What were the names of Cinderella's stepsisters? Who wrote "Cinderella"? The history of the creation of "Cinderella"

In the Middle Ages, life expectancy was about 30-40 years, people began sexual activity early and left early. Such a short average life span was calculated due to the high mortality rate in infancy. Of course, people lived to be 50 or 60, unless, of course, they fell ill with diseases that were not treated at that time (appendicitis, tumors, diabetes, abscesses of varying severity, puerperal fever, etc.).

In addition, we should not forget about epidemics and wars. And that life expectancy varied sharply among different classes. A knight performing feats and rushing into battle for the sake of beautiful eyes, lived less than, for example, a peasant peacefully cultivating a field.

In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the mother says to the main character: “...at your age I already had you,” and Juliet is only fourteen. By the age of thirty, women had already become grandmothers, and if you consider that there was no prosthetic teeth or hair dye, that women often gave birth and the body was simply depleted, then appearance the fair half of humanity had the corresponding one.

Look at Arab women at thirty. Forty years was old age, given the lack of good diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, the adult mortality rate was significant. Flu and pneumonia were fatal diseases until the beginning of the twentieth century. Look at Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa: in our opinion, an elderly matron. By the look. She has aged early (in our opinion) - she is only twenty-eight.

Shakespeare, again, in his sonnets: forty winters is the age when the gaze fades, deep wrinkles furrow the brow, the blood runs cold in the veins, and are no longer needed beautiful outfits and shoes, and in general, the grave cold is already blowing around...

When your forehead is furrowed
Deep traces of forty winters,
Who will remember the royal outfit,
Disdaining your pathetic rubbish?

And to the question: “Where are they hiding now?
Remnants of beauty have fun years?" –
What do you say? At the bottom of faded eyes?
But your answer will be an evil mockery.

More worthy words would be:
"Look at my children.
My former freshness is alive in them,
They are the justification for my old age."

Let the blood run cold over the years
It burns again in your heir!

When the fortieth winter comes,
Covering your brow with wrinkles,
You, changing all your old clothes,
You will dress in holey rags.

And if they ask: “Where is your beauty?
Where is the gain of full-blooded days?" -
You will lower your dull eyes,
Ashamed of his involuntary muteness.

Oh, if you could, boldly speaking,
Answer those questions with pride:
“I didn’t live my time on earth in vain
And embodied in grateful children!"

When the cold of the grave blows,
Young blood will warm old age.

Translation Samuil Marshak

Translation Yuri Izotov

This means that in the Middle Ages, at about thirteen to fifteen years old, a girl was practically ripe for procreation, for marriage and the birth of children. Most likely Cinderella 14-15 years old.

What is the name of the main character?

Her name, according to the dictionary of V.V. Lopatina, I.V. Nechaeva, L.K. Cheltsova “Capital or lowercase?” (M., 2011) is written like this: Cinderella (fairy tale character; about a hardworking, oppressed girl; be in Cinderella's position).

The girl deals with the fireplace and ashes all day long, so she is nicknamed Cinderella. It's a nickname. But not only her evil stepsisters and stepmother call her that, but also her father. But he undoubtedly knows her real name. But for some reason he doesn’t use it. And in Basel’s account, the girl was generally nicknamed the Golden-Backed Cat, the Cinderella Cat. Stepsisters have names, at least in the tale of Charles Perrault, as retold by Tamara Gabbe, the name of one of them is mentioned - Javotta. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev translated the name of the main character as Zamarashka. In the “Literary Encyclopedia” (M., 1929 – 1939) the dictionary entry about this heroine looks like this: “Cinderella, or Zamarashka.” In the “Concise Literary Encyclopedia” - Cinderella.

In German, Cinderella, Zamarashka, according to dictionaries, Aschenbrödel, Aschenputtel, that is, in this name there is a part ashes – Asche. Translates roughly as “stained in ash.”
In English Cinderella - Cinderella from cinder - ash.
French - Cendrillon from French cendre- ash, ash.
In Spanish – Ventafochs.
In Italian - Cenerentola(Cenerentola).
In Dutch – Asgat.
In Lithuanian – Pelenus.
In Danish and Swedish - Askefis.
In Scots (Gaelic) – Ashpit.
In Czech and Polish - Popelushka.
In Serbian Croatian - Popelyukha.
In Finnish – Tuhkimo.
In Bulgarian – Ash.
In Ukrainian – Popelyukh... (according to electronic version"Literary Encyclopedia").
In Dalmatia they call Cinderella Cuzza Cenere.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina this fairy tale is so popular that all poor girls are named after Cinderella, Ashleaf.
In Spain and Chile - Senicienta or Venta Fohs, i.e. Cinderella or “Fanning the Fire”.
Every country has its own Cinderella. And in every French province too. Thus, in the lands of Limousin, in an old legend about a stepmother and stepdaughter, the stepmother's daughter was called Sandreza, and the stepdaughter was called Fourdiere.
In Lower Brittany, the stepmother's daughter is Kato, and the stepdaughter is Zhanna.
In Lorraine, stepdaughter - Little Annette.
In the Korean folk tale, Cinderella was a fourteen-year-old girl. Khonchhi. The poor stepdaughter, on the orders of her stepmother, sorted through millet and rice, loosened the rocky field with a wooden hoe and shed many tears. But one day a celestial woman appeared in front of her, who helped her manage her affairs and sent her to someone’s wedding. Jumping over the stream Khonchhi dropped a kotsin (a cloth shoe embroidered with patterns) into the water, which was found by a kamsa - the head of the province. He ordered the owner of this shoe to be found, declaring that he wanted to marry her.
In the Ryazan region, for example, there was their own version of “Cinderella” called "Daryushka the Zamazurka".

