Love mail in Bulgakov's house. Love mail in Bulgakov's house Help in affairs of love

Since the world recognized Woland, Fagot, Azazello, Cat Behemoth, Yeshua, the tragic love of the Master and Margarita, the house located on Sadovaya 302 bis in Moscow has become a sacred temple for those in whose hearts the hearth of love has been kindled. Since the 80s Romantics and superstitions write directly on the walls of a house, its ugly staircase, or leave notes in secluded corners.

The Bulgakov Museum in this house was established quite recently - less than ten years ago. Since its opening, museum employees began to regularly come across notes hidden in furniture with various kinds of wishes, messages to certain persons, requests for secret things, but mostly with pleas for love or well-being for a couple in love. Moreover, the addressee can be either a real person, or Bulgakov himself, or one of the heroes of the novel “The Master and Margarita”. Such finds somewhat discouraged museum workers, but over time they began to simply collect and store them without reading the contents. Many of those who once left a message in this way return years later and claim that their wish came true. The dream, handwritten on paper by both loving hearts, will come true very soon.

It turns out that since the eighties there has been a tradition of leaving such messages in the Bulgakov House. Many people are sure that their wishes have come true thanks to these letters. Someone found their soul mate, someone made peace with their loved one, someone achieved recognition of their talents. And if the letter was written by two people who sincerely loved each other, then their wishes were fulfilled almost immediately - many of the couples who come to the Bulgakov House to this day confirm these legends.

Now this tradition of wishes has become more explicit. An official mailbox has been opened for lovers - those seeking love and those who have found it, in love with truth and literature. Museum employees do not open or give these letters to anyone. May the letters reach their recipients and may your wishes come true.


The grand opening took place on May 15, 2004. More than five hundred people attended the opening of the center, including famous cultural figures, Bulgakov scholars, Moscow theater actors, artists, intellectuals and admirers of the writer’s work. The event was widely covered in the media: film crews from the TV channels “Culture”, “TVC” and “RTR” arrived at the Bulgakov House. Vesti-Stolitsa”, as well as correspondents of central printed publications such as “Izvestia”, “Vedomosti”, “Kommersant” and others.

When my friends and like-minded people decided to organize a Bulgakov museum, the “bad apartment” was closed, and on the entrance door there was an official announcement that there was no museum here and there could not be. People who came to the courtyard of the famous house on Sadovaya left with nothing. Then we thought: if the state doesn’t care about the Bulgakov Museum, and we care, why don’t we create it ourselves. We found fans of the writer’s work on the Internet, contacted the Phoenix society, which for 20 years had been collecting information on Bulgakov and organizing meetings of Bulgakov scholars, telephoned collectors and found the first things for the museum exhibition. We decided to open on the writer’s birthday, and on May 15, 2004, the Bulgakov House Cultural and Educational Center began its work- Nikolai Borisovich Golubev, founder of the cultural and educational center


In the cultural center there is a permanent exhibition about the life and work of M. A. Bulgakov, as well as constantly changing exhibitions. The former apartment has an area of ​​just over 100 sq. m. m. and 5 rooms. Exhibition spaces are periodically added on the stairs and on the summer veranda in the courtyard.

The most widely known is the unique electronic exhibition dedicated to the life and work of M. A. Bulgakov. It contains more than 500 photographs and documents, as well as fragments from films and performances based on the writer’s works.

...something completely unexpected called “Electronic Exhibition”: a dozen flat-panel computer monitors hung on the walls like pictures - in frames. They are replaced by slides with photographs of Bulgakov, copies of manuscripts, letters, and documents. Excerpts from the films “Heart of a Dog”, “Running” and “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” are shown. Visitors, sitting on sofas, look without stopping, as they would never look at the same documents laid out in museum display cases- Izvestia

The electronic exhibition is constantly updated and supplemented. Thus, a complete electronic archive of all existing documents and valuables related to the life and work of M. A. Bulgakov is being collected.

