Where do Andrei poornyakov and Nastya Korotkaya live? Andrey Bednyakov: Biography, personal life and wife

Anastasia Korotkaya is a presenter and actress originally from Donetsk. Today Nastya is 33 years old and she is married to Andrei Bednyakov. The girl's height is 164 cm. Her zodiac sign is Libra. This girl is not afraid to laugh at herself, this is what she bribed the creators of the travel show “Heads and Tails”.

Biography of Anastasia Korotkaya

A girl was born in the fall of 1985 in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine). A few years after the birth of their daughter, the parents decided to move to Mangush and then to Mariupol. At school, the girl was an excellent student and loved literature. The teachers praised her and rejoiced at Nastya’s success.

In her senior year, Anastasia Korotkaya decided that she wanted to become famous. But she didn’t yet know who exactly she wanted to be - an actress, singer or dancer.

Nastya's further fate

So, after graduating from school, the girl enters the choreographic institute in the city of Berdyansk. During her student years, she was an active participant in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, and took part in all holidays and events on the territory of the university. And after receiving her diploma, she did not work for a day in her specialty.

In addition to KVN, the girl danced with a Mariupol group, and on weekends she worked as a salesperson. At that time, Anastasia Korotkaya had practically no free time, and she considered this the norm. One day a new member appeared in the KVN team - Andrei Bednyakov. Together with him, our heroine later left to conquer the capital.

In Kyiv, at the time the guys arrived there, there was a casting for the famous show “Big Difference”, where the girl went right away. At the same time, she studied parodies. Andrey mastered the art of showing famous people back from KVN, and Nastya had to take lessons from him. Korotkaya considers Anastasia Prikhodko and Katya Osadcha the most successful of her parodies.

"Heads and Tails"

In 2013, Anastasia Vladimirovna Korotkaya made her debut as a TV presenter. She passed the casting for the famous Ukrainian project “Heads and Tails”. The work was very exciting and interesting. In addition, her attention was earned by the already experienced presenter Andrei Bednyakov, with whom they had known each other since their student days.

When the guy offered to try his hand at being a presenter, Nastya gladly went to the casting. She passed the selection and began working instead of Lesya Nikityuk.

As Anastasia Korotkova says, in “Heads and Tails” she most often had to spend weekends in a foreign city with a modest budget. As she claims, this is much more interesting than having a huge amount of money and not knowing where to spend it.

In 2014, Nastya and Andrey decided to leave the program and become the hosts of “Date with a Star,” where they were invited by the creators of the project. Then the young couple began hosting the program “How the Chip Falls.” But after the first broadcast, the program was closed. The reasons for this remain unknown to this day.

Personal life of Anastasia

As already mentioned, our heroine has known her current husband since the days of student KVN. Photos of Anastasia Korotkaya and Andrei Bednyakov often appear in well-known publications with headlines talking about love.

Nastya received a marriage proposal in New York in Times Square, when they were once again late for the plane. Andrei put off this moment for a long time due to the busy schedules of both, but he finally decided to do it. In the summer of 2014, the couple had a modest wedding. And the lovers spent their honeymoon filming in the city of Chelyabinsk.

Before this, the couple lived together for about 6 years, and the young people did not think about formalizing the relationship due to their employment. However, Nastya has recently begun to tell Andrei more and more often that all her friends are already married, many already have children, and that maybe it’s time for them too.

Even today they remember their first acquaintance in Mariupol during a performance by the KVN team. Andrey was always a talkative and cheerful guy, and Nastya was the first beauty on the course.

As Anastasia says now, she feels good and warm when Bednyakov is just nearby. He doesn't have to do anything at all. This, according to the girl, is love. Short’s motto in life: “Always, under any circumstances, remain a cheerful child. This helps to approach many problems more easily.”

There is a tradition in the Bednyakov family - eating fruit during an evening session of watching cartoons. In addition, the married couple leads a healthy lifestyle, does not drink alcohol and is not addicted to cigarettes.

Today they have a growing daughter, Ksenia, whom Anastasia gave birth to in a private clinic in Miami.

Nastya and Andrey devote all their time to their daughter and give her a lot of love, affection and tenderness. According to the couple, this is much more important than buying expensive toys for the child. Bednyakov still feels insecure in the role of dad, but he tries to take Ksenia in his arms more often, talks to her, and also sings lullabies.

In the program “Heads and Tails” Anastasia Korotkaya is still expected, but she is not thinking about it yet. Motherhood is the most important thing in life for her now.

Anastasia Korotkova is a Russian actress, a former participant in KVN, the parody show “Big Difference” and the travel show “Heads and Tails”. She took part in such a short film as “The Inspector”.

The girl's weight is 54 kilograms and her height is 163 centimeters.

Life before popularity

The girl was born on October 15, 1985 in Donetsk, but soon her family decided to move to Mariupol. After graduating from school in this city, Nastya decided to enter the Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute to major in choreography. And it was during her studies that she became an active participant in the games of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, performing in the team “What does this have to do with us.”

