For my students Literature for summer reading. What should be in a reader's diary and how to fill it out

Sample list literature for summer reading in 8th grade (from 7th to 8th grade)

Required literature

  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • A. Dante " The Divine Comedy"(translation by M. Lozinsky)
  • F. Petrarch Sonnets.
  • D. Boccaccio “Decameron” (translation by N. Lyubimov)
  • W. Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”, Sonnets.
  • M. de Cervantes " Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha" (abbreviated)
  • J.-B. Molière “The Bourgeois among the Nobility”
  • N. Karamzin “Poor Liza”
  • D. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”
  • M. Lermontov “Mtsyri”, lyrics
  • A. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", "Queen of Spades"
  • N. Gogol “The Inspector General”
  • I. Turgenev “Asya”
  • M. Gorky "Chelkash"
  • A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”
  • V. Shukshin Stories
  • B. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet...”

Literature for extracurricular reading in 8th grade (from 7th to 8th grade)

Russian classics

  • A. Pushkin “Poltava”
  • A. Chekhov “Darling”, “House with a Mezzanine” and other stories
  • M. Zoshchenko. Stories
  • M. Aldanov “Devil's Bridge” (chapters)
  • B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was a war”, “Not on the lists”, “Quench my sorrows”
  • L. Leonov “Golden Carriage”
  • A. Ostrovsky “We will count our own people”, “Chasing two birds with one stone”, “Simplicity is enough for every wise man”, “Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat”
  • I. Turgenev “First Love”
  • F. Dostoevsky “Netochka Nezvanova”
  • L. Tolstoy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”
  • A. Green “Running on the Waves”
  • D. Kharms “Old Woman”

Foreign classics

  • Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist"
  • G.H. Anderson "Three Lions and Three Hearts"
  • R. Zelazny “Jack in the Shadows”, “The Bells of Shoredan”
  • K. Simak “Everything Living”, “When It’s Lonely in the House”, “The Generation that Achieved the Goal”
  • M. Twain "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"
  • W. Golding "Lord of the Flies"
  • E. Poe “The Well and the Pendulum”, “Metzengerstein”
  • T. Thomas "Healer"
  • R. Sheckley “Murder Warrant”
  • F. Brown "Arena"
  • J.G. Byron "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
  • F. Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

Adventure and fantasy

  • A. and B. Strugatsky " Inhabited island", "Monday starts on Saturday"
  • A. Azimov “Steel Caves”, “Singing Bell”
  • E. Schwartz “Shadow”, “Ordinary Miracle”
  • G. Wells “When the Sleeper Awakens”, “Food of the Gods”, “The Time Machine”
  • R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451”,
  • R. Green "The Adventures of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table"
  • C. de Troyes “Yvain, or Knight with a Lion”
  • E.T.A.Hoffman "Sandman"
  • S. Lem “Magellan Cloud”

Reading books from the mandatory recommendation list in 8th grade will take approximately 1-1.5 hours a day or 20 pages of text. In order to easily remember what you read when studying works in literature lessons, it will be useful to keepreader's diary , in which, as you read, write down the names of literary characters, the basics of the plot, and your impressions.

Literature of the Stavropol Territory

L. Kharchenko “Suitable for the guys at that time”

P. Melibeev “Live”, “Into the Storm”

I. Chumak “Swallows”

G. Andrianova “Stories”

V. Baiderin “A blow to yourself”

The theme of the “small” Motherland

S. Chekmenev, I. Kuznetsov“Free on earth, Caucasian”

I. Kuznetsov "The Path Through the Centuries"

K. Cherny "The Caucasus is below me"

A. Gubin "Mysterious Blade"

A. Gubin "Tea tree"

A. Gubin "London Tragedy"

Collection “Scorched Earth”

I. Kashpurov “Five Poplars”.

V. Yarosh “Apples for special purposes.”

What should be in a reader's diary and how to fill it out?

  • Full name of the author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Number of pages
  • Genre of the work (poem, novel, short story, etc.)
  • In what year was the work written? What is this year known for in history? What was the situation in the country where the author lived?
  • Main characters. You can simply indicate their names, but you can also give brief description: age, connections with other characters (elder brother, father, friend, etc.), appearance, favorite activities, habits, you can give page numbers on which the author characterizes the hero. Do you want to be like a hero? Why?
  • The plot, that is, what the book is about.
  • Review of the book.
  • List of key episodes in the book with page numbers.
  • The era in which the work takes place, or specific years. Who was in power then? In what country or city does the action take place?

may also provide additional information:

  • List of critical literature by work or author.
  • Extracts of your favorite phrases and expressions.
  • short biography writer.

In addition to the usual information, you can draw in a reader’s diary, do crosswords, scanword puzzles, puzzles, also write a letter to the author of the book or characters, and so on.

Former director of the Research Institute of Statistics Vasily Simchera with the words: “I’m tired of lying!” presented real data

We have somehow come to terms with the fact that official (represented by Rosstat and other departments) statistics recording the “achievements” of Russia’s development, to put it mildly, do not always tell us the truth. Sometimes he lies. To put it mildly. Well, okay, we'll survive. Moreover, we ourselves have long been evaluating the life around us by our own standard. But for her to lie AS recently as it was revealed former director Research Institute of Statistics Federal service state statistics Vasily Simchera?! This is, to put it mildly, too much. As Vysotsky once sang:

...If it's true -

Well, at least by a third, -

There is only one thing left:

Just lie down and die!

