Handicraft master class “Folk twisted rag doll. Folk dolls: types, history

Traditional folk doll

Amulet doll for happy motherhood

Master class with step-by-step photos “Traditional folk amulet doll for happy motherhood”

The master class is intended for middle-aged and older children, educators, educators, and anyone interested in folk dolls and their history.
Performed: Lapteva Svetlana Khristyanovna, teacher, State Budgetary Institution of the National Social Organization “Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors”, Tatarsk
Purpose: can be a touching gift for friends, family and loved ones; it can be solemnly presented to a newlywed couple with best wishes of love, care, fidelity, and service to your family.
Target: create a traditional folk doll-amulet for happy motherhood.
- teach how to make a rag folk doll using traditional technology;
- introduce Russian folk traditions through familiarity with twisted dolls;
- cultivate love for folk culture, veneration and respect for folk traditions;
- instill skills of work culture and accuracy;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards the objects of your work.

Today, the problem of preserving and caring for folk culture is acute. And we must strive to ensure that the younger generation knows the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the history of folk culture, and can be imbued with a sense of understanding of its antiquity and greatness, in order to become familiar with its origins. The source of such a heritage for our children can be a traditional folk doll, which has been undeservedly forgotten.
Rag dolls originated from ritual figurines associated with the veneration of female deities, cults of fertility, ancestors and the hearth. Ash, grain, linen tow, and rags were used to stuff a rag doll. Stable characteristics of rag dolls were passed down from generation to generation: simple design, pronounced female characteristics (breasts, long braid), facelessness. A doll without a face was considered inaccessible to the infusion of evil forces into it. An important detail of the doll was the breast - a reminder of its connection with the cult of fertility and motherhood. The doll became a talisman. Masters created dolls for their families. Toys not only entertained the child, but also introduced him to everyday peasant labor.
By creating a toy on their own, children learned to work with different tools, acquiring skills and giving free rein to their imagination. Playing with homemade dolls, the girls learned to spin, sew, and embroider. The dolls were taken care of and passed down from generation to generation. Thanks to a rag doll, a child from a very early age learned the meaning of a woman-mother, her function to give life, feed, educate in strict love, and pass on traditions. The image of the doll was real and recognizable. He reflected typical characters and professional interests. This is how respect for the family’s way of life and interest in culture were fostered. A doll was considered the best gift.
Making a doll itself has a healing effect - it helps you relax your soul, feel the joy of the beauty being born in your hands. Our great-grandmothers knew how to make dolls that brought good luck to the house, comforted children, and drove away illnesses.
By making traditional dolls, we plunge into the mysterious world of our ancestors, into women's secrets - the secrets of motherhood. It turns out that in this simple activity you can discover depths that you don’t even suspect about, secrets that have come down to us from the depths of centuries.

A talisman for happy motherhood, presented in the form of a doll with babies.
The amulet in the image of a woman with a baby in her arms was considered very strong and was always given with wishes of well-being, peace in the family and in the soul, a calm, joyful and confident existence. It symbolized a woman who got married and had children. And the ability to give birth was especially significant for our ancestors. The joy of being a mother reflected that such a woman was doing well. The doll was created when they wanted or were already waiting for the baby to appear. They also gave it to weddings with wishes for healthy children, for the birth of a new family, to especially honored guests, when they wanted to show respect.
This doll, which has come down to this day from time immemorial, is a wonderful example of folk art that educates and makes you think.

Let's prepare the necessary materials and tools.

To complete the work we need:
- coarse cotton fabric;
- pieces of multi-colored and colored fabric;
- canvas;
- lace:
- red floss threads;
- scissors;
- padding polyester;
- needle.
Let's twist. To do this, take a piece of cotton fabric measuring 30/38 and fold the fabric in half.

We twist the column tightly and evenly. The height of the column will be = 15 cm. We tie the column with red thread along its entire height.

We round the head a little with padding polyester and mark the neck with threads.

Take a square of coarse cotton fabric measuring 20/20 cm

We place a square of plain fabric on the head.

Secure with red thread along the neck line.

Now let's make the hands. Fold the corner 1-1.5 cm.

Fold the edges towards the middle.

At a distance of 1 cm from the edge, we make the doll’s palm and pull the fabric with thread.

There is no need to cut the threads after tying.

We tie it tightly with thread at the doll's waist.

Let's make a skirt. Take a piece of colored fabric measuring 12/30 and make a stitch and a small gather along the top edge.

We wrap the doll with a skirt patch, right side inward.

We tie it tightly with thread along the waist line.

Turn it right side out and straighten it.

We take a piece of canvas and make an apron out of it, pulling out the threads along the edge.

We’ll embroider a simple design on the apron, but you don’t have to do it.

We fix the apron. We place it in the middle of the skirt, with the front side inward, and drag it along the waist line.

We turn away the apron.

We tie a piece of lace around the head.

We tie the doll's head. To do this, you need to cut out a small triangle-kerchief.

We tie the strings on the doll’s hands. After all, she will need to hold her children.

Making a baby. Take a piece of coarse cotton fabric measuring 10/7cm, twist the column tightly and tie it with red thread. We cut out a scarf from white fabric and fasten it on the baby’s head, as shown in the photo.

Let's swaddle the baby. Take a piece of size 10/13 for a diaper. We swaddle as shown in the photo. We bend the open edges of the fabric inward so that there are no threads and the work looks neat and aesthetically pleasing, we tie it up.

