The best rock guitarist of all time. The best blues performers of all time

Sometimes, while watching the performance of a band or enjoying a favorite composition, we pay attention only to the front singer and completely forget about other musicians, namely guitarists. And they play an equally important role in the creativity of groups. The best guitarists in the world have long become legendary. This article will focus on them.

Blues 20-30s

The best guitarists in the world in these types of music are quite famous. Next, we will try to highlight the brightest musicians from the huge number of worthy ones. If we are talking about the blues of the 20-30s of the last century, then the most virtuoso musician is without a doubt Robert Johnson. Some people seriously believed that in exchange for his skill, he made a deal with the Devil. However, most consider this story to be just a romantic fiction. But both agree that Johnson’s genius cannot be ignored. It was thanks to his work that first the blues and then rock and roll became what they are now.

The best guitarists in the world of the next decades

When it comes to jazz, the guitar has always been considered an accompanying instrument. It was. However, a revolution awaited the blues. One of the first musicians to make this breakthrough is Blind Blake. The playing of this master of improvisation and his technique are still considered by many to be a reference. However, time passed, and new heroes appeared on the scenes. The most jazzy of all bluesmen is B.B. King. His signature branding and vibrato made him the king of the blues. Subsequently, his work in one way or another touched everyone who picked up an electric guitar.


The piercing sadness of blues compositions is clearly reflected by the saying: “The blues is when a good person feels bad.” However, people are not always sad. Perhaps the very first musician who managed to convey his good mood with the help of a guitar was Chuck Berry. This kind of music was later called rock and roll. Musicians still actively use his guitar moves and ideas today. Berry's ironic story songs made him a rock and roll poet.

The best rock guitarists in the world

Rock is the successor to blues and rock and roll. Many people consider Jimi Hendrix to be one of the founders of this trend. Almost no publication in the field of rock music history can do without mentioning him. - the best guitarist in the world according to Time. When his father gave him a guitar for $5 as a gift, he hardly thought that this determined not only his son’s future, but also the future of music in general. Many guitarists consider Hendrix their mentor and teacher. His simply virtuoso guitar technique was not an end in itself. She was only a means through which the musician conveyed his emotions. His perception of the world turned into unique melodies. Jimmy put some kind of cosmic meaning into literally every note. Many still consider his playing not just skill, but the secret of a magician.

Hard rock and metal

The following decades can be considered the era of hard rock and metal music. Many of the best guitarists in the world played in these directions. You can choose for a long time, but we will focus on those musicians whose names have actually become synonymous with these styles. One of them is This man had no choice but to become the best. When Richie's father bought him a guitar, he said that if he didn't learn to play, it would be broken on his head. Blackmore Jr. had to learn. And how. This guitarist has gone down in history forever. His playing style and riffs have become standard and classic. Many aspiring guitarists try to copy Blackmore's style.

Another icon is “teacher to the stars” Joe Satriani. Many of the recognized masters learned to play from him. Satriani is considered the teacher of such gurus as Steve Vai, Alex Skolnik, Charlie Hunter, David Bryson, Larry LaLonde, and many others. Joe's acting is simply flawless. His virtuosic techniques, various tricks and unexpected harmonies aroused delight not only among listeners, but also among his colleagues.


Low-frequency sound has long been considered masculine music. Therefore, the best bass guitarists in the world are of great interest. The magazine, according to a survey of its readers, recognized The Who musician John Entwistle as such. Paul McCartney and James Jamerson are also considered masters of brutal bass notes.

Lead guitar

The best solo guitarists in the world are a whole list of virtuosos and recognized gurus. Ritchie Blackmore, discussed above, is considered one of the remarkable masters of guitar soloing. He reached the top in this area after Deep Purple, when he created the Rainbow band. The musician's solos became slower and more thoughtful. There was so much philosophy and meaning in them that it is very difficult to find a second such master. Kirk Hammett can also be called one of the best lead guitarists.

Modern virtuosi

Today, one of the most brilliant and brilliant guitar masters is John Petrucci. He plays progressive metal. His music is unusually complex technically and compositionally. The virtuosity of a musician sometimes makes one wonder whether there are limits to human capabilities? Judging by the master's game, they simply do not exist. Some of the gurus whom the musician considered his idols today consider it an honor to play alongside him.

