Literary awards of the year list.  Kursk Regional Scientific Library named after

Russian Literary Awards - 2017

"Big Book" - 2017

First Prize - Lev Danilkin “Lenin. Pantocrator of solar motes"

Second prize - Sergei Shargunov “Kataev. Chasing Eternal Spring"

Third Prize - Shamil Idiatullin “City of Brezhnev”

The winner of the reader's vote was the book “Kataev. The pursuit of eternal spring" by Sergei Shargunov.

The book presents the first detailed biography of the outstanding prose writer and poet Valentin Petrovich Kataev (1897-1986), devoid of ideological bias. Few people know that the writer came from an old priestly family; among his close relatives were archbishops - new martyrs. Hero of Socialist Labor Kataev was at one time a white officer, a student of Bunin, and sat in the execution basement of the Odessa gubchek...

Writer Sergei Shargunov, relying on memories, archival documents, memoirs and biographical literature, managed to recreate the difficult, partly mysterious, life of Valentin Kataev, closely intertwined with literary creativity, a complex and contradictory person deeply involved in the historical events of the twentieth century.

Second and third places in the reader vote went to the books “Lenin. Pantocrator specks of sunshine" by Lev Danilkin and "The City of Brezhnev" by Shamil Idiatulin.

Let us remind you that the works of ten Russian writers made it to the finals of the 12th season of the national Big Book award. The list of finalists includes such famous authors as Mikhail Gigolashvili, Victor Pelevin, Andrey Rubanov, Alexey Slapovsky.

Summing up, Chairman of the Council of Experts Mikhail Butov noted: “This season, many writers have rethought themes common in Russian literature and presented them in completely different ways. We see the emergence of a new tradition of the Russian big book.” Literary critic, member of the Big Book expert council Dmitry Samoilov emphasized: “This year the list of finalists represents not only Russian literature, but Russian life in general.”

You can see more details about each book

"National bestseller" - 2017

In 2017, the shortlist for the award, formed based on the results of an open vote by 20 members of the “grand jury,” included seven works.

The jury described the shortlist as “irritating” - the works presented in it vary too much in both aesthetic and genre categories. “The shortlist included very different books, starting with genre and continuing with creative technique and thoughts about culture. On the one hand, Alexander Brener, with the book “Lives of Murdered Artists,” shocking an overly cultured reader, and on the other hand, Elena Dolgopyat’s wonderful book “Motherland,” absolutely calm,” said prize secretary Vadim Levental. He noted that the presence of such different works on the list makes the list the most controversial in recent years, but possibly also the strongest.

The winner of the literary award “National Bestseller - 2017” was Anna Kozlova with the book “F20”.

"Russian Booker" - 2017

The shortlist for the Russian Booker Prize included six finalists:

Mikhail Gigolashvilli “The Secret Year”, Igor Malyshev “Nomakh. Sparks of a Big Fire", Vladimir Medvedev "Zahhok", Dmitry Novikov "Golomyanoe Flame", Alexander Melikhov "Date with Quasimodo" and Alexandra Nikolaenko "Kill Bobrykin. The story of a murder."

Assessing the results of the nomination, the chairman of the jury of the 2017 Russian Booker Prize, poet and prose writer Pyotr Aleshkovsky, said: “The short list of the Booker reflects the completeness and diversity of today’s prose. Finalistswork in different novel genres. These are authors, both beginners and those already established in our literature.”

The winner of the Russian Booker 2017 was Alexandra Nikolaenko with her book “Kill Bobrykin. The story of a murder."

The winner of the Student Booker Prize for 2017, the winner of which is chosen by students of Russian universities, was Vladimir Medvedev with his novel Zahhok.

National competition "Book of the Year" - 2017

The annual national competition “Book of the Year” of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications was established in 1999. Its main task is to support the achievements of domestic book publishing, encourage the best examples of book art and printing, and promote reading and book culture.

This year, the competition received more than 500 publications from more than 120 publishing houses and publishing organizations in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Penza, Pyatigorsk, Chelyabinsk and other cities of the country.

