“They will still come for you.” Director Mansky talks about what the Russian authorities want to say with the arrest

The Moscow City Court left Kirill Serebrennikov under house arrest, but softened the conditions - the director was allowed daily two-hour walks. On Monday, the court considered the complaint of Serebrennikov’s defense against the previously chosen preventive measure. The lawyer provided new list possible guarantors. The artistic director of the Gogol Center is accused of stealing 68 million rubles, which were allocated by the state for the Platform project. Details of the court hearing were told live by Kommersant FM correspondent Polina Smertina.

The judge's decision was not influenced by sureties - about 30 people vouched for Kirill Serebrennikov on August 23, the day the preventive measure was chosen, in the Basmanny Court, and a list of 41 more people was presented today in the Moscow City Court.

Kirill Serebrennikov will be allowed to leave his apartment from 6 to 8 p.m. and walk around his Khamovniki neighborhood, the judge clarified; he can only communicate with relatives and lawyers and is prohibited from communicating with those involved in the criminal case. Otherwise, everything remains unchanged - you can go to the theater only with the written permission of the investigator, you cannot use any means of communication, including the Internet.

Why was this decision made? The investigator today repeated all his arguments - the same ones that were voiced on August 23. Firstly, according to him, Serebrennikov had an obligation to appear, that is, he had to come to the investigative authorities to give evidence, but he constantly violated the instructions and did not come. He changed his place of residence, as the investigator said, then went on a business trip and did not show up - this is also a violation, as the prosecution representative said. In addition, Serebrennikov has real estate in Berlin and a residence permit in Latvia. All this, according to the investigator, suggests that he can and even wants to hide from the investigation. The investigator clarified that Serebrennikov’s people—acquaintances, apparently, and employees of the Gogol Center—conducted surveillance on witnesses, on the relatives of the former chief accountant Nina Maslyaeva, and therefore it is necessary to protect him from all participants in this case. These were the investigator’s arguments, the prosecutor’s office supported them, and the judge, as we can now conclude, also supports this side.

At the meeting, the director placed a small Buddha figurine in front of him and constantly turned it. And when the judge read out her decision, Buddha looked with Serebrennikov at the judge.

Today Kirill Serebrennikov made a rather long speech at the meeting. He asked to be allowed to call a yoga trainer and a clergyman - he professes Buddhism. He also asked to be allowed to go for a walk. The investigator did not allow all this to be done, but the judge allowed at least walks. The defense also asked to be allowed to call a housekeeper because he could not even take out the trash from the apartment, as he said.

The director noted that he lives modestly in an apartment of 44 sq.m. without a balcony, and admitted that it was hard for him to be there, called it “solitary house arrest,” asked to be merciful and still change the measure of restraint. Let me remind you that previously a deposit was also offered.

Kirill Serebrennikov, director:

The opinion is fictitious, absurd, fabricated. If you want to get rich, go into business, trade oil and gas, but not into art. The “Platform” project, which was carried out for three years with the support of the state, has been implemented in full, to the fullest extent. According to investigators, these people came up with everything to steal budget money. This is a monstrous injustice and absurdity, the result of someone’s malice or an absurd mistake. I fair man, I have always been involved only in art, I have never been involved in politics, business, I have not been involved in personal enrichment. I live modestly, apartment 44 square meters, small, without a balcony, it’s quite difficult to be there.

Serebrennikov repeated again that he is an honest person, fulfilled all obligations to the state - not 100%, but even 200% - that he never touched the economic side - he is a director, not a financier, and does not understand accounting.

He said that the case against him was fabricated and fictitious, he did not steal anything, and over the entire three years of the existence of the “Platform” project there were many performances, a lot of money was spent, and all of them were honestly worked out. He reminded that he was not going to leave anywhere, he didn’t even have a foreign passport - it was confiscated back in May.

Serebrennikov also said that in the week since the preventive measure was chosen, even a lawyer was not allowed to see him.

Dmitry Kharitonov, lawyer of Kirill Serebrennikov:

Nina Maslyaeva’s words are not confirmed by anything. Moreover, I am absolutely sure that she is incriminating both herself and all other persons. It is strange in itself that the persons who were allegedly planning to or committed theft, for this purpose created an entire electronic register of the ANO “Seventh Studio”, wrote out expense orders. It makes no sense to draw up electronic orders or keep electronic records of the expenditure of funds if this money is allegedly stolen. What happened to all this cash accounting? When moving to the Gogol Center building, Voronova herself destroyed documents that clearly confirmed that the cash cash The “Seventh Studio” was not stolen in any way, but was used exclusively for the purpose of implementing the “Platform” project.