IN different lands heroine's nickname - Cinderella, Aschenputtel, Cenerentola, The Cinder Maid, Pepeljuga, Papialushka, Cinderella, Popelushka- but among all nations this girl’s name is associated with ash, ashes. Ashes and ashes were in the hearth, remained on the dishes that Cinderella washed and cleaned - and this, apparently, gave the opportunity to call the poor girl exactly that: Cinderella(ash), Popelushka(ash). And one more thing: translation of a girl’s name as Namarashka has a right to exist. After all, ash is light and volatile, it settled on the girl’s clothes and stained and stained her.

Apparently, historians and philologists write, such a number of similar folk tales This is due to the fact that in ancient times, when a person had already learned to use fire, but did not yet know how to make it, the youngest in the family - a pure-minded, bright girl, later, perhaps, a fire priestess - had to throw branches into the fireplace and look after it. She slept by the fire and, of course, was covered in ash. And later, when humanity learned to make fire, the previously sacred was subjected to ridicule and humiliation, hence the dirty, dirty thing...

Who is Cinderella's origin?

She is the daughter of a respectable and noble man. In some versions of the tale - the daughter of a widowed prince, in others - a nobleman. Most likely, she is a noblewoman, has refined taste, and her sisters always consult her about outfits. By the will of fate, she is forced to become a servant in own home. For the brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault, Cinderella is the daughter of a noble man, a rich man. They write about Cinderella:

“She is an aristocrat who found herself at will bad people in a low position. But her high origins have not gone away... just like the consciousness that she is “worthy”, “deserves” and “has the right”. The godmother only helped Cinderella regain her place in society, which she had so unjustly lost. After all, even the sisters don’t argue: Cinderella has the right to go to the ball, she just doesn’t have the appropriate outfit. And, they say, she doesn’t know how to dance... And the evil sisters do not agree to let her wear even an old yellow house dress.

The wealth of Cinderella's family is evidenced by the requests of her stepsisters.

In the Brothers Grimm story, the father brings Cinderella’s stepsisters (and, probably, the stepmother too, as a gift) beautiful dresses, pearls and precious stones.

According to Charles Perrault, one sister wears a red velvet dress (velvet is an expensive material) and a precious headdress to the ball, and the younger sister wears a cape embroidered with golden flowers and a diamond belt, which no noble lady has. In order to prepare for the ball, they sent for the most skilled milliner to make them caps with double frills, and bought flies from the best craftswoman in the city. And the services of a milliner and make-up artist are also very expensive.

And the furnishings in the house where Cinderella lived were not ordinary: both sisters had rooms with parquet floors of colored wood, with beds made according to latest fashion, and with large mirrors in which you could see yourself from head to toe.

For us, this mirror is an ordinary piece of furniture. But back in the 16th century, for example, Venetian craftsmen added gold and silver to reflective compositions and thereby made the mirror an unimaginably expensive product. Yes, they state various sources, “the cost of one Venetian mirror was equal to the cost of a small sea vessel, and to purchase them, French aristocrats were sometimes forced to sell entire estates. For example, figures that have survived to this day say that a not-so-large mirror measuring 100 x 65 cm cost more than 8,000 livres, and a Raphael painting of the same size cost about 3,000 livres. Mirrors were extremely expensive. Only very rich aristocrats and royalty could buy and collect them.”

Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XIV, danced at a ball in a dress with pieces of mirrors sewn onto it. The dress shimmered dazzlingly in the light of the candles and turned out to be so expensive that it almost bankrupted the royal treasury. If there were mirrors in the house where Cinderella's relatives lived, it means that Cinderella comes from a family of - at least - aristocrats.

What were Cinderella's stepsisters like?

According to the text of the Brothers Grimm, the sisters were beautiful and white in face, but evil and cruel in heart.

According to the text of Charles Perrault, the second wife of Cinderella’s father was such a grumpy and arrogant woman as the world had never seen, and her two daughters were very similar to their mother in face, mind, and character.

Other versions of the tale mention that the stepmother was very evil.

Apparently, in the first versions of the fairy tale, Cinderella’s sisters were beauties. But over time they outer beauty gradually replaced by internal ugliness. The years passed, and inexorably and steadily, every hour and every minute of the current time slowly turned the angelic faces into disgusting faces. The sisters, with their malice, cruelty and heartlessness, are perceived as ugly and evil at the same time.

IN various options fairy tales, Cinderella at the end of the story treats her stepsisters differently: from blinding and flogging due to them, dancing to death in hot shoes (“Spanish boots”) to weddings with court nobles.

To be continued.

Different peoples of the world.

The earliest known version of the tale is found on Egyptian papyri. main character fairy tales - a girl named Rhodopis, born in Greece. She was kidnapped by pirates who took her to Egypt, where she was sold into slavery. The owner bought her elegant gold-plated leather sandals. While Rhodopis was bathing in the river, a falcon (this falcon was the god Horus) stole her sandal and took it to the pharaoh. The sandal was so small and elegant that the pharaoh immediately launched a nationwide manhunt. When he found Rhodopis - Cinderella - he immediately married her.

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The plot as revised by Charles Perrault (1697)

The king of a small country, a widower with a daughter from his first marriage, a lovely and kind girl, married an arrogant and evil lady with two daughters, who were like their mother in everything. The father “obeyed his own in everything” new wife" The stepmother forces her stepdaughter to live in the attic, sleep on a straw bed and do the most difficult and dirty work. After work, the girl usually relaxes, sitting on a box of ash near the fireplace, so the sisters nicknamed her Cinderella. Cinderella's stepsisters bask in luxury, and she meekly endures their ridicule.

