An open system for creating museum games and quests. Museum quest Museum quest around the city history and architecture

Quest is one of the new forms of museum work with an audience consisting of adults who lead an active lifestyle and are quite technically advanced. The article provides a detailed analysis of the experience of organizing a museum quest in the city. The experience has been tested and is ready for use...

Quest is one of the new forms of museum work with an audience consisting of adults who lead an active lifestyle and are quite technically advanced.

The article provides a detailed analysis of the experience of organizing a museum quest in the city. The experience has been tested and is ready for use.

Attention! New samples are available for download: ,

A modern museum is a cultural space that is open to a wide range of age audiences. Each of them requires a specific approach necessary for a clear, vivid, comprehensive presentation of the museum product.

If twenty years ago excursions and lectures were quite enough to work with both children and adults, then in the 1990s. There is an emerging understanding in the museum community that traditional forms of work are not enough to attract visitors.

Particular attention of museum workers was directed to children, since organized school groups are the main visitors of the museum, and it was for them that many were developed and implemented.

But offers for age categories remained meager and insufficient. Of course, the reasons why people aged 20-40 visit a museum less often than children and teenagers can vary greatly - from the intense pace of life to the unattractiveness of the museum itself. Nevertheless, it was worth understanding what the museum can influence - the quality and originality of its own programs.

Thus, employees of the Ural State Military History Museum (hereinafter referred to as UGVIM) decided to develop a program that would be of interest to young people aged 18-30 years.

While everything was being developed for children's audiences, everything remained meager.

Museum quest in the city

Recently, quests have become very popular among socially and intellectually active young people as a way to spend their free time.

The word “quest” comes from the English quest – search. Initially, this word was used to name computer games from Sierra (Space Quest, King’s Quest, Police Quest, etc.), but later the name spread to an entire genre of computer games, the plot of which requires the player to solve intellectual problems.

Today the term is also used to refer to adventure games that take place in the "real world".

Stages for conducting a standard quest

  1. and the game area.
  2. Prepare puzzle tasks (riddles, rebuses, codes, etc.).
  3. They indicate the territory of the game - the zone within the boundaries of which the stages will be located.
  4. Prospective players declare their participation and most often pay fees.
  5. At the start, they receive game tasks.

Tasks can be issued in (as, for example, in the games “Running City” or “Starting Point”) or electronic format (“Fight”, “Watch”, etc., in this case Internet access is required).

  1. In order to receive the next task, players must get the correct answer to the previous one. Sometimes the rules of the game allow passing a stage with a penalty.
  2. The game can be linear or have several storylines, that is, it can involve a strategy for completing it.

In general, it comes down to completing all tasks as quickly and correctly as possible and reaching the finish line.

Territory for quests

It can be different: from a room to a whole city and even a region or region. In museums, as a rule, quests are held in the building of the institution itself or on the territory adjacent to it.

Thus, the term “quest” can be defined as a search and adventure game with orienteering elements.

When the quest territory is city space:

UGVIM employees decided to organize a quest in which the entire city of Yekaterinburg would become the game area.

To do this, it was necessary to perform the following sequence of actions.

  1. Determining the theme of the quest

The theme of the quest was the history of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps (hereinafter referred to as UDTK). In 2013, the Sverdlovsk region widely celebrated the 70th anniversary of the creation of this illustrious connection. The Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region has planned many events related to this date.

In particular, the application of UGVIM for holding the quest “Tanks in the City!”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of UDTK, was approved.

The application included

  • content and justification of the project;
  • calendar plan for its implementation;
  • estimate for consumables;
  • advertising in the media;
  • souvenirs;
  • prizes for participants.

The quest passed a competitive selection and received funding (Appendix 1).

  1. Event date

The date for the quest was Youth Day, which is traditionally celebrated at the end of June, but the team began work on preparation immediately after the application was approved - in February 2013.

  1. Composition of the organizing team

The working group consisted of three people, but other museum specialists were also involved in consultations: a system administrator, a designer, a lawyer, an accountant.

  1. Distribution of duties

  • Preparations for the quest were carried out in two main directions: script development and an advertising campaign in the media.
  • Select objects and encrypt them.
  • UGVIM researchers have been studying the history of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps since 2009 and during this time they have become acquainted with all the memorable places in Yekaterinburg that are associated with the history of UDTK and the contribution of the Urals to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  • The working group selected ten objects that became control points (hereinafter referred to as CP) of the game.
  • The teams' task was to use their knowledge of the history of the city and the tank corps to decipher the intellectual tasks and identify the hidden places in which the task had to be completed.

