Party Central Committee, but continued to count the days according to the pre-revolutionary calendar and did not part with the old spelling.

  12. In the late 20s, Greene began to be published less and less, censorship, under the pretext of incompatibility with the era, allowed the publication of one book per year, and then they completely declared him an ideological enemy and banned publication. There is a legend that Greene sent a telegram to the Writers' Union with a text about his own death and asked for money for the funeral. The money came unexpectedly.

  13. Alexander Green died in 1932, and in 1934 they began to print it again, in 1943 its “ Scarlet Sails» read on the radio in besieged Leningrad, and a ballet of the same name is being staged in Moscow. After the war, his works were forgotten for 15 years.

  14. Green was married three times. His first wife, Vera Pavlovna, remained his friend all his life. Portraits of her and the writer’s father were always in a place of honor in the Grinevskys’ house, and after the writer’s death, Vera Pavlovna helped Green’s third wife when she was serving a 10-year sentence in the camps “for treason.”

  15. One of the small planets discovered in 1985, “Grinevia,” is named after Green; 4 museums and 10 streets in different cities Russia.

Literature lesson

8th grade

Topic: “Formation of the character and views of Pyotr Grinev.”

Goals: - instill a skill analytical reading works;

Reveal the image of the main character of the novel;

Follow the stages of formation of P. Grinev’s character;

To form students’ ideas about moral values.

Equipment: the last lifetime portrait of A.S. Pushkin; Dictionary V.I. Dahl; magnetic board, a table with the names of the columns is posted, which are filled in as the children answer, from the teacher

Lesson type: knowledge formation lesson

View: Lesson-Research

During the classes .

1. introduction teachers.

We are learning the first Russian realistic novel about what could not have happened, and simply could not have happened, a novel about a miracle performed by love. This work is a symbol of perfect art. For example, A.T. Tvardovsky said to one writer: “You have extensive experience, but you lack writing culture. You probably never re-read The Captain's Daughter after childhood. No? And you need to re-read it - and suffocate with delight.” And if Tvardovsky wanted to reproach someone, he always said: “Yes, he hasn’t read The Captain’s Daughter.”

Therefore, as you understand, the real, deep understanding of the novel will most likely come to you later, years later, when you want to return to it again and re-read it. But even now none of you, I think, having read this work for the first time, could remain indifferent to it.

2. Staging educational goal, problematic issue.

So, today we will turn the pages of the novel and watch one of its main characters - Pyotr Grinev, how his character and views are formed young man. And as an epigraph to the lesson I would like to take the words of A.S. Pushkin:“A person’s independence is the key to his greatness...” which perfectly suit the image of the main character.

While reading, you may have noticed that in the narrative there are so-called key words, which the author himself highlights and repeats in the most important points and thereby reveals their ambiguity and depth. What do you think these words are?

Tell me one thing you think , basic key word a story directly related to the fate of the main character? (this is the word “honor”, ​​the author points to it already in the epigraph of the novel)

V.I. Dal, who, by the way, accompanied A.S. Pushkin on a trip to Pugachev’s places, in his Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language defines the word “honor” as follows: 1) the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and pure conscience; 2) conditional, secular, everyday nobility, often false, imaginary (the meaning of the word “honor” is written on the board)

In what meaning is the word used in the story, what meaning is dominant and applicable to the image of the main character? I invite you to answer this question at the end of today's conversation.

III. Analysis of the work.

1. Discussion of the first stage in the formation of Grinev’s character.

We can distinguish several stages in the formation of the character and views of Pyotr Grinev. What time period do you think will be included in Stage 1? (children and teenage years)

Name Petrusha's environment at that time. (father, mother, Savelich, Beaupre, yard boys)

What influence did they have on the formation of the hero’s character?

What was the most important thing in upbringing for Savelich? (washed, combed, fed)

How did Monsieur Beaupre influence your upbringing? (everyone minded their own business).

What can you say about your mother? (kind, but weak-willed)

What did Petrusha learn from his father? (+ directness, honesty, - serf-like habits)

Let us conclude: how did Petrusha grow up as a result of such an environment and upbringing? (frivolity, inexperience, frivolity, carelessness)

Quote how the hero himself evaluates his knowledge.

