Who is the most notable Russian singer? Who is the most famous Russian singer? The most famous Russian singers

The Russian pop scene, which has been actively gaining momentum for a long time, is increasingly becoming an object of observation Western media, which periodically compile their own ratings of our performers. For example, the world-famous publication Forbes cites detailed descriptions income level domestic stars behind certain period. Some foreign newspapers and magazines compile lists of those Russian musicians whose compositions occupy leading positions in the charts. Sometimes, when figuring out who the most famous are, they use survey data from people on the Internet as a basis.

The most famous domestic performer of the last decade

At the end of 2014, a special rating of Russian vocalists was compiled, according to which the latter were ranked according to the rotation of their works on domestic radio stations. This was done in order to find out which of the most famous Russian singers could be awarded this high title in the opinion of the listeners themselves, who had been ordering certain songs on air for ten years.

As a result, the undisputed leadership was won by the famous Russian pop singer, whose songs during the above period of time were heard on the radio more than 5,500,000 times, which is a record result.

Following Bilan is Yulia Savicheva, who, however, is almost a million plays behind the leader of this rating. The team “Vintage” closes the top three winners, falling behind silver medalist only 1000 points.

Who is the richest Russian musician?

One way or another, it is quite difficult to say which most famous Russian singer received the most recognition in the West. According to a user survey in in social networks, the most famous domestic musicians, along with Dima Bilan, are such performers as Sergei Lazarev and Grigory Leps, who managed to bypass such serious masters of modern Russian stage, like Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Valery Meladze.

However, if we talk about those musicians whose income is maximum, then in this case the list will be somewhat different. Forbes magazine provides data according to which it is possible to answer which most famous Russian singer is the leader, according to the fees and income received. The first line in this list is confidently occupied not far from where Stas Mikhailov and Philip Kirkorov, beloved by many, are located.

The most famous Russian singers of the 20th century

Modern performers have certainly achieved certain heights in show business and deserve global recognition. However, we should not forget those who supported the image of Russia and everything Soviet Union in the last century and became a true legend on the world stage.

Answering the question about which most famous Russian singer conquered everyone with his charisma and talent, we can give an unequivocal answer - this is the famous Fyodor Chaliapin, whose bass sounded on the stage the most famous theaters. It’s hard to confuse his timbre with anyone else’s, and his love for romances made Chaliapin truly a folk singer.

Without any doubt, Lyudmila Zykina, a woman who won the hearts of viewers with her spontaneity and originality, can also be called a real legend. She was an idol for several generations at once and was the personification of the Russian soul and, to some extent, Russia as a whole.

List of domestic and, in particular, Soviet singers, which have earned worldwide recognition, is truly wide, and this is in Once again proves that it is far from the most important role The nationality of the performer plays a role, because the main criteria here are precisely his talent and inner strength.

Singers from Russia are not popular worldwide, but in Russian-speaking countries their success exceeds that of many Western stars. The secret is simple - they understand the tastes and preferences of the Russian-speaking audience like no one else. So, we present to you 10 most popular singers in Russia. Pay attention to the 10 most popular singers of 2015.

Like a hurricane that sweeps away absolutely everything in its path, the singer Zemfira burst into our lives. Deafening, unbridled, harsh vocals, caustic words, and at the same time the image of a charming girl. All this could not help but attract attention to her. Zemfira bewitched us with the mirror shine of her eyes from under her dark hair.

Signs is a Russian folk-rock singer, soloist and founder of the group " " She naturally has a very pleasant voice with a wide range. Pelageya sings Russians folk songs.

An amazing choice for such a young girl, considering that now folklore not at the peak of popularity among her peers.

Famous Russian singer. She writes lyrics and composes music for them. The beginning of it musical career was the victory in the project “ Star Factory - 4" Now she is already a judge on the show “ X factor" Irina often calls herself “ Man with cleavage”, because I’m used to solving problems with male persistence and pressure.

Tall brunette with kind eyes. The incredibly charismatic singer Slava won the hearts of millions after her first appearance on stage. Bright and unique image, a sparkling sense of humor, all this instantly raised the ratings of television and radio programs, as soon as she appeared there.

To date, she has received national recognition. The owner of one of the most significant music awards in Russia – “Golden Gramophone”, which she received in 2005 for the song “ Cool».

