Eric. Meaning of the name

I asked what nationality he was
and whether the name Eric means he is of Scandinavian origin.
He replied that he had neither name nor homeland
and that he took this name by chance.

Gaston Leroux, "The Phantom of the Opera".

Whether Eric chose his name by chance or not, we don’t know. But it seems that Gaston Leroux approached the choice of a name for his character with all responsibility.

In France, the name Eric is not so rare, so why did Christina ask if it hinted at the Scandinavian origin of its bearer? There is, in my opinion, a completely logical explanation for this. In French the name "Eric" is written Eri c , and is pronounced with emphasis on the last syllable: “Er And k". At the same time, in the original Leroux wrote Eri k , thereby emphasizing that this is not a French name. This name is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable: " E rick,” and wasn’t that how Eric himself said it when he introduced himself to Christina, “I’m not an angel, not a genius, not a ghost, I’m Eric?” the name comes from an Old Norse name Eirikr (ei- "always" and rikr- “ruler”) and means “noble leader.”

Some information was taken from the site .

Eric grows up as a calm, somewhat phlegmatic boy, timid and obedient. He will meekly recite poetry in front of mom and dad's guests, even if he doesn't want to. He begins to show abilities early: musical, mathematical, plays chess. Likes to read books about great travelers, imagining himself as one of them. Eric is serious beyond his age; his reasoning often shocks adults.

Growing up, Eric quickly gets rid of obedience and meek submission to his elders, although sometimes he gives the impression of an infantile person and not adapted to the harsh prose of life. And, nevertheless, he is completely independent and capable of being responsible for his own actions. He has developed intuition, is prudent and careful, which helps him get well in life.

Eric can prove himself in absolutely any area, and invariably achieves success. Eric has all the qualities of a leader: calmness, clear calculation, courage, accuracy, loyalty to the cause, the ability to start over.

Eric is a huge success with women, but is in no hurry to plunge into the ocean of passions. In relationships with women, he is as careful and reasonable as in everything else. Marriage is usually not too early. A faithful, gentle and attentive husband, a caring father. The real head of the family takes the brunt of life together, believing that this is what a real man should do.

Leisure prefers to spend useful time - traveling with the whole family, cultivating a garden, reading. Eric hates idleness.

With age Eric's features soften. Calmness and kindness come first. He is usually beloved by the family.

Men Those who bear this name give the impression of being infantile, not adapted to the harsh prose of life. However, they manage well in it thanks to prudence and caution. In private life they are strict moralists, although they are very sensual by nature.

"Winter" Eric is more complex, persistent, and likes to argue. He starts playing chess early and is interested in mathematics and adventure literature. Enjoys traveling with his parents. He's a fidget, you can't keep him at home. Spends most of his time in the yard with friends. A dreamer, loves practical jokes and surprises. He has authority in the class. Physically resilient and persistent in achieving goals. Prefers strength sports. “Winter” are much more decisive and bolder than their namesakes. They have a highly developed sense of justice. “Winter” Eric can rush headlong to defend what he believes is a just cause. Often gets burned, but is ready to start over. He is alien to prudence and any diplomatic tricks.

"Autumn"- also in good health and a good athlete, but he is less emotional, more reasonable, and serious. If the “winter” person plays sports for fun, then the “autumn” person may try to make a career out of it. Purposeful - all his actions are thought out. He is very curious, asks adults a lot of questions, gets angry if he does not receive intelligible answers. Even teachers are sometimes embarrassed by their knowledge of natural sciences. He is interested in electronics and cybernetics. He has all the data to devote himself to big science. “Autumn” Eric is distinguished by his extraordinary neatness and pedantry: he will never leave the house without tying a tie and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Spring"- completely defenseless. He doesn’t know how to fight back an insolent person or stand up for himself. With age, the character becomes more solid, but hostility to rudeness, foul language and vulgarity remains in him for the rest of his life. He is inventive, enjoys aircraft modeling, comes up with new models himself, and often takes initiative. He is musical and literary, but by becoming a surgeon he has the chance to achieve unique virtuosity.

"Summer"- plays the violin beautifully, dances, sings folk songs. Cheerful and cheerful since childhood. He likes to invite guests and visit. Very sociable, easily finds a common language with people. He is engaged in philately and has a rich library of historical literature. Witty, he organizes evenings at school, organizing KVN and quizzes. Loves the circus, especially with the participation of animals. A dog often lives in his house. He is very close to his parents, and carries a warm attitude and affection towards them throughout his life. He prefers to live with them as one family. Those born in summer are very reasonable, even calculating people. Before deciding on something, they think about everything for a long time and comprehensively. Moreover, if we are talking about such an important step as marriage. Weighing the pros and cons, they may end up not getting married. But these people achieve noticeable success in the scientific field.

