Boat folk drama summary. Specifics of folk drama

Distact and contact assimilation

Complete and incomplete assimilation

Progressive and regressive assimilation

Consonantal and vocal assimilation

Consonantal assimilation– likening a consonant to a consonant, for example. in a word boat media [d] replaced by voiceless [T] - [tray].

Vocal assimilation– likening a vowel to a vowel, for example. instead of "It happens" it is often said in common parlance [happen].

Progressive assimilation– the preceding sound influences the subsequent one. In Russian language progressive assimilation is very rare, e.g. dialect pronunciation of the word "Vanka" How "Vankya". Progressive assimilation is often found in English. (cats, balls), French- subsister, German, bash. (at + lar = attar) and other languages.

Regressive assimilation– the subsequent sound affects the previous one. It is most typical for the Russian language: "boat [tray]", vodka [votka], “got up at three [fstal f three]”

In English "newspaper"[z] under the influence of [p] turns into [s], in fr. absolu[b] - in [p], German. Staub ends with [r], in bash. "kitep bara" (leaves) turns into “kitebbara”.

Example complete assimilation the word “assimilation” itself can serve . A similar example of assimilation is “agglutination” .

Rus. sew [shshhyt], highest [highest], eng. cupboard“cabinet”, “buffet” is pronounced ["kDbad]. German. Zimber turned into Zimmer"room", selbst"sam" is pronounced .

At incomplete assimilation the sound loses only part of its characteristics, for example, “where - where”, “sedes - here”, where consonants lose the sign of voicing.

Distant assimilation. One sound influences another at a distance, although they are separated from each other by other sounds.

Rus. hooligan - hooligan (colloquial), English. foot"leg" - feet"legs", goose"goose" - geese"geese". In Old English language fori(plural number from fot“leg”), “/"” changed the vowel of the root, and then disappeared. The same in it. language: Fuss"leg"- Fusse"legs", Gans"goose"- Game"geese".

At contact assimilation the interacting sounds are in direct contact.

Synharmonism (vowel harmony) – distactic progressive assimilation along the row and labialization. Vowels of suffixes and usually non-first syllables of a word are likened by row or by rounding (front vowels - front vowels, back vowels - back vowels), i.e. for example, in in a simple word there can only be vowels and, uh or just y, oh.

This phenomenon is characteristic, for example, of the languages ​​of the Turkic family of languages ​​(Turkish, Bashkir, Tatar, Uzbek and others), Finno-Ugric languages ​​(Hungarian, Finnish and others), as well as one of ancient languages- Sumerian.

For example, ball(child) + ENT(plural ending) = Balalar. All vowels here

back row: vowel [a] in bash. language closer to the back row.

But for the word “keshe” (person), the ending will not be “lar”, but “ler” - kesheler.

Letter uh denotes the front vowel [ae].

More examples: Hung. levelemben"in my letter" Magyar orszagon"in Hungary",

koszonom“thank you” (synharmonism by labialization), Finn. talossa -"in the house", tour.

evlerinde"in their house." Traces of synharmonicism are clearly visible in those borrowed from

Turkic languages rus. words drum, chipmunk, pencil, cockroach and etc.

Synharmonism emphasizes the unity of the word, but leads to some phonetic monotony of the words.

● Dissimilation

This is the opposite of assimilation. Represents the dissimilarity of articulation of two identical or similar sounds.

February turned into February(cf. English) February, German Februar, fr./evrier), corridor - colidor(colloquially), fr. couroir - couloir(Russian couloir), camel - camel - examples of distant dissimilation.

Contact dissimilation is observed in words easily[lehko], boring[boring].

● Metathesis(gr. permutation) - mutual rearrangement of sounds or syllables within a word.

Word marmor(gr. dardaro;) passed into Russian. marble, table(German) Teller or Swedish talrik) - plate, dolon became palm, tvorushka - cheesecake, prison -

rigging, neuro(-pathologist) - nerve. English thridda - third (third), German Absolutely switched to English burn (burn), bridd- in bird (bird).

German Brennstein -Bernstein, French/ormaticu -fromage.

For example, USSR President Gorbachev always pronounced Arzebazhan instead of Azerbaijan - it was more convenient for him.

●Haplology(Greek "anxooq- simple) - simplification of a word due to dissimilation, in which the same or similar syllables are dropped.

For example, miner alologist iya - mineralogy, core nope syy - snub-nosed, bli zozor cue - myopic, tragi cook Ediya - tragicomedy, sti Pepe India - scholarship. But in the word itself gap lolo gia - haplology (*haplogy) No.

Eng. miners" rights instead of miners's rights(if identical sounding formants of the plural coincide and possessive case the last formant is dropped).

Distact and contact assimilation

Complete and incomplete assimilation

Progressive and regressive assimilation

Consonantal and vocal assimilation

Consonantal assimilation– likening a consonant to a consonant, for example.
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in a word boat media [d] replaced by voiceless [T] - [tray].

Vocal assimilation– likening a vowel to a vowel, for example.
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instead of It happens it is often said in common parlance [happen].

