Shrovetide sun drawing. How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa with a pencil

Perhaps Maslenitsa is one of the brightest and most cheerful folk holidays. It is customary to celebrate Maslenitsa with merry festivities, burning effigy and, of course, eating pancakes. To understand how to draw Maslenitsa, just look at the works of the best domestic craftsmen painting. The subject for their wonderful paintings was often the festivities of the Russian people during Maslenitsa! Of course, it is possible to depict completely modern holiday, and from nature or from photographs.
Before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you should prepare. So, the following will be needed stationery:
1). Paper;
2). Multi-colored pencils;
3). Liner;
4). Eraser;
5). Pencil.

The easiest way to figure out how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil is if you do everything step by step:
1. Work on the drawing must begin with a schematic sketch. Mark the approximate location of snowdrifts and main objects. It is best to place a stuffed animal and children in the center of the composition. And on the side you can outline the contours of a woman with pancakes and a cat rubbing at her feet;
2. Draw a scarecrow and depict firewood under it;
3. Draw more clearly the figures of cheerful children;
4. Draw a woman. Draw a plate of pancakes in her hands. Draw the cat that stands next to her;
5. Draw houses and a church in the background. Also depict horses harnessed to a sleigh. After all, sleigh rides are a traditional holiday entertainment. Draw people walking in the distance;
6. Draw a dog next to the child;
7. On foreground outline the outlines of the buffoon sitting in the snow;
8. Draw a buffoon playing the pipe;
9. Now you know how to draw Maslenitsa step by step with a pencil. In order for the drawing to become clearer, it should be carefully outlined with a liner;
10. Now you need to use an eraser to remove the preliminary pencil sketch;
11. Having learned how to draw Maslenitsa step by step, you can move on to coloring this image. Color the sky with a blue pencil, and the clouds with lilac and pink;
12. Use a blue-green pencil to color the outlines of the forest in the distance. Brown color paint the houses, and the church with gray and yellow shades. Use a red pencil to color the roofs and pipes, and shade the snowdrifts on them with a blue tint;

    It’s actually not difficult to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa.

    Initially, we draw her skeleton - it’s simple. Next, we begin to give it an outline - we draw the clothes. After that we begin to finish drawing small parts clothes. Finally, add straw and make finishing touches- ready! If you wish, you can decorate the drawing, but even in this version it looks pretty good).

    On the eve of the holiday with centuries-old traditions of Maslenitsa, students in school drawing lessons may be given the task of drawing Maslenitsa scarecrow.

    Maslenitsa scarecrow - main character holiday. It is made using a wooden pole, on top of which something in the form of a head made of straw is attached, and onto which another shorter pole is attached transversely, which will be the arms of the scarecrow (the arms are also made of straw). A dress is put on these poles and a scarf is put on the head. A small sheaf of straw serves as legs. When making a stuffed animal, materials are used that allow it to burn with a red flame.

    They also draw the Maslenitsa scarecrow in the same order: poles, head, dress, scarf, legs and arms, patterns and patches:

    Maslenitsa is approaching, and the symbol of this holiday is the effigy of Maslenitsa, which is then burned at the stake. So, I propose to draw the Maslenitsa effigy with a pencil step by step according to this sketch:

    Although here it is drawn and described how to make a stuffed animal, we can take this as a basis for drawing. So:

    1) Draw a base in the shape of a cross;

    2) Then we add volume by shading with a pencil, thereby simulating straw;

    3) Now we draw the head and the scarf on the head;

    4) Draw the dress and sleeves;

    5) Draw the eyes, mouth, nose and cheeks;

    6) Draw the braids;

    7) The Maslenitsa scarecrow is ready!

    The Maslenitsa scarecrow is easy to draw. We will draw Maslenitsa from straw. Draw a circle - this is the head of the stuffed animal. We draw hairs on the head, as in the picture, 2 funny tails :)

    Next, the oval under the circle is the body. We draw arms outstretched to the sides, with tassels at the ends. We draw Maslenitsa waist and cone-shaped, full skirt from straw. We throw a scarf over our shoulders and color with paints or pencils.

    That's it, our drawing is ready :)

    Draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa.

    First, let's sketch out the outlines of the scarecrow for burning on Maslenitsa. We carry out vertical line and parallel to the floor above the center line. A parallel line is needed to draw hands. Draw a circle for the face and a triangle for the dress. if you complicate it, you will get a drawing like this.

    Finish drawing the doll, coloring it.

    Draw this doll, a simple drawing with clear lines

    A scarecrow is one of the main attributes of the Maslenitsa holiday. It symbolizes winter and cold. Its burning is a farewell to the cold, bitter winter and a welcome to the warm spring.

    Here's how to draw a straw man:

    Here's another simple option:

    another drawing:

    In fact, it's not that much difficult task, since here you can not strictly maintain any proportions, as, for example, when depicting a person. For the most part, you should use your imagination and creativity here.

    I propose to draw the next symbol of spring.

    As a rule, first, two crossed perpendicular lines are made in the form of a sketch, where the vertical is longer than the horizontal. Then, you can ask for approximate human proportions(head, arms, upper torso). Next, a little carelessly depict the straw and twigs from which this frame is actually made. Draw a sundress or a skirt with a shirt, as well as a scarf.

    Maslenitsa is a spring holiday when we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. This week everyone should eat pancakes and visit each other for pancakes. And this entire holiday is marked by the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

    A stuffed animal is most often a malted doll on a large stick.

    And this is how children imagine Maslenitsa.

