Football betting: advice from professional players. Are there secrets in sports betting? How to win in sports betting tips

Most newbies who place bets at bookmakers over the Internet do not adhere to a specific strategy. Their goal is to get thrills, to bet for the sake of betting. They receive this to the fullest.

As players gain experience, they start thinking about winning. The acuity of sensations fades into the background. Such players create their own gaming strategies or use the ideas of others.

Professional players often share their experience and give tips for beginners following which novice bettors will be able to avoid many mistakes. Advice from the pros on sports betting do not guarantee one hundred percent success, these are only recommendations that increase the chances of winning.

Knowledge of sports

The first advice that professionals give is to bet only on the sport that you understand. Many new sports bettors do not know how to put it correctly. Collect and analyze information about the results of matches over a couple of years, delve into all the features and nuances - and only then start making a sports forecast.

Knowledge of the league or tournament

Many sports have national leagues or championships. Select one or two leagues, study them thoroughly and place your bets.

For example, if you are a football fan, you can choose the English Premier League or the Russian Major League. In hockey - NHL and KHL. Watch the life of the selected leagues, track the results of matches and refereeing features, study the standings and remember - yesterday's champion can become tomorrow's outsider.

Bookmaker knowledge

Professional players advise evaluating a bookmaker according to several parameters:

  1. Reliability. If a bookmaker has been on the market for 20-30 years, this is already an indicator. If the company was founded only a few years ago, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the information on analytical sites and customer reviews.
  2. Betting line and list for the selected sport. Some bookmakers specialize in football, others in hockey, and others in basketball or e-sports. The ideal bookmaker for beginners should offer good odds, an extensive line and detailed descriptions.
  3. Promotions and bonuses. For beginning players, an important criterion is the bookmaker’s bonus program. Most companies offer a bonus when registering or making your first deposit to your gaming account. In most cases, this is doubling the deposit amount or free bets for a similar amount.

On the Internet you can find information about all bookmakers. Experts advise contacting top firms that have proven themselves in the market.

Decide on a budget.

Set aside an amount that you can spend on bets without straining your family budget. It should be enough for several dozen bets, depending on the chosen strategy. The minimum rate is 1% of the bank, the maximum for beginners is 5%.

While a player is looking into the bookmaker's office and the world of sports betting, it is not a good idea to make the pot too big, even if you have some extra money. Big bets on big odds, in the hope of getting a lot at once, are too unpredictable and extreme.

Don't spend other people's money. No one can give a 100% guarantee on the outcome of a sports match, otherwise bookmakers would cease to exist. In sports, sensations, surprises, and agreements are always possible. A psychology of sports betting is such that you always want to win back.

Choose a gaming strategy

The gaming strategy is selected depending on your playing style. Some people will be satisfied with gaming strategies – sure bets, corridors, etc. For other players, financial ones are more suitable. The first are aimed at experienced and gambling players, the second - at betters seeking to save and increase the bank with a high degree of probability.

No player or analyst is right 100% of the time. Impossible always win on sports betting. This is not necessary. It is enough if you guess the correct outcome of a sports match sixty percent of the time. If there are high odds, even thirty percent will be enough.

Place bets on events whose outcome you are confident of. At the same time, you should not focus solely on bookmaker odds: they do not always reflect reality. Beginners can bet on events where there is a clear favorite. And even in this case, it is worth looking at the statistics of previous joint matches: perhaps this particular outsider team is a “tough nut to crack” for the tournament leader. However, the chances of winning in sports betting on the favorite are much higher than when the teams are tied.

By following the advice of professionals and the chosen strategy, you will learn Don't lose on sports betting.

Easy income and quick money is the dream of each of us. And if your favorite hobby brings you joy, it makes a person doubly happy. Today we will talk about the specifics of sports betting, where to start and what to do to get results.

Brief information for beginners

Bookmaker bets are a certain risk with a real opportunity to get big money. The main principles of such activity are the combination of three important aspects: limitless patience, desire and time. After becoming familiar with the process, stereotypes about fraud and deception will be completely destroyed.