To summarize all of the above. Eric is a straightforward, brave man. He is not afraid to speak the truth, and is ready to bravely rush into battle if it seems to him that someone has been unfairly offended. Eric is always smart, carefully dressed, neatly shaven. Completely impractical, not diplomatic, he cares little about the opinions of others. He has his own strong moral principles, which Eric pedantically follows, despite the fact that in the depths of his soul unknown feelings and passions lurk.

Name color: silver. The most favorable colors: red, purple, brown. Talisman stones: ruby, jasper, amethyst. Patron planet: Moon.

Eric, son of Poseidon

Eric was the king of the island of Trinacria (Italy). It is believed that he was the son of Poseidon and Aphrodite. Eric was known as an excellent fighter; no one could surpass him in strength and skill. That is why Eric became proud, for which he was punished by Hercules, who had just completed his Tenth Labor.

Eurystheus ordered a herd of Hyperion's cows, famous for their unusual colors, to be driven to him in Mycenae. And then one of the cows strayed from the herd and swam across the strait, ending up on land that belonged to Eric. He decided to get an unusual cow and offered a duel to Hercules, who came after her. According to the terms of the duel, if Eric wins, Hercules leaves him a cow, if Hercules wins, he takes all of Eric’s lands for himself. Three times Hercules defeated Eric and as a result killed him...

Saint Eric of Sweden

Eric IX (1120 - 1160), son of Jedvard, was King of Sweden, succeeding King Sverker, who had usurped the throne in 1130, in December 1156. In 1155, Eric undertook a campaign of conquest in the southern region of Finland. To strengthen his position as a ruler, he married the granddaughter of the Swedish king Inge the First, Christina Bjornsdatten (at least this Eric married his Christina...). Her father, Bjorn, was the son of the Danish king. The marriage produced four children - Knut the First, who became king of Sweden in 1167, Philip, Katharina and Margaret. Eric was killed in Uppsala in 1160 (and not far from Uppsala, as we remember, Christina Daae was born...). According to one version, Emund Ulvban, who supported Sverker’s relatives. According to the other, Magnus Henriksson, who himself laid claim to the Swedish throne. In the place where Eric's severed head fell, a fountain began to flow, and the king was proclaimed a saint. Eric's helmet is kept in the Uppsala Cathedral.

Eric Alfred Leslie Satie was born on May 17, 1866 in the Normandy city of Honfleur (the city of Rouen is located in the same Normandy, near which the book Eric was born...). His father was a French music publisher, his mother a Scottish pianist. When he was four, the family moved to Paris, then the children were sent back to Normandy after the death of their mother. Satie studied at the Paris Conservatory, was not very successful, had conflicts with teachers due to disagreement with their education system, and was expelled. Sati entered the army, developed a pulmonary disease there and received a certificate of unfitness for military service. Returning to Paris, Satie became a pianist in a cafe in Montmartre. Satie had written before, but fame came to him after the premiere of the ballet "Parade" based on the script by Jean Cocteau. The ballet was commissioned by Sergei Diaghilev, consisted of a series of circus acts, and the scenery for it was painted by Picasso. As a result, there was a huge scandal - the ballet shocked the audience. And Sati became famous - in his own way. Sati was fifty.

During his life, Satie wrote no more than a hundred works. His works were short, laconic, they were ahead of their time, and were not always understood by the public. Satie became the founder of the genre of “background” music - an unobtrusive melody that sounds in a cafe or restaurant, which does not need to be listened to; ordinary actions are performed to it. Satie's music in the modern style is not always understandable to modern people.

In 1893, Erik Satie met the artist Suzanne Valadon. He immediately proposed marriage to her. It was already late, no one wanted to marry them, the ceremony had to be postponed - forever. Suzanne began to live with Sati, they ran a joint household, but a year later Suzanne left him. Satie continued to love her until the end of his days - until July 1, 1925.

Erik Satie was an eccentric man, he loved to play pranks on his friends, and after his death he was left with an extensive collection of umbrellas. He gave his works strange titles like “Three Pieces in the Shape of Pears” or “Dried Embryos.” He was imitated by many young composers, his work influenced the work of, for example, Ravel. Satie wrote his works red ink(Did Leroux borrow this detail from Satie?). And among the musical plays there is one - "Annoyance", where the musical theme, which fits on one sheet of music, must be repeated 840 times.

