Social culture of society briefly. Social and cultural activities

T.A. Frolova
Economics and management in the field of socio-cultural services and tourism: lecture notes
Taganrog: TTI SFU, 2010.


4. Sectoral structure of the socio-cultural sphere

Socio-cultural sphere is a set of enterprises, institutions, organizations and management bodies that carry out the production, distribution, preservation and organization of consumption of goods and services for socio-cultural and information purposes, thereby ensuring the satisfaction of the cultural and information needs of the population.

The purpose of the SCS is to enrich the spiritual life of people and create conditions for social cultural activities.

Features of SKS:

1. The work of SCS employees is carried out in the form of services.

2. The work of workers is individualized. SCS deals with the individual needs of people with their varied tastes and moods. This determines special requirements for the personal qualities of SCS workers. The ability and ability to work with people is highly valued.

3. SCS deals with serving the population, therefore the territorial location of its institutions and organizations depends on demographic factors (numbers, density, population composition, etc.).

4. Labor in SCS is relatively less susceptible to mechanization and automation. Industries in this area are characterized by increased labor intensity.

5. Services are commodities of consumption, but services cannot be accumulated; a service can only be consumed at the time of production.

6. The natural factor does not play a huge role as in material production.

7. The work of SCS workers is unproductive, because this labor does not participate in the creation of material wealth.

8. Key workers are specialists with secondary and higher education, most of of which are women.

9. Uniformity of the structure of consumed costs. The share of material costs is very low: in the theater - 13%, in the circus - 17%, in parks - 20%, in concert organizations - 3.5% (in industry - 83%, in construction - 65%).

Services sector - This is a set of industries and activities designed to satisfy the spiritual and material needs of the population.

An intangible benefit is a benefit that affects the development of human abilities, created in the non-productive sphere. There are benefits:

a) internal - benefits given to man by nature (voice, ear for music, ability for sciences);

b) external - what the outside world provides to satisfy needs (reputation, business connections, patronage).

In accordance with the functions performed, all sectors of SCS and tourism are classified into 3 large groups:

1. Industries that ensure the process of reproduction of material and intangible goods:

Department of Housing and Utilities; the science.

2. Industries aimed at developing human abilities, maintaining his health, satisfying his cultural and spiritual needs:

Household services; passenger transport; public service communications;

Healthcare; social Security; tourism; Culture and art.

3. Industries that meet the needs of society as a whole:

Management and planning of the national economy;

Industries ensuring state security;

Ensuring property protection.

There is another classification of SCSF:

1. Public administration, social services.

2. Financing, insurance, pensions.

3. Private housing.

4. Commercial, social, pension services.

5. Equipment repair.

6. Passenger transport.

7. Health and social services service.

8. Education.

9. Wholesale and retail trade.

10. Natural and economic activities.

11. Culture, art and media.

12. Physical education, sports, recreation, entertainment.

13. Hotel business.

14. Restaurant business and catering.

All these areas ensure the development of human potential as the source and ultimate goal of social development.

SCS sectoral structure includes:

1. Branch of culture the ideological and moral state of society, determined by the material conditions of life of society and expressed in its life, ideology, education, upbringing, in the achievements of science, art, literature (cinema, theater, museum, library, exhibitions, concert halls, clubs, etc.).

Functions of the cultural sector:

a) preservation of historical and national cultural monuments;

b) introducing people to cultural creations;

c) raising a cultured person;

d) replenishment of the piggy bank cultural achievements in the field of literature, art, artistic creativity, music, painting and sculpture;

e) conducting research in the field of culture;

f) spiritual enrichment of a person.

2. Education sector engaged in all forms of education in a wide variety of educational institutions (schools, preschool institutions, gymnasiums, colleges, schools, technical schools, universities, research institutions in the field of pedagogy).

Functions of the education sector:

· meeting people's needs for knowledge;

· training and retraining for work and labor;

· promoting the acquisition of a specialty and mastery of a profession;

· education of a person.

3. Healthcare a system of state and public measures for the protection of health, the prevention and treatment of diseases and the continuation of human life (polyclinics, hospitals, outpatient clinics, ambulance stations, dispensaries, maternity hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, etc.).

Functions of the healthcare industry:

§ concern for maintaining people's health;

§ prevention and treatment of diseases;

§ provision of medical care;

§ providing people with medicines;

§ restoration of lost health.

Physical education and sports are closely related to the healthcare sector in the part in which they solve the problem of promoting health and promoting a healthy lifestyle for people.

4. Consumer services industry for the provision of non-production and production services (baths, photo salons, laundries, dry cleaners, tire fitting, service stations, workshops, hairdressers, child care services).

5. Housing and communal services an industry that maintains housing and communal services in working order: houses, elevators, water supply, sewerage, heat supply and other housing infrastructure.

6. Social security (social protection) satisfies the needs of a number of categories of the population for financial resources and sources of livelihood, especially those without stable incomes (social insurance, provision of material goods).

7. Science the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge and reality (applied, fundamental).

Socio-cultural activity is an activity that is aimed at preserving and transmitting cultural values, as well as the development, self-affirmation and self-realization of individuals and groups through their familiarization with these values. Usually this activity is related to leisure. Specialists are working on the organization cultural events, help in case of difficulties in family and any other communication precisely by organizing the free time of children and adults.

Such activities are very important because they are aimed at solving individual social problems and meeting the cultural needs of society. SDS is diverse, it has a large number of different options and institutions, and is characterized by exceptional voluntariness and freedom of choice. Social and cultural activities perform recreational, health, cultural, creative, developmental and informational functions.

Where and how is this taught?

There are more than 60 universities in Russia that offer their programs to train students in socio-cultural activities. The leading universities are Moscow universities, for example, Moscow State University culture and arts, Moscow City Pedagogical University and others. Students study culture and art in all their diversity, their theory and historical development, applied disciplines and humanities, and undergo internships in various cultural and production centers.

Graduates of universities of this specialty work in show business, are mainly engaged in organizational activities, negotiate with agencies, agree on holding events, as well as promoting stars career ladder. Specialists work with actors, singers, circus performers, organize exhibitions in galleries, etc. Many students in this department emphasize the desire and opportunity to work in their specialty after graduation, the high probability of receiving a profitable income, which grows with the work experience and qualifications of the specialist, as well as a whole range of activities that can be combined with studies. This is one of the most popular modern world areas of activity that, with a competent approach, bring real benefits to society and culture.

