Antonov Yuri biography how old. How old is Yuri Antonov? Brief biography of the singer

IN Soviet years singer Yuri Antonov was adored by millions of music lovers. The singer's compositions were simple and sincere, making us think about life and our place in it. Popularity did not come to Yuri Antonov right away, but when it came, it made him recognizable and in demand throughout the Soviet Union.

Today Yuri Antonov is already 73 years old, but he still goes on stage and performs his old compositions, which were included in musical history countries. The singer remains a favorite of the public to this day and has his own listener.

In the 80s, the singer’s popularity was gaining momentum, at that time everyone wanted to know about rising star any details, including height, weight, age. How old Yuri Antonov is can be found in any online source. The singer's height is 178 cm, weight 67 kg. In February 2018, Yuri Antonov celebrated his 73rd birthday.

Despite the fact that the peak of the singer’s popularity has long passed, network users often look for information on the topic: “Yuri Antonov, photos in his youth and now.” By the way, he hasn’t changed much since his youth; he is still faithful to his haircut, which he has worn since his youth.

Biography of Yuri Antonov

Those who are interested in the biography of Yuri Antonov can plunge into the world of memories of a man who was born in Tashkent, in the distant and harsh year of 1945. Father - Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, a soldier, participant in the Great Patriotic War, mother - Natalya Mikhailovna Antonova, sister - Antonova Zhanna Mikhailovna.

After the capture of Berlin Soviet troops, Yuri Antonov’s father continued to serve here for the good of his homeland, where the whole family moved. At this time she was born younger sister singer Zhanna. After Germany, the Antonov family moved to Belarus.

It was in Belarus that young Yuri Antonov began his creative path from music school, where he went to study at the insistence of his mother.

After receiving secondary education and graduating music school, Yuri Antonov passes entrance exams V School of Music to the class of folk instruments. Here the singer first organized his Music band, speaking at the House of Culture.

Yuri Antonov’s first profession after graduating from university was teaching at a music school in Minsk. At that time, the singer’s entire family already lived in the capital of Belarus. Then the singer began working in the State Philharmonic as an instrumental soloist. In 1964, Yuri Antonov was drafted to serve in the army.

Having served in the ranks Soviet army, the singer returns to his previous place of work and heads the musical group “Tonika”.

Then, Yuri Antonov will create more than one music group, where he will also sing his own songs.

All-Union fame came to Yuri Antonov in the 70s, when he began collaborating with the Araks group. The new records released then broke all sales records. But the peak of the singer’s fame came in 1982-1983, when such famous songs as “Take care of the woman,” “There is a time for everything,” and “Life” were recorded. At this time, the singer released an album in Yugoslavia with a large number of songs, which were also sold in countries such as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Cuba.

For some time, the singer’s place of work became the Chechen-Ingush Republic, where he became a soloist of the Philharmonic.

One of the most popular songs Yuri Antonov - “The Roof of My House” instantly became a hit and also brought the singer a place in the final of “Song of the Year”.

Some of the singer's compositions have been translated into English language for a wider audience, but, as it turned out, their meaning is very different from the Russian originals.

1988 brought a little novelty to the life of Yuri Antonov, thanks to the singer’s filming in the film, which also featured his songs. One of them, “Bullfinches,” again received attention at the “Song of the Year.”

In one of the cities of Russia, an unpleasant incident occurred with the singer. He spoke unflatteringly to the public, which included rich and influential listeners; this led to consequences, or rather a 2-year ban on the singer’s broadcasting on television.

Although latest songs Yuri Antonov's songs were released a long time ago, but many of them still attract full houses of fans of the singer's work.

21 years ago the singer received the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and three years ago personally by President Vladimir Putin, Yuri Antonov was awarded the Order Friendship.

Personal life of Yuri Antonov

Many fans of the singer are interested in the personal life of Yuri Antonov. He rarely speaks to the press on this topic and does not like to talk about any details. It is known that popular singer was married three times, but today, he is officially divorced and remains a confirmed bachelor.

It so happened that all three spouses of Yuri Antonov wanted to live abroad, but the singer himself is a true admirer of Russia and did not want to leave it. Last wife Anna gave him two children - a son and a daughter, with whom the father maintains relations in every possible way.

Family of Yuri Antonov

If we take into account all the wives from three marriages and children, then Yuri Antonov’s family is quite large: the first wife is Anastasia, the second is Miroslava, the third is Anna, and children Mikhail and Lyudmila.