In the main category "Book of the Year" The award was given to the anthology “Modern Literature of the Peoples of Russia: Poetry.” The book, which took a year and a half to prepare, includes more than 750 works written in 57 languages. The editor and compiler of the anthology was the laureate of the Solzhenitsyn Prize, the Anti-Booker Prize and the Poet Prize, Maxim Amelin.

The winners of the “Book of the Year” 2017 competition in other categories were:

In nomination "Prose of the Year" Lev Danilkin won with his biography “Lenin: Pantocrator of Solar Motes.”

Best in nomination "Poetry of the Year" became the anthology “100 Poems about Moscow”.

Award in the nomination "Russia is reserved" received Sergey Anisimov for the photo album “Arctic. The magic of attraction."

In nomination “Together with the book we grow” The award was given to the book “Find and Show in Rus'”.

In nomination "HUMANITAS" Boris Messerer's book "Bella's Flash" was awarded.

Award in the nomination "ART-book" received the album "Soviet Renaissance".

Winner in the nomination "The Art of Printing" became the four-volume work by Evgeniy Steiner, “Hokusai’s Manga: An Encyclopedia of Japanese Life in Pictures.”

Winner in the nomination "E-Book of the Year" The Internet project “Arzamas” was named “All Russian literature of the 19th century in 230 cards.”

Special diploma was awarded a two-volume book by literary critic, librarian and cultural scientist Ekaterina Genieva “Favorites”, which included her works on English and Irish literature, articles, memoirs, lectures and interviews.

Yasnaya Polyana Award - 2017

The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is an annual literary prize established in 2003 by the L.N. Estate Museum. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" and Samsung Electronics. The Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize is awarded to writers whose works inherit the traditions of classical literature.

In 2017, the award turned 15 years old, and in honor of the anniversary season, the organizers changed the structure of the award. This year the jury selected laureates in three categories: “Modern Russian Prose”, “Foreign Literature” and “Event”.

The award winners were:

in nomination "Modern Russian prose"- Andrey Rubanov for the book “Patriot”,

in nomination "Foreign literature"- Mario Vargas Llosa for the novel “The Humble Hero”,

in nomination "Event"- children's book festival "LiteraTula".

A special prize was also awarded to Samsung "Readers' Choice". The winner of the prize was Oleg Ermakov for his novel “The Song of Tungus,” which received the most votes based on the results of an open reader Internet vote on the recommendation service

Andrey Bely Prize - 2017

The first independent literary prize in Russian history. Established in 1978 by the editors of the Leningrad samizdat literary magazine “Clocks”. Awarded to authors writing in Russian, regardless of their citizenship.

In 2017, the award winners were:


Stanislav Lvovsky with the book “Poems from the book and other poems”


Victor Pelevin "iPhuck 10"


Ilya Budraitskis “Dissidents among dissidents”,

Vadim Rudnev “New model of reality”


Vitaly Kalpidi, inspirer, ideologist and organizer of numerous large-scale projects on Ural and Russian poetry: - for thirty-five years of work in creating, documenting and promoting the Ural poetic school, - for the plot project “Russian Poetic Speech-2016”


Gleb Morev, editor of the magazines “New Russian Book” and “Critical Mass”, websites OpenSpace and Colta, compiler of the collection of interviews “Dissidents”.

Foreign literary awards

Nobel Prize

Japanese-born British writer Kazuo Ishiguro won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Secretary of the Swedish Academy Sarah Danius, announcing Ishiguro, called the writer a “brilliant novelist”, and his work a combination of the works of Franz Kafka and Jane Austen, which also traces the ideas of Marcel Proust. Ishiguro himself noted that he regards the fact that he was awarded the prize as “amazing gratitude” for his work.

Kazuo Ishiguro began his literary career in 1981 with short stories, and in 1982 he published his first novel “Where the Hills Are in the Haze,” dedicated to the memory of Nagasaki during the Second World War.