Joe Pass, considered a great improviser, once said that the electric guitar was not invented long enough for people to fully understand all its capabilities as a musical instrument. These words are still relevant today. Each subsequent generation of musicians discovers new possibilities of this instrument.

In order to achieve certain success in any business, you need to plunge into it completely, so to speak, “with your head.” Then there is guaranteed to be a result, and what a result! If you take up the guitar, regularly listen to recordings of professionals, because setting someone as an example can make it much easier to achieve success. In my top, I will tell you who you can safely follow, who was able to get the most out of the instrument, who could bewitch with its sound. I would like to note that all participants in the hit parade were selected based solely on my preferences, so perhaps my choice and yours may not coincide.

10. Kurt Cobain

MTV Live and Loud

Simple riffs, maximum distortion and aggression - all this is Kurt. At one time the leader of the cult band Nirvana» was able to open new paths for alternative rock, and he himself became a cult grunge musician. Being left-handed, he created simple riffs on fifths, but damn, how aggressive it sounded! In general, it deservedly opens the top.

9. Johnny Ramone

Still from the film “Rock and Roll School”

One of the founders of the first and cult punk band “Ramones” became an exemplary punk guitarist - bright, energetic and with a “zest”. Together with Joey, Ramone went through a long and difficult journey of the group from beginning to end. At the age of 20, he bought his first electric guitar for $54, on which almost all of the band's songs were played. In 2003, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him 16th on its list of the best rock guitarists of all time.

8. Tony Iommi

During a performance in Hyde Park

The permanent guitarist of Black Sabbath is considered by many to be the first metal guitarist. His music is full of overload, which the musician never spared, but always kept under control. The brilliance and stunningness of his game will never cease to amaze, although he is left-handed and, moreover, lacks the pads of two fingers. Nothing will interfere with the master.

7. Robert Johnson


The first member of Club 27, a virtuoso bluesman. He began his career in the 30s, but, unfortunately, did not become famous until his death. Little is known about his life, I already spoke about this once: only mysticism and riddles. Modern professional musicians harshly criticize his work, explaining this by the lack of rhythm, hearing and good diction. But, whatever one may say, it was his work that became the basis for the next generation of bluesmen.

6. Les Paul

Les Paul in New York, 2008

Guitar virtuoso, inventor and innovator, creator of the legendary Gibson Les Paul guitar. He is credited with many innovations in the field of music, such as delay effects, chorus, multi-track recording and much more. He had an inimitable playing style and constantly experimented with methods of producing sound directly on the guitar. However, real fame was brought to him by the dream of every guitarist - the legendary Gibson Les Paul guitar, which to this day is one of the most popular and most expensive. Les Paul is one of the few musicians to have a permanent exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

At a concert in Hannover, 2006

The co-founder of the legendary band “The Rolling Stones” went a long way to fame and excellence together with Jagger. Keith Richards possessed the most beautiful women on the planet and violated all laws, including biological ones. His memories, smelling of sex, drugs and rock and roll, have survived to this day.

4. Chuck Berry

John Lennon and Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry is called the father of rock and roll - The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, Roy Orbinson and Elvis Presley studied with him. “If you try to find another name for rock and roll, then let it be Chuck Berry,” this quote from John Lennon speaks for itself. He is one of the genre's most influential artists, the author of Johnny B. Goode, the most covered song in music history.

3. Jimmy Page

Guitar, guitar and more guitar!

A living legend, a restless experimenter, the “brains” of the legendary hard rock band “Led Zeppelin” - all this is Jimmy. A popularizer of the previously little-known double-neck electric guitar, Page stood at the origins of heavy rock, he is rightfully considered one of the “parents” of heavy metal, but one way or another he managed to influence almost all the music that is now being created and recorded. Well-deserved bronze.

Eric Clapton live at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff

Perhaps the only one, or at least one of the few, who could provide real competition to the No. 1 guitarist of all time. Eric is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The first instrument in the musician's career was a cheap acoustic guitar with steel strings, a gift from his grandmother. It was a real pain to play, and Eric required serious persistence to master this instrument. In love with the blues, he quickly won the love of the public, first as a street musician, and later as a member and lead guitarist of the legendary bands The Yardbirds and Cream.

