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Nutrition of a baby in the first year of life is an eternal topic, and it worries absolutely all mothers. And the heated debates happen in the first six months. Often inexperienced parents do not know how much a baby should eat at 1 month and are afraid to overfeed him or leave him hungry.

Babies who were born very large - more than 4500 grams - will need slightly more food than a baby with an average birth weight. And vice versa - if a child was born with low weight, and even more so, he will need less food than the average established figure for this age.

What are the nutritional standards?

Each child eats as much as he wants. Not only older children are divided into children with little teeth and children who eat well - all the origins come from infancy. But doctors have calculated how much a baby should eat at 1 month.

So, from birth to two months, a baby should receive 1/5 of his own body weight in liquid food. That is, a child weighing 5 kilograms per month is supposed to drink 1 liter of milk or formula. Of course, this is not a one-time thing, but daily norm, which will need to be divided into the required number of meals.

How many times does a 1 month old baby eat?

Depending on the type of feeding, the number of feedings per day differs. Thus, children who receive formula should eat every three and a half hours during the day, and at night they have a break of 5-6 hours. That is, it will be about 7-8 times a day.

But infants who are fed on demand receive more ml of milk than bottle-fed infants. But this does not mean that you can feed such babies as much as you like; it is advisable to leave an interval between feedings of at least two and a half hours. During the day there are about 10-12 breastfeedings.

How long does a 1 month old baby have?

And again, it all depends on whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed. In the first case, the baby can spend 40 minutes at his mother’s side, while in the second option, the children drink the mixture in about 5-10 minutes.

How to determine how much a 1 month old baby eats in ml?

To begin with, we will need exact ones. The baby is laid out on them before feeding and immediately after, in the same clothes. This method is considered the most accurate. There is also an old method to check how much milk or formula a baby eats at 1 month. This is a wet diaper test, and during the day there should be at least 12 diapers. If there are fewer of them, then the baby clearly lacks nutrition.

A newborn in the family is not only joy, but also anxiety, worry and doubt, especially if the child is the first and the mother is still inexperienced. What should parents do, what should a baby be able to do at 1 month? The first month is a period of adaptation for the baby and his entire family, so it is necessary to find out as much information as possible about this small stage of a newborn’s life in order to avoid unnecessary worries.

Parental Anxieties

A child at 1 month already knows enough for his small age, but before this period, parents may be concerned about some points. For example, watching him, you can notice many small pimples on his face.

In addition, his skin begins to peel off and may periodically have a bluish color. His eyes may move randomly in different directions or squint a little. His frequent and incomprehensible crying without tears increases the anxiety of his relatives. There is no need to worry because if the baby is 1 month old or less, he may have all these signs. Over time, they will pass, but for now the child is adapting to a new life outside the mother’s womb.

Tears in babies usually appear after 3-4 weeks, and a normal complexion after 7 days.

If a child cries, it does not mean that something is bothering him. In this way, he can attract the attention of adults, demand affection, care and warmth. After some time, the mother will learn to recognize the meaning of her beloved baby’s crying. She will be able to determine what exactly is bothering the baby. Perhaps he is hungry or wants to communicate, maybe he is worried about intestinal colic. The language of newborns is not that difficult to understand because there are different types of crying.

How can parents reduce anxiety in the first days?

Finding yourself alone with your child after the maternity hospital, parents should follow several recommendations to minimize the stress of the first days at home:

  1. In order for the adaptation of mother and child after the maternity hospital to be successful, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the newborn and postpone other matters for a while. Secondary tasks should be given attention later; after discharge, mother and baby need a calm rhythm of life, because the difficult days spent in the maternity hospital are behind them. The mother needs to move away from childbirth, during which she experienced pain, fear and joy from the birth of a child, and the baby will need time to get used to life in the new world.
  2. If the child is 1 month old or less, then visiting friends or relatives should be limited or eliminated. Pediatricians recommend minimizing communication with strangers until the baby turns 6 months old. Of course, it is not always possible to follow these recommendations, but it’s worth a try, since neither mother nor child needs infections or excessive tedious communication.

