Cinderella had everything. The story of Cinderella: how it really happened

Winter and the eve of the New Year are a special time, a time of fairy tales. We all love them - both adults and children. But even in familiar, well-read fairy tales, there are secrets that are still hidden from our eyes. Let's try to lift this veil and find out a little more about our beloved "Cinderella".

Song from the film "Cinderella" (1979, Soyuzmultfilm)

Who is the author so kind and truly fairy tale: Charles Perrault or the Brothers Grimm? Or maybe Alexander Afanasyev? Yes and no. All these writers simply retold what they heard. We agree that each one was retold in its own way, talentedly and uniquely, but the basis of all these fairy tales is similar - the story about kind girl who was offended in home, but thanks to the help of good forces, as well as a very lucky shoe that fell off, the girl still found her happiness.

Cinderella doll

Among the predecessors of Perrault and Grimm are the 16th-century Italian author Giambatista Basile, who included the story of Cinderella in his collection “The Tale of Tales.”

But “Cinderella” is even older. It turns out that this legend is a “wandering plot”, the journey of which can be traced in many countries - on all continents. Back in the 9th century, such a story was known in Ancient China and even in Ancient Egypt!

2. What does the name mean?

Cinderella is more of a nickname than a name. Why do even close people call a kind, lovely girl offensive nickname. Although the Egyptian “Cinderella” had a very beautiful name: Rhodopis, which means “Rosy-cheeked”. And, nevertheless, basically, in all versions of the fairy tale, the heroine's nickname is associated with ash or ashes (Cinderella, Aschenputtel, Cenerentola, The Cinder Maid, Pepeljuga, Papialushka, Cinderella, Chernushka).

Cinderella doll

Researchers of fairy tales (and there are some!) have two versions of the origin of the heroine’s name. According to the first, the name is an allusion to the fire priestess - the one who was supposed to maintain the fire without leaving it, no matter what happened. In order for the fire not to be offended by such a neighborhood, the purest, kindest and most beautiful people were chosen as priestesses. beautiful girls. But after making fire ceased to be a problem, his cult was abolished, belittled and ridiculed. That’s why Cinderella is called “dirty” and “dirty.”

Cinderella Doll Classic

The second version says that before people Those who touched the sacred secret specially sprinkled themselves with ashes or smeared their faces with ash. So those around them immediately understood: there is no need to touch these people, their lips are shut. In a fairy tale, this could, for example, mean that Cinderella is not at all what she seems - both to her stepmother and daughters, and to the prince.

3. Assistants

In different versions of the fairy tale, Cinderella has different helpers. For example, German girl she was helped by a walnut tree that grew on her mother’s grave and two white doves. Remember the movie “Three Nuts for Cinderella”? In Germany, this version is considered a classic.

Jack and Gus Tea Party with Friends Figurine from Lenox

In earlier versions, Cinderella was helped by animals (mice, rabbits, squirrels, etc.); Rhodopis was helped by a falcon (who turned out to be the god Horus). It is believed that this is an indication of totem animals that protected a particular tribe. And the familiar Fairy Godmother appeared in very later versions.

Isul doll Starlight Night Fabulous Lumiere

4. If you find a shoe, get married!

All nations agree that the wedding of Cinderella and the rich young man took place precisely because of the lost shoe. Now we no longer find it strange - we are so accustomed to this twist in the Cinderella story. And this was not strange in those days: then shoes played important role in wedding ceremonies, and a lost shoe could foreshadow an imminent quarrel, and a found one could mean happiness.

Cake figurine “Cinderella’s Wedding” from Lenox

5. Glass shoes

What was the shoe made of? Crystal?! Well, no. Have you ever even seen glass shoes?

IN earlier versions In fairy tales, it was made of leather, fabric, and even galoshes (pianella). The crystal slipper only became a translation of Charles Perrault's fairy tale. A French storyteller wrote about a shoe trimmed with fur - “pantoufle de vair”. And the translator apparently confused it with “de verre” (made of glass).

Still from the film "Three Nuts for Cinderella"

However, the creators Disney cartoon"Cinderella", which is recognized as the most famous film adaptation of the fairy tale, they claim that this fragile and uncomfortable material of the shoe contains makes a lot of sense. The fact that Cinderella could wear one uncomfortable shoes speaks of her ability to adapt to even the most uncomfortable situation, and the fact that she did not break her shoes speaks of her gentleness and neatness.

By the way, this Cinderella is the most popular disney princess among children.

Porcelain figurine of Cinderella “Enchanted Dream”

And no wonder, a team of 60 people created this film over the course of 6 years. Disney demanded maximum naturalness of movements, so the “live action” technology was invented - live action, when the sitters were first filmed and only then drawn. The model of everyone's favorite Cinderella was Helen Stanley - thin, graceful, very feminine, and she moved “like a princess.”

