Beautiful Scandinavian female names. List of options in Russian and their meanings

Sportsman's Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1939.

Then it was celebrated on July 18, the festive events were very magnificent and truly nationwide. The streets of cities and towns were decorated with sports symbols, lively music sounded everywhere, and mass parades of athletes were held.

The idea of ​​the holiday was the famous motto: "In a healthy body healthy mind" . However, the date of the holiday itself was not fixed and was set separately for each subsequent year. Since 1961, the USSR has celebrated Athlete's Day annually on the second Sunday of August. Subsequently, this day was fixed by a special Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days" This is how it is celebrated in our time.

In our country, the development of physical education and sports for a long time didn't attach special significance. For the first time, compulsory physical education as a separate discipline was introduced in gymnasiums only in 1862. And even after this, debates about how necessary this really was did not subside for a long time in the public sphere. Not only teachers, but also many public figures those years. However, by 1872, physical education lessons were introduced almost everywhere, it must be said that great pleasure the students themselves. However, after just 5 years, compulsory physical education lessons were removed from school curriculum, all that remained were the mandatory physical warm-ups with which the school day began.

On Sunday, February 19, 1889, the first speed skating competitions took place in Russia. This day can be considered the official date of the beginning of the sports history of our country. At the same time, public physical education and sports organizations began to be created here, promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports and tourism, and also trained teachers and enthusiasts who began to promote these ideas in public consciousness. Russian athletes are beginning to accept the most Active participation in all international competitions and even win awards for them. Physical education in Russia is becoming a mass phenomenon.

In the first decade of the 20th century, Russia created its own football, speed skating, skiing and other sports leagues, and by 1913 the Russian Olympic Committee was created.

In 1920, the first institute opened in Russia physical culture. Everywhere in the country they were building sports grounds, physical training cells were created in factories and factories. The Ant society, created on the initiative of the Komsomol, operated in many cities, and a mandatory GTO complex was introduced for everyone. The system of physical education for youth in the USSR was put on stream, Russian athletes took mandatory participation in all festive events, concerts and demonstrations. In 1936, government bodies decided to create voluntary sports societies, and the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports was created under the Council of People's Commissars. Special attention V pre-war years and during the Great Patriotic War is given to military physical training schoolchildren. However, in post-war years In the physical education of school youth, the main emphasis began to be placed on the training of sports personnel, since at that time our country began to again take an active part in international sports competitions.

Sportsman's Day is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Saturday of August. In 2017, it is celebrated on August 12. Everyone involved in sports participates in the celebrations: physical education teachers, coaches, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions, people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sports plays important role in maintaining the health of the body. Exercise is beneficial if it is regular, moderate in intensity, and combined with adequate rest and a balanced diet. Joining physical development starts with school age. The holiday is dedicated to people who engage in physical education and sports.


On this day they pass sporting events under the auspices of the authorities and local government. Teams at the venues demonstrate their achievements. Social movements install sports equipment in designated areas. Anyone can try their hand at doing pull-ups on horizontal bars or doing push-ups on parallel bars.

Collective sports competitions are held: tug of war, weight pushing. Long and short distance races are organized. The winners are awarded cups, certificates of honor and medals.

IN big cities public lectures are held on healthy image life, training and nutrition. Sports broadcasts, recordings from the Olympics, biographies and stories are broadcast on television and radio stations famous athletes about the path to victory.

On this day, physical education teachers accept congratulations. According to tradition, they go out into nature with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones. They cook over an open fire and fish in ponds.


The holiday was first held in 1939. Since then it has become all-Union. Large-scale parades and performances by physical education organizations began to take place annually.

This holiday became widespread in the first decades of Soviet power in the 1920-1930s, when the slogan taken from Juvenal was introduced: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

On April 18, 1923, the Moscow proletarian sports society “Dynamo” was created. The society was founded on the initiative of a group of employees and military personnel of the OGPU and was created as an organization providing the opportunity to engage in sports for employees of security and law enforcement agencies.

On April 19, 1935, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the All-Union Trade Union-Cooperative Voluntary Sports Society "Spartak" was created, which played a significant role in the history of all Soviet sports.