Newborn's daily routine

Parents often wonder what a 1-month-old child should do throughout the day, since he doesn’t know how to do anything yet? Mom and Dad's job is to set a routine for him. He means proper care for the baby, consisting of mandatory procedures such as feeding, wakefulness, sleep, massage, walking outside, hygiene.

What should a 1 month old baby be able to do? Eating, sleeping, and meeting natural needs - this is the main “work” of a little man. As for walks, they have great importance in the development and health of children. Being saturated with oxygen, the baby’s body strengthens, its hemoglobin increases, and the immune system becomes resistant to various diseases. In the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, doctors recommend walking for 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent on fresh air. By the baby's month, walks in good weather should be about 2-3 hours. If the weather is not conducive to a long walk or there is a frosty winter outside, then you can arrange sleep at open window or on the balcony. The baby should be dressed warmly, since a 1-month-old baby has poor thermoregulation. He can easily freeze and catch a cold.

Daily hygiene and care of the newborn

Procedures that include any day of a child’s 1 month include:

  • washing;
  • eye, nose and ear care;
  • washing;
  • combing with a soft comb;
  • removal of seborrheic crusts from the head;
  • umbilical cord treatment;
  • evening swimming.

Eye care is carried out with two cotton pads soaked in warm water. The eyes are carefully wiped from the outer corner to the inner one. Care for the nose and ears is carried out using turundas twisted from cotton wool. Using a soft comb, you can gently comb out excess hairs and seborrheic crusts from the scalp. The umbilical cord must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and lubricated with a solution of brilliant green. Parents can set the bathing schedule themselves. If desired, it is permissible to bathe the baby daily. Warm water Before bedtime, it calms the child and helps him fall asleep quickly. You can add various herbal infusions to the bath that are beneficial for children's skin. It is recommended to wash the child with baby soap. If the newborn does not like to bathe, then it is enough to carry out this procedure not daily, but 2-3 times a week. This is enough for proper hygiene.

Baby food

In addition to the regime, hygiene and walks, parents are interested in the important question of how much should a child eat in 1 month? In the first days after birth, it is necessary to properly lay the foundation for successful breastfeeding. In the first minutes after birth, the baby is placed on the mother's breast, he receives valuable drops of colostrum, which are the key to strong immunity. Colostrum populates the newborn's body with beneficial bacteria. It contains immunoglobulins and antitoxins and helps normalize the digestive tract. On the third to fifth day, colostrum is replaced by breast milk. Now this is the most important and only product on the menu of a child of 1 month and for six months before the first feeding.

If it happens that the mother does not have enough milk, then the baby should be supplemented with formula. At the same time, every effort must be made to maintain breastfeeding. To increase lactation, there are many different tips, for example, frequent warm drinks, hot tea with milk, special herbal teas.

Newborn feeding regimen

A 1 month old baby's diet consists exclusively of: breast milk. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is necessary to supplement it with water. It is recommended to breastfeed on demand, and with formula milk every 3 hours. At night, a breastfed baby can be put to the breast 3-5 times, and bottle-fed babies usually eat formula once or go without it until the morning. All given data are approximate, since each child is individual. Some babies eat more and more often, while others take longer breaks between feedings and get full faster.

How much should a baby eat at 1 month? No one can say exact numbers for breastfeeding, since it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. At the same time, it is almost impossible to overfeed by breast. Breast milk is easily digestible and does not require a strict feeding regime. If a mother wants to know how much her baby has eaten, it is recommended to use a newborn scale. By weighing your baby before and after feeding, you can find out exactly how much breast milk was drunk at one time. If the baby is bottle-fed, then during one feeding he should drink 100-110 g of the mixture every 3 hours during the day and with a break of 6 hours at night. On average, infants and artificial children gain about 700-800 g in the first month and grow by 2-3 cm, which is considered normal.

Menu for a nursing mother

To ensure that a 1-month-old baby does not suffer from colic and does not develop food allergies, the mother is advised to follow special diet. This is especially true in the first month, because the baby’s microflora has not yet been established. In addition, the well-being and health of the child will depend on the quality of breast milk. Experts recommend creating a varied diet that will include about 3,000 calories. You should not eat more, since the remaining calories will affect the female figure.