1. Jimi Hendrix

At the Miami Pop Festival, 1968.

He was the absolute First, one hundred percent Pioneer, but today for some reason they have forgotten about it. Jimi Hendrix is ​​a legendary man, who was called a brilliant musician during his lifetime. He opened up many possibilities for new sounds in the electric guitar, becoming the most inventive and daring virtuoso in the history of rock music. His work has influenced almost all modern musicians, turning into an endless example to follow.

Not every hobby that appears in our lives can in the future become the work of our whole life, a way to make good money and the opportunity to become famous throughout the world. The people we will talk about today are extraordinary and very talented individuals who loved music very much and it subsequently endowed them with popularity and love from fans.

Today we will talk about the most famous guitarists in the world, they have long been recognized as real professionals in their field, you want to listen to their compositions over and over again, they do not get boring, they are distinguished by the depth and beauty of thought.

Some of them even became the founders of some new musical movements; these are people whom every beginner and even professional guitarist who has a desire to achieve something more in the world of music should look up to. I would like to separately note that our top 10 is made in random order, because is it possible to compare the best of this world?

  • Jimi Hendrix. Is it possible to describe in a few words this man, who has long earned the title of “legend”? The virtuoso guitarist, whose work was admired by such famous musicians as Paul McCartney and Freddie Mercury, managed to have a huge influence on the history and formation of rock music. And the point is not that he simply masterfully handled the guitar and was able to play it with almost any part of his body, but that he brought many innovative ideas to music, expanded the vocabulary of the electric guitar and its range, and mastered a unique playing technique and managed to become a living embodiment of his own music.
  • B.B. King. He is better known to the world as the “King of the Blues,” who plunged into his element almost from the cradle. From a very young age he sang in a choir, and at the age of 12 he already bought his first guitar, which is where the story of a talented guitarist, musician, songwriter and singer began. Over the course of his long career, King was able to greatly develop one of the most recognizable styles of music, and many famous performers have borrowed and continue to borrow King's unique techniques.
  • Eric Clapton. He is called one of the most influential musicians in the rock era, and in the list of the most talented guitarists in the world according to the cult magazine Rolling Stone, Clapton confidently occupies 4th place. He received the nickname “slow hand” for the smoothness and softness of the sound that he expertly extracts from the instrument. Recognized as one of the best rock and blues guitarists, in addition, he is an undeniable master of playing in the classical style.
  • Chuck Berry. He is called one of the most influential early guitarists of rock and roll; according to many experts, some of his compositions became a real source of inspiration for the musicians of such great groups as The Beatles, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones and others who at one time made cover versions of his compositions.
  • Robert Johnson. It is noteworthy that all articles about this great musician, bluesman and guitarist are always accompanied by a single iconic photograph, because in history only two portraits of this talented person have been preserved. He spent most of his creative career outside of commerce, entertaining people in cafes and squares, inventing and recording his own songs. As a result, he is called one of the best blues musicians of the last century, because he managed to create the basis for the work of subsequent generations.
  • Keith Richards. There are many reasons why this British guitarist and songwriter is among the best and most famous. Of course, now he is no longer at the peak of his form, however, it was he who created a real sea of ​​​​various guitar parts and melodies, and his guitar playing is always distinguished by some kind of zest, he always tries to change and bring something new into his work. Together with his friend Mick Jagger, he is the constant “heart” of the legendary group The Rolling Stones, and is also known for his unique collection of guitars, the number of which totals about 3 thousand pieces!
  • Eddie Van Halen. It is noteworthy that in his entire life this man did not take a single lesson from a professional, nevertheless, he managed to master and hone to complete mastery the most complex playing technique - tapping. Together with his brother, he founded the band of the same name, Van Halen, and is also one of the first guitarists to use a tremolo system.
  • Jimmy Page. At a very young age, Jimmy gained fame as a gifted guitarist; at that time he was already performing as a session guitarist for serious bands. In the late 60s, he founded his own, known today as Led Zeppelin, and from that very moment it began its rapid ascent along the walk of fame. As a result, Jimmy became one of the most famous composers, songwriters, music producers, and producers in the legendary world of rock.
  • Ry Cooder. He has been called the most expressive and extraordinary performer of slide guitar compositions. Its popularity came at the end of the last century, however, the meaning of the above words is not lost. Rai is known for his masterful performance of the glissando technique, and is a renowned blues collector, folk singer, and film composer.
  • Brian May. He began to develop his passion at the age of seven, but due to lack of funds, he practiced on a homemade guitar, which he made with his father from oak. Later he organized a student group, and 20 years later he became a guitarist for the group Queen, where he took part in its most popular hits.