Socio-cultural activity is a process that is aimed at creating conditions for self-affirmation, development and self-realization of a group and individual in the field of leisure. At the same time, the whole variety of problems associated with the organization of free time is solved: with communication, creation and assimilation, and so on. The manager takes part in the formation of a satisfactory environment and initiatives of the population in the field of leisure, in solving problems of the religious, historical, cultural, environmental sphere, problems of family and children, using unique forms and methods.

Recognition and public position of actions in to a greater extent depend on the level of development of theoretical foundations that reveal goals, subject matter, functions, and patterns. Socio-cultural activity has its own, only it inherent features. First of all, it is carried out in leisure (free) time, characterized by the voluntariness and initiative of various groups, and the activity of individuals. Social and cultural activities are determined by regional, national and ethnic traditions and characteristics. It is distinguished by a variety of types, which is based on artistic, political, educational, everyday, professional and other different ages. Implementation is carried out in non-institutional and institutional forms. Social and cultural activities are free from various types of production, training processes, motivation by profit, and business. When choosing a leisure activity related to self-realization, self-development, pleasure, communication, health improvement, etc., the needs and

Socio-cultural activities are characterized by a deep individual orientation. This is due to the fact that it bears traits that are determined by the socio-political and biological structure of the individual. It should be said that the activity in question can be both collective and individual. She is characterized by purposefulness. A consciously set goal sets the process in motion. Thus, preliminary thought after defining the tasks, analysis of the situation in which the action will take place, the choice of means and methods of achievement determine the sequence of activities in the socio-cultural sphere.

When considering the main features, the developmental, humanitarian character stands out in a special way. This is due to the fact that, at its core, the activity has cultural goals.

Analysis of the essence of the organizational process under consideration reflects the interaction of creative, reproductive, as well as mixed (reproductive-creative) elements. Formative activity is considered a necessary condition in the existence and development of a person. Reproduction is inevitable and obligatory in many forms of leisure activities,



The concept of socio-cultural activity

Scientific status and public recognition of a particular science largely depend on the degree of development of its theoretical foundations, which reveal the subject, goals, laws and functions of this science, its connection with practice. Social and cultural activities in this regard are no exception. It occupies one of the main places in the practical work of a modern social worker: a social teacher, cultural scientist, sociologist, economist - manager of the socio-cultural sphere.

Possessing deep humanitarian content, this profession has become an integral part of the way of life in most civilized countries. Neither social development programs nor the social policy of any state can do without taking into account the activities of social workers. Specialists in the field of social work are involved by municipal authorities and public organizations as experts in the preparation of legislative acts and decision-making.

Social work is rightfully defined as the organization of personal, social, and state assistance to people. It is based on altruism and aims to provide the necessary support "to people when they find themselves in stressful situations related to loss loved one, natural disasters, complete or partial loss of ability to work, mental breakdown, unemployment, making vital decisions. In these situations, voluntarily or unwittingly, it is not just one person who finds himself, but also his family and immediate circle:

For a deep understanding of the very essence of social work, it is fundamentally important to have an idea of ​​the nature of the personal relationship between a social worker and his ward (client).

The main goals of social work include:

a) the social worker’s concern for increasing the independence of his wards, developing their ability to control their actions and more effectively solve emerging problems;

b) searching for an individual and unique approach to each person and each family in modern conditions aimed at satisfying their economic, spiritual, leisure interests and needs;

c) creating conditions, a favorable leisure environment that would help every person - a child, a teenager, an adult, despite one or another extreme situation, life crisis, mental breakdown, maintain balance, self-esteem, physical strength, cognitive and creative activity.

The mediation of a social worker in the field of leisure is that he does not wait for one of his clients to turn to him for help, but he himself strives to create optimal leisure conditions, so necessary for self-development, self-affirmation, and self-creativity of people. The more social work develops today, the clearer the need for increasing the level of its professionalism becomes.

The Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture, adopted in 1992, clearly defines the main conceptual apparatus(thesaurus), which is constantly used in modern theory and practice of socio-cultural activities (Article 3). These concepts (terms) are of fundamental importance for a sufficiently deep understanding of the essence and content of the course “Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Activities”.

Let us dwell on the most essential, initial terms.

Cultural activities- activities to identify, preserve, form, disseminate and develop cultural values.

Cultural values- moral and aesthetic ideals, norms and patterns of behavior, languages, dialects and dialects, national! traditions and customs, historical toponyms, folklore, arts and crafts, works of culture and art, results and methods of scientific research into cultural activities, buildings, structures, objects and technologies of historical and cultural significance, historically and culturally unique territories and objects.

Cultural benefits- conditions and services provided by organizations, other legal entities and individuals to citizens to meet their cultural needs.

Creative activity - the creation of cultural values ​​and their interpretation.

Creative worker, subject of cultural activity - individual, participating in the process of identifying, preserving, creating, distributing and mastering cultural values.

The dignity of peoples' cultures and national groups- recognition of their value, showing respect for them.

Cultural heritage peoples and national groups living on the territory of the Russian Federation are material and spiritual values ​​created in the past, as well as historical and cultural territories and objects significant for the preservation and development of the identity of the Russian Federation and all its peoples, their contribution to world civilization .

The cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation is a set of cultural values, as well as organizations, institutions, cultural enterprises that have national, all-Russian significance.

Cultural aspects of federal and regional development programs - prospects for socio-economic, scientific, technical, environmental and other development programs from the point of view of the impact of the results of their implementation on the preservation and development of culture, as well as the influence of culture itself on these results.

State cultural policy , state policy in the field of cultural development is a set of principles and norms that guide the state in its activities to preserve, develop and disseminate culture, as well as the state’s activities in the field of culture itself.