DOB: 1945-03-30

Version 1. What does the name Eric mean?

Eric - “noble leader” (Old Scand.)

He is growing up as an easy-going, calm child. Indecisive, modest. Capable of music, he recites poetry perfectly. Has a good memory.
“Winter” Eric is more complex, persistent, and loves to argue. He starts playing chess early and is interested in mathematics and adventure literature.

Enjoys traveling with his parents. He's a fidget, you can't keep him at home. Spends most of his time in the yard with friends. A dreamer, loves practical jokes and surprises. He has authority in the class. Physically resilient and persistent in achieving goals. Prefers strength sports.

“Autumn” is also in good health and a good athlete, but he is less emotional, more reasonable, and serious. If the “winter” person plays sports for fun, then the “autumn” person may try to make a career out of it. Purposeful - all his actions are thought out. He is very curious, asks adults a lot of questions, gets angry if he does not receive intelligible answers. Even teachers are sometimes embarrassed by their knowledge of natural sciences. He is interested in electronics and cybernetics. He has all the data to devote himself to big science.

“Spring” is completely defenseless. He doesn’t know how to fight back an insolent person or stand up for himself. With age, the character becomes more solid, but hostility to rudeness, foul language and vulgarity remains in him for the rest of his life. He is inventive, enjoys aircraft modeling, comes up with new models himself, and often takes initiative. He is musical and literary, but by becoming a surgeon he has the chance to achieve unique virtuosity.

“Summer” Eric plays the violin beautifully, dances, and sings folk songs. Cheerful and cheerful since childhood. He likes to invite guests and visit. Very sociable, easily finds a common language with people. He is engaged in philately and has a rich library of historical literature. Witty, he organizes evenings at school, organizing KVN and quizzes. Loves the circus, especially with the participation of animals. A dog often lives in his house. He is very close to his parents, and carries a warm attitude and affection towards them throughout his life. He prefers to live with them as one family.

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn” Eric: Alekseevich, Sergeevich, Naumovich, Ilyich, Emilievich, Antonovich, Maksimovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Eduardovich, Vladlenovich, Davidovich, Dmitrievich, Igorevich, Olegovich, Veniaminovich.

DOB: 1905-01-06

English science fiction writer

Version 2. What does the name Eric mean?

Eric - from other scand. noble leader.


Eric is a straightforward, brave man. He is not afraid to speak the truth, and is ready to bravely rush into battle if it seems to him that someone has been unfairly offended.

Eric is always smart, carefully dressed, neatly shaven. Completely impractical, not diplomatic, he cares little about the opinions of others. He has his own strong moral principles, which Eric pedantically follows, despite the fact that in the depths of his soul unknown feelings and passions lurk.

DOB: 1879-04-26

British comedian

3 version of the meaning of the name Eric

They like people they can rely on
one hundred percent, so they hold on to their friends devilishly tenaciously. Jealous.
Selfish. They are prone to stress and depression. They are tight-lipped, but sociable.

Deep believers (if not in religion,
then into fate, uncertainty - “fatum”).

4th version of the interpretation of the name Eric

DOB: 1958-06-14

5th version of the meaning of the name Eric

ERIC - noble leader (Old Scand.).

Zodiac sign - Leo.

Planet - Sun.

Color - purple.

Auspicious tree - cedar.

The treasured plant is the rose hip.

The patron of the name is the eagle.

Talisman stone - ruby.


Decisive and brave. He has a highly developed sense of justice. He is alien to prudence and any diplomatic tricks. He is distinguished by extraordinary accuracy and pedantry. In private life, Eric is a strict moralist who hides the sensuality of his nature.

Famous people named Eric

DOB: 1945-03-30

British rock musician, composer, guitarist and vocalist

DOB: 1905-01-06

English science fiction writer

DOB: 1879-04-26

British comedian

Eric Ericson

DOB: 1902-06-15

American psychologist and psychoanalyst

DOB: 1958-06-14

American speed skater, five-time Olympic champion

Numerology of the name Eric

Name number: 8

Number 8 is one of the most mysterious, but its secrets can also be revealed. Eights are strong individuals who set clear goals and always achieve them. They are active, easily get along with people, although sometimes they are too frank and straightforward.