Progressive assimilation– the preceding sound influences the subsequent one. In Russian language progressive assimilation is very rare, e.g.
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dialect pronunciation of the word ʼʼVankaʼʼ How ʼʼVankyaʼʼ. Progressive assimilation is often found in English. (cats, balls), French- subsister, German, bash. (at + lar = attar) and other languages.

Regressive assimilation– the subsequent sound affects the previous one. It is most typical for the Russian language: ʼʼboat [tray]ʼʼ, vodka [votka], ʼʼgot up at three [fstal f three]ʼʼ

In English ʼʼnewspaperʼʼ[z] under the influence of [p] turns into [s], in fr.
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absolu[b] - in [p], German. Staub ends with [r], in bash. ʼʼkettle barʼʼ (leaves) goes into ʼʼkitebbaraʼʼ.

Example complete assimilation the word ʼʼassimilationʼʼ itself may serve . A similar example of assimilation is ʼʼagglutinationʼʼ .

Rus. sew [shshyt], highest [highest], anᴦ. cupboardʼʼcabinetʼʼ, ʼʼbuffetʼʼ is pronounced ["kDbad]. German. Zimber turned into Zimmer room, selbstʼʼsamʼʼ is pronounced .

At incomplete assimilation the sound loses only part of its characteristics, for example, ʼʼwhere - whereʼʼ, ʼʼhere - hereʼʼ, where consonants lose the sign of voicing.

Distant assimilation. One sound influences another at a distance, although they are separated from each other by other sounds.

Rus. hooligan - hooligan (colloquial), English. foot leg - feet legs, goose goose - geeseʼʼgeeseʼʼ. In ancient An. language fori(plural number from fotʼʼnogaʼʼ), ʼʼ/"ʼʼ changed the vowel of the root, and then disappeared. The same in German: Fuss leg- Fusse legs, Gans goose- Gameʼʼgeeseʼʼ.

At contact assimilation the interacting sounds are in direct contact.

Synharmonism (vowel harmony) – distactic progressive assimilation along the row and labialization. Vowels of suffixes and usually non-first syllables of a word are likened by row or by rounding (front vowels - front vowels, back vowels - back vowels), ᴛ.ᴇ. for example, in a simple word there are only vowels and, uh or just y, oh.

This phenomenon is characteristic, for example, of the languages ​​of the Turkic family of languages ​​(Turkish, Bashkir, Tatar, Uzbek and others), Finno-Ugric languages ​​(Hungarian, Finnish and others), as well as one of the most ancient languages ​​- Sumerian.

For example, ball(child) + ENT(plural ending) = Balalar.
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All vowels here

back row: vowel [a] in bash. language closer to the back row.

But for the word ʼʼkesheʼʼ (person), the ending will not be ʼʼlarʼʼ, but ʼʼlerʼʼ - kesheler.

Letter uh denotes the front vowel [ae].

More examples: ven. levelembenʼʼin my letterʼʼ, Magyar orszagon in Hungary,

koszonomʼʼthank youʼʼ (synharmonism by labialization), Fin. talossa -ʼʼin the houseʼʼ, tour.

evlerindeʼʼin their houseʼʼ. Traces of synharmonicism are clearly visible in those borrowed from

Turkic languages ​​Russian words drum, chipmunk, pencil, cockroach and etc.

Synharmonism emphasizes the unity of the word, but leads to some phonetic monotony of the words.

● Dissimilation

This is the opposite of assimilation. Represents the dissimilarity of articulation of two identical or similar sounds.

February turned into February(cf.
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English February, German Februar, fr./evrier), corridor - colidor(colloquially), fr.
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couroir - couloir(Russian couloir), camel - camel - examples of distant dissimilation.

Contact dissimilation is observed in words easily[lehko], boring[boring].

● Metathesis(gr.
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permutation) - mutual rearrangement of sounds or syllables within a word.

Word marmor(gr.
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dardaro;) passed into Russian. marble, table(German) Teller or Swedish talrik) - plate, dolon became palm, tvorushka - cheesecake, prison -

rigging, neuro(-pathologist) - nerve. English thridda - third (third), German Absolutely turned into anᴦ. burn (burn), bridd- in bird (bird).

German Brennstein -Bernstein, French/ormaticu -fromage.

For example, USSR President Gorbachev always pronounced Arzebazhan instead of Azerbaijan - it was more convenient for him.

●Haplology(Greek "anxooq- simple) - simplification of a word due to dissimilation, in which the same or similar syllables are dropped.

For example, miner alologist iya - mineralogy, core nope syy - snub-nosed, bli zozor cue - myopic, tragi cook Ediya - tragicomedy, sti Pepe India - scholarship. But in the word itself gap lolo gia - haplology (*haplogy) No.

Anᴦ. miners" rights instead of miners's rights(if identical sounding formants of the plural and the possessive case coincide, the last formant disappears).


