Alexander Green House Museum in Feodosia. Memorial House-Museum A

Alexander Green Museum (Feodosia, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Feodosia was one of Alexander Green's most beloved cities. The writer moved to this part of Crimea in 1924, here he created “The Golden Chain”, “Running on the Waves”, “Road to Nowhere”, and famous stories.

The romantic lived in the house on Galereynaya, 10 until 1929. Now a literary and memorial museum is opened in this ancient building. The decision to create it was made in 1966. The museum was founded in 1970.

The Greene Museum is decorated with a fabulous relief panel - on the side wall of the house there is a real “Brigantine”.

An oak door leads into the premises, and the rooms themselves resemble holds, ship cabins. The exhibition of the unusual museum will tell not only about the life of Alexander Greene, but also the world in which the heroes of his works exist.

You can visit the Alexander Green Museum in Feodosia any day of the week except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00. It is worth checking the visit program on the website in advance: the writer’s house often becomes a platform for meetings with musicians, poets and artists.

Address: st. Russian, 2, Feodosia

Feodosia is a piece of Taurida, separating the steppe Eastern and rocky Central Crimea. In addition to a comfortable coastline and natural attractions, it can boast of a dozen famous cultural institutions. One of them is Green’s house-museum in Feodosia, which has gained fame as an interactive exhibition, as well as a famous center of local literary life. Here Alexander Stepanovich wrote the famous novel-suspense “Scarlet Sails”.

Where is the museum located in Feodosia?

The Alexander Green Literary and Memorial Museum is located right in the “heart” of the ancient seaport - on Galereina Street. Its building is adjacent to the station, the southern half, the Ukrainian consulate, and.

House-museum on the map of Crimea

From the history of attractions

During the reign of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, in most cities of the USSR, cultural institutions were created from hundreds of houses of celebrities, telling about the life and activities of their inhabitants. Feodosia was no exception. The Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum was founded in 1970, but the decision to found it was made four years earlier.

Its project was already being developed by the famous artist-architect Savva Brodsky. He was sure that the abode of the famous romantic writer should be represented in the form of a ship.

The first page of the biography of the unique institution is its grand opening on July 9, 1970. The event was attended by the “beau monde” of literary circles. It is known that in the first years the A. Green house-museum operated as a department. Now it has become an autonomous budget unit - a venue for literary evenings and creative meetings.

Description of the Feodosia Literary Museum of A. Green

In Feodosia, the Green Museum attracts tourists as much as
Aivazovsky Gallery, and. In the memorable photos of numerous tourists you can see a snow-white building, the entire wall of which is decorated with a unique bas-relief - it depicts the bow of a fabulous brigantine. The entrance price here is relatively low, and the reviews “force” you to definitely visit this cramped house. There are discounts for schoolchildren and pensioners, as well as recipients of government benefits.

The permanent exhibition features household items, original author's engravings and manuscripts, newspaper articles, portraits and photographs directly related to the life and work of Alexander Grinevsky (pseudonym A. Green). The writer, who managed to be a revolutionary and an extreme traveler, lived in this residential building from 1924 to 1929. Ancient lanterns, bells, ropes, navigational instruments and other fragments of ship equipment - all this makes up the “highlight” of the museum interior.

On the walls of the Feodosia Green Museum hang models of symbols of expectation of something better -
ships with scarlet sails. And it’s not surprising: the most famous works of the former tenant of the house on Galereynaya are stories about fantastic sea adventures with an unpredictable ending.

In addition to displaying exhibit items, the house-museum conducts interactive thematic excursions for children and adults, and also invites citizens and guests to lectures on the activities of the creator of the fictional country “GREENLAND”. The institution’s collection includes many documentaries dedicated to the biography and work of the author of “Scarlet Sails,” “Running on the Waves,” and “The Brilliant World.” Film showings are announced at the entrance notices and on the pages of the museum’s official website.