Although Eights seem insensitive to us on the outside, in fact, they love to show their emotions and would like to do this openly, but internal boundaries do not allow them to do this.

The meaning of the letters in the name Eric

E- curiosity, insight and sociability. These people love good company. They have great abilities in the field of literature and journalism. Also among them there are a lot of individuals who work in areas where intuition should be well developed, for example: medicine, police, etc. It is very difficult for these people to find their soulmate.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the cause of the vast majority of conflict situations at home and at work.

Name as a phrase

  • E- (YE = E) Esi
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • TO- Kako

Name Eric in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Eric in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Possessing nobility” or “Noble rich man” (Scandinavian). According to another version, the name means "Permanent Ruler", taking its origin from the Scandinavian roots ei, "permanent", and rikr, "ruler"

Energy of the name and character: Unlike his Old Scandinavian brother, the modern Russian Eric has a rather intelligent gentleness and good nature, although he is not alien to emotional outbursts when firmness and determination begin to come to the fore. True, for this you need to try hard to piss him off.

Eric usually stands out as a child

I am his cheerful disposition and good-naturedness, he is an optimist and rarely indulges in sadness. His balance greatly facilitates the tasks of parents, because Eric lends himself perfectly to education.

It happens that some shyness can be traced in Eric’s character; he does not like to attract too much attention to himself, but this goes against the fact that his rare and beautiful name already sets him apart from the general environment. However, if his parents manage to develop significant pride in him, then the picture may be exactly the opposite, and Eric risks turning into a rather selfish and narcissistic person, accustomed to always being the center of attention.

But with age, the inherent softness of the name often takes its toll. In fact, the full form of the name already sounds like a diminutive, which can be perceived as a lack of seriousness befitting an adult. Here everything depends on Eric himself and on the work that his teachers did. Often, Eric is actually seduced by the childishness of his name and treats life accordingly, playing the role of a “big child” or an “eternal student” who prefers the search for pleasure to any other activity. In other cases, everything happens the other way around, and, as if trying to make up for this lack of seriousness, he begins to wear the mask of a kind of strict person. Undoubtedly, the second option is much more favorable for independent living, but you probably shouldn’t overdo it. This approach can provide him with a fairly calm fate, but if he wants to achieve any significant career success in life, it would not hurt him to become a little more persistent and active.

Secrets of communication: Whatever mask Eric wears, behind it most often hides a good-natured and gentle person. But where you really should be more careful with him is in any joint business - it is possible that he can easily lose interest in the business he has started. At the very least, it would be useful to whet his enthusiasm.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Eric

Indeed, the name Eric inclines its owner to a certain belligerence, in any case, the fact remains: of the two celebrities who bore this glorious name, both distinguished themselves precisely by their military exploits and even some wildness of temper.

So, the first of them, according to Greek mythology, the son of the god of the seas Poseidon and the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite - Eric, was the ruler in one of the regions of Hellas. In the area, he was considered an unsurpassed wrestler, easily defeating not only local, but also visiting celebrity strongmen. Therefore, it is not surprising that when Hercules passed through the territory that belonged to him, returning from another feat with the cows of Geryon, Eric challenged the hero to a duel. The agreement concluded between them was as follows: in case of defeat, Hercules gives the cows of Geryon to the winner, but if he wins, the hero gets all the lands of Eric. According to legend, Hercules defeated the overly self-confident king three times, after which he killed him.

Eric Bloodaxe

The second person known to history with that name was none other than Eric, nicknamed the Bloody Axe. This Viking, amazing in equal measure both with his unbridled courage and cold inhuman cruelty, truly deserved his nickname.

In 948, Bloodaxe became king of Northumland in England, but this could not quench his thirst for power, and he gradually began to fight his way to the Norwegian throne. In a struggle for power, Eric killed two of his brothers in cold blood - however, after this he was forced to flee the country. This is how the Viking’s whole life passed in wars, intrigues and escapes: only from England he had to flee twice. His last return to this country turned out to be not at all successful for him, and in 945, while trying to regain the English throne, Eric the Bloody Ax was killed.

According to Higir

An ancient Scandinavian name meaning literally: noble leader.

Eric grows up as a calm, somewhat phlegmatic boy, timid and obedient. He will meekly recite poetry in front of mom and dad's guests, even if he doesn't want to. He begins to show abilities early: musical, mathematical, plays chess. Likes to read books about great travelers, imagining himself as one of them. Eric is serious beyond his age; his reasoning often plunges those around him into a state of shock.

