Excursion to the museum of the Russian Izba kindergarten. Scenario of an excursion to the school museum "Russian Izba"

Remind your child what we call family, those animals that live with a person and benefit him, and the person takes care of them. Look at pictures of domestic animals and their babies. Let the child show and name them.

We enrich and activate children's vocabulary nouns: sheep, ram, lamb, lambs, horse, horse, foal, foals, cow, bull, calf, calves, piglet, piglets, pig, wild boar, goat, goat, kids, kid, dog, dog, puppy, puppies, cat, kitten, kittens, cat, pigsty, cowshed, stable, booth, kennel; torso, belly, head, muzzle, neck, tail, hooves, horns, paws, legs, claws, teeth; shepherd, milkmaid, pig farm, calf house, herd, herd, flock, groom; verbs: run, jump, jump, climb, sleep, feed, catch, meow, bark, moo, neigh, grunt, chew, bleat, pinch (grass), growls, purrs, gnaws, chews, butts, laps, grooms, feeds; adjectives: useful, domestic, fluffy, devoted, affectionate, horned, playful, soft, strong, fast, kind, evil, stupid, smart, caring, feline, dog, cow, goat, horse, useful, smooth, horned, ferocious, vicious, stubborn; adverbs: fast, deft, dangerous, difficult, easy, cold, scary, ahead, behind, slow, lazy, beautiful, cold, deep, far, close, low, high, up, down, hot.

Games and exercises

Game "One - Many"with nouns on the topic:

Horse - horses Lamb - lambs

"Call me kindly"

Cat - kitty

Horse - ... Cow - ... etc.

“Name the cub affectionately”

kitten - kitten

puppy - ... piglet - ...

kid - ... calf - ...

Game "Who has who?"A goat has a kid, etc.

Exercise “Name the whole family.”

For example: mom is a dog, dad is a dog, cub is a puppy, cubs are puppies.

“Whose, whose, whose?”tail, nose, head, ears

For example: a cow has a cow's tail, a cow's head, and cow's ears.

“Who was who?”

For example: The dog was a puppy.

“Name the cub affectionately”

kitten - kitten

puppy - ... piglet - ...

kid - ... calf - ...

Game "Who Lives Where?"

For example: A cow lives in a barn.

"Count" (children from 4 years old)

1 cat, 2 cats, 3..., 4..., 5...

1 cat, 2 ..., 3 ..., 4 ..., 5 ...

1 kitten, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5... etc.

Exercise “Count to seven”(children 6-8 years old)

Playful puppy Fluffy cat

Horned goat Loyal dog

Game “Guess by description”- You give a description of the animal, and the child must guess who you were describing.

The cow - "moo" - moos. The cat - "meow" - meows. Etc.

“What animal talks like that?”(children 6-8 years old)

barks - ..., neighs - ..., moos - ..., bleats - ..., grunts - ..., purrs - ...

Learn to select adjectives for nouns.

Cat (which one?) - affectionate, playful, playful, small, purebred.

Dog - ... Pig - ...

Cow - ... Sheep - ...

Exercise "Who does what?"

A cat laps, meows, scratches, purrs, caresses, hunts, licks itself.

A dog guards, barks, bites, gnaws, guards, howls, runs.

Horse - ...

“Who (what) is extra and why?”

Horse, ram, hoof, bull.

Sheep, goat, cow, elk.

A conversation about what we get from pets- wool, milk, meat...

Development exercise fine motor skills(children from 3 years old)


At the cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch.

Tighten your fingertips right hand to the top of the palm. Thumb press it to your index finger. Say "meow" loudly.

Perform finger exercises.Learn a poem about pets with your child.

Fun meeting (children 4 years old)

Hello kitten!

Hello, little goat!

Hello, puppy!

And hello, duckling!

Hello, cheerful, funny pig!

Extend your fingers, starting with the little finger, move each finger, greeting the animals.

In the village (children 5-8 years old)

I'm relaxing in the village

I’ll name the animals for you: Claps alternately with palms and fists.

Rabbit, horse and goat, Bend your finger for each name of the animal.

Cat, cow and pig,

And also a ram and a sheep,

Yes, the faithful dog is my assistant.

Poems for automation of delivered sounds

Vaska the cat (S, L)

Vaska was kicked out with a broom.