A skirmish recently occurred between Mr. Simchera and State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Oleg Smolin. It happened that both of them became participants in a conference at the Russian State Trade and Economic University. So, the ex-head of the Research Institute of Statistics made claims against Mr. Smolin as a representative of the authorities (after all, he is a deputy, deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Education): they say that the authorities are shamelessly lying to us. Mr. Simchera himself, Smolin emphasizes, resigned from his position with the words: “I’m tired of lying!” And he presented his statistical picture of what was actually happening and is happening in Russia. The data is terrifying - like Vysotsky's.

Rejecting the claims addressed to him as a representative of the authorities, Smolin writes: “Of course, from my youth I remember the formula: there are lies, there are blatant lies, and there are statistics! Of course, I myself have repeatedly used alternative data from sociological services and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And yet, the data of the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics, compiled in one table entitled “Dual assessments of the main indicators of the development of the Russian economy in 2001-2010,” makes a shocking impression.” Smolin presented them with his comments on the pages of Soviet Russia. So - here it is terrifying picture DEGRADATION of our country in the “dry” calculations not of anyone, but, we repeat, until recently - the director of the Research Institute of Statistics of Rosstat:

National wealth of Russia. Official: $4.0 trillion. In fact (according to the Research Institute of Statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Russia): $40 trillion. The understatement by 10 times, Smolin comments, is necessary for the authorities in order to sell off the remains of the former national property for next to nothing to oligarchs and foreigners, and at the same time hammer into the population that we live no worse than we work.

The amount of intellectual capital. Official: $1.5 trillion. In fact: $25 trillion. The underestimation of Russia's intellectual capital by almost 17 times, according to Smolin, helps the authorities justify their policy of copying the worst examples of foreign education, as well as importing foreign scientists at exorbitant prices with the meager support of their own.

Share of investments in % of GDP. Officially: 18.5%. Actually: 12.2%. Overestimating investment in the economy by one and a half times creates a picture of false prosperity, Smolin continues. In fact, the country is dominated by a “buy, sell, steal” economy.

GDP growth rate. Officially: 6%. Actually: 4%. By “inflating” the GDP growth rate by one and a half times, the authorities are trying to convince society that its announced doubling for 2003-2010. could have happened if not for the global crisis. In fact, notes Smolin, for 2003-2008. the economy grew by only a quarter, and in the crisis year of 2009 we turned out to be the record holder for decline among the G20 countries! As for GDP, it seems that the deputy sarcastically notes that they are going to not double it, but even quintuple it, but not in the sense of gross domestic product, but of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: two presidential terms, one prime minister and again two presidential terms, equal in duration to the previous three .

Inflation averaged over the year. Officially: 6-8%. Actually: 18.27%. It has long been known, comments Smolin, that the rise in prices for essential goods in Russia is much faster than the average for all goods and services. Therefore, inflation for the poor (social inflation) is much higher than for the rich. And what poorer family, the faster the prices for the goods she buys rise. As the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics explains, prices for precisely those goods and services that are purchased by the country’s least affluent citizens are rising by 18% per year. Therefore, it is not surprising that even the government recognizes the growing gap between rich and poor almost every year. Data from the Research Institute of Statistics mean, in particular, that the so-called so-called praised by the authorities. increase in pensions in 2009-2010. at best, compensated for the rise in prices for essential goods for two years.

The income gap 10% richest and 10% poorest. Officially: 16 times. In fact: 28-36 times. This is higher than the indicators not only Western Europe and Japan, not only the USA, but also many countries in Latin America, notes Smolin. The maximum permissible level for national security, according to the director of the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Osipov, is 10 times. In Russia it is exceeded three times.

Gap in the level of gross domestic product by region. Officially: 14 times. In fact: 42 times. Socially, Russia has long ceased to be a unified country, writes Smolin. If Moscow lives at the level of the Czech Republic, then the Republic of Tyva is at the level of Mongolia. The federal government is dumping more and more social obligations on the regions and at the same time extracting everything from them more money in order to invest in foreign securities. Due to poverty Russian province In fact, in particular, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and partly in Libya are financed. Article 114 of the Russian Constitution requires that the government pursue a unified social policy throughout the country. Whether the government is fulfilling its duties when the gaps in regional development are tens of times greater, decide for yourself, Smolin addresses readers.

The share of the population belonging to socially declassed groups VC total number population. Officially: 1.5%. Actually: 45%. According to the Research Institute of Statistics (Rosstat), there are 12 million alcoholics, more than 4.5 million drug addicts, and more than 1 million street children in the country. It is not surprising that the official data is underestimated by 30 times: almost half of the underclassed in the richest country is evidence of the complete failure of the economic and social policies of the authorities.

Share of unprofitable enterprises. Officially: 8%. Actually: 40%. In terms of physical indicators, the modern Russian economy is hopelessly behind the Soviet one, and taxes on the real sector, in contrast to taxes on the personal income of billionaires, are enormous, comments Smolin.

