The character of the brother from the fairy tale Sister Alyonushka. What happened to the fairy-tale beauties from Soviet films?

Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is a work that most of our compatriots know today. An essay on it is included in the compulsory school curriculum. You may have also written a story based on Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” at one time. However, we will still recall the plot of this painting.

Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" can be briefly described as follows. Tired of the useless search for her brother, the heroine sits on a large stone in a lonely pose by a gloomy pond. The head is bowed to the knees. Alyonushka is haunted by disturbing thoughts about his brother. She's sad - she didn't keep track of him. It seems that the surrounding nature around us shares these feelings... Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” will be described in more detail in this article.

How it all began?

The idea of ​​this work was inspired by the author's image of the same name from a Russian fairy tale called "About Sister Alyonushka and Her Brother Ivanushka." The prototype for this picture was a real girl. The artist met her when he was at the Okhtyrka estate in the summer of 1880. Vasnetsov saw in a random girl, in his own words, a sea of ​​loneliness, melancholy and purely Russian sadness. The first sketch was made from it. Vasnetsov almost immediately decided on the concept of his future work. Despite the fact that the plot was simple, Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” has an interesting history. The artist's self-portrait is presented below.

Stages of working on a painting

In 1880, Viktor Mikhailovich began work on this canvas. The history of the creation of the painting “Alyonushka” by Vasnetsov is as follows. Several sketches made by the author during this period, which preceded the creation of the work that interests us, have survived to this day. These are “Sedge”, “Alenushkin Pond”, “Pond in Okhtyrka”. Viktor Vasnetsov also made several full-scale sketches in paint, which depict a girl sitting on a stone.

The artist admitted that when creating the image of the main character on the canvas, he peered into the facial features of the daughter of Savva Mamontov, a famous philanthropist from Moscow. This girl's name was Vera Mamontova. In the winter of 1881, the work was completed, after which Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov sent it to the exhibition of Itinerant artists held in Moscow. The painting "Alyonushka", however, was not very popular at first. She acquired it a little later.

What was the original name of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”?

The canvas was given a slightly different name - “Fool Alyonushka”. According to some sources, the word “fool” was used at that time to describe holy fools or orphans. Vasnetsov did not immediately mention that his work has a fairy-tale plot.

How was the painting completed?

The history of Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" includes several modifications. It is known that the artist corrected it several times, changing some details. Experts took x-rays of this work. As a result, it was possible to establish that the girl’s shoulder, neck and face, as well as the overall color scheme of the picture, were redesigned. In the first version, apparently, “Alyonushka” provoked many critical comments from the artist’s colleagues and acquaintances. Kuindzhi's portrait of Vasnetsov is presented below.

Where is "Alyonushka" (artist Vasnetsov) kept?

The painting "Alyonushka" is currently on display at the Tretyakov Gallery. But Tretyakov, during the first exhibition at which this work was presented, did not honor it, despite Vasnetsov’s efforts, with attention. Mamontov bought this painting for five hundred rubles.

The general mood of the canvas

Today, one of Vasnetsov’s most famous works, written based on a folk tale, is this one. A reproduction of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” is presented below.

A young girl sitting on a stone on the river bank is attracted by her natural beauty and simplicity. In the sad eyes of the heroine you can read deep emotions. This is sadness, but at the same time it is also a dream about that happy time that will come someday, girlish dreams and, of course, longing for the missing younger brother. The artist masterfully managed to convey the general mood in the picture, sad and peaceful, enhanced by images of nature - clouds floating slowly overhead, motionless trees.

The role of canvas fragments

The master in his work perfectly reflects the relationship that exists between ordinary Russian people and nature. She seems to be as sad as the girl in the painting. Not a single fragment of the canvas distracts the viewer from the main plot. On the contrary, he emphasizes and strengthens it. Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" is completely focused on the image of a girl. Every detail of this painting evokes sad reflections.

What was Vasnetsov’s merit?

Many fairy tales, passed down from generation to generation, were written by Russian writers and the Russian people. Vasnetsov's merit lies in the fact that he created, using the means of painting, convincing images that are imbued with the Russian spirit.

The artist, working on the plot of his painting, decided to place the young defenseless girl in a truly perilous place. Apparently, Vasnetsov in this way sought to cause a lasting pang in the hearts of the audience. The artist successfully used a fairy tale plot. Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka" is not accidentally based on him. Although Vasnetsov does not literally follow the plot - in the fairy tale on which the picture was written, there is no description of a barefoot girl yearning by the forest pool. Viktor Mikhailovich in his work sought to reveal the emotional character and meaning of the folklore image. This plot serves to fully reveal the complex and ambiguous Russian character.

