Ferdinand Magellan discovery. Fernando Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480 - 1521) - an outstanding Portuguese navigator who made the first trip around the world. He discovered the entire coast of South America south of La Plata, the strait named after him, the Patagonian Cordillera, and was the first to circumnavigate America from the south, crossing the Pacific Ocean, discovering the islands of Guam and Roth. He proved the existence of a single World Ocean and provided practical proof of the sphericity of the Earth. The two galaxies closest to Earth, the Magellanic Clouds, bear his name.

Fernand Magalhães, who became known to the whole world as Ferdinand Magellan, was born around 1480 in the city of Sabros in the Portuguese province of Traz os Leontes in the family of an impoverished knight from the Magalhães clan. In 1490, the father managed to place his son at the court of King Juan II, where he was raised and studied at the expense of the treasury, and two years later he became a page of Queen Leonora.

Later, Fernand was enlisted in the Naval Order and, as a naval officer, went to India as part of the squadron of the Viceroy of India Francisco d'Almeida. Later, the young officer took part in an expedition to the Malacca Peninsula, in a campaign against Morocco, where he was seriously wounded in the leg. Then his service record was enriched by service in Sofal, which by that time had become one of the Portuguese military fortifications on the way from Lisbon to India.In 1509, Magalhães took part in the defeat of the Venetian-Egyptian squadron at Diu, and in 1510 he again received seriously wounded during the storming of Calicut (Kozhikode). He understood his services to the crown and upon returning to Lisbon in 1512 or 1513 he asked the king for a promotion. Having been refused, the offended Magalhães decided to move to Spain, which he did in 1517 .

While still in Portugal, remembering the impressions received in the East Indies, Magellan began studying cosmography and marine sciences, and also wrote the book “Description of the Kingdoms, Coasts, Harbors and Islands of India.” In Spain he met with the Portuguese astronomer Ruy Faleiro. Together they made a plan: sailing west to reach the Moluccas, which at that time were under Portuguese rule and were the main source of spices for Lisbon. Naturally, the Portuguese stood guard over their interests and arrested any foreign ship that appeared in the waters they controlled.

The companions believed that the islands lie in that part of the Earth that, according to the famous papal bull of 1493 Inter cetera, belongs to Spain. In order not to arouse the suspicions of the Portuguese, they should have been reached by the western route, passing from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through a passage that, as Magellan believed, was located south of Brazil. With this plan, he and Faleiro in March 1518 turned to the Council of the Indies, demanding for themselves, if the enterprise was successful, the same rights and benefits that Columbus had stipulated. After lengthy negotiations, the project was accepted, and Charles I (aka German King Charles V) undertook to equip 5 ships and provide supplies for two years. In the event of the discovery of new lands, companions were given the right to become their rulers. They received 20% of the income. In this case, the rights had to be inherited. But soon Faleiro, citing a bad horoscope, refused to participate in the expedition. Thus, Magellan became its sole leader and organizer.

On September 20, 1519, the ships "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Concepcion", "Victoria" and "Santiago" left San Lucar at the mouth of the Guadalquivir, having on board 293 crew members and another 26 non-staff members. Among them was Antonio Pigafetta, who became the chronicler of the expedition. The flagship ship was the Trinidad.

Descriptions of swimming exist in many variations. It is widely known about the fires along the shores of the land called Tierra del Fuego (more correctly “Land of Fire” - Tierra del Fuego), why the Pacific Ocean became Pacific, and the Patagonians have a name that means “big-footed”, about the discovery of the Magellanic clouds (expedition made discoveries not only on earth, but also in the sky), etc. In a brief summary, the expedition route is as follows.

On September 26, the flotilla approached the Canary Islands, on November 29 it reached the Bay of Rio de Janeiro, and on January 10, 1520, the mouth of La Plata, the extreme point of the then known coast. From here Magellan sent the Santiago upstream to check if there was a passage to the South Sea. After the return of the ship, the expedition moved south, and the transitions were carried out only as far as possible and as close to land as possible, so as not to miss the strait.