One of the writer’s most famous novels, “The Remains of the Day,” is written as a monologue-memoir of the hero against the background of the approaching world war and the rise of fascism. The novel was awarded the Booker Prize. The book was made into a successful film starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson.

Other works by the writer include Never Let Me Go, recognized as the best novel of 2005 by Time and successfully filmed in 2010, as well as the writer’s latest book, The Buried Giant.

Ishiguro’s works have been translated into more than 30 languages ​​of the world, including Russian (“Where the hills are in the haze”, “Artist of the unsteady world”, “When we were orphans”, “The Remains of the Day”, “Inconsolable”, “Not Let me go", "Buried Giant").

For more information about Kazuo Ishiguro, see

Booker Prize

One of the most prestigious awards in the world of English literature was awarded in 2017 to the American writer George Saunders. He became the second consecutive U.S. representative to receive this award. Recall that the first American author to receive the Booker Prize was Paul Beatty in 2016.

George Saunders received the Booker Prize for his first long work, Lincoln in the Bardo. The novel takes place over the course of one night on February 20, 1862, at the time of the death of William, the 11-year-old son of US President Abraham Lincoln. From the seed of historical truth, George Saunders has crafted an unforgettable tale of familial love and loss, a moving exploration of death, grief, and the deeper meaning and possibilities of life.

George Saunders is very popular in his homeland. US literary reviewers call Saunders “hopelessly gloomy” and “hilariously funny.” The writer is found original, but also compared with famous authors - Kurt Vonnegut, James Thurber. It is noted that the merciless black humor in his works is inextricably intertwined with touching warmth. Saunders has more than once been named among those on whom American literature pins its hopes in the 21st century. Saunders's funny tragedies are quite in demand by the public: he is published in reputable publications, nominated for awards, etc. And for us it is not without interest that this overseas writer highly values ​​Russian authors - Gogol and Babel, Chekhov and Kharms.

International Booker Prize

Unlike the traditional Booker Prize, awarded to English-language authors, the International Prize can also be received by a foreign writer whose books are translated into English. Since 2015, the prize has been awarded annually (previously it was awarded once every two years) for a specific book and its translation.

The winner of the 2017 International Booker Prize was Israeli writer and journalist David Grossman. 63-year-old Grossman received a prestigious award in the field of literature for his book “A Horse Enters a Bar.” The book was translated into English by Jessica Cohen. Under the terms of the prize, a cash prize of £50,000 is divided equally between the author and his translator.

David Grossman is widely known for his works in which he describes the lives of teenagers, full of emotions, problems and adventures. Among them are the detective-adventure novel “Who Would You Run With” and the story “Duel,” which were translated from Hebrew into many languages ​​of the world. Grossman also wrote novels about the lives of Jewish Holocaust survivors and took the side against the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In his new work, “A Horse Enters a Bar,” David Grossman tells the story of a satirical entertainer who performs on stage in a small Israeli town. One evening, instead of the usual comedy show, the audience witnesses the drama of the main character, who is forced to go through “the circles of his personal hell.” Despite the highly social plot, the author collected many jokes in the book, one of which formed the basis for the title of the book.

David Grossman is a winner of many literary awards and was nominated for the Nobel Prize (2003). The writer's books have been translated into many languages, including Russian.

Prix ​​Goncourt

The most important literary prize in France was awarded to the writer Eric Vuillard for his book The Order of the Day.

A writer and filmmaker born in Lyon in 1968, Vuillard loves small forms and strives to teach through his books history lessons that have not been learned in time (his story last year, “The 14th of July,” was about the French Revolution).

"The Order of the Day" takes the reader back to Nazi times in Germany. The narrative reconstructs episodes of the alliance between the Nazi regime and German industrialists. The author's historical knowledge and unexpected plot twists made critics recognize his book even before the award as "one of the most interesting novels of the season."

The Prix Goncourt is the oldest literary award in France and has been awarded annually since 1903. The monetary part of the prestigious award is only 10 euros, but the reputation of the award in France and abroad guarantees the laureate increased fees from publishers.