Alyonushka's image

A child with a difficult fate is revealed by the appearance of the girl shown in the picture. She has red unkempt hair, a plump scarlet mouth and dark eyes. In fact, the appearance of this girl completely lacks the fantastic and fabulous. The only detail in the composition emphasizes the fabulousness of the plot - a group of swallows sitting above Alyonushka’s head. It is known that these birds have long been a symbol of hope. The artist used this unusual technique to balance the image of the main character, full of melancholy, and to bring into the plot the hope that the fairy tale will end happily.

It seems that Alyonushka finds solace by the pond. She seems to dissolve in the colors of the picture, becoming part of the landscape. The heroine's humility and her wounded legs attract and fascinate. This is a pure girlish image. This girl has very adult sadness. In her eyes, sadness borders on despair.

The forest surrounded her on all sides and did not want to let her out of captivity. Alyonushka's tears fall straight into the pond. What did the artist want to say with this? Most likely, this is a warning about a danger that may happen or has already happened to Ivanushka. Alyonushka thinks that Baba Yaga could turn her brother into a little goat. Every detail of this picture provides rich food for thought...

Landscape painting by Vasnetsov

The surrounding nature is especially important in the picture. Basically it is natural, also created in Abramtsevo. Reeds, stones, birch trunks, autumn leaves falling into the water seem to be animated by the author. It’s as if nature echoes the heroine’s sad complaints. Thin branches of aspens bent over the girl, the leaves of the water grass drooped in the same rhythm with her figure. The dark surface of the pool is full of alarming secrets; the forest is wary in the darkness. The swallows touchingly perched on a branch above Alyonushka’s head, as if conferring on how to help her. This landscape is real, but at the same time filled with soft sincerity and mysterious alertness. Vasnetsov here anticipates the “landscape of mood” of M.V. Nesterov and I.I. Levitan.

Atmosphere of silence and sadness

A description of Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka” would be incomplete if we did not note the general atmosphere of the canvas. The artist masterfully filled the landscape with silence and sadness. In his work, Vasnetsov perfectly succeeded in depicting the motionless water surface of a pond, spruce and sedge. Calm and silence are present in everything - even the pond only barely reflects the main character. The young trees tremble slightly, the sky frowns a little. The dark green shades of the surrounding landscape contrast with the gentle blush on the girl’s face, and the autumn sadness contrasts with the bright flowers painted by the artist on Alyonushka’s old sundress. According to the legends of the Russian people, at the end of the day nature comes to life and acquires an amazing ability to experience in sync with humans. Such a magical talent to exist in resonance with her was inherent in Vasnetsov himself. That’s why Alyonushka’s feelings in the picture are so consistent with the state of the forest surrounding her. The viewer peering at the canvas has the feeling that the fairy tale will continue in a moment... This is the description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”, based on the general impression of the painting.

"Alyonushka" today

The artist was inspired to create this masterpiece by the lyrical image of a Russian girl from the people with a sad look. This work is distinguished by its simplicity and sincerity. Today she is very famous. In 2013, the Google search engine on the main page in honor of Vasnetsov’s anniversary (165 years) changed its usual logo to a doodle, which is based on the plot of “Alyonushka”. In the background, the bushes were transformed in such a way that the company name was made up of them.

Who doesn't love Russian folk tales? “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” is a wonderful work that almost all of us remember from childhood. However, to be precise, it should be noted that the correct title of the fairy tale is “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” Like any work of this genre, it begins in the usual way with the words: “Once upon a time.” Fairy tales - that's why they are fairy tales, so that we - descendants - can pass on our folk wisdom and teach them to distinguish truth from deception, good from evil, a good person from an evil one, etc. Fairy tales play a huge educational role, without them - no child he knows about a dozen of them by heart and will gladly tell you if you really ask him.

Fairy tale "Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

In one remote village there lived an old man and an old woman; their children were their great joy: daughter Alyonushka and son Ivanushka. The time has come, and the parents died, and the children became orphans. Alyonushka began going to work and took her little brother with her.

The fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” continues with the fact that one day they were walking along a wide field and a distant path. Then Ivanushka really wanted to drink some water, and he began to plaintively ask his sister for this. But she kindly asked him to wait and assured him that soon there would be a well on their way, so they would drink from it. However, the sun began to get even hotter, and it was still a long walk to the well. The children felt languid, they were sweating, and the fever was bothering them.

And suddenly Ivanushka sees a cow’s hoof print full of water on the road. He again began to beg his sister to let him drink from the hoof, but his sister strictly forbade him to drink from it, warning him that if he did this, he would turn into a calf. Ivanushka obeyed, and they moved on.


The folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” continued with the fact that after a while the heat began to torment them even more, and a horse’s hoof with water appeared on the road, and the brother again began to ask Alyonushka to let him drink from it. Alyonushka asked him to wait a little longer and not drink from the hoof, so as not to become a foal. Ivanushka sighed heavily, and they continued on their way again.

But after a while, Ivanushka was completely unbearable, and he, seeing right there on the road, a goat’s hoof with water, did not listen to his sister Alyonushka, drank from it and turned into a kid.

When Alenka called Ivanushka, a little white goat came running to her call. Seeing him like this, she sat down under a haystack and cried bitter tears. And the little goat is jumping around next to her.

The fairy tale “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” thus teaches the younger ones to always obey their elders.


At this time, a merchant was passing by, seeing the girl in tears, he asked why she was so upset. Alenka told him about her misfortune. Then he tells her not to grieve so much, but to marry him. The merchant promised her that he would dress her in gold and silver clothes, and the little goat would live with them. Alyonushka agreed. And they all began to live together and amicably, and the kid with them, from the same cup with Alenka, eats and drinks.

One day the merchant went about his business, and suddenly a witch came from the forest, stood under the window and began to call Alyonushka to the river to swim.

Alenka came with the witch to the river, and she rushed at her and, tying a heavy stone to her neck, threw the girl into the river. She herself turned into Alyonushka, put on her dress and came to their mansion. When the merchant returned, he had no idea about the substitution. One kid is sad, doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink. In the morning he began to run to the river bank and call his dear sister, Alyonushka.

Witch's machinations

The witch quickly found out about this and began to persuade the merchant to slaughter the kid. But the merchant was in no hurry with this matter; he became attached to the cute little goat. But the witch still doesn’t let up and finally persuaded the merchant, lit fires, set up cast-iron cauldrons and sharpens knives.

The little kid approached his named father and asked him to let him go to the river to drink some water for the last time, because he didn’t have long to live in this world. He agreed.

The little goat rushed to run to the river with all his might and pitifully began to call Alyonushka so that she would have pity and intercede. But my sister was lying on the deep bottom, she responded, but she could not do anything, since the stone was heavy on her neck, the grass entangled her legs, and the sand lay on her chest.

But the fairy tale “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” did not end there.

Attentive servant

But the witch finds no place for herself; she has lost sight of the little goat. And then she sends a servant to find the kid and urgently bring him to her.

The servant went to the river and saw that a little goat was running there and calling his sister, and the sister answered him from the water that a stone was pulling her to the bottom. Hearing this conversation, he ran to the merchant and told everything. Then all the people gathered and came to the river, they threw strong nets and pulled Alyonushka to the shore, removed the unfortunate stone from her neck, dipped her in the spring water and put her on clothes. She immediately became even more beautiful than she was.

And here the fairy tale “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” comes to the most interesting part.

The little goat was so happy and having fun that he threw himself over his head three times with happiness and became the same Ivanushka again. The witch was caught, tied to the tail of a horse and released into an open field. This is how the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” ended fairly and kindly.

(1848-1926). The painting was painted in 1881, oil on canvas, 173 × 121 cm. Currently presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Painting "Alyonushka" became one of Vasnetsov’s most famous works. The artist is known for depicting scenes from Russian folk tales in an unusually realistic manner. With his input, fairy-tale characters appeared as if they were alive and created such a strong impression on the Russian viewer that for many decades this artist has been a favorite for many residents of our country and abroad.

The painting referred to here was included in the cycle of fairy-tale works by Vasnetsov. When creating this work, the great Russian painter took as a basis the plot of the fairy tale “ About sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Vasnetsov began writing “Alyonushka” in 1880 and finished it in 1881. He painted the landscape of the painting on the banks of the Vori in Abramtsevo, by the pond in Akhtyrka, and the image of Alyonushka was inspired by a girl he accidentally saw. This is how Viktor Vasnetsov himself spoke about the inspiration that came: “Alyonushka” seemed to have been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw it in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who captured my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes... Some special Russian spirit wafted from her. It is interesting that the painting was originally called differently - “Fool Alyonushka.” In the 19th century, the term “fool” was used to describe orphans.

After work on the painting was completed, Vasnetsov presented it at the Traveling Exhibition, where it received great attention, and one of the critics, Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar (1871-1960), even called this work one of the best paintings of the Russian school.

The atmospheric picture makes you feel its mood. The girl, whose eyes and entire image express indescribable sadness, talks about the difficult fate of the heroine of the film. The silence of the black pool of the pond, the dreary darkness of the coniferous forest behind Alyonushka, the gloomy sky only emphasize the tragedy that happened to the unfortunate girl. Surprisingly, there is nothing fabulous in this picture and therefore it amazes the viewer, who is accustomed to understanding a fairy-tale picture or illustration as something fantastic, unusual, and impossible. Looking at this picture, it seems that that very fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” is more real than one might think, it is a story that needs to be taken seriously and read as something very important, hiding some truth about evil and goodness, deceit and love.