We spent the winter in San Julian Bay off the coast of Patagonia (49° S), which we entered on March 31. Here Magellan experienced a serious test. A riot broke out on three ships. The crews demanded to turn to the Cape of Good Hope and go to the Moluccas the traditional way. The rebellion was suppressed thanks to the determination of the admiral and the devotion of some of his companions. The rebel captains were treated mercilessly: one was executed, the body of another, who died, was quartered, and the third was landed on a deserted shore along with the conspirator-priest. But Magellan did not punish the sailors.

On August 24, wintering ended. The flotilla left San Julian Bay and moved further along the coast, and on October 21, 1520, the sailors saw the long-awaited strait leading to the west. But the admiral still had doubts, fearing that there was another bay in front of him, and sent two ships ahead, which returned three days later with the news “that they had seen the cape and the open sea.” We spent some more time in these waters, exploring the narrow straits, channels and bays, and lost the San Antonio. Magellan never found out that the ship's crew mutinied, the captain was wounded and shackled, and then the ship was turned back to Spain. At home, the new arrivals accused the admiral of treason. Magellan's family was deprived of government benefits. His wife and children soon died in poverty.

The flotilla moved further along the northern shore of the Strait, which Magellan called Patagonian (later on maps it will be designated as Magellan), rounded Cape Froward (53 ° 54 "S) - the southernmost point of the mainland and for another five days walked through the Strait surrounded gloomy high coasts, the southern of which was Tierra del Fuego, and on November 28, 1520, the sailors saw the open ocean.The passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, which Columbus had sought in vain, was finally found.

The three remaining ships of the flotilla (except for the deserted San Antonio, which lost the Santiago that crashed on the rocks) first sailed north 100 km from the rocky coast, trying to leave the cold waters, in mid-December from the island. Moga (38°30" S) turned to the northwest, and a little later - to the west-northwest. During the journey across the ocean, many islands were discovered, but inaccurate calculations do not allow us to identify them with any specific points on the map. But the discovery in early March of the islands of Guam and Rota, the southernmost of the Mariana group and called “Robbers” by Magellan, can be considered proven. The islanders stole a boat from travelers, and Magellan, landing with a detachment on the shore, burned several huts and boats, and several natives were killed.

From these islands the flotilla moved west and on March 15, 1521 found itself near the island. Samar (Philippines). They anchored off the neighboring island of Siargao, and later moved to the uninhabited Homonkhon. A week later, moving west, we arrived at the island. Limasawa, where Magellan's Malay slave Enrique heard Malay speech. This meant that the travelers were somewhere near the Spice Islands, that is, they had completed their task.

Accompanied by a pilot, the ships moved to the island. Cebu, where a major trading port and the residence of the Rajah were located. Soon both the ruler and members of his family converted to Christianity, and Magellan intervened in the internecine war on the island. Manthan. On the night of April 27, 1521, the admiral, accompanied by a small detachment, landed on the shore, where they were attacked by local residents. Here the great navigator died under the blows of spears and cutlasses, but “... he kept turning back to see if we had all managed to get into the boats.” This small touch, recorded by the devoted Pigafetta, says a lot about the personality of Ferdinand Magellan - not only a talented naval commander, but also a man who possessed rare qualities in those harsh times. Eight more sailors died there along with the head of the expedition.

Magellan's voyage was completed by Sebastian Elcano (del Cano). Under his leadership, two ships sent through North Kalimantan (Borneo) reached the Moluccas and purchased spices there. Only Victoria was able to sail further. On it, carefully avoiding the paths laid by the Portuguese, Elcano crossed the southern part of the Indian Ocean, rounded the Cape of Good Hope and, through the Cape Verde Islands, on September 7, 1522, arrived at the harbor of San Lucar.