“Summer” Erics are very reasonable, even calculating people. Before deciding on something, they think about everything for a long time and comprehensively. Moreover, if we are talking about such an important step as marriage. Weighing the pros and cons, they may end up not getting married. But these people achieve noticeable success in the scientific field.

“Autumn” Eric is distinguished by his extraordinary neatness and pedantry: he will never leave the house without tying a tie and looking at himself in the mirror. Among the “autumn” people there are many people from creative professions. They are hospitable and enjoy visiting. They are interested in philately and collecting historical books.

“Winter” are much more decisive and bolder than their other namesakes. They have a highly developed sense of justice. “Winter” Eric can rush headlong to defend what he believes is a just cause. Often gets burned, but is ready to start over. He is alien to prudence and any diplomatic tricks.

Men bearing this name give the impression of being childish, not adapted to the harsh prose of life. Nevertheless, they manage well in it thanks to prudence and caution. In private life they are strict moralists, although they are very sensual by nature.

Synonyms for the name Eric. Erik, Eriko, Erich, Eerik, Erkki, Eero, Eerikki, Eirik, Eri, Airik, Eirikur.
Origin of the name Eric. The name Eric is German, Catholic, Armenian.

The name Eric has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Eric comes from the Scandinavian name Eirikr, consisting of two parts “eternal” and “king, ruler”, so the name Eric is often translated as “eternal ruler”. Several kings of Denmark, Sweden and Norway bore this name. In the Catholic tradition, Saint Eric of Sweden, the patron saint of Sweden and the Swedish capital Stockholm, is revered.

According to the second version, the name Eric has Germanic roots and is formed from the German name Euric (Eurik - pronunciation options: Eorik, Eorich), consisting of two parts “ewa, ewe” (“eternity; custom, law”) and “rihhi, riki” (“rich, powerful; leader, ruler”). Therefore, the German version of the origin most likely became only its own interpretation of the Scandinavian name.

Also, Eric is a variant of addressing a man with the Soviet name Erii, which is derived from the common noun “era”.

There are two options for stress in the name Eric, both on the first and second syllable. In Portugal, Eric will be called Erica, in Spain and Italy - Erico, in Germany and the Czech Republic - Erich, in Finland - Eerik, Erkki, Eero and Eerikki, in most European countries the name sounds like Eric. Paired female name - Erica.

As a child, Eric is phlegmatic and calm. He obeys his elders without complaint. Even at a very young age, he manifests musical talents, abilities in mathematical sciences, and also in playing chess. He is reasonable and serious. Reads literature about travelers.

Celebrating his birthday in the summer, Eric grows up to be a calculating man. He tries to think about his every step. Takes the decision to enter into legal marriage with great responsibility. Eric spends a very long time weighing all the positive and negative aspects. At the same time, a definite decision may not be reached. It is not uncommon to remain single. Can achieve good results by doing science.

Born in autumn, Eric can be characterized as an overly pedantic and neat person. He can study his reflection in the mirror for a long time. Usually he chooses a creative profession and achieves good results in it. He is a collector of historical literature. Eric is a hospitable host. He enjoys visiting someone himself.

“Winter” Eric is distinguished by such qualities as courage and determination. He always strives to establish justice. Rushing to the defense and suffering failure, he is immediately ready to start all over again. He cannot be suspected of prudence. He is alien to any tricks.

From the outside, a man named Eric looks infantile, not ready to endure any trials in life. But prudence helps Eric find his place in life. They hide their sensuality behind external severity.

A person with this name is characterized by such traits as intelligence, spiritual gentleness and kindness. Eric is never aggressive. He is firm and decisive in his actions. In life, Eric is an optimist, and one can only envy his balance.

Eric's behavior sometimes shows a hint of shyness. At the same time, he knows how to attract attention to himself. From childhood, parents try to develop self-esteem in him. This can subsequently lead to a pronounced sense of selfishness.

The full and diminutive forms of the name Eric sound the same. This fact may affect Eric's psychological perception of his name. If he does not learn to take himself seriously with age, he will play the role of an “eternal student” all his life. And his soft character will interfere with making the right decisions.

In the opposite case, Eric becomes a serious, independent person wearing a mask of severity. This allows him not only to achieve success in his career, but also to lead a quiet life. At some points Eric should have been more active and assertive. This will help him achieve his plans.

