Return tickets for Robbie Williams. Why Robbie Williams canceled his show in Russia

Without much prelude, I begin my story. On this site I purchased a ticket for the Robbie Williams concert, which was supposed to take place on September 10, 2017. In addition to the basic cost of the ticket, a commission was charged - 250 rubles, everything is clear - a service fee, as on many similar sites.

But the cancellation letter stated that refunds would begin only after 3 weeks (21 days minimum). And so it happened - on September 29, the amount minus the service fee was returned to the card.

And then it became very interesting - the concert did not take place, the service was not provided, and the money was not returned in full. I called the support service, where the lady began to broadcast that this was stated in their policy on the website. Each service certainly has its own policy, but Rospotrebnadzor is the same for everyone and this is what it says:

In case of cancellation of the concert, tickets will be refunded in the amount of the full cost of the ticket. If a service fee was charged when selling a ticket, the amount of the service fee is returned to the buyer if there is a supporting document (receipt).

I asked the lady, so you can organize a bunch of concerts like this, then cancel them, and you will still have commissions from thousands of buyers? Very comfortably! And then she somehow hesitated. I again clarified on what basis the service fee is charged if the service is not provided, i.e. Didn’t I refuse the ticket on my own initiative and the concert didn’t take place?

I was informed that they would give me a promotional code for some other event. And why did he give in to me if I was planning a trip to Moscow at exactly that time and for that performer?

It’s not so much a shame about the money as the stupidity of the situation itself - it seems that the service from Yandex inspires trust, but its activities run counter to the rights of consumers established by law. Very bad.

Robbie Williams has completely canceled his performances in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Is this true or not, and how can fans of his work get their money back for purchased tickets?

Robbie Williams' concerts in Russia as part of The Heavy Entertainment Show tour have been cancelled. Fans of the British singer are surprised and worried as reports of the cancellation of the tour appeared suddenly. Organizers of concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow explain the cancellation of the events on September 7 and 10 due to the illness of the soloist. The performance at the “New Wave” in Sochi has also been cancelled.

Why did Robbie Williams cancel concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

The news that all the concerts in Russia, which were supposed to take place in early autumn, were canceled by the Briton was reported by E. Ratnikov, head of the concert agency T.C.I. According to him, performances on September 7 and 10 at the Ice Palace and Olympic Stadium, at the closing of the New Wave 2017 in Sochi, will not take place due to the singer’s serious illness.

The exact diagnosis of the disease is not known, but, apparently, it grabbed Williams very unexpectedly, since just the day before he wrote on social networks that he was heading to St. Petersburg. Note that there were previously reports that Robbie had a vertebral hernia.

The tour agency undertakes to return the money for tickets a little later. Information about the refund procedure will be published on the agency's website.


Starting from September 27, it will be possible to return tickets for the canceled concerts of the British singer in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The concert organizer, National Concert Academy, announced this on its website.

Robbie Williams was supposed to perform in St. Petersburg at the Ice Palace on September 7, and in Moscow on the 10th. The PR company Murray Chalmers PR, whose client is the musician, reported about health problems and urgent hospitalization. It was also previously reported that negotiations were underway to postpone the concert, but due to the lack of forecasts about the singer’s recovery time, they decided to cancel the concert.

British singer Robbie Williams will not be able to perform in Russia due to health reasons.
Popular performer Robbie Williams, who was supposed to perform in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi in September, was hospitalized.

Due to a sudden deterioration in health and hospitalization, the artist will not be able to give concerts in the near future. The singer's managers are negotiating to postpone Robbie Williams' concerts in Russia. It is not yet known what dates the performances will be rescheduled to. This information will become known after the artist recovers. The Izvestia newspaper writes about this on September 7.

Russians who purchased tickets for the Robbie Williams concert will be able to return them at the point of purchase from September 27. In this case, the money will be returned in full.

The man violated the restraining order by continuing to pester the singer and his assistants with calls.