When selecting objects, employees were guided by their historical importance and convenient geographical location for the route. Each CP was presented in the form of a task, which the museum employee, a professional poet, translated into poetic form.

For example, one of the hidden objects is a monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov was encrypted as follows:

“Now you need to find that place,

Where is our commander who is marked

Four times the highest award,

Immortalized there in metal and stone.

He is with a friend who is wearing horseshoes, with a girth...

Make people happy with your answer,

And how much, tell us, does a faithful friend have

Are there nails in the left front horseshoe?

The answer to the task was the number 6 - exactly the number of nails in the left front horseshoe.

The building of the Pedagogical University, in which the UDTK headquarters was located during the Great Patriotic War, was encrypted as follows:

“There is a tree branch on that house,

Where students study

To teach children later,

And before those apartments

The tankers were given

During the hard times of war.

Opposite is a pizzeria building,

And the street has a name

In honor of a foreign person,

A fighter for the revolution.

What kind of branch is there on that house?

Answer, we are waiting impatiently.”

To decipher the task, it was necessary to remember the street named after the German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht, the pizzeria and the building of the pedagogical university on it; find a memorial plaque on the facade of the university dedicated to UDTK with an image of a branch. Having compared these facts, the participants only had to make sure that the branch was oak.

  • Determine the sequence of tasks. The working group compiled 20 routes for 20 teams. They were developed in such a way that participants would not collide with each other at checkpoints, and the routes themselves would be convenient for moving around the city.
  • Bring information about the game to city residents.

To carry out the advertising campaign, an agreement was concluded with a specialized company, which undertook advertising support for the event, including the production of materials announcing the event, their placement on various media, as well as the production of souvenirs.

This turned out to be the most effective, as it freed the museum from the need to work separately with different organizations, and made it possible to obtain a ready-made complex product, made in a single stylistic solution.

  1. Ways to attract the audience to complete the quest (event advertising)

  • a video for city multi-video screens in the city center, which was broadcast for 7 days on two screens once every 10 minutes a week before the quest;
  • an audio clip on one of the music radio channels, which was broadcast 6 times a day for 10 days two weeks before the event;
  • leaflets about the event in A3 format in the amount of 30 pieces. and A4 in the amount of 100 units. Leaflets were distributed independently by museum employees to universities, cafes, theaters, and museums;
  • a flash banner on one of the city’s entertainment Internet portals with 200 thousand impressions in two weeks;
  • news review of the event on the main page of the same website 10 days before the game;
  • an outdoor banner placed on the museum grounds.
  1. Development of souvenir products

A logical continuation of the campaign was the development of souvenir products, which can be considered the optimal advertising method that works to create a positive image of the museum. Souvenir flash cards, bags, pens, badges, magnets were made using the event logo and UDTK symbols.

  • Also, museum employees independently posted advertising information on the museum’s website and in museum groups on social networks, where potential participants could ask questions and receive additional information.
  1. How to become a quest participant (coordinator responsibilities)

  • Having received all the necessary information, those wishing to take part in the quest had to assemble a team and register by phone.
  • Each team was assigned a coordinator from among the museum staff. He communicated with the team via the Internet, sent tasks and received answers.
  • The team had to identify a control point and send a message to the coordinator with its name.
  • When the coordinator received the correct answer, the team was sent the following task (Appendix 2).

A week before the start of the quest, 16 teams (70 people) submitted applications for participation, which were distributed among four coordinators.

A method of communication with them during the game was determined - ICQ and Skype instant messengers or a client of the Vkontakte social network.

  1. Preparation of necessary documents

In parallel with the preparation of the quest, documentation was created:

  • Director's order to conduct the quest “Tanks in the city!” (Appendix 3);
  • minutes of the meeting of the commission to sum up the results of the quest;
  • participant registration sheet;
  • quest rules;
  • quest conditions.

The most labor-intensive work was drawing up the rules for the quest. It was necessary to think through all sorts of non-standard, force majeure situations that could happen to the participants, and ways to solve them. “Rules of the quest” and a short excerpt from them - “Terms of the quest” were posted on the museum website and in museum groups on social networks.

  1. Prize fund

Two months before the quest, work was carried out to prepare the prize fund.

Valuable gifts were provided for the first three winning teams:

  • tablet computers;
  • electronic devices for reading books;
  • portable hard drives.

The working group selected equipment models, drew up an estimate and entered into an agreement with an electronics store.

