Shnurov's nationality. Sergey Shrunov, biography, news, photos

Sergey Shnurov (Shnur) is a popular Russian musician, film actor, TV presenter, composer and film actor.

Sergei Shnurov is perhaps one of the most scandalous and shocking Russian pop artists. Despite the fact that his video clips are banned on television and radio broadcasts due to the abundance of profanity, they are well known and loved by the people.

Childhood and education of Sergei Shnurov

The famous musician was born on April 13, 1973 into a Leningrad family far from music. Sergei's parents worked as engineers, his father worked at a military enterprise and had the rank of captain.

Shnurov studied at a regular secondary school in Leningrad. In elementary school, Sergei studied diligently and brought good grades to his parents, but as a teenager, the young man began to skip classes and enter into conflicts with teachers, for which he often ended up in the children's room of the police.

He didn’t think about what he would become in the future. During his school years, Sergei was a real fan of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Shevchuk, the groups “Kino” and “Secret”, which was later reflected in the work of Shnurov himself.

After graduating from school, he tried to get a higher education at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, but after some time he dropped out of university and transferred to a vocational school. There he mastered the profession of a restorer of wood products, but this specialty was not to the liking of the future artist.

Before the start of his vigorous musical activity, Shnurov also managed to study at a theological seminary to become a theologian, but not for the sake of a crust. Shnurov entered the institution together with a friend and studied there for three years. Family circumstances forced him to leave the seminary - then he had his first child, and he needed to earn money.

According to the musician, throughout his life he has worked as a glazier, a kindergarten watchman, an assistant director, a designer, an assistant on the set of video clips, and even a loader. But most of all, Shnurov was attracted to the work of making fences for graves, since they paid well for it. After a long search for his purpose, he chose the position of head of PR projects at the Modern radio station.

This is how his colleague at Radio-Modern described Shnurov at that time: “A stylish young man, even despite the fact that he could be exotic. He could come in a jacket and blue shoes, bright, club-ready; and at the same time it was all quiet and subtle.”

First musical projects

When Shnurov became director of PR, he began to change the policy of the Modern radio station, starting to promote the pop station in the completely opposite direction - closer to the rock party. He managed to become an informal leader: they listened to him and took his crazy ideas into account.

While working at the radio station, he was simultaneously developing his own projects. In 1991, the Alkorepitsa group was created, which performed hardcore rap and, according to the musician, the group became an innovator of this genre on the domestic stage. However, this was not enough to win the love and popularity of listeners, and the group soon broke up.

Already from the first groups of Shnurov, the image of a drunkard and rowdy, known to everyone today, began to take shape. After “Alkorepitsa” there was an experiment with electronic music and techno in a group called “Van Gogh’s Ear”. But this team was not destined to last long. Due to disagreements between the members, the group broke up.

This is how Shnurov commented on this musical group: “The project was speculative, it was pop art - some songs with minus. Then no one in the alternative did this, because, in theory, we performed in alternative clubs. And stylistically it was nonsense pop music.”

Group "Leningrad"

In 1997, Sergei Shnurov and his friends organized the group “Leningrad” and four days later the first concert was given. The first group consisted of 8 people.

At first, Shnurov was the ideological inspirer and composer, and the vocals were handled by Igor Vdovin, who had previously played with him in the group “Van Gogh’s Ear.” According to Shnurov, it all started spontaneously and chaotically. The first concerts were given with virtually no preliminary rehearsals. “The most important thing is not the music, not the lyrics, but the presentation,” the musician shared.

Being a generator of ideas, Shnurov relied on scandalousness and shockingness. The lyrics contained obscene language, and real chaos was happening on stage. Often the artists appeared in front of the audience in a drunken state, and the performances were accompanied by naked musicians. Thanks to their free-thinking, the group gained a whole army of fans, whom they generously presented with new albums.

In 1999, the group released two albums: “Bullet” and “Checkmate without Electricity”. The debut album includes 17 tracks and today is practically the only lyrical album of the group, as it does not contain a large amount of profanity, like its subsequent discs. The group's second album differed from the debut in that Shnurov himself became the main vocalist of the group, after the departure of Igor Vdovin, and no electric instruments were used during the recording of this album. The album “Checkmate without Electricity” was included in the list of “85 Best Albums of the USSR.”

This was followed by the album "Dachniki" (2000), and in 2001 the group again released two albums. One of them included the immortal singles “WWW” and “Up in the Air.” The songs were included in rotation on Our Radio.

The following year, Shnurov released his first solo album, entitled “The Second Magadan,” which is a recording of an imaginary concert in Kolyma, although the recording was made in the studio. Interestingly, this album caused a lot of criticism from listeners. Leningraders expressed the opinion that Shnurov’s parody of an even more popular genre - chanson - was not a success.

Ruble Group

The group owes much of its success to its leader Sergei Shnurov, who held the audience with his ambiguous behavior and memorable lyrics. In 2008, the musician decided to disband the group and create a new project “Ruble”. According to the musician, the new band was supposed to become a counterweight to Leningrad, which stopped developing and turned into a kind of show.