Sean Stimson, 44, and his older brother Wayne were banned from approaching Robbie Williams after the men launched a campaign against the star. The reason for this was the video for the song Millennium, which became a hit in 1988. According to the brothers, Robbie stole their idea. Throughout this time, they pestered the singer with calls until, in 2001, they received a restraining order against not only the celebrity, but also his company EMI Records, as well as the law firm Harbottle and Lewis, reports the Daily Mail.

The concert agency Talent Concert International (T.C.I.), which prepared the performance of British singer Robbie Williams in Russia, is negotiating with the artist’s management to postpone the dates of concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The company's press service reported this to TASS.

“T.C.I. is negotiating with Robbie Williams’ management about postponing concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg to later dates. However, clarity on this issue can only appear after a more accurate understanding of the artist’s health,” the agency noted.

On Tuesday it became known that Williams' concerts in support of the new album The Heavy Entertainment Show in St. Petersburg (September 7) and Moscow (September 10), as well as a performance at the New Wave festival in Sochi, would not take place. “Yesterday we received a notification from the artist’s management about a sudden deterioration in Robbie’s health and hospitalization and the inability to give concerts in the near future,” T.C.I said.

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“Robbie has just canceled all Russian shows due to illness... We will soon publish the procedure for refunding money for tickets...,” the president of the concert agency Talent Concert International (T.C.I.) wrote on his Facebook page.

The singer was supposed to give a concert in St. Petersburg at the Ice Palace on September 7, 2017. On September 10, his performance was planned in Moscow at the Olimpiysky sports complex, recalls RNS.

Apparently, the illness overtook the musician quite unexpectedly.

Since the mid-2000s, Williams has been experiencing a clear crisis - despite the rare successful singles, his albums have been met with a reservedly disgusted reaction. The once leading British artist was slowly written off and relegated to the category of touring stage veterans. The single Party Like A Russian, and Heavy Entertainment Show was supposed to correct the situation and, apparently, coped with its task.

The media even reported how such an idea could have occurred to Robbie Williams.

As she wrote, he allegedly paid former British musician Robbie Williams to perform at a New Year's party in Moscow in 2014. It was reported that the musician performed in front of hundreds of guests and performed his hit Let Me Entertain You. The publication contacted the artist’s representatives for clarification, but they stated that they could not comment on this information.

In March, in an interview, Robbie Williams said that he loves Russia so much that he is even ready to become our country’s representative at Eurovision. “I love Eurovision. This is a colorful, grandiose show. I would like to represent Russia at Eurovision. Now I just stated it so simply, and my manager was already clutching his head. But I would like to introduce Russia. Come on, Russia, we can win!” — the musician noted in an interview with Channel One.

Robbie Williams also explained why he likes performing in front of the Russian public.

“There are countries like Spain or Italy: the audience there is very passionate and the atmosphere is crazy. And in countries like Russia, having earned the approval of listeners, you feel like you’ve received a medal,” the site quotes the singer. — Going to the first countries, you already know that there you will be greeted with stormy emotions. But in Russia, if, leaving the stage, you feel that the performance has sunk into people’s souls, made them think, and liked it, this is perceived as a more serious achievement. And that motivates me."

In July, Robbie Williams called his statement about the possibility of performing for Russia at Eurovision a joke.

“The thing is that people are not allowed to think outside the box. I would love to do something that would make people think again. Then I just joked, improvised. But after the interview I really thought, why can’t I represent Russia at Eurovision? But, unfortunately, there are too many political restrictions in the world. But this is still a better prospect than representing the United Kingdom - we haven’t even been in the top ten for ages,” the musician explained.

“I compete with myself. I constantly strive to remain modern, so that my work is relevant, I constantly strive to live in such a way that I am not ashamed of my actions, and my career does not slow down. This is an eternal race - to constantly lubricate the gears of the mechanism that drives this whole colossus called Robbie Williams,” the singer noted.