The rise of his career began with a victory in a music competition “ New wave 2003 " Her songs " Veins of the River”, “Cool”, “You Say”, “Give Me Five Minutes", took leading positions in all charts for a long time. As a child, Anastasia danced, played the piano, trumpet and even wooden spoons?

The singer's real name is Marina Maksimova. Born in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Her older brother and friends with whom she spent a lot of time and gave her the nickname - “ " At the age of 14, Marina graduated music school in piano and immediately began writing songs.

Subsequently, they were included in her debut album. While still at school, she participated in many city music competitions. First attempts to record own songs the singer performed together with the group " Pro-Z" These were the songs " Passerby", "Alien" and "Start" The latter was very popular on local radio and became a hit in Kazan.

After the release of the song " Oh my god, what a man", Natalie's star has risen again in the sky Russian show business. However, according to the singer, she never felt forgotten. All these years she has been touring and participating in various shows. However, we still miss her tender and lyrical song “ Wind was blowing from sea", with which many have warm memories.

Elvira's story resembles a plot classic fairy tale about Cinderella. Elvira Tugusheva was born in Saratov. Since childhood, she dreamed of performing on the big stage. Her first song " All is decided"was widely circulated on the Internet. Now Elvira’s songs are played on almost all television and music radio channels in the country. She received the award Fashion People Awards" in category " opening of the year».

Often, in show business, a young and charismatic performer can capture the hearts of an audience of all ages at once. Her songs are greeted with joy by young audiences, and more older generation rejoices at the opportunity to make a nostalgic journey into the past with their help. Nyusha is included in the ranking of the 10 most beautiful women in Russia in 2015.

« I could describe my life in one sentence: the race for popularity"- the singer once said. Become a winner at any cost. Always remaining the most beautiful, talented, charming and attractive was the main goal of her life.

She is not only a singer and figure skater, but also an actress. Your first hit " To the seas"she recorded together with the singer Arash.

Russian singers are not only talented and successful, but also beautiful. A selection of the most beautiful Russian singers.

The Russian land is rich in talents... For thousand-year history there have been a lot of them. Writers, artists, philosophers, actors, singers... The latter have become especially popular in Lately. Show business brings quick fame; the names of pop stars are known to millions throughout the country. Opera singers Known by a significantly smaller number of Russians, their fame is worldwide. Therefore, when finding out which is the most famous Russian singer, we will try to study both directions.

As soon as someone says the words "Russian" Opera singer”, then the first association is “Fedor Chaliapin”. The world-famous bass began his career back in Tsarist Russia, performed here for several years after the revolution. But in 1923 he went to Europe, and stayed there for several years. Soviet authority for this she was offended by him, banned his return entry and stripped him of his title people's artist. True, he was returned, but after the collapse of the USSR and, naturally, posthumously.

Despite the fact that Fyodor Ivanovich has been dead for many years, he is still considered a symbol of Russian opera. His bright, powerful voice has remained on hundreds of recordings where he performs Russian folk songs, romances, and opera arias. And his unique style of performance influenced the entire world opera.

Almost a quarter of a century has passed since his death, but this has not affected his popularity in any way. True, but his concert is no longer available, and new albums have not appeared for a long time, but the old songs have been learned by heart. “A Star Called the Sun”, “A Pack of Cigarettes”, “Cuckoo”, “We Are Waiting for Change” - they became a real manifesto of an entire generation that strived for a new, better life.

Tsoi died at the age of 28 - criminally early... He performed for only 12 years, but managed to become a hero of the era. We can only regret that his life was cut short so quickly. All we can do is stage “Cuckoo” again. Or go to Krivoarbatsky Lane in Moscow, where the Wall of Memory of Viktor Tsoi is located, leave a broken cigarette in the ashtray for him and write “Tsoi is alive” for the hundred thousandth time.

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, a new direction flourished in Russia - the culture of bards. Hairy guys in old sweaters and with guitars sang poetry around the fire. Most of them didn't sing very well, and the lyrics were bad, and their sweaters were dirty. But out of thousands and thousands of bards, the brightest, most outstanding ones remain in the memory of people, the first among whom is Vladimir Vysotsky.

He sang poetry in his hoarse voice, but it seemed that he was speaking with the voices of thousands of his listeners, telling their stories. About love, about friendship, about work. Funny, sad, lyrical, tragic, as different as his admirers, his songs have been listened to for half a century and will be listened to for as long and even more.