If in “Leningrad” he played bald and drunk, then in “Ruble” he played hairy and sober Shnurov. Indeed, the musician’s fans noted that the performance had become more technical and deep. However, the texts remained provocative and scandalous as before. Thus, YouTube management deleted one of Shnurov’s video clips because he appeared completely naked in it.

Revival of Leningrad

Two years later, the performer announced the reunion of Leningrad. As expected, the group’s first video aroused great interest from fans of Shnurov’s work. Then Sergei shared vocal duties with the spectacular red-haired performer Yulia Kogan. The revived team continued to ridicule the evils of modern society in an elegant way.

Former soloist of the group "Leningrad" Yulia Kogan

In 2013, Kogan was replaced by Alisa Vox, who stayed with the group until 2016, after which she began to develop as an independent performer. When Vox’s first solo video clip was released, Shnurov commented on it in his own spirit: “they drove the woman away in time.” Today the group has two vocalists: Vasilisa Starshova and Florida Chanturia.

In 2017, in honor of the group’s 20th anniversary, Shnurov organized a large-scale tour with concerts around the world. After the end of the tour, the performer promised to release a children's album.

In addition, Shnurov actively writes soundtracks for Russian films. In recent years, video clips have occupied a special place in creativity, the views of which are breaking all records, even being prohibited from rotation on TV. The most famous works: “Road”, “VIP”, “Exhibit”, “Ch.P.H.”, “Ecstasy” and others. Shnurov has also played many roles in films and TV series since 2001.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

The personal life of the vocalist of the shocking group requires special attention.

He met his first wife Maria while studying at the theological academy. At the age of 20, the young people had a daughter, Seraphim. Shnurov's career and lifestyle were far from ideal, and he was unable to devote himself to his family. After the divorce, he did not pay enough attention to his daughter, for which she once said that “this is not her dad.” However, now there is understanding between father and daughter, they often travel and spend time together.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter Serafima

He met his second wife Svetlana Kostitsina a few years later. At that time, she was the director of the Pepsi group and contributed to the development of Leningrad by obtaining permission for the group to perform in Moscow. In 2000, the couple had a son, Apollo. Despite the fact that after some time the marriage broke up, Shnurov continues to communicate with his son.

After that, he had a long-term relationship with actress Oksana Akinshina, whom they met on the set of films. The girl was under 18 at that time, which gave rise to a storm of criticism and scandals. This romance lasted 5 years, after which the couple broke up.

In 2007, Shnurov met journalist Elena “Matilda” Mozgova. The young people met in 2007, when their mutual friend brought 20-year-old Elena to a concert of the Leningrad group. Shnurov himself said that as a child, one of his favorite female images was the girl from the painting “The Swan Princess” by Mikhail Vrubel, and Matilda reminded him of this image, and the relationship then developed on its own.

Despite this, the relationship between the spouses can hardly be called romantic. Shnurov proposed marriage in the kitchen while he was looking for sausage in the refrigerator, saying: “Let’s get married.” The musician explained in an interview: “Surely Matilda lacks the so-called romance, but I cannot give what I don’t have.” In 2010, Elena and Sergei got married and registered their relationship.

With the help of her husband, Matilda opened a restaurant in St. Petersburg, the management of which she completely took over. After this, independent of her husband, Matilda opened the Isadora ballet studio. In her opinion, there are vocational schools in the city, but no amateur ones, although there is demand.

Having received the “Person of the Year” award according to GQ magazine, the musician posted a photo with Matilda and wrote: “I received my most important prize when I met you.”

Indeed, over the 10 years of their relationship, Sergei began to not only look good, but became a “style icon.”

According to Matilda, Sergei has an absolute talent for combining things

According to the singer, Matilda is his muse: she goes to the fitness club and talks about the women she sees there. “Matilda, of course, is responsible for communication with the female half of the outside world.” So we should thank her for the songs “Bag” and “Exhibit”.

Divorce of Sergei Shnurov and Matilda

The couple has been together for ten years, and until recently they gave the impression of eternal newlyweds, until in May 2018 it became known about the divorce of Matilda and Shnurov. The news shocked fans of the star couple. The couple themselves did not comment on the reasons for the divorce, asking journalists not to touch on their personal lives.

However, later Shnurov published a poem on his Instagram in which he seemed to hint at the reasons for the divorce from his muse. Shnurov admitted that there are always a lot of women around him and he cannot remain indifferent to them even in marriage. He added that after a breakup, it always hurts at first, but then it gets better. Previously, he published a poem in which he admitted that he was to blame for what happened, but did not intend to change his behavior.

In 2017, Matilda spoke in her autobiography about her husband’s infidelity. According to her, Sergei begged her for forgiveness for a long time, and she accepted him. However, the union did not last long, and the couple decided to divorce.