Vaska - the cat doesn’t catch mice.

Vaska to the bully

Serve the sour cream!

Yesterday he was not for show

He smeared his mustache with it.

This is what I got for it

To the robber...

Big ears (L)

A donkey sang on the lawn,

But the fly said:

Oh, how everyone is tired of you!

You have no hearing.

The donkey shouted back to her:

Shut up and listen!

How come there is no rumor?

Look what ears!

V. Popov

*** (P, Pb)

A pig saw a pig in a puddle:

This, of course, is not me, but a friend!

Well, my friend is dirty!

It's just wonderful that it's not me!

V. Orlov

Stupid horse (W, L, R)

The horse bought four galoshes -

A couple of good ones and a couple of worse ones.

If it was a nice day,

The horse walks in good galoshes.

It’s worth waking up to the first powder -

The horse comes out wearing thicker galoshes.

If there are puddles all over the street,

The horse walks without galoshes at all.

Why are you, horse, sparing your galoshes?

Isn't your health more important to you?

V. Levin

Pussy (S, L)

Treat your pussy, Tanyusha -

Unwrap and give toffee.

To make it more fun for her

Pour cream into a saucer!

Tanya poured cream,

Tanya called pussy.

Pussy dipped her nose:

Meow-mur, thank you,

I'll give you a mouse!

N. Gorodetskaya

Cow (R, L)

There goes, there goes the cow -

Long horns.

Where was the cow?

I went to the meadows.

A cow came up

To your home,

She stood and hummed:

“Moo! Mu! Mu!”

N. Frenkel

Cat and mouse (SH)

Hey little mouse,

Talk to me a little! –

And the mouse is running


I can not!

You can not? Why?

Think about it - and you will understand!

N. Dabizha

Murka (W, R, L)

Apparently the cat is sick -

Baby Seryozhka says. –

It lies all day in the morning

And he doesn't move his tail.

No! – Shurka waves his hands. –

Our Murka is resting,

Because at night

Doesn't let mice play around.

V. Kudlachev

An ordinary story(L, R)

A puppy was walking down the street -

Either Fluff or Buddy.

Walked in a snowstorm and sunshine,

And I walked in the rain and got wet,

And even if it snowed,

A puppy was walking down the street.

I walked in the heat, in the cold and in the damp,

V. Levin

Gift (L, R)

IN New Year under a bright Christmas tree

I found my gift.

In an old shoe box

The golden kitten was sleeping.

Nose with a button, tail with a brush,

Paws in white shoes,

And mustache, mustache!

And stripes on the sides.

I'll take him to bed.

I'll sing a song quietly,

So that he sleeps sweetly,

I'll tell you a bedtime story!

S. Suvorova

Dog (S, L)

Young angry dog

A wasp stung my nose.

Don’t whine, I told the dog,

Drive away the wasp quickly.

L. Klyushev

Sirota (L)

The cat stole lard from the kitchen,

Sat on the porch with the loot

And he decided, after thinking: - Not enough,

I could eat something else.

He climbed into the cellar, quieter than a mouse,

Ate the cream and jellied meat,

And suddenly I heard in my ear:

Well, finally got it?!

The cat saw the twig,

The cat became afraid

He shouted: - Help!

They are insulting an orphan!!!

V. Shurzhik

*** (SCH)

The puppy was so puny!

I kept feeding him cabbage soup,

Protected me from the bitter cold,

The puppy squeaked with joy.

Still would! He grew up happy!

Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog


Olga Tyapugina
Abstract speech therapy session V senior group By lexical topic"Pets"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in a senior speech therapy group.

Subject: “On a visit to the village of Prostokvashino”


Correctional educational:

1. Expand and deepen children’s understanding of domestic animals and their babies.

2. Consolidate knowledge about external signs animals what they eat, how they voice, where they live, what benefits they bring.

3. Improve the grammatical structure of speech (formation of possessive adjectives).

4. Activate and expand your vocabulary lexical topic.

Correctional and developmental:

1. Develop auditory and visual perception.

2. Improve thought processes.

Correctional and educational:

1. Instill love for pets.

2. Cultivate the ability to listen carefully, develop cognitive interest.

3. Develop communication skills.

Equipment: speech therapy cube for playing“Which one, which one, which one?”, speech therapy chamomile, blank drawings animals, houses animals drawn on cardboard, electronic presentation.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle.

