Yuri Evich. “Many understand what is happening, only a few are ready to act” - Novorossiya

Evich Yuri Yurievich (Yurich)

Grishina Lyudmila Vladimirovna (Angel)

In the trenches of Donbass. Way of the Cross of New Russia

Evich Yuri Yurievich "Yurich"

Dedicated to all my ancestors and all members of my Family, as well as to all who fought and died for the Holy Russian Land at all times. Indelible shame and eternal damnation to all traitors to the Motherland.

Evich Yuri Yurievich: three higher educations, candidate of medical sciences, author of four monographs. Since March 2014, throughout the year, he has been an active participant in the liberation struggle of Novorossiya. Service in units: First Volunteer Medical Detachment, TsSO MGB, DPR special forces, 3rd Brigade of the People's Militia of the DPR. Episodes of the campaign: assault and defense of the Regional State Administration (regional state administration of Donetsk), special operations of the Central Security Service of the MGB, Elenovka, Spartak, Airport, Mikhailovka and Ozeryanovka, Uglegorsk, Logvinovo. The last position during the campaign is the head of the medical service of the 3rd brigade of the People's Militia of the DPR.

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Dear readers!

Unfortunately, absolutely everything that is written below about the events in Novorossiya is the truth, and nothing but the truth. Of course, in the stories of the participants about the events contained in the text, some exaggerations are possible - however, there were usually witnesses to those battles who made their own corrections. Only the call signs of some of the participants have been changed - and for many (especially those who died), call signs and names are given in full.

This truth is bitter and cruel. But it is needed so that later, when, God forbid, the same events begin in Russia or another country, no one can say: “Why weren’t we warned? We didn’t know anything!” You need to read, draw conclusions and learn from the mistakes of others so that you don’t have to learn from your own.

Therefore, a big request: if you don’t want to part with your illusions, it’s better not to read, you won’t spoil your nervous system and be needlessly angry with the authors.

Those who honestly fought, served, participated, who helped and supported us - morally, financially and so on - please do not be offended by the numerous comments addressed to individuals and structures that profited from this war and committed numerous unseemly acts. There, the text even outlines the circle of culprits: “who built themselves five-story mansions in the Moscow region.” This has nothing to do with those who fought honestly, in whatever rank or position.

All military friends, participants in events, simply caring people - I ask you to follow the link at the end of the book, download our coordinates there, and write to us. We are currently working on the project “I fought in Novorossiya (memories of participants).” People need your participation experience. People must know the truth.

Yuri Yurievich Evich

Doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences,

Senior Lieutenant of the DPR Medical Service

I was told many times by many participants in the events that I should write this book. After battles, during short periods of more or less long calm, in hospitals, at funerals of killed comrades, and during other moments much more difficult than even funerals. I will certainly tell you what points we are talking about. Later.

However, the decision to write this book was very difficult for me. Even now, when I have already started typing its first lines, I am far from sure that I can bring myself to write it to the end.

The reasons for this are manifold. First of all, it is very painful to relive all this again. Time is the best healer, but even decades after the Great Patriotic War, many of the veterans flatly refused to tell what exactly they had experienced there. It was so painful, difficult and unpleasant to remember. In my case, not even a few months have passed - and the memories not only “didn’t have time to turn into ash” - they burn like real coals, you have to make great efforts to somehow calm this heat. And when I write, I stir these coals with my bare hands, dig them up, select them and carefully, slowly, examine them from all sides, holding them in my fingers. This is the only way to write a real, truthful book about war. And it is VERY painful.

Secondly, many people who participated in those events are still alive, and a description of their role and the extent of participation, even positive and positive, may not only not please them, but also cause them direct harm - especially taking into account the fact that that some of them have relatives in the occupied territory. However, as you will see further, “our” and “our territory” for many, especially those who actually fought and fought honestly, are a much more dangerous factor than any “dill”.

Thirdly, until now I was restrained by the fear that the real truth about what happened and is happening there could “harm our cause.”

To each of these arguments, however, there is a weighty objection.