Painting “Alyonushka” Viktor Vasnetsov

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Development of creative thinking. We work according to a fairy tale Shiyan Olga Aleksandrovna

Fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”

This is a fairy tale with transformation. In such fairy tales, the hero turns not just into someone else, but into someone opposite to himself: a man into an animal, a witch into a beautiful girl, a princess into a frog, etc. The wisdom of a fairy tale is that it teaches you to be prepared for the inconstancy of external characteristics, teaches us to see not only the difference, the discrepancy of opposites, but also the possibility of their transition into each other. The transformation occurs instantly and miraculously - the fairy tale does not report any intermediate states.

But, as in many similar fairy tales, there are changeling heroes who took on someone else’s appearance for a short time. And the little reader must learn to see the hidden witch behind the beautiful appearance, and vice versa, behind the ugly - the beautiful. The unity of opposites in one hero describes the dialectical action of unification.

The means of solving the problem when working with this fairy tale will be a dialectical scheme. Squares of black and white color capture the relationship of opposites. Children will create a sign to designate an object that simultaneously has opposite characteristics during the lesson with the help of an adult.

1. Read a fairy tale, answer questions

Target. Developing the ability to identify the main characters and the sequence of the main episodes of a literary text.

Materials. Illustrations for the fairy tale - Ivanushka and Alyonushka; Alyonushka with a kid; a witch with Alyonushka and a kid; baby goat on the bank; merchant, Ivanushka and Alyonushka.


The teacher reads a fairy tale and shows illustrations.

Then he asks questions about the content of the fairy tale and puts on the board plot pictures illustrating the main episodes. Questions should be asked in such a way that children do not have to agree or disagree (answer “yes” or “no”), but give a detailed answer.

Sample questions:

Who are the main characters of the fairy tale? (A discussion is possible here - if the children name only Alyonushka and Ivanushka, you can ask whether the witch is the main character or not.)

Where did Alyonushka and Ivanushka go?

What did Ivanushka ask Alyonushka for the first (second, third) time? Why did he ask for this? Did Alyonushka allow him to do what he wanted? Why? Did he listen to his sister?

Did Ivanushka listen to Alyonushka for the third time? Why? What happened to Ivanushka?

Where did Alyonushka and his brother go after that?

What did the witch do to Alyonushka?

What did she want to do with Ivanushka? Why did she decide to kill him?

It is important that children try to restore cause-and-effect relationships. If they give, for example, the following answer: “I wanted to kill them because I was angry,” you should be surprised: “Well, why didn’t she decide to kill all the animals? How exactly did the kid bother her?”

What did the kid say to the merchant when he ran to the river? But in fact, why did he run? Why didn’t he tell the merchant the truth?

The “tricks” that the heroes resort to are not so easy for a child to understand - after all, they require the ability to take someone else’s position, to see the situation from the point of view of different heroes.

What saved Ivanushka? How did you manage to save Alyonushka? What happened to him after that?

What did they do with the witch?

As a result, all the illustrations for the fairy tale are lined up on the board.

The teacher invites the children to become storytellers and tell a fairy tale, and the pictures will help them with this. Children take turns coming to the board and retelling episodes of the fairy tale, based on the illustrations. The teacher helps to restore connections between episodes and explain cause-and-effect relationships.

2. Role-play the fairy tale

Goals. Expressing attitudes towards the heroes of a fairy tale through symbolic means. Creating problematic and contradictory situations and solving them by symbolic means.

Materials. Badges with images of fairy tale characters: sister Alyonushka, brother Ivanushka, kid, witch, merchant.


In this lesson, children have the opportunity to express their attitude towards the characters through dramatization games through such symbolic means as movement, voice, intonation, etc.

Already when distributing and playing roles, children will be faced with contradictory situations - does the little goat remain Ivanushka after the transformation or not? Who is the witch who turned into Alyonushka? These problematic situations will be sorted out and analyzed in the next lesson, but now it is important to show the children their existence and offer their symbolic solution - through a role. The hero icon is a means of holding the role.

The teacher reminds the children of the content of the fairy tale and suggests assigning roles. Already during the distribution of roles, the question will arise as to whether a separate performer is needed for the role of the kid or whether he should be played by the same boy as Ivanushka.

You should start assigning roles with Ivanushka:

Today we will role-play a fairy tale. Here are the icons, they depict all the characters from the fairy tale. Each actor who will play someone's role will receive their own badge. First, let's choose who will play the role of Alyonushka, Ivanushka.