The most important areas of cultural activity:

identification, study, protection, restoration and use of historical and cultural monuments;

fiction, cinematography, stage, plastic, musical art, architecture and design, photography, other types and genres of art;

artistic folk arts and crafts, folk culture in such manifestations as languages, dialects and dialects, folklore, customs and rituals, historical toponyms;

amateur (amateur) artistic creativity;

museology and collecting;

book publishing and librarianship, as well as other cultural activities related to the creation of printed works, their distribution and use, archival work;

television, radio and other audiovisual media in terms of the creation and dissemination of cultural values;

aesthetic education, art education, pedagogical activities in this area;

Scientific research culture;

international cultural exchanges;

production of materials, equipment and other means necessary for the preservation, creation, distribution and development of cultural values;

other activities resulting in the creation, preservation, distribution and development of cultural values.

The Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture notes that cultural activity is an inalienable right of every citizen, regardless of nationality and social origin, language, gender, political, religious and other beliefs, place of residence, property status, education, profession or other circumstances (Article 8).

In this important state document the comprehensive content of human rights in the field of cultural activity is revealed: his rights to all types of creative activity in accordance with his interests and abilities, carried out both on a professional and non-professional (amateur) basis; his rights to personal cultural identity and cultural property rights; his right to create various organizations, institutions, enterprises and public associations in the field of culture; his rights to familiarize himself with cultural values, to humanitarian and artistic education; his rights to cultural activities in foreign countries, as well as to export abroad the results of his creative activities (Articles 10-11, 13-17).

The nature and purpose of socio-cultural activities are usually considered in several main aspects:

economic, where the predominant place in the characteristics of socio-cultural activities is occupied by such categories as self-financing and profitability, costs and the development of capital investments, efficiency, self-sufficiency, material security;

humanitarian, covering a wide range of content and modern technologies of socio-cultural activities, which includes a whole block of original concepts of social work, leisure, socio-cultural sphere, social purpose, principles and functions, private and industry methods, domestic and foreign experience;

organizational and managerial, where the basis of meaning-forming structures are the concepts of management in the socio-cultural sphere, centralization and decentralization, democracy and self-government, control and reporting, socio-cultural diagnosis, forecasting and design.

All practical processes implemented in the field of socio-cultural activities are based on the interdependence and interaction of these areas.

When studying the course, it is important to be able to navigate the characteristic features and patterns inherent in socio-cultural activity in modern conditions, to master the basic terms with which this branch of scientific knowledge operates.

Let us dwell on the very concept of “socio-cultural activity”. Its comprehension is possible only at the intersection of such fundamental sciences as philosophy, sociology, history, pedagogy, psychology, economics, law, etc. Activity is the basis human existence, a special form of manifestation of human activity. This is a multifaceted process that characterizes the world and the type of being in the world.

In the general sociological aspect of the concept “activity” also characterizes the activity of a social subject.

Some researchers equate the concepts of “social activity” and “social activity”. However, these are not synonyms, although the concepts are interconnected, interdependent and have common qualitative characteristics. Activity is the process of realizing social activity, since “the essence of a person is much richer, more versatile and more complex than just the system of his activity.”

As for the concept of “social activity,” the most fair, in our opinion, is the definition of N. S. Mansurov, who believes that social activity is “the manifestation of essential personality traits in public life, that is, in those social conditions in which its existence takes place." This interpretation of the concept is multifaceted. Its "detachment" from social formations enriches and elevates the philosophical generalization, makes it modern, brings it closer to the understanding of universal human norms, phenomena, and values.

Social activity as a manifestation of the essential properties of a person is expressed through activity and is directly related to it. Social activity is much wider social activities. Along with the latter, it also includes the process preceding the activity - the formation of a source of tension, awareness of the need for action, the formation of an appropriate attitude, the choice of optimal behavior. The activity itself acquires a specific subject orientation; in the course of it, a goal, a program of actions, their sequence, and management (self-government) of the activity process itself are determined. In the specialized literature of recent years, activity is determined by human characteristics, since it is a specific form of human activity.

Each person throughout his life finds himself immersed in many specific types of activities, which differ primarily in their substantive content, determined by the totality of needs, motives, tasks and actions.

Socio-cultural activity has its own characteristic features. First of all, it is carried out in free (leisure) time, characterized by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, initiative of various groups and individuals. Social and cultural activities are determined by national, ethnic, regional characteristics and traditions. It is characterized by a variety of types based on general cultural, artistic, educational, political, social, everyday, family, professional and other interests of adults, youth, and children. The wide variety of types of socio-cultural institutions of society creates the conditions for this activity. Socio-cultural activities are implemented in institutional and non-institutional forms. It is free from various types of production and educational activities, from being motivated by business and profit. The free choice of leisure activities related to recreation, self-development, self-realization, communication, pleasure, and health improvement is carried out on the basis of a person’s interests and needs.

Socio-cultural activity is distinguished by a deep personal orientation, since it carries within itself the traits of individuality, determined by its biological characteristics and socio-psychological structure. This activity can take place both individually and collectively. She has a sense of purposefulness. It is a consciously set goal that sets the activity in motion: preliminary thoughtfulness of actions after its formulation, analysis of the situation in which a person has to act, the choice of ways and means to achieve the goal determine the sequence of individual actions in the socio-cultural sphere.

Considering the leading features of socio-cultural activity, we will especially highlight its humanistic, cultural, developmental nature, since it is based on cultural goals.

The indicated features of socio-cultural activity can be significantly supplemented or classified differently, but it is they who determine its purpose.

Analysis of the essence of socio-cultural activity shows that reproductive, creative and reproductive-creative elements interact in it. Reproductive activity in the cultural and leisure sphere is a necessary condition for human life. Reproduction is inevitable and obligatory in many types of leisure activities, non-professional amateur performances, club practice, etc. At the same time, for a participant in an amateur group, for example, mastering the basics of art, mastering organizational skills, the very processes of cognition, realizing one’s interests and needs are not only reproduction, but also creativity. In this regard, typological levels of socio-cultural activity can be classified as follows: creative - the predominance of creative moments in activity; reproductive-creative - a person’s discovery of something new for himself that is not objectively new; reproductive - simple reproduction of proven forms, objects, methods, etc.

Activities and behavior have their own differences and similarities. On the one hand, behavior is characterized by situationality, an impulsive, spontaneous manifestation of activity, a kind of reaction to a certain situation, often without pre-set goals, a pattern of actions, or an expected result. At the same time, behavior, like activity, is of a purely personal nature; in essence, these are two sides of a person’s socio-cultural activity. Activity and behavior are a manifestation of the essential properties of a person, his activity.

