How old is Yuri Antonov in a year? Yuri Antonov: biography

Name: Yuriy Antonov
Date of Birth: February 19, 1945
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Age: 74 years old
Place of Birth: Tashkent
Height: 178cm
Weight: 67 kg
Activity: Composer, singer, poet
Family status: Married

Yuri Antonov - biography

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov is known in Russia as a wonderful composer and popular singer. His work long years makes people happy different generations. This man's life is unusual and interesting.

Childhood, family of Yuri Antonov

Yuri is the son of a military man. The future singer was born during the war, and this largely influenced his character famous singer. His birth occurred on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent. Father - Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, served in Marine Corps officer, and after the war he was appointed to the military administration of the Soviet unit in the city of Berlin, where the whole family was forced to move. The singer’s mother, Natalya Mikhailovna Antonova (nee Litovchenko), was evacuated during the war and then raised children.

By the way, in Germany another child was born into the Antonov family - the sister of the future singer and composer Zhanna. At the time of his sister’s birth, Yuri himself was only 3 years old.

Soon, the soldier’s family is transferred from Germany to Belarus, where they have to go through several garrison towns. But the family settles on for a long time in the military garrison town of Molodechko, where it begins music career Yuri Antonov.

Yuri Antonov - education

While still studying at school, Yuri Antonov enters music school, where his mother brought him. As soon as the training there was completed, then, accordingly, he entered the city of Molodechko in School of Music, where he got into the class of folk instruments.

In 1963, Yuri Antonov completed his studies at the music school. His parents had already moved to Minsk by that time. Therefore, according to the distribution, the future composer ends up in the Minsk children's music school, where he was offered to work as a teacher.

Career of Yuri Antonov

Yuri Antonov studied at a music school and decided to create his first band. His pop orchestra I even performed for some time at the local House of Culture.

When the future star singer moves to Minsk, then wide opportunities open up before him. A new page in the biography of Yuri Antonov begins in 1964, when he begins to work at the State Philharmonic. Antonov was lucky and was offered to be a soloist - instrumentalist. But this success was short-lived, since already in 1964 he went into the army.

After his military service was over, he returned to the Philharmonic. But at the same time, he also creates the “Tonika” ensemble, in which he becomes the leader.

In 1969, Antonov moved to Leningrad, where he began working in popular ensemble"Singing Guitars" He was able to win the place of instrumentalist - keyboardist, and soon began to perform in this VIA as a vocalist. This group begins to perform songs written by Yuri Mikhailovich, and they bring popularity to the young composer and singer. More success achieved the song “You are no more beautiful,” which made his biography even more popular.

In 1970, Yuri Antonov moved to Moscow. First he performs with the Dobry Well Done ensemble, and then with the Sovremennik orchestra. Soon he goes to the musical hall, after which he agrees to the offer to become artistic director ensemble "Magistral".

In 1973, a record was released on which three songs by composer and singer Yuri Antonov were recorded. In 1976, VIA “Good Fellows” released several records, where songs were collected mainly by Yuri Antonov. Soon songs famous composer“Merry Fellows”, “Earthlings”, and other singers and ensembles begin to sing.

But the most big success V musical biography Antonova comes in collaboration with the Araks group. Records with his songs sell out instantly, even though the circulation is simply huge. Therefore, 1982-1983 is the peak of Yuri Antonov’s popularity.

In 1981, the film “Take Care of Women” was released, which included several songs by the famous and popular singer and composer. After this, cinematic films begin to appear where the songs are used famous composer.

The biggest first album of the popular singer was released in 1982 in Yugoslavia. After that, he organized his own group, Airbus, and released new large discs with recordings of his songs.

In 1983, he decides to become a soloist of the Philharmonic, which is located in Chechnya. This brings a new acquaintance that influences the work of the composer and singer. Makhmud Esambaev helped Yuri understand in what musical direction he would like to compose his own music.
In 1988, despite the great demand for music and performance, Yuri Antonov realized himself as an actor, acting in films.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

The personal life of the famous composer and singer developed differently. He was married three times. His first marriage took place in 1976, but he never decided to move to America with his wife Anastasia.