A problematic and contradictory situation.

Vasya will play Ivanushka, and who should we give the little goat badge to?

If children say that they need to choose another actor to play the kid and give him a badge, it’s worth asking:

That is, the kid is no longer Ivanushka? Has he just become a little goat? So, Vasya should play two roles at once? But then it won’t be clear who he is playing now - Ivanushka or the kid turned into Ivanushka.

These questions should be asked to children in different wording, until one of the children comes up with the idea of ​​inviting one actor to change the badge during the fairy tale: first put on the Ivanushka badge, and then the little goat badge. The idea of ​​a mask may also arise - it also fully reflects the essence of the transformation. This idea itself is valuable as a solution to the problem, so you should not prepare the mask in advance.

In this lesson, it is enough to identify the problem and solve it in such a symbolic way (by changing the icon). Note that there will be no mistake in this - since the same child will wear different badges - accepting the role and at the same time remaining himself and becoming different.

A problematic situation will also arise with who will play the witch, who has already turned into Alyonushka. This question will arise only during the course of the fairy tale, since when distributing the roles, two performers will definitely be needed - after all, both characters exist independently in the fairy tale.

Children can offer different solutions: put on Alyonushka a witch badge, put on Alyonushka a witch badge, or choose a third actress to play the role of a witch. All three solutions are possible, since they allow us to maintain the duality of the character, the unification of opposites in him, but all options are worth discussing in detail and inviting children to choose one.

3. Solving the dialectical problem using a combination scheme

Target. Solving a dialectical problem using a dialectical unification scheme.

Materials. Picture with a kid, squares white, black, gray.

Dialectical task: After the transformation, Ivanushka is a kid or a boy?


“Formal-logical trap”: the child notices only one of the opposites or “does not see” their unity.

We need to help children discover the moment when opposites unite. As a means of helping a child understand the essence of a fairy tale, it is necessary to use a dialectical scheme that allows one to reflect the relationship of opposites and their transition into each other.

Dialectical task.

The teacher attaches a picture of a kid to the board and asks: “Guys, who is this?”

It is interesting to listen to the children’s answers: it is imperative to repeat all the options so that they can be heard by the participants in the discussion. Almost certainly someone will innocently answer that this is a kid, and someone will say that this is actually Ivanushka, turned into a kid. The discussion needs to start around these options:

There were different answers, but let's figure it out - who is this? The squares will help us with this. Who remembers what they mean?

It’s good if the children say that the squares represent what is “the other way around.” If they don’t tell you, it’s worth dwelling on this briefly:

Remember, last time we used these squares to denote the opposite of each other? We even played this game - I show a white square and say the word, and then show a black square and you say the word the other way around. Let's try to play like this again now.

During the game, the teacher reminds the children of the method of action - in response to the appearance of a contrasting square, they must name a word with the opposite meaning.

Now let's get back to our fairy tale. Ivanushka drank water from a goat's hoof and became a little goat, the fairy tale says. Here's a picture. So who do you think it is now?

At this moment, it is very important to hear the opposite answers and draw the attention of all children to them:

Your opinions differ - some say it’s Ivanushka, others say it’s a kid. Let's, if we think that this is Ivanushka, we will designate it with a white square, and if we think that it is a kid, we will designate it with a black square.

White and black squares are attached to both sides of the picture.

Justification (proof) of opposing judgments.

The teacher says: “Since there are different opinions, that means explanations and evidence are needed.”

Each piece of evidence must be listened to (or the children must be helped to construct it) separately.

The teacher asks a question:

Who thinks that Ivanushka drank from the hoof and became a little goat, but ceased to be a boy?

Together with the children, it is necessary to highlight the fact that he really became a kid, with hooves and horns.

When the children agree that Ivanushka has finally turned into a kid, a counter-question is asked:

How did Alyonushka address him and treat him, what did she call him? (Indicating that she understood that he was not only a kid, but also a boy.) So who thinks that in the fairy tale, Ivanushka drank from the hoof, but still remained a boy?

If the children agree that it was and remains the boy Ivanushka, the teacher asks another counter-question:

Well, do you have such boys in your group, with hooves and horns? Are you sure he's still a boy?

So, some guys prove that Ivanushka was a kid, and others - that he was a boy. Who was he?

This question was already asked at the beginning of the discussion, but now it sounds completely different for children - after all, they have already managed to “live” each answer option and now they can really detect a problematic situation!

Most likely, one of the guys will try to solve the problem and say that it was “a boy and a kid at the same time” or “not quite a kid.” This is already a wonderful answer. It would seem that the problem has been solved - a union has been discovered. However, searching for the appropriate schematic notation will reveal whether there is genuine understanding.