Shnurov Sergei (or Shnur) is an extraordinary and controversial personality. During his career in show business, he distinguished himself as a musician, actor, TV presenter, and composer. Scandals and gossip often flare up around Cord.

Musician's childhood

On April thirteen, 1973, Sergei Shnurov was born in the city of Leningrad. The biography and personal life of the musician have never been made public. For example, Sergei introduced his parents to the general public only on his fortieth birthday, posting a photo with them on social networks.

The parents of the future celebrity were simple Soviet engineers and expected their son to follow in their footsteps. However, if in the elementary grades Seryozha was an obedient boy and did not give his parents any trouble, then in adolescence the boy’s behavior changed. Problems began with teachers and peers. For the first time, the parents heard obscene language from their son, which would later become his “calling card.”

Education, work

After leaving school there were the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, the Restoration Vocational School and the Religious and Philosophical (Theological) Institute, where Sergei Shnurov studied. The musician’s biography is replete with many professions that Sergei tried on until he found his calling. He left the construction institute after a group of expelled friends. The Religious and Philosophical Institute at the Theological Academy had to be abandoned due to financial necessity. It was at the academy that Shnurov met Maria Ismagilova, who later became his wife and gave birth to his daughter. To provide for his family, Sergei dropped out of school.

worked as a watchman, loader, carpenter, and was engaged in the restoration of wood products. In addition, Sergei worked at the Modern radio station as a promotion director and was a designer in an advertising agency.

Beginning of musical activity

Sergei became interested in music as a child, but he never planned to study it professionally. Like his teenage peers, Sergei played the guitar and listened to V. Tsoi, V. Vysotsky and Yu. Shevchuk.

The future musician did not join the army. “It’s a pity to waste 2 years on a meaningless drill,” explained Sergei Shnurov. The biography and personal life of the musician undoubtedly did not become less interesting without these two years in the army.

Shnurov began to study music professionally in 1991, forming the group “Alkorepitsa”, and then “Van Gogh’s Ear”. In 1997, the Leningrad group was formed, which brought the musician the greatest fame.

Formation of the Leningrad group, first steps to success

The Leningrad group became popular almost overnight, bringing popularity to its members. The group performs compositions of mixed styles (punk rock, ska, chanson). The author of most of the texts is Sergei Shnurov. Personal life, wife Maria and daughter Seraphim fade into the background. The creation of the Leningrad group contributed to the collapse of the musician’s first marriage.

In his songs, Shnurov uses obscene language in abundance, which, as it turns out, is a huge success with the public. Just two years after the creation of the group, their first album, “Bullet,” was released. Due to the 1998 crisis, the album had to be released in a limited edition using our own money. At the end of 1998, the group's first concert took place in Moscow. At this concert, vocal parts were performed for the first time by Sergei Shnurov. From this moment on, the musician’s biography is inseparably linked with the Leningrad project.

Development of the Leningrad project

The full debut album “Bullet” was released only in the summer of 1999. In 2000, the album “Dachniki” was released. During this time, the group ceases to be a club. “Leningrad” is moving its performances to larger venues, accordingly gathering more and more fans. In 2002, the group’s discography was supplemented by the albums “Pirates of the 21st Century” and “Tochka”.

In 2008, Sergei Shnurov announced the breakup of the group, but two years later the group members took to the stage to perform at the “Alive Again for Profit” concert. From this moment on, the group gets a second wind. It should be noted that the composition of the group has changed; the main vocal parts are now given to female participants. And Sergei remains the songwriter. Although the group's style has acquired some gloss, it remains the same: obscene expressions, ridicule, and sarcasm are integral attributes of the lyrics.

Shnurov Sergei: biography. Children, family

Sergei broke up with his first wife Maria Ismagilova due to the formation of the Leningrad group. Maria condemned the style in which the group works, the hooligan behavior of the participants and obscene expressions, without which not a single song was complete. For a long time, she also forbade the musician to communicate with her daughter, fearing that he would have a detrimental influence on her.

Shnurov’s second wife was Svetlana Kostitsyna, manager of Leningrad. Their marriage did not last long. After the divorce, Svetlana received all the property, provided that she remained the manager of the Leningrad project and did not interfere with Shnurov’s meetings with his son. Their common son, born in 2000, is named Apollo, in honor of the poet A. Grigoriev, whose work Sergei Shnurov loves very much.

The musician’s personal life took on a new turn with the appearance of the young actress Oksana Akinshina. Their romance caused a lot of gossip among the public. After all, the actress was only 15 years old when she met Sergei. The relationship between Shnurov and Akinshina lasted five years.

Shnurov now

In 2010, Sergei married for the third time. This relationship is the longest in Sergei’s life and continues to this day. His third chosen one was the ballerina Matilda (Elena Mozgovaya). Many note how much the musician has changed after meeting his wife. Not only the style of clothing has completely changed (T-shirts and tights have been replaced by elegant suits), but also the musician’s lifestyle. Matilda is about ten years younger than her husband. Sergei calls his wife a “muse” and admits that the plots of many of his songs are based on Matilda’s stories about her friends or about herself. Currently, Elena has opened her own ballet school and restaurant in St. Petersburg.