In parallel with her constant performances, the girl worked part-time as a salesperson, as a result of which her schedule was very busy.

After graduating from a higher educational institution, Nastya and her friend Andrei Bednyakov moved to Kyiv. This year, the television show “Big Difference” announced a casting call for participation in the project, and Korotkova decided to take a risk by presenting parodies of such stars as Ekaterina Osadchaya and Anastasia Prikhodko. Andrey also performed successfully, as a result of which young people became participants in the project. A little later, young people were invited to work in the same project, but on Russian territory.


In 2013, Nastya became the host of the popular television travel project “Heads and Tails.” The girl loves to travel, and here her interest was fueled by the constant stories of her then-young man Andrei Bednyakov. As a result, Nastya could not stand it, and having successfully passed the casting, she replaced the former presenter of the show, Lesya Nikityuk.

But already in 2014, the couple refused further participation in this show, but almost immediately, the young people appeared in the new television project “Date with a Star.” And a few months later the couple can be seen in the project “How the Chip Falls.” But after the first release the show was frozen; for what reason this happened remains a secret to this day.

But fans of the program “Heads and Tails” in season 10 were again able to watch their favorite pair of presenters, it’s a pity that it didn’t last long, because all the past and present presenters took part in the season.

Personal life

In Nastya Korotkova’s life there was always only one man - Andrei Bednyakov. She has known him since her university days.

The couple took part in joint projects more than once, including “Heads and Tails.” Thanks to this show, the couple's family album was replenished with numerous photographs.

Andrey proposed to Nastya back in 2013 in New York. At the same time, the girl did not expect this at all, because the couple was late for the plane. But due to busy work schedules, the ceremony had to be postponed. The wedding took place only on August 31, 2014 in one of the suburban recreation centers in Kyiv. The newlyweds did not have a honeymoon; they had to go to the next filming in Chelyabinsk.

It is worth highlighting the fact that before the official marriage, the young people were in a civil marriage for 6 years. The girl initially did not think about starting a family, but when all of Nastya’s friends got married, she also began to hint to Andrey about going to the registry office.

On September 20, 2015, Nastya and Andrey became parents. She gave birth to her daughter Ksenia in one of the private clinics in Miami. For the first time, viewers were able to see a photograph of the girl only in the spring of 2016.

  • instagram.com/nastyakorotkaya

Andrei Bednyakov, whose wife is recognizable, like him on all television screens in the country, live in peace and happiness. Their love story is romantic and unusual. The couple met a long time ago, seven years ago during KVN and at the same time ended up as part of a team from Mariupol called “What does it have to do with us?”

After a while, they began to meet, in addition, people were united not only by relationships, but also by creative aspects, which connected them even more. Anastasia Korotkaya is the woman who took possession of the body and soul of the popular presenter. She also managed to become famous in the world and take part in many television projects.

Thanks to his participation in the popular program “Heads and Tails” since 2011, Andrey visited 60 countries of the world that differed from each other in their romance and mysticism. There are countries to which he would like to return more than once, including the USA, Canada, and he will certainly never fly to India and Mumbai, as he was simply horrified by how many rats live there.

The couple had been together for a long time, but despite this, they were in no hurry to officially legitimize their relationship. Anastasia Korotkaya soon began to understand that the most important thing was family, its warmth and comfort; she eventually wanted to become older and raise children. Andrei understood everything and wanted the same thing, and therefore decided on a fateful surprise.

One day they flew together to the USA and, finding themselves in this country in the famous Times Square on the night before New Years 2013, the actor ultimately proposed to his beloved woman. The couple's wedding took place on August 31, 2013.

Anastasia can be proud of her beloved, since many compare him with an equally famous person, Ivan Urgant, because Andrei’s popularity is growing every day. The viewer shows interest in him, there is no end to new projects.

Dressed in a snow-white dress, Anastasia simply beamed with happiness, and Andrei put on a black tuxedo and bow tie and was also no less happy than his wife. The wedding ceremony was held in romantic notes and love.

Further the story is even more interesting. The well-known hosts of the TV program called “Heads and Tails” added a little happiness to their family. Nastya Korotkaya, who was 30 years old at the time, gave birth to a daughter to her beloved twenty-eight-year-old husband.

She gave birth to the baby not in her native country, but went far to Miami to a specialized clinic for this. After everything worked out well, she and her child flew back to Ukraine where she now lives with her loved ones.

Details Created: 10/05/2016 12:54 Updated: 10/16/2017 22:31

Andrey Bednyakov is an interesting, charismatic and very charming TV presenter, who is remembered by TV viewers more as a traveler from the TV project “Heads and Tails.” In this article you will find out all the details of the young guy’s personal life and his stellar journey.


According to the media, the talented baby was born on March 21, 1987 in the beautiful city of Mariupol, on the shores of the Azov Sea (previously the city was called Zhdanov, Ukraine). According to the horoscope, Aries is an impulsive, eccentric and overly self-confident man.