So, let's look at the main questions. How to make money betting on sports: tennis, football, hockey and others species offer each of us an endless opportunity to try our own luck, luck and logical thinking.

Helpful information! Professional handicappers (those who bet) analyze patterns, calculate randomness and take into account unrealistic factors. Their monthly income is measured in thousands of dollars. To reach a high level, you need to thoroughly know everything about sports forecasting and devote several years to this matter.

Handicappers recommend choosing tennis at the initial stage - this sport is the most profitable for betting. If you don’t understand it, choose popular football, hockey, basketball, etc. The principle of operation is extremely simple - you bet any amount of money on the victory of a team or player. If the forecast comes true, the funds are increased and returned. The forecast is wrong - you lose the money you bet.

The second most popular question is: “ Where to place online sports bets? A selection of the best services includes the following web pages:

  • bookmaker's office (BC) Betting League;
  • BC Winline;
  • SportBet;
  • and others.

Before you start actively making money, be sure to create an electronic wallet (Webmoney or other payment systems). You will need it to withdraw money.

What you need to know for successful activities

There are several types of bets. The most popular and sought-after subtype is called a single bet or a bet on one event. Another type is express (several events). Another important component of successful work is knowledge of strategies. Financial and gaming conditions are highlighted. The main goal of the former is to control the size of the game bank. Gaming strategies involve bets in several categories.

A popular tactic among professionals is flat. This is the distribution of the bank into parts, determining the size of the rate depending on the interest. Using a strategy allows you to avoid a complete loss of money, even for beginners.

The term fork is often used among bookmakers. So what are sure bets in sports betting?? This is also a strategy that places a bet on any outcome of an event at a high odds. The scientific interpretation of tactics is an arbitration situation. A correctly placed arb provides bonuses for any results (if you bet 1000 rubles, thanks to the scheme you increase the amount by 100-200 rubles without risks).

To the main worrying request - how much money can you make from sports betting per month?? – the answer depends on a number of factors. The final amount varies from skill, experience, number of bets, chosen sport, your luck and ingenuity. Such activities are an entire industry that has a long history. In one period you can earn an annual salary, and in another - a little less than one salary. Remember that betting is an investment that cannot be avoided without financial losses.

  1. Winning is the main goal and way of getting rich; this is a full-time job.
  2. Develop your own strategy (keep in mind that passive bets are suitable for probable events, aggressive bets for controversial situations).
  3. In advance - the game bank (the funds you will spend on bets, their size, quantity). Don't let yourself go bankrupt.
  4. Stay up to date with the news of the sport you are interested in.
  5. Don't be overconfident, as sport is unpredictable.
  6. Play only in trusted services and offices. This will prevent fraud and fraud.
  7. Don’t trust obvious favorites in undecided fights – don’t place large bets on their victory.
  8. When making express bets, choose no more than 3 targets.
  9. Do not give in to emotions - always think about the current situation sensibly.
  10. Completely exclude personal sympathy and affection - this is the opposite of professionalism.

To keep up to date with what you love even when you are far from your computer, use mobile extensions. Online sports betting from your phone – the best apps include a wide list of program names. The list of the best applications includes the following names. The first place in popularity of 1xBet (for the Android platform) is fast registration, accessible lines and your own online account. Other names - Fonbet mobile - only for residents of Russia, Marathon - convenience and simplicity, version of the Pari Match office, Bwin mobile and others.

You can read reviews on various sites:

This article in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. But all the points laid out in it have been tested in practice. If at least one person makes one less mistake at the beginning of his journey into the world of betting, then the author of this article will consider his mission accomplished. So, 10 tips for a beginner. And may success accompany you.

1. Decide why you need bets? You must clearly understand your goal. Betting is a way for you to regularly earn money or sometimes receive “bonuses” while cheering for your favorite team on weekends. If the former, then you must treat it like a business. Namely: set your bank (the amount of money allocated for bets), choose a game strategy and follow it (maximum and average bet size, average number of bets, etc.), constantly monitor the events you bet on, read about bets and communicate with other players. If betting is just a weekend entertainment for you, then you don’t need to read this article any further. The only advice in this case is not to bet too much.

