Is it possible to return shoes if they are uncomfortable? Uncomfortable shoes, what to do

It often happens that shoes that seemed to fit in the store are then simply impossible to wear, and the desired purchase turns into torture - it mercilessly presses, squeezes, rubs until it bleeds and creates a lot of problems that lead to the loss of the health and beauty of your feet. But this is not yet a reason to wash your face with tears and get rid of your treasured pair of shoes.

Problem #1 HEELS

A high stiletto heel certainly makes you look slimmer, but when walking in such shoes we rely on our toes, which causes deformation thumbs. Very often, the last for such shoes does not fit under the arch of the foot, which causes pain in the arch and increases the load on the toes. And if the shoes have an open toe, then the foot “walks out” of them, which is very uncomfortable, unaesthetic and leads to injury. However, giving up heels in favor of ballet shoes is also not an option: despite the convenience, constant wearing of such shoes is very harmful, as the foot flattens and overstretches.

if you choose high-heeled shoes, it is better that it be wide, stable, and the shoes have a platform in the toe that compensates for the height;
it is best to buy or sew custom-made shoes from natural materials, choosing a block “for yourself”
Depending on the inconvenience, you can use various silicone shoe “gadgets”: liners, half-insoles, heel pads, orthopedic insoles, pads. They come in different shapes and thicknesses and are designed to solve shoe problems. For example, half-insoles support the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot, which, if the last is incorrect, “hangs” above the sole of the shoe, and heel pads reduce the impact load on the heel and serve as a preventive measure against the occurrence of spurs. All these devices can be purchased at a pharmacy or orthopedic store. But even if you have them, it is recommended not to wear one pair of shoes all the time, but to alternate with more comfortable ones.


If you purchased shoes that are a little too small for you, don't worry! Natural materials wear out during use. But if this is too painful for you, then you can resort to one of the stretching methods.

1. Moisten inner surface shoes with cologne, vodka or alcohol, immediately put them on your feet with a cotton sock and then moisten the top of the shoes with the same liquid. Carry it around the apartment for a couple of hours.

2. Pour boiling water into your shoes, as if rinsing them from the inside, and put them on immediately. The skin will soften and stretch along the leg, and there will be no traces of water left.

3. Stuff the tight pair tightly with damp newspaper. Leave it to dry at room temperature, but under no circumstances place it on the battery, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

4. If the “old-fashioned” methods do not help, you can turn to modern ones: buy stretching foam in the store and treat the shoes according to the instructions.

5. Well, if you don’t want to bother with breaking them in, you can take your shoes to a workshop, where they will be stretched for you on a special machine with a special liquid.

Problem #3: TIGHT SHOES

It's no secret that bloody legs in new shoes can be obtained in just a couple of minutes. Of course, you can try to “tame” “unbroken” shoes using the methods indicated above, but it is better to use our tips on choosing the right shoes and not face any suffering at all.

FIRST, always go shopping after 15:00. By the end of the day, your feet swell, and comfortable shoes bought in the morning may turn out to be unbearably tight in the evening.

SECONDLY, choose the right weight! The position of the foot must be clearly recorded. If the model is narrow for you, you should not take a pair one size larger. This won't solve the problem.

THIRD, before you go outside in your new clothes, walk around in it for a couple of hours at home. If you realize that you are uncomfortable and the purchase was a mistake, you can always return the product to the store; to do this, be sure to keep your receipt!

Cool autumn days have arrived, and people are rushing to the shops in search of new clothes. For some people, seasonal changes to shoes go without problems, but more often new, not yet worn-in shoes bring a lot of trouble. When trying them on in the store, the boots seemed to fit, but for some reason it’s impossible to wear them all day - they mercilessly squeeze, crush and rub until they bleed. How to avoid such annoying mistakes and what to do if an unsuccessful purchase has already been made.

What to look for when choosing shoes
1. Warranty period. Having seen that the warranty period is, for example, 10 days, you can turn around and leave. In a good way, the warranty on shoes should be one month since the beginning of the season. In addition, you have every right to return the shoes to the store within 10 days from the date of purchase if you suddenly don’t like them. But this is provided that you did not wear shoes.

2. Time of day. It is better to choose shoes after lunch, since your feet tend to swell a little in the evening. It is very possible that in the evening you will wear the shoes that you bought in the morning and which you thought were the right size.

3. Foot position. It is necessary that the foot in new boots be carefully fixed. If the model is narrow for your feet, that is, does not fit your fullness, then you should not take shoes a size larger. If you start wearing it, your leg will move. Better select the desired completeness. Its European standards are from 6 to 12, the most popular models are narrow 7 (F), medium 8 (G) and wide 9 (H).

