A conspiracy for monetary wealth, large, incalculable.

The following situation is very common: a person tries, works, but cannot get rid of poverty. You can attract luck and wealth into your life with the help of effective magical spells and rituals.

Golden nuts.

Go to the market on Thursday and buy a box, 7 walnuts and gold paint. At 9 pm, paint the nuts gold and place them in the box. Say the spell words:

“Just as these golden nuts are full, so my chests will be full of gold.”

After that, put the following things in the box: your photo, a bill and a coin of any denomination. Place the box under your bed for 7 months. During this time, you should not eat walnuts. Luck will “turn its face towards you” again 5-7 weeks after the ritual.

An effective ritual for wealth.

On the 13th lunar day, buy salt, 7 eggs, a new headscarf, flour and one glass of honey at the market.

On the 14th lunar day, knead the dough and include:

3 cups flour;

3 pinches of salt;

A glass of honey;

Bake bread and say the following words:

“Just as people need bread, so wealth needs me.”

Bury the bread in front of the threshold of your house. You cannot give anything from home to anyone for 3 days.

"Honey" money.

Buy half a liter of honey and 10 ml of mint oil. On the waxing moon, on Thursday at 12 noon, melt honey in a water bath and pour mint oil into it, and then throw in as many nickels as you are full years old. Say the following spell on a jar of honey:

“As bees flock to honey, so wealth will come to me. Just as honey is sweet and sticky, so will money stick to my hands. Wherever I am, no matter what I do, wealth will always find me.”

Take a jar of honey and take it to a pedestrian intersection, where you pour it out. Place the coins in a beautiful box. Every month, on the full moon, recite the following conspiracy on nickels (12 times):

“Money to money, wealth to me!”


Perform the ritual in the evening, on the Waxing Moon.
Take any coin that is a multiple of five (5 kopecks, 50 kopecks, 5 rubles)
Place it on your left palm and read the spell three times:
\"Money to Money!
Wallets to wallets.
The sun is golden with light,
And my penny glows
Brings money
Gives joy.
No sooner said than done!
This is my will!
Let it be so!\".
Your talisman will work for a year, then the coin is changed and a new ritual is performed!

Money ritual for salt.

On the waxing moon, buy a pack of salt and a box. Pour 2-3 handfuls of salt into the box and say the spell:

“Just as a person cannot live without salt, so I (name) will always have money!”

Open the box and place it on the window until the 3rd day of the full moon. As a ransom to the spirits of wealth, take the coins to the crossroads, and pour the salt in different places - at the threshold, in the pockets of your clothes, in your wallet or purse, and also in the safe where you keep the money. You can store money in the box in the future. You should not eat salt for three days after the ritual.

"Milk" money.

This ritual can be performed on Saturday, which falls on the new moon. Buy half a liter of milk at the market. When you get home, throw 77 coins of any kind into a jar of milk and leave the milk standing on the window until Wednesday. On Wednesday before noon, use milk - bake 3 pancakes or cakes. Leave the prepared culinary product at the intersection. In this case, you need to say the words of such a conspiracy:

“Spirits of luck and spirits of wealth, come out and accept my offering!”

After that, go home, but don’t talk to anyone along the way and don’t look back. The 77 coins that were in the milk must be washed in running water and, tied in a new handkerchief, hidden under your mattress.

Money bag.

For this ritual, you must sew a small green bag in which you place coins, basil, and ground cinnamon. Add 3 drops of the following oils into the bag - sandalwood, patchouli, bergamot, eucalyptus. Tie the bag with gold-colored threads and whisper the spell for money:

“Aluri, Iole, Kaones and Ibrahim. Oloe, Kapil and Arnis. Koasek, Iam and Lathe."

The money pouch should be carried with you at all times, for example in your bag.

"Eternal" ruble.

For this ritual you will need a 1 ruble or 1 dollar bill. Fumigate the banknote with sandalwood and lubricate it with patchouli and bergamot oil. After melting the green candle, fill the bill with wax on both sides. At the same time, say these words:

"Olisha, Koaf, Hintus, Koorif and Abbud."