About 200 people gathered at the Moscow City Court on Monday. When Serebrennikov was already leaving the courtroom and walking to the FSIN car, which is used to take him to court from his apartment on Prechistenka and back, he was greeted with applause and shouted “Freedom for Kirill!” When the director got into the car, he folded his palms and put them to his head - apparently as a sign of gratitude to all the people who came to support him.

IN last years An interesting pattern has begun to emerge: it is not new works that cause the greatest resonance in society domestic artists and directors, and their, to put it mildly, ambiguous statements on universal topics.

"Neither enterprise nor dignity is a national idea"

The hero of February 2018, of course, can be considered People's Artist of Russia Alexey Serebryakov , who in the interview Yuri Dudu expressed his opinion on the state of affairs in modern Russia and about national characteristics Russians.

“I think that if you drive 30, 50, 70 kilometers from Moscow, you will see many elements of the 90s. One way or another, until now neither knowledge, nor intelligence, nor enterprise, nor dignity are a prerogative, a national idea. The national idea is strength, arrogance and rudeness.” When asked by a journalist when the artist himself encountered this in last time, Serebryakov said: “Yes, as a matter of fact, today. I gave a bribe to a traffic cop.” To the slightly stunned reporter, the actor explained: “I violated a little... I didn’t want to waste time, but he wanted this bribe so much... And I thought: “Maybe he has three children, the devil knows.”

Alexey Serebryakov's revelations could not go unnoticed. The reaction to them was appropriate.

“I have nothing but sympathy for Alyosha”

Director Vladimir Bortko in an interview with RT noted: “I filmed him in two films, both were extremely patriotic. He didn't say anything like that then. I don’t know what happened to him now. National idea Russia - to love your homeland. And this idea allowed us to survive for centuries, being, to put it mildly, in a not very favorable environment. Serebryakov good artist, By the way. But a good artist does not mean clever man».

Colleague Bortko Andron Konchalovsky, who lived and worked in the West for many years, commented on the RBC actor’s performance: “To be honest, I have nothing but sympathy for Alyosha. I hope that he will continue to act in Russia in order to live, because there (outside Russia - Ed.) hardly anyone needs him."

Serebryakov’s long-term friend and his partner in the series “Gangster Petersburg” Dmitry Pevtsov in an interview with REN-TV, he defended his colleague: “All the hype that arises, it seems to me, is stupid. Those who do this are engaged in self-PR.”

At the same time, Pevtsov admitted that he himself had not yet seen the interview.

Journalists also turned to Serebryakov himself for comment.

“I said everything I said. If I need to negotiate something, I will turn to Mr. Dudu and negotiate with him,” the artist answered REN-TV journalists.

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The boy from "Eternal Call"

The acting career of Moscow native Alexei Serebryakov began early and almost by accident. The boy studied at music school accordion class and once got into a photograph for a report about educational institution, which was published in the newspaper “Evening Moscow”. The photo caught the eye of the assistant directors Vladimir Krasnopolsky And Valeria Uskova, who was looking for exactly the type. So 13-year-old Alexei Serebryakov, who came from a family of a doctor and an aircraft engineer, ended up in one of the most successful multi-part film projects in the USSR - “ Eternal Call».

Alexey Serebryakov in the film “Eternal Call”. Photo: Still from the film

By the time of admission to acting school Serebryakov already had a rich film biography. For example, he played the main role of Suvorov soldier Vladimir Kovalev in the film “Scarlet Epaulets”. “The film tells about the fate of the students of the Suvorov Military School, who worthily took the baton from their commanders during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, and about today Soviet army, character formation, nurturing the courage of young warriors,” is the description of the plot of this 1980 film.

From "Fan" to "Leviathan"

However, after graduating from GITIS in 1986, Serebryakov plunged headlong into perestroika cinema and the public recognized him in completely different images. This is a cruel guy nicknamed Pan and the films “Fun of the Young”, a karateka nicknamed “Kid” from the film “Fan”, Sergeant Arsenov from “Afghan Break”, where Serebryakov played with famous Italian Michele Placido.