The war of our grandfathers is recognized as righteous and holy. It was completed victoriously, moreover, over 70 years ago. Therefore, their memories, despite their importance, are of a “memoir” nature - they set an example, educate, form public opinion and the worldview of young people, but do not contain immediate relevance. Our war, in fact, at the moment is a total defeat for Russia. To understand this, just look at the map and compare the fascist-controlled territory of Ukraine and our tiny piece - Donetsk and Lugansk, even without the regions. It is by no means over - our real enemy, the powerful and ruthless United States, through the mouth of its Kyiv puppets, proclaimed that soon, following the DPR and LPR, it will regain Crimea. There is an obvious blockade of Transnistria, with an eye to its subsequent destruction. In Khokhlostan there is constant mobilization, training of troops, whipping up hatred of Russia and Russians, obvious and open preparation for war. Every day there is shelling of peaceful cities - Donetsk, Lugansk and Gorlovka. For over a year now, Russian people have been killed en masse there, and through the efforts of our seemingly patriotic media, this has been turned into some kind of endless disgusting “reality show.” “Today a father and his 12-year-old daughter were killed in Gorlovka!” - the usual pathos, moderate indignation of a journalist. If we add other news nearby - about “gas discounts”, about “recognition as partners” of the Kyiv junta, those who openly hate us and kill us en masse - then everything becomes clear. The government, which had the audacity to call itself “Russian,” lost this war and capitulated without even starting to fight. Accounts in foreign banks, children and relatives living in the West, real estate there, their own immeasurable meanness and stupidity - all this together led to the fact that the state is ready, in order to preserve its Judas thirty pieces of silver, to condemn to death everyone who is for Russia - just to it was not too noticeable... In such a situation, “God is betrayed in silence” - talking about what happened there is not only possible, but also necessary, because the situation is extremely serious, and tomorrow the fate of Libya, Yugoslavia, Iraq awaits us here in Russia .

Of course, I feel sorry for the people who are still there. However, it is even more pity not only for them, but for those who are here, and all others - those who are doomed to death because they do not know the truth about the true state of affairs and, accordingly, cannot change anything. However, in order not to create unnecessary difficulties for them, I decided not to indicate or greatly change their call signs in the work.

As for “harm to our cause,” I don’t even know if this is funny or, rather, very sad. How strongly and from the heart, diligently and painstakingly those who, in theory, should defend the Motherland, harmed him and are harming him, and this very thing will be repeatedly told on the pages of this work. At the same time, “God is betrayed in silence” - the less we talk about the vile, treacherous and sabotage role of those structures that are supposed to protect Russia and save it - the more calmly, with comfort and scope, they harm it.

Yu. Yu. Evich



Dedicated to all my ancestors and all members of my Family, as well as to all who fought and died for the Holy Russian Land at all times. Eternal shame and damnation forever to all traitors to the Motherland.

Astakhov Igor Viktorovich, doctor, participant in 4 military conflicts;

Akinfiev Andrey Vasilievich, candidate of medical sciences, military field doctor, participant in 4 military conflicts;

Skorik Yuri Vladimirovich, first class rescuer, participant in the 1st military conflict;

Kharza, military doctor, participant in 6 military conflicts;

Angela, a nurse, participant in 2 military conflicts.

Abstract to the monograph “Tactical medicine of modern irregular warfare.”

In official military medical circles, it is traditionally accepted that the main provisions of modern military field medicine are formulated in classical reference books (such as OTMS) in an exhaustive manner, and do not need additions. The few relatively new manuals, which to one degree or another generalize the experience of Chechen and other companies of recent times, are published in scanty quantities and, as a rule, are labeled “for official use.” Thus, a wide range of readers (even among military personnel and law enforcement officers, not to mention the civilian population) do not have the slightest opportunity to become familiar with the main developments of modern domestic military field medicine.

However, the tragedy of the situation does not end there. In military medicine at the moment in the West, a real revolution has already taken place - tactical medicine has emerged as a separate field of knowledge, which is crucial for dramatically increasing the number of military personnel saved on the battlefield. A revolution has been carried out in the medicine of the so-called “transitional” period - when full-scale hostilities have not yet begun, but the peaceful period has already ended (analogous to the Maidan in Kyiv, civil resistance in the Donbass). Note that in a number of countries (the same Ukraine, Egypt, and so on), the seizure of power in the country took place precisely through a coup - with the presence of a “transition period”, but without traditional full-scale military operations of a regular type. Finally, the art of “indirect action,” primarily in the format of “networked irregular warfare,” has reached a fundamentally new level of development through the efforts of Western military thought. To provide medical support for combat operations of this kind, the West has also created, tested and implemented a variety of highly effective medical techniques.

On our Russian side, in all the above areas, there is a touching absence of even traces of military thought. During the entire period of hostilities in the Donbass (and this is a year covering the most striking episodes, starting from the very first days), the authors (and many of them during the war occupied high positions in the military medical hierarchy of the young Republics) did not note a single case when any pro-Russian structures would use any developments in these areas. If any exist, they are stored in the depths of secret safes so deeply that they could not be used during the fierce struggle for forty million people and a territory of enormous military-political significance. Accordingly, the organization of medical care according to the patterns of the day before yesterday led to huge unjustified losses. You can be sure that in the near future, if hostilities begin on Russian territory, the situation with modern medical support (or rather, the lack thereof) will mirror the same. Even if there are some developments, the broad masses of volunteers defending the Motherland simply will not have access to them.