Of the 256 people who left with Magellan, only eighteen came ashore, and all of them were extremely exhausted - according to an eyewitness, “worse than the most starved nag.” They had a hard time here. Instead of honors, the team received public repentance for one lost day (as a result of moving through time zones around the Earth in a westerly direction). From the point of view of the church authorities, this could only happen as a result of a violation of the fasts. Elcano, however, received honors. He received a coat of arms depicting the globe with the inscription “You were the first to circle around me,” and a pension of five hundred ducats. No one remembered Magellan. The true role of this remarkable man in history was appreciated by his descendants, and, unlike Columbus, it was never disputed. On the deserted shore of. Mantan, on the site where Magellan died, a monument was erected in the form of two cubes topped with a ball.

Magellan's voyage revolutionized ideas about the Earth. After this trip, any attempts to deny the sphericity of the Earth completely stopped, it was proven that the World Ocean is one, ideas about the size of the planet were obtained, it was finally established that America is an independent continent, the coast of South America with a length of about 3.5 thousand km was studied, found a strait between two oceans, etc. All this would be more than enough for not one, but a good dozen people. But these discoveries were inspired and made by one person - Ferdinand Magellan, whose deeds are rightly considered a feat accomplished for the benefit of all mankind.

Magellan's journey is described by his companion Antonio Pigafetta in the book "The Travels of Magellan", the manuscript of which he presented to the king. It has been published several times and translated into all major European languages, including Russian. This translation was published in two editions, in 1800 and 1950.


Magellan (Magalhães) Fernand (1480-1521), Portuguese navigator.

Born in the spring of 1480 in Sabrose into an impoverished noble family. In 1492-1504. served as a page in the retinue of the Portuguese queen.

In 1505, as part of Frincesco de Almeida's team, he went to East Africa; lived for a long time in India and Mozambique. In 1512 he returned to Lisbon and developed a project for sailing the western route to the Moluccas. The Portuguese king rejected him.

In 1517, Magellan arrived in Spain and entered the service of King Charles I, who appointed him commander of a flotilla heading to find a new sea route to India. On September 20, 1519, an expedition of five ships left the harbor of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain) and in January 1520 reached the mouth of the La Plata River. From here the ships, moving south, entered all the bays in search of the strait. Magellan discovered the bays of San Matias and San Jorge in the land he called Patagonia. In March 1520, he suppressed a mutiny that broke out on three ships during the winter in San Julian Bay. In August, Magellan moved further south and on October 21, 1520, entered the strait, which he called the Strait of All Saints (later renamed the Strait of Magellan). Having explored it, the navigator discovered the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. While passing through the strait, the crew of the ship San Antonio mutinied and turned back to Spain.

On November 28, 1520, Magellan entered the ocean, which his companions called the Pacific Ocean. Further voyage was very difficult due to lack of provisions and fresh water. Having traveled more than 17,000 km, in March 1521 Magellan discovered three islands from the Mariana Islands group (including Guam), and then the Philippine Islands (Samar, Mindanao and Cebu).

On April 27, 1521, the navigator was killed during a skirmish with natives on the island of Mactan (Philippines). His companions continued their journey, but only two ships returned to Spain - the previously deserted San Antonio and Victoria.

Magellan's expedition completed the first circumnavigation of the world, proving the existence of a single World Ocean and providing practical evidence of the sphericity of the Earth.

Father Ruy de Magalhães [d] Mother Ines Vas Moutinho [d]

The usual five-year stay in India for the Portuguese was coming to an end, and Magellan set off on one of the fleets to Portugal. Two ships, one of which Magellan sailed on, were wrecked on the Padua Bank off the Laccadive Islands. The teams escaped on a small island. Some of the crew had to go on the surviving boats for help, while others had to stay on the island. It so happened that all the officers were among those leaving on boats, and only the sailors remained on the island. This caused outrage among the crew and fears that they would not return for the common people. Magellan was the only nobleman who agreed to stay on the island, and thereby calmed the crew. Apparently, at that time his authority was already quite great.

After 10 days they were rescued, and Magellan returned to India, where, apparently, he took up trade, since it is known that in 1510 he lent one businessman 200 cruzadas, which were not returned to him, and he managed to reclaim them only after 6 years.

