Art in preparatory. Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group “Sunset”

Target: Bring joy and pleasure to children. Maintain interest in visual arts and the desire to play games with visual content.

Material and accessories:

multi-colored stripes of seven colors of the rainbow, a box with multi-colored butterflies and corresponding flowers, gouache paints, candles, summer and winter landscapes, pictures of landscapes, portraits, still lifes.

Quiz progress:

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you on a trip to an unusual country, do you like to travel?
Children: Yes. Here we have received an invitation from a fairyland.
Educator: But first you have to guess what kind of unusual country this is. To find out where we are going, look at these pictures.
(slides appear on the screen showing pictures of a needle, an umbrella, a window).

Educator: The name of the country is hidden in these pictures. Consider what is shown here?
Children: needle, umbrella, window.
Educator: Select the first sound from each word and join them together. What kind of country is hidden in these pictures?
Children: maybe this is “fine art country”?
Educator: Of course, the country is called “IZO”. Maybe some of you know what the word “IZO” means? What words are hidden in it?
Children: art.
Educator: Yes, children, this unusual country is called “The Country of Fine Arts”, from the word depict, which means to draw.

Guys, is it easy to become an artist?
Children: you need to be able to draw.
Educator: And to learn how to draw, you need to have talent, patience, and many different subjects. But to get to the country of fine art you need to overcome obstacles

Guess the poems - riddles.
If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut
Required picture
Called - SCENERY.
If you see in the picture
Cup, coffee on the table,
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal,
Or a bronze vase,
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know what it is - STILL LIFE.
If you see what's in the picture
Is anyone looking at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or like a steeplejack,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor,
Required picture
Called - PORTRAIT.
- If an artist paints houses, rivers, nature, then what are such paintings called? Children: These paintings are called landscapes. (Children show the landscape)
- What are the names of the paintings in which the artist draws a person? Children: Portrait. (Children show a portrait)
- And now, we go further along our gallery.
-What is the name of the genre of painting when there is a lot of fruit? Children: Still life. But since now it’s winter time of year, we’ll play, but for this we need to overcome an obstacle

Game “Assemble summer and winter collages”

Leading:- We need to take the necessary items to the country of fine arts. But first, guess the riddles, and the riddles are different necessary things for drawing.


1. If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (Pencil)

2. Huddle in a narrow house

Colorful kids

Just release it into the wild -

They will decorate the clear field

Where was the emptiness

Look there - beauty! (Colour pencils)

3. If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain. (Rubber)

4. The white pebble melted,

He left marks on the board. (Chalk)

5. Do your own braids without fear

She dips it in paint. (tassel)

6. Multi-colored sisters

Bored without water. (Paints)

Well done, you guessed it.

Educator: Well, now you know what a real artist needs, you can hit the road. Well, do you agree to go on a trip around the country of fine arts? Then let's go! A magic path will help us not to get lost.
(children walk along a path made of paper cut-out tracks to the music) and approach the rainbow bridge

(Pay attention to the arcs.)

Let's go to the rainbow bridge.

Educator: Oh, guys, look, the rainbow has disappeared, and the sun has become sad! Now it will always be dark in the “land of fine arts”!
(The “sad sun without a rainbow” slide appears on the screen)

Educator: What to do now?
(The teacher leads the children to the fact that a rainbow can be assembled from multi-colored stripes. There are strips of different colors on the floor)
Educator: What are the colors of the rainbow?
Children: Do you need every color to be in its place? We know the magic rhyme: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”
(Children collect a rainbow from multi-colored stripes, a smiling sun with a rainbow appears on the screen)
Educator: What a great fellow you are for collecting a rainbow! The sun will now smile.
Educator: To become real artists, I suggest you learn how to mix colors. Now we will try to get the primary colors.
(children do the mixing and tell who got what; if possible, ask all the children) children sit at the tables and carry out experiments

Children: You only need to take 2 paints.

"Experiment with paints"". "Merry palette"

What paint do you need to add blue to to get blue?

If there are no clouds in the sky,

The sky is blue,

Let's pour white color into it,

And we get (blue).

What do you think should be mixed to make - (green)

Mix yellow and red,

What color do we get? (orange)

(kids get orange...)

Competition "Butterflies and Flowers"

(a set of butterflies and flowers of primary and secondary colors.

In a playful way, the teacher asks the child to find each butterfly its own flower (house), explaining that the flower should be the same color as the butterfly.)

I know that in our garden children love to draw. I want you to become real artists.

Leading: What is needed for this?

Children: Paints and the desire to paint

But we still have not met the inhabitants of the country of IZO.

The country is filled with colorful colors. And King Palette rules the country!

King Palette: Hello guys! I am very glad that you accepted my invitation. And I suggest you now become artists, i.e. draw a mysterious picture with a candle and paints. I propose to draw a wavy line along the edges of the sheet, and in the middle - whoever wants: geometric shapes, letters, a butterfly, snowflakes, etc. At the end, the drawing is covered with your favorite paint - color. The transformation begins.