The most valuable exhibits of the museum include: M. A. Bulgakov’s folder; portrait of M. A. Bulgakov, designed by his sister; a syringe and some other medical instruments from the hospital where Bulgakov worked; handbag of the second wife of the writer L.E. Belozerskaya; vase from the Svetlaev family, described in the novel “The White Guard”.

The cultural center constantly hosts art exhibitions of photographs and illustrations of Bulgakov’s works, created by artists based on the work of M. A. Bulgakov. Exhibitions change monthly. Exhibitions of famous and emerging artists alternate.

In the Bulgakov House there is a monument to M. A. Bulgakov by sculptor N. Bazyuk and a model of the monument to Bulgakov from the project of A. I. Rukavishnikov, dedicated to the novel “The Master and Margarita”. The entrance is decorated with a bas-relief by A.I. Rukavishnikov based on the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Nieces of Bulgakov V.M. Svetlaeva and E.A. Zemskaya in the Bulgakov House

The Cultural Center is assisted in its scientific work by:

  • V. M. Svetlaeva - candidate of sciences, niece of M. A. Bulgakov
  • E. A. Zemskaya - Doctor of Science, niece of M. A. Bulgakov, his goddaughter
  • Yu. M. Krivonosov - photographer, Bulgakov scholar
  • V. I. Sakharov - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Bulgakov scholar
  • B.V. Sokolov is a Bulgakov scholar, author of the Bulgakov Encyclopedia.
  • G. S. Fayman - Bulgakov scholar-researcher
  • S. S. Shilovsky - grandson of E. S. Bulgakova, heir to copyright
  • A. A. Kurushin - Bulgakov scholar
  • I. Ya. Myagkova - widow of Bulgakov scholar B. S. Myagkov, author of the book “Bulgakov’s Moscow”
  • L. K. Parshin - Bulgakov scholar, author of the book “Devilry at the American Embassy, ​​or 13 mysteries of Mikhail Bulgakov”


The cultural center regularly conducts excursions around Bulgakov’s Moscow and simply Moscow studies excursions. Particularly popular are night excursions around Bulgakov’s Moscow, as well as theatrical excursions with the participation of professional actors. The Bulgakov House regularly hosts seminars, poetry evenings, concerts of classical music and art songs, performances, and various exhibitions. The cultural center is always open to cooperation with young and distinguished actors, artists, poets, Bulgakov scholars and Moscow scholars.

Cat-Behemoth in Bulgakov's house

Cat Behemoth

In 2005, a permanent resident appeared in the Bulgakov House - a huge cat Behemoth. The idea of ​​having a real cat in the cultural center arose immediately. The current cat went through a large selection among the candidates, of whom there were a lot thanks to advertisements on the Internet, as well as announcements on television. The Behemoth cat became a popular character not only in the novel, but also in the cultural center.

Love mailbox in the Bulgakov House

Love mail

Over the years, a tradition has developed on Bolshaya Sadovaya of leaving your wishes and dreams in the house on the walls or in notes, so back in 2004, the “Bulgakov House” cultural center installed a “Love Mail” box, where visitors drop notes with wishes. The box quickly became overflowing with notes, which were regularly taken out and put away for storage. Since 2007, every summer in the summer, in the courtyard of the Bulgakov House, the “Day of Fulfillment Day” event takes place, when all the notes accumulated over the year are tied to balloons and simultaneously launched into the sky.

ADDRESS: How to get from the metro to the museum in Moscow? Address of the Bulgakov House Museum-Theater: Mayakovskaya metro station, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10, entrance to the arch 1 entrance.