There were also completely unexpected roles - for example, a role in the erotic comedy “Nude with a Hat”, or the role of a vampire slayer in the film “Ghoul”.

In 2000, Serebryakov again became one of the most popular domestic actors. This happened after he played crime boss Oleg Zvantsev, nicknamed “Lawyer,” in the TV series “Gangster Petersburg.” Next major work, which caused a wide resonance was the main role in the 2004 TV series “Penal Battalion”. We can say that at this moment Serebryakov finally gained a reputation as a person who brilliantly plays controversial characters in controversial films.

Indeed, the actor starred in almost all major projects that caused fierce controversy in society. We have already talked about “Penal Battalion”, and there were also the roles of a moonshiner in gloomy picture“Cargo 200”, the role of Lebeda in the film “Once Upon a Time There Was a Woman” and, of course, the main role in “Leviathan” Alexey Zvyagintsev.

Alexey Serebryakov in the film "Leviathan". Photo: Still from the film

“We have an absolutely slave psychology”: how Alexey Serebryakov explained his departure to Canada to “Arguments and Facts”

In 2010, Alexey Serebryakov was deservedly awarded the title “ National artist Russia."

And in 2012, the artist and his family left Russia, moving to Canada.

This is how he explained his decision: “I moved my family to Canada. I want my children to grow up and be brought up in a fundamentally different, at least everyday ideology. I want them to understand that knowledge and hard work can be valued, that it is not necessary to push elbows, be rude, be aggressive and be afraid of people. The street ideology of a civilized country is benevolence and tolerance - something that is so lacking in Russia. Unfortunately, here, no matter how much I protect and isolate them, you cannot protect them from rudeness and aggression. It's in the air. Ham has won."

At the same time, according to Serebryakov, the last straw for him was the terrible smog of 2010: “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but the last straw was the summer fires of 2010, when Central Russia shrouded in monstrous smog. And the point is not even the smog, but the fact that the authorities did not announce the need to evacuate at least children, since the suspensions that fill the smog are irreversibly deposited in the lungs. This is absolutely devil-may-care attitude the powers that be have filled my cup of patience.

And in general, I’m tired of what’s happening in Russia. You could say he ran away and couldn’t stand it. Life is short, and I can’t and don’t want to wait any longer for people to wise up. I don’t know how long I have left, but I want my children to learn: the world is big and you can live differently. Everyone talks about the artificiality of Western smiles, but for me, artificial smiles are better than sincere anger.”

At the same time, in the same interview, the actor discussed issues of state and society: “What kind of democracy can we talk about?! We have absolutely slave psychology! And democracy is responsibility. People in best case scenario integrates someone into power. Like, we chose you - you are responsible for everything, solve our problems! Democracy is making a decision based on knowledge, a clear understanding between what and what you are choosing. But I personally don’t see today a general desire of people to educate themselves, develop, improve their skills, work and, in the end, bear responsibility - including for the country, for the government. And those who want are a drop in the ocean.”

If you look carefully, Serebryakov’s interview given to AiF six years ago is a real program document of the actor. And what was said then is not fundamentally different from what is said now.

Patriot on the screen: Alexey Serebryakov still makes money from “boorish behavior”

It would seem that everything is fair and worthy. The actor did not see eye to eye with the people, having gone to a place where life was arranged the way he liked.

There is one catch - Serebryakov left partially. He continues to work in Russia. Or rather, this is how a well-fed and prosperous life in Canada is achieved by an actor through participation in projects for people who, who knows when, will become wiser.

Here's 2015, for example. Serebryakov plays a maniac in the series “Method”, which airs on Channel One. In the same year, on the same channel, Serebryakov appears in crime drama"Fartsa". And in 2017, on the Rossiya channel, the artist played leading role in the series "Dr. Richter" - the official adaptation of the legendary "Dr. House".

But there is something more interesting. In 2016, Serebryakov, disappointed with Russia and its people, plays in the patriotic series “The Wall”, based on the historical adventure novel... by the Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky. Played by Serebryakov historical figure- voivode Mikhail Borisovich Shein, who led the defense of Smolensk during the Time of Troubles.

And in November 2017, another historical film was released on the screens of the country, which received great government support - “The Legend of Kolovrat.” The film was personally approved Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, after viewing the picture, stated: “From what I saw, it’s impressive, touches the soul, and it seems to me that people will watch with interest. And the idea itself is a good one.”