2. Bet only in large offices. Bookmakers are somewhat similar to banks. Here, in most cases, the principle also applies: the larger, the more reliable. Large bookmakers, as a rule, have a history and value their reputation. But it doesn’t cost anything to fly-by-night offices to close down one day and pocket your money. Therefore, do not invent a wheel, use the services of trusted companies (Bwin, Beffair, Expekt, etc.). Do not waste your money on dubious bookmakers that offer tempting odds. The history of post-Soviet bookmaking is replete with bankruptcies, so be careful.

3. Forget the word “sure”. Beginners often use the term “sure thing”. Thus, they mean: complete confidence in the victory of one of the teams or a bet on the obvious favorite. Both of these statements cannot be criticized. The most important thing is that in betting you can’t be 100% sure of anything, just like in life. It is a very big mistake when a person, when choosing a bet, relies only on the odds. Remember that they (coefficients), as a rule, reflect only the general balance of power. They are abstracted from your strategy, both financial and gaming. Think about whether you need such a rate? What is the coefficient/probability of outcome ratio? In addition, as a rule, this is a bet on the favorite for a meager odds, for example (1.1 1.4). Such bets will not lead to any good, more details in the next paragraph.

4. Forget about betting on favorites for meager odds. Sadly, the most popular bets at bookmakers are clear victories of the favorites. These same favorites, of course, win most often, but sometimes they have a habit of drawing or losing. For the player who bet on them (the favorites), such a loss is very expensive. For example, you are a beginner player. You love football and decided to bet on Barcelona’s victory over the middle peasant or outsider for the CF. 1.2. Barça draws and your bet blows. You bet 1000 rubles. And now, in order to win it back, you need to win at least FIVE bets in a row with the same odds. But if your revenge is interrupted in the third match, then you will go into a deep disadvantage. So betting on favorites is a dead end? Not at all, but you need to bet for a reasonable price. For example, try to play their minus handicap for a good odds, total or net in a match with a strong opponent.

5. Forget about “steam locomotives”. Even those who have just started playing in the office know the word express. It's a chain of events, btw. which are multiplied among themselves. But if at least one event fails, the entire bet will be lost. So, express trains are not an absolute evil. Bet an express bet of two events with odds. At 1.8 each it's not that bad. The risk is moderate, and the reward will be significant. But in order to correctly select such events, experience and knowledge are needed. As a rule, beginners go to the other extreme; they make “steam locomotives” express trains with odds. 50, 100 or 200. The player is attracted by the possible winnings, and he forgets about the probability of the outcome, turning the bookmaker's game into a lottery. As a result, such a player has a lot of express bets, the lion's share of the bank has been spent, and as luck would have it, only a few events did not take place in each “locomotive”))) Therefore, forget about large express bets. Bet in singles.

6. Never change your intended strategy. You must set your bank (the amount allocated for bets). Decide how much percentage of the bank one bet will take. It is better that this amount does not exceed 3% for one bet. Decide on a gaming strategy: the ratio of singles and reasonable express bets. Set for yourself at least an approximate number of bets that you can make per week. This amount must be adequate so that each bet is thoughtful and balanced. The day you deviate from your intended strategy without a good reason will be the beginning of your downfall. The main thing: never change the maximum pot percentage for a single bet by more than a few points. It's only in Hollywood movies that good guys win the jackpot by betting the entire bank.

7. Avoid tilt, feel lucky. Every player has a period when “everything goes.” A bet on any event ends in a win, and you feel like the king of the world. In this case, you need to continue installing in the current mode. As long as there is a “white” line, follow it. But as soon as you lose several bets in a row, then stop. Take a break, don’t bet for a few days, have fun and don’t think about bookmakers and odds. When you have rested, then you can resume the game, otherwise you will end up on tilt. Tilt is a poker term that reflects the negative psychological state of a player, simply called “zapara”. In this state, you act emotionally without realizing the possible consequences. In betting, this usually results in the bank losing in a short period of time. You lose one bet after another, try to win back, increase the amount and in the end you become bankrupt.