In the 15th and 16th centuries The fur trade was in its heyday. Harvesting fur was not an easy task back then: one had to make long and dangerous journeys to the northern countries; Because of this, furs were extremely valuable. In those days, just as now, high prices only increased demand: after all, vanity knows no barriers. In France, as well as in other countries, the wearing of furs was a privilege established by royal decree for the nobility, and this explains why the ermine appears so often on ancient coats of arms; Some rare furs, such as vair, which, without a doubt, is nothing more than royal sable, had the right to be worn only by kings, dukes and nobles holding certain positions. A distinction was made between vair, consisting of small skins, and vair, consisting of large skins; this word has already fallen out of use for a hundred years and has been forgotten to such an extent by everyone that even in countless reprints of Perrault’s Fairy Tales about Cinderella’s famous slipper, which was originally, apparently, from a small vair, it is now said that it is crystal (verre).

Later, this version became widespread, but not everyone shared this point of view. For example, in the work of Anatole France “The Book of My Friend” (chapter “Talk about fairy tales") the following dialogue takes place between the characters:

Laura. It is wrong to say that Cinderella had glass slippers. It is impossible to imagine shoes made of the same material as the decanter. Shoes lined with squirrel fur are more acceptable, but it’s still not very smart to take a girl to the ball in such shoes. In fur shoes, Cinderella's feet would look like furry pigeon feet. You have to be crazy about dancing to dance in fur shoes. But all girls are like this: even if they had lead soles, they would still dance.

Raymond. Cousin, I warned you: beware common sense. Cinderella was shod not in fur, but in crystal shoes, transparent, like Saint-Gobain glass, like the waters of a spring, like rock crystal. You know she had magic shoes, and that says it all.

It was also pointed out that even if in the folk version of the fairy tale the slippers were not made of glass, then this image could have appeared in the fairy tale not as a result of an error (by the author or publishers), since Perrault could have created the image of glass slippers quite deliberately. For example, the writer Claude Maitre pointed out symbolic meaning glass:

Glass was not chosen by chance. There is something here similar to the idea of ​​luminous transparency, which is the opposite of the dirty face at the beginning of the tale. At the same time, glass is created by fire, it is a natural substance that is completely transformed by ashes... and to some extent, this glass can be a symbol of the fact that a human being can, like God himself, create a world that is also a world light and transparency. At the end of the story, Cinderella, the bride of Ashes, becomes the bride of the Sun.

Paul Delarue was also a supporter of the version about glass rather than fur slippers:

From a symbolic point of view, as opposed to a prosaic approach, glass is ideal. Glass is a common symbol of virginity. It is fragile and can only be broken once.

It is also indicated that glass slippers are worn by the heroines of fairy tales, presumably created before the appearance of Perrault’s book, and in those countries where there are no homonyms, due to which it is possible to confuse fur and glass. For example, in a Scottish tale that appears to be older than Perrault's version, a magical black lamb gives a girl glass slippers. Glass slippers are also mentioned in Irish fairy tales.

Adaptations and film adaptations

Based on French fairy tale Numerous live-action and animated films have been released, both direct adaptations and complete re-interpretations using individual plot elements.

In 1817, the Italian composer Gioachino Rossini wrote a play of the same name based on the French version of the tale, and in 1899 another version of the opera premiered French composer Jules Massenet.

In 1945, the premiere of Sergei Prokofiev's ballet to a libretto by Nikolai Volkov took place.

In 2000, the film Cinderella was released in the UK, directed by Beben Kidron, where Cinderella was played by Marcella Plunkett. The film is based on the original classic fairy tale about Cinderella, but the scene is moved to the modern world, full of modern fashionable clothes and new technologies. A similar modernization of the plot in the Russian film “

Full name: Ella (real name; 2015 film, Once Upon a Time), Handmaid, Princess Cinderella

Occupation: Tremaine family maid (formerly), Princess

Character type: Positive

Pets: Bruno (dog), Major (horse)

Fate: Married the Prince

Goal: Get rid of your terrible life and find happiness (accomplished)

Living model: Helen Stanley, Scarlett Johansson

Prototype(s): Cinderella from original fairy tale Charles Perrault

« How much light there is in the simple word “Cinderella”
This name is like the sun outside the window
Always obedient and modest in old shoes
She deserves to be the best of princesses.

An example of pure animation excellence from Walt Disney Studios. The picture was published in 1950. After financial stagnation and employment in production educational films During the war years, Disney dreamed of returning to large animation forms. Walt chose the story of Cinderella for its touching plot, for the magic of the triumph of good over evil, for the emotional appeal that was so necessary in those difficult post-war times. “I want to hit the viewer right in the heart,” the master told his artists during the production process. Moreover, history poor girl-the dishwasher who turned into a princess was close to Walt and was similar to his personal destiny.

Character Creation

Character development and animation

The lead animators for Cinderella were Mark Davis and Erik Larson. When creating the image of the heroine, some “disagreements” arose between the two animators. As with previous cartoons, at Walt Disney's insistence, actor-models were hired to perform live-action scenes as props for the animators. Helen Stanley (who would go on to be the live-action model for Princess Aurora in the animated film "" and Anita Radcliffe in the animated film "101 Dalmatians"). Artists drew animation frames of Cinderella from the actress's movements, which required a lot of effort. According to Walt Disney, this procedure helped to avoid unnecessary costs for test animation.

« Disney stated that all scenes involving human characters must first be performed by live actors to determine how they would look before starting the expensive animation process. The animators didn't like this way of working and felt it distracted them from creating the characters. [...] [The animators] understood the need for this approach and later admitted that Disney handled the situation with great subtlety.»

―Christopher Finch.