No matter how the owner of this name may seem from the outside, it is worth remembering that he is very good-natured and has a gentle character. He needs to feel attention and support from loved ones. It’s good if his friends are like-minded people who can help him in various endeavors. Otherwise, Eric may lose interest in the work he is doing without completing it completely. His enthusiasm needs constant warming up from the outside.

Eric's birthday

Famous people named Eric

  • Eric I the Kind, or Magnanimous ((1070 - 1103) king of Denmark. One of the sons of King Sven II
  • Estridsen, was elected king after the death of his brother Olaf.)
  • Eric of Pomerania ((1382 - 1459) King of Norway under the name Eric III (1389-1442), King of Denmark under the name Eric VII (1396-1439) and King of Sweden under the name Eric XIII (1396-1439), Duke of Pomerania under the name Eric I . The first king to lead the Kalmar Union.)
  • Eirik I Bloodaxe ((885 - 954) king (king) of Norway in the period from 930 to 934, son of Harald I Fairhair, father of King Harald II Gray Skin, representative of the Yngling dynasty. He was overthrown in 934 by his brother Hakon the Good. His Eirik received the nickname “Bloody Axe” for his numerous atrocities. In one of the Latin texts he was called “fratricide.”)
  • Alrek and Erik (legendary kings of Sweden)
  • Erik Anundsson ((d.882) semi-legendary king of Sweden, also known as Erik Emundsson)
  • Eric VI the Victorious ((d.995) semi-legendary king of Sweden (970-995))
  • Eric “Red (Red)” Thorvaldson, Eirik Rowdy ((950 - 1003) Scandinavian navigator and discoverer who founded the first settlement in Greenland. He received the nickname “red” for the color of his hair and beard. Father of Leif and Torvald
  • Ericsson, possible discoverers of America.)
  • Eric de Bishop ((1891 - 1958) French traveler, ethnographer, explorer of Polynesia, writer. Known for his voyages on the Kaimiloa canoe and the Tahiti Nui raft, he was a supporter of the autochthonous theory of the ethnogenesis of the Polynesians.)
  • George Orwell ((1903 - 1950) real name - Eric Arthur Blair; English writer and publicist)
  • Erich Maria Remarque ((1898 - 1970) born Erich Paul Remarque; one of the most famous and widely read German writers of the twentieth century)
  • Eric Daniel Pierre Cantona ((born 1966) French footballer, striker. Best known for his performances for the French national team and the English club Manchester United, with whom he won four Premier League titles. Still a legend among United fans ”, which gave him the nickname “King Eric”. He ended his playing career in 1997, after which he acted in films.)
  • Erik Vlček (Slovak kayaker, multiple world champion, Olympic medalist)
  • Eric Frank Russell ((1905 - 1978) English science fiction writer, master of the short ironic story)
  • Eric Stanislaus Stenbock ((1858 - 1895) English writer, author of phantasmagoric and gothic stories, a prominent representative of decadence)
  • Eric Serra ((born 1959) French film composer. He mainly worked on the films of Luc Besson. He authored the soundtracks for the cult film "Leon", as well as for "Joan of Arc", "The Fifth Element" and all other directorial works of Besson , except for the film "Angel-A".)
  • Eric Campbell ((1879 - 1917) British actor-comedian who became famous thanks to his participation in short films by Charlie Chaplin)
  • Erich Gamma ((born 1961) programmer from Switzerland, one of the four authors of the classic book “Design Patterns” about design patterns. Since 2011, he has been leading the Microsoft Visual Studio development team.)
  • Eric Gay (Canadian alpine skier, 2011 world champion in downhill, winner of the small World Cup in the super-G classification; specializes in speed disciplines)
  • Eric Linden ((1909 - 1994) leading Hollywood actor in the 1930s, appearing in more than 30 films)
  • Erik Manuel Lamela (Argentine footballer, attacking midfielder)
  • Eric Augustin Linkar (former Romanian footballer)
  • Eric Mitchell (Canadian ski jumper, Vancouver Olympics competitor)
  • Eric Robert Wolf ((1923 - 1999) American anthropologist and Marxist historian of Austrian origin)
  • Eric Singer (Singer) ((born 1958) real name - Eric Doyle Mensinger; American rock drummer who plays with Kiss, Alice Cooper and Avantasia. For more than two decades, Eric has taken part in the recording of over 50 albums. )
  • Eric Carriere (French football player who played as a midfielder. He is a skilled playmaker, excellent at taking free kicks and corner kicks, but more often plays in the position of a destroyer.)
  • Erik Jendrišek (Slovakian footballer, forward)
  • Eric Levin ((born 1933) pseudonym - Andrey Vnukov; Russian poet and translator, Prize winner of the Krokodil magazine (twice))
  • Eric Rasmussen (American professional ice hockey player, center forward)