Still from the film

And who do you think appeared before the Russian audience in the image of the Grand Duke of Ryazan Yuri Igorevich, who fell in battle with the invaders? Of course, disappointed in Russian people Alexey Serebryakov.

“I am aware that I am not needed there”

Why this happens, the artist himself explained in the fall of 2012 in an interview with Izvestia: “I am well aware that I am not needed there, but I don’t think so. There will be an opportunity - why not. But wait for me to play Chekhov... This could still happen here, but it’s unlikely there. An image in a movie is not created in one day. Here Johnny Depp: any of his appearances on the screen means $100 million, which the audience brought in to watch him again. For an older Russian artist to make his name such a brand is something out of the realm of the impossible... If a job appears for which I want to come to my wife and children and say: guys, you know, but in the next two months I will be working in Moscow , then they will understand. And for me this will be a chance to do something for which neither I nor they will be ashamed, of which they may even be proud.”

Once upon a time, our ancestors formulated a wisdom that goes like this: “Don’t spit in the well, you’ll need to drink the water.”

In order to get drunk somewhere other than Russia, Alexey Serebryakov has obvious difficulties. Although not everything is so bad - the artist played the boss of the Russian mafia in the “cranberry”, but quite well-made Anglo-American TV series “McMafia”. And yet, the main source of a comfortable life in Canada is money earned in Russia. Money that Russians, including those living 30, 50, 70 or more kilometers from Moscow. The money of Russian taxpayers, which is then allocated for the creation of films and transferred to the artists.

Today is my birthday Russian director theater and cinema, screenwriter, artistic director Moscow theater "Gogol Center" Kirill Serebrennikov, he turns 49 years old. For my creative activity he has directed more than two dozen works that have won Russian and international film awards. In 2017, he was charged with fraud, theft of 133 million rubles from budget funds allocated for the development of the project contemporary art"Platform". The director does not admit his guilt and has been under house arrest for a year. Despite this last film“Summer” was released in June this year and was presented at the Cannes Film Festival. Forbes collected his statements about his career as a director, modern theater and cinema.

In my youth, I was not faced with the task of going anywhere, including Moscow, or leaving Rostov. However, I had no intention of doing theater.

At all, theater if it doesn't take the viewer out of their comfort zone is an evening wasted.

It is politicians who love to guide, point out and teach, and theater helps to look into places where you are afraid to look yourself.

I think that political cinema is not about aspects of modern politics, but about what is happening to people here and now, in Russia. It seems to me that nothing else is worth doing. Neither in the theater nor in the cinema.

Cinema is a mirror. You look and see yourself.

You can't talk about our theater. The Culture channel refuses to send cameras to our premieres, even the loudest ones. About my performance, in which, for example, some artist associated with Channel One is involved, they will talk about this channel without mentioning the name of the director.

If you do not want civil war, strangle this war within yourself first. This doesn't mean I love everyone, but I respect everyone. And I even have a sympathetic attitude towards scoundrels, believing that they do nasty things for which they will either be very ashamed later, or something will happen to them.

I can't watch some performances. Physiologically unbearable. I respect the people who make them, I know it’s hard work, but I can’t do it.

I don't like castings in movies.. It’s impossible to understand anything about a person from casting, because he’s stressed, I’m stressed. I look at people for a very long time, we talk about something or remain silent. Quite a painful process. I know for sure that the theater is made by a team, every position here, from the administrator at the entrance to the press attache, is very important. The wrong person - and everything will be wrong.

I’ll tell you honestly, sometimes I come to some producers and say openly: “Let me make a film or stage a play under a different name. And we'll see what happens."

It's important for me to know that I free man that the theater is not chains or a basin of concrete in which my feet stand. I want to know that I am free to leave at any time - and there is no drama, I just move on.

The need to put modern text I have it all the time. This is a kind of director's hygiene.

For myself, I cannot fully formulate - should a director today be the same figure as he was in the 20th century - an absolute dictator, or not? He, for me this is undoubtedly, is a demiurge, a creator of theater.

We talk all the time about “traditions” and “classics” in the theater, but it is quite obvious to me that, for example, there is no classical theater. Either - a living, modern mechanism, or - a theater-museum.

Culture is a habit. What still preserves Russia as a theatrical power despite the complete crisis of the theater? The power of habit. We are used to the fact that the theater is an important thing: even if we don’t go to it, it should be there.