Voice acting

About 400 applicants auditioned for the role of Cinderella, including actresses such as Dinah Shore and Dinah Durbin. But Walt Disney chose Eileen Woods, who was working in radio at the time and knew nothing about auditioning for the role of Cinderella. Her work colleagues invited her to sing songs from the cartoon "Cinderella" and she agreed. Then, without telling her a word, Eileen's friends handed over the films to the Disney office. After listening to the material, Walt Disney immediately decided that he had found the voice with which to speak and sing it. the main character and contacted Eileen. Immediately after this, Eileen Woods was cast in the role.


Cinderella is a stubborn and independent girl who never allows anger or grief to get the better of her. She is very kind to those around her and is not portrayed as naive or childish in any way.

Appearance description

Cinderella is a young girl with classical beautiful features appearance. She has Brown hair middle length, smooth white skin and bright gray eyes. At the beginning of the cartoon, she wears a brown sundress-apron with a blue shirt, then wears a beautiful blue dress with crystal slippers to the ball.


Cinderella understands the language of animals and birds, and also knows how to communicate with her little friends in it.

What did Cinderella bring?

The film premiered on February 15, 1950, as a romantic Valentine's Day gift from the Disney studio.

Staging Cinderella after the creative and financial decline of the war years was associated with great risk for Disney - if the studio failed, it would be difficult to recover from the damage, since $2.5 million was spent on filming. But the film was “doomed to success” and with The very first release brought in $4 million, strengthening the studio’s financial position.

Behind long years existence, the cartoon “Cinderella” has not lost its magical charm. All new generations of children admire his wonderful animation, the vivid emotions of the characters, wonderful music and good humor. In “Cinderella,” as in other Disney films, there is soul, love and some kind of invisible attraction that captures the viewer from the first minutes and does not let go until the very end.

Films, TV series and sequels

is an American full-length musical fantasy animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions in 1950, based on the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault.

The Disney studio spent $2.5 million and six years of work, from 1944 to 1950, to produce the film. A lot of effort went into experimenting with new animation techniques, creating images with three-dimensional shapes and searching for new ones. expressive means. The musical accompaniment for the film “Cinderella” consists of 6 songs, each of which is organically connected with the plot and emphasizes the most important points. These are the songs:

  • “A dream will arrive by chance”;
  • “Sing, nightingale”;
  • "Cinderella at work";
  • "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" (magic song);
  • "My love".

The film was voiced by 9 actors and actresses. In addition to them, more than sixty people worked on the picture. Among them are animators, painters, writers, composers and many other specialists. And all of them were led by Walt Disney himself. After its premiere in 1950, the film was revised and re-released every seven to eight years. It is dubbed into dozens of languages ​​and is watched on all continents.

In the late 1980s, Cinderella was released on Home Video by Walt Disney Classics. In Russia, since the early 1990s, it has been distributed in pirated copies in single-voice translations by Alexei Mikhalev, Mikhail Ivanov, Viktor Makhonko and others.


Once upon a time there was a girl, Cinderella, who lived with her widowed father. Believing that his daughter needed a mother, her father married a widow who had two daughters - Drizella and Anastasia. After the death of her husband, Cinderella's stepmother showed her true “face” - anger, greed and hatred. She turned Cinderella into a housewife-maid and transferred the entire inheritance to herself.

Time passed, the girl became more and more beautiful, despite the fact that she did the most difficult things around the house. menial work. In addition, Cinderella had a kind heart and soul, so all the animals that lived near her house were friends with her. Cinderella had friends at home: the dog Bruno, the horse Major, as well as mice and birds who lived nearby. Cinderella especially became friends with Jacques, the eldest of the house mice. Cinderella pulled the other mouse out of the mousetrap. She named him Gus. Every day the girl had to perform a number of duties: feed the chickens, care for the owner’s cat Lucifer, and also prepare food for her stepmother and her daughters.

One morning, the mouse Gus was running from the cat Lucifer who was chasing him. To escape, he crawled under Anastasia's tea cup. Anastasia, seeing that a mouse was hiding under the cup, blamed Cinderella for everything. Her stepmother added more housework to her. At this time, in the palace, the king was worried about who to marry his son, the prince. He really wanted grandchildren and therefore sent his duke to deliver an invitation to the ball to all the young ladies of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, at home, Cinderella is given invitations to a ball at the palace. She enters the room where the stepmother's daughter is singing at this time. When Cinderella asks if she can go to the ball too, her stepsisters start laughing at her. To this Cinderella replies that every girl has the right to attend the ball. The stepmother agrees with her, saying that she can go to the ball if she does all the housework and finds herself a suitable dress. Cinderella's stepmother forbids her to take her mother's old dress, and, in addition, asks her great amount homework. Wanting to help Cinderella, the mice successfully make her a dress.

However, the sisters, seeing Cinderella in a beautiful robe, in wild anger tear her dress and drive the girl away. After which he and his mother go to the ball. Cinderella is crying. At this moment, the fairy godmother appears and provides Cinderella with everything she needs to go to the ball. She turns mice into horses, Bruno the dog into a footman, Major the horse into a coachman, a pumpkin into a carriage, and her torn dress into a beautiful snow-white and blue ball gown. For all this, the fairy had only to say: “Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!” Cinderella leaves for the ball, and the fairy godmother warns her that she must return before midnight, because at midnight all her magic will return.

At the ball, the prince does not pay any attention to the arriving girls. This fact greatly upsets the king. The Duke is already convincing him that the ball was started in vain, but just at this time Cinderella appears at the ball, the prince approaches her, and the king interrupts the Duke’s speech. However, upon seeing Cinderella, the prince immediately takes her hand and begins to dance with her. The king asks his duke to make sure that no one disturbs them. The stepmother tries to get a closer look at Cinderella, but the Duke interferes with her by closing the curtain, behind which Cinderella and the prince are hiding. Meanwhile, midnight approached. The clock struck and Cinderella ran away.