What were his moral concepts(quote from the work)

2. Analysis of the second stage of character formation of the hero.

When does the next stage in the formation of Grinev’s character begin?

(from the moment of leaving home, when the hero enters an independent life)

Independent life Grineva is the path of loss of illusions, but as a result it is enriched inner world. Prove the correctness of these words by analyzing various episodes from the hero’s life.

(A table is posted on the magnetic board with the names of the columns, which are filled in as the children answer; the teacher has prepared in advance the correct answers to which he must lead the students)

The first episode is a meeting with Zurin. How did Grinev remember her? (lose)

What hero's dream was destroyed here? (hope for a fun, carefree life)

What feelings did the hero experience after these events? (shame, remorse)

Has the hero's inner world been enriched as a result of these feelings?

The discord between dreams and reality continues in Belogorsk fortress. Let's analyze how. In what episodes do we see this?

Let's conclude how all this enriched the hero's inner world?

Sample table.

Independent life.


The path of loss of illusions


Enrichment of the inner world


Meeting with Zurin

Fun, carefree life

Humiliating loss

Shame, remorse

Belogorsk fortress

1.Formidable bastions

2. Strict boss

3. Deadly weapons

4. Military service, shows, parades

1. A village surrounded by a fence

2. Commandant in a cap

3. Cannon clogged with debris.

4.Conversations with ordinary people. Literature classes, love

Disappointment, formation of a sober outlook on life.

The joy of communicating with ordinary people


Heroic Halo

“nonsense”, “poking with iron skewers”

Revisiting the concept true honor nobleman

3. Analysis of Grinev’s participation in hostilities.

The fifth chapter ends with these words: “My spirit has fallen. I was afraid of either going crazy or falling into debauchery. Unexpected events suddenly gave my soul a strong and beneficial shock.”

On what paths did Grinev’s soul receive a strong and beneficial shock? Maybe in ways of protecting noble honor? While participating in hostilities against Pugachev?

Let's remember the episode of the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, maybe our hero commits there heroic deed? (no, he was knocked down, he entered the city with the crowd, he was tied with sashes, everything is simpler and less impressive)

Let us remember the episode on the square in front of Pugachev. Maybe there our hero repeated the answer of his generous comrades? (No. Savelich intervened, the matter took a different turn.)

From the Belogorsk fortress the hero goes to Orenburg, maybe the defense of this city allowed him to show his prowess? Remember the episode of the meeting with the police officer. (Grinev takes part in horseback riding, sees an enemy, decides to destroy him, but recognizes him as a good friend)

Conclusion. Do we see the strong and beneficial shock that could have occurred in Grinev’s soul during participation in hostilities, in the defense of noble honor? (No)

4. Analysis of episodes where Grinev and Pugachev meet.

What is the reason for that “strong and good shock” that Grinev speaks of? (the fight for the release of his beloved girl. Meeting with Pugachev)

What are they talking about?

What side of your character is revealed in this episode?

Can you note any shortcomings in Grinev’s views on current events, on Pugachev (social narrowness, bias)

As students analyze the episodes, they can create a table with the following content:

A strong and good shock.

Revelry at Pugachev's.

Refuses to serve Pugachev, does not promise to serve against him.

Maintains honor, dignity: directness, frankness, courage. Human and noble honor are placed above life.

Grinev is at Pugachev's to free Masha.

He hopes for Pugachev’s help, tells the truth about Masha, and asks him to repent before the Empress.

Lack of noble arrogance, youthful vulnerability to life, compassion, pity.

5. Analysis of the love triangle: Grinev – Masha – Shvabrin (let’s get to know the character in comparison)

We looked at how Grinev’s character was formed under the influence of his meetings with Pugachev, and we will analyze what impact the fight for his beloved girl had on him. Let's see how the heroes behave in this love triangle.

(we draw love triangle and indicate on it the character traits of the heroes)

What is the reason for the first clash between the heroes? (Shvabrin - lies, slander. Grinev - nobility, defense of the girl’s honor.)

How does Grinev behave with Shvabrin after the duel? (generous forgiveness)

What other unworthy acts does Shvabrin commit towards Masha? (imprisonment, intention to marry by force)

How does Grinev behave in this situation? (frees the orphan)

After some time, our heroes collide again. When? (in prison)

What other dirty business belongs to Shvabrin? (denunciation to the government)

How does Grinev behave before the trial? (refuses self-defense, because he is based on his human rightness. He leaves the sphere of noble laws, he is afraid to drag Masha in)

Is there at least something for which Grinev is still grateful to Shvabrin?