The singer’s daughter lives in Paris and sometimes comes to Russia, while his son lives in Moscow.

In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that for a man who supports a family, his wife is obliged to obey and put his opinion above all else, perhaps it is precisely his peculiar view of family life Yuri Antonov and became the reason for his three unsuccessful marriages.

Grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov

The grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov attract a lot of public attention. You can only find a couple of lines about this on the Internet. It is known that both of the singer’s children were born from Yuri Antonov’s third wife, Anna, who today permanently resides in France. Daughter Lyudmila also lives in the French capital, and son Mikhail lives in the Russian Federation.

It is the son who is the singer’s closest relative, with whom he regularly maintains contact. There is no information about the grandchildren of Yuri Antonov; perhaps they exist, but no one knows about it.

Son of Yuri Antonov - Mikhail

The son of Yuri Antonov, Mikhail, lives in Russia. There is almost no information about the man’s fate. The singer did not agree with his mother, third wife Anna, about permanent place accommodation. According to the singer, one can understand that he is a powerful man who likes to keep everything under his control and does not tolerate characteristic women.

The popular singer maintains a warm relationship with his son Mikhail and helps him. The public and the media do not have more information. Well, everyone has the right to keep details about their personal life secret from strangers.

Daughter of Yuri Antonov - Lyudmila

The daughter of Yuri Antonov, Lyudmila, also appeared in the singer’s third marriage. She lives in France with her mother. The singer is silent about how their fate turned out, and he always reluctantly gives comments about his ex-spouses and children.

It is possible that the singer travels abroad to sometimes visit his daughter, because this is his blood, and, regardless of the fact that he and Lyudmila’s mother did not get along and could not save the family, blood ties take their toll. Whether Lyudmila comes here is also not known for certain. It is only reported that the singer, of all members of his family, considers his son Mikhail to be the closest person.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Anastasia

Yuri Antonov’s first and ex-wife, Anastasia, warned the singer even before the wedding that she planned to leave for the United States after marriage. Yuri Antonov not only knew about this, but also actively prepared for departure: he bought tickets, prepared documents. But, on the day of departure, he changed his mind and stayed in Russia. Life apart left no chance for the marriage, which was dissolved soon after Anastasia moved.

It is unknown what prompted the singer to take such a step, but he sealed the fate of a marriage that might have been successful. But neither the singer himself nor the others will ever know about this.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Miroslava

The second and also ex-wife of Yuri Antonov is Miroslava. The identity of the singer’s second wife is unknown. Only her place of residence is reported - Croatia, Zagreb. Apparently, Yuri Antonov first married his second chosen one, and then learned about her plans to live abroad.

In any case, there is no more information about Miroslava, and the singer himself talks about her without enthusiasm, since nothing good came out of his second marriage with a certain woman named Miroslava. Whether this is fate, or an ordinary step in the life of Yuri Antonov, which he crossed, remains a mystery.

The ex-wife of Yuri Antonov - Anna

Yuri Antonov's ex-wife, Anna, brought greatest joy the singer from all three marriages, since she bore him two children - a son, Mikhail, and a daughter, Lyudmila.

Yuri Antonov always believed that a family cannot have two heads, two owners, one person must fulfill this role. Apparently, the third wife Anna laid claim to main role in family. The strong character of Yuri Antonov prevailed over the integrity of the family.

Anna moved to permanent residence to France, it was also followed eldest daughter singer Lyudmila.

Wikipedia Yuri Antonov

One of the most accurate and informative sources of the singer’s biography is Yuri Antonov’s Wikipedia. The site contains all the data about the beginning of Yuri Antonov’s song activity, his rise, peak of popularity, awards, and works as a composer.

Personal life is almost not covered here, as in any other network sources, which directly depends on the desires of the popular performer.

Today Yuri Antonov is 73 years old and he is still cheerful and full of love for the stage. One can say for sure about this man that he devoted his life to music.

The most popular pop singer and composer of recent years Soviet period became the author of dozens of hits that were listened to with bated breath by millions of fans throughout big country. The creative biography of Yuri Antonov can be traced through dozens of extremely popular albums, each of which left a noticeable mark on musical life countries.

early years

Future famous singer born on February 19, 1945 in sunny Tashkent, where his mother was evacuated. Father Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, who bravely fought in a separate marine brigade, received a well-deserved leave in the summer of 1944. A military officer came from the front to visit his mother on leave, and after the nine months prescribed by nature, his son Yuri was born.