The guy's parents were ordinary workers: his father worked at a local factory, and his mother was a medical worker in a hospital. Andrei himself was no different from his peers and grew up as an ordinary child. No one then could have thought that in the future the guy could become a famous and popular showman.

With Dad

Early years

According to sources, after graduating from school, the guy decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. Andrey got a job at Metallurgical Plant named after. Ilyich in his native Mariupol, choosing the profession of an electrical mechanic. Here he worked for three years and at the same time studied by correspondence at University of Internal Affairs in the city of Kharkov.

At this time, a cheerful and perky boy performs on stage as part of the KVN team from the plant. His jokes and ability to stay on stage, to amuse and win over people are so successful that Maslyakov himself invites him to the Major League of KVN.


According to the media, after graduating from university, Andrei quits his job at the factory and moves to live in Kyiv. Here he is looking for a job he likes and trying to break into television.

At 19 years old

First he works at a local radio station, and after launching a show on Ukrainian television "A big difference"(2009-2012), passes the casting and becomes its TV presenter. It was a big breakthrough in the young guy's career. Here he gained a lot of experience from his senior colleagues and discovered the limitless possibilities of a true artist.

"A big difference"

But the real popularity and love of millions of television viewers was brought to him by the role of a tourist traveler in the television project “Heads and Tails” (2011-2013,2015). Andrey, together with his partner in the project, were able to make the program interesting and brought it colossal ratings. Thanks to this project, all of Andrei’s dreams came true: he traveled all over the world (visited about 60 countries), became famous and popular, and also received a good fee for it.

"Heads and Tails"

TV programmes

Bednyakov also participated in other interesting projects (mainly working on the Pyatnitsa channel, Russia). Among them are:

  • 2013 - “Big Feelings”, “ Hello, I'm your Friday!", "Starred" and "Superheroes";
  • 2013-2014 - "Date with a star". Here he also works with Nastya Korotkaya.
  • 2014 - “How the chip falls.” After the release of the first issue, the project was immediately closed.
  • 2014 - “The Big Question”, “Rich Man Poor Man” and “Blockbusters” (the last project together with Anastasia Korotka);
  • 2015 - “I believe - I don’t believe.” In each episode, the host talks about a country and 5 interesting facts about it. Among them, one fact is false, which one needs to be guessed.

In 2016, Andrey became a TV presenter of the “X Factor” program together with Oksana Marchenko on the STB TV channel (Ukraine). He also hosts the TV program “Provodnik” on the Pyatnitsa TV channel (Russia).


Bednyakov also tried himself as an actor. Managed to star in episodic roles in two films.

  • 2012 - "Rzhevsky against Napoleon";
  • 2015 - "SOS, Santa Claus, or Everything will come true!".

Interesting Facts

His height is about 175 centimeters, and weight is approximately 81 kilograms. Andrey Bednyakov has his own page on Instagram and often pleases his fans with interesting photos. In one of his interviews, Andrei admitted that he adores America (especially South America) and would like to return there constantly. He loves to travel, because for him it is like a drug, like a breath of fresh air, after which he wants to live, work and act. After all his trips, he always brings back some trinket as a souvenir (lately he only brings refrigerator magnets).

Personal life

Although the young, handsome guy managed to win many women’s hearts in his life and has millions of fans, he did not have stormy romances or high-profile love scandals. Either he did not have time for love affairs, and he was up to his ears in his career and travel, or his good upbringing did not allow him to play with the feelings of girls.

But in his life there was a woman with whom Andrei, having known each other for many years, tied his life in marriage and managed to create a real happy family.Today, the popular TV presenter is married, he has a wife and children.

Andrey Bednyakov and Nastya Korotkaya

According to sources, Bednyakov met Nastya at the KVN club. They performed together in the same team “What do we have to do with it?” Anastasia Korotkaya was born in the city of Donetsk (Ukraine) and she is 2 years older than Andrey. At that moment they already had sympathy for each other, but this feeling did not lead to a serious relationship. Then they met for the second time as TV presenters of the “Big Difference” program. Here feelings began to grow, but since their collaboration as a couple on the project was short, they separated.

Andrey and Anastasia

But fate brought the couple together again. This time they met on the project "Heads and Tails". Here the lovers spent a lot of time together: traveling, relaxing and enjoying life. According to sources, the guy proposed marriage to his beloved girl abroad, in the beautiful city of New York (USA). Soon the lovers got married (before that they lived in a civil marriage for 6 years). The newlyweds' wedding took place on August 31, 2014 at the Lesnaya recreation center near Kiev.

Photos from the wedding

Soon after the wedding, Nastya became pregnant. Although she tried to hide her position, it was difficult to hide her rounded belly from the paparazzi. Once again, the media was disrupted by the news that Bednyakov and Korotkaya were expecting a child. On September 20, 2015, famous TV presenters became parents. They had a daughter. According to sources, Korotkaya did not want to give birth in Ukraine, but chose one of the Miami clinics for such a special occasion. And after the baby was born, she returned to her homeland.