In the modern high-tech world, fortunately, there is still a place for folk crafts. Many people today are very interested in the history of their people, outlandish rituals and national funny toys.

Among them, a special place is occupied by the doll, which is dearly loved by children to this day, because it is soft, elegant, and warm. And you can come up with so many role-playing games with it.

Now it has become fashionable to collect dolls made of thread and fabric in various outfits. Quite often, exhibitions of folk crafts are organized, where you can not only admire beautiful and original dolls, but also, with the help of them, get in touch with the history of your native land. After all, rag dolls have been attracting attention for many centuries as a talisman that retains the warmth of human hands and reliably protects from sorrows and illnesses.

The history of the appearance of dolls

According to their main role, dolls made of thread or fabric are divided into three groups: dolls - amulets, ritual and play.

Amulet dolls appeared many centuries ago, back in the days of paganism, when people worshiped all natural phenomena. The first copies were made from ash. The doll's head was made from a ball of ash, which swelled with water and took on the shape of a ball. Then individual elements were made from twigs and burlap. The ash doll symbolized the hearth and home, so she always took it with her when moving and changing her place of residence.

Such dolls were replaced by rag dolls or motanka (knotted) dolls, which were made from fabric and thread.

For example, the age of motanka (rvanka) is about 5000 years! The history of its origin is closely connected with the appearance of linen fabric. Such a doll was stuffed with straw, and the hair was made of threads and ropes, the torso and legs of the arms were made of cloth and rods. Such a talisman gained power only when made with one’s own hands in the shape of a cross without the use of scissors and a needle.

The basis for the doll was taken natural, mainly from the forest: twigs, vines, straw and forest flowers and herbs. For example, they believed that dolls made from birch bars protected family happiness. Evil spirits are afraid of aspen, so dolls with an aspen base ward off evil spirits from the house.

A characteristic feature of Russian folk amulet dolls is a clean face without the designation of eyes, mouth and nose. According to ancient beliefs, it was believed that an evil spirit cannot enter a doll without a face and cause harm to the owner. A faceless doll was considered an inanimate thing that brought only health, happiness and prosperity.

In general, the Russian doll is considered one of the mysterious symbols of Ancient Rus', since it was not just a cute children's toy, but an obligatory attribute of all important rituals in life. It is in the art of making dolls that Russian customs and national cultural traditions are clearly reflected.

In every region of Rus', dolls were made in traditional, unique outfits. These costumes were always bright, beautiful, decorated with embroidery. The dolls always had long hair, with colorful ribbons, beads and threads woven into it.

Such toys from the northern provinces were decorated with a bright sundress and a solid kokoshnik, which was embroidered with white and transparent beads.

The dolls from Ryazan were distinguished by a riot of colors; they were dressed in traditional poneva with stitching, which was richly decorated. The sleeves of the shirt had nice embroidery, and the doll’s outfit was completed with a “magpie” headdress. So, using such ancient dolls one can study the history of the Slavic people.

The doll was part of a girl's dowry, so it was carefully kept in a chest until marriage. After all, they used to get married very early (from the age of 14), so young brides often played with these dolls.

Adults encouraged playing with dolls, because with the help of play, children had an understanding of the composition of the family, the role of the mother in the family, and learned how to run a household. Such a toy symbolized procreation and was an indispensable attribute of all festivities and holidays.

Children also easily learned to sew, embroider outfits for dolls, spin, and learned the craft of dressing in a playful way. About 90 types of dolls have come down to us from ancient times, and each is unique, because each family made it in its own way.

What magic did the dolls carry?

In the old days, in a family where a baby was born, they always put a rag doll in the cradle, which protected the newborn from the evil eye and diseases throughout his life and acted as a real talisman. Such a doll was created immediately after childbirth from multi-colored natural threads and fabrics. The gender of the child was also determined by the gender of his amulet doll. According to legends, this doll will contain a piece of the baby’s soul.

There were also dolls - lovebird amulets. It was made by a loving woman who wanted to maintain love and passion in a relationship with the desired man for a long time. We made a couple of these dolls and kept them in a secluded place at home.

Types of dolls - amulets

People believed that dolls, always made with their own hands from simple natural materials, had magical properties: they brought happiness to the house and protected them from evil spirits. Therefore, very often rag dolls or dolls made of thread were used by people as amulets of family happiness, which were passed down from generation to generation.

According to tradition, every peasant had a talisman doll in his house, which reliably protected the happiness in the house and the health of the owners. She accompanied a person from birth to death.

Women made many such dolls, and each had its own purpose. Grandparents and mothers gave these dolls to their grandchildren and children and put their love and life wisdom into them; this was felt on an energetic level, so the children treated such gifts with care.

The oldest amulet doll is considered to be the Eye of God, or God's Eye. Its cruciform shape symbolizes the idea of ​​​​the spread of good (light) forces that protect people to all four corners of the world.

Such a talisman usually hung above the front door of the house, above the baby’s bed, or in the place that attracted the gaze of the person entering the room. Such a bright doll helped the guest to forget about all the bad intentions towards the owner of the house.

Kuvatka- a talisman that “lived” above or in a child’s crib and protected him from evil spirits. Such a colorful doll attracted the baby and he did not cry in the absence of his parents.