The bill must be kept in your safe or wallet at all times. All money spent will be returned to you - after expenses, profit will appear.

Rules of money magic.

1 . Well-being reflects the state of the soul to the same extent as the material state. You don't have to become a millionaire to be successful. Choose wisely and decide for yourself what kind of well-being can make you happy.

2 . Never try to attract your own well-being at the expense of other people. Don't plan in advance where the money will come from. You cannot resort to the powers of the Universe in the hope of getting more money from someone. Don't take advantage of other people's generosity.

3 . Be confident in your feelings, otherwise you may not get what you wanted.

4. Like healing magic, money magic is closely connected to your emotions. If your financial condition or the material well-being of your family depresses you, then you are doomed to failure from the very beginning. Try to maintain as positive a view of the world as possible. Don't be a slob and don't invite poverty to your doorstep.

5 . Do not share your money magic plans with other people. You can tell a person that you are praying for his recovery, and he will gratefully accept your help, but if you tell your grandfather that you are trying to conjure him more money to pay off his mortgage, you will find yourself in an extremely vulnerable position, and your intention will most likely be lost strength. Grandpa will tell Grandma, who will think that you are a nice girl, but also very stupid. Then grandma will share this news with her friends over Sunday tea or in church. At best, you will be ridiculed, and when rumors reach your parents, they may think that you have taken your “fashion hobby” too far.

Chatting with friends about this topic- also not a very good idea. Among your peers there will always be someone who is eager to play a dirty trick on you. This is usually a person with very low self-esteem who enjoys humiliating others. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position.

Spell magic helps people of different ages, religions and outlooks on life. They use a spell for honey, milk or other products, which can be found in any home, to attract success and good luck. A trade spell reads like a honey spell and is one of the most effective spells for sellers or private entrepreneurs.

Trading conspiracies are used by people who work with clients, offer their services and serve people. The honey spell is not only popular, but also effective. Even a beginner who has never encountered spell magic before can perform a simple ritual.

Charm magic

A honey plot will attract money and customers even to small retail outlets. They use a conspiracy to trade on days when the Moon is waxing. The celestial body enhances the work of the spell. With the help of honey, which can be found in any kitchen, you can set up the correct cash flow and receive a constant, stable profit. For guys, girls, men and women, a ritual is performed using honey and additional powerful attributes. It will require careful preparation and strong defense.

The quality and quantity of honey does not matter. Using a simple ritual, you can organize the sale of movable or immovable property (sale of an apartment, house or jewelry). In addition to the "nectar", bees use milk (milk from a cow, not store-bought milk), salt and holy water. Bee honey has many beneficial properties that can be used not only in everyday life, but also in magic.

How to attract luck, new clients and success in trading with the help of honey

The honey mixture is used for attraction, which is no different from any other appeal for money or trade. Different rituals are similar in principle of action - magic adjusts a person’s biofield or the energy of a place (shop, pavilion) in the desired way. Water, a special honey mixture and magic spells are used to sell real estate or movable property.

By invoking good luck through a honey mixture, a person can attract the most unexpected benefits:

  • a girl can call for marriage (meet a good, promising partner);
  • a private entrepreneur calls for profit and stable income through the honey mixture;
  • A ritual is performed for honey so that the buyer is constantly seen;
  • Stores and beauty salons are charged with honey from bees to attract new customers.

The honey mixture is used any day of the week, even on major Orthodox holidays. To enhance even simple rituals, they use holy water, candles (attributes brought from the church) and any thing that is associated with profit.

Honey plot for trade and new clients

Good trading does not always require advertising or excessive costs. It is enough to carry out a simple attraction ritual and smear the trading floor or salon with the prepared mixture. The honey spell for trading can be used as a ritual for good luck. Any love spell works on the same principle as calling clients. With the help of magic, the energy of a room or a person’s biofield is adjusted.