Blues singers can be called freedom singers. In their songs and in their music they sing about life itself, without embellishment, but at the same time with hope for brighter times. Here are the best blues performers of all time, according to the JazzPeople portal.

Top Blues Artists

They say that the blues is when a good person feels bad. We have collected the most famous blues singers, whose work reflects the structure of this difficult world.

B.B. King

King called all his guitars "Lucille". One story from concert activities is connected with this name. One day, during a performance, two men started a fight and knocked over a kerosene stove. This caused a fire, all the musicians hastily left the establishment, but B.B. King, risking himself, returned for the guitar.

Monument to B.B. King in Montreux, Switzerland

Later, having learned that the cause of the fight was a woman named Lucille, he named his guitar that way as a sign that no woman was worth such nonsense.

For more than 20 years, King struggled with diabetes, which caused his death at the age of 89 on May 14, 2015.

Robert Leroy Johnson

- a bright but quickly passing star in the world of blues music - was born on May 8, 1911. In his youth, he met famous blues musicians Sun House and Willie Brown and decided to start playing blues professionally.

Robert Leroy Johnson

Several months of training with the team only resulted in the guy remaining a good amateur. Then Robert swore that he would play great and disappeared for several months. When he reappeared, his level of play became noticeably higher. Johnson himself said that he contacted the devil. The legend of a musician who sold his soul for the ability to play the blues has spread throughout the world.

Robert Leroy Johnson died at age 28 on August 16, 1938. He was allegedly poisoned by his mistress's husband. His family had no money, so he was buried in the municipal cemetery. Johnson's legacy is difficult to count - although he recorded very little himself, his songs were often performed by many world-famous stars (Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Bob Dylan).

Muddy Waters

- founder of the Chicago school - born on April 4, 1913 in the small town of Rolling Fork. As a child, he learned to play the harmonica, and in his teens he mastered the guitar.

Muddy Waters

A simple acoustic guitar didn't suit Muddy very well. He really started playing only at the moment when he switched to an electric guitar. The powerful rumble and abrupt voice glorified the aspiring singer and performer. In essence, Muddy Waters' work straddles the line between blues and rock and roll. The musician died on April 30, 1983.

Gary Moore

- famous Irish guitarist, singer and songwriter - born April 4, 1952. In his career, he experimented a lot with different types of music, but still gave preference to the blues.

Gary Moore

In one of his interviews, Moore admitted that he likes the dialogue that arises between vocals and guitar in blues. This opens up a wide field for experimentation.

Interestingly, although Gary Moore was left-handed, he learned to play the guitar as a right-hander from childhood and performed this way throughout his life until his death on February 6, 2011.

Eric Clapton

- one of the most influential figures in British rock - born March 30, 1945. The only musician to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame three times - twice as part of bands and once as a solo artist. Clapton played in various genres, but always gravitated towards the blues, which made his playing recognizable and characteristic.

Eric Clapton

Sonny Boy Williamson I and II

Sonny Boy Williamson, American blues harmonica player and singer, was born on December 5, 1912.

There are two famous Sonny Boy Williamsons in the world. The fact is that Sonny Boy Williamson II took the pseudonym of the same name in honor of his idol - Sonny Boy Williamson I. The fame of the second Sonya greatly overshadowed the legacy of the first, although it was he who was an innovator in his field.

Sonny Boy Williamson I

Sonny Boy was one of the most famous and original harmonica players. He is distinguished by a special style of performance: simple, melodic, smooth. The lyrics of his songs are subtle and lyrical.

Sonny Boy Williamson II

Williamson II valued personal comfort rather than fame, so he sometimes allowed himself to disappear for a couple of months to rest, and then reappear on stage. Sonny Boy Williamson II passed away on May 25, 1965.