Bereginya- This is the eternal symbol of a woman. According to popular beliefs, this amulet was especially strong, but subject to strict adherence to all the rules for its manufacture.

Elements of the Beregini rag doll cannot be sewn with a needle or cut with scissors. The uniqueness of making such a talisman is that the pieces of fabric from which it consists are necessarily connected to each other using various threads and knots.

There were also Day and Night amulets in the form of angel dolls: one was sewn from dark fabric, and the other from white. They were inseparably connected by a two-color thread. During the day, a light angel was brought forward, and at night, a doll made of dark fabric.

The amulet doll is an ancient, mysterious and mysterious symbol of the Slavs.
In ancient times, a doll was not just a toy, but a talisman and an integral attribute of various rituals. Age of the oldest doll,
found by scientists during excavations of burials in the Czech Republic is 40 thousand years old.
Amulet dolls protect the home and children from dark forces, quarrels, diseases, and the evil eye. The dolls are carefully protected. They are given a special place in the house, placed in a red corner, hidden in a chest, and placed in a dowry.
Each doll has its own protective meaning and is associated with the main significant things and events in the life of a Russian person - Family, Family, Home, Happiness, Health, Prosperity.
In modern home rituals, the doll serves to level the energy-informational, psychoenergetic field of the entire family. As an esoteric and meditative object, it gives a person confidence, balance, and a sense of security. The doll, with its presence, gently creates a good emotional background.
When a doll appears in your home, you will immediately feel how the atmosphere in it will change. She will bring comfort and warmth. And most importantly, the inner world begins to change for the better, and behind it, life completely!

Slavic ritual doll Babka.
A grandmother was given to a young woman who had recently gotten married, with the words: “A woman does not sit idle!!!” Grandma was passed down as a symbol of wisdom and life experience. And the hands were tied to the basket, to the task. Her profile really turns out to be characteristic, demanding, but at the same time kind and funny. This is a Vyatka doll, it is not protective or playful, it is a gift.

Slavic protective doll Bereginya.

Beregini - protective dolls, are considered assistants to the housewives. Dolls with bags of happiness bring harmony and happiness to the home. Bereginya's doll is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity, and her large breasts are a symbol of satiety, health, the image of a married woman. This is the most ancient amulet doll.
Beregini are made only with good intentions and in a great mood. They can be given for entrances/housewarming, New Year, birthday, even a wedding as an addition.

Slavic amulet doll Grace.
The “Grace” doll was made and given as a gift with the words: “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.” Doll for the blues; the wish for prosperity, well-being, satiety and healthy children - this is indicated by large breasts. This doll is made for well-being and people ask her for so many benefits,
how much do you need. “The Giver of Good” never gives up on doing good deeds; she helps us understand what is good for us and see it for ourselves in a changing world.

Slavic amulet doll Bogach.
Women of the Moscow region made a talisman - the Bogach's doll. Bogach looks like a simple bag, but in reality he is a faithful assistant. When creating the Rich Man, we thought about our family and ancestors with love and gratitude. Like any amulet, it was given a clear task, for example: profit and prosperity for the next year, protecting the well-being of the family, etc. After all, no matter how you look at it, it is the peasant who brings wealth to the house.

Amulet doll Herbal Pot.

The herbal pot is filled with fragrant medicinal herbs. The doll then makes sure that the disease does not enter the house; such a doll can be hung over the child’s bed and let him play. You can also leave it at the patient’s bedside. This doll is filled with fragrant medicinal herbs. You need to crush the doll in your hands, move it, and the herbal spirit will spread throughout the room, which will drive away the spirits of illness. After 2 years, the grass in the pupa must be changed. This is exactly what our ancestors did.

The most ancient protective doll of our ancestors is the Eye of God.
This is the most ancient protective doll of our ancestors - the Eye of God, or God's Eye. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of ​​spreading the forces of good or protective forces to all four cardinal directions. The “Eye of God” is placed above the entrance door to the house, room, above the child’s bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the person entering. The bright and unexpected image of the amulet attracts the attention of the person entering, who forgets about the bad intentions towards the owners of the house.

Slavic amulet doll Veduchka.
Veduchka is a type of wooden doll typical of Sergiev toys of the 19th century. Previously, such figurines depicted a nurse leading a baby - hence the local name veduchka (leading to life). She turns out to be not only Veduchka, but also a sorceress, like all mothers. This is the image of a woman with a child who has recently started walking. She supports him, teaches him, leads him. It seems to me even more that she doesn’t just teach him to walk “physically”, but brings him to life... The peculiarity of Veduchka is that the hands of mother and child are one whole.
The doll is a talisman for mother and child.

Slavic ritual doll Verbnitsa.
Making Easter dolls - "Verbnitsy" - is a more complex job than painting an Easter egg. The general manufacturing technology does not differ from the general manufacturing technology of rag dolls. However, Verbnitsa's face and hands are made of red cloth, symbolizing Easter and Renaissance. Such a doll is considered a gift and can replace an Easter egg. Since ancient times, such dolls were always prepared before the holiday.

Slavic play doll Vesnyanka.
The doll is as tall as the palm of your hand, and she has a reserve of strength, joy and young spring yari all the way to Kupala. Traditionally, she is very bright, with hair of an unusual color, because she depicted not a person, but the Spirit of awakening nature. She is a talisman of youth and beauty. By giving such a doll to a man, you wish him to remain young and cheerful for a long time, and for a woman to always be charming and desirable.

