The best congratulations on the day of the teacher and preschool worker in prose. Congratulations on Preschool Worker's Day in prose Congratulate Teacher's Day in prose

September 27 Russia celebrates a national holiday - the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers.

Congratulate the teacher briefly and sweetly

IN On Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, I send my warmest and brightest congratulations. I sincerely wish you universal recognition and respect for your work, great success and wonderful ideas on the road to activity, happy holidays and important victories on the path of life.

P I congratulate teachers and all preschool workers on their professional holiday! I wish you a lot of positive emotions, easy work and great success in your favorite field. Health, tolerance, love, care and attention!

ABOUT I sincerely congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. On this wonderful holiday, I send my warmest wishes for joy and happiness, inspiration and love, prosperity and good luck. Let working with children give you a lot of positive emotions and wonderful ideas, let every day be filled with miracles and fun.

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I sincerely wish you peace and happiness, wonderful work and great success in your activities, joyful emotions and sincere children’s smiles, pleasure in life and bright luck in any endeavor.

P I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers and sincerely wish that children give their smiles and joy, that your heart is always full of happiness and beauty, that there is never a reason for sadness in your life, that every day brings good luck and gives a wonderful mood .

P I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers and sincerely wish you a wonderful atmosphere of joy and fun at work, sonorous voices and bright smiles of children, funny moments and good life stories, strong strength, excellent well-being and constant harmony of soul.

IN Day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I would like to sincerely wish you to always remain an example of a cheerful and kind person for children, to fill this world with cheerful songs and happy smiles, to open the doors to everything interesting and wonderful for every child.

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish that children always give joy and smiles, that every day is full of happiness and bright hopes. Let working with children bring only pleasure, let your life develop with a bright and smooth ribbon of the color of love with a touch of inspiration.

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you great respect and recognition for your hard and important work. May the mischievous people next to you be happy, may your work give this world well-mannered and cheerful children.

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I sincerely wish you good patience, excellent health, strong strength, wonderful mood, great hopes, sincere respect, wonderful ideas, joyful moments in life, bright happiness and high success.

Official congratulations on Teacher's Day

D Dear and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers! I sincerely wish you happiness, kindness, love, attention, care, understanding, support. Let your work be appreciated, because the younger generation is in your hands! Let every day be filled with joy, interesting events and wonderful moments.

WITH To my dear colleagues, congratulations on our professional holiday. I would like to wish everyone health, strength and patience. Never lose self-control and restraint, always remain as wise, reasonable and kind. I wish you to receive only pleasure, positivity and a charge of eternal youth from your work from our beloved little students.

TO Ollegy, today is our holiday! Only a person who truly loves them can work with children. A man with a big noble heart and a pure soul. Our work is not easy, but how much joy you get looking into these little carefree eyes! Let your life be simply filled with the love of your family and the respect of your students and their parents. Let your energy not run out, and let optimism help you achieve all the most difficult tasks in life. Creative success in such a noble cause!

D My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. May every day open up new horizons of great opportunities and great ideas to us, may our children always be happy and cheerful, may we be able to make any activity and hobby colorful and bright, may each of you be truly happy, loved by your children and loved ones.

M oh glorious and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. I wish everyone well-being, confident strength and good health, generosity of soul and understanding, cheerful mood and moral calm, respect and high success, good luck, family happiness and prosperity.

D Dear colleagues! Today is our holiday! Our work is the most important in the formation of a personality, albeit a small one! Without a doubt, we are the builders of the foundation of society, its support. So may we always be lucky in everything, may there be prosperity and happiness in our homes, may we have more energy and bonuses, and may patience and strength never leave us! Happy holiday!

P I congratulate you, my colleagues. Our job is that we teach our kids not only how to tie shoelaces and pull on tights, but also the most important thing in this life - love and kindness. I wish you all unlimited patience and a huge supply of internal strength. I wish you never to lose optimism, but on the contrary, to draw it from the cheerful and open smiles of our students. Let that warm light of sincere hearts forever pierce your destinies with happiness, joy and deep moral satisfaction. Happy holiday!

P I congratulate teachers and employees of preschool education organizations, colleagues, on Day. Our work is sometimes not easy, but the reward for it is the children’s eyes shining with joy. May serene happiness fill your destinies. I wish you great success, joyful days, recognition and a lot of love from family, friends and students.

D My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. Our profession may not be easy, but thanks to our calling we can always remain cheerful people, like children. I wish everyone love and health, joyful moments in life and good fairy tales.

WITH Happy teacher and all preschool workers’ day, dear colleagues. I wish everyone good luck and a good mood for our fun work, as well as health to all of us, our loved ones and our beloved children. May our students always smile and obey us, may children’s hope for all good things bask in our adult hearts.

Short funny SMS Happy Teacher's Day

P Happy Teacher's Day! Interesting events, delightful emotions, sonorous children's laughter and touching spontaneity. Be the best in your calling!

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. Let your soul not mope, let your heart beat in the rhythm of happiness, let your life be full of children’s smiles and tight hugs.

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you stress-free work and absolute happiness in life.

WITH Happy teacher and all preschool workers day. I wish you to enjoy life like a child and meet every day with a smile and joy of the soul.

WITH Happy teacher and all preschool workers day. May every day bring pleasant surprises and give happy moments for your heart and soul!

WITH Happy teacher and all preschool workers day. I wish you incredible miracles both in work and in life, I wish you great happiness both for the heart and for the soul!

WITH Happy teacher and all preschool workers day. I wish you peace, goodness and love. Let children inspire, let life bring happiness to you every day.

IN Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, I sincerely wish you a wonderful fairy tale in life and a bottomless sea of ​​happiness in your eyes.

IN Day of the teacher and all preschool workers I sincerely wish you happy and sweet moments in life with the taste of a carefree childhood, as well as good health and holidays of the soul.

The kindergarten teacher is the first stranger your child encounters when leaving the family. The development of a child’s character depends on it. The work and moral strength that a teacher puts into children is invaluable.
Today, on the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers, we have selected the best congratulations in prose (in our own words) to teachers and nannies (junior educators) - universal, from parents and colleagues.

Congratulations on Teacher and Preschool Worker Day in prose

Congratulations on your professional holiday to teachers and preschool workers! Your job is not easy, but it is very important. For all your students, you are a mother, a friend, and a teacher. During your career, hundreds of children pass through your caring hands, and you find the right approach to all of them. We wish you never to lose patience, maintain mental and physical health and get real joy from your work.

Happy Teacher's Day! Just look at the fruits of your labors! There’s a whole garden of them, and a children’s garden at that... Aren’t these young creatures the best reward for their troublesome work? After all, they are our future and since you are raising them from the bottom of your heart, we can be sure that this future will only be good!

We congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and wish that your work always brings you pleasure. So that children behave well during quiet times, giving you an hour of calm. May your hard work always be rewarded with interest, and may your relatives always support you on your difficult path.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. The education of all generations is in your hands and in your power, you open the doors for children to the land of happy childhood and dreams, you give children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

I want to wish a wonderful and happy holiday to all those involved in the field of preschool education. I would like to wish you all the most wonderful and necessary things. First of all, of course, you should wish health and patience, because this is never enough. You work with children every day, and this is quite a grueling and exhausting activity.
Let no obstacles stand between you and your goals, of which there are many. Let your beloved preschool children conquer new heights every day, let them delight you with their successes and achievements. But you can be sure that this is also your merit, because you put so much effort into ensuring that they reach a certain level. Believe that they will always thank you for everything you do for them.

Happy Teacher's Day! How to raise children? A question that worries us at any time! This is an activity for those who are educators not only by profession, but also by vocation... You need to know the very nature of the children... And with an experienced hand guide them on the right path! With you they grow up golden, and we wish you a golden life, long years and love!

You need to find your place in life. In life you need to do what you like. You are educators, and you have found your place! Children love you, parents respect you, you do your work not only for the sake of salary, but also because it is your calling. Thanks to you and your care, your efforts and your professionalism, every generation grows up smart and educated. Low bow to you for your work and may fate bless you!

Our dear teachers! On your professional holiday, we wish you great respect from your parents and the state! Let your salary be a worthy reward for your invaluable everyday work. Let your wishes turn into reality as often as possible. May your graduates retain good memories of you for many years to come. Let parents be understanding. Good luck to you and have a great mood!

Congratulations on Preschool Worker's Day from parents in prose

A teacher is not just a job, it is a great calling! You chose this profession at the call of your soul and heart. It is you who give the makings of proper upbringing to our children. Future worthy individuals graduate from the walls of the kindergarten. From you, your child will learn for the first time what is good and bad, how to behave in society, that you need to respect your elders and not offend the weak. We are very grateful to you for your angelic patience and fatherly care for each baby. May your difficult work become more in demand and respected over the years!

On behalf of all parents, I want to say thank you to our dear teachers for their warmth, for their great ability to see, hear and understand everything that happens in the souls of our children. We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, prosperity, love and prosperity in your families, fulfillment of desires and all the best!

Congratulations to our teachers on their wonderful holiday! May all your endeavors be successful, and may your good deeds bring you joy. Thank you for the warmth and care that you give to our children every day. We can, without fear, leave our kids in kindergarten, knowing that there they will be fed, clothed and cheerful. We trust you with the lives of our little ones, because we are 100% confident in your reliability and professionalism. We wish you excellent health, vigor and a life without problems!

With all our hearts today we want to say thank you to the teachers! You are our strong support, because every day you preserve our most valuable treasures - our children! You help educate, give knowledge and instill the necessary skills in children from the first years of life. The kids love you very much, and children’s feelings are the most sincere, and we believe them. Parents respect you for your professionalism, objectivity and humanity. Thank you for your hard work and kindness!

Your work is sometimes not noticed at first glance, but in fact it is enormous! Thanks to you, children learn many useful things from an early age: how to hold a pen, spoon, write, read, count, wash themselves and much more. After all, parents often do not have enough time to raise a child. The future fate of each child depends on your attitude. Today we want to bring you sincere gratitude for your warm attitude towards our children and wish you long and wonderful years of life, pleasant work and simple human happiness!

Congratulations to the best teachers! We wish you an increase in salary, sincere children's smiles and respect. Let your every morning begin with a great mood. Let all problems go away, and let your dreams come true!

Happy Preschool Worker's Day: congratulations to nannies

We congratulate the kindest and most caring nanny on her legitimate holiday! We wish you, dear, uncontrollable happiness in life, unshakable health and good weather in the house. May you always hear only contagious children's laughter and praise from your superiors at work!

On her professional holiday, we wish our nanny many years of happy and serene life. So that all problems are resolved quickly and easily. Let loved ones always be there, despite the circumstances. May you be constantly surrounded by respect and love, and may your heart and soul be warmed by children's smiles.

We congratulate junior teachers, our dear nannies, on Preschool Worker's Day today! We don't know what we would do without you. Your work is complex and irreplaceable. Thanks to your efforts, children eat well, dress warmly and sleep sweetly in their cribs. Low bow to you from all parents! Long life, happiness and prosperity!

We sincerely congratulate our dear and beloved nanny on the holiday! We wish fate to be favorable to you. So that you do not need anything, bathe in love and understanding. So that you are surrounded only by wonderful people. And may all good goals be achieved!

The work of an assistant teacher is not easy, so let it be appreciated! We wish you to receive such a salary that you don’t have to think about saving. May your children adore you and be obedient. Let your parents be understanding of your work, and let your bosses appreciate your work.

Congratulations to a wonderful person and professional nanny on the Day of All Preschool Workers! You are the most kind, caring and patient! The children love you and are happy to come to the garden to see you again. We deeply respect you and want to say thank you for taking care of the children, finding an approach to each child and doing your job conscientiously. We wish you inspiration, cheerfulness and a positive attitude every day!

Happy holiday to all junior teachers! You guys are great! Not everyone can do such hard work and treat children as their own. But you know how to do it and do it every day. Thank you very much for this! We wish you prosperity in your personal life and stability in your work!

Happy Teacher and Preschool Worker Day - congratulations to colleagues in prose

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, my esteemed colleagues! I wish you pleasant working days, joy every day and a great desire to work and help little people who are in such great need of mentoring and supervision. Be happy, loved and healthy!

Happy Teacher's Day! Let the key that you select for each child open a treasury with the most important gifts - health, happiness and love for you personally. And may fate and the state adequately reward you for your kindness, tenderness and patience.

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on our day! I would like to wish you patience, moral strength and, of course, wisdom, which is so necessary for raising children. Your work is noble and grateful, happy holiday!

My dear colleagues, I would like to congratulate you on Preschool Worker’s Day. I wish everyone good health and respect, vitality and optimism, good mood and good luck. Let children please us with their successes and give us incentive for our activities. Happiness to us all and ringing laughter nearby!

Dear colleague, happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers! There are many children under your supervision, and everyone is surrounded by attention, everyone spends their days with smiles and cheerful laughter! You take care of children not only according to the instructions of pedagogy, but also at the behest of a kind, bright soul! Happy holiday! Happiness and love!

My glorious and respected colleagues, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers! I wish everyone well-being, confident strength and good health, generosity of soul and understanding, cheerful mood and moral calm, respect and high success, family happiness and prosperity.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers! I wish you success in business and happiness in family life. More strength, patience, sincerity and love. Always spread joy and kindness. Dream, believe and carry out your plans. And may you, wise children's mentors, always be protected by your guardian angel!

You can find more beautiful congratulations, pictures and postcards on Teacher’s Day by following this link:

Tender, inspired and touching congratulations on Teacher’s Day 2017 will be dedicated to employees of preschool educational institutions on September 27. It was at this time in 1863 that the first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg. The owners, a respected and respectable married couple, accepted children from 3 to 8 years old into their establishment and offered activities such as construction and educational games. There was a fee for visiting, so only wealthy parents could afford the luxury of bringing their child there. The kindergarten existed for a little over 2 years and closed due to lack of demand.

Today the situation is completely different. The number of kindergartens is constantly growing, and modern mothers and fathers are trying to send their children there from as early an age as possible. By attending kindergarten, children get used to communicating in a group, develop perseverance, train attention and gain the very first basic knowledge in their lives about the world around them. All these wisdoms are taught to boys and girls by teachers, nannies and other employees of the institution. They help kids get comfortable in a new environment, show attention, sincere care and limitless patience. And it is for this that, on the day of their professional holiday, preschool workers are congratulated in poetry and prose by government officials, colleagues, parents and little pupils. They say a lot of kind words to mentors, give them beautiful themed cards and wish them never to lose their sincerity, sincerity, energy and cordiality. After all, without these simple, but such important human qualities, it is simply impossible to adequately prepare the younger generation for a bright future.

Official congratulations on Teacher's Day and all preschool workers 2017

All preschool workers will receive the kindest, most inspired and touching congratulations on Teacher’s Day 2017 on September 27. On the eve of this wonderful holiday, the first persons of the state, official representatives of local authorities and deputies will say good words to the employees of preschool institutions. In the most pleasant, sincere expressions, the managers, teachers, nannies and other members of the staff will be thanked for the fact that every day, sparing no effort and health, they come to work and do everything to make the children feel comfortable, cozy and calm in the kindergarten. , and the parents were not worried about their children and were confident that they would be well looked after. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing special about this and any person can cope with such a task. However, this is far from true, and only truly kind, open and sympathetic people who put the future of Russian children above all else in their lives can take care of the young generation.

Text options for official congratulations on Teacher’s Day

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. The education of all generations is in your hands and in your power, you open the doors for children to the land of happy childhood and dreams, you give children the necessary knowledge and opportunities to show their talents. With all my heart I wish you never to lose the kindness of your heart and inspiration for your work. Be happy and healthy.

Our dear kindergarten workers, happy professional holiday to you! Only sensitive, kind and attentive women could choose this unusual, but such a responsible profession. After all, raising a child requires a lot of work, love of humanity and perseverance of character. We wish you a strong nervous system, excellent mood and good health. Let our kids give you their radiant smiles, charge you with irrepressible energy and childhood.

Dear teachers and all kindergarten workers! Today we celebrate your professional holiday and want to wish you to always be healthy, so that your spirit is cheerful and cheerful! A kind heart to you, great patience and great love for our little mischief-makers! Let your souls not harden, your optimism not grow old, and friendly smiles not disappear from your lovely faces! Be happy, live in abundance, joy and prosperity! Warmth and understanding, love and respect, beauty and joy to you for many years to come!

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. May you always have enough strength, ideas, kindness and patience for all the mischievous people, may your work be full of pleasant and joyful moments, may everything in life work out wonderfully and wonderfully.

Simple, short congratulations on Teacher's Day from parents and children in your own words

In honor of Teacher's Day, kindergartens are sure to hold interesting and spectacular matinees. On them, parents and children congratulate the entire work team on their professional holiday. Moms and dads thank the mentors for their angelic patience, which allows teachers to cope with an army of little fidgets every day and find an individual approach to each child, regardless of character and level of development.

Keeps up with parents and children. Boys and girls tell in their own words how much they love their teachers and nannies, with what great pleasure they go to kindergarten and with what joy they learn everything new that their teachers teach them. This touching performance evokes the brightest feelings in the souls of the kindergarten staff and inspires them to further achievements. Receiving congratulations from their tiny charges and their parents, educators feel their importance and feel with all their hearts the importance of their daily work. Listening to sincere and kind words, they clearly realize that it was not in vain that they chose a great and noble work as their life’s calling - to educate the younger generation and put the very first fundamental knowledge into their young heads.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in your own words from children and parents - the best examples of texts

First of all, I would like to thank you for the enormous work you do every day. You understand our children, teach, prepare for school everyday life, and this costs enormous effort. After all, you find an individual approach to each child, making him happy and meaningful. Today is an unusual day, on which I sincerely want to wish each of you health, patience, joy, favorable everyday life and a fun, relaxing weekend. May each of you be well. Happy professional day, Happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers’ Day!

We are your beloved children. Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. We wish you good health and good mood, kind smiles and bright joy, successful activities and fun ventures, sincere happiness and celebration of the soul.

Congratulations on their professional holiday to people whose sincerity, warmth and kindness help the most important thing - the development of a child’s personality. We wish you spring in your soul, vigor, joyful events, health and creative inspiration.

Dear teachers, we are still very young and don’t understand much... BUT, we know one thing for sure - there are no better teachers than you! We wish you health, sunny warmth and smiles. We promise to be less naughty and mischievous, because you are always worried about us. Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day to work colleagues - funny, short poems

On Teacher's Day, kindergarten employees accept congratulations not only from parents and children, but also from work colleagues. There is a joyful, pleasant atmosphere in the team, and the workers greet each other with funny lines in verse, describing with good humor all the vicissitudes of everyday kindergarten life. Funny, optimistic rhymes are read aloud, written on colorful cards and given to co-workers during a corporate holiday, sent as SMS to phones or posted on personal pages on social networks.

Joking congratulatory words are sure to be complemented by the kindest, warmest and most touching wishes for iron health, angelic patience, a positive attitude towards life and obedient, attentive pupils who are never upset by bad deeds and negligent behavior.

The best texts in verse with congratulations on Teacher's Day for colleagues

Let the work be difficult -
You need to be successful:
They trust us from a young age
The most tender age.
I wish you, colleagues,
So that you get less tired!
So that work inspires,
There was no shortage of money!
Well, a friendly team
Let's celebrate the day beautifully!

Dear colleagues of the team,
Happy holiday today to all of us, dear ones,
Let our children be obedient
Fireworks go off in our honor.

I wish all my colleagues happiness,
Kind, reliable bosses.
So that the team is protected
And covered with the veil of the Lord!

Congratulations colleagues,
On a professional day,
Your work is not easy, and most
Noble on Earth.

I wish you a lot of happiness,
So that it lasts for centuries,
And of course love too -
It’s impossible to live without her!

My colleagues and friends,
Kindergarten workers
With all my heart today I,
I am glad to congratulate you all!

After all, it’s our profession day,
I wish you from my heart,
Be happy every hour
Without knowing adversity and troubles!

Short funny SMS congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse and prose

On any holiday, it is best to congratulate a person personally. But sometimes on the eve of the celebration, close people are far from each other and simply physically do not have the opportunity to meet and talk. This is where modern communication systems and various progressive gadgets come to the rescue. They allow you to contact your family even if you are in another city or on the other side of the globe and give you the chance to greet family members, friends and acquaintances via SMS or mms.

While you are away or on a business trip, you can congratulate your dear people on Teacher’s Day with a cool, humorous message in poetry or prose. A few simple, short and optimistic lines praising a kind heart, patience, endurance and the ability to sincerely care will come in handy on a holiday. Friends and acquaintances who have dedicated their lives and careers to raising children will be very happy to know how highly their work is valued and how proud their relatives, relatives and friends are of their professional successes.

Examples of SMS congratulations on the occasion of Teacher's Day for friends and relatives

Affections, kindness, skills
Let there be enough for all generations.
Good health and long life
And there are only victories in work!

On Teacher's Day, I send my warmest and brightest congratulations. I sincerely wish you universal recognition and respect for your work, great success and wonderful ideas on the road to activity, happy holidays and important victories on the path of life.

The best teacher
Today is your day!
You are the creator of the atmosphere,
So that the child does not get bored.

But you not only entertain -
You give children knowledge
You never get bored
You never get tired.

I wish you mental stability and prosperity, family happiness and inquisitive students! You become a second mother for your children, opening your huge, kind hearts to them. I wish you strong nerves, obedient pupils, a decent salary, understanding parents and many pleasant moments!

Beautiful congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher’s Day in poetry and prose from parents

On Teacher's Day, parents of children dedicate beautiful congratulations to mentors. Moms and dads, in poetry and prose, express their deep gratitude to the kindergarten workers for their daily care, kind attitude and patience shown to their children. After all, little ones do not always behave well and listen to adults, and some can be very difficult to convince to eat soup, pay attention in class, and go to bed after dinner without objections. And only the teacher finds the “key” to each student, regardless of the character and level of development, and gives arguments in a soft, accessible, but persistent form, explaining to the child that the rules adopted in kindergarten must be followed. This requires a special talent that is not taught in pedagogical universities. This ability comes from a heart filled with boundless, open and absolutely sincere love for children. And just for this, on this holiday, parents say a huge thank you to the teachers, nannies, the director and all the staff of the children's institution.

Examples of beautiful texts with congratulations in verse and prose on Teacher's Day

I congratulate all the kindergarten workers from the bottom of my heart.
And now I’m glad to notice how good you are!
Our children run happily to kindergarten early in the morning -
They know that they are loved here, they are expected and protected here!
I wish you health and success in your work,
And good luck, and luck, and happy years in destiny!

Dear educators! Today I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday. On this day, all teachers celebrate this holiday. It's beautiful sunny weather outside. The rays of the sun have already flooded everything around, the birds are singing and a light breeze is blowing. In a word, the weather outside is beautiful. Nature seems to feel that you are having a holiday today. Our teachers, you do so much for our children. It is you who help them develop, behave correctly, and help them determine their future life choices. While we parents are trying to make money, you take on a lot of responsibility. I want to wish you all the best. So that everything goes well in your life. Thank you for everything!

Educators today
Congratulations on this day,
We wish you good health
And success in everything!
Let your favorite job
You will always be happy
So that you don't know worries,
We were never sad!

Dear educators. Today, on this beautiful sunny day, we, all parents, want to congratulate you on your holiday. We all know how long you've been waiting for it. But, finally, it has come. And now we want to congratulate you. You don’t even know how much you have done for us and our children. While we spend our days at work and earning money, you watch over our children and raise them. Unfortunately, you don't get as much money for your suffering as other workers. But believe me, we consider your work invaluable, many times better than that of other people. Thank you for simply being. We want to wish you all the best. Live happily, be loved, and be healthy. Good luck to you in all your endeavors! We love you!

Funny and joyful congratulations on Teacher's Day in pictures with poems

You can congratulate kindergarten employees on Teacher’s Day not only orally, but also in writing, for example, by presenting the heroes of the occasion with a beautiful postcard with a thematic picture and cheerful, optimistic and joyful poems. Such a small, simple gift will make the most favorable impression and will remain in the memory of every teacher for a long time.

To ensure that no one feels forgotten, parents should prepare a postcard for each mentor, manager and nannies. Separately, we need to congratulate the health worker, the music teacher and the physical education teacher. For them, it is appropriate to find pictures with a more profile image or with a pattern of bright colors. Having received such a surprise, teachers will be very happy and will feel how highly their work is valued.

Children can also give colorful, cute cards to their favorite teachers. You can make them yourself at home, and a short poem can be written by hand by mom, dad or grandparents. This sign of attention will look incredibly touching and may even make the teachers feel emotional and cry.

Options for postcards with pictures and poems in honor of Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. Every day I wish children to learn to be a happy person just like that - to laugh sincerely and loudly, to dream beautifully and cheerfully, to believe in miracles and to accomplish them with their own hands. Health, vigorous strength and boundless love for children.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you to feel like a happy person in the atmosphere of children's laughter and cheerful babble, I wish you to have good luck, love and friendship in your life. I wish you health, wonderful ideas and the same mood, good days in life and the same people along the way.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish that the garden would be a cheerful flowerbed with obedient flowers of life, that the house would remain a reliable and cozy fortress, that life would be a joyful song of love, happiness and miracles.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I would like to wish you incredible strength, energy, vigor, enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, so that every day can be devoted to joyful journeys into the world of a happy childhood and the wonderful dreams of your kind heart.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you to enjoy life together with your children and notice everything beautiful even in the little things, I wish you to go to work as if it were a happy children’s holiday, and to go home with a feeling of joy and love, where they are always welcome and appreciated. I wish you health, all the best and good luck.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I sincerely wish that your heart is filled with love and joy, that in your soul you remain a sweet and cheerful child, that you and your students always remain on the same wave of inspiration and smiles, that your whole life is a wonderful holiday.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you never get tired of children's noise and din, but only rejoice together with the little mischief-makers in every new day, every new idea. I wish you health, patience and inner harmony, as well as good luck, joy and understanding in relationships with loved ones.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish that children’s laughter gives incredible strength and cheerfulness to the soul, that work is always a joy for the heart, that everything in life succeeds and turns out as it should, that every day is amazing, fun and beautiful.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you to enjoy life like a child and always remain a kind, sincere and simply wonderful person. May you enjoy raising children and having fun playing with them, may there be many interesting, bright and entertaining hobbies in life. I wish you health, warmth, harmony and happiness.

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. With all my heart I wish to be a child with children, to see this world as beautiful and kind, to dream about something good and bright, to paint wonderful pictures with bright colors in my life. Let all your troubles be only pleasant, let all your days be only happy.

Surprisingly, until 2004 in our country, teachers and other kindergarten workers did not have their own professional holiday. And only in 2004, the injustice was eliminated, and now, every September 27, festive events are held in preschool institutions, and all preschool employees on this day receive pictures and congratulations on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers.
On Preschool Worker's Day, kindergarten students and their parents prepare presents and funny congratulations to the teacher, nanny and manager, thanking them for their work. We have selected here the best short and long congratulations on Teacher’s Day in verse and prose to colleagues, teachers and other employees of the preschool educational institution team, and also found examples of congratulations in our own words.

Children's congratulations on Teacher's Day and all preschool workers

Boys and girls become attached to teachers and nannies and prepare heartfelt congratulations for them in advance on the Day of the Teacher and all preschool workers and make simple and very cute crafts with their own hands. And on September 27, even before the start of the matinee in honor of the holiday, teachers receive the first children's congratulations from their pupils.

Heartfelt congratulations from children on Teacher's Day and all preschool workers

Happy Teacher's Day
We will definitely congratulate you,
Everyone who lives in the kindergarten
And he's waiting for us to visit in the morning.

The cook prepares food for us,
It means we need to congratulate you,
And for the nanny from us
Congratulations at this hour,

To your teachers
We will give congratulations,
And may our congratulations
Everyone will be in a good mood.

Thank you for everything today,
Happy Teacher's Day today!
Thank you for being with us,
We wish you good health.

For us you are both father and mother,
May your life be happy.
We love you madly, you should know this,
No one will ever forget you!

The whole group congratulates the teacher and nanny,
He loves you very much and wishes you well,
May you be kind and walk around with smiles,
They read books to us and took us for walks.

On your holiday today we promise,
That we will always obey.
We're already adults,
We will never quarrel!

You are the most beloved
And you are very beautiful,
You are the kindest.
In the garden, you are the main one for us.
We congratulate you
And from all of us we wish:
Sunshine in the window,
Bug on the palm
In a plate - delicious porridge,
Tolerate our whims.
Constant smiles
Regular salaries.
Good luck to the round dance,
Health all year round.

We learned these poems,
To congratulate you now,
Teachers and nannies,
We love you very much and appreciate you!
We wish you success,
It's very good to be with you,
We are interested, not afraid,
Everyone is glad that they went to the garden.

Beautiful congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher's Day in verse

On September 27, friends and relatives of women working in kindergartens are sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday and admire their patience and ability to find an approach to each of more than 20 wards. And beautiful congratulations on Teacher’s Day in verse with the best wishes to a woman are best suited for this purpose.

Congratulations in verse on Teacher's Day

It's not an easy job for you,
To be useful for preschool children:
Develop them, educate them and
Very tasty and filling food!

Looking for answers to questions,
To instill in them what they need again,
To awaken their interest,
Encouraging love to knowledge!

And they're so hard to follow:
Can't sit still alone!
So that the team is friendly
We'll drink compote for this!

Happy Preschool Workers Day
Congratulations to you today,
An easy and worthy life,
Great patience!

Children love you madly
Every meeting is looked forward to with delight,
May your difficult calling
There will be many happy days!

Your kindness and sensitivity
So admirable!
May happy moments
Gives life without regrets!

"Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
There are even cooler ones in Russia:
Teachers and nannies,
Let's celebrate their mighty holiday!

Preschool children, cunning people,
They need an eye and an eye,
Sometimes they roar for breakfast
Don't eat a wonderful dinner!

You will find an approach to everyone,
Explain clearly
And to your students,
Lucky, it turns out big!

Educators today
I want to congratulate everyone,
Your difficult path
Loudly I will praise.

You give your soul to children,
All and without a trace.
Let it be work
Sweet to you all the time.

Inspires kids
Charges with laughter.
And this joy will return
Your family echoes.

Happy, wonderful day
Everyone to whom children are so close,
Who teaches us during the day
and in dreams I am responsible for everyone.

Let the teacher be happy!
Let the teacher always laugh!
The sun with its joyful ray
Lights up all your roads.

Words of congratulations in prose on Day of the Kindergarten Teacher

Parents of kindergarten students and graduates highly value the work of teachers and every September 27th they are sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. Slava congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher's Day in prose, published in the selection below, will be pleasant to hear for every woman working with preschoolers.

Congratulations in prose on Teacher's Day

Dear teachers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you endless patience, because you are the first people after parents with whom children spend a lot of time. It is you who make a huge contribution to their upbringing. Thank you for that! We wish that what you give to our children returns to you threefold. Happy holiday!
Thank you for your work, difficult and sometimes invisible. Thanks to your love for kids, your sincere care and professionalism, it is much easier for us, parents, to raise children. We wish you an inexhaustible source of strength, health, inspiration and creativity! Happiness, warmth, prosperity to your families!
Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish that work would not be a troublesome task, but a complete pleasure, I wish that life would go without difficulties and failures, I wish that every day brings cheerful smiles of children, strong hugs from loved ones, sunny weather outside the window and sure success in business. Be happy and raise wonderful people in each of your children.
Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I always wish you a great mood and cheerfulness of soul, a constant flow of positive energy and brilliant ideas for holidays of the heart. I wish you success in your educational activities and all the best for your own life.
Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you not just to work, but, together with your children, to immerse yourself in the world of dreams, illusions, miracles and kindness; I wish you not just to live, but to enjoy every happy, beautiful, sweet moment of life. Health to you and your children, playful mood, funny ideas and immodest success.

Short congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher's Day for SMS

The easiest way to congratulate all the women you know who work in the field of preschool education is to send them 27 short congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher’s Day via SMS or WhatsApp/Viber. You can find funny and heartfelt SMS congratulations for Preschool Worker's Day in the following collection.

A selection of short congratulations on Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you to receive only cheerful emotions and a sea of ​​pleasure from your activities, I wish you to expect only good things from your life and may this good thing happen to you every day!
You are a teacher.
Be proud of this!
A true prospector,
We wish you happiness
It's fun to live
Children, dear,
The joy of giving!
Smiles, happiness, joy, love,
Flowers of beautiful, sincere confessions,
We wish you heartily, from the bottom of our hearts,
Our best teacher in the world!
Your work is honorable!
You're a prospector
Earthly beauty!
You children
Leading you into the adult world!
And for them you
A true idol!

Congratulations on your professional holiday. May life always be filled with sincere children's laughter, smiles, the patter of little feet, joy, carelessness and happiness! Happy Teacher's Day to you!

Congratulations in GIF images on Day of the Kindergarten Teacher

GIF and animation with funny congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher's Day is another cute way to congratulate all employees of the preschool educational institution on September 27. Download brilliant pictures from our website and send them to all your friends who have trained as teachers and work in kindergartens with children.

Pictures-gifs and animation for Teacher's Day

Examples of congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher's Day in your own words

Officials, representatives of the parent committee and people who have friends or good acquaintances working in kindergartens often bring teachers and nannies congratulations on Teacher’s Day in their own words. These congratulations sound sincere and sincere, and examples of the best words of congratulations can be read below.

Beautiful congratulations in your own words on Teacher's Day

Our dear (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on Teacher’s Day! We would like to say “Thank you” to you for teaching us to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and applications. We love it when you read us fairy tales, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you to always remain as kind, caring and patient.
Today, on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I am very happy to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten. All of you are working for the benefit of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You make an invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation, giving them the opportunity to grow up as smart, capable, healthy, physically developed people. Thank you very much for your selfless work, for your love for children, for your patience, for your desire to work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!
We wish you mental stability and prosperity, family happiness and inquisitive students! You become a second mother for your children, opening your huge, kind hearts to them. I wish you strong nerves, decent salaries, understanding parents and many pleasant moments!
Dear teachers, thank you very much for your patience and work! You are all doing an excellent job with your difficult work. You raise our children with dignity and give them a piece of your soul! Words of gratitude cannot fully express how grateful we are to you. Be happy and good-natured, all good things will return to you!
Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers. I wish you to enjoy life and laugh like a child, I wish you to throw yourself into work, plunging into the wonderful world of loud games and toys, bright dreams and colors, I wish you to cope brilliantly with your calling and turn your life into a real holiday every day.

Cool and funny congratulations on Kindergarten Teacher's Day from parents

Nowadays, more and more young people are choosing the teaching profession, and many young teachers, music teachers, psychologists and other employees work in kindergartens. And it is not surprising that friendly relations are often established between the parents of preschool children and teachers, and on September 27, many mothers send funny congratulations to the teachers of their children on Day of the Kindergarten Teacher.

A selection of sincere funny congratulations to teachers from parents

Holiday in our kindergarten
Today is wonderful
Congratulations to all employees,
Nannies and teachers.

Thank you too!" we talk
For warm hearts,
We trust you with our
Girls and boys.

We wish you love,
So that there is enough for everyone,
For happiness in your life
It was endless.

Thank you for your attention
To beloved kids,
Patience, understanding,
You have a bright soul.

Good mood
Shine every day
Less grief
Convey the meaning.

On behalf of the parents
We sincerely wish you
Amazing life
Endless happiness!