Over the years, Marcel Proust, Maurice Druon, Simone de Beauvoir, and Michel Houellebecq became laureates of the prize. In 2016, the writer Leila Slimani received the Goncourt Prize for her book “Sweet Song”.

Renaudo Prize

The winner of the second most important French literary award was journalist Olivier Goues with his book “The Disappearance of Josef Mengele.”

The plot of the novel tells about the secret post-war life of Nazi criminal Josef Mengele, a doctor who conducted experiments on people in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He managed to avoid arrest and emigrate to Argentina. In the 1950s, he was able to obtain a GDR passport in his name and even come to his hometown of Günzburg for a few days. Despite the efforts of the German authorities and the Israeli Mossad, Mengele was never brought to justice. He died in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo in 1979. He was 67 years old.

It is believed that the Renaudo Prize was established in 1926 by journalists and literary critics who were awaiting the results of the discussion of the Goncourt Prize. The prize is a kind of addition to the main French award and is awarded on the same day as the Goncourt award.

The Renaudo Prize laureates over the years have included Marcel Aimé, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Louis Aragon, Michel Butor, as well as Nobel Prize winner in literature Gustave Leclezio. In 2016, the Renaudo Prize was awarded to writer Yasmina Reza for her book Babylon.

Dublin Prize

Angolan writer and journalist José Eduardo Agualuza won the 2017 Dublin Literary Prize. The author was awarded for the novel “The General Theory of Oblivion,” which tells about the bloody pages in the history of Angola, in particular, about the life of a girl immersed in the chaos of war and fear, who is trying to adapt to a hostile world.

Agualuza became the second South African writer to win the award. He is the author of 10 novels, several collections of stories, and a book of poems. He also collaborates as an independent journalist in various newspapers and radio. Writes in Portuguese. His most popular novels are: “The Seller of the Past”, “The Rainy Season”, “Queen Jinga and How Africans Created the World” and others.

The Dublin Prize is one of the most expensive literary prizes in the world, its size is 100 thousand euros. Previous winners of the Dublin Literary Prize over the years have included Orhan Pamuk, Herta Muller, Michel Houellebecq, Colm Tóibín and others. Indian-origin writer Akhil Sharma won the 2016 Dublin Literary Prize for his autobiographical novel Family Life.

Pulitzer Prize

The Pulitzer Prize is one of the most prestigious literary awards in the United States. The prize is awarded in several categories in the fields of literature, journalism, music and theater.

The top prize for a fiction novel in 2017 went to New York writer Colson Whitehead for his book The Underground Railroad, which has already made the NewYorkTimes bestseller list and won the US National Book Award.

The novel takes place on the eve of the American Civil War. In the story, the dark-skinned slave Cora, having become an outcast even among her own people, decides to escape and ends up on the underground railroad, with the help of which slaves from the southern slaveholding states moved to the free North.

In America, the novel has sold more than 825 thousand copies, and Barry Jenkins, director of the film Moonlight, said he would make a TV series based on it for Amazon. So Whitehead's victory was quite predictable.

The Pulitzer Prize has been awarded since 1917. The winner in each of 20 categories receives $10,000. At various times, such American classics as Ernest Hemingway, Margaret Mitchell, Harper Lee, Toni Morrison, John Updike and Tennessee Williams became winners of the award.

Franz Kafka Prize

The winner of the Franz Kafka Literary Prize in 2017 was the famous Canadian writer, poet and literary critic Margaret Eleanor Atwood. One of the leading figures on the world literary scene, winner of many literary awards.

Atwood's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world; they are well known to Russian readers. The themes of her works are universal: missed opportunities, failed relationships, ghosts of the past in the present, ignorance and misunderstanding that complicate people's lives.

The writer’s most famous novels are: “Comprehension”, “Woman Oracle”, “Bodily Harm”, “Cat’s Eye”, “The Thief Bride”, “The Blind Assassin” and others. Atwood's most famous novel, The Handmaid's Tale, has become a classic of modern literature and was successfully filmed.