This work is intended to fill this gap to the best of our ability. Its uniqueness is based on a number of aspects. First of all, it is dedicated to medical support specifically for irregular combat operations, which at the present stage are almost exclusively the only method of armed confrontation. Thus, the authors combined their experience of two Chechen, Abkhaz, and Transnistrian wars, and also comprehensively analyzed all aspects of medical support for the DPR armed forces during the campaign. Personally, the authors deployed 10 medical stations during the project - including in the medical service of brigades - combined arms and special forces. And every single one of them - without any help from the command, solely at the expense of local resources and the support of sympathizers and friends from the civilian population. Finally, it was one of the authors who was the only doctor - a citizen of the Russian Federation who took an active part in the events from the very beginning, from March 2014, and established a medical service even in the conditions of the “transition period”, in fact - in the rear of the junta, in the area controlled by it at that time territories. At the same time, additional value is given to the material in this monograph by the fact that it is based on the rich experience of training personnel in conditions of severe time shortages and the complete absence of military and any special training among the trainees. All of the above allows us to recommend this book for reading not only to military personnel and law enforcement officers, but also to all citizens interested in preserving their lives and health in possible situations of civil instability of all types.

Chapter 1. Tactical medicine of modern irregular warfare.

It should be noted that the vast experience accumulated by classical domestic military medicine, in a sense, played a cruel joke on generations of new military doctors. The absolutization of OTMS and military personnel has led to the fact that at the stage of changing social formations and fundamental changes in the structure of military affairs, they dominate recklessly, despite the fact that a number of conditions in which they have to be used have undergone a radical transformation. The main difference is that now wars are not waged by huge, countless conscript armies, as in the very recent past. For a number of reasons, which are quite long to list, at this stage the main opposing force on both sides are extremely poorly equipped, completely insufficiently trained, few “volunteer” or “voluntary-forced: conscripts + mercenaries” military formations. Traditional army transport capabilities and morale have also noticeably decreased: capitalism is taking its toll and operating units, as a rule, receive equipment that is not spared for scrap metal. Military personnel, on the one hand, are poisoned by the cult of consumption and profit, on the other hand, they understand perfectly well that in the event of injury or death, neither they themselves nor their relatives will be needed at all by the forces for which these sacrifices were made by them. And the fact that there is a war will often be denied by all participants at the official level with all their might. In fact, the time has come for “illegal” wars with “amateur” personnel.

1.1. The concept of tactical medicine, the goals and objectives of a tactical medic, requirements for him.

Tactical medicine.

Modern tactical medicine “according to NATO standards” is usually understood as a set of activities carried out directly on the battlefield and aimed at saving lives and preventing serious complications in wounded and injured military personnel. These activities are carried out by specially trained and equipped personnel, usually from among the military. In this case, we are talking about “NATO standards” because there is no such concept in domestic official military medical science. Of course, to one degree or another, many provisions related to the provision of first aid on the battlefield in Russian military medicine have been developed, but they have not been combined into a single integrated complex, and even a concept similar to “tactical medicine” does not yet exist. Therefore, the following materials will be based on a synthesis of three sources: information from domestic military medical literature, information from the literature of our main enemy, and the combat experience of the authors, taking into account both the experience of Novorossia and Chechnya.

Today we can observe a rare and amazing phenomenon. This doesn't happen often.

It is not politicians and oligarchs, but ordinary people who make history.

In the lands of the South-East of Ukraine, which are now increasingly called Novorossiya, people who had their choice taken away, who were forced to impose an ideology alien to them, enslave them and make them poor slaves, accepted responsibility and took the future into their own hands.

The Maidan Fuhrers, behind whom the ears (or horns?) of Washington stick out, did not even have time to enjoy the Kyiv victory. They were able to intimidate President Yanukovych and his entourage with death threats, but not ordinary metallurgists, miners, doctors, teachers and police officers.

And today many people are asking us to tell us about the new heroes of Novorossiya - those who fight, heal, feed, save people from the rubble and bring to us the truth from the war zone. That's why we decided to start a series of publications about these modest and brave people called "Heroes of Novorossiya."

Until today, no one has written their biographies or published articles about them on Wikipedia. Just yesterday they lived a quiet and peaceful life in Kramatorsk, Mariupol or Bolgrad. And today they are already heroes and role models for future generations...

Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Evich.

Not so long ago he was a doctor at the Gorlovka City Hospital and the most important thing in his life was writing a doctoral dissertation and scientific research in the field of treatment of diaphragm injuries.

His life changed into “before” and “after” the victory of the Kyiv Maidan, when the residents of Donbass and the entire South-East were almost literally declared “second class”. From the first days of the Donetsk protest, Doctor Evich came out to defend his choice and his native language, and when the first wounded appeared, he simply began to save people.