6. Finding the main difference in Grinev’s character (comparison with Shvabrin)

Each of you has already come to a certain conclusion about what is the main difference between the two heroes. But let's look at the artistic fabric of the story (we fill out the diagram gradually)

In it (art fabrics) two layers are distinguished: noble and peasant. Where would you place Shvabrin? (Shvabrin fits perfectly into the play of social forces. He “fell” into both camps (he is a nobleman with noble prejudices, with purely class contempt for another person, and he also becomes Pugachev’s servant)

Where could we place Grinev?

(He did not belong to any camp. The government is on suspicion as a friend of Pugachev, among the Pugachevites - as a nobleman and intercessor for the daughter of the enemy)

What is the reason for this situation of Grinev? (It has a humane human organization, going beyond his time. He's too human)

Sample of filling out the diagram:

The artistic fabric of the work.

Noble layer Peasant layer

Shvabrin Shvabrin


He (Grinev) is too human

Where is the right way? How should you live? Maybe, like Shvabrin, we can move from one camp to another in a timely manner?

(I draw on the board what the hero finds himself between and determine his choice)

Legality Humanity

Justice Mercy

What saves our heroes? ( The right way is to rise above " cruel century", preserving humanity, humanity, dignity, respect for the life of another person)

IV Reply to problematic issue, placed at the beginning of the lesson.

What meaning of the word “honor” dominates in the work and is applicable to the image of the main character?

V Final word teachers.

The popular idea of ​​honor, love, kindness, and mercy united in the story people who confront enmity, hatred, and death.

A person in conflict can act not only as a victim, but also as a hero, rising to the greatness of the forces that oppose him.

The life of Pushkin's heroes is a feat of preserving oneself as an individual under the onslaught of the elements of nature and history, at the point of death. " Captain's daughter"is a kind of testament of Pushkin, revealing to readers the hard-won truth about the Russian people.

VI Homework. Essay “Take care of honor from a young age (Grinev in life’s trials I)"

summary of other presentations

“Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”” - Think and answer. Check yourself. Compare. Why does Shvabrin cause our contempt? What moral discoveries does Grinev’s upbringing with life bring? Why does Pushkin make Grinev the narrator? Riddles of A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”. Similarities with the wives of the Decembrists. Sometimes Pugachev behaves truly like a king. The mysteries of the novel are the mysteries of life.

“The book “The Captain's Daughter”” - What does such a comparison give for understanding the character of Pugachev? How is the empress shown in the story? Are you merciful? Such a person was Emelyan Pugachev, whom the people followed. Marya Ivanovna - beloved female image A.S. Pushkin. There is more here, there is pity, mercy and respect for man, for dignity. : “Thank you, your honor! What is mercy? Formation of the character of Peter Grinev. Why did the author choose words from a folk song as an epigraph to the chapter?

“Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter”” - Ideological and artistic position. The figure of the rebellious Pugachev. One of latest works A.S. Pushkin. Realism. The story of Pugachev. Write in a notebook. "Captain's daughter". Novel. The significance of the historical work of A.S. Pushkin. "The Captain's Daughter" appears in the Sovremennik magazine. How Pushkin wrote his Pugachev.

“The Tale of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”” - Fairy Tales. Motive. Russian literature. Captain's daughter. Work on the ideological and artistic features of the story. Proverbs. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. Literary studies. The motive of deception in the works of A. S. Pushkin. The embodiment of honor and dignity in the story “The Captain's Daughter.” Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Skills in analyzing an episode of a literary text.

“The story “The Captain's Daughter”” - Peter. Detail. Putting on the “light robe” after Baptism. Two robes, one calico and one striped silk, worth six rubles. To pay, or to pay for clothes - to mend, patch, put on, or sew on. I did not lose either my courage or my hope. The role of household items in revealing character literary hero. Pogrebets. Shtof - a decanter of wine. Armenian. Events of the story. Calico is a cheap grayish cotton fabric.