    On Maslenitsa, they make a stuffed doll out of straw and dress it in a scarf and dress. They dance around, and then they burn this scarecrow. There are some like this, they are for Maslenitsa

How many interesting crafts you can make it with children on the eve of Maslenitsa and during Maslenitsa week! These are, in addition to the traditional stuffed animal for burning, rag ritual dolls of several types, ruddy openwork pancakes, cheerful suns, “martiniches” and other crafts that carry the joy of an imminent change cold winter for a gentle spring. Children's drawings depicting the holiday are also imbued with the same bright mood.

Spend children's creative activities on the eve of Maslenitsa with us. For you - wide choose master classes on making crafts and organizing thematic art activities dedicated to the wonderful folklore holiday.

Wide Maslenitsa in children's creative expression.

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All sections | Maslenitsa. Drawings and crafts

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Maslenitsa is one of the holidays that has come to us since pagan times and has not lost its relevance to this day. Traditionally, it is accompanied by mass celebrations, eating pancakes and burning effigy. Orthodoxy timed Maslenitsa to coincide with the beginning of Lent, thereby somewhat changing its meaning. Many famous artists depicted the festivities on this day in their paintings. When preparing for a celebration, it is customary to draw pictures, and we will tell you how to do this simply and beautifully in the material below.

Since it is customary to see off winter on a special scale, with mass competitions and colorful festivities, depict a small plot in the picture.

First of all, you need to make a sketch with light and barely noticeable lines. Place the outline of a child and a Maslenitsa scarecrow in the center of the sheet, snowdrifts in the background, and a woman with pancakes and a cat on the right side.

Draw Maslenitsa’s face, headdress, hands and clothes, draw firewood under it.

Draw clear outlines of the remaining characters in the drawing.

Draw objects and others in the background acting characters your drawing, such as people on horses, houses, church, animals, etc.

Draw clear outlines and erase the excess.

Color it to your liking. Since the holiday itself is bright and associated with joy and fun, try to choose bright and rich shades.

How to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa with a pencil

How to draw pancakes for Maslenitsa

Pancakes - a traditional dish, which is eaten on Maslenitsa and is not prepared for fun. They are a symbol of home comfort, sun and warmth. It’s easy to draw a stack of pancakes by drawing each pancake, making it individual.

1. Draw an oval without connecting its bottom line, as shown in the picture.

2. In the center of the oval, draw an imitation of a dripping piece of butter.

3. To the first oval, draw the next ovals step by step. They do not have to be perfectly smooth to maintain their naturalness.

4. Draw the plate and steam from the pancakes.

5. Color.

How to draw Maslenitsa 2nd grade

Before you start drawing, think over the storyline. Think about who or what you want to depict. In the second grade, children generally do not know how to draw complex storylines, so we suggest drawing a simple drawing that the child can color with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Draw the outline of the face of the future heroine of your plot. Draw the bangs, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth and eyebrows.

Draw a scarf for the girl.

Draw top part fur coats and hands in mittens. Draw the outline of the plate between the mittens.

Then draw the fur coat and felt boots.

Draw a stack of pancakes on the plate.

How to draw the burning of an effigy on Maslenitsa

It’s hard to imagine celebrating Maslenitsa without burning a Maslenitsa effigy at the stake. The drawing should start with drawing the main character and the fire.

As you can see, drawing Maslenitsa and entire plot lines of the drawing is not so difficult. All you need to do is arm yourself with imagination and free time. You can come up with countless other options for paintings, which all need to start with sketches, not forgetting about chiaroscuro. Grouping harmoniously characters, you will achieve a beautiful result.

Maslenitsa means pancakes

Before starting the drawing, we will introduce the child to this holiday, what it symbolizes, what is customary to eat during Maslenitsa and how and how it is celebrated.

Symbols of Maslenitsa: scarecrow, bonfire, pile of pancakes, folk festivals, sledding, winter fun for adults and kids, good mood and a joyful time.

Why, why are they burning a scarecrow? In fact, the explanation here is very simple. The scarecrow is the personification of a frosty, icy winter, and to burn winter means to help spring become the mistress of the earth and allow people to take up farming so that they can grow “bread”, which is the head of everyone and everything.

Maslenitsa previously they celebrated on the day of the spring solstice, when the day begins to outstrip the night, which means spring has definitely come, the bear has woken up... So everyone ate this treat everywhere, which, by the way, was something you could eat with your hands right in the square or street .

Let's start drawing Maslenitsa

  • Examples of children's drawings on the theme: "Maslenitsa" can be collective images or pictures where the child shows his vision of this holiday. A symbolic stuffed animal may not be in his picture; it is enough to draw, for example, a round dance of animals: hedgehogs, bunnies, squirrels, around a forest stump, on which stands a plate with steaming pancakes, and above the heads of those having fun, a smiling sun winking at the animals.

When implementing our idea, a parallel question will probably arise: " How to draw winter with a pencil step by step for children?"Because Maslenitsa is not spring yet, and frost and snow have not given up their rights to warm days, which means snowdrifts, snow, winter forest should appear in the picture. Therefore, in addition to pancakes, we also learn to draw winter nature, which is wonderful, because additional drawing skills undoubtedly increase artistic, visual arts baby.

If we we will paint Maslenitsa in the village, or make a picture in retro style, imagining how the holiday was celebrated in the old days, then the problem “to How to draw a horse with a pencil step by step?" - solvable. Moreover, we take into account that the horse must be harnessed to a sleigh in order to demonstrate how in the old days people got to the central holiday events.

Conclusion: getting to know Maslenitsa will be interesting small child While studying the traditions of this festival, adults will also find a lot of instructive and educational things for themselves, and at the end of the text acquaintance, drawing or decorating a picture will be a pleasant addition to consolidating the new knowledge gained about welcoming spring or, in other words, saying goodbye to winter.

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