Everyone rushes in pursuit of her, but the girl manages to return home unnoticed. One of the glass slippers remained on her foot. Returning to the palace, the duke tells the king about the misfortune that happened, although before the king was terribly upset and wanted to hack the duke to death until the latter showed his shoe. Then the satisfied king offers to look for the prince's bride by the shoe that Cinderella lost when she ran down the stairs.

The next morning, it was announced in the kingdom that the girl who would fit the glass slipper was the prince’s bride. The stepmother, hearing the news, informs her ugly daughters about this. Cinderella hears her stepmother's conversation with her daughters, begins to hum the melody that she and the prince sang when they danced, while going to the tower where she lives to change clothes. Realizing that Cinderella is the same girl with whom the prince danced, the stepmother tricks her into locking her there.

The Duke arrives at the stepmother's house. The mice quietly take the key out of their stepmother's pocket and take it to Cinderella. Their stepmother's cat named Lucifer interferes with them, but the dog Bruno drives him away. Cinderella opens the door. One of the stepmother's daughters, Anastasia, begins unsuccessfully trying on a shoe, which turns out to be disproportionately small for her. Drizella then tries to put the shoe on, causing her foot to become crooked beyond belief.

The Duke is about to leave when Cinderella suddenly appears on the stairs and asks to try on a shoe. The stepmother tries to prevent this, saying that Cinderella is a simple servant, but the Duke sternly reminds her that any girl should try on the shoe. The footman runs to Cinderella with the shoe, but at that moment the stepmother offers him a cane, the footman falls, drops the shoe and it breaks. The Duke is frightened, not knowing what is now threatening him from the king. However, Cinderella takes out a second shoe from her apron pocket. The Duke is delighted, and the stepmother is shocked by such an unexpected turn. Then the sisters realized what kind of girl was at the ball and asked Cinderella for forgiveness for all the insults that she suffered from them. And Cinderella forgave them from the bottom of her heart. The cartoon ends with a scene of a cheerful and happy wedding.


Released at the junction initial work Disney's 1930s and more classical drawing forms in the 1940s, Cinderella was less enthusiastically received by critics. "Cinderella" was the first cartoon released after World War II ("", 1942). Second World War and the resulting decline in box office sales forced Disney to release a number of low-cost films such as "" and "" during the 1940s. A short version of the cartoon was created by Walt Disney himself back in 1922.

The cartoon won the Golden Bear prize at the Berlin Film Festival in 1951. Walt Disney received a special award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1950 for the cartoon.

The prototype for Cinderella was actress Ingrid Bergman.

The key to Cinderella's success was to combine the famous, time-honored story with wit and fun that would freshen the tale and adapt it to modern audiences. Cinderella was a big risk for Disney; if it had failed, the studio would likely have stopped funding feature films. But the film was a success and already collected $4,000,000 in its first release, which raised the studio’s financial position to highest level since 1938. Walt Disney reduced the risk in working on Cinderella to a minimum. There should not have been a single ambiguity, not a single “wrong turn” that could reduce the income of the film. Rather than embark on endless and expensive experiments with story structure and natural character movements, Disney decided to use live actors for most of the shots. The film footage was studied as much as possible, and the main movements were carefully tracked. One of artistic techniques The film featured complex color modeling by Claude Coates and Mary Blair. Cool colors were heavily used to create the backgrounds, so that in contrast with them the characters seemed even more vibrant and alive. The same technique was later used by Michael Giaimo when creating "" (1995).


At the beginning of the project, Disney wanted to turn to the image of Snow White, but ultimately decided to show the world a completely new princess who would be worthy successor everyone's favorite Snow White.

To create the image of the beautiful maid, 18-year-old actress Helen Stanley was brought in, who breathed life into her fairy-tale character. Eric Larson, one of the studio's artists, praised Helene's role in creating the character of Cinderella, admitting that the actress was a great source of inspiration for the animators in creating a convincingly realistic girl. In 1956, in one episode of The Mickey Mouse Club, Helen even recreated her actions as Cinderella, wearing the same costume that she wore during the film sketches.

It is noteworthy that Helen Stanley also served as a living model for her half-sister Drizella.

Also, the popular radio singer Ilene Woods had a profound influence on the creation of the heartfelt image of Cinderella, giving the beautiful princess a wonderful voice. It is noteworthy that after auditioning 350 performers, Walt Disney became excited when he heard Ilene sing. The singer was immediately hired to voice Cinderella. The songs from the film became hits at the time of its release and remain so to this day.

As a result, the image of Cinderella is perfectly revealed in animation - the heroine turned out to be lively and touching, the viewer feels her pain, joy, sadness and, at the same time, the presence of a strong spirit.

Just like Snow White, surrounded by funny dwarves, the new princess needed a dynamic comedic environment. “We have to create little friends for Cinderella,” Walt said. These cheerful characters were... mice - smart Jacques and plump Gus made up a delightful comic duo.

The other animals surrounding Cinderella are also interesting. The cat Lucifer is especially noteworthy.


Filming lasted six years, from 1944 to 1950. Several dozen people worked on the film. Among them are actors who voiced the characters, directors, artists, animators, writers, composers and other creative specialists. The entire work process was supervised by Walt Disney himself.

Particularly a lot of effort was spent on searching for new animation techniques, creating three-dimensional forms and using new means of expression. And, as always, the animation of the cartoon meets the highest standards.

Almost the entire picture was created using the latest for that time technical reception Live Action - First, real actors were filmed, then they were outlined.