The sport began to develop rapidly. Athletes have become one of the most popular people in the country. Not a single festive demonstration took place without the participation of gymnasts, football players and other sports representatives. Physical education departments began to open at universities and institutes, and later entire educational institutions trained future athletes.

Despite the support of senior management, the list memorable dates The event was introduced only in 1980. The holiday was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days”, as amended by Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days."

About the profession of a physical educator

IN colloquial speech physical education teachers are called physical education teachers. Their task is to develop the physical abilities of children. They conduct classes, organize competitions, and organize extracurricular sports clubs. For each group of students, lesson plans are developed taking into account the level of preparation, age characteristics and restrictions.

The path to the profession begins after graduation from the specialized educational institution. In it, the student receives theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The future athlete passes the necessary standards and exams in various disciplines. The graduate has the right to conduct classes at higher or secondary educational institutions, conduct coaching activities different types sports. His responsibilities include ensuring the safety associated with physical activity, demonstration correct execution exercises, monitoring results.

We congratulate you on Athlete's Day!
We wish you an active holiday,
Good, beloved, wonderful work,
High salaries, warmth and care.

May sport always strengthen the body,
Let your joyful life pass easily.
Let your colleagues and children respect you,
And at home, let everyone appreciate and understand.

I congratulate you today
Those who bring sports to the masses,
Physical education energizes
Gives people strength.

May you have excellent health
Never fails.
Cheerfulness, inspiration
Let them bring only years.

Pedestals will be conquered
Your strength of will.
Faith, agility, skills
Your job is not easy.

Sport is the key to health, strength, discipline and beauty. It is you, dear athletes, who are the conductors of physical education between ordinary people and sports, site. May God give you strength and patience, achievements and victories, gratitude and recognition. May your healthy body never leave your equally healthy spirit.

No matter how the exchange rate changes,
Whatever winds blow towards us,
For some reason it's impossible to be healthy
Without the necessary physical training.

Sportsman's holiday is an important day,
Everyone should play sports.
Respect to the athletes, of course.
Health, happiness and victories to everyone!

Every second Saturday in August, Physical Education Day is celebrated in Russia. Every year the holiday brings together thousands of people whose profession is physical education. By the way, in order not to get confused with the dates, Athlete’s Day 2019 will be celebrated on August 10.

history of the holiday

This holiday began to be celebrated immediately after the end of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. On October 1, a corresponding decree was signed, according to which Physical Education Day received the status of an annual event. professional holiday. The holiday was officially approved only at the end of the twentieth century, but it has been known since the 20-30s, when playing sports in the USSR was considered everyone’s business. It was then that the famous Soviet slogan was born: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Dynamo is running? Everyone is running!

When Sportsman's Day was not yet celebrated in Russia, various sports societies were being created throughout the country. For example, Moscow society"Dynamo", created in 1923 on the basis of law enforcement officers and military personnel. After 12 years, Spartak was born, which in the first years was called “Pishchevik” and attracted trade workers to its banner. It was with Spartak that the popularization of sports began in the USSR; thousands of Soviet citizens joined the society and had the opportunity to engage in various sports sections completely free of charge.

The role of sport

All-Russian Athlete's Day was always held in the USSR on a grand scale. Athletes, teachers and coaches have always become participants in large-scale parades. A healthy lifestyle was held in high esteem, therefore, along with technical and humanitarian universities, sports and physical education departments were opened in the country. Both before, when Athlete’s Day did not have official status, and now, the country’s leadership understands how important it is to have a healthy society. Moreover, healthy in every sense, again you can remember the Soviet proverb about a healthy mind. Soviet Union They scold a lot, and it seems that there is a reason for it, but with all this, it is worth adopting from that state all the good things that were in it. For example, attitudes towards sports, a healthy lifestyle, and physical training of schoolchildren and students. You can have different attitudes towards this holiday, but you shouldn’t forget that Sportsman’s Day is an important date.