The second wife of Yuri Antonov is Miroslava. She lives in Croatia and doesn't like giving interviews.

The third wife of Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov is Anna. She is Russian, but lives in Paris. The singer also has two children: a daughter and a son.

He is one of the most romantic composers and singers of our stage. Even Paul McCartney himself noted his work positive reviews. Yuri Antonov has achieved heights that not everyone can achieve, and all thanks to his extraordinary talent and love for the audience.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Antonov

Was born famous performer February 19, 1945, on this moment he is already 72 years old. This age does not prevent him from remaining on the list of the best and continuing to build a career. Yuri's height is 172. Like everyone else creative people, Antonov has his own oddities, namely an indescribable love for animals. Together with him, 40 cats and dogs live in his country house. He often picks up stray animals on the street, giving them comfort and care. Such actions characterize Yuri as a very kind and even generous person. Question about Height, weight, age. How old Yuri Antonov is often worries his fans.

Biography of Yuri Antonov

Yuri was born in Tashkent, just three months before the end of the Great Patriotic War. His father was a military man, and his mother was evacuated. Soon after the birth of their son, the family moved to Berlin, where Yuri’s father was transferred on duty. When the boy was three years old, another child was born in the family, this time a girl, who was named Zhanna.

Then the family moved to Belarus, where they could not settle in one place for a long time because of their father’s work, but soon they moved to the city of Molodechno. In this city, Yuri is sent to a music school, after which he enters a music school and even becomes the director of an amateur choir.

Soon after completing his studies, Yuri decides to move to Minsk, where the whole family later moves. In Minsk he worked as a teacher at a music school, then was drafted into the army, and upon returning from service he became musical director ensemble "Tonika".

Yuri's talent was quickly noticed and in 1979 he was invited to the position of keyboard player in the Leningrad ensemble "Singing Guitars". This is where the guy's real musical career begins.

And in 1973, after changing two groups, Yuri Antonov’s first author’s album was released. His songs immediately fell in love with the public and his records literally “flyed away.” It was from that moment that the career and biography of Yuri Antonov began to develop rapidly.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

The singer always said that he could not love the same woman all his life, which is why he has already been married three times. The singer is currently divorced. He doesn't need marriage anymore. Yuri always said that he was looking for an easy-going woman who would be meek and sweet, and he was not interested in girls with character. But at the moment he is already tired of failed marriages and is not going to join them anymore. Yuri Antonov’s personal life is closed to the press; he prefers people to admire his talents rather than women.

Family of Yuri Antonov

Despite three marriages and two children, Yuri now lives alone and his family is replaced by his beloved pets. The singer and composer has many friends and fans, so he never feels lonely. Yuri Antonov's family are his fans. He devoted his entire life to developing his talent and achieved unprecedented heights; not everyone was able to repeat his success, and even now, at 72 years old, he continues to shine with his talent and delight his fans.

Grandchildren and Children of Yuri Antonov

Despite the fact that the singer had three marriages, children appeared only in the last of them. But Antonov doesn’t communicate much with his children. Daughter Lyudmila lives with her mother abroad, and son Mikhail now lives in Moscow, but still does not maintain a warm relationship with his father. The grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov are his animals. The composer does not like to talk about his children Lyudmila and Mikhail, in fact, as well as about his personal life in general, so information about them is closed; Yuri’s children did not follow in their father’s footsteps, and are now busy with their own lives, which are far from stellar.

Son of Yuri Antonov - Mikhail Antonov

It would seem that Yuri Antonov’s son, Mikhail Antonov, lives in Moscow, which means the composer should help him, educate him, and maybe even help him build a career. But, unfortunately, the relationship between them does not work out in the best possible way and they don't communicate at all. Yuri Antonov is very kind, generous and even emotional person, but when the conversation turns to his children, he stops talking completely, he is one of those who does not like to bring quarrels and failures out of his life for everyone to see and only always jokes that his children are stray animals that he takes to his home.