One of the creative techniques of painting is complex color modeling. Most of the background of the film consists of cool colors, shading the characters and making them even brighter and more alive.

The characters' personalities are reflected in their appearance. Each hero has his own personality, his own facial expression: Cinderella is kind and honest, the stepmother is cold and evil, the king is good-natured and a little strict. The drawn characters are so similar to real people! What are the sleepy Cinderella, the funny faces of the mice, and the stepmother darkening with anger worth!

Mark Davis, who created the unforgettable moment of transforming Cinderella's rags into a shimmering sequined dress, recalled that when asked by a studio guest about his favorite animation, Walt Disney replied, "Well, I think that's where Cinderella got her dress."

The landscapes of the painting are both fabulous and realistic at the same time. The nature, Cinderella's house and the royal palace drawn to the smallest detail evoke admiration - all the details are so beautifully and authentically depicted. It is felt that incredible work and soul of its creators were invested in the film. Maybe this is what makes Disney films so unique, unforgettable and beloved.

The film's music is also excellent. The story of Cinderella is accompanied by six songs, each of which emphasizes the most important moments of the plot: “Cinderella”, “Cinderella at Work”, “Bibbidi-Bibbidi-Boo”, “Yes, That’s Love”, “In the Heart Your Dreams Are Born” and “Sing , nightingale." Beautiful voices and melodies make the songs memorable.

The magical song "Bibbidy-Bobbidi-Boo" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song.

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Awards and nominations

1950– special award at the Venice Film Festival, nomination for the Golden Lion;

1951– Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear prize for best musical, prize audience choice“Large bronze plate”;

1951- Academy Award nomination for "Oscar" best sound, best song and the best soundtrack for musical films;

1960– nomination at the Berlin Film Festival for the Golden Bear prize.

This is interesting:

      • Cinderella is also the second Disney princess and the eighth oldest at 17 years old.

        Cinderella's stepmother looks like Maleficent, the evil witch from Sleeping Beauty.

        When Cinderella sings “Sing, Sweet Nightingale,” three air bubbles form the ears and head of Mickey Mouse, a Disney signature.

        After its release, the film was revised every seven to eight years.

        Cinderella has been translated into many languages ​​and is watched and loved all over the world.

        The transformation of Cinderella's rags into a ball gown was Walt Disney's favorite animation moment from his film.

        Cinderella is the second official Disney princess, joining the franchise in 1950 after Snow White (1937).

        Although this was only the second introduction of a Disney princess, the title character's story predated Snow White in the 1922 animated short.

        Cinderella is the first disney princess, whose image was based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault (the second was Aurora).

        Cinderella is the second Disney princess to receive a feature film, many years after the original cartoon. The first was Aurora, and the third will be Belle.

        Cinderella is the second oldest Disney princess after Elsa, who at the time of her coronation in the cartoon Cold heart was 21 years old.

        Cinderella is the first princess whose childhood was shown on screen.

        Cinderella's hair color is highly controversial among fans. In the original cartoon, they appear to be light red. In the Disney franchise and parks, Cinderella's hair is depicted as bright yellow.

        Cinderella's features and facial expressions are similar to Alice from the cartoon Alice in Wonderland(1951) and Wendy from the cartoon Peter Pan (1953).

        Cinderella is the second orphan princess.

        Like Snow White, Cinderella most spends his life without a father. Instead, she is under the tutelage of a cruel and envious stepmother. Both heroines were forced to become servants in their own home.

        The shoes also became a symbolic message. Cinderella is so delicate that she can walk in glass slippers without breaking them.

        Cinderella - the only princess, who wears the outfit of a simple maid in a castle. Other princesses wear royal outfits when they are in their kingdom.

Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True

- full-length cartoon, released in 2002 by The Walt Disney Company, released straight to DVD. The cartoon is a sequel to the 1950 cartoon Cinderella. The cartoon combines 3 stories in the style of the animated series. The same technique was used in.


The mice Gus and Jacques are in a hurry to see the fairy, who is supposed to read them a fairy tale about Cinderella. They are late for the fairy tale, so they ask to tell a new one, but the fairy says that there is only one fairy tale about Cinderella. Then the mice get the idea to write their own book with stories about Cinderella. The fairy helps them with magic, and the mice, remembering some interesting story related to Cinderella, immediately write it down in their book.

The first story tells of Cinderella's first days after her wedding in the castle. The prince asks her to arrange a royal holiday, promising to help, but then it turns out that the king is planning another event of national importance. Then he takes the prince with him on a trip, leaving Cinderella in the care of Prudence, a court lady with strict morals who adheres to the old principles. Her task is to make Cinderella a real princess before the king and prince return. But Cinderella doesn’t quite like Prudence’s ways, and she decides to do everything her own way...

In the second story, the main character becomes Cinderella's best friend, the mouse Jacques, who, mistakenly believing that Cinderella no longer needs him, since she is now a princess, wanted to become a human. He thought that this way he would have less problems. The fairy godmother fulfills his request with the help of a magic wand - she makes a man out of Jacques. But it turns out that he is not adapted to human life, and he has much more problems than when he was a mouse...

In the third story, Anastacia, Cinderella's stepsister, walks with her mother and sister through the village market in search of the best fabric for a ballgown, goes into a bakery and meets the baker. Mutual sympathy arises between them and a conversation ensues, but Lady Tremaine, having previously criticized the baker as no match for Anastacia, takes the girl and leaves. Cinderella and her friends are watching this situation through the bakery window. They decide to unite the lovers at all costs.

Having finished the book, the mice rush to Cinderella to please her with a gift.