  • Eric Rohmer ((1920 - 2010) real name - Jean-Marie Maurice Scherer; French film director, one of the most significant representatives of the New Wave movement in post-war French cinema, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Cahiers du Cinema" (1958-1963))
  • Eric Roth ((b.1945) American film screenwriter)
  • Erik Peter Verlinde (Dutch theoretical physicist in the fields of string theory, gravity, black holes and cosmology)
  • Erik Bulatov ((born 1933) Moscow photorealist artist, one of the founders of social art)
  • Eric Wieschaus ((born 1947) American biologist, winner of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for his discoveries concerning genetic control in the early stages of embryonic development”)
  • Eric Arturo Morel (Puerto Rican professional boxer who competed in the flyweight category. WBA world champion.)
  • Eric Batuev ((1969 – 2002) real name - Valery Batuev; Udmurt poet, Russian writer, journalist (specialist in events in “hot spots”))
  • Eric Bogosian (American actor, playwright and screenwriter of Armenian descent)
  • Erik Ersberg (Swedish ice hockey player, goalkeeper)
  • Eric Yudin ((1930 - 1976) Russian philosopher, scientist, methodologist. Active member and one of the leaders of the Moscow Methodological Circle in the first half of the 1960s, then one of the pioneers of the systems research movement in the country, co-founder of the scientific school "Philosophy and Methodology systems research.")
  • Erik Jan Hanussen ((1889 - 1933) real name - Hermann (Herschel) Steinschneider; Austrian circus performer and stunt performer of Jewish origin, clairvoyant)
  • Eric Scott Ash, better known by his nickname "Butterbean" (American heavyweight boxer, kickboxer and mixed martial artist)
  • Eric Pappo Addo (Ghanaian footballer, midfielder)
  • Eric (Bilal) Abidal (French footballer)
  • Erik Homburger Erikson ((1902 - 1994) psychologist in the field of developmental psychology, psychoanalyst. Known primarily for his theory of the stages of psychosocial development, and also as the author of the term identity crisis.)
  • Eric Adam Avery (American musician)
  • Erik van de Poele (Belgian racing driver)
  • Eric Flynt ((born 1947) is an American writer. He writes mostly fiction in the Alternate History genre, but he also has humorous works in the fantasy genre. He has a degree in history, specializing in the history of West Africa. His series of seven novels are best known on Belisarius (with David Drake) and episode 1632, about an American town transported to Germany during the Thirty Years' War. Flynt also edits collections of stories by early science fiction writers such as Keith Laumer, Randall Garrett, and others.)
  • Erik Tuxen (Danish conductor)
  • Eric Zabel (professional German cyclist, one of the best sprinters in world history)
  • Erich Hoepner ((1886 - 1944) German military leader during World War II)
  • Eric Fishbein (Swedish footballer, midfielder)
  • Erich Knauf ((1895 - 1944) German journalist, writer and songwriter)
  • Erich Koch ((1896 - 1986) prominent figure in the NSDAP and the Third Reich)
  • Erich Alfred "Booby" Hartmann ((1922 - 1993) German ace pilot, considered the most successful fighter pilot in the history of aviation. During World War II, he flew 1,525 combat missions, scoring 352 aerial victories (of which 345 over Soviet aircraft ) in 825 air battles. For his short stature and youthful appearance, he received the nickname Bubi - baby.)
  • Erich Mendelssohn (Mendelsohn) ((1887 - 1953) German architect, expressionist and functionalist)
  • Erkki Seppänen (Finnish rock singer, vocalist of the Russian-language group “KYPCK”)
  • Erkki Karu (Finnish director)
  • Erkki Sakari Tuomioja ((born 1946) Finnish politician, social democrat, since 2011 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland)
  • Erkki Melartin ((1875 - 1937) Finnish composer and conductor)
  • Erkki-Sven Tüür (Estonian composer)
  • Eero Saarinen ((1910 - 1961) Finnish and American architect and furniture designer)
  • Eero Haapalainen ((1880 - 1938) Soviet and Finnish politician, social democrat, one of the leaders of the Red Guard. During the Civil War, commissioner of the department of internal affairs of the Council of People's Representatives of Finland.)
  • Erik (Eero) Nikolai Järnefelt ((1863 - 1937) Finnish painter, graphic artist, professor)
  • Eero Aleksi Heinonen (Finnish bass player, member of the Finnish rock band "The Rasmus")
  • Eero Antero Mäntyranta (former Finnish ski racer and multiple Olympic champion. Having won 7 medals at four Winter Olympics, Mäntyranta is one of the most successful Finnish skiers of all time. His incredible success at the 1964 Olympics earned him the nickname Mister Seefeld.)
  • Erico Vinicius de Souza, known as Guin (Brazilian footballer, striker)