Level of general taxation of income received, in%. Officially: 45%. Actually: 90%. It's amazing how we are still working, and why are the oligarchs still lacking? However, notes Oleg Smolin, this partly explains the following indicator.

Level of tax evasion, as a percentage of income. Officially: 30%. Actually: 80%. The authorities, Smolin explains, pretend to collect taxes, and citizens pretend to pay them!

The degree of depreciation of fixed assets, in%. Officially: 48.8%. Actually: 75.4%. If God wants to punish a person, he takes away his mind, writes Smolin. It seems that this has already happened to the Russian authorities. What kind of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) can there be when the depreciation of fixed assets is 3/4? The WTO is not required to export raw materials, and Russia currently has nothing else to export. The remainder of domestic production will be finished off. Complete master There will be transnational capital in the country. However, why would it be?

Share of foreign capital in the Russian economy, in%. In general - officially: 20%. Actually: 75%, including:

In property. Officially: 25%. Actually: 60%;

In profits. Officially: 21%. Actually: 70%;

In promotions. Officially: 18%. Actually: 90%.

“This is, gentlemen,” asks Smolin, “your sovereign democracy? If the data from the Research Institute of Statistics are correct, in the economic sense we are turning into a colony amid loud cries that we are getting up from our knees!”

In grants - officially: 14%. Actually: 90%. It’s funny, Smolin notes, that the authorities are very afraid of foreign grants, but at the same time they calmly take foreign loans and encourage the sale of our enterprises to foreigners!

Real costs of modernization, billion rubles. Officially: 750. Actually: 30. Is it because the real costs of modernization are 25 times lower than announced, our technological lag is increasing, and all its “steam” is running out of steam?

Efficiency of modernization, as a percentage of costs. Officially: 25%. Actually: 2.5%. Of course: in order to justify “inflated” costs, writes Smolin, it is necessary to show “inflated” results. If you multiply one by the other, the effect turns out to be embellished by about 250 times! However, it was clear before that all the noise about modernization was about beautiful storefronts instead of great construction projects.

The difference between manufacturer prices and retail prices is severalfold. Officially: 1.5. Actually: 3.2, including:

IN agriculture. Officially: 1.3. Actually: 4.0. Intermediaries are “getting fat,” workers and buyers are becoming poor, and the authorities, like Verka Serduchka, repeat: “Okay, everything will be fine!..”;

In government procurement. Officially: 1.1. Actually: 1.6. But here the officials are clearly getting fatter. It is no coincidence that even President Dmitry Medvedev says that as a result of the application of Law No. 94 (on public procurement), about 1 trillion rubles were stolen from the budget.

The difference between the assigned and paid tariffs of natural monopolies is severalfold. Officially: 1.1. Actually: 1.7, incl. in utility bills. Officially: 1.2. Actually: 2.4. If the “utility” were paid at real prices, writes Smolin, it would cost us half as much!

Unemployment rate, as a percentage of employment. Officially: 2-3%. Actually: 10-12%. Around the world, not all unemployed people are registered at the labor exchange. And so there is a difference between official statistics and statistics from the International Labor Organization. However, for this difference to be 4-5 times, you need to falsify the statistics properly!

Number crimes committed(2009), in million people. Official: 3.0. Actually: 4.8. Apparently we're talking about about almost 2 million crimes that are registered, but strangely do not appear in official statistics, notes Smolin. However, much more important are the crimes that are either not registered at all, or those for which people do not contact law enforcement agencies. According to the estimates of a group of scientists from the Academy Research Institute General Prosecutor's Office RF under the leadership of Professor S. Inshakov, the number of such crimes is almost 10 times more than official statistics record - approximately 26 million per year.

In order to survive, Oleg Smolin summarizes, the authorities turn statistics into a blatant lie, and with its help they try to put “rose-colored glasses” on citizens. But in history, political regimes have repeatedly died precisely from self-poisoning by propaganda. I don’t feel sorry for the regime, the deputy writes. Sorry for the country. And for her, the best medicine is the truth.

Power in Russia has not changed since 2000. During this time, the country became richer, but less free - we usually limit ourselves to these two facts when discussing the “Putin” period. In fact, there were more changes, but unresolved problems have been dragging on for years and are only accumulating - and they all affect what Russia has become today.

When Vladimir Putin first took charge of Russia, Kuchma was the president of Ukraine, Microsoft was preparing to introduce Windows XP, and iPhones did not yet exist. 16 years have passed since then. There are few republics in the world in which one person would rule for so long, even taking into account the fact that Putin “interrupted” his presidency - he was prime minister.

Russia under Putin is an example of how one can mediocrely miss the chance to rebuild the economy: remain dependent on resources and not become a developed industrial state, although there are conditions for this.

Formally, GDP per capita increased almost 7 times from 2000 to 2014. Have Russians become 7 times richer? No. If we fix prices at the level of 2005 - before the rise in oil prices - it turns out that the figures have increased by less than 2 times.