After the end of the war, Mikhail Vasilyevich was left to serve in Germany at the Berlin commandant’s office. There, in 1948, Yuri’s younger sister, Zhanna, appeared. After the family was reunited, my father was sent to serve in Belarus, and he had to roam around various garrisons.

Towards the end of his service, my father was transferred to serve in the military registration and enlistment office of the small Belarusian town of Molodechno. Here Yuri went into general educational school and started making music. He was sent to learn to play the accordion at a local music school. He also tried his hand at dancing in a school club.

As a child, Yuri grew up as a sickly child; at the age of seven he even suffered from polio, and he was paralyzed, but he managed to overcome the disease. Despite this, the future famous singer Yuri Antonov was a cocky boy, and he often had to prove himself in children's fights.

First steps in the profession

At the age of 14, he graduated from 8 classes and entered the Molodechno Music School. At the same time, the work biography of Yuri Antonov began, he became the leader of the choir of railway depot workers, and played the accordion in it. First wage was 60 rubles, which was very good for a young guy at that time.

Since the club was located 20 kilometers from home, he had a hard time for the next four years: there was no public transport, the young man got to work either on foot or by hitchhiking. His musical preferences were formed under the influence of very popular at that time jazz music and groups The Beatles. Yuri Antonov organized the first ensemble in his life while still studying at school. Since it was impossible to get a saxophone or even a bass guitar in the Belarusian outback, the young man with purely Soviet ingenuity replaced them with folk instruments. He played jazz compositions with the group at the local House of Culture, and he went to Vilnius to get sheet music.

Beginning of a professional career

Along with creative searches and work, school passed quickly. In 1963, the young specialist was assigned to a music school in the Belarusian capital to teach accordion. However, the work of a music teacher did not appeal to him at all. Even then he was a good musician and strived to improve as a performer. The talented young man managed to audition as a soloist-instrumentalist for the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

In this concentration of the musical life of the republic, he had many opportunities for creative self-realization. However, the start was successful musical career in the biography of Yuri Antonov will begin only two years later. In 1964 he was called up for emergency military service.

On the way to great glory

From the army, Antonov returned to the Belarusian Philharmonic, soon becoming the leader of the ensemble "Tonika", after two years of work in which he was invited to Leningrad to join the popular group "Singing Guitars". He began working as an instrumental keyboardist, later began writing songs and sometimes performing himself. In the early 70s, his first compositions were performed, including “Airport”, “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!”, “If you love”. At the same time, Yevgeny Bronevitsky performed Yuri Antonov’s first hit, “You Are No More Beautiful,” which made the 25-year-old composer and musical group famous.

In 1970, he moved to the capital to perform in another famous vocal-instrumental ensemble, “Good Fellows,” then moved to the “Sovremennik” orchestra under the direction of A. Krol. At this time, in the creative biography of Yuri Antonov, his first own ensemble “Magistral” appeared, with which he began to tour with a solo program. All-Union fame was brought by collaboration with the Araks group, with which three minion records were released, almost instantly selling in the tens of millions, which included famous songs Yuri Antonov: “Life”, “Road to the Sea”, “Golden Staircase” and many others.

The most popular performer in the country

At the same time, the composer's songs appeared in the repertoire of the most popular Soviet performers, including Lev Leshchenko, Valery Obodzinsokgo, VIA "Singing Hearts", VIA "Zemlyane". The whole country knows his songs, but Antonov is not allowed on television for a formal reason - he is not a member of the Union of Composers. Many songs are not allowed by the artistic council of the Melodiya recording company.

In 1982, Yuri Antonov’s albums “The Long-awaited Airplane” and “Believe in a Dream” were released, which were the result of two years of work by the Airbus team. His albums with hits “On Kashtanova Street”, “Mirror” and “The Roof of Your House” sold 20 million copies.

In the 80s, after he was not awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist, he left for Grozny, at the invitation of his friend, the famous Chechen dancer Makhmud Esambaev. Yuri Antonov worked at the local philharmonic for three years with the group " Blue bird", based on the results of his work, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

At the turn of the century

During a tour in Kuibyshev, he spoke sharply about the regional elite, persecution of the artist began, and he was not allowed on television for two years. Yuri Antonov appeared again before a wide audience in 1988 with a musical about the grasshopper Kuza, written together with the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky. For the third time she reached the final of the all-Union competition "Song of the Year" with the composition "Don't pick the flowers."