On the left is a frame from the Disney film “Cinderella”, on the right is the filming process (live action)

But, of course, our “Soviet” Cinderella is closer to us.

Probably “Cinderella” with Yanina Zheimo is my favorite fairytale film our childhood. He is so kind, truly good, that I really want to believe him.

And this despite the fact that the actress who played main character, was 37 years old! And even despite all the difficulties of filming: there was no fabulous luxury in post-war Leningrad. “Palace” interiors were collected from homes throughout film crew, and we managed to find something in the remaining scenery of the Mariinsky Theater.

Still from the movie "Cinderella"

The actresses' dresses were made from curtains. “Crystal slippers” - the symbol of the whole fairy tale, of course, could not be found anywhere, they had to be made especially for Yanina’s little foot. But she wore them only for general plans– they took great care of such a rarity.

Cinderella doll

6. Which foot is the shoe on?

No wonder Cinderella lost her shoe. Firstly, it’s not so easy to walk in shoes made of glass, and secondly, if Cinderella carried everything on herself, then there would be no fairy tale! Although in German version In history, the cunning prince actively contributed to the loss of the shoe: twice the beautiful stranger ran away from him, but on the third he smeared the stairs with resin in advance, so the shoe stuck.

Prince Charming doll

And in Disney cartoon Cinderella loses her shoe three times, each time from a different foot.

In the Middle Ages (when the fairy tale received literary treatment) there was no difference between the left and right shoes - they were made the same, and only in the 19th century they began to be made different.

Still from Disney's film "Cinderella"

So Cinderella could have lost a shoe from either foot, but in fact, it doesn’t matter. It is important that the fairy tale is kind, magical and the most beloved!

The store congratulates everyone on the New Year 2015 and wishes everyone magical, good holidays. May pleasant miracles definitely happen in your life in the New Year and may your most cherished - even very big - wishes come true!

And if you dream of dolls - come to us!

The tale of Cinderella is probably one of the most popular European fairy tales at all. The image of an unfortunate girl whom fate rewarded for her hard work and kind heart, is familiar to every child and adult - what girl in childhood does not dream of a magic carriage, shoes and a prince?

But if you thought you knew everything about Cinderella, then you are almost certainly mistaken. Here are 7 interesting facts about the famous fairy tale:

1. “Cinderella” is one of the most popular wandering stories in the world

The tale existed in different versions in Spain, Ireland and Scotland, Sweden and Finland, Florence, Rome and Venice. And the matter was not limited only to old Europe - for example, in China there was also a similar fairy tale. In total, more than 1000 incarnations in folklore are registered different countries. We can say that the whole world has its own “Cinderella”.

2. The heroine’s name changed, but was always associated with ashes and cinders

Cinderella in England, Aschenputtel in Germany, Popelushka in Ukraine, Cenerentola in Italy, Pepeljuga in the Balkans - any variation of the heroine’s name was referred to cinders, ashes, dirty work. It is curious that Ivan Turgenev translated her name as “Zamarashka”.

3. The most ancient versions of the tale come from China and Egypt

Thus, the Egyptian version was discovered on ancient papyri. Instead of the prince - the pharaoh, instead of the poor stepdaughter - the Greek slave Rhodopis (in other versions, Phodoris). By the way, instead of crystal shoes there are gilded sandals, which was fully consistent with the fashion of that time.

4. There are two popular editions: Perrault and the Brothers Grimm, and they are noticeably different

Most are familiar with Charles Perrault's version - it was this plot that formed the basis for all film adaptations. Evil stepmother Fairy Godmother, pumpkin carriage, palace ball, midnight dispelling of magic, prince charming.

With Grimm everything is different: the story becomes more complicated. Instead of a fairy, there is a magical hazel tree that grew from a twig that Cinderella’s father brought from a trip (here the story is almost identical “ To the scarlet flower"). The ball is repeated three times and each time Cinderella has new shoes - for example, the first time she receives shoes embroidered with silk and silver, and the last time - made of pure gold. That same “bloodthirsty” scene where the evil sisters cut off their toes and heels so that the shoe would fit them also came from the pen of the brothers.

5. Many dispute the accuracy of the translation: how a fur slipper became a crystal one

There is a version, which, among other things, was promoted by Honore de Balzac - according to which Perrault incorrectly translated the name of the material from which Cinderella's shoes were made. The fact is that in French the words “fur” and “glass” are indistinguishable by ear.

In France, and likewise in other countries, wearing furs was a privilege established by royal decree for the nobility... for example, vair, which, without a doubt, is nothing more than royal sable... Cinderella's famous slipper was originally, apparently, made from small vair, nowadays it is said that it is crystal (verre).