4. Quality. Carefully check how well the shoes you like are made. Is there any glue or thread sticking out, is the insole well glued, is the heel stable, is the instep bending? Do not buy shoes that have an unpleasant “chemical” smell.

5. Manufacturer. Italian shoes do not always guarantee quality. In Italy, as well as in China, shoes are made both in large factories and in basements. Therefore, Italian shoes may just as well turn out to be of poor quality. By the way, good shoes Now they are also made in Russian factories, notes In addition, shoes made in Russia are better adapted to our climate. Why, for example, are Italian boots cold in winter? Yes, because in Italy in winter it’s plus 18 degrees Celsius, and Italians have no need to insulate their soles. And here in winter it’s minus 18, or even 20 or 30.

Let's summarize: the most important thing is to feel that the shoes fit perfectly on your feet, the last is comfortable, you do not feel discomfort and are confident that you will be able to wear the new thing after trying it on.

If you've already bought shoes that are too small for you, don't worry. Genuine Leather, suede, nubuck wear out during wear. But if your shoes are so tight that this process is unbearable for you, then you can resort to one of 4 methods of stretching your shoes.

1. Alcohol. Moisten the inside of your shoes or boots with cologne (or vodka), immediately put them on your foot (preferably on a cotton sock) and then moisten the top of the shoe with cologne. Wear your shoes around the apartment for a couple of hours.

2. Boiling water. Pour a little boiling water into your shoes, as if rinsing them from the inside, and put them on immediately. The skin will soften and stretch along the leg, and there will be no traces of water left.

3. Wet newspaper. Stuff a tight pair of shoes tightly with damp newsprint. Leave to dry at room temperature (not on the radiator!).

4. Special means. Buy a special stretching foam in the store and follow the instructions.

Note: “small” fashion is different from “big”
1. Women with small feet (up to 36) find it easier to choose trendy shoes. Shoes large sizes(from 40) is also produced with an eye to fashion trends, but still more restrained. Most often they are calm classic models with a heel no higher than 5 cm and a comfortable, stable last.

Often when we buy shoes in a store, we come home and the shoes or boots are not comfortable! And the long-awaited purchase turns into torture, every time we put on brand new shoes we experience stress - the last does not fit well, the shoes squeeze and rub, calluses appear, often it is not possible to break in such shoes, especially when it comes to women's shoes in high heels.

Still, this is not a reason to be upset and put uncomfortable shoes in the closet. There are several tips and recommendations on what to do if your shoes are uncomfortable.

  1. The main problem is the high heel. Such shoes “slim” and emphasize the figure; when walking, a large load is placed on the toe part, which can cause the bones of the big toes to become deformed. It happens that the arch of the foot is not correct in such pads, which can cause pain when walking. You cannot wear such shoes, it is harmful to the health of your feet, and the consequences can be very disastrous. how to avoid this?

Stiletto heels are generally not comfortable shoes.

Shoes with wide heels are more comfortable shoes.

  • It is worth paying attention to the heel, it should be wide and there should be a platform in the toe part.
  • If you do buy shoes and they are uncomfortable, you should try replacing the insole, you can get an orthopedic one, such insoles have the correct arch of the foot and the shoes, as a rule, become comfortable.
  • Use silicone inserts, half-insoles or heel pads - these will all help break in uncomfortable shoes.
  • If you like high-heeled shoes, but you can’t wear them every time you buy them, contact the masters of their craft, make a last for your foot, and sew shoes to order. The pleasure is not cheap, but the comfort of the shoes is guaranteed.

2. If you bought shoes, you liked them so much, but when you came home, it turned out that the shoes were too small, this is not a reason to be upset, because all shoes made from natural materials tend to wear out. But if putting on such shoes is a pain for you, there are several ways that will help you break in your shoes faster:

  • Wet the inner surface of the shoes with alcohol or vodka, put the shoes on a cotton sock, walk for a few minutes, then wet the top of the shoes with the same liquids, walk around the apartment for a couple of hours, the shoes should take the volume of your feet and become more comfortable. You should not wet your shoes with cologne or perfume; they may contain dyes, which can cause stains on the skin after drying.
  • The next method: you need to boil water and immediately, taking it off the stove, pour it into your shoes, then pour out the water and put the shoes on your feet, walk for an hour or two, the shoes will get wet, stretch and become more comfortable. There will be no traces of water left.
  • You can purchase a special spray in the store that will help stretch your shoes to the desired size.

Buy shoes in the afternoon! By the end of the day, your feet swell and take on maximum volume; shoes bought in the morning may turn out to be tight and uncomfortable by the evening. Do not wear new shoes to important events, because if the shoes are uncomfortable and tight, such an event can be torture. Break your shoes in at home; one hour is enough to tell if your shoes are comfortable or not.