In the late 90s he decided to try his hand at new role- producer, trying to promote singer Svetlana Almazova. However, beyond release debut album things didn't work out. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia only in 1997.

In the new millennium

In the 21st century, Yuri Antonov’s creative biography already included about 20 albums with a total circulation of about 48 million copies. 2001 marked 30 years since the beginning of its musical activity, the 70th anniversary of the legendary singer and composer was celebrated in 2015. By this date, the album “There is no more beautiful you” was released with selected songs mid 90s. The author and performer continued to give concerts, although now he performed more at festivals and a new format that had emerged - corporate events. At the same time, the first ones appeared music videos Yuri Antonov with the most popular songs.

Since 2009, he has taken part in the jury of the international music competition "New wave", which until recently took place in Jurmala, Latvia. Constantly participates in various television projects: in 2014 he assessed the performing skills of the contestants of the music show “Five Stars”, in next year was one of significant persons in the large-scale project "Main Stage". The most memorable event last show was Antonov’s performance together with singer Grigory Leps. They sang the composition “At the Birches and Pines,” which many called the best in the history of this song.

In 2016, the singer was hospitalized with a suspected heart attack, which turned out to be just food poisoning. The creative biography of Yuri Antonov continued, however, more on anniversary and holiday concerts.

Harsh but fair

Legends are made about the harsh and difficult character of the honored artist, in last decades He more than once became the hero of various scandals.

Many colleagues note that he really does not like pirates who steal the results of his hard work. He had a tradition of going on Saturdays to the Gorbushka market for electronic goods, where they sell a lot of counterfeit products, and smashing the shops of traders. Since the singer’s fighting methods are well known here, illegal CDs are hidden when he appears. Therefore, he takes girls he knows with him, who make “test purchases.” And when sellers show customers pirated copies of Yuri Antonov’s albums, he comes up, takes them away and immediately breaks them.

Personal life

In numerous interviews, the legendary singer always openly says that he loves women, but Yuri Antonov does not share information about his personal life. As he said in one of his interviews, he understands that everyone is interested in who he is dating, who he has deceived, but he is still an active composer...

It is known that he was officially married three times, all ex-wives live abroad. Each time, according to the singer, he married for love. The first wife, Anastasia, emigrated to America; in fact, they were supposed to leave together. Antonov helped the girl collect everything Required documents, bought tickets. However, in last moment changed his mind and remained in the Soviet Union.

Subsequent relationships

Miroslav's second wife lives in Croatia, in Zagreb. The third wife Anna lives in Paris, France, where they have children together with Yuri Antonov - daughter Lyudmila and son Mikhail. In one of the interviews, the singer said that he has an adult daughter who lives with her mother abroad, with whom he does not communicate, and a teenage son who studies in Moscow - he sees him more often.

IN last years in the press one could see a photo of Yuri Antonov with a pretty blonde Irina, who younger than the singer for thirty years. The girl works as an administrator at the Konstantin Raikin Theater, where they met. Several years ago, the couple was often seen at various social events. However, then they stopped seeing them together; most likely, Antonov is again free from the relationship.

Showbiz's first millionaire

Some of the singer's friends consider him the first Soviet millionaire in show business; he always earned very well. On his first tour, Yuri Mikhailovich received 400 rubles, a very good salary for those times - base rate academician And already in the 70s, his earnings were approximately 15,000 rubles.

When he married a girl from Yugoslavia, Mila Bobanovich, he went there. And he began to travel to the West, where he bought good musical equipment, then sold it to his colleagues who did not have the opportunity to travel abroad. He soon returned to the country, but still continued to sell excellent equipment. In addition, he had already become a popular performer; Yuri Antonov’s hits brought him good money.

According to the recollections of friends, there were bags of money everywhere in his apartment, and there were also stacks of banknotes under the bed. His friend Yuri Nikolaev recalled: the famous singer says that he does not know where to spend so much money. By 1991, he had approximately a million Soviet rubles in his savings book. According to Antonov, he managed to convert all the money into dollars. Currently for the performance of this successful singer you need to pay approximately 60 thousand US dollars.