There is a Ministry of Culture, there is no Ministry of Culture - no Ministry of Culture will prohibit staging a play if you really want to stage it. You don't need anything for the performance. A naked artist on a naked stage, as it turns out. No Ministry of Culture will force a writer not to write a book, or an artist not to paint a picture..

Theater is not about luxury and not about “earning a lot of money”, it’s about “making art”, it’s about formulating ideas, it’s about research modern man, about philosophy, about the combination of green and purple, finally. But not about money. If you want to earn money, go trade oil or go into government service.

For several days now, the Russian public has been vigorously discussing the words famous actor Alexey Serebryakov, he said in an interview with popular video blogger Yuri Dudu on February 20. When they discussed the main character in Andrei Zvyagintsev’s film “Leviathan,” played by Serebryakov, Alexey stated in particular: “Nicholas surrendered and lost to the authorities because he is Russian. The American takes it and does it, because the psychology there is different - the psychology of success, the psychology of a career, the psychology of the fact that I have the right, I have freedoms, I am free to express my will, I know what I am doing, I am responsible for my life.” .

The actor admitted that before the interview he gave a bribe to a traffic police officer: “I violated it a little. I didn’t want to waste time, but he really wanted this bribe. And I thought: “Maybe he has three children, who knows.”

Statement by 53-year-old Serebryakov, a truly popular actor (starred in the films “The Ninth Company”, “Cargo 200”, “ Inhabited island"," "Pyramid", "How Vitka Chesnok took Lekha Shtyr to the nursing home", the British TV series "McMafia") caused an incredible sensation. It looks like Soviet times, when individual cultural figures, scientists, and human rights activists were subjected to mass persecution in the press. Everyone considers it their duty to speak out.

For example, singer Katya Lel, which the Russians managed to forget about. In her opinion, arrogance and rudeness - “this is not about us.” “The Russian people are precisely compassionate, with a deep soul, which is what has always distinguished them.”“, the singer summarized.

Katya Lel

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called Serebryakov “an enemy of Russia” and compared him to Pavel Smerdyakov, a character in Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov.” The actor played this role in the series of the same name.

People's Artist of Russia Alexander Pankratov-Cherny I also disagreed with my colleague’s words. “You know, you even go into a village and there is amazing intelligence in the people. I meet Cossacks in the Krasnodar region, and, you know, they have some kind of intelligence that comes from nature. I believe that it is inherent in nature - to be a boor or not to be,”- said Pankratov-Cherny.

Alexander Pankratov-Cherny

Director Vladimir Bortko and completely doubted the mental abilities of Alexei Serebryakov. “I shot him in two films, both were extremely patriotic. He didn't say anything like that then. I don’t know what happened to him now. The national idea of ​​Russia is to love your Motherland.",” Bortko emphasized.

Vladimir Bortko

“Serebryakov is a very good artist, by the way. but this does not mean that he is a smart person. If he does not want to love his Motherland, then he should not have worked here and received money. This is not very logical and mean-spirited on his part. He can remain where strength, arrogance and rudeness reign,”- Bortko said.

Head of the Mosfilm film concern, film director Karen Shakhnazarov considered Serebryakov’s opinion about Russia ugly and dishonest. According to him, such attacks will help him get “some advantages” in Canada, where Serebryakov now lives. At the same time, Shakhnazarov doubted the actor’s demand in the USA, Canada or other countries.

Karen Shakhnazarov

Director Andrei Konchalovsky also commented on Serebryakov’s statement. He noted that the actor’s words are just “one in a million opinions.” “Honestly, I have nothing but sympathy for Alyosha. I hope that he will continue to act in Russia in order to live, because hardly anyone needs him there.”, said Konchalovsky.

Andrey Konchalovsky

People's Artist of Russia, director Nikolai Dostal stated: “I love this artist! He starred in “Penal Battalion” for me. This is one of his best roles. So I don't want to comment. I heard this statement, but I don’t want to judge or anything... He is my comrade and friend.”

Nikolay Dostal

Unexpectedly expressed his opinion and was once popular actor Alexey Panin. “Look at the faces of the people, the faces they walk down the street with... A country of boors. When you walk into a store in Europe, people smile at you. In Moscow they smile too, only at Azbuka Vkusa, because it’s a richer store, but at Pyaterochka no one smiles,”- said Panin.