In the first years when I came Soviet authority, the leaders realized that the country could not be successful and happy if its inhabitants were not healthy. As a result, they began to actively promote sports and physical education. Not a single demonstration or procession was complete without the participation of cheerful athletes and athletes, who always marched ahead of everyone. Thus, the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, a healthy body began to take root in human consciousness, and various physical education societies and faculties at higher educational institutions began to develop. Already in 1939, Sportsman's Day was established, which is celebrated every year in August on the second Saturday.

When is it celebrated?

Of all the holidays of the Soviet calendar, one of the ones that has survived to this day is Athlete’s Day. This holiday is celebrated every year. The holiday has quite long story, and traditionally its date is moving. Today there is no specific date, since it depends on what date the second Saturday of August falls on. In 2014, the holiday falls on the 9th. This holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 1939. It is celebrated by millions of fellow citizens. All those who love sports, regardless of profession and age, consider Sportsman's Day to be theirs.

Who celebrates

Sportsman's Day is celebrated by everyone involved in physical education. These are not only athletes, but also teachers, lecturers from various physical education departments, and coaches, because this day can be called Physical Education Teacher’s Day. It can be called a common day not only for professional physical education workers, but also for an army of athletes, their ardent fans and ordinary sports fans. Despite the fact that this is not a day off, all kinds of physical education competitions and sporting events are held in our country in honor of this significant date.

A little about the profession

Physical education is generally understood as a field of activity aimed at preserving and strengthening human health. It helps develop psychophysical abilities. Today, physical education can safely be called an integral part of cultural modern society. Constantly developing, physical education has reached highest points its development, and it can be judged by different indicators. The main means of physical education is constant various activities. exercise, physical exercise. Science has proven that physical education allows a person to properly develop the body and makes it healthier.

Background of the holiday

After the Soviet Union passed a resolution on the celebration of Athlete's Day, a society was created from employees and military personnel of the OGPU. This is an organization that provided opportunities for sports. This is the first The society was called "Spartak".

Sportsman's Day is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Saturday of August. In 2019, it is celebrated on August 10. Everyone involved in sports participates in the celebrations: physical education teachers, coaches, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions, people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sport plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body. Exercise is beneficial if it is regular, moderate in intensity, and combined with adequate rest and a balanced diet. Introduction to physical development begins at school age. The holiday is dedicated to people who engage in physical education and sports.


On this day, sporting events are held under the auspices of the authorities and local government. Teams at the venues demonstrate their achievements. Social movements install sports equipment in designated areas. Anyone can try their hand at doing pull-ups on horizontal bars or doing push-ups on parallel bars.

Collective sports competitions are held: tug of war, weight pushing. Long and short distance races are organized. The winners are awarded cups, certificates of honor and medals.

In large cities, public lectures are held on healthy lifestyles, training and nutrition. Television and radio stations broadcast sports programs, recordings from the Olympics, biographies and stories of famous athletes about the path to victory.

On this day, physical education teachers accept congratulations. According to tradition, they go out into nature with friends, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones. They cook over an open fire and fish in ponds.


The holiday was first held in 1939. Since then it has become all-Union. Large-scale parades and performances by physical education organizations began to take place annually. Despite the support of senior management, the event was added to the list of memorable dates only in 1980. The holiday was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days”, as amended by Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 No. 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days."

About the profession of a physical educator

In colloquial speech, physical education teachers are called physical education teachers. Their task is to develop the physical abilities of children. They conduct classes, organize competitions, and organize extracurricular sports clubs. Lesson plans are developed for each group of students, taking into account the level of preparation, age characteristics and limitations.

The path to the profession begins after graduation from a specialized educational institution. In it, the student receives theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The future athlete passes the necessary standards and exams in various disciplines. The graduate has the right to conduct classes in higher or secondary educational institutions and conduct coaching activities in various sports. His responsibilities include ensuring the safety associated with physical activity, demonstrating the correct execution of exercises, and monitoring results.


    On Physical Education Day, I send you physical education greetings!
    After all, sport has always had priority in your life.
    I wish that as a result of regular exercise
    You have achieved great achievements in sports.
    I wish your spirit and body to be strong,
    And so that you always boldly go to new victories.