Name: Yuriy Antonov

Age: 74 years old

Height: 178

Activity: Composer, singer, poet

Family status: married

Yuri Antonov: biography

Yuri Antonov - star Soviet stage, a legend, the main hitmaker, the first in the USSR to officially earn millions.

The work of the singer and composer has not lost its relevance in new Russia. Among other things, to the younger generation Antonov is known as a fighter against copyright violations and a supporter of “injecting fresh blood” into the music scene.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Antonov was born in Tashkent 3 months before the end of the Great Patriotic War. The boy's father, Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, served as an officer in Marine Corps. Natalia, mother of the future pop singer and composer, was in evacuation. After the victory, Mikhail Vasilyevich was transferred to the military administration of the Soviet part of Berlin, where he took his wife and son. When Yura was 3 years old, his younger sister Zhanna was born.

After Germany, the family moved to Belarus, where, after changing several military garrisons, they settled in the small town of Molodechno. Here the mother takes her son to a music school, after which the boy decides to continue his education and enters the Molodechno Music College, where he learns to play the folk instruments.

The musician’s career began when the boy was 14 years old: Yuri Antonov worked as the director of an amateur choir at the depot, receiving his first salary - 60 rubles. Also, while studying at the school, Yura organizes pop orchestra, who gives several concerts at the Molodechno House of Culture.

After graduating from university in 1963, Antonov was assigned to work as a teacher at a children's music school in Minsk. By that time, the parents were moving there. At the same time, Yuri gets a job as a soloist-instrumentalist at the Belarusian State Philharmonic, but already in 1964 he was drafted into the army.

At the end of the service, the musician returns to the Philharmonic, but in a new capacity: now Yuri Antonov becomes musical director in an ensemble called "Tonika", founded by People's Artist of the Belarusian SSR Viktor Vuyachich. In his youth, Antonov also met a guitarist. According to the singer, creative biography artistic director popularity began in his team.


In 1969, a talented musician received an invitation from Leningrad. The vocal and instrumental ensemble called Antonov to the position of keyboard player. This team has become a launching pad for creative endeavors young performer. Yuri performed as a vocalist for the first time, and the first songs of his authorship were performed in the same ensemble: “Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!”, “Airport”, “Where is the courage?”

The hit of that time was the composition “If You Love,” for which the music was written by Yuri Antonov himself, and the text was a compilation of works by Irina Bezladnova and Mikhail Belyakov. This song was released on a separate EP in 1971.

Bezladnova also co-wrote “You Are No More Beautiful,” which put an end to the collaboration between Antonov and “Singing Guitars.” Yuri replaced the difficult-to-pronounce “moment” from the performer’s position with “vision.” And the 3rd verse belongs to the pen of Mikhail Belyakov, guitarist “ Good fellows" The song was already recorded by the lead singer of “Singing Guitars” Evgeniy Bronevitsky. The artist felt that the 3-verse composition was too long. In the end, there were 2 left, but a bass guitar solo was added.

Yuri Antonov - “You are no more beautiful”

Yuri showed the same exactingness towards euphony in his work on the song “Mirror” - he didn’t like the phrase “I look at you like in a mirror, I’m dizzy.” , the wife of the author of the poems, later said that at first she regretted it when her husband gave the work to a little-known composer. Antonov wrote the melody overnight.

“And we understand: everything... my heart broke and sank.”

In the 70s, Antonov changed his team: he worked as a vocalist in the capital’s VIA “Good Fellows”, then played in the “Sovremennik” orchestra, and became the director of “Magistral”, an ensemble created at the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. The musician collaborates with, recording a vocal part on the disc, and already in 1973, Yuri Antonov’s first original album was released.

Yuri Antonov and the Magistral ensemble

To avoid bureaucratic red tape with the publication of large opuses, the musician publishes a series of small records, minions, which contain 1-2 songs. These minions brought glory and fame to the composer, as the songs quickly went to the people thanks to the talent of the author and the precise fit into the spirit of the era.

Yuri Antonov’s songs “Well, what should we do with him” and “If you love” (he wrote the lyrics for both) are heard at concerts, in addition, more and more new groups are including compositions composed by him in their repertoire. Thus, VIA “Singing Hearts” performed the song “Indian Summer”, “Watercolors” - “Red Summer”. Popular group used 4 songs, including “Believe in your dream.”

Yuri Antonov - "Believe in your dream"

In addition to groups, Antonov’s songs were also sung by individual artists, for example. But, despite such popularity and demand, Yuri for a long time was not able to get on television and release a full-length record, since the musician at that time was not a member of the Union of Composers.