HOUSING ASSOCIATION OFFICE: : House No. 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya, where Mikhail Bulgakov lived with his wife Tatyana when he arrived in the capital in the fall of 1921. They lived in the apartment for four years. No. 50, and then six months - in the quarter. No. 34. The building was built in 1903 by order of tobacco manufacturer Ilya Pigit by architects Yuditsky and Milkov in the late Moscow Art Nouveau style, and after the October Revolution it became a workers' house-commune. The bad apartment was located in the sixth entrance on the top floor, and this is where Woland and his henchmen settled upon arriving in Moscow after the death of Berlioz. This apartment was a place where contact between otherworldly forces and the modern world of Moscow in the 20s took place. In the same house in apt. No. 48, on the floor below lived Annushka the Plague. Here you can see the staircase window through which Woland's visitors flew out, and on the first floor under the stairs - the janitor's closet where Poplavsky, Berlioz's uncle, holed up. The fire escape from which the flying cat Behemoth was fired upon has also been preserved. Nikanor Bosoy, chairman of the house committee, lived in the apartment. No. 35, an overly curious citizen Timofey Kvastsov lived in the apartment. No. 11, and the housing association’s office was located on the left near the arch. It is in these premises that the Bulgakov House Museum-Theater is now located.

MUSEUM: Museum-Theater “Bulgakov House” (cultural and educational center, museum, theater) is a non-profit partnership founded by enthusiasts and philanthropists, fans of the outstanding Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. The first museum in Russia dedicated to Bulgakov’s work, opened in 2004. The museum-theater is located on the ground floor. M.A. Bulgakov lived here from 1921 to 1924, and it is in this house that the main scenes of the novel “The Master and Margarita” are played out. And here is one of the impressions of a foreigner: “We came with a foreign guest, a big fan of Bulgakov. He really liked the sculpture (“Koroviev and Behemoth”) at the entrance, the general design of the entrance. It was incredibly crowded inside - there was a lecture and there were a lot of visitors in all the rooms. He liked this:)"

CAT BEHEMOTH: In 2005, a permanent resident appeared in the Bulgakov House - a huge cat Behemoth, named after the character of the same name in the novel The Master and Margarita. The idea of ​​having a real cat in the cultural center arose immediately. The current cat went through a large selection among the candidates, of whom there were a lot thanks to advertisements on the Internet, as well as announcements on television. The Behemoth cat became a popular character not only in the novel, but also in the cultural center.

LOVE MAIL: Over the years, a tradition has developed on Bolshaya Sadovaya of leaving your wishes and dreams on the walls or in notes, so back in 2004, the “Bulgakov House” cultural center installed a “Love Mail” box, where visitors drop notes with wishes. The box quickly became overflowing with notes, which were regularly taken out and put away for storage. Since 2007, every summer in the summer, in the courtyard of the Bulgakov House, the “Day of Fulfillment Day” event takes place, when all the notes accumulated over the year are tied to balloons and simultaneously launched into the sky.

SCULPTURE OF KOROVIEV AND HIPHEMOTH: “The doorman’s eyes bulged, and there was a reason: there was no longer a cat at the citizen’s feet, and instead, a fat man in a torn cap was sticking out from behind his shoulder, indeed, his face looked a little like a cat. In the fat man’s hands there was a primus..." It was this episode of the novel that was reflected in the monument. The sculpture was made by Alexander Rukavishnikov back in 1999, but was never installed, but was kept near the workshop, see “Rukavishnikov’s sculptures on Bolshaya Molchanovka” (No. 70). Sculptures of the Master and Margarita remained there for a long time, near the workshop. Now the sculpture is installed at the entrance of which the sculpture now flaunts, located in the so-called “bad apartment” where the action of the novel took place

MUSEUM COLLECTION of the Bulgakov House:

A syringe from the hospital where Bulgakov worked as a doctor

Razor, presumably from the Bulgakov family

Writer's folder

The first Bulgakov monument by N. Bazyuk.

Documents from the 1920s (more than 150 items)

Model of the monument to Bulgakov by Rukavishnikov

Novel in samizdat (14 copies)

Primus 1920s (2 pcs.)

Costumes 1920-30s (2 suits)

Photos of the Bulgakov family (25 pcs.)

Brooch and bracelet by E.S. Bulgakova (1950s, same series)

Vintage photographs of Kyiv (7 photos)

Programs and photographs of Turbin Days productions of the 50s (about 40 storage units)

Ancient maps of Moscow, copies (7 pcs.)