The ritual is also carried out on behalf of workers who receive wages from trade. In the call, coins, silver or gold objects that symbolize money are used as an addition. The sweet mixture is used to eliminate competitors and against monetary damage hanging over a store or outlet. Every private entrepreneur can make a good profit if he uses the simplest ritual during the days of the waxing Moon.

What is needed for the ceremony

It is good to read the spell from memory, so during the preparation of the ritual you need to learn every word of the spell. The plot cannot be reversed or corrected. In order for the sweet mixture to help attract customers, the conspirator will need:

  • coin;
  • bee honey (purchased or brought from your own apiary);
  • Holy water;
  • church candles.

For good luck in trading, the thresholds of the building in which the store is located and the outlet itself must be smeared with the prepared mixture (the sweet mixture is prepared from equal parts of honey and water). To attract money, a ritual is performed immediately after the store or salon closes.

Reading the plot

After the conspirator smears the honey mixture on the thresholds, the room cannot be washed. The product can be sprinkled with holy water (damaging property will not help anyone). The first stage of the ritual is carried out on the waxing Moon before the weekend. The sweet mixture should remain in the store for all two days, and only on the third day can it be washed off, reading the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as bees come for sweets, so people will come to this threshold. Bee to bee - your swarm, client to client - my money, servants of God (name of the conspirator). There is nowhere to put them, there are so many of them. Then everyone is my honey, they flock to him. Amen".

The second stage of the ritual for good trading is carried out directly with the client. As soon as a change from a client falls into the hands of the seller, he should recite the spell:

“Lie down, don’t disappear, call for buyers.”

Honey plot for money

The necessary ritual for money always brings a lot of joy to both ordinary sellers and store owners. Money has its own unique energy. Attracting this energy is a chance to get rid of debts and take your own business to a new level. In trade or the service sector, such a universal conspiracy is used very often. For the spell to work, the sweet mixture is applied not to the furniture or floor, but to the person’s lips.

People who are tired of saving money and missing out on profits due to external circumstances (competitors, crises and other obstacles) will be able to attract money. The honey spell is similar to money and for removing money damage. They attract clients, buyers or partners for themselves. In trading, as in love, all means to achieve goals are good.

Preparation for the ceremony

Preparations for the ceremony begin late at night. The conspirator remains alone and charms the honey with the prayer “Our Father.” A thick sweet attribute is selected that can be spread on the lips. This is the only way to attract good trade, which will never be a problem. After he manages to speak honey, the conspirator goes to bed, and the next morning he goes outside to cleanse himself of any negativity. A person reads the “Our Father” prayer and crosses himself to all 4 cardinal directions.

After this, the conspirator goes to a store or retail outlet to attract good luck. At the place where it is necessary to attract profit, the conspirator should smear his lips with honey and pronounce magic words.

Conspiracy text

The text of the conspiracy should be learned in advance so that the person does not get confused during the attraction. While the sweet mixture remains on the lips, the words of the spell are pronounced:

“I’m a great merchant! I will sell our goods to you! Money to money, profit will be attracted and you won’t be able to tear yourself away! Amen!".

There is no need to wash honey off your lips. Thanks to this trick, it will be possible to sell even those goods that have been lying idle in the warehouse for a long period of time. A strong conspiracy to make a good profit is read no more than twice a year. With the help of a spell with honey on your lips, you can sell any real estate.

Attracting good luck

The spell for good trade is used by beauty salons, which also would like new clients. Once the spell for good trading works, you will not have to worry about debts or economic crises. A universal conspiracy to attract good luck is also suitable for calling potential suitors. If you read the spell correctly and are not afraid to believe in magic, there will be no end to suitors and buyers.

After the ritual, honey, which was purchased for secret magical actions, must be added to the food of all household members. This molasses will be very useful for both children and adults. Charmed honey helps against seasonal colds and any illnesses. Immediately after the ritual, luck will follow the conspirator. If this is a girl, she will have no end to guys, and the men magically summoned will be worthy and noble. To increase sales, a universal ritual is held on the Annunciation and on the eve of Easter.