In the 80s, Antonov began collaborating with the rock group Araks, and this brought him all-Union fame. The musicians released 3 EPs, which sold over 20 million copies throughout the country. The songs “The Roof of Your House”, “Don’t Forget”, “Golden Staircase” and “Dream Come True” sounded from literally every window. The singer joins the ranks of the most famous performers Soviet Union and takes 1st place in the “Soundtrack” hit parade. The young performer wins the Golden Tuning Fork competition with the song “Spring” by Yuri.

Yuri Antonov - "Don't Forget" ("Dream Comes True")

Antonov's first big original album is being released outside the Union. In 1982, the disc was released by the Yugoslav company Jugoton, and the following year the musician moved to the Chechen-Ingush SSR, where he worked as a soloist of the local philharmonic for 3 years. At the same time, a close friendship with the choreographer began.

Yuri collaborates with the Blue Bird ensemble. The result of collaboration in the studio and on tour is the giant concert album “Blue Bird”. At the same time, the composer's first giant disc was presented. Of the most famous songs Antonov’s composition “Wider Circle” of that time stands out, which became the title song of the television festival of the same name.

Yuri Antonov - "On Kashtanova Street"

The hit “On Kashtanova Street” is a gift from Yuri Antonov and Igor Shaferan for the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Crimean region. The composer sketched out the melody in half an hour and just as quickly made a studio recording, without counting on the future. And, as life has shown, I was wrong. I liked the song, and fans even tried to find the route mentioned in the text. According to rumors, residents of Gelendzhik were lucky to walk along Vinogradnaya, Apricotova and Tenistaya.

The composer also writes songs for children: together with songwriter Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Yuri Antonov records several records with fairy-tale musicals about the adventures of Kuzi the Grasshopper.

Together with the Airbus ensemble he organized, Yuri Antonov gives many sold-out concerts at major concert venues countries. Video recordings of performances are now distributed on the Internet as full-fledged clips. In 1984-1985, 2 giant albums were recorded: “The Long-Awaited Airplane” and “Believe in the Dream.”

At this time, the song “Sea” becomes especially popular. Yuri Antonov's tour record has not yet been broken by any of his colleagues in the CIS countries: 28 concerts were given in Leningrad in 15 days, and each one drew a full house.

Yuri Antonov - "Sea"

In 1985, the composer travels to Finland, where he publishes the English-language opus My Favorite Songs, and upon his return becomes a soloist of the Mosconcert. In 1987, the album “From Sadness to Joy” was released, and in the same year a scandal occurred that led to 2 years of persecution of the artist. At a concert in Kuibyshev (now Samara), the singer spoke harshly about local officials. This led to the fact that for 2 years the political apparatus and the media denigrated the artist in every possible way.

Antonov’s next record “ Lunar path"was published only in 1990, after the collapse of the Union. 20 years later, these compositions and albums will remain just as popular.

Yuri Antonov - "Moonwalk"

In the 1990s and 2000s, Yuri Antonov was a constant participant in the “Song of the Year” television festival. At the beginning of the 2000s, the artist decided to try his hand as a producer of singer Svetlana Almazova, but the songs from the album “Sweet Honey” were not played on the radio, so the project quickly closed.

Since then, the composer has practically not released new songs. One of his few latest works which gained popularity is a joint performance with the singer of a composition called “On the Arbat”.

Yuri Antonov and Leonid Agutin - “On the Arbat”

For my creative activity Antonov has received a number of awards. At the end of the twentieth century, Yuri received the title of Honored and then People's Artist of Russia. Composer in different years presented to the Order of Francis Skaryna, Friendship, Honor, as well as the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. He is a laureate of the All-Russian Ovation Award in the specially created Living Legend nomination.

A television

In 2009, Antonov became a member of the jury of the New Wave music competition, in 2014 he assessed the performances of participants in the Five Stars music competition, and in 2015 he was invited to serve on the jury of the large-scale television project Main Stage. It is on this music show TV viewers remembered Yuri Antonov's performance with the singer. They sang the famous composition “By the Birches and Pines.” Many fans called this performance the best in history.

Yuri Antonov and Grigory Leps - “At the Birches and Pines”

Users on social networks claimed that they could not fully express the emotions they experienced while listening to this melody. And we thought about the fact that in recent years, Russian stage young, talented musicians who can compare with legendary performers. Some fans of Antonov and Leps said that numerous competitions do not help find new talents, but famous representatives musical art There's simply no replacement.