Photos of Bulgakov, print from the 1980s with original. negatives (17 photos)

Copy of the poster "Days of the Turbins"

Copies of M.A. Bulgakov’s certificate and diploma (2 storage units)

Manuscript page. 1970s copy

Documents on the Pigita house project (4 storage units)

Owl ac. Zholtovsky

Poster for the play with the participation of Bulgakov

Vintage postcards with views of Moscow (30 storage units)

Vintage photographs of Moscow (74 storage units)

Architectural plans for the construction of the building

Doctor's kit, early 20th century

Photos from the archive of Yu.M. Krivonosov (72 storage units)

Machine Urania from Gneznikovsky (3 storage units)

Old photographs of the Bolshaya Sadovaya building 10 (7 storage units)

Dzerzhinsky's table.

Library of books about M.A. Bulgakov (more than 100 items)

The museum also presents: a folder for Mikhail Afanasyevich’s papers, L.E. Belozerskaya’s handbag, coins, glass and an oil vessel from Jerusalem, 1-2 century AD.

CONSULTANTS: The Cultural Center is assisted in its scientific work by:

  • V. M. Svetlaeva - candidate of sciences, niece of the writer
  • E. A. Zemskaya - Doctor of Science, niece of the writer, his goddaughter
  • Yu. M. Krivonosov - photographer, Bulgakov scholar
  • V. I. Sakharov - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Bulgakov scholar
  • B.V. Sokolov is a Bulgakov scholar, author of the Bulgakov Encyclopedia.
  • G. S. Fayman - Bulgakov scholar-researcher
  • S. S. Shilovsky - grandson of E. S. Bulgakova, heir to copyright
  • A. A. Kurushin - Bulgakov scholar
  • I. Ya. Myagkova - widow of Bulgakov scholar B. S. Myagkov, author of the book “site”
  • L. K. Parshin - Bulgakov scholar, author of the book “Devilry at the American Embassy, ​​or 13 mysteries of Mikhail Bulgakov”

VISITOR'S STORY: The following is a short story of museum visitors. Sadovaya, 10. Not everyone knows that at this address there are two museums of the writer - “Upper”, on the fourth floor, in which, in fact, the events of the novel took place, and “Lower”, on the first floor, where nothing happened . And although nothing happened here, it is very easy to imagine the opposite.

The house has the status of a cultural heritage site; today under its roof there is the “Bulgakov Museum” (colloquially called the “Bad Apartment”) and the cultural and educational center “Bulgakov House”. Today we are going to the second one. Once upon a time, in its place there was a house committee or housing association, in which people sat who had spread rot to the writer all his life.

The house on Bolshaya Sadovaya, which became the first Moscow shelter of Mikhail Afanasyevich, was built in 1902-1903. It belonged to the famous Moscow merchant and philanthropist Ilya Davydovich Pigit, owner of the Dukat tobacco factory.

At one time, the studio of the famous theater artist Georgy Yakulov, a friend of Yesenin, Meyerhold, and Tairov, was located here. It was in his apartment No. 38 on October 3, 1921 that Yesenin met Isadora Duncan.

In the courtyard we see a tour bus that runs around Moscow to Bulgakov’s places. There is also the same tram.

Fanny Kaplan lived in apartment number five in the same building. It was from here that she went to kill Lenin. On September 3, sailor Malkov shot Kaplan and burned her in a barrel of gasoline in the Alexander Garden. At the same time, the prototype of Ivan Bezdomny, the poet Demyan Bedny, was present.

It is believed that Pigit’s house became the first house in Moscow after the revolution, from where the new authorities evicted wealthy residents and created communal apartments for the working class.

The Bulgakov Theater is located in the small appendix of the courtyard. All the actors unanimously claim that in order to play in it, it is necessary to obtain permission from Mikhail Afanasyevich himself. Those who did not receive it died under the most mysterious circumstances. And one director had a heart attack before the premiere, and he simply canceled the premiere.