Cinderella 3: Wicked Spell

- full-length animated film DisneyToon Studios, released straight to DVD in 2007. The cartoon was released on February 6, 2007 and was rated G (no age restrictions) by the MPAA.


Cinderella and the prince celebrate their wedding anniversary, and the good fairy, along with Jacques and Gus, Cinderella's mouse friends, organize a festive picnic for them in the forest. During the celebration, the fairy accidentally loses her magic wand, and the wand falls into the hands of Lady Treman's evil stepmother. She and her daughters decide to take revenge on Cinderella. With the help of a magic wand, the stepmother returns time to the moment when the Duke searched throughout the kingdom for the girl who lost her shoe at the ball. Thanks to a magic wand, the shoe fit Anastasia. When Cinderella arrives, it turns out that it is already late - Anastasia and the Duke went to the castle.

Cinderella decides to go to the castle - after all, the prince remembers with whom he danced. But the stepmother manages to bewitch the prince, and now he thinks that he danced with Anastasia. Cinderella finds the prince, but he no longer remembers her. She finds out that her stepmother has Magic wand, and decides to steal it, but fails. The stepmother orders the guards to put Cinderella on a ship that is leaving today. The mice find the prince and tell him that his stepmother has hypnotized him and that he actually loves Cinderella.

The prince is trying to catch the ship's departure. Cinderella returns and begins to prepare for the wedding, but the stepmother enters Cinderella's room, falsely saying that she agrees that the prince will marry her, but in fact she turned Anastasia into Cinderella. They order Lucifer to make sure that Cinderella can never return to the castle. The wedding begins, and Cinderella, having dealt with the treacherous cat Lucifer, manages to escape and make it before the wedding begins. Lady Treyman and Drizella are turned into toads, and Anastasia turns into herself. The good fairy appears and takes the wand for herself. Cinderella and the prince marry again.


When Frank Nissen, the director of Cinderella 3, was finishing work on another Disney cartoon, the studio administrators invited him to direct New film about "Cinderella", to which Nissen agreed. The filming process for Cinderella 3 lasted about two-plus years, from the beginning of 2004 to the end of 2006.

For the roles of the characters in Cinderella 3, Frank Nissen chose the same actors who voiced the characters in the previous sequel, Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True. According to director Nissen:

Everyone knows their voices. They are the voices the company uses everywhere. Every time they need a Cinderella somewhere, whether it's on the radio or something in the [Disneyland] parks where the voice has to be part of the show, they use these people. They know the characters really well and they are very good actors. It's just an inseparable thing.


Music and songs of "Cinderella 3", such as "Best of the Best" (eng. Perfectly Perfect), "More than a dream" (eng. More Than a Dream), "Anastasia's Song" and "At the Ball" (eng. At the Ball) were written by composers Alan Zachary and Michael Weiner. The final composition for the cartoon “I Still Believe” (eng. I Still Believe) was written by fellow composers Matthew Gerrard and Bridget Benenate, and performed by American actress and singer Hayden Panettiere. A video clip was later shot for the song and included in Additional materials for the DVD edition of Cinderella 3. The official soundtrack for the film has not yet been released.

Disney Entertainment Centers

Cinderella Castle is an attraction in the Magic Kingdom park, part of the Disney World entertainment center, which is official symbol both the park and the entire center. There is also a similar castle at Disneyland in Tokyo. In addition, the role of Cinderella is performed in front of park visitors by actresses dressed as the heroine. In 2012, Cinderella, along with other Disney princesses, became the heroine of the Princess Fairytale Hall attraction at the Magic Kingdom park, replacing the Snow White's Scary Adventures attraction.

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The story of a young girl called Cinderella helps children believe in the best outcome of any event. Despite its fairly advanced age, there is still no loss of interest in the fairy tale: cartoons are drawn based on it, films and films are made. And some creative personalities They even come up with a continuation of the young girl’s story.

But throughout all these years, young and adult readers have been haunted by the question: who wrote Cinderella? It is known that the fairy tale exists in more than a hundred versions. Moreover, only a few of them have an author, while most take their roots in oral folk art, folklore and even in the tales of the times of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Who wrote "Cinderella"?

  • Egyptian papyri. This is one of the very first versions of the tale. It is unknown who wrote Cinderella from Greece. One thing is clear: the ancient Egyptian Rhodopis and the well-known Cinderella are related only by the loss of a shoe and subsequent marriage to a man of blue blood.
  • Retelling of the Italian storyteller D. Basile. His "Cinderella" was written long before known variant, created by Charles Perrault. Zezolla Basile was born 61 years before Perrault's The Crystal Slipper, in 1636.
  • Who wrote "Cinderella" and "Little Red Riding Hood"? If you pose the question in this way, naming several works at the same time, you can give a precise answer: the author of both works is Charles Perrault and his son Pierre. Storytellers wrote the story about the good stepdaughter in 1697.
  • The Brothers Grimm created the image of an oppressed stepdaughter, who is closest to nature of all her analogues. In the fairy tale, the role of the fairy is played by a hazel tree planted by a girl on her mother’s grave, and a white bird. The version seen by Grimm storytellers is a little scary. There is a lot of blood in it: the sisters cut off parts of the body (heel and toes) to put on the shoes. And in the end the pigeons pecked out their eyes.

To be honest, children don’t really care who wrote Cinderella. They do not ask this question, because for them the main thing is the culmination of the action. And she is always alone: ​​the girl becomes the prince’s bride.

Greek version of Cinderella: Rhodopis and Phodoris

It is believed that Rhodopis (according to other sources, Phodoris) was the progenitor of all stories about Cinderella.