Speech therapist:

Early in the morning someone strange

Looked through my window

appeared on the palm

Bright red spot

This sun has come

It was as if a hand had been extended.

Let's stand side by side in a circle

Let's say "Hello" we are each other.

Children say hello.

Guys, we received a sound letter in kindergarten. I wonder from whom. Yes, this is from the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino. Let's listen to him.

Letter: Dear Guys! I invite you to the village of Prostokvashino, where I live now, for fresh milk. Not far from the village you will find many pets, whom you will probably recognize. See you in Prostokvashino.

Guys, do you want to go to Prostokvashino? (Yes)

Let's hit the road!

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. A horse's neighing is heard.

Speech therapist: Oh guys, what do I hear. I wonder whose voice this is?

Children: This is a horse.

There is an image of a horse on the screen.

Speech therapist: It really is a horse. Let's stop and take a look.

What kind of horse is this? wild or domestic animal?

How does a horse benefit people?

Where does the horse live?

What is a baby horse called?

What is a horse's body covered with?

What does a horse eat?

And I know a tongue twister about a horse. Listen:

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Let's teach her.

We repeat.

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. A cow is heard mooing.

Speech therapist: Guys, who is this? (cow)

Which animal cow, wild or homemade? (homemade)

Where does the cow live? (in the barn)

What is a baby cow called? (calf)

What is a cow's body covered with? (wool)

What does a cow eat? (grass)

What benefits does a cow bring? (Gives milk)

What can you make from milk?

A game "cube"

Guys, look what an interesting cube. Let's play with him?

There are pictures on each side of the cube. I will give you a cube and you will name the parts animals you will see.

This is a goat's beard, what kind of beard is this? (goat beard)

This is a cow's tail, what kind of tail is it? (cow tail)

These are cat paws, what kind of paws are these? (cat's paws)

This is a horse's head, what kind of head is it? (horse head)

These are dog paws, what kind of paws are these? (dog paws)

These are ram horns, what kind of horns are these? (ram's horns)

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. The voice of a sheep is heard.

Which animal sheep? (homemade)

Where does the sheep live? (in the barn)

What is the name of a baby sheep? (lamb)

What do sheep eat? (grass)

What benefits do sheep bring to humans? (sheep provide wool)

What can be made from wool? (warm clothes)


What a wonderful clearing, let's relax here for a while.

Here is a clearing, and around

Linden trees lined up in a circle

With a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides.

The linden trees are rustling,

The winds hum in their leaves

Raise your arms up and swing them from side to side.

The tops are bent down

And rock them, rock them

Leaning forward, swing your torso from side to side.

Chock - chock, heel!

A cricket spins in a dance.

Stomp your feet.

And the grasshopper is without a mistake

Performs a waltz on the violin.

Hand movements as when playing the violin.

The wings of a butterfly flicker -

She flutters with the ant.

Hand movements like wings.

Under a cheerful hopper

The spider dances wildly.

Dance movements, like in hopak.

Hands clap loudly!

Clap your hands.

Oh! Tired legs!

It's time for us to go.

Music sounds children along with speech therapist go to the group. The voice of a goat is heard.

What is this animal, wild or homemade?

Where do goats live? (in the barn)

What is a baby goat called? (kid)

What benefits do goats bring to humans? (give goat milk)

What is a goat's body covered with? (wool)

What do goats eat? (grass)

Guys, look what a magical flower has grown in the grass.

And in the middle of the flower sits the cat Murka

What a cat animal? (homemade)

What is the baby cat's name? (kitty)

Where does the cat live? (in a person's house)

What benefits does a cat bring to humans? (catches mice)

A game "Cat"

Each petal of our flower has a picture. What do you think the cat and these pictures have in common?

The table has 4 legs and the cat has 4 paws.

The needle is sharp, and the cat's claws are sharp.

Dog pet, and a cat pet.

The scarf is soft and the cat is also soft.

The boy washes himself and the cat washes herself too.

The fur coat is warm and the cat’s fur coat is warm.