All the health workers who took part in the protests began to gather around the charismatic doctor. Thousands of people took part in the rallies (and then the assaults), including dozens of doctors. This is how the first Volunteer Medical Unit appeared, helping wounded militias, soldiers of the Ukrainian army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and ordinary civilians who found themselves defenseless in the conflict zone.

Dr. Evich was the first who was not afraid to say out loud that the Kiev junta is putting pressure on medical workers, prohibiting them from providing assistance to the rebels. And he was the first to ask the fraternal Russian people to help the Donetsk Republic with medicines - especially insulin, the supply of which to Donbasshunta was blocked.

One of the most important issues he understands in between treating hundreds of wounded people is the mechanism of psychological warfare that Maidan sponsors are waging against the population of Ukraine. These include drugs, psychostimulants, and full-fledged psychic attacks.

And he also writes his notes in the almanac “The Art of War” so that the whole world will know first-hand what is really happening in the South-East of Ukraine.

Yuri Evich proved by his example that anyone can be a hero. All you have to do is leave your home and start taking action. Conquering your apathy and fear.

There are thousands of such heroes in Novorossiya today.

So that everyone’s personal feat does not go unnoticed, we ask you to send their biographies, descriptions of heroic deeds, photos and videos - any materials to the following address: [email protected]

Novorossiya and Russia must know their heroes.

I’m starting the “Heroes of Novorossiya” series. The first article was about the doctor Yuri Evich, whom you may remember from the video from the article about collecting aid for Donbass:

Today we can observe a rare and amazing phenomenon. This doesn't happen often.

It is not politicians and oligarchs, but ordinary people who make history.

In the lands of the South-East of Ukraine, which are now increasingly called Novorossiya, people who had their choice taken away, who were forced to impose an ideology alien to them, enslave them and make them poor slaves, accepted responsibility and took the future into their own hands.

The Maidan Fuhrers, behind whom the ears (or horns?) of Washington stick out, did not even have time to enjoy the Kyiv victory. They were able to intimidate President Yanukovych and his entourage with death threats, but not ordinary metallurgists, miners, doctors, teachers and police officers.

And today many people are asking us to tell us about the new heroes of Novorossiya - those who fight, heal, feed, save people from the rubble and bring to us the truth from the combat zone. That's why we decided to start a series of publications about these modest and brave people called "Heroes of Novorossiya."

Until today, no one has written their biographies or published articles about them on Wikipedia. Just yesterday they lived a quiet and peaceful life in Kramatorsk, Mariupol or Bolgrad. And today they are already heroes and role models for future generations...

Not so long ago he was a doctor at the Gorlovka City Hospital and the most important thing in his life was writing a doctoral dissertation and scientific research in the field of treatment of diaphragm injuries.

His life changed into “before” and “after” the victory of the Kyiv Maidan, when the residents of Donbass and the entire South-East were almost literally declared “second class”. From the first days of the Donetsk protest, Doctor Evich came out to defend his choice and his native language, and when the first wounded appeared, he simply began to save people.

All the health workers who took part in the protests began to gather around the charismatic doctor. Thousands of people took part in the rallies (and then the assaults), including dozens of doctors. This is how the first Volunteer Medical Unit appeared, helping wounded militias, soldiers of the Ukrainian army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and ordinary civilians who found themselves defenseless in the conflict zone.

Dr. Evich was the first who was not afraid to say out loud that the Kiev junta is putting pressure on medical workers, prohibiting them from providing assistance to the rebels. And he was the first to ask the fraternal Russian people to help the Donetsk Republic with medicines - especially insulin, the supply of which to the Donbass was blocked by the junta.

One of the most important issues he understands in between treating hundreds of wounded is the mechanism of psychological warfare that Maidan sponsors are waging against the population of Ukraine. These include drugs, psychostimulants, and full-fledged psychic attacks.

And he also writes his notes in the almanac “The Art of War” so that the whole world learns first-hand about what is really happening in the South-East of Ukraine.

Yuri Evich proved by his example that anyone can be a hero. All you have to do is leave your home and start taking action. Conquering your apathy and fear.

There are thousands of such heroes in Novorossiya today.

So that everyone’s personal feat does not go unnoticed, we ask you to send it to: [email protected] their biographies, descriptions of heroic deeds, photos and videos - any materials.

Novorossiya and Russia must know their heroes.

PS. Articles about the heroes of Novorossiya will appear on our PolitRussia project.

In conditions when the former structure of the world is collapsing before our eyes, some people lose their heads, others withdraw into themselves or simply do not notice anything. Intelligent individuals begin to prepare for the future. To the future war and to the future life. For residents of Astrakhan and all our readers, we have prepared an interview with a man who went through the war and is now sharing his experience with those who want to win and move on...