During these years, the Portuguese captured Goa, lost it, and were preparing for a new campaign against the city. To decide the important question of whether to use merchant ships for the attack, the Viceroy of Albuquerque assembles a council of 16 people. Among them is Magellan, who until relatively recently was just a simple soldier, but at the time described became a man whose opinion the viceroy took into account. Most likely, he was already a captain. He, like the majority of the council members, advocates that merchant ships should not take part in the military campaign, but should go to Europe so as not to miss the monsoon. The warships go alone and capture Goa.

Immediately after the capture of Malacca, Albuquerque sent an expedition of three ships to the Spice Islands. One of the three ships was commanded by Francisco Serran. Perhaps Magellan also participated in the expedition (sources differ). Serran's ship met with disaster, and he himself escaped and settled on the island of Tidore, taking a high position with the local ruler.


It is difficult to say when Magellan came up with the idea of ​​​​a journey that would glorify him. Friend Serran wrote letters from the Moluccas, from which it could be concluded that the Spice Islands are very far in the East and relatively close to America. In one of his reply letters, Magellan hinted to him that he might soon arrive on these islands, "if not through Portugal, then through Castile". It is unknown when this letter was written, but it is quite possible that while Magellan was in Portugal. At this time, he studies the Portuguese maps available to him and talks with the captains.

During one of his audiences with Manuel I, Magellan asks to be given naval service and sent on a voyage. The king refuses. Then he asks permission to offer his services to other states. The king allows it. He doesn't need Magellan. Some sources claim that Magellan renounced citizenship of Portugal, but no documents about this have survived. Soon, a whole group of Portuguese sailors moves from Portugal to Spain.


Magellan presents the idea of ​​his expedition to the Seville “Chamber of Contracts” (the department responsible for organizing expeditions). He does not find support there, but Juan de Aranda, one of the leaders of the Chamber, comes into contact with Magellan and promises him his support for 20% of future profits. Soon, Magellan's comrade-in-arms, astronomer Rui Faleru, arrives in Spain. With his help, it is possible to bargain for 1/8 of the profit due to Aranda. The agreement was certified by a notary. Soon Magellan presented his project to the leadership of Spain, and it was approved. Preparations for the expedition began.

Traveling across the world

Five ships of 30 people each were preparing for the expedition with a supply of food for two years. Magellan himself personally supervised the loading and packaging of food, goods and equipment. Magellan commanded the Trinidad. The Santiago was commanded by Joao Serran, the brother of Francisco Serran, who was rescued by Magellan in Malacca. The other three ships were commanded by representatives of the Spanish nobility, with whom Magellan immediately began to have conflicts. The Spaniards did not like the fact that the expedition was commanded by a Portuguese. In addition, Magellan hid the intended voyage route, and this displeased the captains. The confrontation was quite serious. Captain Mendoza was even conveyed the king's special demand to stop bickering and submit to Magellan. But already in the Canary Islands, Magellan received information that the Spanish captains had agreed among themselves to remove him from his post if they considered that he was interfering with them.

On November 29, the flotilla reached the coast of Brazil, and on December 26, 1519, La Plata, where the search for the supposed strait was carried out. The Santiago was sent west, but soon returned with the message that this was not a strait, but the mouth of a giant river. The squadron began to slowly move south, exploring the coast. On this way, the sailors saw penguins. Advancement to the south was slow, the ships were hampered by storms, winter was approaching, but there was still no strait. March 31, 1520, reaching 49°S. The flotilla stops for the winter in a bay called San Julian.

In May, Magellan sent the Santiago, led by João Serran, south to reconnoiter the area. Santa Cruz Bay was found 60 miles south. A few days later, caught in a storm, the ship lost control and crashed. The sailors, except one person, escaped and found themselves on the shore without food or supplies. They tried to return to their wintering place, but due to fatigue and exhaustion, they connected with the main detachment only after several weeks. The loss of a ship specially designed for reconnaissance, as well as the supplies on it, caused great damage to the expedition.