Articulation gymnastics

Guys, when a cat is angry, she arches her back. And you and I know how to bend our tongue like that. "Pussy is angry"

Let's lick our lips as if we were pussies and lapped up the delicious milk. "Lick our lips"

Show me how long the dog's tongue is “Pull the tongue down”

Let's imagine that we are riding a horse "Clicking our tongue"

Now let’s turn into bees and buzz around our flower "The beetle is buzzing"

Guys, if a cat lives in a person’s house, then we are already very close. Go ahead.

The music is playing, the children are walking along group.

And here is the village. And who is meeting us?

You can hear a dog barking.

Who is this? (it's a dog barking)

Which animal dog? (homemade)

What is the baby dog's name? (puppy)

Where does the dog live? (in the booth)

What benefits does a dog bring? (guards the house)

What is a dog's body covered with? (wool)

Let's see what our dog is protecting.

Guys, look at everything the animals went into the yard, and now they can’t find their houses, let’s help them.

Speech therapist brings the children to the painted houses.

Guys you need to finish drawing animals missing body parts and place each pet to your home.

The children sit at the tables. Draw, paste animals to the desired house.

So who can we call pets?

Children: TO we will take them to pets,

With whom we live in close contact;

Cows and horses, sheep and goats

We shelter them warm from the frost.

We feed and water them, if we need to cut them,

We stroke them tenderly and always take care of them.

They are attached to us, very obedient

Some give us milk and sour cream.

Others take us everywhere tirelessly.

And others guard our house,

They save food from mice.

You guys are great, you helped everyone animals, and the cat Matroskin and his cow gave you fresh milk. Drink for your health.

    Look at the pictures with your child. Name the animals and their babies. Tell us what they feed pets, what benefits they bring to humans, and how he cares for them. Insert the general concept of “pets” into the dictionary.

    Pay attention to distinctive features animals. Exercise: “What do you have?”whom?": Show the pictures and name the body parts of domestic animals.

A cow has horns,... A horse has a mane,...

The pig has a snout,.... The dog has paws,....

3. Exercise “Call me kindly”: Affectionately name the father, mother and baby of each pet.

Cat- cat, cat- cat, kitten- kitten.

Dog - ..., dog - ..., puppy - .... Bull - ..., cow - ..., calf - ....

Goat - ..., goat - ..., kid - .... Ram - ..., sheep - ..., lamb - ....

4. Tell the child the names of the houses that a person built for domestic animals (for cows - a barn, for pigs - a pigsty, etc.).

Cow- hums. Cat - .... Dog - .... Horse - .... Pig - ....

6. Exercise “Select, name, remember”: Complete the sentences (choose and name as many action words as possible).

Dog (what is it doing?)- sniffs, growls, gnaws, guards... Horse (what is it doing?) - .... Pig (what is it doing?) - ....

7. Exercise “What did the artist forget to draw?”: Who did the artist draw? What does every animal lack? (The rabbit is missing ears. Etc.) Help the artist. Draw the missing parts of the body.

8. Exercise “Say in one word”: Complete the sentences:

A goat has no horns. She is hornless. You completed the horns, and now she is horned.

A rabbit has no ears. He.... You finished drawing the ears, and now he....

The cat doesn't have a tail. She.... You finished drawing the tail, and now she....

9. The little pig has a holiday. The pets decided to wish him a happy birthday. Look at the picture. Name the animals that came to the pig for the holiday. What are their houses called? Connect each animal with its house with a colored line-path. What do you think each of the guests gave the pig? (Connect the guests and their gifts with lines).

10. Many guests came to the piglet. Help the pig count (write in circles or indicate the number with dots) and name them. (TO four cats came to the pig. Etc.)

11. Exercise “Portrait on pacrush": The animals decided to draw a portrait of a pig as a keepsake. Trace the pig along the dotted lines. Color it.

12. Exercise “Tell me”: Write stories about pets according to the proposed plan.

Topic: poultry

    Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of poultry. Talk about the benefits birds bring. How does a person care for them, what does he feed them and where does he keep them? Insert the general concept of “poultry” into the dictionary.

    Show the pictures and name the body parts of domestic birds (paws, neck, head, beak, tail, etc.). What is a bird's body covered with?