(People's Theater / Compiled, introductory article, prepared texts and comments by A.F. Nekrylova, N.I. Savushkina. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1991. - (B-ka of Russian folklore; T. 10). - pp. 65-72, comments p. 502)


Ataman, a menacing appearance, in a red shirt, a black jacket, a black hat, with a gun and a saber, with pistols in his belt; the jacket and hat are richly decorated with gold paper.
Esaul, dressed almost the same as Ataman; silver paper jewelry.
Raz6oiniki, dressed in red shirts, on their heads fur hats with icons from multicolored paper, various weapons in his belt.
Unknown(aka Bezobrazov), dressed in a soldier's uniform, with a gun in his hands and a dagger in his belt.
Rich landowner, elderly, sometimes gray-haired, wearing shoes, a jacket or robe, a bowler hat on his head, and a pipe with a long stem in his hands.

The action takes place on the wide expanse of Mother Volga, on a stagnant boat; the last scene is on the shore, in the house of a rich landowner. There are no scenery, no backstage, no prompter, or any stage equipment at all.

Everyone participating in the performance enters a predetermined hut while singing a song. The most commonly performed is the following:

Allow me, allow me, master,
Enter Nova Gorenka!

Oh, viburnum! Oh, raspberries!
Blackcurrant (twice).

Enter the new mountain.
Walk along the hill (twice).
Say a word.
In your house, master,
Is there any extra log?
If there is an extra log,
Let's knock him out!

At the end of the song he steps forward Esaul and, turning to the owner, says: “Would you like, owner, to watch the show?”
Master usually answers: “You are welcome!”, “Welcome!” or something like that.
All participants in the performance go to the middle of the hut and form a circle, in the middle of which they stand opposite each other Ataman And Esaul.


Ataman (stomps his foot and shouts menacingly). Esaul!
Esaul (stomps his foot in the same way and shouts back). Ataman!
Ataman. Come to me quickly
Speak to me boldly!
You won't come soon
You won’t speak out boldly -
I'll tell you to roll a hundred,

Esaul. Here I am in front of you
Like a leaf before the grass!
What do you order, Ataman?
Ataman. Something is boring... Sing me my favorite song.
Esaul. I'm listening. Ataman! (He starts a song and picks it up. The beginning of each line is sung by Esaul.)
Oh, you, my mountains, mountains, Vorobievsky mountains!
You, oh, yes, the mountains, didn’t create anything.
You just gave birth to mountains, white flammable stone.
A fast river runs from under a pebble...

Ataman While singing a song, he walks back and forth in deep thought with his arms crossed on his chest. At the end of the song he stops, stamps his foot and screams.

Ataman. Esaul!
Come to me quickly
Speak to me boldly!
You won't come soon
You won’t speak out boldly -
I'll tell you to roll a hundred,
Your Esaul service will be lost for nothing!
Ataman. We'll hang out here,
Let's go down the Mother Volga for a walk.
Build me an inert boat instantly!
Esaul. Ready, Ataman:
Rowers in places
Oars on the sides!
Everything is in perfect working order.

At this time everything robbers they sit on the floor, forming an empty space between themselves (a boat), in which Ataman and Esaul walk.

Ataman (addressing Esaul) Well done! Got it soon! (Addressing the rowers.) Pray to God guys! Fuck off.

Rowers they take off their hats and cross themselves; then they begin to sway back and forth, clapping hand to hand (representing rowing and the splashing of oars).

Ataman. Esaul! Sing my favorite song!

Esaul sings along with all the robbers.

Down the Mother Volga...
Ataman(interrupting the song). Esaul!
Come to me quickly
Speak to me boldly!
You won't come soon
You won’t speak out boldly -
I'll tell you to roll a hundred,
Your Esaul service will be lost for nothing!
Esaul. What do you order, mighty Ataman?
Ataman. Pick up the suspicious phone
Go to the ataman's cabin,
Look in all directions:
Are there any stumps, roots, small places?

Esaul takes the cardboard tube and looks around.

Ataman(shouting). Look carefully, tell me quickly!
Esaul. I look, I look and I see!
Ataman. Tell me what you see?
Esaul. I see: there is a deck on the water!
Ataman (as if he hadn’t heard).
What the hell is the governor!
Whether there are a hundred or two hundred of them -
Let's put them all together!
I know them and I'm not afraid
And if I get hot,
I'll get even closer to them.
Well done Esaul!
Take my suspicious pipe
Go to the ataman's cabin,
Look at all four sides
Are there any stumps, roots, small places,
So that our boat doesn't run aground!
Look more accurately
Tell me quickly!

Esaul begins to look around the surroundings again. At this time, the singing of a song can be heard from a distance.

Among the dense forests
The robbers are coming...
Ataman (stomps angrily and screams).
Who is this walking in my protected forests?
And sings songs so loudly?
Take it and bring it here immediately!
Esaul (jumps out of the boat, but returns immediately).
A daring stranger is walking in your protected forests
And he sings daring songs,
But you can't take it,
Threatens to kill with a gun!
Ataman. You are not Esaul, but a woman,
Your guts are weak!
Take as many Cossacks as you want,
Bring the daring alien!