Some who did not receive permission got off easier - they simply ended up in a mental hospital. I don’t know how Bulgakov gives these “permissions,” maybe in a dream, or sends some kind of obvious sign, but you can’t just play in this theater.

This is the box where visitors drop letters for the Master. I don’t know who reads them and whether they respond to them.

There is always hell going on in the house. For example, residents say that they are often woken up at night by the loud clatter of hooves in the yard, but the yard is completely empty.

Many of the residents and those who come here to visit the museum claim that they have a strong feeling that someone is watching them, and this gaze is not kind.

And the museum staff. who do not give the impression of being abnormal at all, remember how fire and security alarms in the museum periodically turn on at night, and these alarms are not connected to electricity.

Behind the stairs is a small corridor. There are two rooms on the right, a room and a buffet on the left, and a toilet in front. It's too dark here and I can't turn on the flash. Before us is a rather rare exhibit for the museum - a tram. Under his wheels is a plaster head. This head was found underground while they were digging in the yard. An old tram rail was dug up next to the head.

The famous “love box” was recently placed under the statuette. There is a belief that if lovers come here and each puts a letter declaring their love in this box, they will never part, and their lives will be long and happy.

Both museums have a huge number of pianos, clocks, stoves, bookcases and typewriters. And for some reason, sewing.

Please note - piano, clock, wardrobe.

Only there is a difference. In the picture above there is a clock with hands, but in reality without. And it is right. Such watches will never show inaccurate time. And in general they mean that time does not exist.

Some cabinets here have a secret. They move aside, and behind them a passage into another room is discovered. Well, or to another dimension.

From this phone you can call the Master, Bulgakov, God and Lenin. For the rest - it’s impossible, it won’t work. We didn't call, though.

Everything in this house has some kind of secret meaning. For example, number 10 according to Sadovoy becomes number 302 bis. Three + zero + two is five, “bis” means “second” (case two), multiplying five by this “bis” and getting the real number - ten. True, personally, all this seems to me to have been pulled out of thin air.

Bulgakov will burn this apartment, like this house, repeatedly. This, for example, is the story “House of the Elpit-Rabkommun No. 13.” There Annushka decided to drown the stove with parquet; unfortunately, the house burned down.

I liked the series “The Master and Margarita” by Vladimir Bortko; perhaps it couldn’t be filmed better. The only character that I don’t really like is the Master himself, played by Alexander Galibin. I'm used to the fact that he is Pashka-America.

But this statue is completely unique. Its creator, sculptor Natalya Bazyuk, worked not based on the writer’s drawings and photographs, but based on the memories of those people who knew Mikhail Afanasyevich personally well.

Photo as a souvenir - the trinity, my betrothed, Bulgakov and a museum guard in the uniform of a Don Cossack of the rank of captain. Sergey Varshavchik helped me determine the shape (I don’t understand them) warsh . It is interesting to talk with this captain, he knows a lot, and even has his own theory of “mentally attracting happiness.”

It seemed that it was here that Woland suggested that Likhodeev should have a hangover, so to speak, “to cure like with like.”
“The only thing that will bring you back to life is two glasses of vodka with a spicy and hot snack.”

Although a little later other characters took advantage of the vodka and the snack.

In the second room on the right, some kind of lectures are constantly taking place, and I barely had time to photograph it, blocking the door from the pressing enthusiasts. Then they pushed me out.

And we moved to the left half of the apartment. Behind the screen is a secret part of the room, and on the left there is a closet with a secret passage there.

“I hereby certify that the bearer of this, Nikolai Ivanovich, spent the night mentioned at Satan’s ball, having been brought there as a means of transportation... put a parenthesis, Gella! In the parenthesis write “hog.” Signature: Behemoth.”

In sq. No. 34 of this building lived Bulgakov’s old friend, whom he met during the First World War, when he worked as a doctor in the front-line zone, Rudolf Kibel.