Slavic game doll Girl - Baba.
Some craftsmen consider this doll a talisman for a pregnant woman and her child. The design of the doll resembles the process of childbirth for a woman: first, the baby’s head, shoulders and arms appear. Therefore, it records the moment of the child’s birth. Before us is not just Baba - before us is a woman in labor. Our “game” with the “Girl-Baba” doll can now continue as long as desired: Baba gives birth to a Girl, we turn the doll over with the elegant side up - the beautiful Girl has grown up, the Girl turns into a Baba, etc.

Slavic amulet doll Day - Night.
“Day and Night” dolls are home amulets dolls. Dolls protect the change of day and night and order in the world. During the day they put the light one forward, and at night - the dark one. The “Day” doll is young, lively, active, hard-working and cheerful. She is the mistress of the day and makes sure that on weekdays people work, labor, on holidays they have fun, sing, dance, play, so that the sun shines during the day. The “Night” doll is wise, thoughtful, calm, she is the mistress of the night. Night is a magician. It changes both things and people. She brings another world. Everything is mysterious at night.

Slavic gift doll Ten Handles.
The “Ten-Handed” doll was designed to help the mistress of the house with household chores. Girlfriends gave such a doll to the bride for her wedding so that she could do everything and everything would go well for her. Such a doll has many, many hands, so that everything can be done smoothly, and there will always be order and prosperity at home. The Ten-Handed doll is a business assistant for girls who are going to get married and are preparing their dowry. And Ten Hands herself has the image of a young girl. Bright colored handles make it elegant and noticeable.

Slavic amulet doll Dolya.
The traditional Dolya amulet doll is the personification of fate. The most ancient female Deity Makosh endowed everyone with a share, and her assistants (Dolya and Nedolya, or Srecha and Nesrecha) spun the threads of fate for everyone.
Love and thank your Share, whatever it may be, create with your thoughts and hands! Look, gratitude and love will be answered in kind! May your Share be happy!

Slavic gift doll Zhelannitsa.

Every girl in the village had such a friend - the Zhelannitsa doll. It shouldn't have been shown to anyone. You used to make a wish, sew a bead on a doll’s dress as a gift, for example, and hold a mirror to her face: “Look how beautiful you are. And for a gift, fulfill my wish.” And then you hide your girlfriend in a secluded place for the time being... You may not believe it, but everything you asked was fulfilled.

Slavic healing doll Health.
The healing doll “Health” is made only from linen threads, since it is believed that linen, with its natural properties, is very environmentally friendly and, by taking the disease upon itself, helps a person get better.
This doll is not decorated with anything and does not tolerate fuss, but on the contrary, it must be made, trying to remain in a state of goodness as much as possible, concentrating on thoughts about the sick person for whom this is being done.

Slavic gift doll Bell.
The bell is a doll of good news. The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body feels good, the soul is happy, the spirit is calm, then the person is quite happy.
This doll is cheerful, playful, and brings joy and fun to the house. This is a talisman of good mood.
By giving a Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

Slavic ritual doll Kolyada.
This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relationships in the family. She was a portly woman, dressed in everything new and elegant. On her behalf, the carolers wished happiness and prosperity. Bags suspended from the belt contain bread and salt. A broom is tucked into his belt, which Kolyada uses to ward off evil spirits. Kolyada was left in the house for a year.
It was believed that she brings happiness, peace and harmony to the family. A year later, the carol was burned and a new one was made.

Slavic amulet doll Krupenichka - Zernovushka.

Krupenichki are amulets for satiety and prosperity in the family. These are amulets that, according to popular belief, bring wealth and well-being to the house, and help to achieve success in work and career. If you bring the grain doll into the house, it is better to find a place for it in the kitchen (closer to
refrigerator so that there is always a lot of tasty food there). If you work at home, then place it near your workplace. This girl should be well-fed and full, and you need to dress her as brightly as possible, then success and prosperity will never leave your home. Women also made this doll for
to have children in the family.

Slavic amulet dolls Kuvadki.
In ancient times, there was a ritual called “couvade,” the magic of which was associated with the mystery of the birth of a child. In some provinces, two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll - a talisman - in the cradle so that the squash would heat the cradle for the baby. When the parents went to the field to work and the child was left alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and played calmly. As a rule, these toys were small in size and all of different colors, this developed the baby’s vision.

Slavic ritual, healing doll Kupavka.
Kupavka represented the beginning of bathing. This is a doll for the holidays of Agrafena the Bathing Lady and Ivan Kupala. Kupavka is a healing and ritual doll. One day doll. The kupavka is made on birch branches with ribbons on the arms. Diseases, ailments, and ailments that happened to the owners during the year were tied with ribbons. The doll was lowered into the water and the doll, floating away, took with it illnesses and hardships. Water had great cleansing power.

Slavic ritual dolls Martinichki.
Martinichki are two dolls connected by a belt, twisted from threads - white and red, male and female. Red and white colors represent the fierce power of life and the will of the gods for this given life.
United male and female figures of different colors - the unity of two principles, the Slavic analogue of Yin-Yang. The name Martinichka already indicates that this doll was made in March. They “called” spring with it, brought its beginning closer, celebrated and rejoiced at its arrival.