Esaul takes several people and jumps out of the boat with them.


Esaul they return with the robbers and bring with them a bound stranger.

Ataman (menacingly). Who are you?
Stranger. Sergeant Major Ivan Pyatakov!
Ataman. How dare you walk in my protected forests
And sing daring songs?
Stranger. I don't know anyone;
Wherever I want, I walk there
And I sing daring songs!
Ataman. Tell us, whose tribe are you?
Stranger. I don’t know my family and tribe,
And recently I’ve been going for a walk...
There were two of us - brother and me,
Fed and nourished by someone else's family.
Life was not sweet
And envy took us;
Bored bitter share,
I wanted to take a walk at will.
My brother and I took a sharp knife
And they set out on a dangerous trade,
Will the moon rise among the heavens,
We are from underground - to dark forest,
Let's hide and sit
And we all look at the road:
Whoever walks along the road -
Rich Jew
Or a pot-bellied gentleman, -
We beat everyone
We take everything for ourselves!
Otherwise, in the dead of night
Let's lay down a daring three,
We are approaching the tavern,
We drink and eat everything for nothing...
But the fellows didn’t walk for long,
We were soon caught
And together with my brother the blacksmiths forged,
And the guards took him to prison,
I lived there, but my brother couldn’t:
He soon fell ill
And he didn’t recognize me
And he recognized everything as some old man.
My brother soon died, I buried him.
And he killed the sentry.
I ran to dense forest
Under the cover of heaven;
Wandered through thickets and slums
And I came across you.
If you want, I will serve you,
I won’t let anyone off the hook!
Ataman (addressing Esaul). Write it down! This will be our first warrior.
Esaul. I’m listening, mighty Ataman! (Addressing the Stranger) What is your name?
Stranger. Write - Bezobrazov!

The chieftain again orders Esaul to take the telescope and see if there is any danger.

Esaul(states). Black fish at sea.
Ataman(as if he hadn’t heard).
What the hell?
These are worms in the mountains,
There are devils in the water
There are bitches in the forest,
In the cities - judge's hooks -
They want to catch us
Yes, seat them in the prisons.
Only I'm not afraid of them.
And I’ll get closer to them myself.
Look better,
Tell me quickly
Otherwise I’ll order you to roll in a hundred times -
Your entire Esaul service will be lost for nothing!
Esaul (looking into the pipe again). I look, I look and I see!
Ataman. What do you see?
Esaul. I see a big village on the shore!
Ataman. It would have been like this a long time ago, otherwise our belly gave out a long time ago. (Addressing the rowers.) Crank it up, guys!

All the robbers pick up the song in chorus and cheerfully whine:

Crank it up guys
To the steep bank...

The boat approaches the shore. The chieftain orders Esaul to find out who lives in this village.

Esaul (shouting, addressing the audience). Hey, semi-respectable ones, who lives in this village?

Someone from the audience responds: “Rich landowner!”

Ataman (sends Esaul to the Rich Landowner to find out).
Is he happy for us?
Dear guests?


Esaul (gets out of the boat and, approaching one of the participants in the performance, asks). Is the owner at home? Who lives here?
Landowner. Rich landowner.
Esaul. We need you!
Are you happy with us?
Dear guests?
Landowner. Glad!
Esaul. How glad are you?
Landowner. Damn it!
Esaul (menacingly). How? Repeat!
landowner (in a trembling voice). Like dear friends.
Esaul. Well, that's the same!

Esaul returns back and reports everything to Ataman. The chieftain tells the robbers to go visit the Rich Landowner. The gang gets up and circles the hut several times, singing a “rolling” song: “Hey, mustaches! Here are the mustaches! Ataman’s mustaches!..” Having finished the song, the gang approaches the Rich Landowner. The Ataman and the Landowner repeat the dialogue with Esaul almost literally.

Ataman. Do you have money?
Landowner. No!
Ataman. You're lying, there is!
Landowner. I'm telling you - no!
Ataman (addressing the gang, shouts). Hey, well done, burn the rich landowner!

There is a dump and the show ends.

The main thing in this play is the originality of its language, the scope and color of the Russian character, they push the content into the background. I think the main thing here is not what it’s about, but how they say it. I'm like young director, I was infinitely pleased by this remark: “There are no scenery, no backstage, no prompter, or any stage devices at all.” I'm being sarcastic, of course, but it struck me as remarkable. Indeed, the time of this work and even its understanding are far from us, and in my time it is completely incomprehensible to me how to make a performance out of nothing (although it seems to me that this can be organically included in the Maslenitsa script, as a prologue to fist fights). And yet, despite the fact that I understand the gulf between me and this work, I am touched by its spontaneity. After reading it, the phrase “Wow!” remains in my mind! A?! This is necessary!!!”, because the play ends in a fight! And for some reason, the good feeling that each of us experienced in childhood upon first contact with folk art...