    Exercise “Name it correctly”: Name the father, mother and baby of each bird. Rooster, hen, chick. Goose, goose, gosling. Drake, duck, duckling. Turkey, turkey, turkey.

Turkey- chatters. Chicken - .... Rooster - .... Duck - .... Goose - ....

5. Exercise “Say the opposite”: Complete the sentences.

The duck is big, and the duckling is .... The goose has a long neck, and the chicken has ....

The chicken is young, and the rooster is .... The chicken has webbed feet, and the duck has ....

6. Exercise “Count and name”: Tanya came to the poultry yard and saw many birds there. Connect birds of the same species with multi-colored lines with circles of the corresponding color. Help Tanya count (write in circles or indicate the number with dots) and name them.

7. Exercise “Call me kindly”: Call the birds affectionately.

Duckling- duckling, ducklings- ducklings

Duck - ..., ducks - .... Chicken - ..., chickens - ....

Rooster - ..., roosters - .... Chicken - ..., chickens - ....

8. Look carefully at the pictures. Listen to the beginning of the story about the girl Tanya and continue it.

Tanya spent the whole summer living in the village with her grandmother. One day she lost her loverthe beloved cat Barsik. She walked around the village and called him. The cat was nowhere to be seenBut. Suddenly the girl saw Barsik’s black tail flash in the grass. Tanya po-


cat, dog, cow, goat, horse, pig, sheep, cat, kittens, puppies, calves, foals, lambs, piglets,

rabbits, bull, goat, horse, ram, herd, herd.


meow, bark, growl, bleat, neigh, moo, grunt, feed, guard, guard, play, graze, swim,

feed, squeal, milk, caress, bite, graze, lick, shoe, ride around.


fluffy, smooth, horned, affectionate, stubborn, ungulates, milk animals, vigorous, dexterous, clumsy,

nimble , playful, caring.

Finger gymnastics


What happened to the kittens? (They rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

Why aren't they sleeping?

Why did they open the buffet, (Bend fingers one by one, starting with the thumb,

First on the right and then on the left hand)

The new cup was broken.

Drum dropped

Scratched the sofa?

Why are their paws

Did you get into someone's shoes?

The bowl with the milk was broken,

Did you wake up your mother cat?

Why was the book torn?

Because they are catching a mouse. ( They use their fingers to depict claws - “to catch mouse.")

V. Stepanov

Finger gymnastics


Three rats in suits and plush hats,

Three ducks in straw sushi hats,

Three cats with a veil transparent and thin,

Yes three little dogs without a warm blanket

Let's go for a walk and met pigs,

Two pigs in silks from head to boots.

But soon it hit rolling thunder

And everyone ran home.

S. Marshak

(Alternately bend fingers on both hands

simultaneously for each name of the animal.)

(Alternately strike fist on fist and palm on palm.)

Coordination of speech with the movement “Dusty Song”

Goals: coordination of speech with movement. Creative development imagination.

The path circles across the field.

Horse along the path runs.

There's a cart behind the horse rings

And there's a dog in the cart lies.

The path creaks: creaks creak.

The horse runs: clop-clop.

The cart rings: ding- ding.

And the dog from the cart: woof woof

And behind them is the path collecting dust.

And behind them dust swirls.

AND sand rushes behind them

Across the field and diagonally.

AND the path disappeared into the dust.

AND the horse disappeared in the dust,

And carts with dogs are not it is seen,

You can only hear like somewhere far away...

The path creaks: creaks creak.

The horse runs: clop-clop.

The cart rings: ding- ding.

And the dog from the cart... no barks

Because doggy sneezes: - APCHHI!

A . Usachev

(Do "winder" in front of the chest.)

(Raise high knees.)

(Hit palms on sides.)

(Put your palms under cheek.)

(Palms slide against each other friend.)

(With fists - knock-knock.)

(Shaking the brushes hands.)

(Do grasping movements palms.)

(Squat down and slowly rise up doing rotational movements hands.)

(They make a “winder”.)

(Raise high knees.)

(Hit palms on sides.)

(Place hands on wow.)

(Palms slide against each other friend.)

(With fists - knock-knock.)

(Shaking the brushes hands.)

(They are surprised, they shake shoulders .)

(“They sneeze.”)


Goals: develop general speech skills, intonation expressiveness of speech.