Slavic ritual doll World Tree.
In addition to the lovebird dolls that “guarded” the wedding train, there were other “protector” dolls at Russian weddings. Among them, the “world tree” occupied a special place. In the old days, the Slavs likened the world to a tree, the roots symbolized the underground kingdom, the trunk - the world of living people, the crown - heaven (World Tree). The birth of a new family was likened to the birth of the World Tree of Life. The wedding cake was solemnly transported to the groom's house, pieces of it were distributed to the relatives of the bride and groom, which was seen as the unity of the related families, and the middle of the cake with the World Tree was given to the young people.

Slavic amulet doll Moskovka.
The Moskovka doll is a talisman for a strong, friendly family. She was kept somewhere higher in the house - on a closet, on a shelf - and was not given into the hands of anyone else.
The basis of the doll is a birch log or “rolling pin” made of fabric - a symbol of male power, and she herself is the archetype of the mother and symbolizes maternal care and love. If a woman in a family could not give birth, then a doll was made - Moskovka, so that with her stateliness and splendor she would help bring and embody in the family the spirit of happy motherhood and fatherhood.
According to popular belief, this doll helps make the desire to have a healthy child come true, and also protects good relationships in the family.

Slavic amulet doll for the road - Podorozhnitsa.

The doll is on its way. The hostess used to spin them for her husband on the road when he went hunting or fishing. She is very small, palm-sized. He held her in his fist. The wife put ash in the bundle - a symbol of the hearth, so that he would return safely to the house, or cereal - so that he would be well-fed on the road! The “On the Road” doll helps men not to break ties with home, with family, and to always feel the warmth and care of loved ones.

Slavic amulet doll Lovebirds.
Amulet doll - lovebirds. The history of this doll is interesting. At first glance, these are male and female dolls, which seem to be just a couple holding hands. But, if you look closely, you can see that they have one hand and are made of a single rag or stick, and, therefore, they cannot be separated. Such a hand was considered a symbol of unity and the fact that from now on
They will literally walk through life hand in hand, dividing all affairs and troubles in half.

Slavic Oberezhnik.
The guard is made from ribbons, aspen sticks, angel dolls, beads, leaves and other various little things that attract the eye.
In Rus', it was important to attract the attention of a person entering a house with bright, varied and shiny pendants in order to distract him from the bad thoughts with which he could enter your house. Seeing such beauty, a person became distracted, lost and forgot everything bad and evil that was on his mind.

Slavic amulet doll Cleansing.
According to tradition, the Cleansing Doll got rid of “bad” energy in the house. For example, after a family quarrel, a woman would open the windows and doors, pick up a doll and, using it as a symbolic broom, sweep all the negativity out of the hut. The doll was common to all Slavs and was found everywhere. The main thing (canonical) is the presence of a chest, legs and a protective cross in the lower part of the body.

Slavic protective doll Paraskeva.
The Paraskeva doll (from Greek Friday) in deep Slavic Vedicism was the female deity Makosh. This is one of the most powerful symbols. Goddess of family and fate and everything connected with their strengthening and well-being. Now Paraskeva is interpreted as an assistant in all works and crafts. Paraskeva is the custodian of small handicraft items. A kind of pincushion. You can tie pieces of braid, flagella, laces onto it, pin pins, needles, maybe sew on a button - all the little things that can be useful in needlework.

Slavic ritual doll Bird - Joy.
“Bird of Joy” is a doll of a spring ritual associated with the arrival of spring. Existed in the Tula province, the ceremony was carried out in March. Married women took part - they were the main participants in the ceremony, but girls could also participate. Women dressed in bright, elegant clothes. Headdresses in the form of birds were especially decorated. Decorated with feathers and fur trims. The women themselves took on the images of birds.

Slavic amulet doll Northern Bereginya.
The “Northern Bereginya” doll is a talisman for the home. It was placed in the northern corner of the hut. She protected and brought prosperity to the house. The multi-layered nature of this doll indicated many human bodies, many worlds, many incarnations of the soul. And she is called upon to protect all this.

Slavic amulet doll Simeon - Stylite.
This amulet is a symbol of the infinity of life, the masculine principle, without which the feminine is weak and barren. In order to protect and preserve his family, a man must stand firmly on the ground, be a pillar, a support for all the weak and defenseless. Later, a tradition arose of giving this amulet - the Simeon the Stylite doll - to men so that their strength would never run out.
Simeon adds strength to men.

Slavic amulet, ritual doll Spiridon - Solstice.
This is a male doll and is given to a man so that Spiridon-Solstice can help the owner of the house “steer” in his affairs. But it has one more meaning: This doll was made to bring about the desired changes in life. Spiridon, by turning the wheel, can change life, directing it in the right direction. This doll has also established itself as a good amulet for motorists and their cars.

Slavic amulet doll Happiness.
The Happiness doll is a folk amulet doll. This little girl with a very long braid and arms raised towards the Sun. The doll's braid is thick - health and long life. The doll stands firmly on its feet, leaning on its braid. This speaks of her strong support in life and the happiness that she will bring to her owner. The braid, as a symbol of femininity and feminine strength, symbolizes health, prosperity, beauty and long life.