Ataman. Esaul!
Come to me quickly
Speak to me boldly!
You won't come soon
You won’t speak out boldly -
I'll tell you to roll a hundred,
Your Esaul service will be lost for nothing!
Esaul. What do you order, mighty Ataman?
Ataman. We'll hang out here,
Let's go down the Mother Volga for a walk.
Build me an inert boat instantly!
Esaul. Ready, Ataman:
Rowers in places
Oars on the sides!
Everything is in perfect working order.

At this time, all the robbers sit on the floor, forming between themselves an empty space (boat), in which Ataman and Esaul walk.

Ataman (addressing Esaul) Well done! Got it soon! (Addressing the rowers.) Pray to God, guys! Fuck off.

Volga open spaces and songs, the mere thought of this inspires me, because I know what the Volga is like, you can go down to it, feel the spirit and character with which it filled its cities. Then it seems natural that the Ataman should stomp his foot every time and pronounce the same text. Is it because this play itself is more like a song...


First published. in the book: Sipovsky V.V. Historical Reader on the History of Russian Literature, vol. 1, no. 1, 5th ed. St. Petersburg, 1911, p. 239-242. See also: Berkov P. N. Russian folk drama of the 17th-20th centuries: Texts of plays and descriptions of performances / Ed., intro. Art. and comment. P. N. Berkova. – M., 1953, p. 143-149.

Down the Mother Volga - song unknown author XVIII-early XIX century.

Among the dense forests is a song version of F. B. Miller’s poem “The Burial of the Robber (from Freiligrat).”

There were two of us - my brother and I - the monologue was based on a fragment of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “The Robber Brothers”.

Hey mustache! Here's the mustache! Ataman's mustache! - a daring or robber song, the hero of which is considered to be the robber Ivan Us, who acted in the 17th century in the Voronezh province.

The attachment:

Folk drama: “The Imaginary Master”, “Mavrukh”, “Parasha” - from N. Onuchkov’s collection “Northern Folk Dramas”; 1911, “Kedril the Glutton” – from “Notes from House of the Dead» F. Dostoevsky; “Boat” - from the anthology of V. Sipovsky, 1908.

Petrushka Theater:"Parsley". Folk puppet comedy - from the book by A. Alferov, A. Gruzinsky “Pre-Petrine literature and folk poetry”, 1911.

Nativity scenes:“King Herod” - from an article by V. Dobrovolsky in the book “Izvestia ORYAS”, 1908; “The Lady and the Doctor” - from the book by E. Romanov “Belarusian texts of nativity scenes”, 1898.

Raek: texts are given from the book by D. Rovinsky “Russians folk pictures", 1881, and articles by A. Gatsisky in the book "Nizhny Novgorod. Guide and index to Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod Fair", 1875.

Bear fun: texts from the books of D. Rovinsky, S. Maksimov, as well as popular print 1866, printed in lithography by A. Avramov.

Jokes from fairground barkers: texts written in late XIX century.

Imaginary master


Barin, in military uniform, with shoulder straps; white straw hat, with a mustache, with a cane, with an umbrella.

A lady, a young man in disguise: in a dress, in a cap. Tries to speak in a thin voice.

The innkeeper, in an untucked shirt, a vest, a green apron on his chest, a cap on his head.

A footman, in a tailcoat or frock coat, a cap on his head, gloves on his hands.

The headman, an old man in a sermyag, a black hat with a bowler on his head, a bag over his shoulders, bast shoes on his feet.

Master. Maria Ivanovna, let's go for a walk. (They enter the inn and address the Innkeeper.) Innkeeper!

Innkeeper. Anything, master naked?

Innkeeper. No, good master, I praised you!

Master. Do you have rooms for Marya Ivanovna and I to settle down and drink tea and coffee?

Innkeeper. There are, even upholstered with trellises, sir.

Master. And will it be possible to have lunch?

Innkeeper. How, sir, master, is it possible, sir.

Master. What exactly will be prepared?

Innkeeper. Roast, sir.

Master. Which one exactly?

Innkeeper. A mosquito with a fly, a cockroach with a flea are cut into twelve parts, sir, prepared for twelve persons.

Master. Maria Ivanovna! What a wonderful roast! (To the Innkeeper.) How much will it cost, sir?

Innkeeper. No, we are not fools, but we live with people on deception; they didn’t see such people, they sent them home without an overcoat; and if you are treated decently, you can be released without a uniform; you have a louse on a lasso in one pocket, a flea on a chain in the other!

Master. Ah, Maria Ivanovna! He must have been in our pocket! I don’t want to walk, I move on.

Is his Lackey.

Lackey. What, the master is naked?

Master. Oh, how you shamed me!

Lackey. No, good sir, I praised you.

Master. Little Afonka, have you watered my horse?

Lackey Well, master, he gave me something to drink!

Master. Why is the horse's upper lip dry?

Lackey. Couldn't get it.

Master. And you would have cut it.

Lackey. I already cut off my legs at the knees!

Master. Fool, you would have cut off the trough!

Lackey. I already chopped off all four legs!

The headman enters, bows to the Master and speaks.