The list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time was compiled in 2009 by the leading British rock publication “Classic Rock” based on a survey of one hundred outstanding guitarists of our time, including: Steve Howe, David Gilmour, Ace Frehley, Mick Box, Francis Rossi, John Frusciante, Wayne Kramer , Mikael Åkerfeldt, Kim Thale, James Hetfield and many others.
The list includes both rock guitarists and guitarists playing blues, jazz, skiffle, and country.
Most of the musicians come from the USA (54 guitarists) and the UK (34). In addition to them, the list includes musicians from Germany (four), Canada (three), France (2), Australia (2), as well as one each from Ireland and Sweden.
The oldest guitarist on the list is American bluesman Skip James (born in 1902), the youngest are Dan Auerbach and Derek Trucks, who were born in 1979.
Only three guitarists on this list (Jimi Hendrix, Tony Iommi and Greg Sage) are left-handed and held the guitar with the neck to the right when playing.

1. Al Di Meola, b. in 1954. American jazz guitarist;
2. Alvin Lee, b. in 1944. One of the founders and guitarist of the British blues-rock group Ten Years After;
3. Andy Latimer (Andrew (Andy) Latimer), b. 05/15/1947. British multi-instrumentalist, one of the founders of the prog rock band Camel;
4. Angus Young, b. in 1955. Guitarist of Scottish origin from the Australian rock band AC/DC;
5. Audley Freed, American session musician who played with the Black Crowes
6. B.B. King, b. 1925. Blues guitarist and singer who received the title “King of the Blues”
7. Bill Frisell, b. in 1951. American jazz guitarist and composer.
8. Bill Nelson, b. 1948. British guitarist who played in the bands Be Bop Delux, Red Noise, Fiat Lux.
9. Billy Duffy, b. 1961. Guitarist and songwriter of the English rock band The Cult.
10. Billy Gibbons, b. in 1949. Musician of the famous Texas trio ZZ Top
11. Bireli Lagrène, b. in 1966. French jazz guitarist.
12. Brian May, b. in 1947 in London. British musician, founder of the band Queen, Commander of the Order of the British Empire, DOCTOR OF SCIENCE.
13. Buck Dharma, b. in 1947. American guitarist, songwriter and singer, since 1967 with the hard rock group Blue Öyster Cult
14. Bukka White (1906-1977) - outstanding blues guitarist, cousin of B.B. King.
15. Carl Verheyen, American session guitarist who briefly worked with the British band Supertramp.
16. Carlos Santana b. in 1947. American guitarist born in Mexico. Pioneer of the Latin rock genre. Multiple Grammy Award winner.
17. Chet Atkins, 1924-2001. American musician who worked in the genres of country, folk and jazz.
18. Chris Cain, b. in 1955, American jazz and blues guitarist.
19. Chuck Berry, b. in 1926. American musician, one of the pioneers of rock and roll.
20. Cliff Gallup, 1930-1988. Guitarist of the American rockabilly band Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps. Member of the Rockabilly Hall of Fame.
21. Dan Auerbach, b. in 1979. Multi-instrumentalist and vocalist of the American blues-rock band The Black Keys.
22. Danny Whitten, 1943-1972. American musician and composer, best known for his work with Neil Young in the band Crazy Horse.
23. Davey Graham, 1940-2008. One of the most influential English folk musicians.
24. David Gilmour, b. in 1946. Guitarist and vocalist of the British rock band Pink Floyd
25. David O'List, b. in 1948. English guitarist who played in the bands The Attack, The Nice, Jet, Roxy Music.
26. Derek Trucks, b. in 1979. Prominent slide guitarist, songwriter and producer. Member of The Allman Brothers Band.
27. Django Reinhardt, 1910-1953, gypsy guitarist from France who played jazz-manouche
28. Duane Allman 1946-1971. One of the founders of the southern rock group The Allman Brothers Band.
29. Eddie Van Halen (Edward Lodewijk Van Halen), b. 01/26/1955. American musician of Dutch origin, founder of the eponymous hard rock band Van Halen
30. Elliott Randall, b. in 1947. American session musician
31. Eric Clapton, b. in 1945. British blues-rock guitarist, singer and composer who played in such bands as the Yardbirds, John Mayall And The Bluesbreakers, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek and Domino and released numerous solo albums. The only musician to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame three times.