And Sergey Shnurov, in addition to being the lead singer of the Leningrad group, acts in films and advertising, organizes exhibitions, and is a sought-after TV presenter. Among the roles in films, episodic ones predominate. The most famous of these films are “Election Day”, “Hardcore”, “Baby”, “Generation P”. Shnurov is the host of the shows “Unblue Light”, “Shnur Around the World”, “History of Russian Show Business” and many others. In addition, Sergei is seriously involved in painting and organizes exhibitions of his own paintings. Sergei also admits that he enjoys participating in the voice acting of various cartoons and audio books. Among such works: an audio guide for the Pushkin Museum, a character from the cartoon “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers” and others.

The leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, is a very extraordinary person. And if earlier he was known largely for his controversial songs with a lot of obscenities, now everyone recognizes him as a unique talent: musician, actor, poet, composer, artist, TV presenter. You can learn about Cord with the help of a selection of interesting facts about him.


Biography of Sergei Shnurov

1. Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov was born on April 13, 1973 in Leningrad into a family of engineers - mother Nadezhda Evdokimovna, father Vladimir Pavlovich. The musician's father worked at a military enterprise, so he had the rank of captain.

2. Nickname - Cord.

3. Height 1.77 m.

4. Weight 93 kg.

5. He studied at Leningrad school No. 286, and Vladimir Putin studied at school No. 281, which was located opposite. But they could not meet, since Putin finished his studies long before Shnurov entered first grade.

6. In elementary school, Sergei studied well and even dreamed of becoming a diplomat. According to him, because diplomats abroad could buy as much chewing gum as they wanted.

7. The boy's interests changed when he started trying to earn money for his family, then he distributed leaflets and became interested in music.

8. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, but did not graduate.

9. After expulsion from the institute, he entered the school to become a restorer of wooden products. In those days, he worked as a watchman in a kindergarten, a carpenter, a loader, a glazier, and a designer in an advertising agency. He also liked to make fences for graves, since they paid well for them in those days.

10. I studied for three years at a theological seminary, where I ended up in company with my friend. He wrote an essay, passed the interview and was accepted. According to Sergei himself, the education there was good, but in his third year he left the seminary to earn money for his family, by which time he already had a daughter.

11. In many interviews, the musician emphasizes the coincidence of entering the theological seminary, but it is obvious that in the days before the Leningrad group, he was looking for answers to his questions in faith. Since then, he has had a friend, the temple guard, with whom he talks about God from time to time. There were rumors that Sergei had a confessor to whom he confessed.

12. Faith in God and the birth of a child saved the musician from hard drugs. Then he was 20 years old and many of his friends switched from soft drugs to heroin, but Sergei took up his child and earning money.

Career of Sergei Shnurov

13. While studying at the institute (early 1990s), he created his first group called “Alkorepitsa”; as the name implies, the image of a rowdy and drunkard began to take shape even then.

14. Participation in a group called Van Gogh's Ear allowed him to experiment with electronic music and techno.

15. Shnur’s stage image and his song style were formed by 1996, it was then that the Leningrad group began to form. The official date of creation of the group is considered to be January 9, 1997.

16. At first, Sergei only wrote songs for the group and played bass guitar; the vocalist was Igor Vdovin. When Igor left the group, various performers auditioned for the role of vocalist, but in the end Shnurov decided to sing his own songs.

17. The group calls its style “alcoholic ska-punk.” It is a common opinion that only gopniks listen to the group, but this is a mistaken opinion. On the contrary, now the band’s fans are mainly intellectuals and office workers. This is due not only to the participation of a large number of musicians (mainly brass), but also to the deep meaning of the songs.

18. One of the “tricks” of live performances is for one or more band members to be drunk. Many musicians drink before a performance, but in Leningrad this is a mandatory ritual. Another feature, although not permanent, was the performance of Sergei and other members of the group completely naked.

19. The first album was released in 1999 under the name “Bullet”.

20. The group gained widespread fame with the film “DMB-2” (2000), in which the songs of “Leningrad” were used as soundtracks. At the same time, the songs were included in rotation on Our Radio.

21. During the temporary collapse of the Leningrad group, the Ruble group became the main project.

22. The Leningrad group was revived in 2010, and since then it has had resounding success with a wide variety of audiences.

23. In total, the group released 17 studio albums, the last of which dates back to 2014. Since then, the group has been releasing singles and accompanying them with unusual videos.