Headman. Hello, master-father, gray stallion, Mikhailo Petrovich! I was at the Nizhny Novgorod fair, saw pigs of your breed, and sold your master’s skin; at your mercy, the collar was very strong; I also brought you a gift: a goose and a turkey.

Master. What are you, you fool, is there really a noble breed of pork?

Headman. Your factory.

Master. Oh yes, my factory! Do bars wear collars?

Headman. Very durable, boyar-father!

Master. Well, tell me, headman, where are you from?

Headman. From your new village.

Master. Well, how are the peasants doing in the village?

Here I am in front of you

Like a leaf before the grass!

What do you order, Ataman?

Something is boring... Sing me my favorite song.

I'm listening, Ataman!

He begins to sing a song and the choir joins in.

The beginning of each line is sung by Esaul.

Oh, you, my mountains, mountains.

Vorobievskie Mountains!

You’re okay, oh yes, the mountains,

They didn't argue

You just gave birth to mountains,

White-flammable stone!

Runs from under a pebble

The river is fast... etc.

The chieftain, while singing a song, walks back and forth in deep thought with his arms crossed on his chest. At the end of the song he stops, stomps his feet and screams.

Come to me quickly

Speak to me boldly!

You won't come soon

You won’t speak out boldly -

I'll tell you to roll a hundred,

Your esaul service will be lost for nothing!

What do you order, mighty Ataman?

Let's go down the Mother Volga for a walk

Go to the ataman's cabin,

Look in all directions:

Esaul takes the cardboard tube and looks around.

Look carefully, tell me quickly!

I look, I look and I see!

Tell me what you see?

I see: there is a deck on the water!

(As if he hadn’t heard.)

What the hell kind of governor!

Whether there are a hundred or two hundred of them -

I know them and I'm not afraid

And if I get hot,

I'll get even closer to them!

Well done Esaul!

Take my suspicious pipe

Go to the ataman's cabin,

Look at all four sides

Are there any stumps, roots, small places?

So that our boat doesn't run aground!

Be careful, tell me quickly!

Esaul again begins to look around the surroundings. At this time, a song can be heard singing from a distance:

Among the dense forests

The robbers are coming...

(Angrily stomps and screams.)

Who is this walking in my protected forests?

And sings songs so loudly?

Take it and bring it here immediately!

(Jumps out of the boat, but returns immediately.)

A daring alien is walking in your protected forests

And he sings daring songs,

But you can't take it:

Threatens to kill with a gun!

You are not a captain, but a woman,

Your guts are weak!

Take as many Cossacks as you want,

Bring the daring alien!

Esaul takes several people and jumps out of the boat with them.

Scene 2

Esaul and the robbers return and bring with them a bound Stranger.

Who are you?


Sergeant Major Ivan Pyatakov!

How dare you walk in my protected forests

And sing daring songs?


I don't know anyone

Wherever I want, I walk there

And I sing daring songs!

Tell us, whose tribe are you?


I don’t know my family and tribe,

And recently I’ve been going for a walk…

There were two of us - my brother and me.

Fed and nourished by someone else's family;

Life was not sweet,

And envy took us;

I'm tired of the bitter lot,

I wanted to take a walk at will;

My brother and I took a sharp knife

And they set out on a dangerous trade:

Will the moon rise among the heavens,

We are from the underground - into the dark forest,

Let's hide and sit

And we all look at the road:

Whoever walks along the road -

We beat everyone.

We take everything for ourselves!

Otherwise, in the dead of night

Let's lay down a daring three,

We are approaching the tavern,

We drink and eat everything for nothing...

But the good fellows didn’t walk for long,

We were soon caught

And together with his brother the blacksmiths forged,

And the guards took him to prison,

I lived there, but my brother couldn’t:

He soon fell ill

And he didn’t recognize me

And he recognized everything as some old man;

My brother soon died, I buried him,

And he killed the sentry,

He ran into the dense forest himself,

Under the cover of heaven;

Wandered through thickets and slums

And I came across you;

If you want, I will serve you,

I won’t let anyone off the hook!

(Addressing Esaul.)

Write it down! This will be our first warrior.

I’m listening, mighty Ataman!

(Addressing the Stranger.)

What is your name?


Write - Bezobrazov!

The chieftain again orders Esaul to take the telescope and see if there is any danger.


(As if he hadn’t heard.)

What the hell

These are worms in the mountains,

There are devils in the water

There are bitches in the forest,

In the cities there are judge hooks,

They want to catch us

Yes, seat them in the prisons,

Only I'm not afraid of them,

And I’ll get closer to them myself!

Look better,

Tell me quickly

Otherwise I’ll tell you to roll in a hundred times -

Your esaul service will be lost for nothing!

(Looking into the pipe again.)

I look, I look and I see!

What do you see?

I see a large village on the shore!

It would have been like this a long time ago, otherwise our belly gave out a long time ago!

(Addressing the rowers.)

Turn it on, guys!

All the robbers

(They pick up the song in chorus and sing the song merrily.)