The menu of a nursing mother should be composed taking into account vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can eat porridge, potatoes, soups without cabbage and legumes, vegetable and butter, meat and white fish, carrots, apples, cheeses and cottage cheese. For a while you will need to exclude legumes, cabbage, cucumbers, and zucchini from your diet. These foods cause gas in the baby. You should also avoid tomatoes, smoked meats, spices, red fish, oranges, tangerines, various berries and honey, as they can cause allergies in your baby. It is undesirable to consume ketchups, mayonnaise, sauces, chips, sausages, kvass and, of course, alcohol.

You can indulge yourself a little with sweets, but with caution. Cookies and candies will not benefit either mother or baby, but may cause a bad reaction. In addition, for continuous milk production, a nursing mother must follow a drinking regime. The amount of fluid you drink per day should be at least 2.5 liters. This could be water, tea, milk or compote.

Baby's sleep

How long does a 1 month old baby sleep? After birth baby most spends time sleeping. He can only stay awake 2-4 hours a day, waking periodically to feed. This should not frighten parents, since the baby needs rest. The period of birth is a lot of stress for him. In sleep, he calms down, gains strength and grows. Good sleep also helps strengthen the immune system.

Immediately after birth, a newborn cannot sleep continuously throughout the night. He needs frequent feeding, so he will cry several times a night. Closer to 1 month, children begin to recognize day and night, periods of wakefulness during the day and longer sleep at night appear.

Sometimes young children have trouble sleeping. They sleep little and lightly even at night, so not every mother can determine how much a baby sleeps at 1 month. Some babies may confuse day and night. This becomes a real nightmare for parents, because they want to sleep, but their baby prefers to stay awake. In order to improve your sleep, it is advisable to develop certain rules and rituals that will help you go to bed and fall asleep quickly. For example, mandatory bathing before bed, then feeding and lullaby. Gradually, the baby's sleep pattern will be established.

Baby (1 month): development

How does a newborn baby develop? Some believe that little man completely helpless and can't do anything. However, from the first days of life he acquires some skills. How does a child change? After 1 month, his development is that from a helpless newborn he turns into a growing person. This makes parents especially happy. What can a 1 month old baby do?

  1. He fixes his gaze on the face of the person leaning towards him.
  2. Distinguishes people's intonation.
  3. Recognizes mother, her smell and voice.
  4. Follows people or moving objects with his eyes.
  5. Lying on his tummy, he tries to lift and hold his head.
  6. Able to distinguish bright colors.
  7. The first sounds appear, humming and gurgling.
  8. There is a reaction to loud sounds.
  9. Starts to smile.

This is not all that a 1 month old baby can do. In addition, the newborn has reflexes:

  1. Prehensile. The child automatically grabs objects.
  2. Sucking. The baby is sucking on the breast or pacifier.
  3. Swimming. Lying on his tummy, he imitates the movements characteristic of swimming.
  4. Walking. If you place the child's legs vertically on a surface, he will move them, pretending to walk.

Activities with a one-month-old baby

To establish close contact with the child, it is necessary to hold him in your arms as often as possible. He needs warm mother's hands, must feel the mother's heartbeat and smell in order to adapt to the new world. When starting to work with the baby, the mother can unobtrusively show him bright toys, thereby developing his vision.

In order to develop hearing, parents can sing him songs, lullabies or play music. The most the best option There will be classic tunes to listen to. They are useful for adults and children. Classic melodies have a good effect not only on the baby’s hearing, but also on his psyche. Music can be played quietly while the child is sleeping and awake.

A mother can develop her child physically by giving her baby a light massage. For a one-month-old baby, it consists of lightly stroking his arms and legs. If you need to do a therapeutic or therapeutic massage, then under no circumstances should the mother take it upon herself. It is better to invite an experienced specialist for this purpose.

A child of 1 month is not just a helpless creature, he is already a person. And how parents begin to develop it from the first days will depend future life baby.