The Franz Kafka Prize was the first Czech international literary award of global importance and is regarded as one of the most prestigious international awards. Awarded since 2001. The winner is awarded a cash prize of 10 thousand dollars and a bronze statuette - a miniature copy of the Prague monument to Kafka.

Over the years, the prize winners have been Harold Pinter, Elfriede Jelinek, Philip Roth and Haruki Murakami. The 2016 prize winner was the Italian writer, journalist and essayist Claudio Magris.

Hugo Award

The American Hugo Award is awarded annually for the best writing in the English language. fantasy genre. All registered participants of the convention at which it is awarded take part in the voting (therefore it is considered a “reader’s vote”). The figurine that the winner receives looks like a rocket taking off.

For the second time in a row, the American writer Jemisin Nora Keiza won the award in the category “Best Novel” for the book “Obelisk Gate” - the next volume of the techno-fantasy series “Broken Earth”, which tells about a global cataclysm in the fictional world of Tranquility.

Over the years, George Orwell, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and JK Rowling have become Hugo Award winners.



The Organizing Committee of the National Literary Award "Golden Pen of Rus'", with the assistance of the social network and the Commonwealth of Literary Communities, the Writers' Union of Russia and the ARPP, announces the 2017 International Literary Competition in the following categories:

  1. Prose (short story, story or excerpt from a novel, play or story, essay).
  2. Poetry (any kind).
  3. Military-patriotic themes (any genre).
  4. Editions.
  5. Work for periodicals - essays, news, interviews.
  6. Humor (any genre).
  7. Ecology (any genre).
  8. Fairy tale (any genre).
  9. Literary translations (any genre).
  10. Public communications (a brief presentation of organizations promoting the popularization of the Russian literary language, preferably address lines (links) indicating the activities of the organization).
  11. Literature for children in any genre.
  12. Special TV nomination for TV channels, TV presenters and TV companies.
  13. Musical (the combination of text and music is considered).
  14. Historical heritage.
  15. Special additional diplomas (works will be selected outside the nominations).

In order for your work to be included in the jury electronically, you need to select one or more nominations, indicate them in the subject line of the letter(s), and attach the text with a Word file to the letter to the email address of Yana Stefanovna Grinevich, secretary of the competition [email protected]. Word files have no restrictions.

Project of the Commonwealth Golden Pen of Rus' The international competition “National Literary Award GOLDEN PEN OF Rus'” has become not only one of the most popular, but is rightly recognized as elite among writers of the Russian-speaking world. Brief information about the work of the Golden Pen of Rus' Commonwealth has been given since 1998 on the website in the lines Cultural News, Cultural News, ZPR Events. From the main page of the site you can go to film clips of all ceremonies from 2005 to 2017. Get acquainted with the anthem of the Golden Feather of Rus' project. The work of the Golden Pen of Rus' television studio. Internet search engines will give you positive information and 34 million friendly links and even a few negative ones. What would it be like without them?

The National Literary Award is a distinctive breastplate - a GOLDEN FEATHER with the initials “SP” (Union of Writers “Pen of Rus'”), cast in gold on a special order by the world-famous master jeweler Roman Denisov. Sample present. Each product has certificate of conformity, certified by the seals of the Commonwealth of Literary Communities and the National Literary Award “Golden Pen of Rus'”. The sign is protected from counterfeiting and additional duplicates by the title and address line in the list of winners.

Considering the significance of the numbered award, the sign “Golden Feather of Rus'” - according to the statutory code since 2005 - is called the “Badge of Special Distinction” and is awarded annually and for life. At the same time, with the presentation of the “Special Distinction Badge “Golden Feather of Rus'”, the owner is awarded the title “Golden Feather of Rus'”, and the owner of the “Special Distinction Badge “Silver Feather of Rus'” is awarded the title “Silver Feather of Rus'”. The corresponding certificates of entry into the planetary Russian-speaking Union of Writers “Pero Rusi” and certificates with a personal number are issued. All winners are included in the honorary list of title holders. You can get acquainted with it if you follow the site link in the Prize winners line.