- Hello, Yuri! When did you realize that dancing on the Maidan would not end well, but would lead to civil war and the death of civilians? It’s just that some Russian citizens, not burdened by life experience, want a similar “expression of the people’s will” to be repeated in our country.

— I knew that this would happen 18-20 years ago. When I did my internship in surgery in Donetsk after graduating from the institute (1998), even then on television it sounded “Ukraine is not Russia!”, in everyday life - jokes, Muscovites are bastards... When now our military experts say “Who would have thought?! “, I answer them, “Who should have thought if not you?!” I expected these events and, to the best of my ability, prepared. The last three years, when Yanukovych came and the situation seemed to be improving, when this Khokhloragul arrogance had softened greatly, I already began to think what I had imagined: people seem to be like people, they live normally... And for a couple of years I relaxed. And here is the Maidan!

It became clear to me that everything was completely wasted when Yanukovych left Ukraine. This became completely obvious. At the moment, my circle of friends includes military specialists, people who fought, intelligence officers, and the army. And when they say that the addresses of all Maidan activists were known, and they could have been neutralized in one night, and the SBU was ready to come over to our side, it becomes clear to me that Yanukovych was simply leaked. I won’t specify why, but at that moment it became clear to me that the point of no return had been passed. Before this, literally millions of lives could have been saved at the cost of the lives of dozens of people.

Yuri Evich began his service in Novorossiya in April 2014 as commander of the First Volunteer Medical Detachment. During those events, his tasks included not only helping wounded soldiers and civilians, but also organizational work in the field of military field medicine. In addition, he was directly involved in special operations and the evacuation of wounded from enemy territory. He completed his service in March 2015 as the head of the medical service of the 3rd brigade of the people's militia of the DPR (military unit 08803).

I really didn’t want to go to war. Personally, it was immediately clear to me that Russia would not actively intervene, and against us were the CIA, all the other intelligence services of NATO countries, and the Ukrainian state punitive machine... In a word, without any support against such power - going to fight meant, most likely, "One way ticket". Well imagining the gloomy future prospect, because no one wants to die, I lay there for a day with a fever and chills. And then, with God’s help, I said to myself, “You’re a man!” Get up!

There were a huge number of people around me, even military personnel, doctors and trained specialists, who saw where everything was going... When the moment came that it was necessary to raise the butt and fight, everyone found a reason not to do this. And now I also see a lot of people who understand where everything is going. But I see much, much less people who are ready to do something. Many people understand, only a few are ready to act.

On the other hand, the opposite is also noticeable: many of those who did not understand what was going on, lived and lived and did not grieve - they said “Oh, you bitches!”, and drove off. In general, to REALLY understand that the enemy will soon be on your land is not at all the same as understanding IN WORDS! You need to be ready to confront the enemy, and this is a big problem.

I want to convey to the reader the main idea - if you don’t crush the reptile THERE, then soon they will come here. The residents of Russia need to realize this.

“Ideology is not included within the framework of the existence of Russia as a state - even in our Constitution it is written in black and white that “No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory ideology.” What can you say about this?

“Here we are touching on an extremely important and complex issue that is stubbornly hushed up. Despite the fact that the Constitution says so, we have an implicit ideology of worship of the golden calf, an ideology of profit at any cost. All the nations who worshiped this idol ended very badly in historical perspective. When everything in life begins to be measured by money, then normal, human priorities - family, friendship, altruism, service to the Fatherland - all this is crowded out. When this happens, in the end the snickering, maddened hedonists destroy, tear each other and devour everything created before them. It is impossible to create with such an ideology. An excellent example is the Roman Empire, and currently the United States. Unfortunately, we are repeating this path. We also put profit at the forefront.

- But now there are noticeable attempts at the state level to give the people at least some idea - Orthodoxy, for example...

— Our situation with the Church is unclear. According to some of its servants, the Patriarch forbade them to come to Novorossiya and pray for the success of the Novorossiysk Orthodox army. The situation, in fact, is like 1612, when the lion's share of church ministers swore allegiance to the Poles. I was sure that when the makhach began, people would pour out in droves - to fulfill their Christian duty, to stand up “for the Russian land.” Fuck it - I haven’t seen any churchgoers (approx. a person who fully complies with the ritual side of Orthodoxy - regularly receives communion and attends services, adheres to the canons of clothing, fasts, etc.). If there were any Christians, they were simply baptized in childhood, but did not attend services.

On the contrary, Muslims actively came to fight for us. The Rodnovers (pagans) showed themselves superbly. They are very motivated, ideological warriors, and are not afraid of death.

Therefore, the Church has a very serious question - it is necessary not only to build up the country with new churches, but there must also be a result - people who are ready to give their lives for their Motherland. In general, in this regard, I am not betting on the Church... As a result, the Church did not stand up for us, it did not help us in ideology.