Daughter of Yuri Antonov - Lyudmila Antonova

The daughter of Yuri Antonov, Lyudmila Antonova, lives with her mother abroad and also does not communicate with her father. Antonov’s third wife, Anna, after the divorce went to France, namely to Paris, taking with her eldest daughter Lyudmila, while Mikhail remained in Moscow, apparently he was so used to this city that he did not want to leave the country. As was said earlier, Antonov does not talk much about his children, so there is no information about them, we can only say that Lyudmila did not connect her life with the stage.

Yuri Antonov's wife - Anastasia

Yuri tied the knot with his first wife in 1976, but the marriage did not last long because the girl’s family decided to move to America, and Anastasia wanted to follow them. Initially, Yuri was going to go with his wife, bought tickets, filled out all the documents, but still changed his mind and stayed in Russia, and as he says, he never regretted his decision. In Yuri's destiny, all three wives will want to take him to another country, but Yuri never succumbed to such desires. Yuri Antonov’s wife, Anastasia, remained to live in America.

Yuri Antonov's wife - Miroslava

Yuri Antonov's second wife, Miroslava, was from Croatia. She lived and still lives in the city of Zagreb. Yuri even lived with her for some time in Zagreb, but then the marriage broke up, due to the fact that Yuri has a career that requires him to stay in Russia. Here are all his undertakings and it is in Russia that his whole life is located. Therefore, not a single girl has ever managed to keep Yuri in another country for a long time. He always returned, breaking off his marriage, continuing to devote himself completely to the stage.

Yuri Antonov's wife - Anna

Another, and currently the last, wife of Yuri Antonov, Anna, now lives abroad. Little is known about Anna, as well as about Yuri’s previous wives, because he does not like to put his personal life on display. But it is still known that at the moment the woman and her daughter Lyudmila live in Paris.

After the end of this marriage, Yuri said that he would not marry again and perhaps he had had enough of relationships. And the famous composer can be understood. It is difficult to believe in a happy family future after three divorces.

Wikipedia Yuri Antonov

Wikipedia Yuri Antonov will help his fans find out the biography of their favorite singer and composer. Yuri has come a long way to fame and achieved everything on his own with his perseverance and talent. Now Yuri is building a new house, which looks like a real castle, in which he will live with his pets. As the singer says, this castle will have everything from a swimming pool and a recording studio to rooms for your favorite animals. Yuri is not allowing anyone inside yet, keeping the secret until construction is completed.

On February 19, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Antonov turned 70 years old. His songs are known and sung by several generations. They helped the eldest to build and live. Representatives of the era of gadgets and social networks dance to remixes of “I Remember” and “Golden Staircase” in fashionable clubs. Everything seems to be fine, but for more than 20 years we have not heard new songs from Antonov. Despite the dense tour schedule And Active participation in group concerts, he rarely gives interviews and avoids communicating with fans... the site remembered life path great artist and tried to understand the reasons for his seclusion.

Yuri Antonov will become one of the mentors fourth season project “The Voice,” some journalists hastened to declare even before the end of the third season. And who else should I give the role of the honored grumbler who has gone through all the thorns? Soviet stage? But Yuri Mikhailovich surprised everyone by unexpectedly appearing on a competing channel in the project “ Main stage" To everyone's amazement, the artist even came to the presentation of the program. As usual, smiling, but not sociable. After sitting with Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya and Konstantin Meladze, Antonov quickly took his leave. Already on the way out, we managed to catch up with the master and ask what prompted him to become a member of the jury of the popular show. He looked around, asked to get as close to him as possible and whispered confidentially in his ear: “Money, you understand? They decide everything!”

The answer was predictable. Antonov never hid his contempt for the popular prejudice that “an artist must be hungry.” The artist has always been able to monetize his talent.

Believe in the dream

Antonov earned his first fee at the age of 14 in his native Belarus. A first-year music school student got a job at the House of Culture in the village of Molodechnoye as the director of the choir in the depot. And he received the same salary as adults - 60 rubles. The first successes became a springboard into a great life. Next was the Minsk Philharmonic. And at the age of 24, Antonov was invited to work in the popular Leningrad VIA “Singing Guitars” as an instrumentalist-keyboardist. In this group the artist became a vocalist. His first songs “Airport”, “Where is the courage?”, “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!” were performed here.