With the onset of August 14, the Christian world begins to celebrate the Honey Savior. This day is associated with powerful natural magic, which allows you to achieve your goals with high efficiency. Conspiracies and rituals for Honey Spas have been read by the Slavs for many centuries. Everyone is happy with the results.

Most of the rituals of this day are related to honey or bees. This is understandable - specificity obliges. In Honey Spas you can cast spells for health, beauty, love and wealth. Someone brings an old dream closer with spells, someone removes damage. We'll tell you how to do it correctly.

If you have a fight with someone, you can achieve reconciliation with the help of enchanted tea. Add a spoonful of honey to the broth and read the spell. The text is: “Calm down the ardor, remove old grievances.” Give your household members the resulting decoction.

The second popular ritual is related to the acquisition of vital energy. The ritual should be performed in the daytime, under bright, not cloudy sun. Take a jar of honey with you and say this product:

“The honey is ripening, the spirit is rising. The sweetness of honey will heal my body, heal my soul, and strengthen my health. Let the sun illuminate my path. Amen".

For beauty, youth and health

In August, nature gives man its power, and it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. For example, with the power of words you can heal diseases. To get better, bring the container with honey to the window so that the sun's rays fall on the product. Say the text of the conspiracy:

“Disease, go away, hide in the dark thicket and swampy swamp. You are a bitter disease, but the honeyed sweetness will drive you away. I’ll warm you up with milk, I’ll sweeten you with honey. Amen".

Protecting ourselves from damage

If your beauty fades and your health gradually deteriorates, the reason is due to the machinations of evil people. To remove the spell, wake up at dawn and go to the field to collect poppies. Here's what you need to do next:

  1. Bless the poppy seeds in the church.
  2. Read the plot.
  3. Come home.
  4. Place the poppy seeds under the baseboards, between the cracks of the floorboards and where they cannot be removed.

Sprinkle the grains under the wallpaper, into window frames - the main thing is that they are not swept away later. Move from the entrance along the entire perimeter of the apartment, focusing clockwise. You need to scatter the poppy seeds with three fingers of your right hand. And here is the spell:

“I sow poppies as I wish, everything will be so. If someone doesn't like it, let him try to collect this poppy. The scattered poppy cannot be collected, but it’s time to remove the damage from God’s servant (your name). Amen".

How to find beauty

Girls look forward to the Honey Rescue because they get a chance to enhance their attractiveness through magical means. In addition, the ritual described below helps attract good-looking guys. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stand in front of a full-length mirror.
  2. Read the spell.
  3. Wash your hair three times and go back to the mirror.
  4. Start combing your hair.
  5. Cast the second part of the spell.

The first fragment of the conspiracy: “I am the most attractive, there is no one more beautiful than me.” When the ritual is completed, smear your face with honey, and after 20 minutes, wash everything off. The ritual begins on Honey Spas and lasts for two weeks. Text of the second part of the plot:

“I am a red maiden, I ask the heavenly intercessors to grant me greater attractiveness. Those around me will love me, my soul mate will quickly be found. Save me from any misfortune, saved me.”

For wealth

Take out the poppy seed, the green cloth and a piece of soap. Spread a cloth on the kitchen table, draw a circle with soap and pour a handful of poppy seeds into it. Drawing a cross on the poppy surface with your ring finger, say:

“There is a lost island in a huge ocean, where the earth is piled up. There I will meet the Mother of God and the merciful Jesus. I’ll come up, bow, and start a conversation. Mother of God, you roamed the earth, paid for bread with hard coins, and carried silver. Without money, they won’t weave clothes, they won’t feed you, and they won’t sell church candles. How many poppy seeds lie, let so much money be added to my wallet. Amen".

Hide half of the charmed poppy in your wallet, and throw the other half into a bath filled with warm water. You will need to enter the bath seven times, reciting the already familiar spell. Each time, dive into the water and imagine how money flows from everywhere, filling your wallet.