Particular attention was paid to the issue of the cost of gifts.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, all prizes and gifts received by an individual are subject to personal income tax (NDFL) in the generally established manner.

Accordingly, winners would have to pay tax on the prizes received. However, paragraph 28 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for exemption from personal income tax for income not exceeding 4,000 rubles. Therefore, goods whose cost did not exceed this amount were purchased as prizes for the winners of the quest.

A surprising fact for the organizers were the statements of many players who, after the quest, noted that valuable prizes were not an incentive for their participation in the game. They saw the main goal in the game itself, adventure, “drive,” and the pleasure of searching.

  1. Carrying out the game

On June 29, 2013 at 10:00 am, players were registered and routes were drawn. Here the participants met their coordinators, received a package with “Quest Conditions”, historical information about UDTK and souvenirs.

At 11:00 the teams simultaneously received envelopes with the first task and the game began.

For each coordinator, a workplace was prepared with Internet access and a route script for the teams entrusted to him.

The coordinators received the first result of completing the route within 2 hours, the last – 7 hours after the start of the game.

  1. Fixation of the publication of the results of the quest in the museum

Upon completion of the routes completed by all teams, the commission summed up the results of the game, determined the winners and recorded the results in the appropriate protocol.

The results were published on the museum’s website and in museum groups on social networks.

  1. Summing up and presenting prizes

The next day, June 30, a solemn summing up of the results of the quest “Tanks in the City!” took place in the cinema-lecture hall of the Airborne Forces Museum. and awarding the winners. A program was prepared for the guests, where the winning teams were given gifts, and all players were given flash cards with the symbols of the quest. Also, the participants of the game were given a small concert of a military-patriotic song and a sightseeing tour of the museum. As they said goodbye, the players asked whether the museum would hold more quests and expressed a desire to participate in them. This is confirmed by the reviews left on one of the social networks in the “Airborne Forces Museum” group.

  1. Results of the quest and troubleshooting

Despite many positive reviews, the working group noted a number of shortcomings in organizing the museum quest:

  • the simplicity of some of the tasks;
  • insufficiently strict control of visits to the control center;
  • a small number of objects.

Thus, it can be argued that such a form of work as a quest can be in demand and relevant for the museum.

Despite the fact that this was the first experience for UGVIM, it turned out to be successful and useful. Thanks to the interactive, modern form of the museum event, an audience was attracted that was not included in the category of “typical” museum visitors, which contributed to the creation of a favorable image of UGVIM among urban youth.

In addition, the museum for the first time gained experience in advertising on multi-video screens, entertainment Internet portals and FM radio stations. The appearance of video, photographic materials, and comments from participants about the event on the Internet is an investment in the further promotion of the museum in the information space.

It can be assumed that the organization of museum quests is a promising area of ​​activity that should be developed. Tested quest “Tanks in the city!” included in the permanent list of museum services as a weekend leisure activity.

Annex 1

Estimate for the project “Quest “Tanks in the City!””



Regional budget, thousand rubles.

Extra-budgetary funds of the museum, thousand rubles.

Total, thousand rubles

Production of souvenirs (bags, pens, flash cards with UDTK symbols) for each participant

Purchase of consumables: photo paper for printing waybills and additional information for quest participants.

Purchase of a tablet computer for mobile coordination of quest participants (it is assumed that participants will receive answers and tasks via the Internet)

Purchasing prizes for quest winners. Based on the results of the game, three winning teams will be determined (teams are made up of 5 people): 5 tablet computers, 5 electronic devices for reading books, 5 portable hard drives

Appendix 2

Conditions of the quest “Tanks in the city!”

Search and adventure quest game “Tanks in the city!” will take place on June 29, 2013, from 10:00 to 21:00. The quest will be conducted through memorable places in the city of Yekaterinburg related to the history of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps, which turned 70 this year.