It was planned that Yuri Antonov would replace the jury of the 4th season of the popular show "", a competitor of " Main stage" The media wrote that a musician who is not interested similar projects, allegedly agreed to participate only because of the fee. Later, the singer categorically denied these rumors.

Yuri Antonov in the program "Alone with Everyone"

Then Yuri was invited to the portrait program “Alone with Everyone.” The TV presenter talked with the artist about significant life events. In 2017, the People's Artist of Russia became a guest of the debut episode of the program “ Honestly" The singer shared previously unknown details of his personal life in the talk show “The Fate of a Man.”

Personal life

The singer and composer has 3 trips to the registry office under his belt. Yuri got married for the first time in 1976, but subsequently Anastasia, his first wife, immigrated to the United States with her family. Antonov, being at the peak of his popularity, did not dare to take such a responsible step. Now the woman lives in New York.

The second wife is Miroslava Bobanovich, lives in the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. This marriage also broke up. An alliance with a citizen of Yugoslavia, according to friends, allowed Antonov to buy professional equipment, which was superior in quality to that produced in the USSR, and resell it at home.

As for the maestro’s third wife, little is known about her: her name is Anna, she is Russian, but she chose Paris as her place of residence.

The composer has two children: daughter Lyudmila, who lives with her mother abroad, and Mikhail, who is in Moscow.

In the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program, Antonov also touched on fleeting novels. He spoke about his passion for the actress from Mexico, the director record company. The singer tried to win the heart of actress Natalya Fateeva, but the beauty of Soviet cinema did not deign to pay attention to the musician.

Yuri Antonov in the program "Live"

Legendary singer and the composer loves animals. In an interview, Antonov admitted that 45 cats live in his house, as well as peacocks, rabbits, Indonesian ducks and guinea fowl. On the program “Visiting Gordon,” the artist said that his pets are the best, they get bored when the owner is not at home, and he even talks to them.

Middle age did not become an obstacle for the musician to follow fashion trends 21st century. Yuri Mikhailovich started a page on Instagram, where he managed to post a couple of dozen pictures. However, in 2015, Antonov’s account was hacked and photos of obscene content were published. After this, the singer announced that he was leaving social network, and Official statement done by a lawyer.

Yuri Antonov now

In 2016, Yuri Antonov was hospitalized. The singer explained that the cause was food poisoning, although the media wrote that the favorite of millions suffered a heart attack.

The musician said that in this case, journalists would not have to interview him at all. Antonov later added that he perceives health problems as blows of fate: he has difficulty hearing in his right ear, his vestibular system is impaired, which is why he walked with a cane at one time.

A year later, the singer fell ill again and canceled his traditional participation in the Chanson of the Year festival, tours and concerts. Creativity has taken a backseat, but Yuri has a philosophical attitude towards difficulties - you can’t escape age. However, in 2018, the album “Road to the Sea” was added to Yuri Antonov’s discography. The album includes the previously unheard composition “Girl school years».

Yuri Antonov at the project "My Hero" in 2018

The artist’s return to the stage is evidenced by his participation in children's competition“Blue Bird”, in concerts for Victory Day “Thank you for your loyalty, descendants!” and for the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, recordings of speeches for New Year's programs. The evergreen and resilient Antonov became the headliner of the concert that concluded the All-Russian Championship of Working Professions “Skills of the Wise,” in which professionals over 50 years of age competed.


  • 1973 – “Yuri Antonov and the Sovremennik Orchestra”
  • 1975 – “Yuri Antonov sings”
  • 1983 – “The Roof of Your House”
  • 1985 – “Believe in your dream”
  • 1986 – “The Long-awaited Plane”
  • 1987 – “From Sorrow to Joy”
  • 1990 – “Moonwalk”
  • 1993 – “The Current Carries Me”
  • 1996 – “Mirror”
  • 1996 – “Yuri Antonov. Songs for children"
  • 2001 – “You are no more beautiful”
  • 2018 – “Road to the Sea”

Biography of Yuri Antonov

Singer Russian stage, composer of Russia, National artist Russian Federation.


The future celebrity was born in Tashkent on February 19, 1945. His father was a military man and went to Tashkent on leave. His wife also lived there, who was evacuated to Tashkent during the war.