This is not a State, but a public award. You can find out about the founders of the Award in the “founders” line. With honorary members of the jury and the working team of the jury - in the line “jury”. Attention! Members of the jury reserve the right to be in remote access without advertising their assistance to the organizing committee. Any member of the jury and organizing committee has the right to take part in the competition and be its patron. Any winner from previous years too. But for the second time the title and special insignia “Golden Pen of Rus'” and “Silver Pen of Rus'” are not issued. In case of good work of the participant, the jury of each nomination has the right to recommend the work for additional incentives from friendly public organizations. The founders, at their discretion, as well as on the recommendation of the chairmen of the nomination jury, reserve the right to organize additional unannounced prizes and gifts at the ceremony and offsite meetings of the Golden Pen of Rus'.

The author does not pay fees for joining the interactive Union of Writers “Pero Rusi” and for participating in the competition. The competition is free for participants. The organizing committee attracts additional patrons to give gifts directly at the ceremony. In case of extreme necessity (disability, earthquake, poverty or war), it attracts sponsors to pay for the accommodation of out-of-town participants and travel costs from other countries. The organizing committee allows the use of the competition logo to address winners and laureates to their local administrations and sponsors, as well as for the publication of books by the awardees.

Important! The organizing committee has never produced, and does not produce, almanacs and other extortions for participants, fundamentally providing assistance only in the release of individual collections and books.

Every year, the contestants are also awarded the title of “LAUREATE” of the National Literary Prize GOLDEN FEATHER OF Rus'”, and are awarded special diplomas of a given year in a certain nomination. The lists of Competition Results for each year can be found if you follow the site link to the lines Events, News, News and find the year you are interested in.

This year, as in previous years, gold and silver laureates will be awarded diplomas and special gifts.

Poets, writers, journalists, comedians, storytellers, television writers, environmentalists, historians, literary translators, scientists submit their works for consideration by the jury from January 1, 2017 to September 15, 2017. On October 1, 2017, the site will familiarize participants with the results of this competition by publishing the “Results 2017” file on the main page.

In addition to the above awards, Special Diplomas will be awarded, which you will learn about from the announcement after the jury’s work.

The number of winners is not limited; it is determined by the competition jury. It also determines the laureates.

Friendly organizations adjacent to the Golden Pen, they are also collective members of the Commonwealth, such as Labor Valor of Russia LLC and others, will also prepare their own commemorative signs of diplomas or certificates for those whom they themselves select from among the total number of participants.

If out of all the authors of the submitted works the jury does not find those worthy of the corresponding title, no one will receive the prize in the nomination. The winners of the ZPR competition are identified regardless of the number of participants living in a particular region and their previous achievements.

Just like the last 10 years, outside of the announced nominations, the founders Alexander Bukharov and Svetlana Savitskaya will select authors or organizations to present Special diplomas of the founders, awards and prizes of any level.

The television nomination and the music nomination can be considered either by attachment to the letter or through links on the social networks Mail (My World), Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, YouTube, Facebook.

The number of lines and links is unlimited.

Authors wishing to take part in the “Works for Children” nomination must either send their children’s works to [email protected] with the subject of the letter “children's nomination”.

Only original works will be accepted for consideration at the competition. Russian language. Works co-authored accepted will not.

The winners of the competition and the best participants will be invited to the award ceremony, which will take place in October at the Central House of Writers in Moscow at the end of October 2017. It will be announced additionally.

The competition is designed to identify the best literary, artistic and journalistic works of writers, to promote their popularization, the release of their books, and the preservation of the literary national heritage of Russia and the Russian-speaking world of the planet.

We ask you to pay attention to the announcements of two more competitions on the main page - this is the competition for children and youth “Golden Feather of Rus'” 2017 and the competition, together with the DED “Green Planet” 2017.