  1. Those wishing to take part in the quest must assemble a team (from 3 to 5 people). The number of teams is limited! Persons over 18 years of age and children over 12 years of age accompanied by their parents are allowed to participate in the quest.
  2. Registration for participation in the quest by phone 246-82-35 (Winged Guard Airborne Museum - branch of UGVIM) from May 13 to June 27, 2013, from 10:00 to 17:00. The team must familiarize themselves with the full rules of the quest “Tanks in the City!” on the website of the Airborne Forces Museum ( or in the Airborne Forces Museum group on Vkontakte.
  3. On June 29, the team must come from 10:00 to 11:00 at the Winged Guard Airborne Museum, st. Krylova, 2 “a” and register. Each team must indicate the full name of each team member on the record sheet. To participate in the quest, the team must pay a fee of 100 rubles for each team member. If you refuse to participate, please notify the quest organizers in advance.
  4. The quest will be held according to the “question-answer” principle. After registration at 11:00, each team receives from its coordinator the first question about the location of the control point (hereinafter referred to as the CP) and the task. The team determines the CP and sends a message with its name to the coordinator via the Internet. Upon receiving the answer from the coordinator: “That’s right,” the team goes to the control point and completes the task there. In case of incorrect determination of the control point, the coordinator sends hint No. 1. In the case of the next incorrect determination of the control point, hint number 2 is sent. If the team cannot determine the control point after two hints received, the coordinator sends a message indicating the control point. In this case, the team stops fighting for victory, but can continue the quest. For each hint, the team is awarded a penalty time equal to an additional 30 minutes to the total time for completing the route. (For example, if a team's total time to complete a route is 5 hours, then using two hints will add 1 hour to that time. Thus, the total time will be 6 hours.) At the control point, the team completes the task and sends a response to the coordinator. When the coordinator receives the correct answer, the team receives the next task. When receiving an incorrect response from the command, the coordinator sends a message: “Error”. In this case, the team can submit answer options an unlimited number of times.
  5. Each team must have a device with wireless access (not wi-fi) to ICQ/Skype/VKontakte/Odnoklassniki, through which the coordinator will send tasks, tips and receive answers. In emergency cases, participants can contact the coordinator by phone.
  6. The duration of the quest is about 5-6 hours. Teams can use both public and private transport. Competitors must understand that favoring one mode of transport over another may give the team an advantage in time to complete the route.
  7. For the team, the quest ends with sending the last correct answer to the coordinator and receiving a message from him with the text: “End of the game,” but answers are accepted only until 21:00 on June 29. Summing up the results of the quest will take place on June 30, 2013 at 15:00 at the Airborne Forces Museum “Winged Guard”. The results of the quest are published 48 hours after the end of the game on the museum’s website and in museum groups on social networks.
  8. Souvenirs and gifts are provided for all quest participants. The teams that take first, second and third place will receive tablet computers, electronic book readers and portable hard drives as gifts, respectively.
  9. The team that completes all tasks in the shortest time is declared the winning team. The shortest time is determined by the time the last correct answer was received and taking into account the penalty time (if any). Second place goes to the team that completes the task faster than other teams, but later than the winning team. Third place goes to the team that completed the task faster than other teams, but later than the winning team and the team that took second place.

Appendix 3

Order to conduct a quest

Russian Federation


Ural State Military History Museum

"___" June 2013

Yekaterinburg city

About the quest “Tanks in the city!”

On June 29 and 30, 2013, the Ural State Military History Museum will conduct the quest “Tanks in the City!”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps,” in this regard


  1. Set the date for the quest “Tanks in the City!” ̶ June 29, 2013. Time: from 10:00 to 21:00.
  2. Set a date for summing up the results of the quest “Tanks in the City!” ̶ June 30, 2013. Start of the event dedicated to summing up the results of the quest, ̶ 15:00 at the Airborne Forces Museum “Winged Guard”.
  3. No more than 20 teams (from 3 to 5 people), but no more than 100 participants, take part in the quest.
  4. Carry out the quest in accordance with the approved scenario.
  5. During the quest “Tanks in the City!” do not receive visitors in the museum.
  6. Determine the cost of the contribution for each quest participant: 100 rubles. Payment is made on the day of the quest, June 29, 2013, during registration from 10:00 to 11:00 at the Winged Guard Airborne Museum.
  7. Appoint a commission to sum up the results of the quest and determine the winners, consisting of: Kerimova V.I., Sosnovskaya E.V., Lepalovskaya V.A., Shakhnovich A.I., Sidorova A.A.
  8. Assign responsibility:
  • Lepalovskaya V.A., Sosnovskaya E.V. – for general preparation and conduct of the quest;
  • Chernoshtanov I.P. – for accepting payment;
  • Lepalovskaya V.A., Sosnovskaya E.V., Sidorov A.A., Nazarychev M.N., Shakhnovich A.I. – for coordinating participants during the quest;
  • Lepalovskaya V.A., Sosnovskaya E.V., Lobanova V.V., Sidorova A.A. – for preparing and holding the summing up ceremony and concert for the quest participants;
  • Lyndina I.A. – for photographic recording of the event;
  • Rusakov L.I. – for the sale of tickets;
  • Sidorov A.A. – for the preparation of equipment;
  • Kabirov V.V. – for the readiness of the premises and the serviceability of electrical equipment; for fire safety;
  • Kerimov V.I. – for general management of the quest.