Ideology is the basis of everything. If in the 40s we had a complex, global ideology - building a fair class society - then the USSR had friends in Spain, and in America, and all over the world. A strong ideology is a magnet for human aspirations. Our enemies are making titanic efforts to prevent something like this from appearing on Earth. Now nothing is being proposed except the golden calf, but as soon as an alternative project of global significance appears, all nations will support it. Russia is the only place where such a project can be born; it has significant resource potential for it to become a reality for all of humanity. Unfortunately, any attempts to create something similar are now being killed in the bud.

— We will specifically ask the next question for citizens who either really believe that our troops are fighting on the territory of Ukraine, or are spreading such rumors for some purpose: did the regular Russian army take part in the battles in Novorossiya?

— I get asked this question all the time. But why didn’t anyone ask me if there were American, Polish or British troops there?! So I answer: I saw with my own eyes captured Americans and Poles. I didn’t personally see the British, but the people who fought with me killed them and took them prisoner. And there were blacks there - both killed and captured. And there were a ton of them. When they tell us on TV that Russia cannot interfere, we just wonder why those countries did not limit themselves in anything? From the first days they worked in Ukraine as if they were at home. They worked at the headquarters, and the locals were at the “give-bring-PNH” level. That is, foreign military personnel came and ruled over Ukrainian zombies.

I can comment on the nonsense about Russian special forces who fought on ATVs with machine guns, which is spread by some media, as follows: I have not seen any Russian special forces in any battle. Everything was done by the locals - the DPR special forces, the DPR Ministry of State Security Center, the people's militia brigade, and so on. Everyone is entirely local plus volunteers from Russia.

The lion's share of the Russian military experts I saw came with their own money, on vacation, without any orders or assistance from the state. I personally did not see the Russian army “at all” during hostilities. For example, we took Debalya ourselves, without any “northern wind”. I find it difficult to personally refute the rumors about Ilovaisk, where there were supposedly regular Russian troops; unfortunately, I was not there. However, my friends who were actually there - volunteers and locals - did not see any Russian troops there. In a word, there were Russian volunteers, no one saw Russian troops there.

That is why we now see such a sad result of military actions in Ukraine. After all, professional soldiers from Europe and other countries fought on their side, and on our side - local residents who had nowhere to go, and Russian volunteers.

- Thank you! You explained everything clearly - anyone who wants to will understand. Let's directly touch on your activities as a doctor, head of medical service. According to some experts, a wounded soldier is burdened by the personnel who are forced to help him, plus it is psychologically difficult. How was it possible to save the lives of soldiers in conditions of limited supplies and lack of support from the “mainland”?

— To demoralize a unit, a wounded person is more effective than a killed one. But, on the other hand, this is a complex issue. Now we are talking about modern conditions of warfare, when medicine is well developed and battles most often take place in urban areas.

Here is a specific case. Airport, assault group of 80 people, actually a company. According to the regulations, which are already a hundred years out of date, there must be one paramedic per company. We had 8 doctors for this assault group: 5 doctors and 3 anesthesiologists and resuscitators of the highest category. Plus four or five ambulances of various types, including improvised ones.

In one episode of the battle there were 11 wounded. With such a concentration of doctors, within 10 minutes we provided assistance to everyone, after another 20 minutes they were in the hospital, and after 15 minutes all the cars returned for new wounded. It was possible to concentrate such a concentration of doctors and special equipment thanks to my personal contacts: everything was collected in completely different departments - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of State Security, a special forces brigade... In general, it was possible to gather all the available medical forces of the Republic into one fist.

After this military operation, my immediate command almost killed me - thanks to the people who guarded me, they didn’t let me! The fact is that the immediate command filmed our work at the airport and reported to higher authorities that they had several ambulances and a large number of doctors for EACH squad. The management provided them with funds, fuel, spare parts, and medicines, which they successfully concealed. In general, the scandal was big.

Thus, if the unit has a well-established medical service, then the wounded quickly receive help, go to the hospital, recover and return to duty as experienced, trained soldiers.

I talked with the Luhansk Medical Corps, and the summary statistics say the following - one hundred percent of the wounded who received primary medical care survive to the hospital. That is, even if a simple bandage or tourniquet is wound, the likelihood that a person will survive increases incredibly. This requires self-help, mutual aid and medical units in assault teams who provide assistance immediately after being injured.

Often the wounded/killed ratio is 10 to 1. If quality care is not provided, then out of these ten, three, five or more may die... Therefore, proper work with the wounded is the basis of modern military medicine and war in general.

— How was the medical service organized: volunteers from Russia, local doctors..? Were there any guidelines or instructions for organizing such a service?