Why are young mothers so interested in how much milk a newborn should get? The question of how much a newborn should eat at one feeding and the table with which this can be calculated have become simply best-selling queries to search engines. Every newborn child should eat and sleep well - not only mothers and grandmothers, but also pediatricians think so. Therefore, most mothers immediately after the birth of their baby worry, asking questions:

  • “Do I have enough milk?”
  • “Is it nutritious enough?”
  • “Is the child getting enough to eat?”
  • “How much does a newborn eat, maybe he needs to be fed?”

Sometimes, in order to dispel maternal anxiety, as well as for medical reasons, it is necessary to determine whether the newborn eats as many grams of milk or formula at one feeding as he should eat, and how the amount eaten relates to the established norms.

With artificial feeding there are no difficulties in determining a single portion of the mixture that a newborn has coped with: the result is immediately visible on the bottle with divisions.

With natural and mixed feeding to correctly determine the volume of a single portion, it is recommended check weighing: The baby is weighed before feeding and immediately after. The difference will show how many grams of breast milk the baby drank. For more accurate results, consider the following recommendations:

  • use only special baby scales with high degree errors;
  • during weighing, the child must be in the same clothes and diaper, or preferably naked;
  • The average result of several procedures performed over two to three days will be much more informative.

ATTENTION! The following methods are not informative:

  • one-time control weighing: when breastfeeding on demand, the volume eaten at one time may vary greatly;
  • expressing the remaining milk after the baby has eaten: a rush occurs during sucking;
  • assessment of the degree of breast fullness: this is a very individual and subjective parameter;
  • taking into account the time spent at the breast and the time between attachments: it is impossible to determine whether the baby is full from these factors.

At the end of the article you will find background information, based on which you can determine how much a newborn should eat at one feeding - the table will clearly show the calculation principle and the ratio of the child’s age and weight to the approximate volume of a single serving of milk or formula.

No matter how worried the mother may be, it is not recommended to carry out control weighing without compelling reasons. Excessive concern by the mother about the amount of milk can actually reduce the production of prolactin and reduce lactation.

Experienced mothers reflexively answer the question “How much breast milk should a newborn eat at each feeding?” like this: “The child doesn’t owe anyone anything!”

But sometimes situations arise when nutrition is really not enough, and then measures should be taken to increase breast milk production or introduce supplementary feeding (as prescribed by the pediatrician). Determining how much is eaten at one time can be recommended in the following cases:

  • the child cries a lot and sleeps little;
  • the increase in the first month of life is less than 100 grams per week;
  • the “wet diaper” test (number of urinations per day) showed less than 12 times;
  • monitoring the condition of low-weight children who are artificially fed.

Immediately after birth

Today everyone knows about the benefits of breastfeeding immediately after birth: the sucking mechanism starts, the baby eats drops of invaluable colostrum. But in in some cases The baby's first acquaintance with the mother's breast occurs only on the second day, so the amount eaten on the first day is not so critical.

The stomach of a newborn is very small, after birth it is only about 10 ml, which is approximately the volume of a teaspoon. Therefore, during the first day, a single portion of eaten colostrum is measured in several drops (5-9 grams). But the child should suckle the breast as often as he needs it: 10-15 times a day with equal frequency at any time of the day.

If you have to use a mixture, the newborn is given 10 ml portions of the mixture on the first day of life, doubling the dose on the second day.

First decade

Baby. With each passing day, the volume of the small ventricle increases, the ability to suck develops, and most importantly, the mother’s milk comes in! Therefore, its amount per feeding increases rapidly. How much is needed for children under 10 days old can be approximately calculated using the following formula:

Single serving of milk = age (in days) X 10

For example: a child is five days old, which means that he should eat about 50 ml of breast milk per feeding.

Artificial. The required volume of the formula is calculated a little differently, because it is more filling and higher in calories than milk, and besides, it is recommended to feed the formula not on demand, but according to a schedule. Formula for calculating the volume of formula per feeding for babies who weigh more than 3 kg 200 g:

Single serving of formula = (age in days X 80) / number of feedings per day

For premature and low birth weight babies weighing less than 3.2 kg, multiply the age by 70 rather than 80.