In the 1970s, Antonov’s songs were performed by the popular VIA “Earthlings” and “ Blue bird", Lev Leshchenko and Valery Obodzinsky. And the 1980s become the golden period of the composer and singer. All-Union glory, crowds of fans, millions of records sold by the Melodiya company... Hits “I Remember”, “Don’t Forget”, “Mirror”, “20 Years Later”, “Sea”, “The Roof of Your House”, “I’ll Pass on Apricot" become the anthems of several generations.

It happened that at the final of the Song of the Year festival, several performers and groups performed works by the artist and composer. But how did the state thank its “nightingale”?

Golden staircase

While Elton John, Engelbert Humperdinck and Tom Jones were earning millions in the West, their no less talented Soviet colleague, according to the regular schedule of the Moscow Philharmonic soloist, received 30 rubles per concert. The salary was very average for those times. Like many Soviet citizens, the pop star had to “fart.” In the late 70s, the artist’s second wife was Mila Bobanovich, a native of Yugoslavia. Thanks to this marriage, the artist began to travel to the West, buy foreign equipment and sell it to colleagues in the Soviet Union. This unofficial extra income allowed Antonov in 1983 to purchase a very rare Volvo 244 car for the USSR for 14 thousand rubles. At this time, in the garage of the singer and composer there were already VAZ 2103 and VAZ 2106, which were in short supply and so desired by every Soviet citizen.

“Business went so well that he literally had bags of money. And Yura told me: “I don’t know where to spend it! Even if I drink every day, eat in the best restaurants, live in the best hotels, I won’t spend that much,” TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev recalled in an interview.

That's how it happens

For a quarter of a century, no new songs have been heard from Yuri Antonov. However, his phenomenon is that he is still one of the most popular and touring artists!

The singer and composer answers questions from journalists: “Those who have bad old ones need new songs.” And this is definitely not about him.

Meanwhile, friends of the hero of the day claim that Antonov’s resentment towards music industry modern times and the omnivorous public.

In the late 80s, the master began to be pushed out by cooperative ensembles such as “Mirage” and “ Tender May" The fickle public chose other idols. The artist received calls with offers of tours less and less often. But Antonov did not know how to remind himself, “shine” in all television programs indiscriminately, and did not want to learn. Then he tried to retrain as a producer.

His project was singer Svetlana Almazova. He wrote the album “Sweet Honey” especially for her, but the project did not take off, and, in the end, Antonov closed it and tried to remove the album from the market.

Only in the early 2000s, when retro festivals swept the country, did the public remember Antonov’s songs. Then the artist again found himself on a wave of success - and this without new hits!

As before, broadcasts on central television channels, tours throughout the country... True, the artist’s relationship with promoters today is tense. Concert organizers claim that Yuri Mikhailovich is a man of mood. He can refuse to perform literally the day before, but he always returns the fees honestly.

Roof of the house

The most important recluse of domestic show business lives in a huge mansion with an area of ​​1200 square meters 15 kilometers from Moscow along the Minsk highway. The artist has been building it for more than 15 years.

The artist moved “under the roof of his house” in 2011. According to Antonov’s friends, there is a 25-meter swimming pool, a modern recording studio, 8 bedrooms, and a cinema hall with 50 seats. There is also a pond with mirror koi and a tennis court on the property.

Oddly enough, the main guests of the artist’s residence were stray cats and dogs. Antonov collects them on the streets of Moscow. The singer even has a special room with a huge refrigerator stocked with food for his pets.

At his country estate, Antonov spends most time. As the master admits, he is much more comfortable there, because there is no extra people. And a high fence saves you from intrusive society.

If love doesn't come true, do as you want

Yuri Antonov's first passion was Polytechnic College student Margarita, whom the composer met in his native village of Molodechnoye. And this love was tragic: the girl chose someone else. Many years later, she came to the star Antonov backstage, but he received her very coolly.