In the spring of 1924, the Bulgakovs' family happiness began to crack. Now the writer’s ex-wife Tatyana Lappa remained to live in apartment No. 50, and he himself temporarily moved in with his former front-line comrade Rudolf Kibel. And it was in his apartment that the writer settled the characters of “The Master and Margarita”.

“Still, apartment 34 is described in the novel. Judging by the arrangement of the rooms, apartments and, as it were, the kitchen, it fits this description more than apartment 50,” says Sergei Shchepin, a resident of the house. But they live in this apartment and they can’t get into it.

What a familiar thing! The same primus. Compare with the picture below.

“I’m not being naughty, I’m not bothering anyone, I’m fixing the primus,” the cat said, frowning unfriendlyly.

During Soviet times, the Minmontazhspetsstroy organization was located in the house on Bolshaya Sadovaya, building 10. In the 50th there was a drawing office, and a typing office in the basement. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, this organization also ended. And along with the Union, the dreams of residents of overcrowded communal apartments about new spacious apartments collapsed.

The house was written off from the balance of the state and, it seemed, was of no use to anyone. His condition rapidly deteriorated. He was saved by a group of enthusiasts led by Nikolai Golubev, director of the museum.

We worked with sheer enthusiasm. They spent their own strength, time and a lot of money easily and willingly. During the reconstruction, a lot of interesting things were found. For example, the underground passage to the Garden Ring. And in the attic they found five hiding places in the brickwork, although they had already been stolen.

A quarter of the room is occupied by a buffet, where souvenirs, books and CDs are sold. The food selection is limited, only coffee and cakes.

And in the old days, they offered something tastier.
“Then, in the crimson light from the fireplace, a sword flashed in front of the barman, and Azazello put a sizzling piece of meat on a golden plate, poured lemon juice on it and handed the barman a golden two-pronged fork.”

We only took coffee and water. I think the Master would have done the same.

You can also buy fortune cookies at the buffet. You eat the cookies and read the note.

This is what I read when I broke the cookie. In principle, I agree with what they wrote. I wouldn’t have known this without them!

There are two luxurious toilets. I love flushing the water so much that I went into the toilet several times, flushed it, and came back out happy.

But there is no bathroom here. But in the basement there is a bathtub in which, according to legend, Isadora Duncan washed her feet. Why did she wash them? She danced here many times, and she danced barefoot. True, not in this apartment.

There is a poster like this hanging in the yard. Apparently, they decided not to photograph it for a long time; I photographed it at the end of June, and the Master’s birthday is May 15th.

But this door leads to a real Bulgakov apartment. But we will get into it on the next excursion.

All materials are taken from the stories of the museum director Nikolai Golubev and the residents of the house. I do not insist on their truth.

D. 10, 1st floor

Museum-Theater "Bulgakov's House"(cultural and educational center, museum, theater) - a non-profit partnership founded by enthusiasts and philanthropists, fans of the outstanding Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. The first museum in Russia dedicated to the work of M. A. Bulgakov, opened in 2004. The museum-theater is located on the second floor of building No. 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya. M.A. Bulgakov lived here from 1921 to 1924, and it is in this house that the main scenes of the novel “The Master and Margarita” are played out.


The building was built between 1902 and 1905 as an apartment building commissioned by Russian millionaire Ilya Pigit, owner of a tobacco factory. Ducat. The building was designed in the Russian version of the Art Nouveau style. At that time, construction in Moscow was booming, just then the Garden Ring, consisting of wide streets lined with trees, was being built around the center of Moscow. Part of it was Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. In June 1917, on the eve of the October Revolution, Ilya Pigit sold the building to a private real estate company. The sale was a good move, because after the revolution, the new Soviet government demanded that the house be turned into one of the first buildings for communal apartments in Moscow. In 1938, the building lost much of its original charm when the front fence was removed to widen the street.

In September 1921, Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov moved into apartment number 50 on the ground floor with his wife Tatiana Nikolaevna Lappa. Bulgakov was an ardent opponent of the Soviet regime and once expressed his hatred of communal apartments, in particular apartment number 50 on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street 10, as follows:

“On Bolshaya Sadovaya

The house is healthy.