The organizing committee invites everyone to take part in the project. From site visitors, friendly organizations and associations, competition participants can be presented with exclusive gifts, diplomas and certificates. We are ready to discuss any options for sponsorship and assistance to winning authors from true connoisseurs of the Russian language and Russian culture.

With best wishes from patrons

National Literary Award Golden Pen of Rus':

Project founder, Doctor of Philosophy,

writer Svetlana Savitskaya ,

Founder of the project Alexander Bukharov .


Moscow Humanitarian University, together with the National Institute of Business, the Institute of Contemporary Art, the National Union of Non-State Universities, and the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, established the Bunin Prize, dedicated to the memory of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, an outstanding Russian poet and writer, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nobel laureate. This is the only non-state literary prize awarded annually to outstanding literary artists writing in Russian. The Board of Trustees, when establishing the Bunin Prize in 2004, was guided by the lofty goals of maintaining Russian literature and reviving the best traditions of Russian literature.
On October 24, 2017, a solemn ceremony took place in the conference hall of the Moscow Humanitarian University, at which the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bunin Prize, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the rector of the university, Professor Igor Mikhailovich Ilyinsky, together with members of the Jury, presented well-deserved prizes to the new laureates.

The laureates of the International Bunin Prize 2017 were:
Igor Volgin - for the book of poems “Personal Data” and a poetic cycle in the magazine “Znamya”. Volgin Igor Leonidovich was born in Molotov in 1942. He is a candidate of historical sciences and a doctor of philological sciences, an honorary member of such associations as the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Society of F. M. Dostoevsky. As a professor, he gives numerous lectures at higher educational institutions, for example, at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Journalism, as well as at the Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky. He published collections of poems “Ring Road” (1970), “Six in the Morning” (1975), “Personal Data” (2015).

Nikolay Zinoviev - for the books of poems “Wait for Sunday”, “In the Motherland”, “The Wall”.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zinoviev was born in the small town of Korenovsk, Krasnodar Territory, in 1960. He is one of the strongest contemporary poets, a poet whose books always find their readers. This is explained by the fact that in his poems he acutely raises the problems of Russia and mourns the pain of his country. At the same time, in all his works he remains a faithful patriot.

Timur Zulfikarov - for the book of poems “Golden Letters of Love”. Timur Zulfikarov is a poet, prose writer and playwright who writes in Russian. Zulfikarov was born in Dushanbe in 1936. The author's main works have been translated into 12 languages. His novels about Khoja Nasreddin, Omar Khayyam, Ivan the Terrible, Amir Timur and a monumental narrative about the life and afterlife of a modern poet, “The Poet’s Earthly and Heavenly Wanderings,” became widely known. Zulfikarov is the author of 20 books of prose and poetry, the circulation of which exceeded a million copies. In 2009, the poet's collected works were published in seven volumes. Zulfikarov is also a laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana literary award, the Best Book of the Year award, and the Anton Delvig award.

O. Leonid (Safronov) - for the books of poems “The Forester’s Daughter”, “Holy Rus' is Hidden”, “A White Foal Walks”. Archpriest Leonid Safronov was born on October 19, 1955 in the village of Rudnichny, Verkhnekamsk district, Kirov region. He is the rector of St. Nicholas Church in the village of Rudnichny, Verkhnekamsk district, Kirov region. Father Leonid Safronov is a Russian poet. Author of thirteen poetry books, member of the Writers' Union since 1989; laureate of literary prizes from the magazines “Moscow” and “Our Contemporary”; winner of two All-Russian literary awards: named after Nikolai Zabolotsky (2005) and named after Alexander Nevsky (2010). L. Safronov's poetry is characterized by soulful lyricism, epic breadth of coverage of the history of the Fatherland, depth and scale of development of national themes. Children's poems occupy a significant place in his poetry, but religious themes, and more broadly, a religious view of the world, are decisive in his work.

