People who became popular thanks to the Internet. Stars who became famous thanks to their terrifying image

The creators of famous Internet services are wonderful examples successful people who have achieved success thanks to their hard work and knowledge.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google Inc.)

Larry and Sergey are two of the brightest and most successful personalities in the history of the Internet. The developers of the most popular search engine in the world, these two Stanford University graduates began their Internet journey in a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. First Google launched on the website of this university (, then in 1997 the domain was registered.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee (creator of the World Wide Web)

Englishman Sir Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the World Wide Web, HTML, the creator of the world's first website (archive), and also the head of the W3C Consortium.

Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)

Mark is a Harvard graduate who, at the age of 24, became the youngest billionaire in the world. He founded the famous social network Facebook. Zuckerberg started working on TheFacebook (FaceMatch) in his college dorm room in 2004 and began actively developing it. He soon acquired the domain.

Shawn Fanning (Napster, Rupture)

P.S. Postscript - an interesting flash game Acrobats. Click on the + sign and you will see everything.

Roma Acorn (Ignat Rustamovich Kemirov)

The 17-year-old Internet hero, as he calls himself, or as others call him, is Russian. He became famous thanks to videos posted on YouTube, which collected more than 100 million views. His video messages did not carry any semantic load. He showed them something like how he ate and what came out of it. Incredible, but true - this was observed by such a large number of people that house 2 was resting. In 2012, Roma was invited to the program “Let Them Talk,” and in November of the same year he became the host of the program “Neformat” on the MuzTV channel. And of course, according to the classics of the genre, he begins to record music albums. Well, okay, let’s wish the Acorn to sprout, because if it sings, it means someone needs it.

Peter Nalich

Unlike our first star, Peter Nalich also became famous thanks to the network. A creative person, he wrote poems, which eventually turned into songs, he painted, and at a conscious age he found himself in architecture. One day in spring

in the morning of 2007, Petya and the company gathered at the dacha, taking with them a camera, an ordinary household camera. Well, you never know for what? It will come in handy at the dacha. The friends didn’t come, but “since the gun is hanging, it should fire.” Here it’s like in the movie “The Irony of Fate”, but instead of Nadenka main character Peter sits down and begins to sing his popular song “Guitar”. The company's decision was unanimous - to shoot the video. No one suspected that by the fall of that year, their video would gain more than 70 thousand views and 5 million downloads. After such success, Peter quits architecture and begins to take his singing talent seriously and quickly goes into showbiz. Soon his brainchild "Guitar" is included in the Top 20 most popular hits. This is how the reincarnation happened: there are few of them famous architect Petya is a star of the “cheerful baburi” style, as he himself calls it.

PSY(Park Chae Sang)

Korean one-hit artist Gangam Style. Born into a prosperous family, he was educated in the USA. He was a hooligan and was arrested for possession of marijuana, which greatly angered his relatives, who were deprived of subsidies for entertainment. I worked where I could. He loved to sing and dance and, fortunately, write videos with his participation.

After an unsuccessfully cooked fugu fish, the Korean collected his fishing rods and ran headlong from his job as a cook to show business. At the end of November 2012, the number of “likes” for his video clip “Gangnam Style” on YouTube exceeded 5.9 million, and the number of views exceeded 971 million, becoming the most viewed in YouTube history. His dance was liked by the whole white ball; they say that even Barack Obama himself loves to dance to this hit. Thanks to CD sales, iTunes downloads and YouTube income showman exceeded 5 million dollars.

Valentin Strykalo

Let's move on to the less wealthy, but still loved common people performers. Valentin Strykalo (Yuri Kaplan) is from Ukraine. The creativity and florid train of thought in his video, I’ll put it bluntly, is not for an amateur, or maybe even for a “professional.” It took one week to become a star. Everything ingenious is simple. A video message from a “promising” songwriter to Dima Bilan, then homemade clips for the song “Everything is decided, mom, I’m gay, dad, I’m gay” and “I love you Angela” in the style of pop chanson and Valentin blows up YouTube. All his songs are monotonous and pessimistic. Recently, while in Kyiv with a concert, the guy gave an answer to the question that tormented most of his fans and psychiatrists: “Drugs are not my thing and it’s bad, I’m just a drunk.” Just like that, the drunkard Valentin, having become the favorite of an impressive number of people, has fame and a stable fee from his group’s concerts.