Bees help

To perform the ceremony you will need a coin and a jar of honey. It is important that the honey is from bees, natural, and that you get the coin in the form of change. The size of the container you pour the honey into should be approximately the diameter of the coin. Use a valuable circle instead of a lid and begin to say a prayer:

“In the summer the bees collected honey, and now I brought it home. Just as honey is sweet, so will my life be good. The bees flock to the honey, and finances are attracted to my wallet. Prosperity sticks to me, wealth comes to the family. I’ll put a honey lining, I’ll attract an unprecedented treasure. I finish reading the plot, hide everything and put it away. Let the bees work, and I will be happy and well-fed. Amen".

Screw the lid on the jar and hide it away. A good option is an icon from a red corner. If you did everything correctly, your financial situation will improve.

How to get a good deal

This ritual should be performed when you intend to make a large purchase. You will need 200 grams of natural honey collected in the area where you live. Honey needs to be spoken about, and then the whole family eats this product - right up to the day of purchase. Read the spell three times:

“I pave the path to good achievements with charmed honey. I disperse troubles and all sorts of misfortunes, conjuring more happiness for my family. May this purchase be successful. I won’t bring a bad thing into the house; I’ll get a good one at a good price. Lord, help me, tell me the right choice. Amen".

For love

To find long-awaited love, start preparing at least a week before the holiday. It would be good to cleanse yourself with fasting and prayers - this will enhance the magical effect. Here's what you need to do next:

  1. Buy fresh honey.
  2. Prepare a sheet of white paper.
  3. Use a red pencil (or pen) to write the name of the person you want to date.
  4. Glue the signed sheet with tape to a glass jar filled with honey.
  5. Eat bee product for seven days (a teaspoon on an empty stomach daily).
  6. Cast a spell.

It is important that only you eat from the jar, so hide the honey away from your loved ones. Calculate so that the Honey Saving occurs on the seventh day of using the product. Get up at dawn, chant the remaining honey three times and try to treat your chosen one with it. Conspiracy text:

“Let God’s servant (the name of the beloved) find no peace for himself, suffer and be terribly bored without me. People like sweet honey, but my betrothed dries without love. Let him look at me and dream of meeting. Amen".

To make your wishes come true

There are universal rituals that will help you find happiness and achieve your plans. The complexity of this ritual lies in the fact that you need to stock up on many ingredients in advance. By August 14 you should have:

  • three types of honey (linden, classic bee and flower);
  • water from an artesian spring;
  • Birch bark.

With your left hand, take the bark and coat it successively with three honey products. Place the artifact on your forehead and say a prayer. Wash yourself with the prepared spring water, rinse the bark in a saucepan. Now this is your talisman, you should always keep it with you. Text of the prayer:

“Happiness and luck come to me, all my dreams come true. Defilement and grief - get away from my home! Three honeys give unprecedented sweetness, and the heavenly intercessors cannot take their eyes off me. I will fulfill what I have in mind. My life from now on will be sweet and carefree. Amen".

Signs and customs

Honey Spas is also called Maccabee; on this day even the poor are supposed to eat honey products. It was believed that such honey has magical healing powers, and with the right spell it fulfills various wishes. If you help a widow or a weak person in the household, you will find a long and happy life. Collect poppy seeds on this day - the buns will be fragrant and incredibly tasty. There are other interesting signs:

  • to fulfill an old dream, consecrate honey in the temple and make a wish on the first spoon;
  • you cannot swim in a river or lake after the Maccabee (the water no longer warms up);
  • women are forgiven all sins;
  • if you consecrate the village well on Honey Spas, then no one will be able to poison the water from there;
  • winter crops sown on this holiday will give abundant shoots;
  • rain on Maccabees - no fires;
  • if you clean the barn, the livestock will be healthy all year round;
  • swallows and cranes head south - it will be cooler at night.

Knowledgeable people advise making Maccabees for Honey Spas - special amulets that protect against any evil. Similar talismans are made in the form of bouquets, including 17 herbs (wormwood, calendula, oats, sweet clover, etc.). As you can see, mostly white magic is performed on Maccabees, aimed at good. Use this knowledge to achieve something important in life.