“Historical basis of “The Captain’s Daughter”” - Work on literary work. Artist S. Gerasimov. Artists are illustrators. Travel route of A.S. Pushkin. The name of a terrible rebel. Studies of "Pushkinists". Pugachev's court. Peasants' War. Novel "The Captain's Daughter". Historians about Emelyan Pugachev. Pugachev and his associates were executed. Pugachev, chained. Drawings by P. Sokolov. Pugachev E.I. Uprising. The era of the reign of Catherine II.

Teacher of Russian language and literature Ivanova Galina Borisovna.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic comprehensive Kaplin school"

Literature lesson in 9th grade based on the work of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

Subject:“Formation of the character and views of Pyotr Grinev.”
Goals: to instill the skill of analytical reading of a work; reveal the image of the main character of the novel; follow the stages of P. Grinev’s character formation; to form students' ideas about moral values.

Equipment: the last lifetime portrait of A.S. Pushkin; Dictionary V.I. Dahl; magnetic board, a table with the names of the columns is posted, which are filled in as the children answer, from the teacher

During the classes.

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

We are studying the first Russian realistic novel about what could not have happened, and simply could not have happened, a novel about a miracle performed by love. This work is a symbol of perfect art. For example, A.T. Tvardovsky said to one writer: “You have extensive experience, but you lack writing culture. You probably never re-read The Captain's Daughter after childhood. No? And you need to re-read it - and suffocate with delight.” And if Tvardovsky wanted to reproach someone, he always said: “Yes, he hasn’t read The Captain’s Daughter.”

Therefore, as you understand, the real, deep understanding of the novel will most likely come to you later, years later, when you want to return to it again and re-read it. But even now none of you, I think, having read this work for the first time, could remain indifferent to it.

2. Setting an educational goal, a problematic issue.

So, today we will turn the pages of the novel and observe one of its main characters, Pyotr Grinev, and how the young man’s character and views are formed. And as an epigraph to the lesson, I would like to take the words of A.S. Pushkin: “A person’s independence is the guarantee of his greatness...”, which fit the image of the main character perfectly.

While reading, you may have noticed that in the narrative there are so-called key words, which the author himself highlights, repeats at the most important moments and thereby reveals their ambiguity and depth. What do you think these words are? Tell me one, in your opinion, the main supporting word of the story, directly related to the fate of the main character? (this is the word “honor”, ​​the author points to it already in the epigraph of the novel)

V.I. Dal, who, by the way, accompanied A.S. Pushkin on a trip to Pugachev’s places, in his Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language defines the word “honor” as follows: 1) the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and pure conscience; 2) conditional, secular, everyday nobility, often false, imaginary (the meaning of the word “honor” is written on the board)

In what meaning is the word used in the story, what meaning is dominant and applicable to the image of the main character? I invite you to answer this question at the end of today's conversation.
III. Analysis of the work.

1. Discussion of the first stage in the formation of Grinev’s character.

We can distinguish several stages in the formation of the character and views of Pyotr Grinev. What time period do you think will be included in Stage 1? (childhood and adolescence)

Name Petrusha's environment at that time. (father, mother, Savelich, Beaupre, yard boys)

What influence did they have on the formation of the hero’s character?

Grinev’s independent life is a path of loss of illusions, but as a result his inner world is enriched. Prove the correctness of these words by analyzing various episodes from the hero’s life.

(A table is posted on the magnetic board with the names of the columns, which are filled in as the children answer; the teacher has prepared in advance the correct answers to which he must lead the students)

The first episode is a meeting with Zurin. How did Grinev remember her? (lose)

What hero's dream was destroyed here? (hope for a fun, carefree life)

What feelings did the hero experience after these events? (shame, remorse)

Has the hero's inner world been enriched as a result of these feelings?

The discord between dreams and reality continues in the Belogorsk fortress. Let's analyze how. In what episodes do we see this?

Let's conclude how all this enriched the hero's inner world?

Sample table.

Independent life.


The path of loss of illusions

Enrichment of the inner world



Meeting with Zurin

Fun, carefree life

Humiliating loss

Shame, remorse


sky fortress

1.Formidable bastions

2. Strict boss

3. Deadly weapons

4. Military service, reviews, parades

5. Heroic halo

1. A village surrounded by a fence

2. Commandant in a cap

3. Cannon clogged with debris.

4. Conversations with ordinary people. Literature classes, love

5. “nonsense”, “poking with iron skewers”

Disappointment, formation of a sober outlook on life.
Reconsidering the concept of true honor of a nobleman

3. Analysis of Grinev’s participation in hostilities.

The fifth chapter ends with these words: “My spirit has fallen. I was afraid of either going crazy or falling into debauchery. Unexpected events suddenly gave my soul a strong and beneficial shock.”