First two months of life

The child is growing: the baby installed it himself exemplary mode nutrition (if the mother supplies it on demand), a suitable mixture was selected for the artificial child. How many grams of breast milk or formula does the baby now need per feeding?

The approximate daily volume at this age is about 20% of the baby's weight.

Single serving per 1-2 months: (weight in grams /5) / number of feedings

IMPORTANT! If you are exclusively breastfeeding, you should not introduce supplementary feeding yourself, without consulting your pediatrician. Overeating, the tendency to which lies in early age, threatens with greater complications than a temporary lack of food.

If the baby eats formula, he must be supplemented with water, and the volume of drink is not taken into account in the given ratio.

When your baby is first put to the breast in the hospital, he will receive very little - just a few precious drops of colostrum. This is due to the fact that the baby does not yet know how to suckle, he gets tired quickly, and in addition, colostrum is very concentrated. It is sufficient to meet nutritional needs. The volume of his stomach is only 7 ml.
Then the baby begins to latch on to the breast more often and for longer. The increase in the volume of milk consumed (from colostrum to transitional milk, then to mature milk) is quite rapid.

During the first day, the baby will drink only 10 ml of colostrum per application. On the second day, the volume of daily colostrum will increase to 90 ml (10 - 30 ml at a time). On the third day, milk comes in, now the child can eat up to 190 ml of milk per day (30 ml per feeding). On the fourth day, the total volume of milk eaten will increase to 300 ml (40 ml per feeding). On the fifth day, the newborn will eat 350 ml of milk (50 ml at a time).

On the sixth day, the baby will cope with 400 ml of mother's milk or formula (60 ml at a time). On the seventh day, the volume of each application will be 70 ml, and on the eighth day – 80 ml. On the ninth and tenth days, the baby will suck 80-90 ml of breast milk or formula from a bottle at a time.

By one month, the volume of the baby's stomach will increase to 100 ml.

How to calculate feeding rates for a child up to 10 days

All calculations to determine the volume of the baby’s required amount of nutrition can be divided into two: the calculation for the first ten days of life (), and the second calculation for the baby from ten days of life to one year.

Formula for determining the amount of nutrition a child receives in the first 10 days of his life:
N (number of days of life) x 10 = one-time amount of food for the child.

Daily amount of nutrition in the first 10 days of life:
If a child was born weighing up to 3200 g, then the formula is as follows: age in days (N) x 70.
Example: a 5-day-old child weighing 2800 grams should receive per day: 5 x 70 = 350 ml of milk.

If a child was born with a weight of 3200 g or more, then the formula is as follows: age in days (N) x 80.
Example: a 5-day-old child weighing 3800 grams should receive per day: 5 x 80 = 400 ml of milk.

How to calculate feeding rates for a child from 10 days to 1 year

Formula for determining the daily amount of nutrition of a child from the first 10 days of his life to 1 year:
From 10 days to 6 weeks – 1/5 body weight;
From 6 weeks to 4 months – 1/6 body weight;
From 4 months to 6 months – 1/7 body weight;
From 6 months to 8 months – 1/8 body weight;
From 8 months to 12 months – 1/9 of body weight.

Example: child (4 weeks), weight 4000 g. The calculation of the daily volume of milk for him is as follows: 4000/5 = 800 ml.
Remember that until the child is one year old, the daily food intake should not exceed 1200 ml per day.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk

While breastfeeding, a weekly weight gain of 150–200 grams is considered normal; if less than 100 grams, then you should worry and take action. Infants eat up to 12 times a day; to control the amount of milk your baby eats at one time, use a baby scale: weigh yourself in the same clothes along with a diaper before and after one feeding. Write down the difference and show it to your pediatrician at your appointment.

There is also a way to monitor urination: after the first three days of life, there should be at least 5-6 wet diapers per day. Monitor your baby's behavior; if he is restless, sleeps poorly, and is looking for the breast with his mouth, conclude that the baby is malnourished. A well-fed and satisfied child will be cheerful, cheerful, sleep well and for a long time, and will not show anxiety for no apparent reason.