Our brother lives in the house

Organized proletariat..”

Bulgakov made the building one of the most significant places in his famous novel The Master and Margarita, and it is there that the “Bad Apartment” is located.

The electronic exhibition is constantly updated and supplemented. Thus, a complete electronic archive of all existing documents and valuables related to the life and work of M. A. Bulgakov is being collected.

The most valuable exhibits of the museum include: M. A. Bulgakov’s folder; portrait of M. A. Bulgakov, designed by his sister; a syringe and some other medical instruments from the hospital where Bulgakov worked; handbag of the second wife of the writer L. E. Belozerskaya; vase from the Svetlaev family, described in the novel “The White Guard”.

The cultural center constantly hosts art exhibitions of photographs and illustrations of Bulgakov’s works, created by artists based on the work of M. A. Bulgakov. Exhibitions change monthly. Exhibitions of famous and emerging artists alternate.

In the Bulgakov House there is a monument to M. A. Bulgakov by sculptor N. Bazyuk and a model of the monument to Bulgakov from the project of A. I. Rukavishnikov, dedicated to the novel “The Master and Margarita”. The entrance is decorated with a bas-relief by A.I. Rukavishnikov based on the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

The Cultural Center is assisted in its scientific work by:

  • V. M. Svetlaeva - candidate of sciences, niece of M. A. Bulgakov
  • E. A. Zemskaya - Doctor of Philology, niece of M. A. Bulgakov, his goddaughter
  • Yu. M. Krivonosov - photographer, Bulgakov scholar
  • V. I. Sakharov - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Bulgakov scholar
  • B.V. Sokolov is a Bulgakov scholar, author of the Bulgakov Encyclopedia.
  • G. S. Fayman - Bulgakov scholar-researcher
  • S. S. Shilovsky - grandson of E. S. Bulgakova, heir to copyright
  • A. A. Kurushin - Bulgakov scholar
  • I. Ya. Myagkova - widow of Bulgakov scholar B. S. Myagkov, author of the book “Bulgakov’s Moscow”
  • L. K. Parshin - Bulgakov scholar, author of the book “Devilry at the American Embassy, ​​or 13 mysteries of Mikhail Bulgakov”


The cultural center regularly conducts excursions around Bulgakov’s Moscow and simply Moscow studies excursions. Particularly popular are night excursions around Bulgakov’s Moscow, as well as theatrical excursions with the participation of professional actors. In total, more than forty different excursions have been developed, including bus, walking and visiting museums. The Bulgakov House regularly hosts seminars, poetry evenings, concerts of classical music and art songs, performances, and various exhibitions. The cultural center is always open to cooperation with young and experienced actors, artists, poets, Bulgakov scholars and Moscow scholars.

Cat Behemoth

In 2005, a permanent resident appeared in the Bulgakov House - a huge cat Behemoth, named after the character of the same name in the novel The Master and Margarita. The idea of ​​having a real cat in the cultural center arose immediately. The current cat went through a large selection among the candidates, of whom there were a lot thanks to advertisements on the Internet, as well as announcements on television. The Behemoth cat became a popular character not only in the novel, but also in the cultural center.

Love mail

Love mailbox in the Bulgakov House

Over the years, a tradition has developed on Bolshaya Sadovaya of leaving your wishes and dreams in the house on the walls or in notes, so back in 2004, the “Bulgakov House” cultural center installed a “Love Mail” box, where visitors drop notes with wishes. The box quickly became overflowing with notes, which were regularly taken out and put away for storage. Since 2007, every summer in the summer, in the courtyard of the Bulgakov House, the “Day of Fulfillment Day” event takes place, when all the notes accumulated over the year are tied to balloons and simultaneously launched into the sky.

Tram 302 bis

In 2009, the cultural center “Bulgakov House” launched a stylized “rubber-running tram” through Bulgakov’s places in Moscow, which is now regularly on duty at the exit of the Pushkinskaya metro station and is very popular.