Carly Rae Jepsen

To hurry is to make people laugh. Carly Rae Jepsen 29 years old Canadian singer, hastily shot a video called “kall me mayde” and posted it online. Paradoxically, people learned about it thanks to parodies of this song! Those. someone was still watching. After the parodies, her video was watched by 344 million people on YouTube. So the guys, having fun, did a favor for Carly. To date, there are only 8 of her videos online, but there have already been more than 10 nominations for prestigious awards and Tom Hanks himself in leading role last video.

Susan Boyle

Once again about the funny. Susan Boyle was born on April 1 and looked exactly like someone had made an evil joke from above. When, in 2009, at the age of 48, she appeared on Britain's Got Talent“The whole hall froze, but then the talent proved to the world that appearance is not the most important thing. She charmed everyone with her voice. The video, which appeared on the Internet, immediately received more than a million views. Susan began to appear on screens more and more often, although some would prefer to just listen to her. Came out soon debut album, which sold over 4 million copies. Moreover, Boyle became a three-time Guinness record holder and today has 5 albums that are incredibly popular.


Four guys in heels with a bare torso blew everyone away with their images, posting a video for the song “In The Middle” online. They collected a mind-boggling number of views. Someone shouted - away with homosexuals, someone expressed aesthetics, but they did not go unnoticed. Their video, although it smelled of plagiarism, was still a novelty in our area. And not only in ours, the guys began to be invited from the show to numerous fashion shows in Milan, and Madonna herself invited them to appear in the “Girl Gone Wild” video. This is how the guys used the Internet correctly.

Until recently, television was the springboard for budding talents, but now, with the widespread use of the Internet, the path to fame has become much easier - you just have to start a channel on Youtube and surprise your subscribers with something bold and original, as the heroes of our selection did.

Roma Acorn

Nowadays, posters with Roma Zhelud can only be found in the provinces, but five years ago this young man, a pioneer of Russian-language video blogging, was at the crest of popularity. He posted mostly short parody videos, sometimes sharing videos from his travels or simply talking about painful issues. But then he switched to music, began to pay less attention to the Youtube channel and moved down a couple of hundred positions from the first lines of the ranking of popular bloggers.


Ivangay, in the world of Ivan Rudsky, is called a phenomenon. Having settled on YouTube in 2013, in a couple of years he reached the status of the highest paid “YouTuber” in Russia. According to various estimates, Ivangay earns more than $20 thousand per month from affiliate advertising alone. He reviews what surrounds him: games, applications, things - everything that appeals to the school-age audience.

Maryana Ro

Maryana Ro owes a lot of her popularity to Ivangay. The girl dated him for two years, and during this time the number of subscribers to her channel grew from a couple of thousand to 4 million. The format of her channel is similar to what Ivangay does, but it has more content for girls: cosmetics reviews, makeup tutorials, life stories.

Sasha Spielberg

This girl also shares video makeup tutorials with subscribers, plays a lot of Sims and travels, and also sings well. She released several songs in both English and Russian, and recorded duets with “The Voice” finalist Alexander Panayotov and DJ Leonid Rudenko. In 2016, Sasha Spielberg, along with Maryana Ro and Ivangay, starred in the film “Hack the Bloggers.” According to Sasha’s father, the girl earns more than a million rubles monthly from her video content.

Sasha Spielberg and Alexander Panayotov – “I Promise”

Yury Khovansky

A millionaire video blogger who has conquered the Internet with gaming reviews and entertaining videos with bold humor. Among the sensational projects of Yuri Khovansky is the column “Russian Drink Time” (reviews on alcoholic drinks), “Ask for it” (visits to fellow bloggers), and “Shaverma Patrol” (search for the best shawarma shop in St. Petersburg). Since 2011, he has hosted his own comedy show “Russian Stand-Up”.

In the media, his name is often accompanied by the epithet “scandalous”, as the young man has more than once openly conflicted with other celebrities, for example Noize MC and Christina Si.

Denis Kukoyaka

Denis Kukoyaka was remembered by TV viewers for the TV series “Civil Marriage”, where he and Agata Muceniece played a couple who did not dare to formalize marital relations. Before this, the young man was known as Denis Alexandrovich, one of the members of the “Bread” group. The team was glorified by the song “Tea. Sugar”, posted on Youtube and instantly spread across social networks.

Group “Bread” – “Tea, Sugar”

Justin Bieber

At a young age, Justin Bieber was recognized as the highest paid pop singer in the world. From the age of three this young talent demonstrated outstanding musical and vocal skills. Having matured a little, Justin began performing in vocal talent competitions. One of the performances was recorded on video by his mother. Fortunately for Bieber's fans, she was a progressive woman and posted the video on YouTube, where he was seen music producer, who spared no time and effort to find Justin.