And the dynamics of nominal GDP growth almost coincides with changes in oil prices - look at the graph below and compare it with the previous one. That is, it is correct to say that this is not so much an increase in GDP as an increase in the price of oil, which is not the merit of the Russian government

Gross domestic product grew mainly due to fluctuations in commodity prices rather than changes in the country. If the Russian government and business invested profits from oil production in the production of technologically complex finished products and made the country attractive for business, the Russian Federation would produce goods and services that could compete in the world market and generate high income. Revenues from them would reduce the country's dependence on oil, and Russia would survive the crisis more easily.

Russian “welfare” is exaggerated, wealth is imaginary. It is based not on economic power, but on natural resources, which are becoming cheaper. Revenue from oil exports alone exceeds revenue from other exports.

Because of the raw materials economy, Russia will never become rich. Its economy depends on several goods that can fall in price at any moment: oil and gas. The extraction of raw materials does not require innovation, and the country has no incentive to develop. That's why greatest success achieved by countries that produce value-added products. But this is not about Russia.

How do people usually get rich? They build factories, create farms, produce or grow goods, develop technologies - create added value that makes them and the country richer. It happens that they only engage in resale - this does not bring great wealth society, but at least brings it to the businessman.

To become a billionaire in the Russian Federation, you do not have to create or invent something. It is enough to be friends with high-ranking officials, privatize state-owned enterprises or extract minerals on time. According to the Peterson Institute, 65% made their money this way. Russian billionaires. Such a “business” does not require either talent or innovation - the main thing is to make the right contacts, because it is easier to privatize state property if you are friends with influential people.

Another opportunity to become successful is to engage in finance. This business is more honest, but still does not create anything. Therefore, there are many billionaires in Russia, but very few inventions and competitive goods. Only 13% of rich Russians made their fortune through own business or management. For comparison, in India, which many people think is backward, there are 41% of them, and in China - 63%.

... therefore, no nanotechnology: Russia spends petrodollars on cars and computers, and sells oil and metal

The current Russian Prime Minister Medvedev promised to create an analogue of Silicon Valley in the Moscow region and amaze the world with nanotechnology. But so far the Kremlin has come up with only one way to provide Russia with computers - to sell more oil and buy them abroad. Russia imported $13 billion worth of computers, phones and communication devices alone. Aviation and astronautics also cannot work without imports - they cost 8.2 billion. Most of the medicines, cars, clothes, and food are brought from abroad.

Imports from Russia in 2014. Source: The Atlas of Economic Complexity

In the opposite direction comes fuel and metal - together they make up 80% of exports. In the Russian Federation they like to talk about the status of a superpower, but the economy turns out to be typically colonial: they sell raw materials, and in exchange receive complex, “smart” goods. In addition, oil and gas prices are falling and export profits are decreasing. The state and business will receive less and less money. But, for example, cars or medicines are not becoming cheaper, and this will hit the purchasing power of Russians.

Russian exports in 2014. Source: The Atlas of Economic Complexity

Under Putin, Russia has become increasingly dependent on raw materials

In 2000, the majority of Russian exports were raw materials: mineral products - oil and gas, chemicals, metals and wood. The country depended on prices on the world market. The Russian Federation had the money, time and political stability to modernize its economy.

But the Russian leadership did not consider it necessary to change anything, because oil and gas prices were rising, and Europe could not refuse them. As a result, over 15 years the government managed to make exports even more raw material-based: the share of machinery and equipment became smaller. The only difference is that agricultural exports have increased. But it does not solve the country's problems - it is also a raw material, the price of which often fluctuates.

There is also the military-industrial complex that Russian optimists are hoping for. But if the Kremlin falls under the next wave of sanctions, the only way to sell weapons will be to Zimbabwe and North Korea on credit, with subsequent debt write-off.

If you look at the Russian economy as a whole, and not evaluate it only by exports, it turns out that industry accounts for only a third of GDP.

And oil production occupies a significant share in the structure of added value.

The competitiveness rating shows whether a country is able to ensure economic development and prosperity for its citizens. Since 2006, Russia has formally risen in the world rankings and even entered the top 50. But according to the authors of the rating, the main jump occurred not due to the country’s successes, but due to a change in the methodology for calculating per capita income. Russia is hampered by corruption, lack of innovation and weak protection of investor rights. The World Economic Forum calls the country's advantages big size market and business activity.

681 billion dollars were taken out of Russia

In 2014 alone, 153 billion in US currency was withdrawn from the country - more than in the crisis year of 2008. For comparison, losses from all financial sanctions in Russia are estimated at 170 billion.

Even Putin’s entourage does not want to support their native country with money - among the “Panama papers” there is evidence of offshore accounts of the president’s associates. Other businessmen are learning from them. And the influx of capital to Russia last time was recorded back in 2007. According to the UN, the Russian Federation is one of the leaders in the outflow of capital to offshore companies.
External debt has quadrupled under Putin, and investment is becoming less and less

In 2014, Russia's external debt decreased, but compared to the beginning of the last decade, it is still many times higher. If in 2002 the Russian Federation's debt was $1,046 per capita, then over 10 years this amount increased to $4,444. At the end of 2014, each Russian had $4,171 in debt.

But the volume of investments changed in leaps and bounds, without any pattern. Although it all ended in decline: in 2014, investments in the Russian Federation were $323 per capita less than in 2013. Experts attribute this drop to international sanctions. They do not harm the Russian economy instantly, but gradually force the Kremlin to take out more and more loans and deprive the country of other ways to raise money.