32. Frank Marino, b. in 1954. Guitarist and leader of the Canadian hard rock band Mahogany Rush.
33. Frank Zappa, 1940-1993. American musician, composer, who played a wide variety of music from rock to jazz.
34. Geordie Walker, b. in 1958 (real name - Kevin Walker). English rock musician from the post-punk band Killing Joke
35. George Harrison 1943 - 2001. The Beatles
36. Glenn Tipton, b. in 1948 and Kenneth Downing (K.K. Downing), b. in 1951. Guitarists of the British heavy metal band Judas Priest
37. Greg Sage is the founder, guitarist and vocalist of the punk rock band The Wipers.
38. Hank Marvin, b. in 1941. Lead guitarist of the English group The Shadows.
39. Jack White, b. in 1975. American rock musician, playing with his ex-wife in the duo The White Stripes
40. Jeff Baxter, b. 12/13/1948, American guitarist, best known for his participation in bands such as Steely Dan and The Doobie Brothers
41. Jeff Beck, b. in 1944. British musician, guitarist of the Yardbirds, founder of the Jeff Beck Group, winner of 5 Grammys and 3 Classic Rock Awards.
42. Jeff Healey 1966-2008. Famous Canadian blues guitarist. Being blind, he played the guitar with it laying flat on his lap.
43. Jerry Cantrell, b. 03/18/1966. Founding member, songwriter and guitarist of Alice in Chains
44. Jerry Reed, 1937-2008, American country musician, songwriter, including songs performed by Elvis Presley. He acted in films.
45. Jim McCarty, b. in 1945 in Detroit. American blues-rock musician who played in Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels, Cactus.
46. ​​Jimi Hendrix (Jimi Hendrix) Jimi Hendrix Experience
47. Jimmy Herring, b. in 1962. Musician who played in The Allman Brothers Band, Grateful Dead, Widespread Panic, founder of the jam band Aquarium Rescue Unit
48. Jimmy Page, b. in 1944. British musician, composer. He began his career as a session musician, then played in the Yardbirds. Founder of Led Zeppelin, member of The Firm.
49. Joe Bonamassa, b. in 1977. American blues-rock guitarist, currently playing in the supergroup Black Country Communion.
50. Joe Perry, b. 09/10/1950. Aerosmith
51. Joe Satriani, b. in 1956. American guitarist, member of the G3 project, currently playing in the supergroup Chickenfoot.
52. John Cipollina, 1943−1989. Founder and lead guitarist of the San Francisco rock band Quicksilver Messenger Service.
53. John Lennon (John Lennon) 10/09/1940 - 12/08/1980. The Beatles
54. John Martin (John Martyn) 1948-2009. British guitarist, singer and songwriter who worked in the genres of folk, jazz and blues.
55. John McLaughlin, 01/04/1940. British jazz fusion musician, founder of the Mahavishnu Orchestra.
56. Johnny Winter, b. in 1944. One of the best American blues musicians.
57. Keith Richards, b. in 1943. Permanent guitarist, songwriter and one of the founders of The Rolling Stones. Received the nickname "Riff Man".
58. Kirk Hammett, b. in 1962. Founder of the American thrash metal band Exodus, member of Metallica since 1983.
59. Larry Carlton, b. in 1948. An American guitarist best known for his work with Steely Dan, his polystylistic guitar inhabited the territory of jazz fusion and classic rock.
60. Leslie West, b. 10/22/1945. American musician, one of the founders of the hard rock band Mountain.
61. Lonnie Donegan 1931-2002, English guitarist, dubbed the “King of Skiffle.”
62. Lowell George (Lowell George) 1945-1979, American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist from the band Little Feat.
63. Malcolm Young b. 1953 in Glasgow. Founder and rhythm guitarist of the Australian band AC/DC.
64. Marty Friedman, b. 12/8/1962. American guitarist who played in Megadeth. Currently lives in Japan.
65. Matthew Bellamy b. 07/09/1978. Leader of the British alternative rock band Muse.
66. Matthias Jabs, b. in 1955. Guitarist of the German rock band Scorpions
67. Michael Schenker, b. in 1955. German guitarist, former member of the rock bands Scorpions and UFO, founder of the Michael Schenker Group. Younger brother of Scorpions guitarist Rudolf Schenker.