Material prepared:

  1. The order must be communicated to all responsible employees.
  2. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

General Director S.V. Voroshnin

Material verified by Aktion Culture experts

  1. V.A. Lepalovskaya, chief researcher at the Department of Military History of the Urals, Ural State Military History Museum (UGVIM).
  2. E.V. Sosnovskaya, chief custodian of the UGVIM.



Currently, the work of school museums in the schools of our city is intensifying: new ones are being created, existing ones are being restored. And an important part of their work is the creation and teaching of museum work to the school museum community, which includes students from different classes. This game will allow heads of school museums to diversify the activities of theoretical and practical preparation of the Asset, as well as consolidate skills in working with basic museum documentation.

Preparing for the game:

To play the game, students are divided into teams. Each team is a representative of a museum, the name of which, its profile and the content of its activities, the guys come up with before the game. Also, before the game, each team selects one museum item and writes a description of it. The description of the item (its name, purpose, conditions of occurrence, description of application, etc.) must be filed in a folder with files, because During the game, participants exchange objects and work with a new object, relying only on its description.

Presenter's opening remarks:

How flowing waters change their course,

Peoples pass by, replacing each other.

How many of them were there, gone forever?

Nations pass by, but man lives.

He is a man, and he will be in the world,

As long as man lives in man.

And I believe in this, like a son of all times,

Because I too was born a man.

Man is the crown of creation. Everything made by his hands is an integral part of human culture, which preserves the memory of past times and departed peoples. Culture is the basis of morality, it is the connecting thread between generations. Therefore, it is very important for all humanity to preserve the cultural heritage of our ancestors and preserve memory. After all, without the past there is no future, and a person should not forget the history of his ancestors.

Keep the fire of your home hearth

And don’t covet other people’s fires

Our ancestors lived by this law

And bequeathed to us through the centuries

Keep the fire of your home hearth.

Today we have gathered with you at the game to reveal for ourselves the secrets of the past that are kept behind seven seals. And not only to touch them, but also to learn to preserve the memory that they bring to humanity.

Progress of the game:

    So, let's open the first seal. And we found ourselves at a presentation of the best museums in the city. You have to adequately present your museum within three to five minutes. And the team will start the presentation...

    So we found out what school museums exist in our city and how much unique things they store. Are you interested in knowing what is hidden behind the second seal? Behind this seal awaits you a test, with the help of which we will find out how much you understand about museum affairs. You will be asked questions and two answer options. You have cards with numbers 1 and 2 on your table. If you think the correct answer is number 1, pick up the card with number 1, if 2, then pick up the card with number 2. Are you ready? Then go ahead!

Questions for the game (shown on the screen, the correct answer is colored):

The museum item on display is called:

1) exhibit

2) model

One of the types of stock documentation that contains information about the history of the item, its environment and its owner; compiled by the owner of the item or a museum employee according to the owner - this

1) inventory book

2) item legend

A three-dimensional model that reproduces the appearance of an object, made to a certain scale, is called:

1) layout

2) dummy

Placing historical monuments (exhibits) in museum halls is

1) exposure

2) exhibition

The text in the exhibition, which is an annotation to a separate exhibit, is called:

1) shortcut

2) label

A form of acquiring a museum collection, a trip by a group of museum employees to study a specific topic is

1) conference

2) expedition

An item created to imitate or replace another item is called:

1) copy

2) original

    And we open the third seal. She has a very important and responsible task for all museum workers who have gathered in this room. You have to go on an expedition. Now you will be offered exhibits and their legends, in accordance with which you will have to draw up field documents. You have signal cards in the shape of a diamond on your table. If you need help from the leader, then you raise the pink signal card, if you have completed all the tasks, then the green one.

Participants are asked to fill out the following museum document forms: field inventory and act of acceptance of the transfer of historical and cultural monuments.

    Our expedition is coming to an end. And the fourth seal is ahead. Let's open it. Another test awaits you here. Those exhibits that you collected during the expedition must be transported correctly. You have a task ahead of you. It lists options for transporting historical and cultural monuments. You need to choose the right options for your subject.