Slavic gaming doll Uteshnitsa.
The Comforter doll was kept in reserve, out of sight, and was only given out as an ambulance in case of illness (or whims) to distract the baby. The Comforter was made from the brightest fabrics, and sweets were hung on the arms and belt. While the child was sick and inconsolable, the doll was with him. When calmed down, the doll was hidden behind the stove until the next time, possibly behind the image.

Slavic amulet doll Fillipovka (bast).

Ten Hands's older friend doll Fillipovka. This is a more serious and strong doll, an assistant to married women. And the Fillipovka doll itself is an adult and wise woman. The Fillipovka doll is not just a craftswoman and an assistant in business. She is a manager who takes care of her mistress, helps her in her work, in the skillful distribution of her strength and time, in the proper organization of work among family members or colleagues. With the help of the Fillipovka doll, we remember the main task of a woman - to be a caretaker and protector of her family.

Slavic ritual, play doll Ryabinka.
The Ryabinka doll is a symbol of female wisdom, motherhood, and home. The strongest amulet for your home from everything unwanted and negative. Amulet of love and health in your home. The Ryabinka doll is called the Warrior against all manifestations of evil.
Made on a rowan crosspiece, the doll has magical properties, such as relieving depression, removing damage from the evil eye, and protection from the energies of the dead world.

Slavic doll doctor - Autumn fever.
Traditional rag dolls Likhomanki are special dolls, they are a kind of bait. Their role is to attract the attention of the villainous disease that has flown into the house. Our grandmothers believed that the evil spirit of illness would fly into the house in search of its victim, see the bright, elegant Lichomaniac dolls, think that it was a person, and move into one of them. Therefore, Lichomaniac dolls are made from bright, very eye-catching fabrics.

Slavic protective doll Bannik.
People believe that the bannik lives and guards the bathhouse, just like a housekeeper, and after washing he is supposed to leave a broom, soap and water so that he can wash himself, otherwise he will get angry and will definitely spray boiling water, blow smoke into the bathhouse, or throw hot water at the bathhouse. stone.
For Russian people, the bathhouse was much more than today’s baths and showers. The bathhouse was the main hospital, a laundry, a maternity hospital, and a meeting place for important conversations. And the bannik itself is the most terrible yard evil spirit. Usually the bannik behaves hostilely if a person violates his prohibitions.

Doll "Wretched" or "Pitiful".

She portrayed a poor person. Only the Russian people have such a doll.
The poor thing is a play rag doll. Depicts a wretched old woman or holy fool: large head, small body, thin legs, shreds of fabric on the legs, no arms.
By playing with this doll, children were taught such qualities as compassion and perception of people as they are.

Know how our ancestors defended themselves from Likh or Tryasovits, attracted good luck and maintained health.

The Russian word “doll” comes from the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”). This name denoted a certain bundle or bundle of straw, which girls loved to swaddle and rock, showing maternal instinct.

Fun facts:
The skill of creating dolls goes back to ancient times. The dolls found in Egyptian graves are about four thousand years old. Egyptian women made figurines of the god Osiris from clay and knew how to create humanoid figures from wax or wood. They had movable joints and hairstyles made of natural hair. Historians call Cleopatra one of the first owners of a collection of designer dolls. In the palace, dolls played the role of mannequins; the queen ordered her ceremonial outfits based on their vestments.
In France in the 17th century, dolls were dressed in the latest fashion; they were considered a stylish gift and an example of newfangled trends.

In pagan Rus', gods were carved out of wood and rag and straw amulets were created. They were an important part of the life of the Slavs. They were worshiped and used as a means of protection against negativity. After a while, hand-made characters began to decorate everyday life, please the eye and keep the children occupied.

The primary task of a Slavic folk doll is to attract what is desired for a specific person or family. It was used in magical rituals and as a participant in the most significant events in life, as well as for holidays. Thus, “lovebirds” were made for newlyweds - two dolls from one piece of fabric with a common hand. And with the “Kuvadka” doll, the husband imitated the process of childbirth in order to protect the newborn from dark forces. When creating the dolls, only natural materials were used, prepared in a good mood.

Fun fact:
Initially, the making of amulets was exclusively the prerogative of women. Men at this moment should not have been present even somewhere nearby. It was believed that only the keeper of the hearth was able to make a truly strong amulet and put a particle of living energy into it. The girl's readiness for marriage was determined by her skill in creating the first doll.

Slavic dolls made of wood

Beregin dolls were carved by men for their beloved women from branches of sacred trees broken by the wind. The spiral of the origin of life and symbols of female fertility were applied to the miniature wooden figurine. The husband put such a doll in a linen amulet, which the woman wore on her belt, so that there would be healthy children in the family.

Slavic straw dolls

Folk dolls “Horse-Fire” made of talash and bast. Photo: A. Stepanov / Photobank Lori

Six-handed straw doll

Straw was most often used to make guardian spirits and animals. Leshy, brownie or vodyanoy were carefully decorated and used as ritual dolls at Slavic holidays. They helped solve family problems, restored health by transferring diseases to the figurine and then burning it.

To keep up with housework, women made six-handed dolls from straw. During the process of their creation they were sure to say: “I make you successful in all things and do them well. I turn this handle so that there will always be order, peace and comfort in my house. I turn this hand so that my husband is always well-groomed and happy with everything.”