Quite a lot of time has passed since the creation of the first Internet. During this period, he managed to become a part of the life of the population. Now everyone can connect the Internet to their phone, laptop or other electronic devices to access the network. There are a lot of Internet providers, so prices for Internet services have dropped significantly and have become available to absolutely every resident. It is impossible to imagine a day without this technology, the benefits of which cannot be overestimated. The development of the Internet since its creation has been influenced by many personalities, but there are those who turned out to be the most significant in this area: 1. Tim Berners-Lee. It was he who became the founder of the concept of Internet architecture. It was he who became the creator of this global network and initiated the first communication between people. This person is very important in creating the Internet, so he rightfully takes first place in the list of the most important people in this domain. 2. Steve Jobs. This is an American entrepreneur who founded the most famous brand Apple. Everyone is familiar with his phones, laptops and unique technical innovations. This man is truly a genius. After all, no one has yet managed to advance so much in the world of new technologies. His inventions are in demand all over the world, and every inhabitant of the planet knows about the existence of the Apple brand. 3. Steve Wozniak. This man was a classmate of Steve Jobs, and later became the founder of Apple. He became the creator of the file system for this company. And I would continue to work if it weren’t for terrible accident, because of which he lost his memory and, although he later partially recovered it, he was unable to return to the company. 4. Sergey Brin. Another person without whose contribution it is impossible to imagine modern world. It was he who became the creator of the now popular Google search engine. He began his discoveries by searching the Playboy website. At first it was a search engine that allowed users to find photos they were interested in and download. But later he decided to expand the system to a global one in modern Google. 5. Arkady Volozh. Another creator of a search engine, only this time Yandex. This system was created for the Runet network and is in great demand. 6. Mark Zuckerberg. And of course we cannot forget about the creator of the most popular social network Facebook. Starting small and bringing his project to perfection, Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the richest people and his social network is used by billions of people. 7. Pavel Durov. And one more legendary and truly smart person is the creator of the social network VKontakte. This network brought many people together and became interesting for the entire population. But not much is known about his life, because he leads a rather secretive life and does not talk about it in the public. It is impossible to imagine our life without these people, because it was with their help that it became more convenient, simpler and more exciting.

This man owns the funniest invention, which today, perhaps, not a single Internet user can do without.

Over the course of his sixty-five years, Scott Eliot Fahlman has been busy with everything - improving artificial neural networks, working on the Skon database, computer image processing, and developing the NETL system. Nowadays such achievements will not surprise anyone - in many technical educational institutions There are programming departments, there are special courses that offer to master one of the languages ​​in a few months and start cooking up your own programs.

But at dawn scientific activity Scott had none of this - personal computers of that time were bulky and, frankly, useless machines that cost tens of thousands of dollars. The computers with which Falman worked could occupy several rooms and were connected by hundreds of wires. Probably only Scott knew what was happening inside the huge humming devices.

Today, Mr. Fahlman lives in Pittsburgh and works at Carnegie Melon University. From 1996 to 2000, Scott headed the university's research center; today he prefers to work with students as a regular professor and study the problems of artificial intelligence.

But it wasn’t neural networks that brought Scott Fahlman worldwide fame. You probably use his invention every day when communicating in in social networks and typing SMS. Without what Fahlman came up with, online communication would be much more boring. Thanks to this seemingly simple development, you can convey your mood without words. Many of you have already guessed that we're talking about about text emoticons, which were first used by Scott Fahlman.

Agree, it’s hard to believe that the smiling face made from symbols has a real author, because great amount Internet users consider the emoticon to be a folk invention. Scott himself modestly claims that he is only one of the inventors. How did it really happen?

We all understand perfectly well that relevant, interesting and helpful information- a hot commodity of our time. Becoming a millionaire by blogging is not fantasy, but reality! Unfortunately, there are no such examples in RuNet yet or I don’t know about them (tell me?), but it’s still possible. Today is another relaxing and motivating post in which we will look at the ranking of the most popular and expensive blogs in the world.

Have you ever wondered who is behind one of the largest and most successful online stores in the world,, where today you can buy everything from books and toys to clothes and furniture? This is Jeff Bezos (or, officially, Jeffrey Preston), who at the age of 35 became “Person of the Year” and has earned almost $20 billion to date. At the same time, he is not going to stop there, investing most The company's profits are in innovation and offering new projects.

Bezos' childhood and youth: brilliant prospects

They are different. Of course, we all love stories about how a guy from the slums with a couple of dollars in his pocket conquered the world. Stories like this inspire us to new achievements. That is why Jeff’s childhood and youth, quite standard for a middle class representative, will seem boring to many, but what a rise...