Rules for storing historical and cultural monuments in the field

a) put a temporary code

b) protect from moisture

c) transfer with clean sheets of soft paper

d) wrap in cotton wool

e) try to restore the monument in the field if it is poorly preserved

f) fold large sheets of paper into quarters

g) place in a cardboard box or plywood box

h) pack in envelopes and put in folders with flaps

i) protect from deforming loads

j) carefully place in a bag

l) wrap in soft, clean paper

    Finally we returned from a long expedition. And the fifth seal awaits us. She has a new responsible task for you, young museum experts. You will have to properly arrange the exhibit for further storage in the museum. On the table you see a package of documents. Look at them carefully and start designing the exhibit. Don't forget about the signal cards.

Participants are asked to fill out the forms for the following museum documents: school museum inventory book, main fund card, exhibit label.

    Here is the sixth, penultimate seal. What has she prepared for us? In order for exhibits to please the eyes of museum visitors for a long time, they must be properly stored so that they do not fade over time, do not become covered with a thick layer of dust, and do not collapse. And now we will check how correctly you can do this. You will be asked questions, if you agree with the statement, then raise the card with the answer “Yes”, if you do not agree, with the answer “No”. The cards are on your tables.

    Is it true that every museum object
    is a code assigned? Yes

    Is it true that all museum objects should be protected from dust and direct sunlight? Yes

    Is it true that fabric products are stored in cardboard boxes? No

    Is it true that museum objects are made of glass?
    Should it be stored on wooden cabinet shelves? Yes

    Is it true that documents are glued with glue when putting together an exhibition? No

    Is it true that the air temperature in a museum should be +25° C? No

    Is it true that books, brochures, certificates can be placed in glass cases or cabinets? Yes

    Is it true that the museum room should be located on the sunny side of the building? No

    Is it true that handwritten documents should be stored on sheets of clean, soft paper? Yes

    The final seventh seal has been opened. You have done a great job and found a new interesting exhibit for your museum. In order for this event to be known throughout the city, it is necessary to provide information to local newspapers. And now you need to write an article about your find.

Students are offered a form for writing an article and its main points.

    Come up with a title for your article

    Describe where and how your expedition took place.

    Briefly describe the museum objects you found.

    Draw a conclusion about the importance of the historical and cultural monuments you found for future generations.

At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is determined based on the amount of points scored.

Recently we ordered from our agency quest for children in the Hermitage, which was very successful and we decided that this idea was very good for both children and adults. Quest in the museum The Hermitage was attended by both adults and children, which made it possible to have an interesting family birthday.

Eexcursion quest at the Hermitage is an unusual way to celebrate a child’s or adult’s birthday, as well as an opportunity to get acquainted with the largest museum in the world in an unusual way.

Description of the quest at the Hermitage Museum:

50 years ago, employees of one of the world's largest art and cultural-historical museums, the Hermitage, created a special collection of unique exhibits that are of particular importance in art as carriers of information about time periods.

The name of the collection and the list of its exhibits were stolen by representatives of the criminal organization “Heritage Hunters” directly from the museum.

There are no copies left!

Nobody knows what's in this collection!

From year to year, “Heritage Hunters” try to stage the robbery of the century in order to steal that very “X” collection. All their attempts have been unsuccessful until today... But not this time! The criminals found out about the entire security system of the Hermitage Museum, and are now aware that once a year, for 2 hours, all protective shields in the museum are turned off in order to restart the object security program. And this is the best time to steal exhibits without resistance and go unnoticed!

Only 2 hours!

120 minutes for a robbery!

Criminals will not miss this moment. They were well prepared and developed the most convenient routes around the Hermitage.

We managed to intercept these routes, and now they are in front of you! But the “heritage hunters” turned out to be more cunning - they encrypted the names of all exhibits and at least some clues.

You have a route and riddles about the exhibits that are going to be stolen. Get to work!

Your task:

— find out the name of the exhibits included in the collection by deciphering the riddles of the criminals;

— moving along the route, find exhibits;

— record the presence of the exhibit;

— find out the name of the collection (using notes from criminals);

— prevent the robbery of the century.

You only have 90 minutes to find all the exhibits!

Remember: you are on the heels of a dangerous group, so don’t give yourself away: don’t run, don’t shout, don’t attract attention, be invisible!

Addition: The adult team also has a map, but there are no names of halls on it, only the general name of the zones: Italy, France, etc.