On what paths did Grinev’s soul receive a strong and beneficial shock? Maybe in ways of protecting noble honor? While participating in hostilities against Pugachev?

Let's remember the episode of the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, maybe our hero commits a heroic act there? (no, he was knocked down, he entered the city with the crowd, he was tied with sashes, everything is simpler and less impressive)

Let us remember the episode on the square in front of Pugachev. Maybe there our hero repeated the answer of his generous comrades? (No. Savelich intervened, the matter took a different turn.)

From the Belogorsk fortress the hero goes to Orenburg, maybe the defense of this city allowed him to show his prowess? Remember the episode of the meeting with the police officer. (Grinev takes part in horseback riding, sees an enemy, decides to destroy him, but recognizes him as a good friend)

Conclusion. Do we see the strong and beneficial shock that could have occurred in Grinev’s soul during participation in hostilities, in the defense of noble honor? (No)

4. Analysis of episodes where Grinev and Pugachev meet.

What is the reason for that “strong and good shock” that Grinev talks about? (the fight for the release of his beloved girl. Meeting with Pugachev)

What are they talking about?

What side of your character is revealed in this episode?

Can you note any shortcomings in Grinev’s views on current events, on Pugachev (social narrowness, bias)

(draw a love triangle and indicate on it the character traits of the heroes)

What is the reason for the first clash between the heroes? (Shvabrin - lies, slander. Grinev - nobility, defense of the girl’s honor.)

How does Grinev behave with Shvabrin after the duel? (generous forgiveness)

What other unworthy acts does Shvabrin commit towards Masha? (imprisonment, intention to marry by force)

How does Grinev behave in this situation? (frees the orphan)

After some time, our heroes collide again. When? (in prison)

What other dirty business belongs to Shvabrin? (denunciation to the government)

How does Grinev behave before the trial? (refuses self-defense, because he is based on his human rightness. He leaves the sphere of noble laws, he is afraid to drag Masha in)

Is there at least something for which Grinev is still grateful to Shvabrin?

6. Finding the main difference in Grinev’s character (comparison with Shvabrin)

Each of you has already come to a certain conclusion about what is the main difference between the two heroes. But let's look at the artistic fabric of the story (we fill out the diagram gradually)

In it (art fabrics) two layers are distinguished: noble and peasant. Where would you place Shvabrin? (Shvabrin fits perfectly into the play of social forces. He “fell” into both camps (he is a nobleman with noble prejudices, with purely class contempt for another person, and he also becomes Pugachev’s servant)

Where could we place Grinev?

(He did not belong to any camp. The government is on suspicion as a friend of Pugachev, among the Pugachevites - as a nobleman and intercessor for the daughter of the enemy)

What is the reason for this situation of Grinev? (He has a humane human organization that transcends his time. He is too human)

Sample of filling out the diagram:

The artistic fabric of the work.

He (Grinev) is too human
- Where is the right way? How should you live? Maybe, like Shvabrin, we can move from one camp to another in a timely manner?

(I draw on the board what the hero finds himself between and determine his choice)

Legality Humanity

Justice Mercy

What saves our heroes? (The right way is to rise above the “cruel age”, preserving humanity, humanity, dignity, respect for the life of another person)

IV Answer to the problematic question posed at the beginning of the lesson.

What meaning of the word “honor” dominates in the work and is applicable to the image of the main character?

V Final word from the teacher.

The popular idea of ​​honor, love, kindness, and mercy united in the story people who confront enmity, hatred, and death.

A person in conflict can act not only as a victim, but also as a hero, rising to the greatness of the forces that oppose him.

The life of Pushkin's heroes is a feat of preserving oneself as an individual under the onslaught of the elements of nature and history, at the point of death. “The Captain's Daughter” is a kind of testament of Pushkin, revealing to readers the hard-won truth about the Russian people.

VI Homework. Essay “Take care of your honor from a young age (Grinev in life’s trials)”