- Serious question. Russian trained doctors categorically refuse to go, especially to places where they could kill. If any of them are present, it is only in the safety of the hospital. Local civilian doctors have no skills in working under fire or on the battlefield.

We don’t have the technology to work in such conditions at all! That is, it is secret - I tried to familiarize myself with such manuals, but did not gain access to them. So secret that even when I rose to the rank of brigade chief of medicine, I could not see these manuals. It turns out that, God forbid, what happens here, we won’t see the training manuals and we’ll have to fight like at night in the taiga!

Yuri Evich and his colleagues developed it, which can be downloaded for FREE. In it, the reader will find theoretical and practical parts, questions for self-control, assembling medications for various groups and situations, and a huge amount of other information, the price for which was paid in blood.

What's abroad? In the American army, the medical course initially took 40 hours, and was taught only to paramedics - an analogue of our medical instructors. Then the first line fighters, who theoretically could come into contact with the enemy, began to take the course. Now they devote 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) hours a year to medicine! And here, even in separate special forces units, it’s 4 (FOUR) hours! What to call it?! - sabotage, sabotage, and so on... using Lavrenty Pavlovich’s terms. If this is stupidity, then it is completely unforgivable.

— The Tactical Medicine website lists statistics: “to kill one soldier, you need to shoot up to 200,000 times from small arms.” Are you often asked how to prepare for combat?

— Yes, it turns out that in order to kill one person, you need to burn 10 Kalashnikovs (the life of the machine gun is 20 thousand shots). And this is not counting heavy weapons - grenade launchers, machine guns... It turns out that the likelihood that you will be able to take a targeted shot at the enemy is vanishingly small. But the probability of helping yourself, a colleague, a civilian is one hundred percent! If it's not a bullet, it's a concussion. Not concussion, but stress and diarrhea. In combat conditions, any little thing, like a scraped leg, can cost the life of not only a fighter, but his entire unit!

I believe that it is necessary to teach people tactical medicine even before teaching them how to shoot. If a person has a choice of what to take first, I will boldly say: medical courses are more important! You still have to live to see the fight, but an incorrectly applied tourniquet means there is a 50% chance that the person will be left without a limb.

Methodology "Tactical Medicine" is based on the experience of participation of instructors in six major irregular modern wars. It has no analogues in free access for civilians. Hundreds of people have already completed tactical medic training courses. The number of trained fighters of Novorossiya cannot be counted...

By the way, a very important detail! Once I read a book on medicine, which is distributed free of charge - it seems interesting, useful... And then I came across a technique in it, using which a person will 100% die. Then again and again... I talked with military doctors. It turned out that yes, there is such a tendency - books are deliberately posted on the Internet in which WRONG methods are hidden under the veil of truth. They are written by enemy military doctors or ours who went into the service of the enemy. Such books are even specially distributed among patriotic circles, so that in the event of the outbreak of war, incorrectly provided medical care will lead to the death of our soldiers. This poses a serious danger!

In general, our state has withdrawn itself from preparing the population, and the enemy is not sleeping, working with all his might.

— Then the natural question is: how do you feel about survivalists? They are the ones who sometimes share on the Internet outright nonsense from what they have voiced. What do you think of their “loner” ideology? Is it possible to survive guided by such life principles?

— Survivalism is frankly useless. I talked about this a lot with Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin) and I can repeat:

“One specialist correctly answered the question of how to become a real survivalist - go study to be a doctor, better than a military man. If you become a great doctor, you will serve in the safest place, and they will save you until the last moment. And if the enemy comes, they won’t kill you, but simply transfer you to another operating room. This is survival level 80+ :-) Here you are in a loincloth in the forest... How do you imagine the situation that you ended up there? Did aliens kidnap you? And so on..."

Now this is a whole industry: survival knives, gadgets, equipment, rations, websites, books... And people spend money on all sorts of nonsense. When it comes, all this will be either far away or useless.

One visitor to the Berkem-al-Atomi website left a great comment when everything started in Ukraine: Holy shit! I was preparing for the BP, I built such a cache, I had so much food in stock... The place is beautiful - a swamp, no roads. Who knew that this place is located at the intersection of the borders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine! Now there is a thorn, sensors, armed squads ready to shoot at everyone... I can’t even get there.

This is roughly what will happen with preppers. There are too many unpredictable conditions that need to be planned for in advance.

And people are social creatures. Firstly, you have a family, if you are not a complete idiot. This is already a society. Secondly, no matter where you go, to any abandoned forests, I assure you, there will always be locals who will come and ask: “Who are you, dear man?” Therefore, survival must be built in interaction with people. Running somewhere is useless. Being on your territory, you know the people, the society, you are local. But a visitor in conditions of civil unrest is most often prey or a danger that is better to be eliminated immediately.