The amount of milk a child eats depends on developmental characteristics, age and health status. Most often, mothers of bottle-fed babies worry about this. After all, when feeding, they can clearly control the amount of formula that the child sucks out, and if something happens, sound the alarm. With properly organized breastfeeding, things are more complicated - the child himself regulates the amount of milk he needs and determining the volume of breast milk consumed is no longer so easy. However, in both cases, the child must consume an amount of food that meets the standards derived from many years of observations and experience of pediatricians in order to meet the needs of his body.

Average age norms for milk or formula

During the first breastfeeding, the baby eats very little. The fact is that for some time after childbirth, a woman produces not milk, but colostrum, which has a high calorie content. Even a few drops are enough for your baby to eat. A few days pass and the colostrum turns into milk. At this time, it is important not to waste time and establish breastfeeding correctly so that long time the child was provided with breast milk. But not always and not everyone succeeds without problems, and for a number of reasons there may not be enough milk. A lack of breast milk means its quantity is below the norm, which is established taking into account the general and individual characteristics of the child.

Norms for one feeding for children up to 10 days

On the first day, the newborn eats 7-9 ml of food at one feeding. To calculate the amount of food that a child should eat up to 10 days, you need to take the child’s age in days and multiply it by 10. That is, at 3 days, a child is supposed to suck 30 ml of milk or formula per feeding.

Daily values ​​for children under 1 year

These standards, developed on the basis of the volumetric calculation method, do not take into account individual characteristics child, which must also be taken into account. So for babies with a birth weight of more than 4 kg, this norm may be insufficient, and for low birth weight babies it may be too high.

AgeDaily volume of milk or formula
7 days - 2 months600-950 (600-800)
2-4 months800-1050 (800-900)
4-6 months900-1050 (900-1000)
6-8 months1000-1200 (1000-1100)
8-12 months1000-1200

The recommendations outlined in the table below can be considered a transitional option between average and individual milk standards.
AgeAmount of milk consumed per feeding, mlAmount of milk consumed per day
1 Week50-80 400 ml
2 weeks60-90 20% of the child's body weight
1 month100-110 600 ml
2 months120-150 800 ml
3 months150-180 1/6 of the child's body weight
4 months180-210 1/6 of the child's body weight
5-6 months210-240 1/7 (800 ml -1000 ml)
7-12 months210-240 1/8 - 1/9 of the child’s body weight

Norms for a large child at birth and a child with high rates of physical development

AgeVolume of formula or breast milk per day, ml
1 month700-850
2 months750-850
3 months800-900
4 months850-950
5 months900-1000
From 5 monthsno more than 1000-1100

How to calculate the amount of formula or milk based on the baby's weight

Simple calculations will help you determine how much milk your child needs specifically, taking into account, in addition to age, such individual characteristics of the child as weight, height, and health status. When using them for children in the first days of life, you need to remember that they can give overestimated results of the amount of milk.

Children in the first 10 days of life

  1. Finkelstein's formula modified by A.F. Tura.
    Amount of milk per day (ml) = Day of a child’s life × 70 or 80, where
    70 – with body weight less than 3200g,
    80 – with body weight above 3200g.
  2. Formula N.F. Filatov modified by G.I. Zaitseva(considered the most optimal for calculating this age category children).
    Amount of milk per day (ml) = 2% of body weight × Child's day of life.
  3. Formula N.P. Shabalova.
    The amount of milk per 1 feeding (ml) = 3.0 × Day of life of the child × body weight (kg).

For children over 10 days of life

  1. Reiche method.
    Amount of milk per day (ml) = Body weight (g) / child’s height (cm) × 7.
  2. Calculation method according to Geibener and Czerny (volume method). Takes into account the daily volume of milk or formula without additional drinking.
  3. Method for counting calories. It is considered the most appropriate for calculating the nutrition of children over 10 days of age and before the first introduction of complementary foods.

The calorie calculation method assumes that a child must consume a certain number of calories per 1 kg of body weight per day. Different literary sources contain different information on this matter. The maximum values ​​are contained in WHO recommendations, which also take into account changes with the age of the child. energy value breast milk.

Child's age in monthsDaily requirement child in energy, kcal/kg (WHO)A child’s daily energy requirement, kcal/kg (Maslov M.S.)
0,5 124 120
1-2 116
2-3 109
3-4 103 115
4-5 99
5-6 96,5
6-7 95 110
7-8 94,5
8-9 95
9-10 99 100
10-11 100
11-12 104,5

The simplest and easiest way to use this method is to calculate the volume of the mixture, since its calorie content is indicated in advance on the packaging. With breast milk everything is more complicated. The composition and energy value of breast milk is not constant and changes throughout the entire period. For this reason, when applied to breast milk, this method is more approximate. But you can still use it if you know the average energy value of breast milk, which is 53-80 kcal/100 ml.


Let’s say you need a volume of formula for a two-month-old child weighing 4600 g with a calorie content of the mixture of 680 kcal/l.

Calculation procedure

  1. We calculate the number of calories for a child per day, using data from the child’s daily calorie needs per 1 kg of body weight, for example, according to V. S. Maslov:
    Number of kcal = Child’s daily energy requirement, kcal/kg × Child’s weight, kg.
    Amount of kcal = 115 kcal/kg × 4.6 kg = 529 kcal.
  2. We calculate the volume of formula needed by the child per day:
    Volume of mixture, ml = Number of kcal × 1000/calorie content of 1 liter of mixture.
    Mixture volume, ml = 529 kcal × 1000/680 kcal = 780 ml

When using this method, it is also necessary to take into account the appropriateness of the child’s weight for his age.

Regardless of what standards you use, remember that a baby whose mother had to supplement feeding or who is fed exclusively on infant formula should consume the same amount of nutrition as any other baby who is breastfed naturally receives.

The amount of food per day in children of the first year of life should not exceed 1000 ml, and in children of the second half of the year 1000-1100 ml.

Calculation of nutrition for premature babies

The nutrition of a premature baby is carried out taking into account the needs of the body and the capabilities of the digestive system, since the energy needs are very high, and the digestive capabilities are not yet sufficient.

The number of calories per 1 kg of body weight for a premature baby in the first days of life is presented in the table.

AgeNumber of kcal/1 kg body weight
1 dayat least 30
Day 240
Day 350
7-8 days70-80
14 days120
1 month130 (formula) - 140 (breast milk)

From the second month of life, for children born weighing more than 1500 g, caloric intake is reduced by 5 kcal/kg/day (compared to the first month of life), and for children born weighing 1000-1500 g, the calorie intake is maintained at the same level for up to 3 months. level as in the first month of life. Next, they begin to reduce calorie content by 5-10 kcal/kg/body weight, taking into account the child’s health and well-being.
Increasing the amount of nutrition in premature infants should be done gradually and carefully. If the child’s condition worsens, the amount of food must be reduced.
Feeding in the first 1.5-2 months. are produced 7-10 times/day. They switch to six meals a day when the child reaches a body weight of 3 kg. At 6-7 months the child will be ready to switch to 5 meals a day.

Calculation of nutrition for low birth weight and sick children (WHO recommendations)

These recommendations apply to children in the first 10 days of life. Low birth weight babies are defined as babies born weighing less than 2500 g. This can include both premature babies and babies who are simply small for their age.

For such children, the volume of milk per kg of body weight should initially be 60 ml. Then, every day, it is necessary to increase the total volume of milk by 20 ml per 1 kg of weight, until the child begins to receive 200 ml per 1 kg of weight per day.

Sick children are defined as children whose weight is over 2500 g and who, due to illness, are unable to breastfeed. For such children, the amount of milk should be 150 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.

The amount of milk or formula per feeding

The one-time volume of the mixture should be calculated based on the number of feedings per day. However, here mothers often reach a dead end, not knowing how many feedings are considered normal. To do this, you can refer to the table in which the number of feedings is given taking into account the age of the child.

Average volume of milk or formula per feeding depending on age

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