Alexey Panin

In his opinion, the inhabitants of Russia do not respect each other, and are ready to destroy everyone who is richer, more successful or more beautiful, demonstrating their “redneck power”. Panin expressed regret that he did not emigrate from Russia when he had money. “You have to love this country from a distance, come to ski, and then take the kids and get out of here. If my financial situation had been the same as it was ten years ago, I would have gathered my mother, daughter, everyone, and I would not have set foot in this country for a long time. I would go to hell, to hell, just to get out of this country.”, he noted. Panin added that Russia is a homophobic country, people in it are evil, and it is impossible to live in it.

Producer Fedor Popov(“How Vitka Chesnok took Lekha Shtyr to the nursing home”) supported Serebryakov: “Alexey Serebryakov has achieved success in his profession, he is a real citizen. Yes, he's harsh, but I know a lot famous people, constituting the color of the nation, which are also sharp. Why should he turn a blind eye? He, I repeat, is a citizen, he is touched by this, he has children, a family, he takes care of them first of all. This is very worthy of a man. I was struck by the fact that his children are adopted, he adopted two boys - I didn’t know about this, it’s touching. He is an actor, he has a delicate emotional constitution, he lets everything pass through him. I may not agree with something, but I understand him very much.”

Producer Fedor Popov

Comedian Efim Shifrin On his Facebook page he came out in defense of Serebryakov: “Lesha Serebryakov is the mind, honor and conscience of our sometimes brainless, dishonest and rather unscrupulous time. The truth can be angular, especially when fatigue and impatience dictate harsh and hurtful language. But he also no longer needs to draw ovals at an age when it is shameful to dissemble or lie.”

Efim Shifrin

Satirist Viktor Shenderovich caustically commented on the campaign against Serebryakov. He also remembered director Kirill Serebrennikov, who has been under house arrest for six months on a trumped-up charge of stealing budget money.

“Russia today has two mortal enemies - Serebrennikov and Serebryakov. One stole all the money allocated for culture, and only the very bottom was left, for a couple of Mikhalkovs and one Medinsky, and the other insulted us so deeply that the State Duma fainted from indignation with the entire payroll, and Russia now lies defenseless, whoever Want. The only hope is for Putin, but he is on the ballot. I don’t even know what to do",” the satirist wrote on his Facebook page.

Victor Shenderovich

The most interesting thing is that both critics and supporters of Alexei Serebryakov completely forgot about another harsh statement by the actor in the same interview. When Yuri Dud asked what the actor disliked most about Russian President Vladimir Putin, Alexey replied: “ Two “Bs” - lies and theft... endless.” “Our vision of the world with him is so incompatible, so unconnected that... no matter what I tell him, it will not change anything in him and will not lead to anything.”“,” Serebryakov emphasized.

Alexey Serebryakov in the film "Leviathan"

On February 22, the actor did not go back on his words. " I said everything I said. If I need to negotiate something, I will contact Mr. Dudu and negotiate with him“,” Serebryakov emphasized.

The director was placed under house arrest until October 19. Our correspondent watched the trial in the Basmanny Court [video]


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On Wednesday, August 23, the Basmanny District Court decided on the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the artistic director of the Gogol Center theater.

The most impatient of the support group began to gather at the courthouse on Kalanchevskaya Street at about nine in the morning. By 10:00 the “cameras” and writing journalists had arrived. Actors from the Gogol Center and representatives of the theater community showed up. It is not surprising that by noon - at which time the meeting was scheduled - the entrances to the Kazansky railway station, next to the Basmanny Court, were blocked. The crowd stopped traffic. The police tried to restore order by forming a chain. But in vain. The cars stopped. The people, guessing that everyone would not be allowed into the courtroom, tried to take seats in the stalls. Actor Artur Smolyaninov climbed onto the hood of someone's SUV.

This is your car? - I asked out of curiosity.

“Everything here is now ours,” Smolyaninov decided for some reason.

"Organizer criminal group"

In this bustle, the arrival of Serebrennikov, who spent the previous night in a pre-trial detention center, went unnoticed.

Let us remind you that late on Monday evening the artistic director of the Gogol Center was detained in St. Petersburg. There he takes off his New film"Lito" o early creativity of rock musician Viktor Tsoi. They hired the director almost film set. And they sent me under escort to Moscow, to the Investigative Committee. We were transported for 9 hours in a minibus.