October 21 at 52°S. The ships found themselves at a narrow strait leading into the interior of the mainland. "San Antonio" and "Concepcion" are sent for reconnaissance. Soon a storm arrives that lasts two days. The sailors feared that the ships sent for reconnaissance were lost. And they, indeed, almost died, but when they were carried to the shore, a narrow passage opened in front of them, into which they entered. They found themselves in a wide bay, followed by more straits and bays. The water remained salty all the time, and the lot very often did not reach the bottom. Both ships returned with good news about a possible strait.

During the voyage, the expedition reached 10 °C latitude. and turned out to be noticeably north of the Moluccas, which she was aiming for. Perhaps Magellan wanted to make sure that the Southern Sea discovered by Balboa was part of this ocean, or perhaps he feared a meeting with the Portuguese, which would have ended disastrously for his battered expedition. On January 24, 1521, sailors saw an uninhabited island (from the Tuamotu archipelago). It was not possible to land on it. After 10 days, another island was discovered (in the Line archipelago). They also failed to land, but the expedition caught sharks for food.

On March 6, 1521, the flotilla sighted the island of Guam from the Mariana Islands group. It was inhabited. The boats surrounded the flotilla and trade began. It soon became clear that local residents were stealing everything they could get their hands on from ships. When they stole the boat, the Europeans could not stand it. They landed on the island and burned the village of the islanders, killing 7 people. After that, they took the boat and grabbed fresh food. The islands were named Thieves (Landrones). When the flotilla left, local residents pursued the ships in boats, throwing stones at them, but without much success.

The famous Portuguese navigator and discoverer Ferdinand Magellan forever left his mark on the history of mankind, becoming one of the most famous explorers. He set out on a brave journey, the results of which replenished our knowledge and told a lot of new things to Magellan’s contemporaries. It is impossible to overestimate his merits, and you can be sure that the name of Ferdinand Magellan will never be forgotten.

  1. Magellan is the first man to circumnavigate the world.
  2. Not only the famous strait is named after Magellan, but also two galaxies - the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, as well as a crater on the Moon.
  3. It was Magellan who discovered the Philippine Islands to Europeans, where the republic of the same name is now located (see).
  4. In the naval battle of Diu, which took place on February 3, 1509, Magellan's caravel broke through the ranks of enemy ships, and Magellan boarded the enemy's flagship.
  5. One day, several ships of the flotilla in which Magellan was sailing at that time were wrecked, and the sailors on boats reached an uninhabited island. It was decided that some of the sailors would go on boats for help, and the rest would wait on the island before returning. Ordinary sailors were outraged that all the officers were leaving on boats, leaving only the sailors on the shore, fearing that no one would return for them. A riot almost broke out, but Magellan calmed the crew by remaining on the island with the sailors. Soon they were all saved.
  6. Once Magellan lent one merchant a substantial amount of money, which he did not want to return. The debt was returned to Magellan only six years after the trial.
  7. Before his famous journey, Magellan fought a lot - in Malaysia, India, and Africa. Subsequently, leaving military service, he decided to devote his life to exploring the world.
  8. Magellan traveled around the world under the Spanish flag, since the king of Portugal did not want to finance his expedition. But the Spanish crown appreciated the famous navigator.
  9. A squadron of five ships set off on a trip around the world, taking with them food for two years, and Magellan hid the sailing route from the sailors and other captains, which repeatedly caused discontent.
  10. For many years, Magellan remained the only captain who led the flotilla through the strait that received his name, without losing a single ship.
  11. The Pacific Ocean got its name thanks to Magellan, who crossed it after traveling 17 thousand kilometers without encountering a single storm. As practice has shown, this name turned out to be reckless - the Pacific Ocean is famous for its violent character. Magellan was simply lucky in his voyage.
  12. Magellan did not intend to circumnavigate the world - he was looking for a passage to the Moluccas.
  13. Magellan himself never circumnavigated the world, dying in the Philippines. During the voyage, most of the expedition died - out of five ships with 250-300 people on board, only one ship with 18 people on board returned to Spain. Thus, Magellan's expedition became the first circumnavigation of the world.
  14. The Tierra del Fuego archipelago also received its name thanks to Magellan, who mistook the fires of Indian fires for volcanoes. In fact, there is not a single volcano on the archipelago (see.