Slavic thread dolls

Creating a doll-amulet from threads

Traditional Russian amulets made from natural material. Photo: Svet / Photobank Lori

Even small children could make reel dolls from threads, which, in addition to the beneficial magical properties, contributed to the development of fine motor skills. They were worn as a talisman on the road and served as protective decoration for the corners of the house. The misfortunes, adversities and illnesses of the owner were wrapped around such beregins, as if they were a double.

Rag dolls-amulets

Most often in Ancient Rus', rag dolls-amulets were made, which served the owners throughout their lives. A ritual, or protective, doll was considered a powerful talisman for the benefit of the family.

Bereginie dolls were made without the use of needles and scissors, so that they could not harm their owners. The threads were torn off by hands or bitten by teeth. Even fabric was torn by hand in the old days. When they made the doll's breasts, they thought about happy motherhood and abundance. Bereginya was created on the hem, that is, on the knees, in the woman’s personal space, and not on the table, because it was considered a common place.

Each doll was made with a white or plain face, symbolizing the purity of thoughts and animation of the owners. During the creation process they said: “A bright head, clean, filled with goodness and love”. The Slavs never painted or embroidered the eyes, mouth and nose of their beregins, so that evil spirits would not move into them and evil thoughts would not be transferred.


The process of creating a Zernovushka doll

Grains. Photo: G. Markov / Photobank Lori

She has several names - Krupenichka, Goroshinka, Zernushka or Zernovushka - and is considered the main doll in the family. During the creation process, it was traditionally filled with buckwheat grain. The first grains for the upcoming sowing were taken from the bag in her hands or from herself. After the end of the harvest season, the bag was filled with grain from the new harvest. Sometimes the bag was filled with other cereals: oats for strength, barley for satiety, rice for a holiday. Bereginya brought wealth to the family and made life full. She was dressed up and placed in the most prominent place - in the red corner of the hut next to the icons.

Doll for happiness and good luck

Making a doll for good luck. Photo: S. Lavrentiev / Lori Photobank

Ready-made amulet doll “for good luck”

The youngest and most charming doll differed from the rest in its long braid, symbolizing a long and carefree life. Moreover, the longer the braid, the greater the protective power of the bereginya. According to legend, women's hair contained life force.


Amulet doll Traveler.

The dream guardian was always made in the spring. Such a doll was tied with an orange thread, symbolizing the rays of the sun, and a protective cross was embroidered on the chest with red thread. The “day-night” doll was made from figures of white and black fabric tied to each other. Hanging near the bed, it not only protected the peace of the night, but also charged with energy and joy for the coming day.

Amulet dolls are an important component of the daily life of ancestors. They were asked for help, shared their experiences, and were admired. And today we feel the influence of the simple but powerful magic of dolls, in which interest is beginning to revive.

In the article:

History of amulets dolls in Rus'

Amulet dolls are part of folk culture. Previously, not a single child could do without them, and even adults were sometimes given them. When the husband went to war, a doll was placed at the head of the table in his place. Its task was to protect its owner from dangers along the way. The tradition existed until the twentieth century, but changes in the state system made it forgotten. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in the art of creating little coastlines.

The dolls varied in material. The first ones were made from ash, later - from flax or straw. Clay, fabric, wood and even dough were suitable for making. According to their purpose, dolls were divided into the following categories:

  • Gaming. They had no magical function and were used for children's fun. They could be made in the form of animals or birds, like some.
  • Ritual were used to mark a calendar holiday or a transition from one state to another. For example, on the winter solstice it was created Kolyada. It expressed the victory of light over dark forces. It was burned under special spells, and in some cases it was kept as a talisman until the next year.

Filippovka done on November 27th. At this time, it was time for weddings - the transition of girls to the status of wives, and then mothers. It was believed that Filippovka helps a woman with unusual troubles, protects her from fatigue and mistakes, and preserves the spiritual and material well-being of a young family. Therefore, the doll has 6 arms, and on her belt there is a bag with grain and a coin.

  • Oberezhnye can be divided into categories. Those that protect the child from disease or the evil eye; amulets dolls for girls or boys; for pregnant women; for the well-being of the family and so on. The spheres of help of dolls also differed. - keeper of the family hearth. It was hung above the front door to prevent evil from seeping into the house. Insomnia was done for a baby who woke up at night. It was believed that it drives away nightmares and brings good dreams.

How to make a rag doll as a good luck charm

Much in creating a doll depends on inspiration and intuition, but there are rules and regulations that are passed down from generation to generation. If you decide, take them into account.

The doll should not have a face. Her ancestors believed that an evil spirit could enter her through her eyes. Therefore, protective dolls, especially children’s ones, were not embroidered or had their faces painted. Sometimes a cross was depicted on it as additional protection.

It had a sacred meaning in Rus' long before the adoption of Christianity. The pagans designated the sun with a cross, so the symbol easily entered our culture. White cloth was usually used for the face, which symbolized the bright thoughts of the creator.

When making a doll, everything is wrapped or tied. The fabric had to be torn, not cut. Hence the name of such dolls - “rvanki”. According to beliefs, cutting material - remove the energy that should accumulate in the amulet. Although in the later stages they began to use a needle when sewing and decorating their clothes.

Another principle was the non-participation of men in the creation process. They could only perform the ritual. It was held back in the days when matriarchy reigned and women were considered the keepers of knowledge. Therefore, if not one, but several, connected by family ties, participate in the ritual, the amulet will turn out to be especially strong. In this case, the power of the entire family is involved.