In recent years, psychologists have been actively discussing the issue of the relationship between activity and communication. Some of them (for example, B.F. Lomov) see communication as one of the aspects of a person’s life, and no less significant than activity. Others (for example, V.V. Davydov), considering activity as the initial basis of the entire social life of people, believe that communication only formalizes the content of activity within a certain framework.

The closest, in our opinion, to the truth is the point of view of Yu.A. Streltsov, according to whom socio-cultural activity is based on everyday communication between people. Leisure communication, he emphasizes, makes an important and almost irreplaceable contribution to the process of individual human life, and all work on organizing communication is both science and art.

Communication, the need for communication are the dominant feature of human actions, an essential quality of a person at all times. historical stages its evolution, a historical manifestation of a certain culture of society.

The concept of “personal socialization” is usually interpreted as the process of a person’s assimilation of vast social experience. This process involves both the inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations and the independent reproduction of these relations by the individual. Socialization is conditioned by various social; socio-psychological, psychological and pedagogical factors. Among them, it is necessary to distinguish between the purposeful efforts of society and its various social institutions on the formation of the personality (i.e. upbringing itself), the influence of the environment and the immediate environment of the individual, the activity of the individual, selectively moving towards the immediate environment, towards its norms and values, towards pedagogical influences, self-education and self-regulation of behavior.

Socio-cultural activity can essentially be considered as an independent subsystem common system socialization of the individual, social upbringing and education of people. At the same time, it is the most important function of state and non-state structures, the sphere of application of the efforts of numerous social movements and initiatives, and a means of rational use of free time of various groups of the population.

Social (public) education is considered in scientific literature as a pedagogically oriented and expedient system of public assistance necessary for children, adolescents, and young people during the period of their inclusion in social life. It involves the full use in the educational process of the entire arsenal of means and opportunities that society has for the formation of a personality that is adequate to its requirements and, to a certain extent, ahead of its development.

For a long time in ordinary consciousness there was and still is a false idea that public education- this is predominantly school education, that the family, extracurricular institutions, everyday microenvironment and other important tools for the socialization of the individual play a secondary, supporting role. Meanwhile, centuries-old past and current practice refute this thesis. Without reliance on folk pedagogy, without family education, active parental creativity, the true socialization of the individual is impossible.

The main goal of social education is to promote the development of a person as an individual, the realization of his abilities and capabilities in society. In the structure of specific goals of social education on foreground the task is put forward to bring into conformity the two sides of interaction - society, which directs the educational capabilities of all subjects and spheres of life in the interests of each person, and the mechanism of socialization of the individual himself, activating his creative potential.

The center of the idea of ​​social education is modern man, a person with a new way of thinking, a new level of leisure needs. The way to implement this idea is to create socially open system cultural and leisure activities.


1.1 Communication and value-oriented activities

Chapter 2. Analysis of various types of socio-cultural activities in cultural institutions

2.1 Analysis of cultural activities in the Moscow House of Culture

2.2 Recreational and entertainment activities in the Altai State House of Folk Art




RelevanceThe chosen topic is that the aggravation of problems of types of socio-cultural activities is associated primarily with the incapacity of many educational institutions in our society: schools, families, production teams in the field of socialization and social adaptation of the individual.

Meanwhile, it is the leisure space that can act as a powerful socializing factor for all groups of the population in a transitional society, being an alternative to passive pastime in the form of watching television programs, computer games, antisocial forms of leisure behavior.

Socio-cultural activities deeply pedagogical process, its functions are directly related to education and training. And how effective will it be? pedagogical system socio-cultural activities, the level of spiritual interests, patriotism, morality of a person will increase, and the world as a whole around him will change.

At the stage of radical transformations in the socio-cultural sphere, the requirements for the professional competence of specialists working here were transformed. Sociocultural changes in Russian society have determined a significant increase in requirements for the psychological and pedagogical component of sociocultural activities

Society as a system is not possible without activity, the basis of which is cultural inheritance, and the entry of a person into society is constituted by cultural creative activity. Each individual, socializing and recreating the culture of society through his activity, recreates it in his own way, creates a new variation of inheritance

The object of research is the basics of types of socio-cultural activities.

The subject of the study is the peculiarities of organizing types of socio-cultural activities in the Altai State House of Folk Art

The goal is to analyze the types of socio-cultural activities at the theoretical and practical level.

To solve the topic, it is necessary to solve the following problems:

.Explore the concept of socio-cultural activity

.Consider types of socio-cultural activities

.Describe Altai State House folk art

.To analyze one of the types of socio-cultural activities in the Altai State House of Folk Art.

Research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, induction, deduction, observation.

Literature review. The study of issues of concepts and types of socio-cultural activities is devoted to the works of such authors as: G.A. Avanesova, V.N. Gagin, T.G. Kiseleva, V.V. Medvedenko, V.V. Tuev, N.N. Yaroshenko, N.F. Maksyutin, A.D. Zharkov and others.

Thus, the concept of social and cultural activity is revealed in the works of N.N. Yaroshenko, V.V. Tueva, T.G. Kiseleva.

Types of socio-cultural activities are revealed in the works of such authors as A.N. Ilyina, R. Osborne, Yu.A. Streltsova. and etc.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of types of socio-cultural activities

.1 Communication and value-orientation activities

The question of the types of socio-cultural activities is quite complex. Any type of human activity, simply by virtue of the fact that it is human, influences in one way or another the formation of the individual, his socialization. Therefore, the selection criteria will be (based on the essence of SKD), firstly, whether and how fully this type of activity develops the main human qualities (in fact, what makes him human): moral, intellectual, aesthetic, and whether it provides an opportunity for their implementation; and secondly, whether it creates cultural values ​​worthy of inclusion in the cultural thesaurus.

Socio-cultural activity is an activity that has great potential for the manifestation of human activity, depending on age characteristics, interests, physical abilities and individual preferences and is focused on improving the culture of life and creating a healthy lifestyle.