24. Clips with a plot have become a striking feature of the modern work of the Leningrad group.

Shnurov himself stars in some of the videos, “Road”:

Some clips are quite budget-friendly, “Bali”:

“Yes, I didn’t give”:

Some have full-fledged plots, “Vacation Day”:

Another home video, “In short”:

Clips with the plot, “VIP”:

The clip, which was heard throughout the country, making actress Yulia Topolnitskaya famous, “Exhibit”:

But the video for the song “Drinking in St. Petersburg,” and the song itself caused a lot of controversy. The government of St. Petersburg condemned the negative advertising of the city, and many condemned the open promotion of alcohol:


Sobchak has appeared in videos several times, and the song “Sobchak Glasses” is even dedicated to her:

Clip with reverse scrolling “Kolshchik”:

One of the latest clips “Ecstasy” featured actress Svetlana Khodchenkova naked in it:

25. For the abundant use of obscenities in his songs, Shnur is constantly subjected to criticism and all kinds of prohibitions. In some regions, his concerts were actually disrupted due to protests, but in most cases he pays the fine and performs. In general, officials turn a blind eye to the work of this musician, yes, his performances are always obscene and shocking, but he does not call his fans to the barricades and in every possible way distances himself from politics.

26. In 2016, vocalist Alisa Vox-Burmistrova, who sang the already legendary song “Exhibit,” left the group with a scandal. At first, the group and the singer wanted to part ways without fanfare, but eventually mutual accusations appeared on social networks. Alisa was dissatisfied with her earnings, although she considered herself already the second person in the team, but she was reminded that before “Leningrad” she was nothing of herself. Shnur himself wrote this on social networks: “At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars.”

27. Vox’s solo project did not work out after leaving the group. There is nothing new in the songs, and the image that Shnur once created was much more noticeable.

Acting career of Sergei Shnurov

28. Since 2001, he has played many episodic roles in films and TV series.

29. His acting debut took place in the series “NLS Agency”, where he played an electrician-musician.

30. In addition to participating in filming, he voices cartoons and writes soundtracks. The most famous films with his music: “DMB 2” and “Boomer 2”.

Personal life of Sergei Shnurov

31. First wife Maria Ismagilova gave birth to Sergei’s daughter Seraphim (born 1993). He met Maria at the theological academy when his daughter was born, the musician was only 20 years old. Of course, his career and lifestyle did not allow Shnurov to devote himself to his family; he got divorced and cared little about his daughter. Once, the daughter even said about him, “This is not my dad,” but now the relationship between father and daughter has clearly improved, she travels with him, posts joint photos on social networks. The girl makes a living from photography and graphic design; she has a husband, Vyacheslav Astanin. In 2015, Shnur almost became a grandfather, but Seraphima lost her child at an early stage of pregnancy.

32. The second marriage with Svetlana Kostitsyna gave Sergei a son, Apollo (born in 2000). The marriage broke up two years later, but Sergei communicates with his son regularly.

33. For several years, Shnurov lived in a civil marriage with actress Oksana Akinshina; at the time the relationship began, she was only 15 years old. Before Shnurov, the actress dated actor Alexei Chadov.

34. The wedding with Elena (Matilda) Mozgova took place in 2010; Shnurov and Mozgova had no children together.

On May 25, 2018, the artist himself announced his divorce from his wife. In numerous interviews, he admitted that it was Matilda who left him and this was not related to his infidelities. The musician tried to bring back his beloved, published poems on social networks, but in vain. It is noteworthy that the girl on social networks asked not to blame her ex-husband for the separation.

Not much is known about Shnurov’s ex-wife herself. She was born in 1990 in Voronezh, did not grow up in a complete family, and after school she left for Moscow. It was at that time that she changed her documents, changing her name to Matilda.

Other facts about Shnur

35. The versatility of Sergei’s talent is reflected not only on screens, but also on canvases. He paints in a style that he himself calls “brand realism,” in which symbols and signs dominate people. The musician’s paintings have already been shown at several exhibitions, and they are stored in the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art in St. Petersburg. In the summer of 2017, he organized an exhibition called “Retrospective of Brand Realism” at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. He believes that his painting may end up in the Hermitage in the future.

36. He has starred in commercials, and is not shy about advertising even delicate products. So in 2012, he starred in commercials for a drug to increase potency. In 2013 he advertised a magazine and beer, in 2014 a network of cellular communication salons, and in 2016 the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

37. In 2017, on the “Evening Urgant” program, an impromptu rap battle took place between and Sergei Shnurov.

38. The conflict between Posner and Shnurov occurred after the filming of the “Posner” program. The presenter accused Sergei of being boring, closed-minded and avoiding direct answers. In response, Shnurov accused him of Posner considering himself a television god.

39. In May 2017, it turned out that Sergey did not want to go to this interview, but he was forced, since he was an employee of Channel One (he hosted the program “About Love”). Posner also responded that he was forced to do the interview because Shnurov is now at the peak of his popularity.

40. In August 2017, the musician challenged Posner to a rap battle, explaining that this was not his genre and not Posner’s genre, so they had equal conditions. Ksenia Sobchak commented on this with criticism of Shnur and Pozner, saying that the rap battle is closer to Shnurov’s work, and accused Pozner of shifting the failure of the interview onto Sergei.