He’s like Tsoi, only he’s really alive. He still actively performs, records new songs, releases albums and tours a lot. And now they talk about him more than ever. The reason for this is its active civil position. Too active, according to many. In any case, now he is perhaps the most famous singer Russia.

It's hard to believe, but the story of the Time Machine began in the distant, distant year of 1969. It was a different millennium and a different era, but, like 45 years ago, people listen to them, come to concerts and buy CDs, even when they can be downloaded for free. Almost all modern famous rock musicians say that it was Andrei Makarevich and “Time Machine” who formed modern rock music. It is not only musical, but also social phenomenon.

We remembered very different singers. Singers who spoke in the voices of their eras. But we cannot ignore modern pop music. Dima Bilan is one of its representatives. Its viewers are girls aged from 12 to 42 years old who love beautiful melodic songs. However, it must be said that he really can sing. After all, he is the only singer from Russia to win Eurovision.

Perhaps you think that the other popular singer should be on this list, we don't mind. That's what comments are for.

Roman Litvinov, better known as Mujuice, is perhaps the most notable performer electronic music in Russia last decade. The artist has more than a dozen full-length releases, a minority of which were recorded with live vocals.

The last such album was Amore e morte, released last year. The release got lost in the flow new music and was not as successful as, for example, Cool Cool Death!, released ten years ago. Despite this, Mujuice is still popular today; musicians such as Zemfira Ramazanova do not hesitate to collaborate with him, and the performer himself is a welcome participant in major Russian and foreign festivals.

2. Antokha MC

“Antokha MC” is a musician from Moscow who started by studying in music school in the “Trumpet” class, and now one of the most promising Russian hip-hop artists.

In Anton’s work you can find echoes of 5’nizza and Mikhey, but in general it is quite original - it is not hip-hop in the classical sense of the term. The music is influenced by funk and reggae, and an additional highlight is the accompaniment, which in some songs is played by a trumpet.

3. Medjikul

The absence of the St. Petersburg group “Medzhikul” in radio and TV rotation is quite possibly a temporary phenomenon. In their debut album“All about Marfa” has everything to please almost any listener: you can dance to both incendiary and slow dancing, they want to sing along, while the music itself is very far from the tired pop music.

“Medzhikul” is perhaps the first group in Russia that performs music in the genre of rhythm and blues of the 70s - the so-called Motown Sound. St. Petersburgers skillfully combine the features of this genre with modern musical techniques and funny lyrics in Russian, as a result their compositions sound fresh and familiar at the same time.

4. Harajiev Smokes Virginia!

A group from Kazan, which started in 2009 with killer math-rock, now performing indie rock with elements of pop music. The group has six full-fledged releases, each of which will probably remain forever in the memory of my smartphone.

There are only three people in the group, the main instrumental core consists of drums, bass, guitar and vocals. HSV records also use other instruments, but this minimum set is enough to perform songs at concerts. If you like playful and romantic guitar music, do not understand English lyrics and have no prejudices about high-pitched male vocals, then Harajiev Smokes Virginia! you'll like it.


Rostov-on-Don gave fans of hip-hop “Casta”, and fans of modern independent music - the couple Vlad and Irina Parshin, who were at the origins of the projects Motorama, “Morning” and “Bergen Kremer” (“Summer in the City”). Motorama is considered to be the main project of the musicians: the band’s discography includes four full-length and two mini-albums, and the tour map extends far beyond Russia.

Motorama's work is usually classified as post-punk and twee-pop. Simple progressions and melodies, time signature 4/4 and minimalistic accompaniment make Motorama's music simple and enjoyable.

6. Thank you

"Musical group from Moscow" is full text annotations in the “Thank you” community “VKontakte”. The participants do not try to show off their diversity of style tags and do not compare themselves with the hegemons of the genres. The band's style is really hard to describe without being boring. musical terms. Speaking in simple words, “Spasibo” - playful and sometimes experimental guitar rock with intelligent lyrics in their native language.

7. BCH

BCH is a project of Moscow musician Viktor Isaev. It all started with the album “Minion”, released in 2014, unusual both in form and content. Quality R&B and soul, not too much common occurrence V Russian music, and BCH not only became a good alternative to James Blake, but also released an original experimental release. “Minion” is the album where very non-Russian music is combined with the most Russian lyrics - poems by poets of the Silver Age.