68. Mick Green 1944-2010, Johnny Kidd & The Pirates
69. Mick Ralphs, b. in 1944. English musician who played in the bands Mott the Hoople and Bad Company
70. Mick Taylor, b. in 1949. English musician, best known for his participation in the bands John Mayall And The Bluesbreakers and The Rolling Stones.
71. Mike Bloomfield, 1943 - 1981. American musician, guitarist and composer, best known for his work in The Paul Butterfield Blues Band
72. Neil Young b. in 1945. Canadian musician who played in the groups Buffalo Springfield, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), Crazy Horse.
73. Paul Gilbert, b. in 1966. American guitarist who played in the bands Racer X and Mr.Big, and also released solo albums. Member of the G3 project (together with Joe Satriani and John Petrucci).
74. Paul Kossoff, 1950 - 1976. Guitarist of the British rock band Free
75. Pete Townshend, b. in 1945. Guitarist and main composer of the British rock band The Who. Famous not only for his musical talents, but also for his violent behavior on stage, he was the FIRST ROCK MUSICIAN TO SMASH GUITARS AND BREAK AMPLIFIER CASES.
76. Peter Green, b. 10/29/1946. British musician, guitarist of John Mayall And The Bluesbreakers, founder of Fleetwood Mac.
77. Randy California, 1951-1997. Guitarist, singer and composer of the American rock band Spirit.
78. Randy Rhoads, 1956 - 1982. American musician who played in Quiet Riot and the Ozzy Osbourne band.
79. Rick Derringer, b. in 1947, American blues rock and hard rock guitarist.
80. Ritchie Blackmore, b. 04/14/1945. English musician, one of the founders of the rock band Deep Purple, founder of the groups Rainbow and Blackmore's Night.
81. Robby Krieger, b. in 1946. Guitarist of the American rock band The Doors
82. Robert Fripp, b. in 1946. The only permanent member of the prog rock band King Crimson
83. Robin Trower, b. in 1945. British musician, founder of the power trio of the same name. From 1967 to 1972 he played in the group Procol Harum.
84. Ron Asheton, 1948-2009. American musician who played in the proto-punk band The Stooges.
85. Rory Gallagher, 1948-1995. Irish blues-rock guitarist who played in the band Taste early in his career.
86. Roy Buchanan 1939-1988. American guitarist who combined blues and country in his playing. After his tragic death in a police cell, he received the title “best unknown guitarist in the world” from the American press.
87. Scott Gorham, b. in 1951. American guitarist who played in the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy.
88. Skip James 1902-1969. One of the patriarchs of the blues, member of the Blues Hall of Fame
89. Slash (Slash), p. in 1965 (real name: Saul Hudson). American guitarist born in England. He played in the bands Guns n' Roses and Velvet Revolver. Currently busy with solo projects.
90. Stan Webb b. 02/03/1946. Lead guitarist and vocalist of the English blues band Chicken Shack.
91. Steve Morse, b. in 1954. American guitarist playing in the British hard rock band Deep Purple
92. Steve Vai b. in 1960. American guitar virtuoso, who began his career with Frank Zappa, collaborated with David Lee Roth, the band Whitesnake, and was a regular participant in the G3 music project.
93. Stevie Ray Vaughan 1954 - 1990. American bluesman who died in a helicopter crash.
94. Tom Morello, b. in 1964. American musician who played in the rock bands Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave.
95. Tony Iommi, b. in 1948. Founder of the British group Black Sabbath.
96. Uli John Roth, b. in 1954. Former guitarist of the German rock band Scorpions
97. Vini Reilly, b. in 1953. Guitarist of the English post-punk band The Durutti Column.
98. Wolf Hoffman, b. in 1959. Musician of the German heavy metal band Accept.
99. Yngwie Malmsteen, b. in 1963. Swedish rock instrumentalist.
100. Zakk Wylde, b. in 1967. Former guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne, founder of the rock band Black Label Society.

"12. Brian May, born in 1947 in London. British musician, founder of the group Queen, Commander of the Order of the British Empire, DOCTOR OF SCIENCE."
Almost my colleague, no matter how!!!