"BOOKER - 2017"

An American became the winner of the Booker Prize 2017 George Saunders for the novel "Lincoln in the Bardo".
The book chronicles the grief of 16th US President Abraham Lincoln as he deals with the death of his 11-year-old son, Willie. During the course of the story, Lincoln finds himself in an intermediate state, which in Buddhism is called "bardo", which gives the title to the novel. The writer’s works have not yet been published in Russian.
Saunders was born in 1958, graduated from Syracuse University in 1988 with a master's degree in creative writing, and is the recipient of many awards and honors. Since 1997, Saunders has taught at Syracuse University while publishing fiction and nonfiction.
Saunders's writing often focuses on the absurdity of consumerism and corporate culture, as well as the role of the media. Although many critics see a satirical tone in much of Saunders's work, he also raises questions of morality. Due to the tragicomic elements in his work, he has been compared to Kurt Vonnegut, whose works inspired Saunders.


The Alexander Solzhenitsyn Literary Prize in 2017 was awarded to Vladimir Petrovich Enisherlov with the wording “for thirty years of leadership of the magazine “Our Heritage” from the day of its foundation; for the enormous cultural and educational work in searching for and publishing forgotten works of Russian literature and philosophical thought; for high-quality expert efforts in the rescue and preservation of museums, historical, architectural and natural monuments.”
Vladimir Enisherlov - literary scholar, writer, literary critic, was born on December 26, 1940 in Moscow. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky and graduate school at the Literary Institute. Candidate of Philological Sciences, dissertation topic “Alexander Blok - literary critic (1902-1918).” He headed the literature and art department at the Ogonyok magazine.
In 1987, he received an offer from D.S. Likhachev to join the newly created Cultural Foundation and become the editor-in-chief of the Foundation’s historical and cultural magazine, “Our Heritage.” During the years of his leadership, the magazine published 119 issues. Published materials by philosophers and writers, artists and musicians, researchers of painting, architecture, ancient art, dramatic theater, ballet, cinema, and in printing of the highest level. Readers were presented with previously unknown texts and materials from the archives of A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Griboedov, A. Blok, A. Bely, Z. Gippius, M. Tsvetaeva, materials from the heritage of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, P. Florensky, G. Fedotov.

"LYCEUM - 2017"

In Russia, a new literary prize “Lyceum” named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has been created for young writers and poets. On February 27, 2017, the acceptance of works for the new literary prize "Lyceum" named after Alexander Pushkin for young writers and poets began. The purpose of the prize is to find and encourage emerging talented Russian writers and poets who can make a significant contribution to the preservation and development of world fiction.
Authors between the ages of 15 and 35 can apply for the prize.
The Lyceum Award will be held annually. Both authors and regional book publishing houses and the media can nominate works.
Prize winners are determined in two categories - poetry and prose, in each of which three prizes are awarded. The prize winners will be named by a jury chaired by Pavel Basinsky on A.S.’s birthday. Pushkin June 6, 2017.
The short list, announced on May 16, in the “Poetry” nomination included Kursk residents: Andrey Boldyrev and Vladimir Kosogov.

Andrey Vladimirovich Boldyrev born 1984 in Kursk. Published in the magazines “Siberian Lights”, “Emigrant Lyre”, “Ring “A””, “Prologue”, in the almanacs “LAK”, “Ilya”, in the collections “New Writers”, “Plank”. Participant of the V and VI forums of young writers of Russia. Grand Prix "Ilya Prize" (2006), laureate of the I Annual International Literary Competition "Manifestation", diploma winner of the X International Voloshin Competition (2012), shortlist of the XI International Voloshin Competition (2013). Lives in Kursk.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Kosogov born in 1986 in Zheleznogorsk. Graduated from the philological department of Kursk State University. Works as editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" in Kursk.
He has been writing poetry since he was 18 years old. Published in the almanac “Slavic Bells”, in the collection “Autograph”, in the magazine “LAK”.
Author of the book “According to the Word of Sadness.” Winner of the Manifestation Award.
Member of the Kursk Union of Writers. Lives in Kursk.