Yuri Antonov was born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent. Yuri’s father was a military man, so for the first three years after his son’s birth he saw him occasionally, because he served in the commandant’s office of the GDR. Then, in the biography of Yuri Antonov, there was a move to Belarus, where the family was finally reunited. After moving to the city of Molodechno, the usual routine life began. Yuri became seriously interested in music and went to study at a music school. After graduation, he continued his education by entering a music school. Despite the calm cultural life small town, Antonov tried to organize an orchestra himself in the City House of Culture. It was difficult - there were not enough instruments or notes.

After graduating from college, Antonov’s biography included a referral to work as a teacher at the Minsk Music School. Without planning to remain a teacher in the future, Antonov began working in State Philharmonic Belarus. After serving in the army, he returned to the Philharmonic. And in 1967 he became the leader of the first team he organized - Viktor Vuyachich.

Two years later, Antonov was invited as a vocalist to the Singing Guitars ensemble. Several songs written and performed by Antonov in the Leningrad ensemble gained enormous popularity. A special hit, both among listeners and musicians, was the song “For me, there is no more beautiful you.”

In 1971, the biography of Yuri Antonov began new stage. He moved to Moscow, worked in the Rosconcert tour and concert association, and began performing with the Dobry Well Done ensemble. Then the compositions “Why”, “Summer is Ending”, “Yesterday” and many others were written. Antonov’s first group in Moscow as part of the Music Hall was Magistral. At that time, all-Union tours began for Yuri Antonov in his biography. His records, released by Melodiya, are a huge success. Despite the high circulation, not all of his songs are allowed to be released.

Then Antonov records songs with the group “Araks” (“I Remember”, “Twenty Years Later”, “Sea”), “Airbus” (“ White motor ship", "I'm coming to meet you"). At the invitation of the Odessa Film Studio, Antonov wrote a song for the film “Take Care of Women.” Then he continues to work on music for other films (“Beauty Salon”, “Order”, “Before We Part”, “Stranger Song” and others). The next hit in Antonov’s biography is the song “The Roof of Your House,” which was written for the musical “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi.” The circulation of his records breaks all records, and each concert attracts more than 10 thousand spectators.

Then the singer and composer went to Finland at the invitation of Polarworks Music to record an album. Since then, Antonov has been recording discs in his own studio and working with many artists, both beginners and pop stars.

Throughout the biography of Yuri Antonov, he received many titles and awards. Among them: National artist Checheno-Ingushetia, People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist, several Ovation awards and many others.

Biography score

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Singer Yuri Antonov turns 72 in February 2017. Last years he does not often appear in public; he leads a quiet life in a country house near Moscow. But the concert schedule famous performer still tight, after all lyrical compositions Antonova is loved by more than one generation of listeners.

Childhood and youth

To calculate how old singer Yuri Antonov is, you need to know his date of birth. In 1945, on February 19, a boy, Yura, appeared in the family of a serviceman in Tashkent. My father served in the Marine Corps, and my mother lived for some time in Uzbekistan during evacuation.

Like most military families, it was impossible to stay in one place for long. Her father was soon transferred to Germany, where she was born younger sister Yuri. And then the family moves to Belarus, where the father serves in several garrisons. After frequent moves, the Antonov family stops in the town of Molodechno. This city is associated with the beginning of the singer’s career, because it is here that his parents send him to a music school, and then to the local music school.

In his first year, young Antonov begins to work - he gets a job as a choir director at the local House of Culture. Success in the musical field allowed me to seek myself further in this direction. After graduating from college, Antonov goes to Minsk, where he gets a job at the Philharmonic. The parents of the aspiring musician had also moved to Minsk by that time.

He had to take a short break from his career to serve in the army, where Yuri was drafted in 1964. But after the service, the young man returns to the capital of Belarus and continues to work at the Philharmonic, where he now leads the Tonika ensemble.

First steps to success

A young talented musician is noticed. In 1969, Yuri received an offer from the Singing Guitars group and accepted it. At first, the singer worked as an instrumentalist-keyboardist, but soon became the soloist of a famous Leningrad band.

Antonov’s first compositions are heard by the VIA “Singing Guitars”, but very soon the songs of the talented musician can be heard from Lev Leshchenko, performed by him VIA songs"Blue Bird" and "Earthlings".