The Cat said to the Mouse:

Let's be friends with you!

AND let's be this friendship

Before cherish death.

I'm afraid, - said the Mouse, -

That your goal is close,

And our friendship will be

Extremely short!

Well! - said the Cat. -

I can understand you!

I see that savvy

You can't take it away from the mice!

S. Mikhalkov

Game “Confusion” (“Who lives where?”)

Goals: to develop auditory attention and coherent speech.

Progress of the game.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the sentence and Correct mistake.

For example:

The cat lives in a kennel. - The cat lives in the house. Horse lives in a pigsty. - The horse lives in a stable.

The game “Whose baby is missing?”

Goals: to develop visual attention, visual memory, consolidate the names of baby animals.

Progress of the game. Pictures with images are displayed on the board animals and their young in pairs. Then the teacher

removes the picture. Children must guess which cub"lost"

A game “What did the artist forget to paint?”

Goals: to develop the grammatical structure of speech (education possessive adjectives); develop visual

attention and observation.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to consider a picture of pets, and

asks who the artist painted. Then the teacher draws children's attention to the fact that each animal does not have

one detail painted. What everyone doesn't have painted animal?

For example:

The cow's horns are not painted. The cat doesn't painted cat's paw. Etc.

Game “Who is hiding in the picture?”

Goals : develop visual attention.

A game "Who's the odd one out?"

Goals: develop logical thinking, teach communication monologue statement, consolidate generalizing

concepts of “wild animals” and “domestic animals”.

Progress of the game. The teacher puts pictures in front of the children and offers to find an extra animal. The child distinguishes among

animals are superfluous and explains his choice.

For example:

The fox is superfluous, because she is a wild animal, everyone else is homemade.

The child who answers correctly takes the extra picture. to yourself. At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to count

the number of syllables in the name of the extra animal in the picture.

Game "Count It"

Goals: develop the grammatical structure of speech, teach coordinate nouns with numerals.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children to count pets. The game can be played with a ball.

For example: one cat, two cats, three cats, four cats, five cats.

Game "Animal Holiday"

Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about what they eat pets, develop coherent speech.

Progress of the game. On the table there are object pictures depicting treats for different animals. Children have images of these

pets. Children must find treats for their animals.

For example:

I have a goat. Hay for the goat. A goat chews hay.

Game “Place the corrals”

Goals: improve the skill of syllabic analysis of words.

Progress of the game. The teacher places it on the magnetic board images of domestic animals and three pens, explains that in the first pen can be “corralled” with animals whose names consist of one syllable, in the second corral - of two syllables, in the third is of three syllables. Children go to the board one by one, choose animals, clearly pronounce their names in syllables and

put the drawings in the corresponding “pen”.

Words: cat, bull, goat, sheep, ram, pig, rabbit, cow, horse.

Game "Guess the word"

highlight the first and last sound in a word.

Progress of the game.

The teacher lays out pictures on the table depicting pets and invites children to guess what word

conceived according to the first and last sound. That child who guessed right, gets a picture. At the end of the game it is calculated


For example: The first sound is [s], the last is [a] (dog).

Game "Say the word"

Goals: improve phonemic processes, teach determine the number and sequence of vowel sounds in


Progress of the game. The teacher displays word diagrams in front of the children with vowel sounds marked on them, children guess

name of the animal according to the diagram.

O___A - cat

O_A_ - horse

Y - bull

A_A_ - ram

Poems for reading and memorizing


The kitten was so beautiful!

The kitten was so unhappy!

He could barely stand on his paws

So looked and trembled so much

From soft ears to tail...

He was, of course, an orphan.

He meowed to me: “Help me!”

Mom said: “Don’t dream.”

He meowed to me: “Save me!”

Mom said: “Don’t ask.”

He sobbed and blinked his eyes

AND climbed onto mom's shoe.

Mom sighed: “What can I do?”

I shouted: “Adopt!”

V. Lunin


The basket opens.

In it what a gift!

Not a toy, not a picture -

The dog is small and alive.

Ears are soft like rags

The nose is like a bell button,

Uncertain paws

They move apart slightly.

Silky warm back

He presses affectionately towards legs...

Not a toy, not a picture -

They gave us a friend!

M . Stryomin

A game "Who is the most needed?"