Turn it up guys

To the steep bank, etc. until the end.

The boat approaches the shore. Ataman orders Esaul to find out who lives in this village.

(Shouts to the audience.)

Hey, semi-respectable ones, who lives in this village?

Someone from the audience responds: “Rich landowner!”

(Sends Esaul to the Rich Landowner to find out.)

Is he happy for us?

Dear guests?

Scene 3

(He gets out of the boat and, approaching one of the participants in the performance, asks.)

Is the owner at home? Who lives here?

Rich landowner.

We need you!

Are you happy with us?

Dear guests!

How glad are you?

Damn it!

Like dear friends.

Well, that's it!

Esaul returns back and reports everything to Ataman. The chieftain tells the robbers to go visit the Rich Landowner. The gang gets up and circles the hut several times, singing a “rolling” song: “Hey mustache! Here's the mustache! Ataman's mustache! Having finished the song, the gang approaches the Rich Landowner. The Ataman and the Landowner repeat the dialogue with Esaul almost literally.

Do you have money?

You're lying, is there?

I'm telling you - no!

(Addressing the gang, he shouts.)

Hey, well done, burn the rich landowner!

There is a dump and the show ends.



Mavrukh, in a white shirt and underpants, on his head is a white cowl, like a shroud, his face is covered, he has shoe covers on his feet. Mavrukh lies on a bench carried by four officers.

Officers, four, in black jackets, straw epaulets on their shoulders, sabers on their belts, caps or hats with ribbons and figures on their heads.

Panya, a guy dressed in women's dress, a scarf on the head.

Pan, in a long black overcoat, in a black hat.

A priest, in a robe made of a tailor's canopy, a hat on his head, in his hands a wooden cross made of sticks, a book “for privilege” and a censer - a pot on a rope, and in it chicken droppings.

A clerk, in a caftan and hat, holding a book.

The officers carry Mavrukh on a bench into the hut and place him in the middle of it, with his head along the hut.

Priest (begins to walk around the deceased, burns cense and speaks in a drawling voice in a sing-song voice, imitating the priest’s service).

Dead weirdo

Died on Tuesday

They came to bury -

He looks out of the window.

Everyone (participating in the comedy sings).

Mavrukh went on a hike.

Miroton-ton-ton, Miroten.

Mavrukh died during the campaign.

Miroton-ton-ton, Miroten.

A gentleman rides from there in a black dress.


- Sir, dear gentleman,

What news are you bringing?

- Madam, you will cry,

Hearing my message:

Mavrukh died on the campaign,

He died from the ground.

Four officers carry a dead man

And they sing, sing, sing:

Eternal memory to him!

Pop. My lord, father, Sidor Karpovich,

How old are you?

Mavrukh. Seventy.

Pop (sings in a church style)

Seventy, grandma, seventy.

Seventy, Pakhomovna, seventy.

(Asks Mavrukh.)

My lord, father,

Do you have many children left?

Mavrukh. Seven, grandma, seven,

Seven, Pakhomovna, seven.

Pop. What will you feed them?

Mavrukh. Around the world, grandma, around the world,

Around the world, Pakhomovna, around the world.

Pop and that's it (they repeat the same phrase while singing further).

Around the world, grandma, around the world,

Around the world, Pakhomovna, around the world.

Pop (speaks drawlingly, in a church manner).

At sea on the island,

On the island on Buyan,

Near a chiseled pillar,

Gilded spindles

Well... crushed garlic.

Our kids found out

They walked towards this bull,

This garlic was dipped

The food was praised:

- Oh, what a dish!

Khvatsko, burlatsko,

Just Lobodytsko!

It's good to eat

Yes walk with. … far:

Twenty-five miles away,

You can't get any closer.

Deacon (sings).

...Terekha, peritoneum pop.

Pop (reads from a book, in a church manner).

My husband gets up in the morning

I wet my eyes,

I asked my wife to have some,

And the wife answers her husband:

- What a hungry beast!

You're not in a hurry to get to work,

You just hit the food.-

The wife's husband answers:

- A good wife gets up in the morning,

Blessed, he floods the stove,

And when the wife gets up,

He floods the stove with curses,

He pours the pots with abuse.

A good broom will plow

And at worst the broom will wave around.

Deacon (sings).

...Terekha, peritoneum pop.

Pop (sniffs).

Cloud, lightning above us

With the rains.

The uterus broke,

The steering wheel broke off

There is no Korshik.

The captain is sitting in the cabin

The pilot is sitting on the bar,

They cry, they sob,

Deaths expected:

- We walked together

We'll die suddenly.



Stepan, cab driver.

Vasily, cab driver.

Semyon Ivanovich, headman, with a badge.

Parasha, his daughter.

Ivan Petrovich, the caretaker of the postal station, in a long robe.

A passing merchant, dressed in Siberian clothing.

Stepan and Vasily, cab drivers, enter and sing a song.

What a Vanka, daring head,

How daring is your little head,

How far does he go from me?

Who do you blame on, friend, me?