To all kindergarten workers,
We are sincerely grateful.
For warmth, care and love,
After all, education takes a lot of work.
We wish you great patience,
And simple personal happiness.
So that positivity surrounds you everywhere,
Your house prospered with abundance.
Good health and don't get sick,
And never regret your choice of profession.

Thank you for being with our children
You babysit and play so often
Why do you give them so much love?
Because their life in kindergarten is wonderful!
We appreciate your hard, complex work
And we wish you all the best!
Let new successes await you
And there will be a lot of happiness in life!

Dear educators
And kindergarten workers
We spent so much effort on the children -
You are entitled to a reward.

For your care and attention,
For warmth
We wish you prosperity
May you always be lucky in everything.

So that happiness is sincere,
I have never encountered pain in my life,
So that there are no envious people,
And love lived in my soul!

Congratulations from children on Teacher's Day to the nanny

Pupils of the senior and middle group of kindergartens often become more attached to the nanny than to the teacher, because she is the one who spends every minute with the children and helps them in everything. Therefore, on the eve of September 27, kids learn cute children’s congratulations on Teacher’s Day to the nanny in order to sincerely congratulate their beloved nanny on the holiday.

A selection of congratulations for the nanny on Teacher's Day

Who loves children very much
Will he caress you with his affection?
He will always give the right advice,
Our nanny is the answer!

We wish you patience
We congratulate you on this day.
Be happy always
May your kids love you!

Who will carefully help
And will he serve the pot?
On the site naked
Who won't let you leave?

Who will look after and help
Make the bed?
And will make you sleepy
Sleep soundly?

On this glorious holiday,
You cannot be forgotten!
After all, without a good nanny,
The kids won't survive!

Congratulations to our caring and attentive nanny on Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! We wish you warmth, attention, care and love. Let your trembling and kind heart be filled with sincerity and smiles. Thank you for all the good you give to the kids. For your open soul, love for every child and help in their children's affairs. Happy holiday to you!

Being a nanny is a good thing
Children love you dearly.
Congratulations on a wonderful day,
The holiday today is just great.

I wish you patience
Spiritual strength and goodness.
Let the children be comfortable
From the warmth of the heart.

Happy professional day,
Peace, health and goodness to you,
May happiness follow you everywhere,
And your cherished dream will come true.
You give children your attention,
Being a nanny is quite difficult,
Don't lose your patience
May everything be good in life!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the head from employees and parents

The head of the kindergarten is a super-professional, because every day this woman solves dozens of different organizational issues. Therefore, parents and employees of the preschool educational institution are sure to prepare pleasant gifts and congratulations on Teacher’s Day to the head teacher in order to thank her on September 27 for her professionalism and everyday hard work.

A selection of congratulations in poetry and prose for the head teacher on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers

Our kindergarten is a fairy-tale world,
And you are like a queen in it.
Not everyone would probably be able to
This is how to lead skillfully.

It’s simple and easy for us,
We love and respect you
And on a professional day
We heartily congratulate you all.

We wish you long life,
Always good luck at work.
Let there be peace and sunshine
On the land where you live!

Dear head, we congratulate you on Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers. May your work be fun and exciting, like in a good fairy tale, may your children love you, may your family always welcome you joyfully and tenderly at home. We wish you health and energy, as well as patience, strength for all things and success.

We wish the kindergarten
You always kept in order
So that everyone is happy to come to you,
May all the kids smile!

May all plans succeed
You without any obstacles!
Let the streams of happiness flow
To your wonderful kindergarten!

Congratulations to our head teacher and all preschool workers on Teacher's Day! We wish you as many simple and carefree days as possible in your responsible work! So that everything works and functions like a Swiss watch. I wish you good health, a lot of strength and inspiration!

You are in charge of the kindergarten,
All year round and every hour.
Please accept congratulations,
Happy holiday from us.

We wish you understanding,
Prosperity in everything.
Respect, attention,
So that everything would be for nothing.

Cool congratulations to colleagues on Teacher's Day in verses and pictures

On their professional holiday, kindergarten employees send funny congratulations on Teacher’s Day to their colleagues, kindly making fun of each other and their workdays. And we published the best pictures and congratulations on September 27 to colleagues below.

Examples of cool congratulations in verse and prose to colleagues on Teacher’s Day and all preschool employees

Happy Teacher's Day, preschool workers
I will gladly congratulate all my colleagues.
May you be satisfied with life,
And may great success await you in everything!

Work brings inspiration
Notice happiness in the shine of your eyes.
May joy often come to visit you,
And the kids always listen to you!

I wish you health, goodness and great love!
May every day bring joy,
May all your dreams come true, of course
And may only prosperity await you.

I wish you, friends,
Good health.
To go to work
You are always with love.

Holiday, joy,
Children's laughter
Let them surround you.
Quarantines in groups let
It doesn't happen at all.

And, of course, also
“Modest” salary for you.
So that we have her,
Like the deputies.

Colleagues, happy holiday to you all,
Spiritualization to everyone,
Let children's laughter inspire
But the main thing is patience!

Comfort in the house and warmth,
In the family you understand,
To have a happy life,
No disappointment.

Let the work be difficult -
You need to be successful:
They trust us from a young age
The most tender age.
I wish you, colleagues,
So that you get less tired!
So that work inspires,
There was no shortage of money!
Well, a friendly team
Let's celebrate the day beautifully!