Children are surprised and exchange impressions.

In the meantime, our drawings are drying, we’ll play with you

“Finish the sentence” task
- In winter there is snowfall, and in autumn...
- In winter there is snow, and in summer...
- In winter, snow falls, and in spring...
- In winter they go sledding, and in summer...
- In winter the forest sleeps, and in spring...
- In winter they go ice skating, and in summer...
- It can be cold in winter, and in summer...
- In winter the trees are white, and in autumn...
- In winter the snowdrifts grow, and in the summer they grow...
- In winter, insects hide, and in spring...
At the end of the lesson, children’s work is examined, praised, and beautiful pictures are given as souvenirs.)

And now it's time to return to kindergarten. We are leaving the fairyland of fine art. Here is our magic path. We returned to our group.

Natalya Samokhina

Summary of an art lesson in the preparatory group« Sunset»

TARGET: Introduce artistic techniques; develop a feeling

composition and color and stimulate interest in visual creativity.

TASKS: 1. Learn to understand the expressive means of painting (color,

line, color, rhythm) Strengthen the ability to distinguish between types of landscape.

2. Develop graphic skills (select a color scheme that corresponds to a certain time of day; use various painting techniques when depicting the sky)

3. Promote the education of the individual, cultivate a reverent attitude towards native nature.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Image sunset, reproductions of paintings with landscapes, musical accompaniment, paper, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes.

Course of classes:

Guys, we have something unusual today class, we will go on an excursion to our unusual museum. Guys, have you been to museums where paintings are displayed, raise your hands, who has been? Let's imagine that we are in a museum where paintings by different artists hang. Who are these artists? That's right guys, this is a man who draws pictures. The artist is like a wizard, a magician who admires the beauty of nature in his paintings; he depicts the splendor of the expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers; he can show in a drawing the beauty of a blooming garden or the majesty of a mighty oak tree, various animals, people, the sea and sunsets. Look how many paintings we have here and they are all different, but what unites these paintings. I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone is calling you.


Katya was very surprised

Looking out the window -

For some reason on sunset

It turned red.

Today we continue working on the landscape. But first, let's repeat what landscapes are (urban, maritime, rural):- all the pictures on my board are mixed up... Help me put them in their place. So today we will draw like real artists sunset, and we will draw with wax crayons and watercolors. We have already drawn with wax crayons more than once, so we know various techniques for drawing with wax crayons. But first, let's see what different there are sunsets....Look at pictures from sunsets sunshine and listen to poetry


Sunset dazzling sun,

Playful with a radiant pattern,

It's amazing to watch in silence

Golden spill on the sea.

The crimson sky sparkles,

A million lit lights

It's in a new color every time,

It amazes with its palette.

A fireball in a bright train,

Plays in the seething wave,

Golden shimmering light,

The sun is reflected in the water.

Instantly the luminary sets,

Just touching the water with the disk,

The lightning disappeared from the horizon,

The rays go out in the abyss.

Flocks of seagulls circle over the sea,

The waves caress the surf,

On a wonderful evening, a huge sea,

Filled with blue again.

Maria Gordeeva 2

Sunset on the river

Having finished the day of the past accomplishment,

To give the earth a little rest,

Lord Sun with fiery glow

Beyond the horizon the path ends.

Painting the sky with bright strokes,

And saying goodbye to the passing day,

The golden ball melted in the stream of waters,

Leaving only memories of him.

Having accepted sunset into cool arms,

And dissolving his fire in the waves,

The river caresses the horizon with a kiss,

Spilling out tenderness to the skies.

IN sunset for an hour everything is shrouded in mystery,

Everything froze in anticipation of miracles,

And a shadow approaches unnoticed

In almost extinct sunset forest.

River… Sunset. ... endless spaces...

And the sky is covered in fluffy clouds,

The sun tiredly disappeared from the horizon...

The Night has come, the Day has calmed in dreams....

We will draw with wax crayons on thick paper. Drawing a landscape with wax crayons is done using chalk of the same color as the sun. The teacher showed several ways to draw the sun, paint over it, leaving white gaps. Then, when working with paints, these gaps will be filled in, and a beautiful effect will be obtained. It is better to apply strokes according to the shape. First, light colors, then gradually darken in the right places, creating volume with shadows.

Next we continue to paint with watercolors in several ways of tinting. sky: in a raw way, when paints carefully pour color into color, you can depict contrasting color transitions, you can paint the sky with separate strokes. Do not forget that the sky in our drawing is not separate in itself. It is reflected in the water, its reflections will be present everywhere, so do not forget to add the appropriate reflexes to your work. The teacher invites students to remember what they saw the sunset, observed in nature and draw it. Children work to music.

Everyone has their own unique sunset.

Let's look at what expressive works you have produced.

You worked well today class. This is our class is over.

Drawing is one of the most joyful and exciting activities for a child. In kindergarten, quite a lot of time is devoted to fine arts classes. The most important thing is that little ones do not need to be forced into this type of creativity - they themselves enjoy drawing. It is important that every child experiences a situation of success, regardless of their abilities in the visual arts. And to create such conditions, non-traditional drawing techniques come to the aid of the teacher. Let's look at some of the features of the work, and also give an example of a list of the most successful topics for mastering this type of creativity in long-term planning.

What are the benefits of non-traditional techniques?

In the preparatory group, traditional drawing requires a significant complication of the technique in comparison with the earlier stages of educational activity in kindergarten. What should you do if your baby is unable to make straight lines, maintain proportions and clearly draw contours? After all, a couple of failures, and the little one may lose interest in drawing forever. In this case, unconventional drawing techniques come to the rescue. The main thing they teach children is not to be afraid of mistakes.

The very atmosphere of drawing classes in t=non-traditional techniques sets children up for positivity, the expectation of success, regardless of abilities

The main thing they teach children is to have no fear of mistakes. After all, the drawing is very easy to correct, just paint on something or erase it. In addition, non-traditional drawing techniques
  • give the little ones confidence in themselves and their abilities;
  • develop aesthetic taste, creativity, imagination;
  • help expand ideas about the world;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • foster independent thinking.

What techniques are used in the preparatory group

With children 6–7 years old, you can practice all the methods of creating a drawing, which children become familiar with throughout their entire period of study in kindergarten. Moreover, creative educators add a number of new techniques to this list.

This is interesting. It is dangerous to use gouache for techniques that require highly diluted paint, as a white coating may appear after drying.

Drawing with cotton swabs

This is interesting. Plots in this technique can be created both within the contour and without it.

The essence of the method is that paint (watercolor or gouache) is applied with a cotton swab instead of the usual brush. The drawing can be created with lines (in other words, used as a brush), or you can use it with pokes, that is, apply a stick to a sheet of paper, press it, and thus create a plot. To work you will need a simple set:

  • cotton swabs (separate for each paint color);
  • paints;
  • wet wipes (to wipe fingers and inaccuracies in the drawing).

This is interesting. Some preschool educational institutions use acrylic paints. But drawing on paper with them is not very convenient, since due to their consistency they take a long time to dry, but on fabric they produce amazing drawings. This is how another unconventional painting technique appeared - acrylic on fabric.

Example of drawing with cotton swabs

"Spring mood"

This is an example of creating a drawing without a previously drawn outline.


  1. “We wet the stick with green paint and draw a stem with smaller stems diverging in different directions. We draw a continuous line for each piece of stem.”
  2. “We wet the stick with yellow paint and apply circular strokes based on the stem. The line should resemble spiral circles - from smallest to largest."
  3. “Dip a cotton swab into a different color and repeat the previous step.”

A child can create one flower with multi-colored buds, or he can make a whole bouquet. If possible, the child should choose the color scheme himself.

Video. Dandelions using the technique of painting with cotton swabs

Photo gallery of drawings using the technique of painting with cotton swabs

Drawings with cotton swabs can be combined with appliqué The technique of drawing with cotton swabs is often combined with the technique of drawing with fingers (berries are depicted with fingers in this drawing) To give the drawing a clearer outline, plot elements can be outlined with felt-tip pens

Drawing with a poke: rainbow, rowan and other compositions

It is no coincidence that this technique is adjacent to the method of creating a pattern with cotton swabs. The fact is that in some sources these two methods are considered identical. Yes, indeed, the most common way to create a drawing with a cotton swab is a poke, that is, the stick is dipped into paint (gouache or watercolor) and when positioned vertically in relation to the sheet, an imprint is made on the paper. Particularly beautiful drawings are obtained if you take several sticks, connect them into a bundle and draw with this bunch. Nevertheless, a poke can occur when using

  • fingers - then the imprint is made with a finger dipped in paint;
  • with a hard brush - the poke turns out to be needle-shaped;
  • with a soft brush - the print turns out softer, as if rounded.

This is interesting. Drawing with fingers is especially widely used when working in younger groups. This method allows children to develop fine motor skills and at the same time learn about themselves and their creative capabilities.

Let's look at examples of creating poke patterns using cotton swabs.

Examples of poke drawings



  1. “We take 14 sticks.”
  2. “Dip 2 sticks in red and poke them into a rainbow arc.”
  3. Then the guys repeat the action with pairs of other rainbow colors (orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).
  4. “Now we wet the stick with yellow paint and draw the sun with rays with pokes.”
  5. “We show the background sky in blue.”
  6. “Dip a stick into white paint and create clouds in the sky with circular movements.”

There is another option for creating a rainbow using this technique. But it requires a certain skill, since we will connect multi-colored pairs into one line.


  1. “We wet the stick with red and place it on a clean sheet.”
  2. “We quickly perform the same operation with other colors.”
  3. “We take the sticks in one linear bundle and poke them in an arc.”
  4. Next, we complete the plot according to the previous instructions.

This is interesting. This version of the drawing is faster, but requires a certain skill from the kids, since they need to quickly dip the sticks into the paint, and then place them clearly in one line with their fingers.


An autumn-themed drawing allows you to combine two techniques: lines and poking with cotton swabs.


  1. “We dip a stick in black paint and draw a tree trunk with branches.”
  2. “We take a bunch of sticks and tie it with an elastic band.”
  3. “We dip the bunch in red paint and with one poke we create a bunch of rowan berries.”

Video. Willow in the technique of drawing with a brush

Photo gallery of drawings using the poking technique

If you dilute the paint to the consistency of sour cream, then the drawing with a poke will be more embossed. For poking with a hard brush, you do not need to add a lot of water to the paint. Poking with a cotton swab is convenient for making precipitation.

Salt painting technique

As the name of the method suggests, salt is required to create the image. It is better if it is not extra, but regular stone, so that the crystals are of different sizes - this way the design will be more voluminous. In addition, to work with this technique you will need

  • glue (PVA or silicate);
  • base sheet of bright color (this is a fundamental condition, since the substrate under the salt pattern must be contrasting, otherwise the image will be lost).

This is interesting. An alternative to salt can be semolina. There are also options for creating designs using buckwheat, crushed rice, etc.

Working with the salt painting technique consists of 4 stages:

  1. Creating an outline of an image using a pencil.
  2. Drawing the outline with glue.
  3. Covering the substrate with salt.
  4. Drying and getting rid of excess salt.

If necessary, the drawing can be painted using the blotography technique with a straw or by soaking a piece of sponge with paint. However, this requires repeated drying, as well as quite painstaking painting work.

Examples of drawings using the salt painting technique


This design is made from a combination of materials - the sun is made using grain.


  1. “On a blue sheet we draw (circle a stencil) a bird in flight.”
  2. "Drawing the sun."
  3. “Apply glue liberally to the entire bird and the sun, without going beyond the outline of the drawing.”
  4. “Let the glue “set” - 30–60 seconds.”
  5. “Spread 2/3 of the sheet with salt, trying to apply an even layer on the bird. You can help with your fingers.”
  6. “We cover a third of the leaf (where the sun is) with millet.”
  7. You can continue working the next day.
  8. “Pour in the excess salt and millet.”
  9. “Using a black felt-tip pen we make the bird’s eye.”

"Planets in Space"

This example requires further coloring. In addition, appliqué (stars) and paper construction (rocket) are used as additional visual means.


  1. “On a blue background we draw 5 circles-planets of different sizes.” You can use a compass or have children draw cardboard circles of different diameters.
  2. “Carefully fill the boundaries of the outline with glue.”
  3. “Fill the drawing with salt.”
  4. Work continues the next day.
  5. “Pour off the excess salt.”
  6. “We dilute the paints with water.”
  7. “Dip the brush into the paint and make a drop on the circle.”
  8. “We work through all the circles in this way, making spots of different colors to create transitions.”
  9. We continue the work after the paint has dried (at least every other day). During this time, children can make an origami rocket and cut out stars.
  10. “Glue on the stars and the rocket.”

Video. Fireworks using salt painting technique

Photo gallery of salt paintings

Salt is an indispensable material for drawing winter night paintings. To maintain the clarity of the outline, the next element must be painted over only after the previous one has dried. Drawings with salt develop a subtle sense of color in children.

Pictures drawn with palms

As the name suggests, the material for creating the picture will be the little ones’ palms. You can apply gouache or watercolor diluted with water on them. Moreover, it can be one color, or maybe several, if, for example, the palms are flowers in a vase. The main thing is that children have wet wipes and the opportunity to wash their hands thoroughly after drawing.

An example of a palm drawing



  1. “Using green paint we draw the body of the butterfly, slightly expanding downwards.”
  2. “We make the antennae blue and put red dots on their ends.”
  3. “We apply yellow paint to our palms and make an imprint on the bottom left and right, placing our palms with our thumbs down.”
  4. “We wipe our hands and apply pink paint.”
  5. “We place our palms on the left and right at the top so that the thumbs are on top.”
  6. “We wipe our hands and finish drawing circles and spots on the wings of the butterfly.”

Video. Draw a lion with your palms

Photo gallery of hand drawings

For this drawing, in addition to the palms, fingers were used. After applying the imprint, the octopuses need to be given a finished shape with an outline and eyes drawn on them. If you do not wipe your palms after one paint, but immediately apply the next one, then the trees will turn out to be multi-colored, truly autumnal. Drawings with palms can be turned into appliqués

Finger painting method

As already mentioned, you can poke with your fingers. But also in the preparatory group, a combination of prints with lines is actively used. To draw, you need paint (gouache, watercolor), diluted with water, and wet wipes.

This is interesting. Finger painting is often combined with creating designs using handprints.

An example of a drawing using the finger painting technique

"Autumn Colors on the Trees"


  1. “Dip your index finger into green paint and draw a large circle with its fingerprints.”
  2. “Within the boundaries of this circle we make pokes of different colors to create foliage on the trees.”
  3. “We dip our thumb in brown paint and draw one line at the bottom - this is the trunk of our tree.”
  4. “Adding foliage under the tree.”

Video. Summer meadow using finger painting technique

Photo gallery of finger paintings

The technique of drawing with fingers is perfectly complemented by elements made with the palms. You can use your fingers to create scenes in motion. To make the Christmas tree bright, for each branch the finger must be dipped in paint again

Drawing with wax crayons

The essence of this technique is that kids create a plot using wax crayons, and then paint over the entire substrate with watercolors (or gouache diluted with water). An alternative to colored crayons, you can use a regular wax candle - then the picture will turn out to be monochromatic.

Example of a drawing with wax crayons

"Sunset over the sea"


  1. “Using wax crayons we draw a semicircle of the sun.”
  2. “We make rays, draw waves on the sea with dark blue chalk.”
  3. “We wet a thick brush with blue paint and apply it to the entire drawing, without touching the sun.”

Video. Salute using the technique of drawing with wax crayons and watercolors

Photo gallery of drawings with wax crayons

If you mix several shades of blue paint, the background will turn out even brighter. For this picture, the background is made with ink, and the drawing made with crayons is not painted over. Interesting pictures are obtained if the drawing made with crayons is not covered with watercolors

Drawing using the spray technique

Working in this unconventional way, unlike the previous ones, requires certain preparation. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • a drawing is created on cardboard;
  • this silhouette is cut out and applied to another sheet of cardboard;
  • the stencil is outlined, details are drawn (for example, flower petals);
  • drawn elements are cut out;
  • a background is applied to a sheet of paper;
  • a template with slots is attached;
  • use an old toothbrush (finger, paint brush) to spray the stencil (the toothpick kind of wipes the paint off the bristles);
  • After drying, the necessary details of the picture are completed.

This is interesting. If the plot should remain unpainted, then the procedure is simplified to the stage of cutting out the silhouette, which is then applied to the base, protecting the outline from splashing onto the substrate.

An example of a drawing using the spray technique

"Winter forest"


  1. “This drawing will require the creation of shades. Therefore, before spraying, we will paint over the necessary elements and let them dry.”
  2. “We draw trees, cut out their silhouettes.”
  3. “We apply the silhouettes to another base and draw the shape of the foliage on it.”
  4. “Cutting out this silhouette of foliage.”
  5. We apply it again on a new base, make the outline of the foliage, slightly retreating from the finished layer.”
  6. “Cut out the second silhouette of foliage.”
  7. “We make a silhouette of snowdrifts, leaving slits. Let's cut it out."
  8. “We place a trunk and a second silhouette of foliage on the backing.”
  9. “Dip the brush into the paint and use your finger to spray it all over the sheet.”
  10. “We apply the silhouettes of the second layer of foliage and snowdrifts, spray again.”
  11. “Removing the stencils.”

Video. Still life with flowers using spray technique

Photo gallery of drawings using the spray technique

Butterfly stencils can be arranged in different ways to give the picture a casual and natural feel. To spray birds, you need two stencils: the back with the head and the chest. For this drawing, first we make flowers, and then we finish the stems and leaves.

Blotography technique with a tube

This method of creating pictures not only reveals the creative potential of children, but also has a beneficial effect on their health, since blowing paint through a straw develops the strength of the lungs and the entire respiratory system of children. To draw you will need a simple set:

  • thinly diluted paints (watercolor, gouache or ink);
  • pipette or small spoon;
  • cocktail straw;
  • brushes, pencils to complement the plot of the drawing.

The essence of the technique is that the child scoops up paint with a spoon or pipette, drips it onto a sheet of paper, and then uses a tube to blow this spot in different directions, creating the desired shapes. In this case, the stick does not touch a drop of paint or a sheet of paper. If you need to make small branches, then you should blow quickly up and down, right and left, depending on the direction of the plot.

An example of a drawing using the blotting technique with a tube

"Meadow with Flowers"


  1. “We drip green paint and blow the flower stems into shoots.”
  2. “Now we drip some paint for the flowers and blow up the petals.”
  3. “We make the sun with rays in the same way.”
  4. “We drop a couple of small drops for the grass in the background, fan the drops a little.”
  5. “Dip the brush into green paint and finish painting the foreground - the clearing.”

Video. How to draw a tree using the blotography technique with a straw in a minute

Photo gallery of drawings using the blotting technique with a straw

In one drawing, you can combine blots and drops blown through a tube. For landscapes, you don’t have to try too hard to blow drops with the same force and in the same direction. Drawings using the blotography technique with a tube can be combined with a classic pattern - you get very original works

Wet painting technique

Creating images using wet (also called wet) allows you to obtain images with blurred transitions. This is valuable, for example, for drawing animal fur. The essence of the method is that the base sheet is moistened with water, and then the design is applied while it is wet. For this, gouache, watercolor or ink are used. After the picture has dried, the necessary details are drawn in.

This is interesting. To keep the sheet moist longer, place a damp cloth under it.

There is an alternative way of drawing using the wet technique: a drawing is applied to paper, and then the sheet is lowered face down onto the water, pulled out sharply and turned over. This is how colors flow into each other, creating original combinations. Usually landscapes and sunsets are painted this way. If the picture is intended to depict the sky (sea), then you can do it this way: apply a thick line on a dry sheet, dip this part of the sheet in water, and then use a brush to stretch the element to the desired size.

Example of drawing on wet



  1. “Draw the outline of a kitten with a simple pencil.”
  2. “Dip the leaf into water.”
  3. “We color the drawing with brown paint.”
  4. “Let’s let the picture dry.”
  5. “We finish painting the mustache, nose, eyes, eyelashes, mouth and tongue with paints (felt pens).

Video. Drawings from wet on watercolor paper

Photo gallery of drawings on wet

If the composition is complex, then you can put a damp napkin under the sheet - this way the paper will retain the desired condition longer. We finish painting the raindrops after the main plot has dried - this way they will be brighter. For drawings on wet, you need to take thick paper, watercolor sheets are ideal

Crumpled paper impression technique

In the younger groups, kids crumpled sheets of paper, straightened them, and then applied paint - this is how the drawing turned out with interesting shades and shadows. In the preparatory group, the technique becomes a little more complicated: with a wad of paper, the children paint the outline of the plot, making the boundaries of the drawing blurry and indistinct. To implement the idea it is necessary

  • draw the outline of the plot on a sheet of paper;
  • pour paint (watercolor, gouache) into a flat container and dilute it with water to the consistency of sour cream;
  • crumple up a sheet of paper (the denser it is, the clearer the print will be).

This is interesting. It is better to make a ball of paper from ordinary notebook pages. The smaller the lump, the smaller the prints will be.

An example of a drawing using the crumpled paper imprint technique



  1. “We make the outline of a fox on paper.”
  2. “We crumple up ½ part of a single notebook sheet.”
  3. “Pour paint into a plate and add a few drops of water.”
  4. “Dip the lump into the paint and apply it to the borders of the outline.”
  5. “We repeat until the entire figure is painted over.”
  6. “Using a brush we finish the eye, nose, claws.”
  7. “We dilute the blue paint heavily with water and paint the background.”

Video. An easy way to draw a landscape

Photo gallery of crumpled paper drawings

This drawing is made with small pieces of crumpled paper. Before working with color, you need to draw the outline of the drawing. Elements with crumpled paper are applied after the main elements of the composition are completed.

Lesson outline diagram

To draw up a lesson plan, it is very important for the teacher to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of the work. Only in this case will it be possible to choose the right techniques and interest the kids. Among the goal-setting factors, in addition to those that were indicated as the goals of using non-traditional drawing techniques in general, we can highlight:

  • preparing a child's hand for writing;
  • development of perception of multicolor images;
  • formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the creative process;
  • development of cognitive abilities.

The tasks that need to be worked on in each lesson are:

  • development of interest in various visual materials, as well as encouragement to create using accessible means of expression;
  • learning the skill of mixing paints to master the entire variety of color palettes;
  • cultivate patience in work;
  • form a positive approach in assessing the results of one’s activities and the work of other team members.

In addition to formulating goals and objectives, the teacher is required to correctly distribute time between all stages of the lesson, the duration of which is 30 minutes. The work is being carried out in 3 stages:

  • introductory part (about 5 minutes) – motivating children, that is, using techniques that promote the development of children’s interest in work (conversation, playing with visuals, role-playing, listening to fairy tales, songs, etc.);
  • the main part (about 20 minutes) is drawing, as well as physical education and articulation gymnastics;
  • the final stage (about 5 minutes) - summing up, encouragement from the teacher and self-analysis of the children in the form of answers to questions (“Did you like drawing in such an unusual way?”, “Do you think you succeeded in the drawing?”, “Whose?” In your opinion, is the work the most beautiful?" etc.).

It is important to note that this distribution of time during a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques is conditional, since there are techniques that take significantly less than the allotted 20 minutes to complete (for example, drawing with salt). In this case, the teacher can devote more time to motivational techniques.

An example of a lesson plan for drawing in non-traditional techniques

Kirsanova Natalya “Lesson outline for a lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group “Winter. Winter forest" (fragment)

<… Практическая деятельность. Под музыку Чайковского «Времена года», «Зима»
Winter: - Would you like me to teach you how to draw a winter tree without a brush and pencil. For this we will use a straw and air.
-Apply a drop of liquid gouache onto blue paper with a pipette and draw a tree trunk, blowing the drop through a tube (“blowing out” the trunk).
- If necessary, drop more gouache onto the base of the branches and continue to inflate the blot, “drawing” a tree of the required height.
Winter: - You are just real wizards! We were able to draw trees using air without a brush or pencil!
- What do trees do in winter? (In winter, the trees seem to freeze and fall asleep until spring.)
- When you go to bed in your bed, what do you do? (Cover ourselves with a blanket)
- Come on, we’ll cover our trees with a warm and light blanket. But what can we cover them with? (with snow)
- For this, it must snow in our picture. What tool will help us depict snow?
-Take the next “magic” object - a cotton swab, dip it into the paint with the thin end and stamp it all over the picture, saying the magic words:
“Let the snow fall on my magical “leaf!”
- Our snowball must first cover the branches.
- And the snow keeps falling and falling, covering the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And now under the tree there is more and more of it. Now turn the cotton swab over with the other end, dip it in the paint and draw snowdrifts under the tree.
-Let's do one more magic - put trees on the canvas, what did we get? (Painting “Winter Forest”)
- How do you think our trees feel? (They feel warm and comfortable. They have become even more beautiful.)
3. Reflection.
Educator: - Guys, did you like our meeting? Why did you like it? What did you learn today, what magic? (Draw in an unusual way). Who found it difficult to cope with the task? You all did great. I give you these magic tubes, with their help you can create different images on paper...>

Forward planning

In order for the educational process in kindergarten to be organized, and the work of the teacher to be orderly, meaningful and, most importantly, effective, a methodological association of preschool teachers draws up a long-term work plan.

Typically, drawing up a plan consists of indicating the month of work, the topic and technique of drawing, and the goals of using a particular technique. The source in which this method of visual creativity is described in detail is also indicated. The teacher can indicate the date of the lesson and provide a column for notes.

Example of forward planning

Naumova Elena “Perspective plan for non-traditional drawing. Preparatory group" (program fragment)

Topic: “Fish in an aquarium among algae” (poke with a hard brush with applique elements)
Goal: Improve the ability to convey a variety of shapes, textures, and proportional relationships in drawing. Cultivate perseverance and love of nature.
(Nikolkina T. A. p. 107)
Topic: “My little furry friend” (poke with a hard brush, imprint with crumpled paper)
Goal: To improve children's skills in various visual techniques. Learn, most expressively, to display the appearance of animals in a drawing. Develop a sense of composition.
(Kazakova R. G. p. 110)
Topic: “Multi-colored spray” (spray)
Goal: To introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - spraying. Learn to create a variety of backgrounds for drawing. Develop imagination and creativity.
(Kazakova R. G. p. 25)
Topic: “Fairytale bird” (palm drawing)
Goal: Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination and creativity. Cultivate accuracy in work.
(Kazakova R. G. p. 7)
Topic: “At the New Year’s party” (impression with a foam rubber swab, gouache)
Goal: To teach children to outline the silhouette of a New Year tree and convey the fluffiness of the branches using an impression with a foam rubber swab. Decorate the New Year tree with colorful toys. Develop a sense of color, imagination, creativity and imagination.
(Koldina D.N. p. 40)…>

Drawing classes in kindergarten are one of the most important ways for a child to understand the world around him, since children not only engage in creativity, but also independently find solutions to assigned practical tasks. This improves observation skills and shapes aesthetic taste. However, the realization of these goals requires the child’s full involvement in the creative process, which is not easy to achieve if the child does not have visual abilities. In this case, non-traditional drawing techniques come to the rescue. In the preparatory group, the list of ways to create plots on paper is significantly expanded in comparison with younger groups, and children who are accustomed to working with unusual drawings continue to master this type of activity with pleasure.

Gabdulkhanova Ruzilya Danisovna
Educational institution: MBDOU Kindergarten "Alyonushka"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Outline of an art lesson in a preparatory school group Drawing using the ebru technique Gabdulkhanova Ruzilya Danisovna MBDOU Kindergarten "Alyonushka" Outline of an art lesson in a school preparatory groupDrawing using the ebru technique

Outline of an art lesson in a preparatory school group Drawing using the ebru technique

Outline of an art lesson in a school preparatory group

Drawing using the ebru technique

"Space trip"

Target– creating conditions for the development of children’s creative abilities through non-traditional drawing.
Training tasks:

– introduce unconventional drawing
– consolidate children’s knowledge about space.
Developmental tasks:
– develop the ability to work with drawing sticks using the ebru technique
– develop children's creative abilities.
Educational tasks:
– to develop an aesthetic attitude towards space
Preliminary work : reading riddles on the theme “Space”, looking at illustrations, photographs of astronauts, rockets, etc.

Progress of the lesson:

(The teacher appears with a picture depicting space. The children approach the teacher)

Educator: Hello children! I found this picture today. What do you think is drawn here?

Child: Space!

Educator: Yes. Right. Have you ever dreamed of going to space?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Let's go on a space journey right today. To do this, you need to take seats on my spaceship. So, is everyone ready?

Children. Yes!

Educator: Closed your eyes. Let's fly! (Music is playing)

Educator: Here we are! First, to get used to the space atmosphere, let's play.

Physical education break.

And now we are with you, children,

We all get out of the rocket.

Get up on your toes,

And then get down.

Turn left, turn right,

Hands up, hands down

And sit down quietly.

Educator:Here we are in deep space. How interesting everything is here: we see different planets, meteorites, comets, etc. (slide show). How interesting everything is here, not usual. How will we tell our parents about this? We cannot describe all this beauty in words!

Children: can we draw?

Educator:Yes exactly! We can transfer all this onto a piece of paper and take it with us to show our parents later!

Children, pay attention, there is a sheet of paper in front of you, and you need to draw space, but not in the usual “Ebru” way. To begin with, I will show you a video on how to work with this technique:

To begin with, we will also prepare a tray of water and pour in a special liquid, the water is ready for use! Now we take a stick, put a special paint on the tip and, depending on what we have planned, we begin to paint with paints on the water. (dots, stripes). Now that our drawing is ready, we take a sheet of paper and carefully place it on the surface of the water and wait a few minutes. Take the edges of the sheet and lift it. Here, the Moon is ready.

“Look how many small stones fell onto the surface of the planet from outer space. These rocks are called meteorites. I want to give them to you as a souvenir of our space journey.

Guys, the time has come to return to Earth, close your eyes, “one, two, three, we have returned to Earth.

Attendants may clean workplaces.

View certificate of publication

, . . Goals:
– Introduce photocopy drawing techniques.
– Formation of skills in the technique of drawing with a candle.
developing attention by observing frost patterns in winter;
fostering interest in winter natural phenomena;
instilling accuracy in execution.
Equipment: patterns samples, album sheet; additional sheet, piece of candle; watercolor paints; wide bristle brush; a glass of water, napkins, a letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psycho-gymnastics: “Ray”
Reaching for the sun
They took the ray
Pressed to my heart
And they gave it to each other.
Report the topic of the lesson.
Guys, today the topic of educational and organizational activities is “Frosty Patterns”, and not just an activity, but drawing with a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys, what time of year is it now? Children answer winter
It's winter now. Winter is a wonderful time of year! Various miracles happen in winter! So I received a small parcel. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what's in it, maybe we'll find out who it's from.
Reading the piece of paper attached to the parcel
Guys, here is a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses it will raise their hand:
Stars fall from the sky and fall on the fields.
Let the black earth hide under them.
Many, many stars, thin as glass;
The stars are cold, but the earth is warm.
What artist put this on the glass?
And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses. Children answer that these are snowflakes because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars.
Well done guys, you are very observant, so you guessed the riddles correctly.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is winter’s faithful and irreplaceable helper? Children respond to frost
Right. With the onset of winter comes cold weather. Frost is knocking on every house. He leaves his messages to people: either the door will freeze - they are poorly prepared for winter, or he will leave his art on the windows - a gift from Frost. Let's see what kind of messages he sent us
I take out pictures from the parcel - depicting frosty patterns
What is shown in the pictures? Children answer Twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and hooks of cold
That’s right, there are kids here and the spruce branches are decorated with frost.
This is how Frost painted our windows without brushes or paints.
Guys, how do you think Moroz draws these patterns? Children make their own assumptions. Blows cold air on the glass, magically throws snowflakes onto the windows, and they stick to the window.
In fact, from the cold, frosty air, droplets of water that are present in the air settle on the cold glass, freeze and turn into pieces of ice - needles. During the night, many, many of them are formed, they seem to build on each other. And as a result, we get different patterns that we just saw.
Guys, do you think we could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were invisible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost’s? No.
But it turns out it is possible. And now I’ll introduce you to this method of drawing - it’s called “photocopy”.
2. Practical part.
Take the candle pieces in your hands and try to move them along a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible marks? Children answer No
Now cover the top with any watercolor paint. What did you get? Lines appeared under the paint, which we drew with a candle.
Guys, why do you think the lines made with the candle weren’t colored? Children express their opinions
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so a design made with a water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water. Today we will try to create a miracle - we will draw frosty patterns using a candle.
Where do we start drawing? Children answer by drawing from the top, going down.
That's right, in order to ensure that the drawn elements do not overlap each other, it is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Cover the finished drawing with watercolor paint. I would advise choosing blue or purple. To prevent the sheet from getting wet, apply the paint evenly over the entire sheet, but do not apply it over the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide individual, dosed assistance

4. Summing up
What guys is the name of the painting technique we used to create such beautiful works? Children answer photocopy
What else do you think can be drawn using the photocopy technique? Children respond with flowers, patterns, sun.
Our lesson has come to an end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? What did you especially like today?