The detention was so sudden that Kirill Semenovich was initially confused and confused. He refused to testify and was awaiting the arrival of his lawyer, who was only able to arrive in Moscow on Tuesday afternoon. Serebrennikov categorically did not admit his guilt, explaining that the essence of the charges was incomprehensible to him.

Meanwhile, investigators believe that Serebrennikov participated in the theft of 68 million rubles in government subsidies allocated to the Seventh Studio and the Platform festival in 2011-2014.

The group led by Serebrennikov committed a deliberate serious crime. Nina Maslyaeva, who is in custody (ex-accountant of the Seventh Studio - Ed.), directly pointed to Serebrennikov. “He was the organizer of a criminal group that stole budget money,” the investigator spoke at the trial. - In addition, Kirill Semenovich has a residence permit in Latvia. There is property abroad. By remaining free, he can escape responsibility. That is why the investigation is requesting house arrest for the director.

33 signatories

Following the prosecution, the defense spoke.

Kirill Semenovich’s mother has a disability, his father, Semyon Mikhailovich, born in 1933, had a heart attack and stroke,” said Serebrennikov’s lawyer, appealing to the court’s mercy. - In addition, Kirill has property - an apartment on Prechistenka, 17. Plus Natalia Solzhenitsyna’s guarantee...

The lawyer read a lengthy letter from the writer's widow, in which she wrote that detention was an exceptional measure. Natalya Dmitrievna is personally acquainted with Serebrennikov, “he is exclusively honest man" In addition to Solzhenitsyn, the sureties were signed by Alexander Kalyagin, Andrei Malakhov, Vladimir Urin, Evgeny Mironov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Konstantin Raikin, Igor Vernik, Valery Garkalin, Victoria Isakova, Chulpan Khamatova, Andrei and Avdotya Smirnov, Zelfira Tregulova, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Ksenia Rappoport, Maxim Mat veev , Lev Dodin, Lisa Boyarskaya, Andrei Urgant, Ksenia Sobchak, Sergei Svetlakov, Konstantin Khabensky, Yulia Peresild... A total of 33 cultural figures.

"I can't escape the country"

All letters and guarantees were added to the case materials. Kirill Serebrennikov expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

I am not guilty. “All the accusations against me are incredibly absurd,” he said in response. - I have been working in Russia for many years. I have no reason to leave the country or influence anyone during the investigation. For every call from the investigator, I came for questioning. My team worked honestly, I am not aware of any abuses by employees. My work as an artistic director is assessed unfairly. We have created a bright, powerful project (meaning “Platform” - Ed.), which is known not only in our country, but also in the world. I was responsible for the artistic part, it was on the highest level. I won’t be able to hide or escape from the country. My passport was taken away in May. I was going to Stuttgart, where I was supposed to stage an opera. Now this is impossible. I consider house arrest to be a cruel and unjustified measure. This will not allow me to continue working. I am an honest person. And I have no reason to run away.

The investigation says that the charges against Serebrennikov are justified, but there is nothing substantive in the case materials,” the director’s lawyer again intervened. - The charges are based on the testimony of Nina Maslyaeva. Based on the testimony that I have read, it is impossible to establish my client’s guilt. In addition, I ask the court to take into account that we are ready to post bail in the amount that Kirill is accused of (68 million rubles - Ed.). We will quickly raise money, just throw a cry among the people who are now on the street, near the court...

"Crystal honest man"

But there was no need to shout. At about 13.00, Irina Prokhorova, publisher and older sister of businessman Mikhail Prokhorov, appeared in the Butyrsky court. In court, she said that she was ready to pay bail for the director.

Kirill Serebrennikov is an outstanding director,” Irina Dmitrievna expressed her opinion. - He brought our country to the rank of an international theatrical power. In addition, he is a crystal honest person. His life is creativity. He a true patriot Russia. I am personally ready to pay bail so that people like Serebrennikov do not go to prison.

The heightened pathos seemed to confuse even Kirill Semenovich.

I'm sorry that I caused so much trouble to such busy and wonderful people, he admitted. - I am truly a patriot of Russia. I try to make my country a powerful cultural power. I humble person and live modestly. The Platform project is a part of my life. We didn't steal anything...

Directors Andrei Smirnov and Alexey Mizgirev spoke in defense of Serebrennikov.