Of course, when creating a doll, the creator must be in a suitable state. You can’t sit down to work angry or tired. You need to think about who you are making the amulet for; understand what you want to put in it, what to protect yourself from. Both the appearance of the amulet and the direction of its energy depend on this. A purchased doll has less power than one created for a loved one.

It is advisable to carry out work not at the table, but on your knees. The table is considered a place of mixing of common energy, and the legs belong only to you. If you are making a doll-amulet from fabric, choose natural, undyed material. It is better to take a worn piece of paper, but only if good memories (positive energy) are associated with it. The threads should also be natural. Red dolls are used for protective dolls, and for ritual and play dolls - You can also take white ones.

Previously, the doll was stuffed with herbs or grain. Plants have different functions. So, archilim suitable if a woman cannot get pregnant. cornflower protects from bad people gladiolus improves health and St. John's wort protects children from the evil eye and damage.

If something went wrong during work (for example, something fell or broke), it was believed that evil spirits were trying to interfere. In such cases it was said:

Misfortune will pass on to the doll, but will bypass me (your name or the one for whom you are making the amulet).

In some jobs you need to make an odd number of knots and skeins, in others - even This is usually indicated in the doll's description. One rule for everyone: you need to wind it clockwise, as they say, salt it.

The process cannot be extended over several days. Try to set aside enough time to complete the doll in one go.

The lifespan of the amulet doll varies. Some are passed down from mother to daughter, while others need to be destroyed when they have served their purpose. The doll is worn out and the contents are spilling out. - It's time to say goodbye to her. Do it right. First you need to break it down into its components. When disassembling, do not use scissors or other sharp objects. After this, burn the amulet or throw it into the river, after thanking for the good service.

Some people need to rest from time to time. For example, which brings satiety, well-being and prosperity to the house. In the spring, grain from it must be used for planting, and in the fall, from the new harvest. - pour it back into the doll. To protect the house from diseases, medicinal plants must be changed every two years.

Slavic amulets and their meaning

Bereginya (Stolbushka) - one of the oldest amulets dolls. She is considered the first assistant to the housewife. The keeper of the hearth protects the family from evil people. Usually it is placed near the front door to protect the house. Appearance may vary. The main distinctive sign is large breasts as a symbol of motherhood, fertility, and prosperity. When creating a doll, red threads are usually used. She helps women during childbirth, so midwives often asked to take Bereginya. It was used in rituals, fortune telling, and given as a gift for housewarmings, birthdays and weddings.

Grace (Blessing-Giver)

It has an exact creation date - April 7 or Christmas. It was given as a gift, accompanying the ceremony with the words:

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged, don't give up!

Grace (Blessing-Giver)

Accordingly, Grace is always with her hands raised, which symbolizes the transfer of heavenly energy to the woman. Brings good news into the home and helps raise children. To create it, they used rowan or birch, which themselves are strong amulets. Some see in it a connection with Tree of Life.


One of the types of Zernovushka dolls brings wealth to the house. Closely related to ancestral strength. When creating it, mentally ask your ancestors for help. The rich man must be changed every year. A special day is set aside for work on it - September 21, on the eve of the Feast of Family and Family. When making a talisman, think about what you would like for your family next year. The clothes are made from brightly colored scraps that resemble autumn leaves. The grains from the doll were added to the crops. The harvest was rich - in the fall the amulet was filled with fresh grain. If the year turned out to be unsuccessful, the rich man was burned and wounded again on the autumn equinox.

God's eye

God's eye - Probably the oldest amulet doll. Although calling it a doll would not be entirely correct: it does not look like a human figure. The cross at the base of the picture symbolizes the 4 elements and the dominance of good over evil in all four directions. The stripes mean the forces to which you are calling for help - future and past generations of your relatives. The colors are also symbolic. White - purity, truth; red - vitality, activity, passion; green - the riot of nature, the origin of life. Black symbolizes the earth, roots, the beginning of everything; blue - sky, joy, enlightenment. The amulet should be hung opposite the front door, above the child’s bed.

Broom of prosperity

Does not have a human appearance, but belongs to the dolls. Distinctive are 7 small nodules with cereals. Seven is a classic number. As an option: the more bags, the richer the family next year. Cereals from the nodules were carefully preserved as a sure cure for any disease and were added to the food of those who were sick. Other components of the broom also had symbolic meaning. So, corn is the prosperity of the family; pepper - male power. Garlic protected from evil spirits, poppy fulfilled what was desired. Only the housewife knew where the amulet was stored and used it for its intended purpose: to “sweep” the evil out of the house.


As a rule, they were made as a wedding gift, although sometimes the bride herself took on the task of creating an amulet-helper. The purpose is to help the young housewife manage household chores. For this purpose - ten hands, each of which talked about a specific matter. The body was tied with red threads, and 9 bows of the same color were sewn onto the bottom of the sundress. Previously, after making a doll, they burned it so that its energy passed on to the owner. They don't do this now.


The more decorations, the stronger the doll became. There are several types of Desires. Jumping answered spiritual requests. It was made from several types of wood. Birch looked after health and family affairs; Rowan prevented evil actions; The cherry preserved the girl’s beauty. Tiny Khavroshechka was engaged in the embodiment of material desires. She helped to gain and increase wealth, give birth to healthy children, and reap a good harvest.