The name Eric has several versions of the origin of the name, although the meaning is very similar. About these versions and much more in our review article.

The most popular is the Scandinavian version of the name Eric. According to this version, the name Eric is two-rooted and is formed from the roots ei (eternal) and ríkr (powerful, ruler). Usually two-root names have many options for forming the name, although the general meaning does not change much. So the name Eric can mean "Eternal ruler", "Eternally powerful" or "He whose power will be eternal".

Almost completely repeats the previous version, the version of German origin. According to the German version, the name Eric comes from the roots “ewa, ewe” (eternity, custom) and “rihhi, riki” (powerful, ruler). That is, in essence, these versions are the same, but they have been challenging the palm for a very long time.

The meaning of the name Eric for a child

As a child, Eric was distinguished by a calm character and some shyness, which periodically gives way to cheerful and even mischievous behavior. Another obvious characteristic of Eric is the kindness and good nature of a child. He tries to make friends with everyone, which is often taken advantage of by more cunning children. This feature will accompany him into adulthood. We must try to teach the boy to defend his own interests and not succumb to the manipulation of others.

Eric studies well and successfully. He easily perceives new information, and his curiosity goes far beyond the school curriculum. Unfortunately, this ease often leads to a cool attitude towards knowledge. Eric can quickly lose interest in studying, which will ultimately negate his excellent inclinations. This is usually due to the fact that communication with peers is more important to the child than studying. The main reason for this is his desire to be important and noticeable in the school community.

The child's health is good and has no obvious problems. Eric rarely gets sick and tolerates illness easily. This often leads to Eric being completely indifferent to his health. Often this negligence manifests itself at a later age in problems with the digestive organs, etc.

Short name Eric

Er, Eri, Erri, Rick, Ricky, Richie.

Diminutive pet names

Ericka, Erishka, Eryushka, Erushka.

Children's middle names

Erikovich and Erikovna.

Name Eric in English

In English, the name Eric is spelled Eric, which is pronounced Eric.

Name Eric for international passport- ERIK.

Translation of the name Eric into other languages

in Hungarian - Erik
in Danish - Erik
in Irish - Eiric
in Icelandic - Eiríkur
in Spanish - Erico
in Italian - Erico
in German - Erich
in Norwegian - Eirik
in Polish - Eryk
in Portuguese - Erico
in French - Eric
in Finnish - Eerik
in Czech - Erik
in Swedish - Erik

Church name Eric(in the Orthodox faith) not defined. In Orthodoxy, this name cannot be baptismal, since it is not in the calendar. This name is revered in the Catholic Church (lat. Ericus).

Characteristics of the name Eric

As an adult, Eric does not change much in character. He is still as different as he was in childhood. His gaiety and good nature are periodically replaced by phlegmatism and apathy. Eric still tries to please everyone, even to the detriment of his own interests. He is easy-going, but not ready to move long and hard towards his goal. This makes Eric very fickle. But his cheerfulness and good nature attracts friends to him. He has a huge number of comrades and acquaintances who treat him well. This quite often helps him out in life.

Eric should work in an area where he will have a constant change of activities, otherwise he will get bored. Routine reduces Eric's vitality significantly, so he shouldn't let this happen. His profession is often a little adventurous, even if it initially seemed impossible. He will bring that zest anywhere or quit.

But in family relationships, Eric is very constant. Owners of the name rarely get divorced, but marry only out of great love. Eric maintains the gallantry of courting his wife even after many years of marriage. He is a caring and attentive man who knows how to create a wonderful homely atmosphere. It is also worth noting his warm and close relationship with children.

The mystery of the name Eric

Eric's secret is that his desire to like often leads him to the need to lie. Sometimes the lies become so big that he can no longer stop deceiving. This can lead to serious life problems, so he should be very careful with this side of his character.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Violet.

Plant- Rose hip.

Stone- Jasper.