Ruble hit by oil prices and capital flight

The ruble began to fall in price back in 2008-2009, when oil prices fell. Before this, fuel prices rose and the ruble strengthened. However, the further rise in oil prices did not help the Russian currency: the money ended up offshore and did not affect the country’s economy. But in 2014, sanctions accelerated the depreciation of an already unstable currency. Oil may become more expensive in the future, but the ruble is unlikely to do so, because money will still be transferred abroad.

Russians believe that life has become worse...

According to VTsIOM, Russian citizens assess the current state of the economy almost the same as during the 2008 crisis. And the percentage of those satisfied with the economic situation has never exceeded 55% over 10 years.

But more than half of citizens are confident that Russia is developing correctly!

54% of Russians are confident that things in the country are going in the right direction, despite the economic crisis. In 2015, the largest number of Russians in 10 years gave a positive assessment of the country’s course - 72%. IN previous years Government policy was consistently supported by 40-50% of respondents.

But the opinion of citizens regarding the political situation in the country has changed several times over the past decade. It was rated worst in 2005 and 2011. But in the crisis year of 2008, 66% were satisfied with the political situation, at the beginning of the conflict with Ukraine in 2014 - 65%.

VTsIOM seems to mention: since 2003, 20-25% of Russians are consistently ready to go out into the streets for the sake of the future. But Russian residents already have an unsuccessful experience of mass actions in 2012. And in 2005, as many as 32% were ready to protest - and this did not lead to anything.

Now the situation in the Russian Federation is more complicated than in 2005 or 2012. Protesters on Bolotnaya Square are still being persecuted, and special units are being created in the country to combat protesters. In addition, the Russian opposition does not have authoritative leaders. Therefore, as in previous years, Russian authorities nothing is in danger.

The country has been preparing for war since the early 2000s

Compared to 2000, Russian military spending has increased 7 times. Over 16 years, spending on the armed forces has been reduced only twice - in 2009 and 2014-2015. Both times the cause was a crisis. They spent the most on the army in 2013 - even the costs of medicine and education had to be reduced. For Israel, South Korea or other countries with “hot spots” nearby, such a budget would be normal. But no one threatened Russia - who is capable of attacking a nuclear power with a huge army? Russian militarization is another proof that the Kremlin was preparing to fight with its neighbors.

Now the military budget is decreasing, but this is a consequence of the depreciation of the ruble. And the economy is moving to an interesting point where military spending will exceed real income.

In Russia they are outraged by the “brain drain”, but do nothing to prevent it.

According to Putin, certain international organizations “put talented Russians on grants” and take them abroad. If this is so, then Russia is only helping these organizations, because in the country it is becoming increasingly difficult to realize their skills and abilities. The World Economic Forum evaluates opportunities for self-realization using the Brain Drain Index: 1 point means that it is better to emigrate, 7 - that you can prove yourself at home. In Russia, this figure has been declining since 2008, although before that it was rising. Russians are hampered by the typical decline in science for the countries of the former USSR, corruption, and the general standard of living is low compared to developed countries Europe and USA. And the state did not create conditions for the development of young talents.

Despite the crisis, migrants do not leave the country.

If we compare the number of migrants in 1990, 2000 and now, then their number has changed by only a few hundred thousand. The number of illegal migrants has also not changed much. Although Russia's economy is in decline, the standard of living in the country is still higher than in most neighboring countries, and there is no point in migrants returning to their homeland. However, mass migration is neither the merit nor the fault of the Russian leadership, but a global trend.

Majority Russian problems it could have been solved in 16 years, because other countries have dealt with them in their time. But the Russian leadership hardly considered them problems. For Putin and company, it was much more important to host the world’s most expensive Olympics, create a propaganda network in Europe or seize Crimea. But no one has started to fight corruption or modernize the country so as not to depend on oil. Why start if the “elite” is already doing well? Previously, Russia could compete with developed countries at the expense of petrodollars, but there are fewer and fewer of them, and there are no industries capable of pulling the Russian Federation out of the crisis yet.

Russia spends too much effort trying to appear better than it is. Instead, it would be worth becoming better.

However, the economic recession will not change Russian politics: Putin is still supported by a significant part of the population, and the opposition in the country has been practically destroyed.

For 16 years, the government did nothing for the country, stupidly sat on what it had, gradually ruining it and stealing it. Historians will highlight the 16 years of Putin and GB’s rule as a disgusting stage of Putin’s empty chatter and propaganda and will call it a dark failure in the history of Russia.

Types of reader's diaries

Depending on the goal pursued by the teacher, several types of diaries can be distinguished:

  • a diary report on the number of pages read silently or aloud, notes from parents who read with the child. There may be the following columns: number, title of the work and full name of the author, number of pages read, type of reading (aloud and silent), parent signature. Used in primary school.
  • diary report on books read. Only book titles, author names, reading dates (June 2014, August 2014, etc.) are taken into account. There may also be "marginal notes", i.e. brief remarks about the book.
  • diary-cheat sheet with mini-analysis of works. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What should be in a reader's diary and how to fill it out?