The song was ruined

Having heard all the pros and cons, the court, however, sided with the prosecution and decided to send Serebrennikov under house arrest until October 19. He has been under house arrest for several months now. former director"Seventh Studio" Yuri Itin.

The Gogol Center actors, who together with journalists were waiting for the court's decision, decided to support their artistic director with a song. Viktor Tsoi “We are waiting for change.” Someone from the court corridor was broadcasting to the street. And there they should have picked up in unison “Change! Our hearts demand...”. But as soon as the song began, the bailiffs “stepped on the throats” of the two most vociferous ones. Anna Shalashova and Varvara Shlykova were escorted arm in arm into a separate room. Actress Yulia Peresild rushed to their defense...

The meeting of the Basmanny Court ended on this poignant note.


Actor Alexander Petrov:

Of course, one cannot help but notice what happened in the Basmanny Court building. I think that there is no need to be discouraged, everything will be fine, and justice will prevail. Quite recently I was on the set of the film “Summer” - I came there to visit my girlfriend Irina Starshenbaum. When I arrived on set, I saw a wonderful, talented, honest, real team of super professionals. Part of this team worked on Gogol.

I have known Serebrennikov’s course for a very long time - we studied at the same time. Our courses were the strongest. Serebrennikov raises only decent, honest, real, humane people with a big heart. It is very difficult to believe what is happening.

Producer Alexander Tsekalo:

I believe that in a country that is in very good relations with the whole world, where the economy is on the rise, investments are pouring in from the West, corruption has been defeated, deputies do not steal, 100 million euros are not found from the generals... What else to do? Theaters. Therefore, I think that this is a very good initiative, TV channels, singers, singers will go further. If everything is good in the country, then we need to take up culture. So they started.

Recorded by Stas TYRKIN


Why did the Serebrennikov case divide society?

Alexander ZAPOLKSIS, political scientist:

Part of society considers itself free from society and the state. And when the state returns them to the shores, they are outraged by the clampdown on freedom (for them - anarchy). The matter is complicated by the complete separation of the “creative” from the “people”.

Matvey TZEN, lawyer:

The creative intelligentsia believes that he is not to blame “because a talented director is above mercantile interests.” But where were the supervisory authorities if the money that was supposed to be reported in 2012 was stolen, but they remembered it now?

Anton BELIKOV, icon painter:

There is someone who is messing things up. But there is a place in culture for a character whose adventures everyone follows. Serebrennikov - trickster (person, spirit or animal who does not obey general rules behavior. - Ed.). The Basmanny Court is its stage, the involvement of the viewer is the practice of the theater. Serebrennikov is not Meyerhold, and 2017 is not 1937.

Marina YAKOVLEVA, Honored Artist of Russia:

I don’t think that Kirill himself is involved in fraud. He should be involved in productions, but here there is bureaucracy. Society is accustomed to blaming indiscriminately, but here we need to figure it out, because we don’t know the subtleties. It would be bitter if he was slandered and it turns out that he is not guilty of anything. I sympathize with him as a creator.

Igor MOLOTOV, writer:

Nikolai SVANIDZE, historian, journalist:

Our society has always been divided into those who support repression and those who do not. Throwing a director behind bars is a nightmare! The fate of Meyerhold comes to mind. The year 1937 returns - this class of director was tried in that year...

Vladimir BORTKO, director:

This is a litmus test when the society of Moscow and St. Petersburg is divided into liberals and statists. The process allows you to understand who you are with.



Don't make a cult out of court

The investigation has been going on for months; Serebrennikov himself had no intention of fleeing or leaving anywhere, and physically he couldn’t, he doesn’t have a foreign passport. As far as is known, he participated in all investigative activities and did not shirk any questions or interrogations. Why this carnival with special forces and foreign journalists fainting from shock?


Alexander KOTS

Why did artists stand up for Serebrennikov, but ministers did not stand up for Ulyukaev?

Imagine if the entire leadership of the military department had signed up for former Defense Ministry official Evgenia Vasiliev. Or all the governors began to unanimously intercede for the ex-governor of Sakhalin, Alexander Khoroshavin, moaning about repression. Or the Cabinet of Ministers, in a single impulse, wrote a letter with a request to release the arrested Minister of Economy Alexei Ulyukaev on bail. Naturally, our progressive public would immediately brand each of the signatories as a thief, a corrupt official and an accomplice. Of course, these are hated officials