8. Bet only on what you understand. Don’t be a “gambler”, don’t bet on everything. Choose your specialization in sports and specific leagues and strictly follow it. By betting out of nothing on the Singapore Football Championship, you are playing on someone else’s territory and thereby feeding the bookmaker. To bet, you need to be familiar with the championship standings, statistics of the opponents’ latest matches, and the dynamics of their performance throughout the season. Be patient, wait for your matches that you are ready for and understand. Try to watch as many matches of the championship that you are leading as possible on TV or recorded via the Internet.

9. Avoid betting with a “psychological attitude”. This point can be called differently. Don't bet on your favorite and hated teams. Very often, inexperienced players forget that they came into the world of betting to make money, and not to root for or against. As a result, faith in the team you have been rooting for since childhood involuntarily forces you to make a rash bet on it. Very often, such a bet is a direct path to losing. The same goes for teams you hate. Don't bet against CSKA just because you support Spartak and vice versa. Betting has nothing to do with being sick.

10. Life doesn’t end with bets. Remember, bets are important, but they're just bets. No matter how much you lose or win, life will not end there. You have friends and family, spend more time with them. Don't sacrifice one for the other, combine wisely. Good luck to you!!!

Absolutely every bettor wants to know football betting secrets that will allow you to make a profit. Probably, we should immediately note the fact that there is no absolutely win-win scheme for other sports! This fact should be taken into account by every novice bettor, especially if he is offered to buy such information. Even in the most obvious matches, unforeseen circumstances can occur that significantly change the course of the match.

We offer you 10 tips to help you avoid common mistakes when betting on sports.

There are special strategies that make the chances of a successful bet higher, and there are also a number of secrets that will make betting easier and more correct. It is these football betting tips that allow every person to be a constant plus.

Before revealing the secrets of betting on football, I would like to immediately note that they are only a facilitating and motivating factor, and cannot guarantee 100% success.

Know how to keep your excitement under control.

This plays a very important role for every bettor, because after several successful bets, you can believe in your abilities and start betting without much thought. As a rule, failure to comply with this rule leads to the emptying of the bank, regardless of its value. The secret is relevant not only for beginners, but also for more experienced people. Quite often the opposite situation happens, when you lose several bets in a row and, wanting to win back, bet on what you think is a guaranteed result. This cannot be done, since roleplaying has never led to anything good.

Betting on luck will sooner or later lead to failure.

This fact can be confirmed by general statistics. Under no circumstances should you trust the odds, no matter how tempting they may be. Each bettor must know exactly all the information about the upcoming match or have statistics about an already ongoing battle. A big mistake is to “spray” on many championships, since it is much easier to study 3-4 championships in as much detail as possible and place bets within them. Thus, the likelihood of making the most accurate forecast increases.

There are no 100% winning bets.

You cannot be sure of a guaranteed bet, even if you have studied all the statistics and possible layouts of the fight. Anything can happen in sports. If we talk about examples, there are a huge number of them in all sports. In the final of one of the tennis tournaments they met: the seasoned American tennis player Sirena Williams and the young and inexperienced German Kerber, speaking about the odds, they were in favor of the first experienced athlete from the USA 1.10 x 11.50. In the end, Angelique Kerber won. In addition, one can cite a huge number of football matches, the results of which are far from being in favor of the leaders.

You can't trust low odds.

Quite often, bookmakers change indicators depending on the number of bets made. You cannot blindly trust small and so-called correct odds. Because of this situation, you can catch odds on the favorite with a value of 2 or higher.

Those who bet express bets - do not trust too low and high odds.

By adding outcomes with odds of 1.20 or less, as well as 1.90 or more, to the list of bets, you risk screwing up. Low values ​​will practically not affect the overall indicator, and you must admit, it would be a shame to make a mistake on such a small coefficient.

Place bets on games of your chosen championships.