The Alexander Green Museum in Feodosia is one of the pearls of Crimea. Opened on July 9, 1970 in the house where the writer lived from 1924 to 1929. The museum's exhibition embodies the spirit of the writer's romantic creativity. The small one-story house retained the memorial character of its walls, but received a non-standard design. The rooms of this unusual museum resemble cabins with sonorous names: “Frigate Hold”, “Wanderings Cabin”, “Captain’s Cabin”, “Clipper Room”, “Rostral”. The white walls are clad in dark wood and sisal rope. In addition to photographs, engravings, and manuscripts, there are ship rostras, models of sailing ships, antique ship instruments and maps, and ocean shells. The rigor of taste, the impeccability of proportions, the complete absence of signs of everyday life preserve in the museum a state of spirituality untouched by the years, and you feel happy in it, having returned to a childhood time of dreams.
Russian writer Alexander Stepanovich Green spent the best years of his creative maturity in Feodosia. Here were born his novels “The Golden Chain”, “Running on the Waves”, “Jessie and Morgiana”, “The Road to Nowhere”, pages of wonderful stories. From the first day of its birth, the Green House gathered wonderful, enthusiastic, and talented people under its roof. The founder of the museum, Gennady Zolotukhin, together with the artist Savva Brodsky, united around themselves the first “Grinovites” - a unique galaxy of artists who created the museum as a living fairy tale. The main idea of ​​this House was and is - the union of the best, the “recognition” of close kindred souls. This is the Museum of Creativity. This is how the writer saw the world. Therefore, his House inspires musicians, artists, writers and actors. Fans of Green’s unusual prose can hear “live” music here and see the entire range of modern painting, graphics, plastic arts and photography in the exhibition halls.
Through the gap in the street you can see the sea... Blue, festive in sunny weather and gloomy, gloomy, cold when the sky is overcast. The whistles of ships can be heard here, and the blue of the evening peeks through the closed shutters... At sunset, when the bustle of the day subsides, it is especially pleasant to wander through the small rooms of this amazing, unique museum... Let's open “Running on the Waves”: “I settled in an apartment right corner house of Amilego Street, one of the most beautiful streets of Lisse. The house stood at the lower end of the street... behind the dock, a place of ship debris and silence, broken, not too intrusively, by the language of the port day, softened by distance.” It seems that Alexander Green is talking here about himself, about the apartment where he settled in September 1924 and lived for several years, where his best books were written. Then the writer changed his apartment, and a year later he broke up with Feodosia altogether; the last two years of his life were spent in Old Crimea. And many years later, when the work of Alexander Green received worldwide recognition and his books began to be published in huge editions, and even former skeptics it became clear that Green’s romance was in tune with our time, people came to the house on Galereinaya Street who took on the difficult mission of creating Alexander Greene Museum and thereby perpetuate his memory... The museum is located in a building built in 1891, there are two memorial plaques on it: “The historical memorial building is a monument, protected by the state” and “In this house from September 1924 to April In 1929, the romantic writer Alexander Green lived and worked.”

Memorial House-Museum of A. S. Green

The house-museum of A. S. Green in Old Crimea is included, this is the house in which the wonderful prose writer, mystic and romantic Alexander Stepanovich Green (1880–1932) spent the last months of his life, and after that his widow Nina Nikolaevna lived, who has preserved for us a touching the furnishings of modest rooms - witnesses of tragic events.

The Green couple moved to Old Crimea from Feodosia in November 1930. They lived in rented apartments. Once Alexander Stepanovich said: “We should change our apartment, Ninusha. I’m tired of this dark corner, I want some space for my eyes...”

In June 1932, Nina Nikolaevna exchanged her gold watch for a house, which the writer purchased and gave to his beloved in 1927, having received an advance payment for the collected works sold to Wolfson. Later, Green’s widow recalled: “And the watch gave me the opportunity to give the last gift to Alexander Stepanovich - to let him die in his home, which he had dreamed of for so long and fruitlessly and which he had enjoyed so briefly.”

In Old Crimea, Green finished his autobiographical essays and began the novel “Touchy.” But the novel was not completed - the writer was seriously ill and soon died. On his grave, in the city cemetery, next to the tombstone - like a monument to a dream - there is a figurine of Running on the Waves (sculptor T. Gagarin).

Thanks to Nina Nikolaevna’s efforts, in 1934 it was possible to open a memorial room for A.S. Green in this house, but she dreamed of a state museum. In 1940, a letter came from the People's Commissariat for Education, in which consent was given to the creation of the museum and a date was set for its opening - on the 10th anniversary of the writer's death.

In the fall of 1941, the German army entered Old Crimea, and in 1945, Green’s widow was arrested and exiled. The house was left unattended. In 1956, Nina Nikolaevna returned to Old Crimea, finding strangers in the house and terrible devastation.

The struggle began to return the house and create a memorial museum in it. Writers from Russia and Ukraine supported the widow. In March 1960, Nina Nikolaevna wrote in a letter to M. Novikova: “...The key and warrant for the house are in my hands... Now I will make Alexander Stepanovich’s corner for myself, for people, for the future.”

In May 1960, a memorial room for the writer was opened, in 1964 the house became a branch of the Feodosia Museum of Local Lore, in 1971 it was transferred to the Feodosia Literary and Memorial Museum of A. S. Green, then included in the Old Crimea reserve. Later it became a branch of the Historical and Literary Museum, and since 2001 it has been part of the Cimmeria M. A. Voloshin reserve.

K. G. Paustovsky, whose museum is now located on the same street as Grinovsky’s, did a lot to save the last refuge of his beloved writer. “Green’s romance was simple, cheerful, brilliant. It aroused in people the desire for a varied life, full of risk and a sense of the high, a life characteristic of explorers, sailors and travelers,” he wrote in the story “The Black Sea.”