After the war ended, my father was left to serve in Berlin in the military administration. His sister was born there in 1948; the girl was named Zhanna. After finishing his service in Germany, my father was transferred to Belarus, the city of Molodechno, where he continued to work as a military man in the military registration and enlistment office. It was here that the boy's passion for music began. His mother brought him to study at a music school. After graduation, her studies continued at the city music school.

My labor activity the young man started quite early by modern standards, but for that time this was almost the norm. His first job was at a depot, as a choir leader with a salary of 60 rubles. While still a student, Yuri decided to organize his own musical group. The guys performed their performances at the local House of Culture.

Yura Antonov with his parents: mother Natalya Antonova, father Mikhail Antonov and sister Zhanna

The beginning of a creative journey

In 1963, the young man received a diploma of education after graduating from a music school. By assignment, he ends up in an educational school as a music teacher in the city of Minsk. His parents also lived there in those years.

A year later, Yuri was called up to serve in the army; he served as a submachine gunner in the internal troops. There he also took part in amateur performances.

After serving, Yuri Antonov went to work at the Philharmonic, while simultaneously working as the musical director of the Tonic ensemble.

In 1969, Antonov was invited to work at the VIA “Singing Guitars”, in those years it was popular ensemble in Leningrad. In it, Antonov first begins to work as a vocalist. He also wrote poetry for his songs. He also performed songs based on poems by composer Leonid Derbenev. The singer became famous after performing the song “You are no more beautiful.”

In 1971, Antonov changed his place of residence to Moscow, where young and talented singers you could find yourself and your place in life. Here he gets a job at the popular VIA “Good fellows”, then he was offered a position as an ensemble leader in the “Sovremennik” orchestra. Since 1975 he has directed VIA Magistral.

Being also a poet, Antonov wrote poems for songs popular artists, one of whom was Lev Leshchenko. However, despite all the popularity, for a long time Antonov could not get on television or release his record. The reason for this was the lack of membership in the Union of Composers.

All-Union fame came to the musician after his collaboration with the rock group “Araks” began. Working together, the musicians released three records, their circulation exceeded 20 million. It was a real success. Almost the whole country knew and loved such songs as “The Roof of Your House”, “Golden Staircase”, “Don’t Forget”. In the ongoing hit parade of that time, called “Golden Path,” the singer took first place.

At the same time, Antonov continues to write poetry for songs and not only his own. Thus, the young performer Ekaterina Semenova, for whom he wrote poems, won the Golden Tuning Fork competition.

But it was not only in the Union that Antonov was loved and listened to. In 1982, a large author's album was released in Yugoslavia. A year later, the singer moved to live and work in the Chechen-Ingush SSR. There he worked as a soloist in the local philharmonic. At the same time, he met Makhmud Esambaev, with whom he subsequently began friendship and even cooperation. Antonov began working together with the ensemble "Blue Bird". Work begins on a giant live album.

Most famous song those years can be called “Wider Circle”, it also became the title song for the television festival of the same name.

At the same time, work is underway to write children's songs, which also become popular not only among children's audiences.

In 1990, the album “Moonlight Path” was released, which also became incredibly popular. But even after twenty years, she has not lost her fans and her former popularity.
Since the same 1990, the singer began to take Active participation in the program “Song of the Year,” which aired on screens for many years.

Personal life

Yuri Antonov was married three times and all three marriages were unsuccessful; after a while they ended in a break in the relationship.

Yuri married his first wife Anastasia in 1976. It was short-lived, since Anastasia’s family decided to emigrate to America, but Yuri was not ready for such drastic changes, he had a job he loved, fame, success. It is very difficult to decide to change all this overnight, even for the sake of the woman you love.

His second wife was Miroslava, a resident of Croatia.

There is very little information about Antonov’s third wife. He generally does not like to expose his life to the public. It is known that her name is Anna and she lives in Paris. But their marriage also fell apart. The marriage produced a daughter, Lyudmila, who lives with her mother. From his third marriage there is also a son, Mikhail, who, like his father, lives in Russia. There is information that Antonov does not maintain communication with his children, as well as with his ex-wives.

For a long time the singer lived in Peredelkino, where he had his own Vacation home. He loves animals very much, so he has a lot of them. IN Lately moved to live in the village of Gribovo in his own luxurious mansion. There he spends a lot of his free time.

Yuri Mikhailovich loves animals very much