300 protective spells for success and good luck Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For wealth (word for honey)

For wealth (word for honey)

Like flies and bees fly to sweet honey,

That way money would stick to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Dilute honey in spoken water and wash your face with it exactly at midnight.

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WEALTH! The king's wealth grew every year. Whatever the king’s eyes desired, he did not refuse them and did not forbid his heart any joy... And there was no person in the universe who could withstand Solomon’s gaze without lowering his eyes.A. I. Kuprin. "Sulamith" Mine

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Spell for wealth Perform on the night of the full moon, in clear weather. Fill a cup or pot halfway with clean water and throw a silver coin into the water. Place the cup like this (in a house or apartment - on the windowsill, opening a window or window, or on the balcony) so that the moon's light

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Wealth Direction: Southeast Main element: Wood Feeding element: Water Number of sectors (trigram): 4 Colors: violet, lilac, green, red. Favorable shapes: cylindrical, rectangular, wavy. Talismans: fountain, aquarium with goldfish,

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For wealth (word for honey) As flies and bees fly to sweet honey, So money would stick to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Dilute honey in the spoken water and wash with it exactly at

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WEALTH It is difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God 18 And one of the rulers asked Him: Good Teacher! What must I do to inherit eternal life? 19 Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good?” No one is good but God alone; 20 You know the commandments: “Thou shalt not

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Money and Wealth I feel that in this world we have to be very practical. I know that often people have to work to survive and get what they need. But it would be better if everyone found their creative potential and contributed to the life of their planet in

Everyone knows that in order to get rich, you need to work hard. But many work and work, but their money does not increase. To correct this injustice, you can seek help from the ancient magical rituals of white and black magic. But they only help those who believe in them.

People have always dreamed of having wealth, money, fame. From time immemorial they fought for the possession of wealth, because life with it was much easier. Nowadays spells and conspiracies to attract wealth are very popular.

Belief in Spells

Since ancient times, people have resorted to different methods to get rich. The wisest turned to the rituals of white magic. Skeptical people do not believe this; they chuckle and believe that whispering in a store will not pay.

If people use magical rites or rituals, this does not mean that they do not need to work, and they simply relax on the couch and wait for the rain of money. You will still have to work. And in the end, life will not consist of waiting for a salary, and the financial situation will improve much, money will appear and stay in the house.

All psychics, sorcerers, and magicians share the same opinion: they claim that human life is ruled by energy flows. After all, for example, the most beautiful and intelligent girl will be alone if she does not have love energy. She will be more beautiful than her friends, but the male sex does not seem to see her and passes by. It's the same with money. A person around whom cash flows are concentrated will always be comfortable, no matter how much he earns.

You can often observe the following picture: one person works hard and earns good money, but it eludes him . Unforeseen expenses appear from somewhere, on which all the money earned goes. Such people live modestly and cannot get out of debt. And another person, earning little money, does not infringe on himself in any way, and even manages to save up.

Therefore, with the help of special rituals, you can slightly improve your financial condition and make money love your home.

Black magic

It is very effective in attracting money, but if an incompetent person does this, black magic can do more harm than help. The lack of protective amulets will lead to even greater expenses and losses, and not to wealth. A person will not improve his material condition, but will worsen the situation.

If a person has no experience related to black magic, then it is better to use white magic spells to attract wealth.

If you still want to use it, then you must fulfill all the specified requirements. There should be no distractions during the ritual., you need to overcome feelings of fear and doubt.

The danger of rituals

Of all existing rituals, money rituals are the most harmless. By using them, a person does not harm anyone. He doesn't suppress anyone's will, as in rituals associated with love spells, and also does not wish evil, as in the case of damage. Therefore, after using white magic rituals, there is no need to think about the consequences.

With black rituals, as mentioned above, you need to be careful. Dark forces always demand payment for their services and never help for nothing. For example, if they help improve your financial situation for the better, then in return there is a chance of losing health, love, or a loved one. Based on this, need to keep in mind that when using these rituals you need to be confident in your strong protection.

Elimination of possible consequences

When turning to rituals for help, we must not forget about the poor. You need to give part of your income to the poor, especially people asking for treatment for a child, and also give alms to those in need. This money will definitely come back in a larger amount.

There is no need to be greedy with tips; when paying for services rendered, you should definitely thank them, because later the money will be returned in a larger amount. But greed will not give you positive emotions, and wealth and luck will bypass you.

You need to be happy when you receive money and always be grateful, because money energy is directly related to the energy of joy. Money must be loved, cared for, treated with care, but in no case should it be elevated to a cult or worshiped.

You should always mentally thank fate for every amount received, even if you had hopes of getting more . There's no need to be angry in these moments., get angry so as not to block money energy.

The simplest ritual for attracting cash flows is this: in a store when making purchases or during another financial transaction, you need to say in your thoughts “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

This ritual will always tell you that you are in a financial flow, and will definitely work, attracting money into your home.

The next ritual is performed on the new moon. You need to stop on the road at 12 o'clock at night, take out 12 coins and stand so that the moonlight falls on them. Say seven times:

“Everything that sprouts and comes to life multiplies from the light of the Sun, and money from the light of the Moon. Grow my money. Multiply my money. Add more, my money. Come to me (name) and enrich me. Let it be so!".

Then squeeze the coins tightly in your hand and go home, and then put them in your wallet. You should always take it with you when going shopping. All rituals performed on the new moon are very effective.

For an uninterrupted cash flow, you need to clasp money in your fist, go out into the street with it, and find a young spruce. Then tap the money on the Christmas tree and whisper three times:

“As young needles grow, so my money grows, not on sugar pie, not on linden honey, not on brew, not on pareve, on gold, silver and copper.”

You need to bury this money under the spruce tree.

White magic

Often hardworking and decent people live below the poverty line. To fix this, you need to turn to magical rituals for help, and then luck and luck will accompany them throughout life. The main requirement is faith in luck and success.

Ancient Slavic ritual for attracting money:

Effective spell for wealth

Preparation for the ceremony and the ritual itself will require a lot of time. It is carried out at home on certain days. There are such special days, or rather nights:

  • night from 30.04 to 01.05;
  • night from 31.07 to 01.08;
  • night from 31.10 to 01.11;
  • night from 31.01 to 01.02.

The ritual must begin after twelve o'clock at night. To carry it out you will need sixteen candles: one gold, nine white, six green. Candles should be greased with pine oil. Place a gold-colored candle in the center, place green candles around it, and surround the green candles with white candles.

Just after twelve o'clock at night, pour salt around the white candles. Then light the golden candle first, and then, clockwise, first the green candles, and then the white ones. You need to go around the candles three times, saying all the time:

“If Jupiter circles the sun three times, it will bring me money.”

Then you need to sit for a while and imagine everything you want, what you miss most. Then extinguish the candles in the reverse order. The first to extinguish is the candle that was lit last.

Ladder of wealth

This is a very ancient ritual. The main thing in any ritual is the belief that it will help. If you do everything correctly, you will soon have a lot more money. The spell is performed on the new moon.

You will need: green thread, a green candle, 9 clove buds. You need to tie knots on the thread, tying the buds. The result is 9 knots. Take this thread in your hands and say:

“Ladder of nine knots, I created you so that the wealth I want can be mine. So that I can climb up you to prosperity and well-being. This is my will, so be it!”

Tie a candle around this “ladder” and light it every day for 9 days. The burning time must be calculated as follows: so that in nine days the candle burns out completely.

How to lure money to yourself is already known, but now you need to find out how to save your accumulated savings:

Financial well-being largely depends on the energy that surrounds you. The accumulation of positive energy, good thoughts, and wishes leads to improvement in a person’s financial sphere. Wealth is not evil, so you can’t think badly about money and rich people. If you think that all rich people are stingy and deceitful, then you are unlikely to get rich. Negative thoughts will be an obstacle to achieving financial self-sufficiency.

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