">Report on the topic: Geographical discoveries

">Fernand Magellan

Prepared by: Tomkevich Dmitry 8 “B”

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Fernando Magellan;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333"> - Spanish navigator, Portuguese by origin. In 1505-1512, he participated in Portuguese expeditions to the Indian Ocean, reaching Malacca (Malaysia) twice - in 1509 and 1511 years. He developed a project for sailing the western route to the Moluccas (Malay Archipelago in Indonesia), but it was rejected by the Portuguese king due to the fact that the expedition;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Vasco da Gama;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333"> a closer eastern route was opened. In 1517 this project was accepted by the Spanish king, and on September 20, 1519, a flotilla of five ships with a crew of 265 people led by Fernando Magellan left the port of San Lucar de Baramesa (the mouth of the Guadalquivir River) in search of the southwestern strait from the Atlantic Ocean, discovered in 1513 by the conquistador;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Vasco Nunez de Balboa;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">"South Sea" Also, in the instructions given to Magellan by the king;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Charles I;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">, it was said:;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">"Since I know for certain that there are spices on the islands of Molucco, I am sending you mainly in search of them, and my will is that you go straight to these islands ".

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Magellan's flotilla consisted of the following ships: "Trinidad" with a displacement of 110 tons under the command of Admiral Magellan; "San Antonio" - 120 tons, the captain was the inspector of the fleet;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Juan de Cortagena;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">; "Concepcion", 90 tons - captain;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Gaspar de Cassada;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">; "Victoria", 85 tons - captain, treasurer of the fleet;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Luiso de Mendoza;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333"> and "Sant Iago", 75 tons - captain;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Joan Serrana;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">.

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Magellan's Expedition

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Two months later, the ships reached the coast of Brazil and headed south along the American continent. In March 1520, they stopped for the winter in San Julian Bay. Here Magellan had great difficulty managed to suppress the rebellion of some members of the expedition who insisted on returning to Spain. In September 1520, the expedition on four ships (the Sant Iago died during reconnaissance on May 22) entered the ocean and headed south. At the end of October 1520, they reached the strait, which was later given the name of its discoverer - the Strait of Magellan. The passage through the strait with an unfamiliar fairway was very difficult; in addition, the San Antonio, which was in the lead, having left the strait, turned south and, having rounded the southern tip of America, voluntarily returned to Spain.

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">After passing the strait, the expedition headed to the shores of Asia. Magellan called the "South Sea" the Pacific Ocean,;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">"because, as one of the participants reports, we have never experienced the slightest storm";font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">. This passage lasted for more than three months, during which part of the crew, who suffered greatly from hunger and thirst, died, and the ships were in a state close to mutiny.

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">In the spring of 1521, Magellan reached the islands off the east coast of Asia, later called the Philippine Islands. Pursuing the goal of subjugating the local population to the Spanish crown, Magellan intervened in a dispute between two local rulers and was killed in battle on April 27.

Death of Magellan

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Juan Sebastian d"Elcano;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Of the three remaining ships, only "Victoria" was able to continue on its way to Spain. Having loaded a cargo of spices, "Victoria" under the command;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Juan Sebastian d"Elcano;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333"> continued on their way. Having made a long journey around Africa and, having avoided meeting with the Portuguese who were hunting for them, 18 people returned to their homeland. The sale of the cargo brought by "Victoria" is not only covered all the expenses of the expedition, but also made a significant profit.

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Thus, the Spaniards discovered the western route to Asia and the Spice Islands. This first circumnavigation in history proved the correctness of the hypothesis about the sphericity of the Earth and the inseparability of the oceans washing the land.

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Ships of Magellan's expedition in the Strait of Magellan

;font-family:"Courier New";color:#333333">Magellan's expedition route