A few years later, Antonov was already working with the Sovremennik orchestra, followed by work as the artistic director of the VIA Magistral.

The musician's songs are gaining popularity, he has hundreds of fans in different corners countries. We can say that the peak of the singer’s career was the 80s, at which time Yuri Antonov was considered the most famous performer throughout the entire Soviet Union.

But despite the popularity, the earnings of the famous performer were very modest. According to the salary grid, his salary was approximately 30 rubles. In those years it was a very mediocre salary, so it is not surprising that Antonov had to “farce.” Trips abroad helped to earn additional income. In the West, Antonov bought foreign equipment, which he successfully sold to his colleagues back home. The earnings were good, so the singer soon managed to save up money for a Volvo 244, a rare and expensive car in those years. By the way, this car was not the first, but was an addition to the VAZ 2103 and VAZ 2106 already available at that time.

Calm period

In the late 80s, new interesting groups appeared on the scene. The groups “Tender May” and “Mirage” basked in the glory and won fans while Antonov received offers to hold concerts less and less often. The singer did not know how to remind himself and did not want to, so he decided to try himself in a new role - he became a producer.

The producer's project was Svetlana Almazova, for whom she wrote an album. But the singer’s name was never promoted, so the aspiring producer soon closed his project. Yuri even tried to remove Almazova’s first album from sale.

For almost 10 years, Yuri Antonov disappeared from concert venues countries. And only at the beginning of the new century his name began to appear again in concert programs. During this period, the public again turned to retro performers, and the songs of the talented author sounded with new strength. To this day, fans remember and sing his best compositions:

  • "The roof of your house";
  • “The world depends on us”;
  • "Sea";
  • “I’ll walk along Apricotovaya”;
  • "From sadness to joy";
  • "Dream" and many others.

At the beginning of the century, the singer released new album. The list of compositions includes not only new songs, but also the most famous hits, which are loved by more than one generation of listeners. The author himself believes that new songs are written by those who do not have popular songs. This expression certainly does not apply to him.

Not long ago, Antonov tried himself as a member of the jury of the “Main Stage” project. There were rumors about his appearance among the mentors of the popular project “The Voice”, but they were not confirmed.

The artist's love affairs

Young Antonov's first love turned out to be unrequited. The girl he met while studying at the Molodechno School chose someone else. They say that many years later she came to the concert of her former fan and made her way backstage. But Yuri received her coolly then - the love had long passed.

The first official wife was the girl Anastasia. Little is known about her, and according to the artist, the marriage was fictitious. She planned to emigrate to America and the singer agreed to help her with paperwork. At that time, he also had thoughts about emigrating, but he soon abandoned this idea.

His second marriage to Mila Babanovich helped the singer get a “ticket” to travel abroad. His wife was a native of Yugoslavia, which gave him some advantages. Is it true, family life didn't last long.

Anna is the singer’s third wife. The marriage also did not last long and broke up. Today Anna lives in Paris. Very little is known about her, as well as about other women of the performer.

The singer himself says that he fell in love several times in his life, but all relationships made it clear that there is a very short distance from love to hate. Perhaps that is why women did not stay in the artist’s life for long. He has a very complex character.

Antonov has two children. The eldest daughter lives abroad, but the son did not dare to leave the country.

In recent years, Antonov has been living in own home 15 km. from Moscow. Spacious Vacation home Surrounded high fence, as befits the main recluse of the domestic scene. After all, the singer gives few comments, rarely agrees to an interview, and getting him to speak a few words is a great success for any journalist!

  1. At a concert in Kuibyshev in the late 80s, a scandal broke out. The audience considered the singer's expressions rude and his manner of performance completely inappropriate. The reason was the termination of the concert at the initiative of the performer after rude language was heard from the audience.
  2. There are 12 cats and 5 dogs living in the artist’s house. Mostly the animals are not purebred, picked up on the street.
  3. He loves fishing and during summer tours one of the conditions is to organize a fishing trip.
  4. He likes to drive recklessly.
  5. Man of moods. Concert organizers have long been familiar with complex character singer and know that he can cancel the concert literally the day before it starts. True, he honestly returns all fees.
  6. Doesn't like gambling.