Sergey Vladimirovich Shnurov(or Cord) – Russian musician, actor, TV presenter, leader of the legendary group “Leningrad”, who created for himself the image of a “drinking intellectual”.

Sergei Shnurov. Biography

Sergei Shnurov born in Leningrad in 1973. He studied at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, at the Religious and Philosophical Institute at the Theological Academy, and graduated from the Lyceum with a degree in Wood Products Restorer. I tried many different jobs: I worked as a loader, a watchman, a glazier, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a designer, and also as a promotion director at the Modern radio station.

In 1991, Shnurov created the project "Alkorepitsa", who played hardcore rap music that was unusual for that time. Then a techno group was created "Van Gogh's Ear". The group was founded in 1997 "Leningrad". The group's musical style was a mixture of punk rock, ska and chanson. Myself Sergei Shnurov refused to attribute creativity "Leningrad" to any of the existing trends, arguing that absolute purity of style is a sign of limitation.

Feature of texts "Leningrad"– active use of obscene language and “alcohol-related” topics. At first, the group's songs were actively played "Our radio", later they were included in the rotation of other stations. "Leningrad" overturned the laws of Russian show business, forcing radio stations and television channels to air songs with obscene lyrics.

Initially the group "Leningrad" had a club format. However, in just a few years it gained incredible popularity and began to attract huge audiences. During its existence, the group released 13 albums.

At the peak of Leningrad's popularity, Sergei Shnurov unexpectedly announced that he was disbanding the group. This happened at the end of 2008, and a couple of months later Shnurov started performing with a new project called "Ruble". You can often hear that dissolution "Leningrad" and the creation of a new project were associated with the economic crisis. However, Sergei Shnurov claims that "Leningrad" simply exhausted itself and stopped developing, turning from a musical group into a “circus”.

Sergei Shnurov: “The Leningrad group drowned. Any system sooner or later comes to the point that it needs to cease to exist. I believe that Leningrad is a certain system of images, a system of values ​​that, at least to me, are no longer in tune. Nothing about this name resonates with me.”

Unlike Leningrad, which included up to 15 musicians at different times, "Ruble" consists of only five people. Among them are former participants "Leningrad", all as one changed their main instrument: trumpeter Andrey Antonenko and saxophonist Alexey Kanin retrained as keyboard players, and the sound engineer "Leningrad" Denis Mozhin became a drummer.

Music "Ruble" has a harsher sound and wild drive; the name itself "Ruble" Shnurov derived from the word "rubilovo". The musicians jokingly define the new group's unique style as “fitness rock.”

Sergei Shnurov: “This is not a continuation of Leningrad, this is not the antithesis of Leningrad, this is, one might say, an amateur backyard group of musical like-minded people. In addition, we are the world's first sports music group. When our drummer lost six kilograms in four months, I immediately understood why we were doing all this.”

Sergei Shnurov acts in films and writes music for films. The most famous paintings with his participation are "Election Day", "Europe Asia" , “2-Assa-2, or the Second Death of Anna Karenina”(sequel to the cult film by Sergei Solovyov "Assa"). Soundtrack "2-Assa-2" was also written Shnurov. In addition, music Sergei Shnurov sounds in films "Boomer" , "Moth Games" and in the television series "Streets of Broken Lanterns". For the soundtrack to a crime drama "Boomer" the musician was awarded the Nika Prize (2003). In 2018, Sergei Shnurov played one of the key roles in the comedy “I’m Losing Weight” directed by Alexei Nazhny.

Cord I also managed to be a TV presenter. He has participated in such projects as a program about alternative travel “ Cord around the world", documentary series " Trench life", telling about the wars of the 20th century, “ History of Russian show business"(on air on STS since April 2010).

In August 2016, the talk show “About Love” started on Channel One, and for many of Shnur’s fans it came as a surprise when they saw the outrageous singer in the role of a TV presenter. Sergei worked in tandem with Sofiko Shevardnadze.

Sergei Shnurov about his participation in the show “About Love”: “It has always been common for me to change my occupation for a while. Apparently, another such period has arrived. It seems to me that by my appearance on Channel One I am giving some kind of signal that the impossible is becoming possible. Well, one more thing: I don’t have the text written down, while recording the program I say complete gag - all this determined my positive answer.”

Starting in September 2017, Sergei Shnurov became the host of another Channel One project - the Sunday show “The Main Cat of the Country”. Three cats became co-hosts of Cord.

At the beginning of September 2018 it became known that the 7th season of the popular vocal competition "" will take. The musician had not previously taken part in such shows, so his presence on the list of mentors came as a big surprise to everyone. The leader of the Leningrad group was accompanied by a composer and music producer, the only woman in the project and one of the brightest divas, as well as a rap artist and veteran of the project.

At the end of September 2018, together with the song “ Some bullshit", which became the soundtrack of the film "" directed by Evgenia Shelyakina.