However, even this version does not have a single storyline. According to one of them, Rhodopis is a Greek slave who was kidnapped by pirates as a child. The owner who bought the girl gave her elegant gilded sandals. One day, while swimming in the river, she lost them: they were dragged away by a falcon. He turned out to be a god. Horus took the Rhodopis sandals to the pharaoh himself, who ordered a search for the owner of this lovely little shoe.

The second version says that Fodoris is an Egyptian prostitute. The rest of the story is not much different from what was previously mentioned, only instead of a falcon there is an eagle.

The searches in both cases ended in weddings.

Bloodthirsty Zezolla Giambattista Basile

Who wrote "Cinderella" - a fairy tale that inspires girls to work hard and be obedient? If the question is put this way, then Giambattista Basile has nothing to do with writing a story about a girl.

It is not difficult to explain this statement. Zezolla, straight out of the pages of Basile's tale, is frighteningly bloodthirsty. In cahoots with the nanny, she broke her stepmother’s neck with her own hands. After committing the murder, Zezolla marries his father to the nanny. And only then, after this wedding, the king falls in love with her. Here a plot similar to other versions begins: the loss of a shoe (pianella), the search for a beloved through trying it on for every woman in the state and, finally, finding love. Only Cinderella Giambattista was not eager to marry the young prince and struggled with this in every possible way.

“The Glass Slipper” by Charles Perrault and Pierre de Harmancourt is the gentlest form of a fairy tale

The most gentle and child-friendly tale is the version dated 1697. Therefore, if you ask your parents: “Who wrote “Cinderella”? - they will answer with one voice: “Charles Perrault.” And, without pretense, we can say that they are undoubtedly right. The fact that Charles Perrault is not the first to retell the story of the poor girl is not important. The important thing is that it was he who created the children's version, which is not scary to read to a child at night.

The main merit of the French storyteller is adaptation to children's worldview. He introduced new, modern attributes for those realities: carriage, coachmen, godmother, but transferred them from real world in magical. The carriage is an enchanted pumpkin; godmother - fairy sorceress. And the shoe is transformed into a subtle crystal frame.

A kind magical atmosphere reigns in Charles Perrault's fairy tale. It tells the story of a poor but honest girl. After the death of her mother, the father remarried an evil woman who, along with her orders, brings two daughters into the house. Cinderella became a servant in her own house, but she followed all the instructions of her stepmother and sisters meekly and humbly. Having got to the ball with the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella loses her glass slipper. Evil stepmother and daughters prevent the two from reuniting loving hearts, but without bloodthirsty scenes (like Basile). Having become a princess, Cinderella shows kindness to the women who oppress her and contributes to the development of their personal lives.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Film adaptation: “Three Nuts for Cinderella”

The fairy tale as edited by the Brothers Grimm is a little scary and shocking. The step-sisters mutilate their legs for the sake of a lucrative groom, and then are left without eyes thanks to Cinderella’s faithful assistants - the pigeons.

But there are also positive sides to it. There is a clear connection here with the deceased mother. In the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, it is she who helps her daughter cope with all adversity: this cannot be denied, since a hazel tree grew on her grave. A white bird can also be called a symbol and prototype of a mother.

In Czechoslovakia, based on the fairy tale by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella” was shot. What is so attractive about this adaptation? There are no bloody episodes from the original.

Russian contribution to the history of young Zamarashka

Some intellectuals call the author of the work we are considering Russian writer Soviet period by Evgeny Schwartz. This theory is the most unrealistic. After all, he lived and worked much later than appearance fairy tales. However, if we consider the girl's name, maybe he became the first. After all, thanks to him, his Cinderella became an ordinary Trash.

Charles Perrault and Pierre de Armancourt. Father or Son: Who Wrote Cinderella?

Fairy tale " glass slipper“The writers have still not fully studied it, since they do not know which author to give the copyright to it: the son, whose name was printed on the first editions of “Tales of My Mother Goose,” or the father, who wrote mainly in lyrical poetic language. In 1697, the first version of the collection was published. The name of the creator was on the title: Pierre de Armancourt. The authorship of the son of Charles Perrault was assigned until 1724.

Why was his name mixed with mud after the storyteller's death? And the name of his son has sunk into oblivion? And who really is the author of everything famous fairy tale? Sergei Boyko is trying to answer these questions. He devoted an entire book to the study of this phenomenon: “The Magic Land of Pierre and Charles Perrault.” Boyko believes that the original authorship belongs to Charles Perrault. However, he composed fairy tales exclusively in poetic form. Modern prosaic look they found it thanks to the efforts of their son Pierre. Therefore, we can say that father and son are equal co-authors of the works.

Walt Disney: a new vision of an old fairy tale

The wandering fairy-tale plot is fixed not only on the pages of books and in the memory of admirers, but also on hundreds of meters of cinematographic film. We can say that the progenitor of Disney's Cinderella was none other than Charles Perrault. After all, we have already touched upon the issues of creating a fairy tale more than once: when, where, and most importantly, who?

“Cinderella” and “Puss in Boots” were written by the French storyteller Charles Perrault (and his son Pierre). Therefore, it is not difficult to assume that the Disney girl is French by birth.

Cinderella first takes on its modern features in 1950. The main character of the cartoon became one of the main official princesses of Walt Disney. Just like the folklore ancestor, Disney's Cinderella is a wandering character, but does not lose her kindness and honesty.

She appears in several animated films: “Cinderella” (main story), “Dreams Come True” (continued), “ Evil spell" It also often becomes episodic character: “Sofia the First.” The heroine was also featured in the leading roles in the Once Upon a Time series.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the origins of the girl are still hidden under a veil of secrecy. How to answer the question of who wrote “Cinderella”? The author (though in this matter it is more important for adults than for children) depends on which version you are interested in: fairy-tale, children's or bloodthirsty fantasy.