Thanks to this, you will be able to concentrate all your attention and conduct a clearer and more detailed analysis of upcoming matches. Only in this case you will have to follow the news and changes in the rosters in each of the teams, since injuries and disqualifications of key players may occur throughout the season. If the leaders remove one of the main central defenders, the new pair will not act coherently, which can lead to mistakes. That is why in such cases the composition should be carefully studied for adjustments.

Consider weather conditions.

Weather is an important factor that can play into the hands of either team. Of course, we can say that both opponents played on equal terms, but at one certain moment the ball can fatefully change its flight path and fly into the goal. This goal may be enough to get the desired points. If there is a possibility, then it is necessary to analyze the upcoming weather conditions and take this into account to place a bet.

Do not bet on friendly matches or tournaments during pre-season training camps.

At such meetings, coaches can carry out serious roster rotations and try out the team's youth and newcomers. Even if the main team is fielded, there is no guarantee that they will give their best. This may also apply to matches taking place at the end of the championship, when one or both opponents have no tournament motivation.

Create and work out your betting strategy in detail.

To do this, a person has a huge selection of existing strategies for betting on football matches. You can study the entire list of strategies in a separate section of our website. We try to provide the most detailed description of available strategies and ways to make money on bets.

Choose the right bookmaker.

The most important thing is that this bookmaker is convenient and simple for you. In addition, it is recommended to use bookmakers that are legal in Russia. They are listed in a separate article, in addition you can study detailed reviews of each of the legal bookmakers with us. We put a lot of effort into ensuring that you can use all the information and get big profits.

If you learn from the mistakes of other players, and also listen to the advice of professionals, then you can reduce losses to a minimum. This will help you become a better capper who does not make mistakes.

Why do bookmakers make so much money? This is because in the world of gambling, 97% of all people lose everything sooner or later. Our goal is to get into the 3% of successful people.

To do this, you need to learn 7 secrets that will help you at least stop losing money. - the answer to the question is below.

8 secrets of successful betting in football:

1. Choosing a good bookmaker

If you look, we are given a choice of just over 100 bookmakers, but some have a bad reputation, others have technical problems, and others give low odds. And it turns out that there are about 10 really good bookmakers.

2. Betting pot allocation

It is impossible to predict the outcome of an event with 100% probability, who will be the winner or what the score will be. Sometimes favorites play for zero against outsiders, so you need to break your pot into many small parts.

Professionals place bets on 2-5% of the entire bank. This strategy allows you to protect yourself from losing your entire deposit due to the success of other bets.

3. Selecting a league for betting

Choose several leagues that you will actively follow. It is recommended to avoid the third or fourth division, where there may be fixed matches against the leaders.

4. The most successful strategies

There are a lot of strategies, but I would recommend focusing on the two main ones that the most successful privateers use: catching up and forks.

  • Dogon- These are bets on equal matches, where the chance of winning is about 50%. Didn't your bet work? We double the deposit and do this until the initial bet is won back. It is not recommended to take more than 7 steps.
  • Forks— a bet on several events in a match that contradict each other, it is important that the coefficient of each event is greater than 2. For example, a bet on one and the second team, where the chance of winning is 77%.

5. Stereotypes about match odds

When beginners first start betting, they think that the odds reflect who is the leader in the next match and who is the underdog. However, the coefficient is a formula for the popularity of clubs, on whom they bet (or will bet) more often.

Often they give odds of 1.1-1.3 for the victory of strong clubs, but they, like the rest, play for a draw or lose. The most optimal betting odds start from 1.5.

6. How to analyze an upcoming match

This video is one of the best examples of how to analyze a match you would like to bet on.

7. Where can you look for free predictions for matches?

Most sites try to guess the score, which is a big mistake. They provide many facts that one way or another should play a key role. However, the score is harder to predict than the victory of one of the teams.
I recommend checking out the free betting site ZuluBet, where there are bets on events. And often bets follow the strategy of forks, which brings 70-75% of victories. Thanks to this site, you can simply check your predictions.