In July 2019, it became known that the STS channel had begun filming the updated legendary show “Fort Boyard”. For the role of the lead of the project “Fort Boyard. Return" Sergey Shnurov was invited.

Sergey Shnurov about the project “Fort Boyard. Return” on STS: “It seems to me that there is no person who has not seen Fort Boyard.” For my part, I will try not to spoil the project, to become a helping friend for the participants, but a tough one. For me this game is a challenge. I don’t like competitions, perhaps because I overplayed sports as a child. But I want to cultivate a competitive spirit in myself, to infect myself, the characters of the show, and most importantly, the audience with the desire to tear my butts off the sofas and run to fight my phobias.”

Sergei Shnurov. Personal life

The first wife of Sergei Shnurov was Maria Ismagilova. A daughter was born in this marriage Seraphim(born 1993). Sergei met Maria while studying at Theological Academy. For some time, the artist even gave up creativity, devoting himself entirely to his family.

Several years after my divorce from Maria Ismagilova, I met director of the art group "Pep-si" Svetlana Kostitsyna, who became his second official wife. Svetlana gave birth to a son to Shnurov in 2000, who was named after the poet Apollo Grigoriev Apollo.

While working on the film “Games of Moths,” Sergei Shnurov met actress Oksana Akinshina. Oksana was only 15 years old at that time. The couple lived together for a long time.

In 2010, Sergei Shnur married Elena Mozgova, better known as Matilda. Before the official registration of marriage, the couple dated for several years. Matilda Shnurova owns her own ballet school in St. Petersburg “ Isadora" and restaurant " CoCoCo».

In 2016, Sergei and Matilda Shnurov participated in the Evening Urgant program ». Basically, Ivan Urgant discussed with Matilda and Sergei the work of the Leningrad group and how the appearance of Matilda in the singer’s life influenced him and his work. But there were also details of the spouses’ personal lives. It turns out that Sergei Shnurov walks around the house naked and indulges his wife in many ways.

In May 2018, Sergei Shnurov announced on his microblog on Instagram that he and Matilda were getting a divorce. The news came as a surprise to fans of the couple, who had been married for eight years and were considered harmonious, and had a great public outcry. Information about the divorce was confirmed a little later by Matilda Shnurova.

In the summer of 2018, Sergei and Matilda Shnurova officially divorced, and on October 20, 2018, the leader of the Leningrad group married for the fourth time. The wedding of Shnurov and 26-year-old socialite Olga Abramova took place in St. Petersburg without unnecessary fuss and guests.

Name: Sergey Shnurov

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 93 kg

Activity: Singer, musician, lead singer of the group "Leningrad"

Family status: married to Matilda Mozgova

Sergey Shnurov - biography

He swears - the first thing that comes to mind when talking about the musician Shnur. He is also a hooligan, a fighter and a drunkard. Although there is another opinion: all this is just an image invented for the stage.

Sergey Shnurov - childhood

Sergei's parents were ordinary engineers and thought that their son would follow in their footsteps. Maybe he will even become the director of the plant. Why not? The boy is capable, although not very diligent. They hoped that with age he would come to his senses, sit down to his textbooks and receive a decent education. It’s good that in those distant times they could not have known what kind of scandalous fame awaited their son - then it would hardly have made them happy.

In first grade, Sergei and his bosom friend decided to run away from home: they wanted extraordinary adventures, like in movies and books. There were no specific plans, but the tomboys decided that along the way they would figure out where to run and what to do. For several weeks they saved on school lunches and returned empty bottles, putting coins in a piggy bank. There was very little left to the coveted amount, which they considered sufficient to last for the first time, when Sergei’s mother suspected something was wrong and found a hidden “common fund”. I had to confess everything, postpone the escape, and spend the money on a movie and ice cream.

Like all his peers, the future rocker listened to the groups “Kino” and “DDT” and, of course, tried to pick out his favorite songs on the guitar. But the thought of becoming a musician never occurred to him. During his school years, Sergei did not think at all about choosing a future profession, and when asked, he said that he wanted to be a diplomat - because they could travel abroad and bring imported chewing gum.

About the meaning of life

Shnurov did not join the army: it was a pity to waste two years of his life on meaningless drill. When in high school all the young men went in formation for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, he quietly disappeared along the way and went about his business. At the age of 18, he was put on the wanted list, and later a criminal case was even opened. But they never found him, although he didn’t really hide, he simply ignored all the subpoenas and subpoenas.

Sergey Shnurov - studies

After school, Sergei Shnurov entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute - simply because it was closest to home. At the institute, Sergei met a wonderful group of punks who had little interest in studying, but knew how to have fun. Gradually they were all expelled from the university, and Sergei, getting bored, left on his own.

The choice of the next educational institution was quite unusual - Shnurov entered the Theological Institute at the Theological Academy. Reading esoteric literature, which was sold in abundance at bookstores in the 90s, he increasingly asked philosophical questions: what is the meaning of life, who are we and why are we here?