Social and cultural activities are activities aimed at creating conditions for the most complete development, self-affirmation and self-realization of individuals and groups (studios, clubs, amateur associations) in the field of leisure. It includes all the variety of problems related to organizing free time: communication, production and assimilation of cultural values. Teacher-organizers have to participate in solving problems of family, children, problems of historical, cultural, environmental, religious and other spheres, in creating a favorable environment for socio-cultural activities and initiatives of the population in the field of leisure.

Socio-cultural activity should be considered as a historically conditioned, pedagogically oriented and socially demanded process of transforming culture and cultural values ​​into an object of interaction between individuals and social groups in the interests of the development of each member of society.

Sociologist, computer scientist, library scientist, cultural scientist A. V. Sokolov considers socio-cultural activity as one of the effective means of organizing social communication, and defines it as “the cultural activity of social subjects in: a) the creation of cultural values ​​(creativity); b) developing the individual’s abilities and servicing their creative activity; c) communication, that is, the dissemination, preservation and public use of all types of cultural property.

We adhere to the opinion of V.V. Tuev that “Socio-cultural activity is a process organized by social institutions of introducing a person to the cultural values ​​of society and the active inclusion of the person himself in this process.”

For a complete understanding of the essence of socio-cultural activity, a specific, meaningful interpretation of such a concept as “socio-cultural environment” is of fundamental importance. Speaking about the socio-cultural environment, one cannot limit it to the sphere of science, culture and education, leaving out of sight such social significant issues, such as, for example, human rights and freedoms, civilized forms of contacts between people, free and wide dissemination of information. For many years, socio-cultural activities usually meant either amateur artistic or technical activities, or the provision of physical assistance in the construction, improvement and repair of socio-cultural facilities: clubs, houses of culture, etc. The concept of “social-cultural” “cultural environment” means the specific originality and manifestation of social relations in the field of culture and leisure. The cementing basis for the preservation and development of a viable socio-cultural environment is, as practice shows, the presence in the existing infrastructure of a city or region of leisure centers, in which the predominant factor is the leisure activity of the population, amateur cultural creativity.

Modern socio-cultural situation: The most important condition for the development and practical use socio-cultural activity as a system is a situational approach. The key point This approach is a socio-cultural situation. In a broad context, the category “situation” is understood as a set of typical conditions and specific circumstances that have a direct impact on the content and forms of life of a person or group of people, on the system of their value orientations, and on interpersonal relationships.

The richest social practice abounds in varieties of socio-cultural situations - problematic and habitual “regular” situations, controlled and uncontrollable, conflict and conflict-free, objective and subjective, constructive and destructive (blocking the development of a socio-cultural phenomenon). For example, problematic situation reveals the presence of a certain socio-cultural problem, which usually represents a contradiction or discrepancy between the real and the desired. Studies by culturologists, sociologists, teachers, and psychologists note a deterioration in the social well-being of many segments of the population, the development of social pessimism, loss of internal guidelines for behavior, on the one hand, and an increase in aggressiveness and tension, on the other. State guarantees of universal access to cultural institutions for the population and the use of cultural values ​​and benefits for socially vulnerable segments of the population have not yet been developed or implemented. Society turned out to be unable to protect the child from the violence and immorality of adults.

The child develops in conditions of stable socio-cultural deprivation, when his most basic needs are not met. Juvenile crime is growing at a high rate. The modern sociocultural situation has particularly acutely brought forward the problems of radical changes in educational activities among children, adolescents, and youth, profound transformations in the field of family education, educational activities of labor and educational groups, and work in the community.

Let's begin to consider the types of socio-cultural activities:

1) Communicative (communication).

This communication occurs in 2 types - both direct, live, face to face, and indirect - through text, and not necessarily printed: it can be an image (for example, a drawing, diagram), sounds arranged in a certain way (music), an object. It is only important that it makes sense, carries a message that a child or adult could decipher (at least later).

For the full development of modern man, both types of communication are required. It has become impossible to limit yourself to just one. Nothing can replace live communication. It is in it that the transmission of traditions takes place, such subtleties that cannot be recorded in the text: how the Teacher speaks, looks, acts, even looks; It is live communication that most convinces us of the value of something, educates and teaches us, here we receive assessment and develop self-esteem, learn human ways of acting (for example, tact).

But human culture and knowledge have become so complex and expanded that it is no longer enough just to have live communication, like what happened, say, in Ancient Greece, where walking through the gardens or the city square and talking with Socrates, Plato or Aristotle, you received the majority of knowledge accumulated by that time, they learned to think and reason. And where can you find so many Aristotle? Firstly, the number of people in need of training has increased incredibly (to hundreds of millions), and secondly, all branches of human activity have now become so specialized that it is almost impossible to find universal geniuses.

An additional advantage of the text is the ability to record and convey the thoughts and feelings of the author almost without loss, to preserve and convey the entire accumulated experience of mankind: in the end, we learned about Socrates, Plato and Aristotle themselves only from texts and from texts. Of course, in communication through text, unless it is an exchange of letters, there is no dialogism; what is called feedback is addressless, because addressed to everyone at once.

Feedback manifests itself in the form of the reaction of the audience: they listen or go about their business, and a good lecturer tries to take it into account, but this affects the form of presentation (more or less chewing on the material, inserting an anecdote or not), but not on the content: thoughts - like in the text - remain unchanged. Thus, live direct communication here is almost likened to indirect communication. Why is it still communication in both cases? Yes, because there is something that becomes common. The author (lecturer) expressed what he felt and thought through, what he considered the most important. We perceived and internalized the message (i.e., made it part of ourselves), this had an impact on our value orientation, worldview, life meanings, behavior, i.e. personal qualities, their further development.

This raises the question of the quality of communication. Not all communication is a type of socio-cultural activity. Only such communication, which develops human qualities, in which all the best that humanity has achieved in the field of morality, beauty, intelligence is transmitted, will be socio-cultural.

) Value-oriented

Forming an attitude towards a person as the most highest value takes leading place in the hierarchy of values ​​and acts as a key element of the content of socio-cultural technologies. If a person acts as the goal and measure of all things, then the world acquires value when it is assessed from the point of view of human life. Value orientation per person necessitates the formation of the following personality qualities that contribute to stable, correct relationships: honesty, conscientiousness, generosity, goodwill, attentiveness, dedication, discipline, i.e. everything that can be called humanism.