Parasha enters.

Parasha. Hello!

Stepan leaves, Vasily Petrovich is left alone, he approaches Parasha, hugs her and speaks.

Basil. Praskovya Semyonovna! Do you love me? If you don’t love me, I’ll go and say goodbye to the white light. That's right, this is my destiny! (Leaves.)

Parasha. Vasily, don’t go, Vasily, come back!

Vasily Petrovich. Praskovya Semyonovna, do you love me? If you love me, come and give me your right hand.

Parasha comes up and offers his hand, and at this time the elder Semyon comes out, having drunk, and sings.


A snowstorm is blowing along the street,

My little darling is walking through a snowstorm.

Ah, you are here!

Parasha and Vasily jump to the sides.

Oh, what a headman! I am headman Semyon Ivanovich. Everyone knows Semyon Ivanovich the headman. Although I’m a badass, I’m still an official, at least a headman. I'll go and see Ivan Petrovich, he'll treat me. (He's pounding outside Ivan Petrovich's house.) Is Ivan Petrovich at home?

Ivan Petrovich. Home, home, Semyon Ivanovich, home!

Headman. Ivan Petrovich! I'm visiting you. Will you treat me?

Ivan Petrovich. Go, go, Semyon Ivanovich, I’ll treat you, I’ll treat you.

Headman. Ivan Petrovich! Do you know my daughter Parenka?

Ivan Petrovich. I know, I know, Semyon Ivanovich, a good girl.

Headman. Yes, nice girl, Ivan Petrovich! I'll give her in marriage to you,

Ivan Petrovich. What are you talking about, Semyon Ivanovich, I heard that she is marrying the cab driver Vasily.

Headman. What do you! My Paranka and for Vasily? Yes, I will give him as a soldier.

Leaves the caretaker.

Vasily Petrovich alone appears on stage, walks around, sad; Stepan enters.

Stepan. Why are you, Vasily Petrovich, upset? It was as if a mouse had landed on a rump.

Vasily Petrovich. Eh, Stepan, how can I not grieve! One horse is worn out - where am I going to drive with one? How will I buy another horse?

Stepan. Yes, you should go to Uncle Semyon Ivanovich and ask for money. Besides, I heard that you want to marry Paranka?

Vasily Petrovich. Eh, Stepan, don’t laugh, she’s far from my equal.

Stepan. Well, go and see Ivan Petrovich. He will probably give you money for a horse.

Vasily Petrovich. And the truth, Stepan, go to Ivan Petrovich. (He comes and hangs out at Ivan Petrovich’s apartment.) Ivan Petrovich at home?

Ivan Petrovich. At home. What do you need?

Vasily Petrovich. Ivan Petrovich, I am at your mercy. My horse is out of stock and I need to buy another one. Won't you give me money?

Ivan Petrovich. Okay, Vasily! Just bring me a horse as collateral, and even take off my boots as collateral. I'll give you money.

Vasily Petrovich began to cry and walked away. Meets Stepan.

Stepan. Well, Vasily, did the caretaker give you money?

Vasily Petrovich. Eh, Stepan! Yes, he demands a horse as collateral, and orders him to take off his boots.

Stepan. Oh, he's a disgusting mug! Here, Vasily, a hundred rubles, get by with God!

At this time, the elder Semyon runs in.

Headman. Hey guys! Stepan, Vasily! Who will go to carry the merchant?

Stepan. Basil! Go ahead, by the way, you’ll get a horse there.

Vasily leaves, and a bell jingles behind the wall.

He comes back and meets Stepan.

Stepan. What, Vasily, did you take the horse?

Vasily Petrovich. No, I didn’t take it, it didn’t fit.

At this time the headman shouts.

Headman. Hey guys, Stepan, Vasily! Which one was carrying the merchant?

Vasily Petrovich. Uncle Semyon, I was driving.

Headman. The merchant lost money, five thousand rubles. Didn't you take it?

Vasily Petrovich. No, uncle, I didn’t take it.

Headman. But we still need to search you.

The merchant enters. Vasily is searched and a hundred rubles are found.

Stepan. This money is mine: I gave it to him for a horse.

Merchant. No, these are not mine. I had five thousand, but here I only had a hundred rubles.

The headman will arrest Vasily.

Stepan. What did Vasily travel in? Was there any money left in the carriage?

Vasily Petrovich. Go, Stepan, look in the cart there.

Stepan goes to look and returns with money.

Stepan. Uncle Semyon, the money was found here.

Merchant. This is my money.

Headman. Oh, did you blindside Vasily in vain?

The merchant gives Vasily five hundred rubles.

Headman (shouting). Vasily is a great guy, Vasily is good, I will give my daughter Paranka for Vasily.

The Warden intervenes.

Caretaker. That you, Semyon Ivanovich, wanted to give Paranka for me, and hand over Vasily as a soldier.

Headman. Oh, you vile mug! Yes, here's a pig's ear, not Paranka.

Shows the corner of the floor.

The caretaker runs away and everyone disperses.


Should be: baked.