  • Full name of the author of the work
  • Title of the work
  • Number of pages
  • Genre of the work (poem, novel, short story, etc.)
  • In what year was the work written? What is this year known for in history? What was the situation in the country where the author lived?
  • Main characters. You can simply indicate their names, but you can also give a brief description: age, connections with other characters (older brother, father, friend, etc.), appearance, favorite activities, habits, you can give the page numbers on which the author gives the characteristics to the hero. Do you want to be like a hero? Why?
  • The plot, that is, what the book is about.
  • Review of the book.
  • List of key episodes in the book with page numbers.
  • The era in which the work takes place, or specific years. Who was in power then? In what country or city does the action take place?

High school students can also provide additional information:

  • List of critical literature by work or author.
  • Extracts of your favorite phrases and expressions.
  • Brief biography of the writer.

In addition to the usual information, you need to give your child the opportunity to draw in a reader’s diary, do crosswords, scanword puzzles, puzzles, also write a letter to the author of the book or characters, etc.

Is it possible to help a child keep a diary?

Yes, especially in primary school it may be too difficult for him. Moreover, you can even read together and, as you read, discuss the book, characters, events and fill out a diary.

Many adults do not pay enough attention to the format and appearance reading diary, and children do not feel the desire to fill them out. But let's think: what are the child's motives for reading? Why does he read (especially children under 6th grade)? Why is he filling out the diary? It is unlikely that at this age he does this consciously; most likely, he was simply “forced”. But we must remember that children may simply be interested in working in a large and beautiful notebook, filling out tablets, etc. Therefore, we propose to pay special attention to the design of the reader’s diary and offer several templates.

The fight in the civil war will be fought over one of the options for the future of Russia: a strong sovereign state with a mixed economy, an oligarchic empire or a colony with a possible division of the country, says military expert Konstantin Sivkov on the pages of the Military-Industrial Courier:

“We must admit: it is our country today that is the main obstacle on the path of the West, especially the United States, to world domination. Its elimination as a factor of power or its strict subjugation is their most important geopolitical task. Without this, Western and transnational elites will find it very difficult, if not impossible, to survive in the new reality.

The country also has all the internal prerequisites for the emergence of mass unrest that can develop into a “color revolution”, the direct consequence of which is the high probability there will be a civil war. Such scenarios have been repeatedly considered by experts (“Controlled chaos is approaching Russia”), along with the measures that need to be taken to eliminate the objective and subjective preconditions of the “color revolution.”

Unfortunately, today we can state that for now it is really effective measures to prevent it is not accepted. It doesn't look like this will happen in the near future. Therefore, an analysis of the likely nature of a new civil war in Russia becomes relevant. Moreover, no one from the scientific expert community addressed this topic, at least in the open press.

The study of the nature of any war begins with the contradictions that cause it, which are insoluble in the existing order of things, which, as a rule, leads to armed violence. There are such in Russia.

“The security forces will go over to the side of the “reds,” representatives of the highest echelons will defect to the camp of the colonialists, and some will simply flee abroad.”

In the spiritual sphere, the most important of them is the contradiction between the patriotic orientation of information policy, the formation among the population of the image of a hero, a patriotic sacrificer, the idea of ​​​​confronting an external enemy (the West), defencist psychology on the one hand, and cosmopolitanism, the openly anti-state activities of the “masters of life.” At the same time, the authorities’ desire to demonstrate the fight against these groups has the opposite effect. The scale of the detected theft does not correspond at all to the insignificance of the punishment for it. The struggle turns into profanation.

In this same area, there is another serious contradiction, consisting in the constitutional enshrinement of the equality of all before the law and the virtually unpunished numerous obvious facts of its violation by representatives of high-ranking officials and influential businesses, their relatives and friends. Dominance in power (especially at the federal and regional levels) and in the economy by a relatively small number of closely related clans (compared to the country’s population) has destroyed for most young citizens the hope of occupying a high position in the Russian establishment, which gives rise to a feeling of injustice in society government structure in general, the desire to change it.

It is especially obscene to appoint various “young geniuses” who have done nothing in life to leadership positions in the state and in industry, with much more qualified and talented specialists subordinate to them. The guarantee of a high position, combined with impunity, deprives the “golden youth” of incentives for self-improvement. At the same time, the main advantage of a person in a position becomes not a thorough knowledge of the object and its effective management, but the ability to build relationships with management. This leads to the degradation of the elites and exacerbates the contradiction between the intellectual potential of the developed part of the population and its social status.

A serious contradiction lies between the authorities’ recognition that the reforms of the 90s were disastrous for the country, the extremely unfair and frankly gangster privatization of that time, and not only the reluctance to bring to justice the organizers of the country’s pogrom, but also the preparation of new programs for the seizure of public property, contrary to even all the laws of a market economy.

That is, in spiritually the social system is perceived as extremely unfair, where the power elites brazenly neglect the interests of the absolute majority. This is an extremely dangerous situation, since, as the experience of the Arab Spring shows, it is injustice that pushes the intellectual proletariat to mass protests.