The second key element of the content of the technological process of socio-cultural activity is the value attitude towards life - recognition of the inviolability of life, understanding of life as the highest value. A value-based attitude to life is aimed at developing the following positions: recognition of the right to life of every person; careful attitude to various manifestations of life; perception of life in all its diversity, varieties, stages, forms; promoting life to the best of one’s strength and ability; recognition of those lifestyle qualities that characterize the life of a worthy person; meaningful life position and conscious construction own life in an active capacity as a subject. This position is outside the scope human life and absorbs the concept of life in all its diversity, where it (life) flows or can flow: the life of the ocean, forest, steppe, river, earth, planet, space and other manifestations. The formation of a value-based attitude to life is reflected in such categories as “happiness”, “freedom”, “conscience”, “justice”, “equality”, “brotherhood”, etc.

The third key element in the content of the technological process correlates with such values ​​as “society” and “community”, i.e. various types of associations of people in the name of a decent life. A person becomes a person thanks to the community, thanks to the fact that he assimilates culture previous generations. Society becomes a regulator of human behavior in society, forms an image of a social structure, the awareness of which comes to a person under the influence life experience and through various social communication channels. Important directions in this section are the development of the legal foundations of society, the political structure, the role of the individual in history, the personal role in society, and the attitude towards the community of people.

A value-based attitude to work absorbs the entire set of relationships we have considered - to a person, to life, to society. Through work and creativity as highest manifestation During work, a person demonstrates all his originality and uniqueness. However, the attitude towards work as a value is secondary in a number of motives that guide a person, and in this respect the value of the person himself is manifested. The main directions are accustoming a person to physical and mental effort and teaching skills in a variety of creative, social or other forms of work activity.

The orientation of the content of technological sociocultural programs according to the considered strategic parameters is attractive in that their system allows for a more specific formation of personal qualities and value relationships, incorporating a wide range of qualities between such polar values ​​as “individualism” and “altruism”, “cruelty” and “ love”, “pessimism” and “optimism”, “stinginess” and “generosity”, etc.

1.2 Educational, cultural, recreational and entertainment activities

3)cognitive activity

a) everyday knowledge

b) scientific knowledge

Cognition is the collection of knowledge, finding out the truth about the structure of the world around us, people and society, and methods of action. Cognition occurs in all spheres of human existence and social consciousness (in work, everyday life, politics, etc.) and in various forms. For example, in scientific - they try to find out the objective truth, the laws of the universe (including human); in art forms - they find out, comprehend and try to explain human nature, human perception of the world, in games - they model the world, etc.

From the above it is clear that knowledge should play a big role in the development of man and humanity. At the dawn of humanity, it arose as a way of survival and was purely pragmatic: which roots are edible and which ones will poison you, how to make flint tips for spears and arrows, which animals and how to hunt, etc. There is still no (and cannot be) theoretical knowledge here, connections between phenomena and objects are poorly visible, and even then a supernatural explanation is given.

Searching, cognitive activity is given to us by nature, and it is not without reason that children first master the world objectively and spatially (crawling and grabbing). But now, entering the age of “whys,” they begin human knowledge, i.e. knowledge of the essence of phenomena and objects and identification of connections between them. This requires the development of the ability to think logically, and by mastering the world through the means of art, we develop associative-figurative thinking, i.e. the ability to imagine and feel.

Thus, the accumulation of even a small amount of knowledge affects the individual. But not all knowledge has sociocultural significance and develops human personal qualities. A carefully conducted inquiry into what is brewing in your neighbor's pot is unlikely to contribute to moral, aesthetic or intellectual development. Only knowledge of already created or discovered cultural values, ideals, meanings, norms, methods of action and knowledge of new ones, and not fragmentary, but brought into a harmonious equilibrium system, and therefore having the greatest impact on human development, will be a type of SKD.

Since cognition is the discovery and accumulation of knowledge in all areas (here it has something in common with creativity), we can thereby say that cultural values ​​are created here too. Therefore, we classify cognition as the main types of SKD.

) Culturally creative

The process of mastering cultural values ​​by adolescents remains relevant for modern society. New conditions are being created for the functioning of the socio-cultural environment, new requirements appear for the forms of organizing cultural and leisure activities, as well as for the goals and methods of their implementation. The level of development of the theory of socio-cultural activity directly determines the quality of educational work in the socio-cultural sphere and the quality of the organization of education in the field of leisure.

The specificity of modern cultural and creative activity lies in the fact that it is based on a comprehensive crisis of the axiology of innovative and creative culture: a crisis of rational, individual and creative values, expressed in the emergence of primitive mass culture and the overly complicated and often meaningless elite culture opposing it, the collapse and negation of classical social institutions and the emergence global problems humanity. As I. Bestuzhev-Lada notes: “Culture loses its rational, constructive, useful meaning for society, turns into anticulture, irrational, destructive, pushing humanity towards the abyss unfolding before it.” The main form of the crisis of innovative and creative culture is the destruction of the value of creativity, which led to the collapse of culture into mass and elite. The basic axiological characteristics of both traditional and creative cultural creativity are preserved, but against their background, mass and elite culture emerge, respectively simplifying and complicating value-semantic thesauri and cultural models.

Mass culture is replacing folk culture, functioning around and through traditions. Mass culture is focused not on individual unique creativity, but on the processes of extensive consumption, determined by fashion and market laws of the relationship between mass demand and the corresponding supply. This consumption is determined by an average mass standard, designed to influence the widest possible masses, and acts simultaneously as a person’s ability to freely satisfy his needs, choosing from a variety of supply options, and as a person’s total subordination to artificially formed needs. The general axiological principle of mass culture is mass stereotypical production, and on the basis of its value models other types of artifacts are formed.

Modern mass culture is a specifically organized industry of cultural production, the artifacts of which circulate through channels of mass communication and are intended for consumption by millions of people. Mass culture has an ambivalent nature, since, on the one hand, it allows you to get acquainted with masterpieces high culture and access high technology broad masses of people, and, on the other hand, standardizes and primitivizes the perception of these masses in order to expand consumption opportunities. And first of all, mass culture actively influences the subconscious layers of the human psyche, stimulating bodily and selfish desires and instincts.

) Recreational and entertainment

There are several levels of recreational and entertainment activities:

The first level - “passive recreation” - involves simple relaxation, relieving emotional stress.