The teacher asks:

Lena says that he was both a boy and a kid at the same time. But how can we define this?

The question should be asked exactly this way, you should not ask: “Which square should we choose?” - this will provoke too much to choose one of the available squares.

An adult removes both squares from the board and invites one of the children to designate Ivanushka the Little Goat.

Surely the children will first try to choose one of the squares - in this case the teacher should remind:

Still, do you think that he was just a boy? (If you choose a white square.)

Do you think he was a complete brat? (If you choose a black square.)

The point of this question is for the children themselves to discover the need for a special icon for unification. The options may be different: children can offer to take two squares at once (in this case it is worth asking why there are two squares, because we are talking about one character), move two squares, take one square, but of two colors, etc. If someone suggests take both squares and try to move them and put them on top of each other (for example), you need to joyfully mark this sentence.

Dialectical transformation.

Only if the children themselves offer one of the options for combining black and white, the teacher offers them a gray badge.

I see you want to say that the square should be both black and white at the same time, but you don't know how to do it. Let me offer you this icon.

If an adult feels that children can handle a more complex question, you can invite them to solve this “problem within a problem” themselves:

I see that you want to say that the square must be both black and white, but how to do this?

After introducing the icon, the teacher summarizes:

So, what will the gray icon mean?

It is very important that the diagram does not become an end in itself, but helps children grasp the dialectic of the situation: the wonderful unification of opposite characteristics - a boy and a kid - in one character.

4. Solving the dialectical problem using a combination scheme

Target. Solving a dialectical problem using a combination scheme.

Materials. Picture of a girl, white, black, black and white squares.


Now the problematic situation is unfolding around the picture with the image of Alyonushka: the fact is that behind Alyonushka’s appearance in the fairy tale there is either a girl or a witch hiding. The merchant was in trouble because he did not understand this, blindly trusting his eyes. The solution to the problem will be the discovery of transformation.

Dialectical task: Is Alyonushka hiding a girl or a witch behind her appearance?

“Formal-logical trap”: children may not notice the transformation - the fact that in some episodes of a fairy tale a girl can be hidden behind the same appearance, and in others a witch.

At first, the discussion is conducted in the same vein as the solution to the previous problem, although the situation is somewhat different: in the fairy tale there is a character opposite to Alyonushka - unlike the real kid, the witch in the fairy tale is present in her natural form. This means that behind the same appearance either a girl or a witch can be hidden. Using this character as an example, we can discuss first unification and then transformation. The problem needs to be formulated a little differently than in the case of the kid, so that the children do not act according to the model.

Dialectical task.

The teacher says:

Remember what the witch did in the fairy tale? Yes, she turned into Alyonushka and began to live in the merchant’s house. But who did she become after the transformation - a witch or Alyonushka?

Justification (proof) of opposing points of view.

Most likely, the first answer will be that this is Alyonushka. One should support this first version and ask:

What in the fairy tale shows that she was Alyonushka?

I would like the children to remember that the merchant took her for his wife (“did not recognize” her as a witch) - which means that the witch became completely like Alyonushka.

After this comes a counter-question:

So, she turned into a girl, and now we can say that this is Alyonushka?

Only when the children are indignant does the teacher ask:

What in the fairy tale shows that she was a witch?

The children must remember how she behaved, how she wanted to kill Ivanushka, how she persuaded the merchant to do this.

So she still remained a witch?

Return to solving a dialectical problem using a diagram.

The teacher attaches squares to the board and says:

Let's denote the witch with a black square and Alyonushka with a white square. How can we indicate that the witch has turned into Alyonushka?

Most likely, the children will say that Alyonushka should be designated as a black and white square. If this does not happen, you can structure the work in the same way as when discussing Ivanushka the Little Goat.

If the children unanimously propose a black and white square, the teacher says: “I think black and white: what if this is no longer Alyonushka, but a witch in her guise?”

If the guys agree that this is Alyonushka, turned into a witch, the teacher says: “Or maybe this is the real Alyonushka, and she can be designated by a white square?”

When the children confirm that this may well be the case, the teacher repeats the question: “So what icon can be selected for the picture with Alyonushka?”

Dialectical transformation.

The result of the discussion may be the conclusion that, depending on the episode of the fairy tale, you need to use either a white (at the beginning) or a black and white square. Some of the guys may discover that the white square can also represent Alyonushka at the very end of the fairy tale.

5. Draw illustrations for a fairy tale

Goals. Development of the ability to express attitudes towards the characters of a fairy tale through symbolic means.

Materials. Grey, black, white squares.


At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to remember the discoveries that were made while working with the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka,” then says: “Look, today there are no pictures on the board - only squares. Can you decipher what they mean?”

Based on the children's answers, one can judge how much they managed to grasp the essence of the unification scheme.

If the children say that this is Ivanushka who turned into a kid, or a witch who turned into Alyonushka, that’s great. If other versions are heard (Ivanushka, Alyonushka), you should definitely stop and ask the children the question:

Vasya says that the gray square represents Alyonushka, and Petya says Alyonushka, who turned into a witch. Which one is right?

It is imperative to listen to all versions and complete the discussion only when a convincing explanation is received that the black and white square means the simultaneity of opposites - a girl and a witch, a boy and an animal.

Next, the teacher invites each child to choose an episode of a fairy tale that he wants to draw. Choosing an episode for preschoolers is a serious task: they are very imitative and often mistake other people's preferences for their own. Therefore, the teacher listens to the children, helps them explain their choice of episode and emphasizes that everyone liked different moments of the fairy tale.

Children draw the fragment they like. At the end of the work, the children are asked to tell what they depicted; You can discuss which episode was depicted most often, that is, which turned out to be the most favorite in the group, and why. It is very important to look at how often the dialectical action of unification or transformation occurs in children’s drawings and stories (whether inverted characters are depicted, or whether children talk about them).

Children's drawings are put together into one book called “We are reading the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka,” for which the teacher draws the cover. You can also come up with a plot for the cover together with your children; the drawing should correspond to the name - depict how children read a fairy tale.

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The existence of cars, airplanes, and spaceships has long become familiar to us. I wanted to be transported to the ends of the world - turn on the TV, and the landscapes of Africa, the Amazon, and a polar bear on an ice floe will appear on the screen. People have created more miracles than fairy-tale heroes. But why does the fairy tale remain so sweet and dear? Why do people still write fairy tales? The fact is that all adults were once children, and children are always told fairy tales. And no matter what we invent, no matter where fate takes us, the fairy tale remains with us. A fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, the fairy tale will also be alive. She is a firefly before sleep in the cradle. And for the little one who listens, and for the old one who speaks.

The fairy tale teaches us to treat each other kindly, help each other and love each other.

One boy said: “If I were a fairy tale, I wouldn’t have a good ending, I wouldn’t have any ending at all, I would go on and on.”

But that doesn't happen.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

The history of folk tales.

A fairy tale is a literary work that always tells about something unusual and magical. In fairy tales there is always a struggle between good and evil, honest and good always wins. It carries an element of moral teaching. The fairy tale got its name from the word skaz. A tale is an oral story, a narration, a message that is passed from mouth to mouth. People who can tell stories very well are called storytellers.

Why were fairy tales interesting to our distant ancestors? In them, our ancestors conveyed their idea of ​​the world. The ancestors did not know how to explain why the seasons change, why day gives way to night. Why are the days long in summer and short in winter?

The fairy tale was interesting to ancient people for its entertaining and unusual nature. A weak person wanted good defenders, smart advisers. The fairy tale is not only interesting because it is entertaining, it helped relieve fatigue on long winter evenings, when the whole family worked by the light of a torch. If something is interesting, then even difficult and uninteresting work is done faster and easier. In addition, fairy tales always contain a lot of funny and cheerful things, and fun gives vigor.

A folk tale is the result of the imagination, invention, fantasy of not one person, but of many over the course of centuries. How was it created? On long winter evenings, when there was a snowstorm and crackling frost outside the window, some smart and imaginative hunter or fisherman began to talk about his hunting adventures. He spoke not only about what actually happened, but also lied and exaggerated. If his story was very interesting, they listened to him willingly and then asked him to tell it again. Some of the listeners remembered his story, but not all the details. 10-15 years later, one of the listeners, on the same stormy evening, retold this story to his grandchildren, but added something of his own. A few years later, his grandson orally, like his father, retold the fairy tale and also introduced new elements into it. Thus, over time, the fairy tale became the result of fiction, the imagination of not one person, but many. Therefore, when we pick up a collection of folk tales, we encounter many similar options there.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 – 1926).

The paintings of V. M. Vasnetsov are inextricably linked with the world of fairy tales and folk fantasy and therefore are especially loved from early childhood.

Vasnetsov was born into the family of a rural priest; his childhood was spent in the small village of Ryabovo, Vyatka province, which has long been famous for the majestic beauty of nature and the art of folk craftsmen. Here, for the first time, young Vasnetsov heard and fell in love with Russian folk tales, epics, and songs for the rest of his life.

He received his art education at the best educational institution in Russia - the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

In Moscow, Viktor Mikhailovich will rub shoulders with many wonderful artists, with the founder of the famous gallery P. M. Tretyakov. The facade of the building of the beloved Tretyakov Gallery, the Tretyakov Gallery, was made according to Vasnetsov’s sketch. He often visits the country estate of S.I. Mamontov in the village of Abramtsevo. This is where the ideas for Vasnetsov’s fabulous works were born: the paintings “Carpet – Airplane”, “Alyonushka”, “Ivan the Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf”. These paintings entered the treasury of Russian art.

On his canvases we see many heroes of Russian folk tales.

V. M. Vasnetsov had versatile talents. He painted fabulous paintings and was a brilliant master of monumental art: he painted the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, created the “Stone Age” frieze for the Historical Museum in Moscow; designed performances and created a number of soulful and profound portraits.

Not far from the noisy Garden Ring, in one of the quiet side streets of Moscow, there is a fabulous tower. This is the House-Museum of V. M. Vasnetsov, built according to his design in 1894. Here he lived and worked, and here he died. There are always a lot of children in this house today - they come here, driven by interest in the work of one of the most poetic artists in Russia.

What is similar between the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” and the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”?

A fairy tale cannot exist without magical objects. There are many magical objects in this fairy tale: a cow's hoof, a horse's hoof, a goat's hoof, spring water and an elegant dress.

There is a magical little goat. He sees a witch, but the merchant did not even notice that this was not his wife.

There is a magic number three. The little goat turned over his head three times and became a boy. Three hooves. The little goat calls Alyonushka three times to swim to the shore. Alyonushka answers three times. And three more items: high fires, cast iron cauldrons, damask knives.

A fairy tale cannot exist without good and evil heroes. Good always wins in fairy tales. In this fairy tale, “the witch was tied to a horse’s tail and released into an open field.”

There is no episode in the fairy tale that is depicted in the painting by the artist Vasnetsov. Perhaps this fairy tale inspired the artist to paint the painting “Alyonushka”.

In the painting “Alyonushka” a girl is depicted: a bowed head, a look full of sadness - everything speaks of melancholy and grief. The surrounding nature is in tune with her mood. The film combines the poetry of folk tales and the beauty of Russian nature.

Let's do some research.

Vasnetsov depicted Alyonushka near the water because her whole life is connected with water. She drowns in a river, and then she is revived by the same water. Brother Ivanushka also turns into a little goat with the help of water. There is also water in the well, which Ivanushka could not reach. Alyonushka cries both in the fairy tale and in the painting.

The fairy tale is sad, although it ends well and Alyonushka in the picture is sad.

The fairy tale and the painting have a sad, melancholy mood in common. We like the picture. In the fairy tale: I also like silk grass and yellow sands.

The painting and the fairy tale evoke a poetic and lyrical mood.

They say the man is lyrically inclined. This is when he is sad, grieving, crying.

Sad things can be liked if they are beautiful.

The Russian fairy tale with its poetry, fiction, and great wisdom captivated the artist. M. Vasnetsov to become an artist and storyteller. He created his own individual manner, his own style - the embodiment of the world of fairy tales.

The Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” inspired V. M. Vasnetsov to paint the painting “Alyonushka”.

One day Vasnetsov saw an orphan girl in the village. Her eyes struck him - there was such sadness in them. And he decided to paint a picture about it.

The artist made a sketch. A girl sits on a stone by the water. She lowered her head to her knees and curled up into a ball. Everything around is deserted and silent.

Following this sketch, many others appeared, executed in pencil and oil paints.

Many nature studies have also been preserved, depicting young trees and an overgrown pond.

Only after a long preliminary work did the artist begin the painting itself.

And here in front of us is the painting “Alyonushka”.

The girl looks motionless into the gloomy waters of the pool. Her head drooped. Tangled strands of hair hang down. She is like a broken aspen branch that descends next to the pool.

The very pose of the girl, the expression of her eyes, the torn old dress - everything speaks of poverty and the bitter lot of an orphan.

Nature seems to sympathize with Alyonushka and yearn with her.

The colors also convey this mood. The main tones here are gray, green, and yellowish. There is nothing bright in the picture. Everything merges into a quiet, thoughtful fairy tale.

There is no episode in the fairy tale, which is depicted in the painting by the artist Vasnetsov, but there is a beginning in it, where it is said that “mother and father died, and Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left alone - alone, without relatives, without friends.” The fairy tale does not describe the girl’s condition after the death of her parents. One can imagine that she came to the pool and cried about her bitter fate.

Therefore, I believe that this is that Alyonushka. There were many girls who became orphans and one of them was our “Alyonushka”.

I will continue my research work further. I was interested in another painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”. I will conduct a study of what unites the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” and the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden”.