In the economic sphere, the main contradiction lies between the poor and the rich. The decile coefficient in Russia has long exceeded the dangerous threshold and reaches 16. The gap in wages between ordinary employees and top managers ranges from several hundred to a thousand or more times. More than 22 million Russians are below the subsistence level. The contradiction between the poverty of a significant part of the country's population and the ostentatious luxury of the elite is a powerful detonator of civil confrontation.

The listed imbalances and contradictions are largely antagonistic in nature, since their resolution involves either a radical reduction in the consumption of the elite with a restructuring of the roles of layers in society, or the consolidation and further significant strengthening of the injustice that has developed in society, making life intolerable for a significant part of the population. The development of the situation in any direction will require significant changes to the model of government. The aggravation of contradictions to a critical level, combined with the initiation of a “color revolution” from outside, could become the direct cause of a civil war in Russia.

Red on white

In any civil war, the warring parties defend a certain model of the future government structure. Analysis possible options resolution of internal Russian imbalances and contradictions, ideological concepts of various political parties and movements, the most active part of the political spectrum and socially active layers of society shows that the country, in the event of a “color revolution” occurring in it, has three possible options for exiting the crisis, around which there is a struggle going on.

The first option involves resolving the noted contradictions in the interests of the absolute majority of the population with the construction of a strong, fully sovereign state with a mixed economy, ensuring real social justice and equality of citizens. The government structure is federal or unitary. Strategic sectors of the economy are owned by the state and are directly managed by it. Private business - only medium and small - is concentrated in the field of venture activities and services.

A sharply differentiated tax scale excludes the possibility of the emergence of large private capital. Power in the country belongs to councils of people's deputies. Executive institutions are subordinate to them. They are also controlled by special bodies under the councils. The power structures of the state - special services, law enforcement agencies and the army - are the basis of military-political stability, within the limits of their competence supervising the authorities and each other. This version of the government system can be called neo-socialism. It ensures breakthrough development of the country with access to leading positions in a relatively short time.

The second option is focused on preserving and strengthening the dominance of part of the existing oligarchic (those associated with the current vertical of power) and bureaucratic clans. It involves building in Russia a strong but limited sovereign state with a purely oligarchic economy, where the overwhelming majority of national resources will be owned or controlled ruling clans possessing undivided power. Its dominant branch is the executive branch with the unconditional subordination of all others to it. The country is headed by a president or monarch with enormous powers. The army, intelligence services and law enforcement agencies are the main power tool to ensure the inviolability of the power of the ruling clans. This system can be called neo-imperialism.

The third option involves resolving contradictions in the interests of foreign powers, Russian oligarchic clans associated with them and dependent on them, and regional, separatist-oriented elites. The result is either the destruction of Russia with the creation on its territory of several puppet states with totalitarian semi-criminal regimes relying on foreign military support (including occupation forces), or, while maintaining the formal integrity of the country, the elimination of its real sovereignty with the destruction of the main elements that ensure it: army, intelligence services and parts of law enforcement agencies, remnants of the high-tech industry. In fact, this means foreign power, so the option should be called colonial.

It should be noted that the second and third options, despite all their differences, have one thing in common: both assume the establishment of undivided oligarchic power in Russia. This is how they fundamentally differ from the first one. Therefore, the main and most acute confrontation will unfold between supporters of neo-socialism on the one hand, totalitarian monarchy and colonialists on the other. The latter will most likely unite at the stage of struggle against neo-socialists.

The opposing sides in a likely civil war are determined accordingly.

  1. Neo-socialist group. Its political core will be parties and social movements of a communist, socialist and nationalist orientation, mainly non-systemic patriotic opposition, as well as part of the systemic one - mainly from lower structural units, pursuing the goals of preserving the unity of the country and reviving its power on the basis of building fair society. The social base will consist of the majority of the intellectual and industrial proletariat, representatives of small and partly medium-sized businesses. The military power base of the group will be the overwhelming majority of officers, a significant part of the special services and law enforcement officers. It is logical to call this group, referring to the terminology of the civil war of the last century, “the new reds.”
  2. Neo-imperialist group. Its political core will be the party in power, part of the systemic opposition, as well as parties and movements pursuing the goals of maintaining the dominance of big capital, largely associated with high-tech production, with the unity of the country as the main guarantee of its security and the promotion of private interests abroad. Support for this group can be provided by movements of a monarchical orientation, non-political organizations that consider the vertical of power as a bond, albeit a formal one. The social basis will be large capital, predominantly working in the fields of high technology and related to it, some (significantly smaller than that of the neo-socialists) part of the intellectual and industrial proletariat, and individual representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The military power base of the group will be some of the army ranks, a certain part of the intelligence services and law enforcement officers, mostly close to the highest echelons of government and big capital.
  3. Colonial group. Its political core will be parties and movements of the liberal-Western orientation of the non-systemic opposition (essentially the Fronde), pursuing the goal of integrating Russia into the “European home” in fact, in the position of a colony. This group has strong support from foreign intelligence services and large Western capital. Its social basis is part of those associated with foreign employers and well-paid employees, people with a pronounced cosmopolitan and liberal-Western position or who do not have clear ideological guidelines, as a rule, dissatisfied with their financial situation and status. This group also includes liberal nationalists - in fact, Russian separatists who advocate secession of some territories and even secession from Russia large regions such as Siberia and Primorye.