At the academy, he met his first wife, Maria, and soon the couple had a baby, Seraphim. The young father dropped out of school and, in order to feed his family, alternately worked as a loader, watchman, blacksmith and carpenter. He claims that his daughter saved his life: “At that time, many of my friends, who are no longer alive, switched from recreational drugs to heroin, but I had no time for that.”

Sergey Shnurov and the Leningrad group

The craving for creativity nevertheless took its toll: when his daughter grew up and went to kindergarten, Shnurov, together with his closest friends, created the Leningrad group. His wife was not happy with his friends or what they were doing. The couple divorced, and Maria forbade Sergei to communicate with her daughter, fearing harmful influence on his part. Now Seraphima is already an adult, she has quite friendly relations with her father, although real closeness never arose between them.

The group "Leningrad" thundered throughout the country; openly obscene songs and eccentric performances, to the surprise of the group members themselves, turned out to be in demand. Rumor has it that Svetlana Kostitsyna, the manager of Leningrad, played a significant role in the success of the group. She had more than just a business relationship with Sergei; a few months after they met, they got married. When their son was born. Shnurov named him Apollo - in honor of his favorite poet Apollo Grigoriev.

Sergey Shnurov - personal life

This union was also short-lived, but the parting was quite civilized. Sergei left his wife an apartment, a car and all his acquired property. In response, he asked her to remain the manager of the group and not interfere with meetings with the child.

On the set of the film “Games of Moths” Shnurov met the young actress Oksana Akinshina. The girl, who had been acting in films since the sixth grade, was a recognized star, mature beyond her years. She already had a boyfriend - co-star Alexey Chadov. But could he compare with the “tough guy” Sergei Shnurov? Almost immediately after they met, Oksana moved to her new lover.

This news caused a real scandal, because the girl was only 15, she was still in school. But Sergei did not care about public opinion. But he cared about Oksana’s education: he personally took her to school in the morning, tried to take her to exhibitions, advised her to read the classics... This unusual union lasted almost five years, but never ended in marriage.

Swan Princess

At one of the events, suffering from a hangover, Sergei suddenly saw her - a thin, graceful brunette, looking at him as if from a mysterious distance. "What is your name?" - he asked, afraid that the vision would dissipate. “Matilda,” the girl answered.

It was love at first sight. Afraid of missing out on the realization of his dreams, Sergei immediately invited the girl on a date. From that moment on, they never parted. To his great relief, Sergei discovered that Matilda was not some beautiful dummy, but a subtle and wise person who shared his views on life. “We agree on all the main points,” he shares.

Matilda entered his life unobtrusively and gradually. Balanced, serene, she never dictated anything or insisted on anything. But at the same time, she brought harmony and peace into Sergei’s life, imperceptibly leading him to change. It was impossible not to notice how the Cord had changed. Alcoholic T-shirts and stretched sweatpants are a thing of the past, now Sergey looks like a stylish brutal man. Well, the amount of drinking has decreased significantly.

Five years ago, the lovers got married, and before that they were together for almost the same number of years - this is the longest relationship in Sergei’s life. When they met, Matilda was a biochemistry student. She did not give up her studies, although it was difficult to combine it with the new rhythm of life. And then Sergei helped her fulfill her old dream - to open a ballet studio. She was followed by her own restaurant, which today is considered one of the best in St. Petersburg.

Each of the spouses is passionate about their work, they spend most of the day separately, and in the evening they meet bored, full of news. This is the secret of their family happiness: they have no time to quarrel and no opportunity to get bored of each other.

Sergey Shnurov - New songs about the same

Gradually, from a rebel and an informal figure, Shnurov became almost a pop star, and Sergei was very uncomfortable in this role. And then he did what no one expected from him - he disbanded the Leningrad group.

Shnurov’s new group “Ruble” was conceived as something completely different from “Leningrad”. Sergei is thoroughly tired of the fact that the audience always expects one thing from him: that he will now go on stage drunk and begin to behave hooliganly and swear. And he decided to change the audience. A completely different audience goes to Ruble concerts - lovers of good old rock. The musician performed in small clubs, in front of an understanding audience, and was completely satisfied.

True, “Leningrad” remained in oblivion for only a couple of years; Sergei and his friends decided to revive the group, with a slightly different lineup. Now most of the songs are performed by soloists. And Sergei Shnurov performs in a new role for himself - the author of songs about women and on behalf of women.

You might think that Sergei Shnurov has a split personality - the two people who peacefully coexist in him are so different. The first one can jump onto the stage in what his mother gave birth to and sing a song with such a set of obscene expressions that even the gopniks will blush. The second is friends with Yuri Bashmet, goes to classical music concerts, speaks knowledgeably about painting and literature, and in everyday life behaves like an intelligent, balanced person.

“Don’t confuse me with the heroes of my songs,” says the musician. “If I had behaved like them, I would not have lived to this day.”