ECONOMY package (6900):

  • Leading
  • Necessary set of props for a quest in a museum


  • Professional presenter
  • A well-developed scenario, including the exploration of several floors in the Hermitage
  • Additional props

VIP PACKAGE (20,000):

  • Professional presenter
  • A well-developed scenario, including the exploration of several floors in the Hermitage
  • Individual changes to script elements in prompts (for example, congratulations to the birthday boy or a surprise for one of the participants)
  • Necessary set of props for a quest in the Hermitage
  • Additional props
  • Extra task on knowledge of history
  • Actor as a "villain"

Prices are for a group of up to 7 people. If there are more of you, the cost is calculated individually by phone in the upper right corner.


Photos from a children's quest in the Hermitage from the holiday agency "Mafia St. Petersburg"

From 5 years
Cost: 1,500 rub. per group (up to 15 people) + tickets to the Museum (200 rubles per student), 1 accompanying person free of charge; Subscription for 3 classes - 3600 rub. + tickets to the Museum
Everything by appointment

At the museum you can participate in excursion-quest through the halls of the “Keepers of the Museum”, in the process answering interesting questions and completing assignments on the life and work of the artist, scientist and thinker Nicholas Roerich. On the game “Beyond the mountains, beyond the seas there is a wonderful country...” you can go in search of a country that is not on the map, but about which there are so many legends. Within project "Country of Culture" children can build their own country and come up with its laws. And in "India of Svyatoslav Roerich"- get acquainted with the customs of this country and participate in a master class on Indian dances.

"Cosmo-Quest" at the Multimedia Art Museum
From 5 years
Cost: 500 rub.
Until September 11, on Saturdays (except September 3)

As part of the Russian Space exhibition, the museum is holding a quest for children. You can not only see the famous Vostok lander Yu.A. Gagarin, models of an iron airship, rockets and a trumpet “for listening to the music of the spheres” made by Tsiolkovsky. In an exciting game-excursion, children complete tasks, finding themselves in the world of space and stars. Each work in the exhibition contains a secret or an encrypted code, which, if solved, can reveal the secrets of the Universe. In the final part of the quest, the children build a spaceship.

Historical quest “The Curse of Tsaritsino”

From 12 years old with parents, from 14 years old alone
Cost: 2,700 rub. for a group of up to 5 people, tablets are provided free of charge (with a deposit)
Daily, by appointment

In Tsaritsyno Park you can take part in adventure quest on a tablet computer. The plot of the game is based on a real historical event - the construction of a luxurious palace in the village of Tsaritsyno, which Catherine II first entrusted to the court architect Bazhenov, and then demolished to the ground. The tablet contains everything you need for the investigation: old diaries with notes, photographs, maps and secret signs. Before the game, participants are also shown a film about a historical mystery.
The game lasts 2-3 hours, there is a leader. A tablet with the game can be obtained at the main entrance to Kolomenskoye Park.

Quests and games in Kolomenskoye
From 5 years
Cost: from 300 rub. per person
Tuesday - Sunday (each program has its own schedule), 10:00-17:00

At the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, you can study history in an exciting game format by choosing one of the many game programs. For example, during travel games “In search of royal wisdom” participants will walk through the men's half of the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and unravel a saying encrypted in museum exhibits, invented by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Museum quest “Lost Treasures” will help you independently learn the history of Kolomenskoye by studying the history of the Grand Duke and Tsar's court. A fantasy quest “The Scepter of King John” will help unravel the history of the 19th century: the Russian historian Professor Tikhomirov became interested in the strange fate of the scepter of Ivan the Terrible and, apparently, found out not only its location, but also revealed another secret related to it. The professor died tragically, but the diaries left behind with strange notes, drawings, and maps will help participants repeat the professor’s path and uncover the secret of Ivan the Terrible’s scepter.
There are also quests in Lyublino and Izmailovo.

Quests and games at the Museum of Moscow

The associations of the Museum of Moscow have several options for quest leisure.

IN Museum of Archeology of Moscow You can participate in the role-playing game program “Playing in the Past.” It has different games. In Game “I am an archaeologist!” you can actually get acquainted with the science of archaeology, find out how archaeological excavations are carried out and what you need to take with you on an expedition, and take part in impromptu excavations. IN game “I am a mammoth hunter!”- get acquainted with living conditions in the Stone Age and learn how to make fire. There are also games “I am a craftsman!”, “I am a merchant!”.
From 5 years
Cost: from 350 rub./per person, subscriptions: from 1,200 rub./4 classes
Schedule: September to November, registration required

Anastasia Loshkareva
Quest game “Museum Keepers”

Quest game

« Museum curators»

Participants: children of senior preschool age.