The latest release of the BCH “Hellenic Secret” was recorded with original lyrics. The music itself has also undergone changes: the songs are different from each other and combine echoes of many directions - from trip-hop to retrowave.

8. Pinkshinyultrablast

Pinkshinyultrablast is a shoegaze band from St. Petersburg and the only Russian band that Pitchfork likes to write about. Shoegaze - genre alternative rock, which originated in England in the late 80s. Music of this style is characterized by specific work with guitar effects and the detached behavior of musicians on stage, absorbed in this work.

In Russia, the boom of shoegaze music in the 80s and 90s went unnoticed, which is why this genre is still not popular among a wide audience. Pinkshinyultrablast do not count on success with Russian listeners: they give concerts abroad much more often than in Russia.

9. On-The-Go

A group from Togliatti, which started in hometown from killer dance-rock and later changed both genre and place of residence. After moving to the capital, the Togliatti residents were taken under the wing of the Xuman Records label, and the very first release, In The Wind, marked the beginning of the group’s creativity in a new style. Now On-The-Go is a Moscow band working in the indie-pop genre and sounding not at all Russian.

10. Sirotkin

Moscow bard Sergei Sirotkin proves year after year that in Russia you can become popular performer just playing beautiful music. The pursuit of fashion, the desire to turn creativity into bold experiments - this is not about Sirotkin. Here there is only a guitar and a young man with a beautiful voice.

The Russian pop scene, which has been actively gaining momentum for a long time, is increasingly becoming the object of observation by Western media, which periodically compile their own ratings of our performers. For example, the world-famous publication Forbes provides detailed descriptions of the level of income of domestic stars for a certain period. Some foreign newspapers and magazines compile lists of those Russian musicians whose compositions occupy leading positions in the charts. Sometimes, when figuring out who the most famous Russian singer is, they take data from surveys of people on the Internet as a basis.

The most famous domestic performer of the last decade

At the end of 2014, a special rating of Russian vocalists was compiled, according to which the latter were ranked according to the rotation of their works on domestic radio stations. This was done in order to find out which of the most famous Russian singers could be awarded this high title in the opinion of the listeners themselves, who had been ordering certain songs on air for ten years.

As a result, the undisputed leadership was won by the famous Russian pop singer Dima Bilan, whose songs during the above period of time were heard on the radio more than 5,500,000 times, which is a record result.

Following Bilan is Yulia Savicheva, who, however, is almost a million plays behind the leader of this rating. The “Vintage” team closes the top three winners, only 1000 points behind the silver medalist.

Who is the richest Russian musician?

One way or another, it is quite difficult to say which most famous Russian singer received the most recognition in the West. According to a survey of users on social networks, the most famous Russian musicians, along with Dima Bilan, are performers such as Sergei Lazarev and Grigory Leps, who managed to bypass such serious masters of modern Russian pop music as Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev and Valery Meladze.

However, if we talk about those musicians whose income is maximum, then in this case the list will be somewhat different. Forbes magazine provides data according to which it is possible to answer which most famous Russian singer is the leader, according to the fees and income received. The first line in this list is confidently occupied by Grigory Leps, not far from whom are the beloved Stas Mikhailov and Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous Russian singers of the 20th century

Modern performers, of course, have achieved certain heights in the field of show business and have earned worldwide recognition. However, we should not forget those who supported the image of Russia and the entire Soviet Union in the last century and became real legends on the world stage.

Answering the question about which most famous Russian singer conquered the entire globe with his charisma and talent, we can give a clear answer - this is the famous Fyodor Chaliapin, whose bass sounded on the stage of the most famous theaters. It’s hard to confuse his timbre with anyone else’s, and his love for romances made Chaliapin truly a folk singer.

Without any doubt, Lyudmila Zykina, a woman who won the hearts of viewers with her spontaneity and originality, can also be called a real legend. She was an idol for several generations at once and was the personification of the Russian soul and, to some extent, Russia as a whole.

The list of domestic and, in particular, Soviet singers who have earned worldwide recognition is truly wide, and this once again proves that the nationality of the performer does not play the most important role, because the main criteria here are precisely his talent and inner strength.