Another such community is representatives of radical Islam, who set themselves the goal of separating individual republics from Russia. The military power base of the group will be predominantly armed gangs created on regional, ideological, ethnic or religious grounds from both local citizens and foreign mercenaries, the formation of Western PMCs, special operations forces and intelligence services operating in Russia. If events develop favorably for the colonialists, the occupying forces will help them. And throughout the civil war, this group will enjoy powerful information, diplomatic and material support from Western powers.

With the manifestation of the course of the “new reds” towards the nationalization of all strategically important sectors of the country’s economy, stopping the export of capital outside its borders and limiting large incomes (in particular due to a sharply differentiated tax scale), with bringing to real responsibility the plunderers of state property given the weak positions of the neo-imperialists in the event the outbreak of a full-scale civil war (neither the country nor the West needs them), the latter will unite with the colonialists to protect their property and income, easily sacrificing the interests of the state. It is fair to call such a group “white.” Their military-strategic goal will be the defeat of neo-socialism at any cost, including at the expense of Russia’s state sovereignty, which is being lost partially or even completely.

The main military-strategic goal of the “Reds” is the elimination of the other two groups and the reflection of possible external aggression.

From information to nuclear

Taking into account the decisiveness of the goals of the parties in the civil war, it should be expected that during its course all the most advanced types of weapons and military equipment, including weapons of mass destruction, will be used:

Information weapons - at all stages of preparation and development of a civil war, mainly in the interests of ensuring the use of armed force groups

Conventional weapons - with the beginning of hostilities. The trigger will be the minimum moral, psychological and legal framework for the start of military action. Before this, we should expect limited use of conventional weapons by special operations forces to ensure effective information impact.

The main types of non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction are chemical and biological. It is most likely to be used by foreign military formations or a group of “whites” against civilians in order to create a moral, psychological and regulatory framework for foreign intervention when defeat is obvious. The possibility of covert use of biological weapons, especially the latest models, will make it possible to use them not only during hostilities, but also in the previous period to increase socio-political instability in individual regions Russia. The ease of production of this type of weapons of mass destruction makes it accessible to non-state and limited-capacity organizations.

Nuclear weapon. It can be used to a limited extent, mainly to intimidate the enemy in order to force him to abandon the escalation of the war or from further fighting. In particular, a neo-socialist group may resort to the demonstrative use of tactical nuclear weapons to prevent foreign intervention. “Whites” - to defeat individual military formations of the “Reds”.

Large-scale use of nuclear weapons is unlikely. But if the West, hoping to destroy Russian nuclear potential in a country disorganized by a civil war with the obvious impossibility of taking it under control, strikes with strategic means, Russia will most likely respond fully by maintaining the combat effectiveness and controllability of its strategic nuclear forces.

Between blitzkrieg and occupation

A civil war in Russia is likely to break out at the peak of the “color revolution,” when mass unrest reaches such a level that the authorities largely lose the ability to suppress them, and the confrontation turns into an armed phase. Here, the neo-imperialist group will have the greatest organization and combat capability, the basis of which will be power institutions that retain their powers. In its favor is operational control over a significant part of the Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies, material and information resources.

The most important weaknesses are the absence of any clear ideology, the readiness of most representatives, especially from the highest echelons, to fight to the end (the primacy of personal interest and foreign assets of some, combined with the lack of sense in dying for billions of leaders among others, do not contribute to the emergence of heroes) and significant foreign support. Strengths as the war progresses, they will be quickly leveled out by the weak, the ability to resist is gradually reduced to zero. This group can only count on quick success - a blitzkrieg. In case of failure, it will crumble: the main part of the power component will go over to the side of the “reds”, representatives of the highest echelons, focusing on certain foreign centers of power, will go over to the colonialist camp, forming a full-fledged “white” movement, and some will simply flee abroad .

By the beginning of the civil war, the colonialist group will also have good organization (albeit significantly weaker than the neo-imperialist one), based largely on the support of foreign intelligence services. Another strong side of it is its rather serious military component: illegal armed groups, including foreign mercenaries and employees of Western PMCs, local security companies, as well as the NATO special operations forces group deployed on Russian territory by this time. Weak sides- rejection of liberal ideology by the absolute majority of the population, negative political background and weakness of the social base in the absence of mass support in the security forces. Without foreign military support, the colonialists will not hold out for long and will strive to bring the situation to intervention as quickly as possible.

By the beginning of the civil war, the neo-socialist group most likely will not have fully formed, which will not allow it to conduct coordinated actions at first. The lack of information potential comparable to the other two, the presence of secondary contradictions between the united political organizations, and limited influence in the security forces are also not in favor of the “reds”.

Plus their rejection by the main foreign players, of course. Strengths - the presence of a simple and understandable to the majority of the population (even if not strictly scientifically based) ideological concept, the core of which will be the desire to build a society of social justice, mass support, including in the power structures of the state, high morale, willingness to fight to the end (victory or death), based on the understanding that defeat means the loss of the country and the death of everything, including the family. This group has every chance of winning a protracted civil war, if only a full-scale military intervention by major powers can be prevented.”