Requirements for participants: participants are wearing scarves of different colors

Program content:

NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development

Expand children's knowledge about fine arts, develop artistic perception of works of fine art, exercise their ability to perform exercises in accordance with assignments, and develop creative activity.

OO "Speech development"

Improve speech as a means of communication

OO "Physical development"

Develop interest in activity in independent motor activities

OO "Cognitive Development"

development of cognitive activity; develop observation, attention, logical thinking.

OO "Social-communicative"

develop children’s communication skills, unite the children’s team, develop the ability to work in a team, and foster an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

Types of children's activities: motor; gaming; communicative; figurative; educational and research

Plot quest:

Guys, today we have to visit an interesting place, we will go on an excursion to our unusual museum. Guys, were you in museums where do the paintings hang? Let's imagine that we are in museum, where paintings by different artists hang. Who are these artists? That's right guys, this is a man who draws pictures. The artist is like a wizard, a magician who admires the beauty of nature in his paintings; he depicts the splendor of the expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers; he can show in a drawing the beauty of a blooming garden or the majesty of a mighty oak tree, various animals, people, the sea, etc.

Children enter museum.

Educator: Oh. Guys, something bad happened. All paintings from the museum has disappeared somewhere(watch video).What to do? We need help to return to painting museum. And the Girl-Kistochka will help us with this, curator of museum paintings. And in order to return them to us, we need to complete all the tasks. After each correctly completed task you will receive a picture and return it to museum.

Roles: Tassel girl (museum curator)

Rules of the game: If a team of participants fails the test, the entire team receives a penalty in the form of an artist’s palette, which depicts "exercise", it must be completed - only after that can you move on.

Location: music hall

Material and equipment: video film of how an evil witch steals treasures from museum, handkerchiefs of different colors; costume Guardians of paintings, Girl's costume - Tassels; audio equipment; palettes (with an additional task for the team, envelopes with hints, envelopes with puzzles, reproductions of paintings, glue, crossword puzzle, map-scheme, prize with candies.

Preparatory work: reading fiction; solving rebuses and puzzles, looking at reproductions.

Move quest games:

Watching a video.

Girl-Tassochka: My young friends! In our there was a disaster at the museum. All the paintings have disappeared, these are all the tricks of the Evil Witch, she doesn’t want the paintings to please us. In order for the paintings to return to our museum we need to complete tasks at different stations. Let's help museum curator?

Children: Yes.

Children are offered a colorful map with a picture of the route and the names of the stations.

Children walk to the station "Collector"

Tassel Girl: The first task to complete is to assemble the puzzles. Quickly assemble the puzzles and turn them into a picture.

Children receive an envelope with a cut picture. After they have collected the picture, they hand it over keeper.

next station "Guessing Game"

Girl - tassel: The second task is that you need to name the artist and the title for the proposed painting. Look at the picture and name the picture.

Children receive an envelope with a task containing a picture. You need to remember the artist and the title. After completing the task museum curator puts the picture in place.

Station "Colorful"

Girl - tassel: The artist painted autumn, spread the colors on the palette. Look at the paints and put together a picture.

On the easel is a painting depicting an autumn landscape. The envelope contains a palette with different combinations of colors. Based on the combination of colors, you need to choose the right palette. After completing the task, the children receive a picture for museum and hand it over to the custodian.

Station "Still Life"

Girl - tassel: If you see in the picture a cup of coffee on the table, or fruit drink in a large glass, or a rose in crystal, or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, or all the objects at once, know that this is a still life.

From the proposed objects standing on the table, children make a still life. Receive the picture and hand it over keeper.

next station "Colorful"

Girl - tassel: Look at the paints and set your palette.

Using a palette, paint, and a brush, children are invited to create additional colors using arithmetic examples:

yellow + red = orange

yellow + blue = green

blue + red = burgundy

Having received the painting, they return it to museum.

Station "Surprise".

Watch a video where an evil witch hides a surprise.

Girl - tassel: And we challenge boredom

Just because

Live in the world without surprises

Impossible for anyone.

May good luck, failure,

Let the flights go up and down

Only this way and not otherwise

Only this way, and not otherwise.

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise!

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise!

Long live surprise!

How will you go on the map?

You'll get to the prize right away.

Children use a clue from the video to find a surprise (a book with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and a sweet surprise)

Girl - tassel: Thank you, my friends, for helping to return the paintings to museum!

Carefully consider the proposed color combinations.

Look carefully at what objects the artist should use to paint a still life.

Be careful when working with paint.

Be careful, there is a hint in the film.