The third point is very important - how will you move to the forest? Just try: collect your things, your family, load them onto the car. We conducted an experiment with our guys, prepared people: no family, forest, zero degrees, humidity at 100%. So people literally understood everything in two days. The idea of ​​“going with my family” to the forest immediately became inadequate. It’s when you sit with a beer in front of the TV that you think that survival in the forest is cool.

In general, survivalism is built on complete egoism. The man thinks that he will buy a bunch of goodies, sit in the forest and shoot everyone. So this is nonsense from start to finish. In my experience, when events began in Donbass, lawless people appeared who thought that if they had a gun, then they were cool. Even they immediately grouped into gangs, they didn’t go alone. But all these gangs were very quickly brought to their senses.

And talking about how I’ll shoot everyone is only good for computer games. If you go left and right to take out neighbors and shops, then very quickly there will be even more “harsh” people who will question you. And it will all end very quickly if you do not have special training and a group of associates behind you.

Let me say briefly: for those who practice survivalism, this is a variant of psychological masturbation. Real survival is a versatile preparation of yourself as an individual: psychological preparation, medical, social, military knowledge. When the kick-ass starts, the people who serve as the point of crystallization and represent a strong personality do not ask themselves the question of self-survival. They have a question of saving those people who are next to them. And around such leaders there are less resistant citizens, but ready to cover them with themselves, if only it would benefit the cause.

Let me give you the example of Alexander Zakharchenko. When the chaos began, he did not hide, while the rest of the security forces were afraid to show their noses. He was not afraid to go everywhere, to lead personally, to fight, to go hand-to-hand. This is real survival! And the idea “I’ll hide from everyone in a swamp” is simply unworthy of a person.

- Explained clearly. Let's turn to the Tactical Medicine course. How do Russian security forces, Cossacks, and social activists feel about your activities?

— When I arrived in Russia, I was sure that the relevant structures would simply tear me to shreds in terms of sharing experience. After all, I ended up in Novorossiya when the territory was controlled by the SBU and other scum - that is, at the very beginning of events. Accordingly, I have unique experience in organizing medical services in enemy-controlled territory. But all the structures unanimously told me: “Yuri Yuryevich, we don’t need any of this - go to the national economy.” And they continue to say this to this day...

I even heard that high-ranking officials have good security and know medicine. My question about ordinary citizens gives the impression that we speak different languages ​​and live on different planets. In my experience, indifference to medicine is found among all sorts of staff rats who don’t give a damn about those who really decide the course of hostilities. But at least for now they don’t interfere - and thank God...

Regarding the Cossacks, we interact at the grassroots level. The Cossacks who fought are interested and invite us. As a rule, we conduct the “Tactical Medicine” course for them very cheaply; for those who fought with us, it is generally free.

You understand that our expenses amount to tens of thousands of rubles - several instructors need to come, live somewhere, eat something. Therefore, if there are offers of assistance in organizing courses and compensating expenses from government or Cossack structures, we will be glad. Unfortunately, there are few such proposals. For example, we have friends - the Military Patriotic Organization of the Moscow Region. But they do not have any funding, although they have thousands of members - hundreds of clubs throughout Russia. We provided them with an instructor, but this is not enough for such a large number of interested people. They have pre-conscription training, these guys will definitely serve and, possibly, fight. But it all comes down to funding.

This is where military-patriotic training in Russia is in its infancy.

— Can a completely unprepared person take the “Tactical Medicine” course? After all, it will be useful not only to those who are preparing for war and man-made disasters, but also to ordinary hunters, fishermen, and outdoor enthusiasts? What is its cost?

— Most of our listeners have never been involved in rescue before. The course is precisely intended for such a contingent. Our intensive usually consists of three days of classes. As a rule, they take place on weekends: the first day is classroom training, the second and third days are field and classroom. Having in hand manual “Tactical medicine of modern irregular warfare” and after completing the intensive, a person will be able to train himself and train people in his area of ​​residence.

The cost is quite humane - 9 thousand rubles per person. Part of the funds goes to cover travel and accommodation, when we conduct free training for combatants.

— Yes, the price is quite reasonable, considering the expenses for the organization. How many people should a group of students be? How can Astrakhan residents sign up for it?

— Training is conducted by four instructors. The optimal group size is 8 people, the maximum is 12. You can apply to organize the “Tactical Medicine” course in Astrakhan using the link, all contacts and coordinates for communication, as well as additional information, are also indicated there. An intensive course is also now being planned in Volgograd - the guys can get in touch and come there.

— Thank you, Yuri Yuryevich, for taking the time to talk. We wish you success in your difficult, but very necessary business now, and grateful listeners!

- All the best!

The interview was prepared by Tahir Tsarevsky specifically for the online magazine Astrakhan.Site