The second level - “active” - is aimed at expending physical and intellectual strength, volitional efforts, and providing quick emotional and physical release. This level includes a variety of entertainment activities- games, dances, holidays, etc.

The third level of recreation is associated with a significant activation of a person’s spiritual interests, preferences and capabilities. this level encourages a person to expand spiritual world and mastery of cultural needs.

The fourth level of recreation is focused on the production of a certain type of cultural values ​​and the development of creativity. It is this level that allows a person to improve different sides a person’s personality and satisfy the diverse needs and interests of a person in the field of free time.

So, a game is a special way of modeling the world, where we create a conditional model of reality that operates according to the rules we have invented. These rules may replicate real reality, or they may be fundamentally different from it. The value of the game is that it allows you to live through and try on many situations, social roles in a short period of time, that you can go back, replay and find the right solution. Without bearing any responsibility other than for following the rules, the player rises above reality, here he can form and develop those qualities that turned out to be unclaimed for him in reality.

Of course, games come in different forms and are addressed to different qualities of an individual. But if we speak in general, it is clear that the whole person is involved and develops here: imagination (it’s not for nothing that they say that play is creativity, and creativity is play), and emotions, and reason, and physical qualities. Children in play and in fairy tales master the norms of human communication, i.e. moral standards and ideals, and practice them. For adults, the game is more of a compensatory nature, helping to further realize oneself.

The game itself acts as a cultural value, and it is not without reason that the extension of childhood and the opportunity to play carefree is considered by humanity as a huge achievement.

We have analyzed the main types of access control systems, characteristic of all its spheres and areas. But in addition to the main ones, each sphere and area has its own specific types of SKD, mostly formed from the main ones.

Chapter 2. Analysis of various types of socio-cultural activities in cultural institutions

.1 Analysis of the cultural-creative type of socio-cultural activity in the Moscow House of Culture

Cultural and entertainment activities of cultural institutions are one of the main directions. However, in practice, this area of ​​activity of cultural institutions is contradictory. On the one hand, organizing recreation and entertainment in cultural institutions is a popular activity, but on the other hand, the level of this activity is extremely low.

Let us analyze the cultural-creative type of socio-cultural activity using the example of the Salyut cultural center.

The Salyut Palace of Culture was founded in 1966 and today is a major cultural center in the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow. The Salyut House of Culture is undoubtedly well known to several generations of residents of the district from the times when it belonged to the Tushinsky Machine-Building Plant. In the 1990s, the Palace of Culture almost ceased its work for some time, and in 2001, by decision of the Moscow Government, the State Cultural Institution “Palace of Culture” was created Firework ", the director of which was Irina Alekseevna Medvedeva.

Today, the Salyut cultural center is the largest multifunctional cultural center. Over the past year, young specialists who have higher professional education and big plans for the future have joined the team.

Compared to other forms of communication with art, a person involved in the artistic and creative process always takes the most active position. The main content of the artistic and creative act is specifically the figurative embodiment of an aesthetic goal. The material from which a new image is built is a stock of life and artistic impressions acquired by amateurs as a result of direct perception of reality, acquaintance with art, and contacts with other people. In the course of cultural creative activity, all the mental powers of the individual are updated. Thanks to memory, past experiences are preserved and reproduced. Thinking makes it possible to perform the necessary analytical and synthetic operations: comparison, communication, specification, analysis, synthesis, etc. Imagination helps to transform previous experience and create fundamentally new artistic structures based on this transformation. An important condition and factor creative process are the volitional efforts of a person, without which there can be no conscious setting of a goal, no choice of means to achieve it, no concentration on solving the task at hand. entertaining creativity social

Amateur artistic activities are well developed at the Salyut House of Culture. Very strong choreographic groups that were allocated to the House of Dance. The Yunost ensemble, which is well known to the public, practices Russian folk dances. Classical ballet presented by the Marina Dance Theater. Oriental and gypsy dances are practiced in the Amrita ensemble, and ballroom lovers sports dances visit the sports and dance club “Duet”. The Center for Russian Folk Song grew from amateur performances. It includes the Russian song ensemble “Vesnyanochka”, the children’s studio “Tanochek” and the folklore and variety workshop “Subbota”. In addition, there is a Center for Creative Development, which has many interesting club formations for children and teenagers, including learning to play the guitar, music, theatre studio, as well as educational clubs for preschoolers. Much attention is paid to holding festivals and competitions for various age categories- children, youth, veterans, and at a fairly high level. The House of Culture closely cooperates with executive authorities and local governments in terms of holding socially significant events for residents of the district. For example, district consultations are held jointly with the prefecture. holiday concerts dedicated to historical and national holidays, the results of the public recognition competition “Property” are summed up annually.

2.2 Analysis of recreational and entertainment type of socio-cultural activity in the Altai State House of Folk Art

Let us analyze the recreational and entertaining type of social and cultural activity using the example of the “Erudite” circle at the Center for Folk Art and Leisure in Barnaul.

The upbringing and training of junior schoolchildren in the Erudite club develops cognitive abilities in junior schoolchildren in the process of educational and play activities and develops the following processes: attention, memory, thinking, speech, perception, imagination; forms methods of mental activity, the ability to compare, analyze, and make generalizations.

We came to the conclusion: if we organize a systematic process of play activity that promotes the intellectual development of each child through acquaintance with the world around him; combine teaching, educational, developmental, training and competitive activities, then the development cognitive processes children in primary school effectively.

The task of the Erudite circle is not only to convey a certain amount of information to the child, but, most importantly, to teach him to independently obtain knowledge.

Play is an effective means of development cognitive abilities children in junior school age. For fruitful work we did the following:

organized a systematic process of play activity, in which each child developed intellectually,

introduced familiarization with the surrounding world into the educational process, using the game and game elements as much as possible for this;

organized the work of a team of the same age. This made it possible to combine teaching, educational, developmental, training and competitive activities.

The program is based on the principle of selecting the most relevant knowledge for children of this age, necessary for the development of an individual’s cognitive abilities, to broaden their horizons.

In the structure of any game you can find elements of goal setting, planning, goal implementation, and analysis of results. The game is always voluntary, includes elements of competition, brings satisfaction to the participants, allows them to assert themselves and realize themselves.