Goals: develop coherent speech, teach coherent speech monologue statement, activate children's vocabulary

on the lexical topic “Pets”.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to add to the story, try to explain why this or that animal is needed to a person.

One day an argument broke out in the barnyard. Homemade animals decided which of them was needed more by humans.

“I am the most needed,” the cow mooed, “because...

No, I,” the sheep bleated, “I...

And I,” the pig squealed, “...

You forgot about me! - the horse neighed. - A man without me can not...

Argue, don’t argue,” the dog inserted. - I’m still more needed...

What do you think? Which animal is more necessary? (All animals are needed in their own way.)

WITH . Chesheva

Text for retelling

Who's the boss?

Large black dog name was Zhuk. Kolya and Vanya picked up Bug on the street. His paw was broken. Boys together

looked after the dog. The beetle has recovered. Each of the boys I wanted to be his master. They argued a lot about who was the boss.

The dispute always ended in a quarrel.

One day, boys and a dog were walking through the forest. Suddenly they jumped out two huge shepherd dogs. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him down

to the ground. Vanya quickly climbed the tree, and Kolya grabbed a stick and

rushed to the aid of Zhuk. The forester came running to the noise and drove away Shepherd dogs The forester asked the boy whose dog it was.

“Mine,” said Kolya.

Vanya remained silent.

According to V. Oseeva


What was the dog's name? What was she like?

Where did Kolya and Vanya pick up the Beetle?

What happened to him?

What did each of the boys want?

What happened one day in the forest?

What did Vanya do? And Kolya?

Who came running in response to the noise?

What did the forester ask?

What did Kolya answer?

Why did Vanya remain silent?

Text for retelling with additional task


Dad bought a rabbit. The rabbit is very beautiful. He has a soft gray fur, long ears, short tail. He sits and

quickly, quickly gnaws on a carrot.

From the manual by E. Timonen, E. Tuyulainen


Who did dad buy?

What does a rabbit look like?

What is the rabbit doing?

Assignment: Retell using the word “rabbit” in plural.

Glossary of the topic.

Nouns: animals, cow, calf, horse, foal, pig, piglet, cat, kitten, dog, puppy, goat, kid, sheep, lamb, rabbit, bunny, wool, horns, hooves, muzzle, tail, paws, cowshed, stable, pigsty.

Verbs: runs, butts, bleats, bites, eats, walks, caresses, barks, grunts, moos.

Adjectives: beautiful, fluffy, curly, angry, lively, horned, white, red, domestic, pink, spotted.

Target: clarification, expansion, activation, generalization vocabulary children.


  • clarify, expand active and passive vocabulary;
  • improve phonemic processes, learn to distinguish the first and last sound in a word;
  • exercise in the selection of definitions;
  • develop the ability to solve riddles;
  • introduce to different ways formation of words (cowshed, stable, pigsty);
  • consolidate generalizing concepts;
  • teach education possessive adjectives, plural nouns, names of young domestic animals;
  • learn to form nouns using suffixes: -ik, -ish, -enok, -onok.
  • develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

subject pictures with images of pets, images of animal food.

Progress of the lesson:

The image will be here: /data/edu/files/c1460644491.jpg (960x720)

1. Organizational moment.

A picture is displayed in front of the children.

Who do you think visited us today? Who came to visit us? That's right, these are animals that live next to a person and bring him benefits, which is why they are called pets.

The image will be here: /data/edu/files/o1460644351.jpg (629x413)

2. These animals live near humans. He cares about them , cares. Many live right in his house. These are pets. What other pets have we not named?

We clarify what all domestic animals have in common (all are covered with hair, all have 4 legs or paws, all have a muzzle, a tail). Animals are similar to each other, but each has its own distinctive features.

3. Task “Guess it!”

I make a riddle, you guess, find the answer among the pictures.

I have a piglet

Instead of a tail - a hook,

I love lying in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink, oink!”


I'm small and white

Fluffy, timid,

I give wool to my owner

For scarves and sweatshirts


Although velvet paws,

But they call me "scratchy"

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.


Bearded and horned

Will climb into the garden

Eat cabbage and dill.


I serve my master

The master's house is a watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.