6. The materials of the shoes differ from fairy tale to fairy tale.

The Chinese Cinderella wears shoes made of gold threads and with solid gold soles; in the Breton version, the heroine receives three pairs - made of steel, silver and gold. The Italian Cenerentola prefers silver shoes, the Venetian - diamond, the Danish - silk. In the fairy tale by Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy - made of red velvet with pearl trim.

Most often, shoes are called “shoes,” but shoes and even sandals are also found.

7. Losing a shoe is a symbol of marriage in folklore of different countries.

Surely you remember the tradition of throwing shoes over the fence on Christmas fortune telling- it was believed that the one who finds and brings the loss will become the betrothed.


It turns out that even a familiar fairy tale can tell a lot of new and interesting things.

Let me tell you a fairy tale about Cinderella. Yes, I know that you have already read and watched more than one fairy tale about Cinderella, and not even two. None of this fashion trend and I also want to join.
The fairy tale will be wrong and Cinderella in it will also be wrong. However, in this fairy tale everything will be wrong. But that’s why it’s a fairy tale, so it’s not like in ordinary life. And other fairy tales are not a hindrance to us in this.

Below the cut are 90 more photos of one have a fabulous day wrong Cinderella.

First you need to write characters so that readers do not get confused or scared.
Since the number of role players is very limited, some characters appear in two or three roles at once. Well, the fairy tale is wrong. And the characters in it are appropriate.
Worst of all, of course, is Cinderella. She needs more than anyone else in life, so let her take the rap. For three, for example. For myself and for the Evil Stepmother and the Good Witch who are absent from reality.


The morning has begun and the Evil Stepmother is the first to turn on.
"Hey, Cinderella, if you want to go to the ball today, then let's work first!"
And Cinderella goes to turn it on washing machine and prepare breakfast for yourself, the Evil Stepmother and the two daughters of the Evil Stepmother, who are also the daughters of Cinderella herself (well, since we have Cinderella and the Stepmother in one person).
A little schizophrenic, but fun.


The wrong Cinderella lives in a not very right Kingdom and therefore she suddenly developed an allergy to pollen. However, it is not good to sniffle and rub your red eyes at the ball, so you will have to use special products to suppress allergies.
Here you see your favorite workplace Cinderellas. And an assortment of all sorts of favorite bunnies.


Cinderella goes to water her garden and feed the cats. The seals did not want to reveal themselves to the people. It's Saturday, they're still sleeping, apparently.


Cinderella's micro-garden, which also needs to be watered in places.


Breakfast of the Evil Stepmother. Some cooked rice, natto and a raw egg. Accompanied by black tea with lemon and ginger.


And this is the Husband of the Evil Stepmother, the Forester, who has woken up. He is also the Prince. Well, what can we do, our fairy tale is so wrong.


The Forester-Prince prepares himself a special weekend breakfast. On weekdays, Cinderella prepares all the breakfasts, but on weekends the Forester still cooks for himself. Not so much useful as loved.
The sandwich with cheese in the background is not for the Forester, he doesn’t eat cheese here. It is for youngest daughter Stepmothers.


Meanwhile, Cinderella goes to clean the bathroom and sort out the laundry. The bathroom in this house is very antique and needs some regular care.


The daughters of the Evil Stepmother are still sleeping. For some time, the Evil Stepmother and Cinderella figure out among themselves whether it is necessary to wake them up. They made a compromise decision: they loudly announced that it was already morning and opened the curtains. Let them decide for themselves whether to get up or not, it’s a day off, you don’t have to rush.


Cinderella hangs laundry on the second floor balcony and surveys the surroundings. Top view of Cinderella's garden.


For comparison, here is a view from above of the neighboring garden. Here, however, it is necessary to clarify that no one lives in the neighboring cottage now.


Neighbors in the Kingdom.


While Cinderella was hanging up the laundry, the daughters of the Evil Stepmother finally got up and had breakfast. Now Cinderella has to do the dishes.


And after the dishes, you need to go to the cleaners and take the Forester’s costume. The streets of our Kingdom on the way to the clothes cleaner's house.


Right there.


It's spring in the Kingdom and everything is blooming. This is the "snow willow".


And this is a camellia.




A married couple of ducks splashes in the river.


Clothes cleaner's house. Cinderella handed in the Forester's costume and received what was handed in earlier, already cleaned.


Fun house on the way back.


Flowers at the neighbor's house.


Brought from a clothes cleaner with a reminder attached at the top for regular customers about cleaning prices different types clothes for the next month.


A conscientious clothes cleaner packs each cleaned item in a separate bag. After unpacking everything, there is a whole bunch of plastic waste that needs to be packed into a separate bag.


Finally, Cinderella had some personal time. And she can do a little preparation for today's ball. Here the Good Witch takes the initiative.


Cinderella's outfit and the collar to the lower kimono were chosen and sewn personally by the Good Witch.


And the Good Witch constructs a complex design for a belt for Cinderella’s outfit.


And then it’s time to cook dinner for the whole family. And the Evil Stepmother is already shouting at Cinderella to hurry up.


Lunch is ready.


Gyudon (beef, eringi mushrooms and shirotaki noodles braised in soy sauce with sugar) with onsen tamago and miso soup with nameko mushrooms and wakame seaweed.


Unwashed dishes await Cinderella again.

And finally, all business is finished and Cinderella is allowed to get ready for the ball. The Good Witch gets involved.

Cinderella before, in everyday-homey.


Cinderella after, ready for the ball.


Crystal slippers from the Good Witch.
Cinderella is taken to the ball by the Forester, who also happens to be the Prince. On a personal crew. The crew's appearance is quite consistent with that of a pumpkin, so I won't show it to you. One joy: the Evil Stepmother and her daughters did not go to the ball, they decided to take a break from Cinderella. And the ball was not particularly interesting: they didn’t plan to choose a bride for the Prince (even the most neglected one) there; more and more of the same Cinderellas gathered.


The palace is already full of gathered guests. Everyone is completely Cinderella in the front door. The ladies of the court check Cinderella's invitation lists.


True, some Evil Stepmothers still got together with their daughters. Apparently these stepmothers are not very evil.


The ball, however, is in honor of the 50th anniversary of the school, where Cinderellas, evil stepmothers and other ladies are taught the intricacies of the traditional outfit, the kimono. Which is suitable for ordinary life, and in which there is no shame in going to the ball.

Having checked in with the court ladies, our Cinderella went to wander around the palace, fortunately there was still a little time left before the start of the ball.

Palace cafe. Very tasty looking pies.


The front hall of the palace is decorated cherry blossoms, an umbrella and a pair of hina-ningyo (Girls' Day dolls).


Finally, all the guests were called into the hall. Before the start of the ball, there will be a graduation ceremony for those Cinderellas who have achieved a certain degree of mastery in the art of donning the Kingdom's traditional attire, the kimono.


Before the ceremony begins, you need to rehearse a little so that everything goes smoothly later. And Cinderella is still admiring the outfits of other Cinderellas.


This time there were an unusually large number of Cinderellas and other guests, as many as 180 people.


Most Cinderellas receive entry-level diplomas. There were more than fifty such Cinderellas.


At the back of the stage, an already very middle-aged Cinderella is rehearsing for receiving an elementary degree diploma. Apparently she got it especially evil stepmother and get to earlier interesting hobby she didn't succeed.


A short break between the rehearsal and the start of the ceremony itself. On the table is the ball program, the number of the table at which Cinderella will sit during the gala dinner, a ceremonial ceremonial fan and a glass of water to catch her breath after all the ceremonies. The glass is carefully covered with a lid. I don’t know why, maybe so that the guests don’t spill powder.


The ball has begun.
The first to speak was a special guest: the King's envoy. Congratulated the school on its 50th anniversary and everyone who receives diplomas this time.


Headmistress of the school (left). In fact, the queen of the small kimono kingdom. And the oldest of her court ladies, who worked in the kimono kingdom for 35 years.


The Queen and Lady took their places on the platform. The court lady of junior rank brought out the diplomas that will be awarded to the Cinderellas. The photographer stood in a position convenient for shooting. And away we go.


These are still receiving entry level diplomas.


She’s also not a very young Cinderella anymore. True, her diploma is significantly higher degree. Somewhere between beginners and masters, our Cinderella received her diploma.


And here on stage are two Cinderellas who have completed the entire school course. Read theirs Thanksgiving letters Headmistress Queen.


Then those who received their diplomas took pictures with the whole crowd along with the ladies of the court and the Queen.


And finally, they photographed the other guests, including all the Cinderella children.


Finally, our Cinderella had time to take a photo in her ceremonial and beautiful state.
Thanks for the photo of Cinderella dsun , who also received her diploma on the same day.


A very formal and formal Cinderella.


The second part of the ball was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Kimono Kingdom.


Honorary guests of the ball. All are princes of some sort, or, in extreme cases, ministers.


The Queen's Speech.


The Queen presents special diplomas to her ladies-in-waiting who have served in the Kingdom for 20 and more years.


For many people, almost their entire lives are connected with the Kingdom. This court lady came to the Kimono Kingdom when she was 18 years old. She studied with the Queen herself, who at that time was one of the ladies of the court under the Old King.
The lady worked with the Queen for 20 years. More than half of my life. And the relationship between them is closer than in some families between relatives.


The Queen is presented with flowers and a gift from all the ladies of the court.


The Queen is moved.


And then we watched a slide show prepared by that same court lady about the history of the Kimono Kingdom.


Founder of the Kimono Kingdom, Old King. Back in 1965, he suddenly thought that ladies began to lose the art of putting on and wearing a kimono beautifully. And he decided to create a school where ladies could learn this, since there was no one to teach them at home.
This was the first such Kingdom in Kyoto and it started literally from scratch: no kimonos for training, no teachers, not even a building - there was nothing. Only the Old King's dream and his enthusiasm.


One of the Kingdom's ceremonies. The Old King is still alive. And the number of beautiful ladies around him became about ten times greater than it was at the beginning.
Over the past 50 years, a lot has happened and a lot has changed. Now the Kimono Kingdom has its own "colonies" in other cities. Participates in fashion shows And cultural programs. Including outside Japan.


Congratulations from another Kimono Kingdom. True, this kingdom does not so much teach how to wear kimonos as it produces them.


And finally the gala dinner.

What were Cinderella's shoes made of? January 6th, 2014

It seems that each of us has known the answer to this question since childhood - Cinderella’s shoes were made of crystal. The fairy tale is called: “Cinderella, or the glass slipper.”

Many of us have probably wondered how you can walk in such shoes? But in the end, this is a fairy tale in which everything is possible, and the glass slipper is firmly entrenched in the text of the fairy tale and in the children's consciousness. But was the glass slipper really?

In fact, Cinderella's glass slippers appeared as a result of an incorrect translation.

In some editions of this tale French word“fur for edging” was replaced by the similar-sounding word “glass.” This error was reflected in a number of translations into other languages, so we have a slightly different idea of ​​this shoe than what the author intended. Another version of the name is “Squirrel Fur Shoes.”

This is a shoe trimmed with fur (due to the fact that in some French publications the word vair - “fur for trimming” was mistakenly replaced by the word verre - “glass”, in translations of Perrault’s fairy tales into a number of languages, including Russian, an exquisite but incomprehensible image of a “crystal slipper” appeared).

The heroine of a fairy tale, known among different European peoples- Cinderella (English), Aschenputtel or Aschenbrodel (German “stained with ash”), Cendrillon (French, from cendre - “ash” or “ash”).

This hardworking, kind girl, who does all the menial housework, is constantly offended by her evil stepmother and her evil, lazy daughters. But goodness triumphs in the end: the stepmother and sisters are punished, and Cinderella, with whom the prince falls in love, becomes a princess. Cinderella is a girl of “unparalleled meekness and kindness.” On the orders of her stepmother, the little girl does all the menial housework. She sews dresses and combs the hair of her stepmother and her two daughters for the ball given by the king's son. Godmother(the sorceress) sees the grief of the booby, who was not taken to the ball, and helps her go there, turning mice, a pumpkin, etc. into a carriage with horses, her wretched dress into a luxurious outfit, giving her shoes trimmed with fur, but setting a condition leave the ball before midnight, when the magic ends.

At the end of the 17th century. French writer Charles Perrault (1628-1703) made a literary adaptation of this tale, called it “Cinderella, or Shoes Trimmed with Fur” and included it in his collection “Tales of My Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of the Past with Moral Teachings” (1697).

The error crept into the translation and took hold for a long time. The slipper was not crystal, but fur. But the glass slipper has become more familiar and, in the opinion of many, more poetic.

But David Samoilov carefully read the original tale:

Cinderella is looking out the window,
And Cinderella sings:
“Oh, my grief, my grief!”
All sisters were married off
For neighboring kings.
With adversity, with grievances
They all come to her and come to her.
A needle glitters in your hand.
It's winter in the window.
Aging Cinderella
She sews the shoe herself...

And here's more for you Interesting Facts about Cinderella:

1. The earliest version was found in Ancient Egypt - there was a tale about a beautiful prostitute who was bathing in a river, and at that time an eagle stole her sandal and brought it to the pharaoh. The sandal was so small that the pharaoh immediately launched a search. And Fodoris (Cinderella) was found. Moreover, the pharaoh immediately married her.

According to other sources, the Egyptian Cinderella - Fodoris was generally a highly paid “call girl”. But she was not allowed to go to Memphis for the holiday. Left on duty. On the steep bank of the Nile, she was washing her feet when the god Horus, incarnate in a falcon or eagle, took away her shoe. Then, because it was unnecessary, he dropped the shoe in the courtyard of Pharaoh Ahmose I (ruled Egypt in 1550-1525 BC). The fetishist pharaoh fell in love with the shoe and immediately, having found Fodoris after a short search, married her properly.

In the Chinese version, the shoe from Ye-xian (that was the name of the Chinese Cinderella) was stolen by the Dragon. Instead of the pharaoh there was a tangerine, but everything else was as usual. Probably the Chinese parents cruelly bandaged the leg from childhood and achieved success - the mandarin was caught. In China, Buddhist monks also helped Cinderella. Shao Lin in action. 2. The fairy tale (in one version or another) was told in Spain, Rome, Venice, Florence, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Finland... Consequently, the fairy tale about the stepdaughter originated in those times when people roamed freely around European continent, from parking lot to parking lot. 3. Of course, Cinderella of the Stone Age was in a hurry not to the ball, but to some modest holiday. And the shoe that she lost was not crystal, but wooden, cloth, fur... However, the myth that formed the basis of the fairy tale can be traced everywhere - the shoe was associated with sacred rites. 4. The name of the heroine - Cinderella, Aschenputtel, Cenerentola, The Cinder Maid, Pepeljuga, Papialushka, Cinderella - is associated with ash and ashes among all nations. It speaks of belonging to fire, the priestess of which could only be the kindest and purest representative of the tribe. Hence the nicknames that her sisters give Cinderella: dirty, dirty.

5. Cinderella’s assistants are a direct indication of which patron the tribe believed in. Here and magical creature(fairy), and a deceased ancestor (white bird), and mice that help sort grain (the latter are much older than those in which fairies appear).

6. The connection between the lost shoe and the subsequent wedding for the people of antiquity did not contain any novelty, because shoes in wedding ceremonies meant an engagement or the wedding itself. The sharing of a pair of shoes indicated the separation of lovers or the search for a partner.

7. After the greats geographical discoveries When Europeans began to study the culture of other peoples, it turned out that the story of the girl who lost her shoe was well known on other continents. For example, in Korean folk tale Cinderella was a fourteen-year-old girl named Khonchhi. The poor stepdaughter, on the orders of her stepmother, sorted through millet and rice, loosened the rocky field with a wooden hoe and shed many tears. But one day a celestial woman appeared in front of her, who helped her manage her affairs and sent her to someone’s wedding. Jumping over a stream, Khonchkhi dropped a kotsin (a cloth shoe embroidered with patterns) into the water, which was found by a kamsa, the head of the province. He ordered the owner of this shoe to be found, declaring that he wanted to marry her.

Today it is estimated that the fairy tale exists in several hundred versions. The most famous retellings are as follows...

"Cinderella" Italian poet and the storyteller Giambattista Basile (1575–1632)

He wrote the fairy tale 61 years before Perrault; it was included in the collection “The Tale of Tales” (1634).

Giambattista Basile's Cinderella was called Zezolla. Having conspired with the nanny, the girl broke her stepmother’s neck with the lid of a chest, then persuaded her father to marry the nanny. One day the king saw the girl and fell in love. He sent a servant to find Zezolla, and while struggling with him, the girl lost her pianella - a stilt-like galosh with a cork sole (these were the shoes worn by women of Naples during the Renaissance). The young king sent messengers who traveled throughout the kingdom and tried on the found pianella for each woman. Zezolla, of course, was found.

"Cinderella" by Charles Perrault (1697)

Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm were familiar with the Pentameron and, apparently, relied on it when creating their collections of fairy tales.

Perrault's fairy tale had a glass slipper and the most gentle plot for children's hearing (known to all of us).

"Cinderella" by the Brothers Grimm

A rich man's wife dies. The stepmother appears with her daughters. A father goes to a fair and asks what to bring for his daughter and stepdaughters. Stepdaughters ask for expensive dresses and precious stones, and Cinderella - the branch that will be the first to catch his hat. Cinderella planted a hazel branch on her mother's grave and watered it with her tears. Grew up beautiful tree. Cinderella came to the tree three times a day, cried and prayed; and every time a white bird flew in. When Cinderella told her about her desire to go to the ball, the bird dropped her a luxurious dress and shoes (three balls and three outfit options). The prince fell in love with the girl, but she always managed to escape.

When the messengers tried on the shoe, one of the sisters cut off her toe. The prince took it with him, but it was discovered that the shoe was covered in blood. The prince turned back. The same thing happened to the other sister, only she cut off the heel. The shoe fits Cinderella, and the prince declares her his bride. When the time came to celebrate the wedding, the sisters decided to be nearby. The eldest stood on the right hand of the bride, the youngest on the left. So we went to church. On the way, pigeons pecked out each of them an eye. When they returned from church, the eldest walked along left hand, youngest on the right. Then the pigeons flew at them again and pecked them out in the eye.

So the sisters were punished for their anger (apparently, the moral is: don’t covet someone else’s property).


Here's more for you , and here's a little . The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Once upon a time there lived a rich and noble man. His wife died, and he married a second time to such a heartless and proud woman as you will never find again. She had two daughters, who were just like their mother in every way - the same arrogant, angry people. And my husband had a daughter who was extremely meek and affectionate, just like her late mother, the kindest woman in the world.

The stepmother immediately showed her bad temper. She was irritated by her stepdaughter's kindness - next to this sweet girl, her own daughters seemed even nastier.
The stepmother charged the girl with all the dirtiest and hardest work in the house: she cleaned the dishes, washed the stairs, and polished the floors in the rooms of the capricious stepmother and her spoiled daughters. She slept in the attic, right under the roof, on a thin bedding. And her sisters had bedrooms with parquet floors, feather beds and floor-to-ceiling mirrors.
The poor girl endured everything and was afraid to complain to her father - he would only scold her, because he obeyed his new wife in everything.
Having finished her work, the poor thing huddled in a corner near the fireplace and sat right on the ashes, for which her eldest stepmother’s daughter nicknamed her Zamarashka. But the younger one, not as rude as her sister, began to call her Cinderella. And Cinderella, even in an old dress, was a hundred times cuter than her dolled-up sisters.
One day, the king's son decided to throw a ball and called all the noble people in the kingdom to it. Cinderella's sisters were also invited. How happy they were, how they fussed about, choosing their outfits and jewelry! And Cinderella only had more work: she had to iron skirts and starch collars for her sisters.

The sisters talked endlessly about how best to dress up.
“I,” said the eldest, “will wear red.” velvet dress with lace...
“And I,” the younger one interrupted her, will wear an ordinary dress. But on top I’ll throw a cape with gold flowers and diamond clasps. Not everyone has one like this!
They ordered bonnets with double frills from the best craftswoman and bought the most expensive ribbons. And they asked Cinderella for advice on everything, because she had very good taste. She tried with all her heart to help her sisters and even offered to do their hair. To this they graciously agreed.
While Cinderella was combing their hair, they asked her:
- Admit it, Cinderella, would you really like to go to the ball?
- Oh, sisters, don’t laugh at me! Will they let me in there?
- Yes, it’s true! Everyone would roar with laughter if they saw such a mess at the ball.
Another would have deliberately combed them worse for this, but Cinderella, out of her kindness, tried to comb them as best as possible.
The sisters did not eat anything for two days out of joy and excitement, tried to tighten their waists and kept spinning in front of the mirror.
Finally the longed-for day arrived. The sisters went to the ball, and Cinderella watched them for a long time. When their carriage was out of sight, she cried bitterly.

Cinderella's aunt saw that a poor girl crying, and asked why she was so upset.
“I would like... I would like...” Cinderella could not finish from tears.

But my aunt guessed it herself (she was a sorceress, after all):
- You would like to go to the ball, wouldn’t you?
- Oh yes! - Cinderella answered with a sigh.
- Do you promise to be obedient in everything? - asked the sorceress. - Then I will help you go to the ball. - The sorceress hugged Cinderella and told her: - Go to the garden and bring me a pumpkin.
Cinderella ran to the garden, chose the best pumpkin and took it to the sorceress, although she could not understand how the pumpkin would help her get to the ball.
The sorceress hollowed out the pumpkin right down to the crust, then touched it with her magic wand, and the pumpkin instantly turned into a gilded carriage.

Then the sorceress looked into the mousetrap and saw that six live mice were sitting there.
She told Cinderella to open the mousetrap door. Every mouse that jumped out of there, she touched with a magic wand, and the mouse immediately turned into a beautiful horse.

And now, instead of six mice, an excellent team of six horses of the dappled mouse color appeared.
The sorceress thought:
- Where can I get a coachman from?
“I’ll go and see if there’s a rat in the rat trap,” said Cinderella. - You can make a coachman out of a rat.
- Right! - the sorceress agreed. - Go take a look.
Cinderella brought a rat trap where three large rats were sitting.

The sorceress chose one, the largest and most mustachioed, touched it with her wand, and the rat turned into a fat coachman with a lush mustache.
Then the sorceress said to Cinderella:
- In the garden, behind the watering can, six lizards are sitting. Go get them for me.

Before Cinderella had time to bring the lizards, the sorceress turned them into six servants dressed in gold-embroidered liveries. They jumped onto the back of the carriage so deftly, as if they had never done anything else their entire lives.
“Well, now you can go to the ball,” said the sorceress to Cinderella. -Are you satisfied?
- Certainly! But how can I go in such a disgusting dress?

The sorceress touched Cinderella with her wand, and the old dress instantly turned into an outfit of gold and silver brocade, richly embroidered with precious stones.
In addition, the sorceress gave her a pair of glass slippers. The world has never seen such beautiful shoes!
Magnificently dressed, Cinderella sat down in the carriage. At parting, the sorceress strictly ordered her to return before the clock struck midnight.
“If you stay even a minute longer,” she said, “your carriage will again become a pumpkin, the horses will turn into mice, the servants into lizards, and your magnificent outfit into an old dress.”
Cinderella promised the sorceress to leave the palace before midnight and, beaming with happiness, went to the ball.
The king's son was informed that an unknown, very important princess had arrived. He hurried to meet her, helped her out of the carriage and led her into the hall where the guests had already gathered.

There was immediately silence in the hall: the guests stopped dancing, the violinists stopped playing - everyone was so amazed by the beauty of the unfamiliar princess.
- What a beautiful girl! - they whispered around.
Even the old king himself could not get enough of her and kept repeating in the queen’s ear that he had not seen such a beautiful and sweet girl for a long time.
And the ladies carefully examined her outfit in order to order themselves exactly the same tomorrow, only they were afraid that they would not find enough rich materials and enough skilled craftswomen.
The prince took her to the place of honor and invited her to dance. She danced so well that everyone admired her even more.

Soon various sweets and fruits were served. But the prince did not touch the delicacies - he was so busy with the beautiful princess.
And she went up to her sisters, spoke warmly to them and shared the oranges that the prince had treated her to.
The sisters were very surprised at such kindness from the unfamiliar princess.

In the midst of the conversation, Cinderella suddenly heard that the clock struck three quarters of eleven. She quickly said goodbye to everyone and hurried away.
Returning home, she first of all ran to the good sorceress, thanked her and said that she would like to go to the ball again tomorrow - the prince really asked her to come.
While she was telling the sorceress about everything that happened at the ball, there was a knock on the door - the sisters had arrived. Cinderella went to open the door for them.
- You spent a long time at the ball! - she said, rubbing her eyes and stretching as if she had just woken up.
In fact, since they broke up, she hasn't felt like sleeping at all.
“If you attended the ball,” said one of the sisters, “you would never be bored.” The princess arrived there - and how beautiful she is! There is no one more beautiful than her in the world. She was very kind to us and treated us to oranges.
Cinderella trembled all over with joy. She asked what the princess's name was, but the sisters replied that no one knew her and the prince was very upset about this. He would give anything to know who she was.
- She must be very beautiful! - Cinderella said smiling. - And you are lucky! How I would like to look at her at least with one eye!.. Dear sister, please lend me your yellow house dress.

Here's something else I came up with! - answered the elder sister. - Why would I give my dress to such a dirty person? No way in the world!
Cinderella knew that her sister would refuse her, and she was even happy - what would she do if her sister agreed to give her her dress!

The next day, Cinderella’s sisters went to the ball again. Cinderella went too and was even more elegant than the first time. The prince did not leave her side and whispered all sorts of pleasantries to her.
Cinderella had a lot of fun, and she completely forgot about what the sorceress ordered her. She thought that it was not yet eleven o'clock, when suddenly the clock began to strike midnight. She jumped up and flew away like a bird. The prince rushed after her, but could not catch up with her.

In her haste, Cinderella lost one of her glass slippers. The prince carefully picked it up.
He asked the guards at the gate if anyone had seen where the princess had gone. The guards replied that they only saw a poorly dressed girl run out of the palace, looking more like a peasant woman than a princess.

Cinderella ran home out of breath, without a carriage, without servants, in her old dress. Of all the luxury, she only had one glass slipper left.
When the sisters returned from the ball, Cinderella asked them if they had as much fun as yesterday and if the beautiful princess came again.

The sisters replied that she had arrived, but only when the clock began to strike midnight did she start running - so quickly that she dropped her beautiful glass slipper from her foot. The prince picked up the shoe and did not take his eyes off it until the end of the ball. It is clear that he is in love with the beautiful princess - the owner of the shoe.
The sisters told the truth: a few days passed - and the prince announced throughout the kingdom that he would marry the girl whose foot was the same as the glass slipper.
First, the shoe was tried on for princesses, then for duchesses, then for all the court ladies in a row. But she was no good for anyone.
Brought glass slipper and to Cinderella's sisters. They tried their best to squeeze their foot into the tiny shoe, but they didn’t succeed.
Cinderella saw how they were trying, recognized her shoe and asked with a smile:
-Can I try on the shoe too?
The sisters only made fun of her in response.
But the courtier, who came with the slipper, looked carefully at Cinderella. He saw how beautiful she was and said that he was given orders to try on the shoe for all the girls in the kingdom. He sat Cinderella in a chair and barely brought the shoe to her foot before she slipped on completely loosely.
The sisters were very surprised. But what was their amazement when Cinderella took out a second identical shoe from her pocket and put it on the other foot!

Then the good sorceress arrived, touched Cinderella’s old dress with her wand, and before everyone’s eyes it turned into a magnificent outfit, even more luxurious than before.
That's when the sisters saw who the beautiful princess was who was coming to the ball! They threw themselves on their knees in front of Cinderella and began to ask for forgiveness for treating her so badly.

Cinderella raised her sisters, kissed them and said that she forgives them and only asks that they always love her.
Then Cinderella in her luxurious outfit was taken to the palace to the prince. She seemed even more beautiful to him than before. And a few days later he married her.
Cinderella was as kind in soul as she was beautiful in face. She took the sisters to her palace and on the same day married them to two court nobles.