Children are easily involved in play activities, and the more varied it is, the more interesting it is for them. It may cover some part educational process, united general content.

Gaming activities include games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them; games that develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena, cultivating the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction, ingenuity, etc.

The program is based on the principle of selecting the most relevant knowledge for children of this age, necessary for the development of cognitive abilities, to broaden their horizons.

Taken together, the sections of this program should contribute to the development of children’s attention, thinking, memory, creative imagination, speech, perception, education of observation, validity of judgments, the ability to work with a book, and bring the work started to completion.

This educational program designed for four months. Classes are held twice a week, two hours a day. Total - 64 hours of study time.

Enrollment of children in the group is free. There are 12 - 15 people in the group.

To implement the program, excursions to nature, visits to museums, and libraries are required.

Table 1

Approximate distribution of study time by topic

N Topic of the lesson Number of hours theory practice excursions total 1. 2. 3Introductory Book - a source of knowledge Development of cognitive abilities through the study of the surrounding world, nature and history of the native land through the game Attention Memory Thinking Speech Perception Imagination Final game event TOTAL2 2 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 28 4 18 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 22 2 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 142 8 54 10 8 8 8 8 10 2 64

Let us give an example of another type of recreational and entertaining social and cultural activity in the Altai State House of Folk Art - a club.

Gaming technology club "Smileys". This is very symbolic, since the guys here with a smile master the skills of organizing events, learn to be cheerful and sociable. And the number of games and practical jokes that they will soon master will not fit into any animator’s suitcase. Additionally, the children learn the basics of their professions: presenters of children's entertainment programs..

Developing scripts festive events, making props, selecting audio and video materials for game programs, working with face painting.

Pupils of the club participate in all public events of the House of Creativity: New Year holidays, festivities, game programs, discos, etc. Children use their skills acquired in classes in practice in schools, at their place of study, acting as organizers of leisure programs. Many graduates of the team labor activity We started with the profession of cultural organizer.

Conclusions.Currently, society needs such an organization of children’s activities that would ensure the development individual abilities and creative attitude to the life of each student, the introduction of various innovative curricula, implementation of the principle of a humane approach to children, etc. This task can be carried out by such institutions as the Altai State House of Folk Art in Barnaul.

Gaming activity gives the desired effect if the following conditions are met:

firstly, games must be humane in nature, pursue a noble educational and educational goal;

secondly, when organizing the game, it is necessary to take into account the age, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of various groups of children and adolescents;

thirdly, the educational and educational impact of games depends on the organization and methodology itself, which, in turn, depends on the pedagogical skill of the teacher.

Nowadays, two main directions in organizing gaming activities are most often used: club games, primarily KVN, as well as organizing active gaming recreation for teenagers and youth during summer holidays, including the organization of tourist recreation for students.

We can draw a conclusion about the increasing role of recreational and entertaining types of social and cultural activities in the socialization of adolescents and young people, about the increasing age threshold for this activity and its demand among all age groups. The specifics of the recreational and entertaining type of social and cultural activity are as follows:

Its compliance with the aspirations and socio-psychological characteristics of young people;

The desire for socialization among peers in a group, team, team;

High creative possibilities

Here is an example of the techniques used in the House of Creativity


"Planet of Creativity"

Classes in arts and crafts activities according to the “Fantasy” program. The students made more than 400 crafts, souvenirs as gifts for loved ones, exhibitions, and Christmas tree decorations.

Some of the children picked up a needle for the first time, tied their first knot, learned to work with scissors, and use them for decorative work. applied direction various materials.

Events and classes under the program “Spiritual and moral education of minors.”

The children discovered a lot of new and educational things about Russian traditional culture, became acquainted with rituals and holidays.

During the year, pupils participated in various social events: “New Year”, holiday concerts dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, March 8, etc., Competition program"Defenders of the Fatherland", dedicated on February 23.

Participation in theatrical performances:

Theatrical performance based on the play "Khanuma".

Creative workshops are an integral part of technology. It is here that volitional efforts aimed at meaningful manual labor, where everyone has the opportunity to see the finished result of their efforts in a product that has not only material, but also aesthetic value.


During the study, the following tasks were solved:

Consider communicative and value-oriented activities.

Thus, communicative activity allows you to transmit, preserve, and master cultural values, and value-orientation activity allows you to acquire, consolidate, or modify your attitude to the world around you, your assessment social phenomena, one’s own and others’ actions.

Consider educational, cultural, recreational and entertainment activities.

Cognitive activity is characterized by the assimilation of information and the acquisition of new knowledge in the process of learning and participation in creative activities. Cultural activity is an activity aimed at the development of culture and amateur performances. Recreational and entertainment activities that help to adapt to reality in the form of a game, which itself enters as a cultural value.

Having examined the Salyut cultural center, we came to the conclusion that the unity of goals and objectives facing club institutions, regardless of their affiliation, makes them universal institutions in organizing the leisure of the people, and significantly distinguishes them from other types of cultural institutions.

Organization of recreation and entertainment in cultural institutions is a type of activity of specialists who are required high level professional skills and level of culture of the audience. By organizing recreation and entertainment, specialists can involve people in the action of life itself based on their initiative, activity, and evoke strong, varied emotions.

4. Analyze one of the types of socio-cultural activities in the Altai State House of Folk Art in Barnaul

We analyzed recreational, entertainment, social and cultural activities.

Gaming technology is being built as holistic education, covering a certain part of the process and united by common content, plot, character.

It includes sequential games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them; groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics; game groups.

At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of training, helps to activate mental abilities, and master a number of new skills.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, provide satisfaction, inspire, arouse interest);

communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life activities;

diagnostic: identifying deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

correction function: introducing positive changes into the structure of personal indicators;

interethnic communication: the assimilation of socio-cultural values ​​common to all people;

socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, assimilation of the norms of human society.

The game form of cultural and leisure activities is created with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to learn.

First of all, games should be divided by type of activity into physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological.

Based on the nature of the process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developmental;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

The typology of games based on the nature of the gaming methodology is extensive. We will indicate only the most important types used: subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation and dramatization games.

And finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer and with TSO, as well as with various means of transportation.


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