And sour cream and kefir,

Milk and delicious cheese,

So that we are healthy

The motley one will give us...


Who am I, guess for yourself.

I pull a sleigh in winter,

Which glide easily through the snow,

In the summer I pull a cart.


A ball of fluff - a long ear

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.


Who is this? What do we call it in one word?

4. Who is the most attentive?

We will compare a cow and a horse. What does a cow have that a horse doesn't? (horns, udder). What does a horse have that a cow doesn't? (manes).

What animals have horns? Hooves? Claws? Mustache?

Guess which animal I wished for. He has legs, hooves, a mane, a tail. This is a horse. The horse neighs. He's looking for...

This animal has legs, hooves, a tail, and horns. This...

What does a cow call her baby?

This animal has legs, hooves, a tail, horns, and fur. This...

5. “Who has who?”

Guys, listen carefully, can you hear? Someone is crying very pitifully! Look, this is a calf, he lost his mother and is crying bitterly. Can we help you find a mother for the calf?

Children come to the table and take a picture of a baby, find the mother and put them together. For example: “Cat - cat - kitten, kittens; dog - dog - puppy, puppies”, etc.

Now the family will not be lost, thank you, you helped unite the family again!

Correct me if I say incorrectly: Sheep have lambs, and cows have calves. A horse has a horse, a goat has a goat, a pig has pigs. (Children correct mistakes).

6. Physical education lesson “Calf”

I am horned, (make “horns” from fingers)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I am tailed, (make a “tail” from your hand behind your back),
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I have big ears, (make “ears” from my palms)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
Very scary (make “horns” from fingers)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I'll scare you (they stomp their feet)
Boo - Boo - Boo (three jumps in place)
I'm goring ("butting").

7. “The most delicious food.”

Guys, yesterday my grandmother called me and asked me to come today and feed the pets. She herself cannot feed them, as she will be busy. And I want to invite you with me. Do you agree? Then let's take some animal food and go feed them. Let's treat the animals to what they love. Yes Let's get on the bus and go. Here we are.

Who is it that meets us? How to call them in one word? (Pets). Let's feed them. What will we feed them?

Children give food to animals and tell stories. For example: “We will feed the cow with hay and grass.

Horse with oats, hay. Cat - milk and fish."

8. “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?".

Based on the picture.

Children are asked the question: whose paw is this? This is a cat's paw.

Whose ears are these? (cat's ears). Whose ear? (dog ear)

9. Game “Guess the animal.”

Pictures of pets are laid out on the table. The children are asked to find a picture of an animal according to the assignment. For example: The first sound is [s], the last is [a] (dog).

10. Finger gymnastics.

Here is our Bobik, a nice dog.(stretch palms forward, turn them up and down.)

Woof woof woof!

White forehead, black nose.(point to themselves)

Woof woof woof! (grasping movements of fingers, pronounce words)

Bobik, Bobik, give me your paw.(extend hand forward, palm up)

Sit on the mat and don't bark. (wag a finger)


11. “Two brothers Ik and Isch.”

There was a house. A cat lived in it. The cat had a mouth, nose, tail, whiskers, eyes. But then one day two brothers came to the cat’s house - one was called Ik, and the other was Isch. Ik was small and affectionate, he turned the house into a little house. And Ish was very big, he turned the house into a home. A cat began to live in the house, and a cat began to live in the house. The cat had a mouth, nose, forehead, tail, antennae, and eyes. And the cat had a mouth, a nose, a forehead, a tail, whiskers and eyes. (Draw the child’s attention to the fact that if IR is heard in a word, then the object is small, and if ISH is heard in the word, then the object is large.)

12. Development of coherent speech.

The image will be here: /data/edu/files/i1460644921.jpg (947x1060)

Add up the image.

A tale about a cat that changed its tail.

“The cat is tired of its tail. She decided to switch with the dog. She came to the dog kennel and said: “Bug, let’s exchange tails. The bug agreed. The cat caught the dog's tail. And her tail became not a cat’s, but... a dog’s (then a horse’s, a cow’s, a pig’s...).”

But not a single tail came up. In the end, the cat decided that there was nothing better than her cat’s tail.”

Question: whose tails did the cat try on?

13. Summary of the lesson.

Let's remember what we talked about today. What did you like?

There will be an image here: