Drawing spring in the preparatory group. "Spring Storm"

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten compensating type No. 34

village of Leningradskaya municipality

Leningradsky district

Summary of OOD on drawing in senior group on the theme “Autumn tree”

Prepared by the teacher

Pelikh Oksana Nikolaevna

Art. Leningradskaya


Goals: Strengthening the ability to draw trees. To develop cognitive interest in nature, to develop children’s imagination and memory. Love for Russian nature.

Software tasks: 1. Educational: - Help consolidate knowledge about autumn, remembering its signs;- develop children’s skill to draw trees using paints;- stimulate creative activity children, to develop the ability to develop the plot of the image in the picture.2. Developmental: - To develop the artistic and aesthetic taste of children.- train memory and attention.- develop the ability to compare and generalize, highlight the essential signs of autumn,select precise words to describe the phenomenon.3. Educational - Form children’s friendships, joint interaction,- Foster a love for Russian nature- Learn to notice beauty.Material. Illustrations depicting trees with foliage. Brushes, paints, napkins, jars of water, sketchbook.

OOD progress.

On the board there are illustrations with images of trees in different time of the year.Educator:

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,

I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.

The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,

There are aspen trees in purple, only green oak.

Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer.

Look - the grove is dressed in gold."

- Guys, this is one of the most beautiful times of the year.Educator:

- That's right, autumn. Pay attention to the pictures. How do trees differ from each other? Choose images that are suitable for the current time of year.Educator:

Today we will draw autumn trees. Look at the pictures and see what colors you see. What's interesting about them?( Childrengive their answers: the leaves are yellow, red, green, brown, very beautiful).Educator:

- Look at the colors in front of you.

The teacher demonstrates how to draw a tree using paints on an easel.

One two three four five

We will collect leaves.They clench and unclench their fists.

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb

poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves

To mom autumn bouquet we'll take it.“Walking” on the table.


- Now try it. First, let's draw the trunk. To do this, I'll put enough water and paint on my brush. I’ll draw an oblong stick on a leaf with branches from it. What color will we draw the trunk?


- Brown.


- Now try it.

(the teacher provides individual assistance and encourages in every possible way)Educator:

- Well done boys. What a great fellow you are. And now, while the paint dries, we’ll play the game “Owl”Educator:

- Well done, let's see if the paint has dried. (if yes, then the children sit in their seats).

To depict a tree with foliage, I put yellow paint on my brush and paint leaves on the branches. (apply the selected color with dots). This is how the tree gets a crown (foliage). Guys, I end up with a tree with leaves.Children:

- Yes.


- Well done, now you try it.

Choose what color your foliage will be. (Then the children begin to work independently. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance. The children choose the color independently).

After the children have drawn. Children's work is viewed and discussed. The teacher notes that all children are very talented and diligent.

Here are my assistants, (hands forward, fingers straightened and unclenched)
Turn them the way you want: (turn palms down)
If you want it this way, you want it this way (clench and unclench your fingers to the beat of the poem)
They won't be offended.
Completing of the work:
Q: And now, I will teach you how to draw with “fingers-brushes”. Let's put some yellow paint on our finger, put a bright dot on the sheet, and then around it there are many dots in a circle. (The teacher accompanies the explanations with an example demonstration). So the flower turned out to be yellow and fluffy. What else needs to be drawn?
D: Stem and leaves.
Q: They can be drawn with straight lines. Let's put some paint on your finger Green colour and draw the stem starting from the flower to the bottom of the leaf. The stem of the dandelion is thin, then draw the leaves, starting from the bottom of the stem to the sides. Dandelion leaves are thick.
Q: This is the kind of dandelion we will draw today.
Q: Now let's get started.
Children draw. First we drew a flower.
Q: Look at your drawing carefully: what is missing in it? D: Children’s answers (stems and leaves).
Q: What color is the stem and leaves of the flower?
D: Green
Q: What do they look like?
D: On sticks
Q: What a great fellow you are, what beautiful flowers you turned out.
The children finish their work.
Look what a beautiful flower everyone got, look. Well done boys!
The teacher signs the children's drawings and posts them on the board.
Q: Thank you all guys, you tried, worked, learned about the first spring flower, the dandelion. Look how beautiful he is and looks like our sun. Well done boys! We did a great job today.

Attached files

Goal: to continue to introduce children to non-traditional techniques drawing.

Objectives: learn to use monotype: apply paint to only one side of the sheet, fold it in half, pressing with your fingers so that the image is mirrored; continue to introduce children to the elements of painting with a candle, applying paint with a foam sponge; develop the ability to use "finger painting" , rhythmically place the pattern on a sheet of paper; improve compositional skills; develop a sense of beauty in a child, creative imagination, imagination, observation, attention, aesthetic taste, sense of color; cultivate accuracy in work.

Material: fairy costume, watercolor paints, brushes, stands for brushes, jars of water, napkins: dry and wet, foam sponges; pictures drawn with a candle, candle, finger painting paper, butterfly silhouettes; postcards with images of butterflies; traces, ribbed board.

Educator: I am a fairy. I came to you from fairyland butterflies. And I came because these butterflies needed help.

Listen to what happened to them.

  • .. Once upon a time butterflies lived in their country in harmony and joy, their wings were decorated with bright colors. Every day they gathered in their favorite flower meadow to enjoy the warm spring sun.

But once evil sorcerer envied the carefree nature and beauty of the cute butterflies and began to cast a spell. And after his evil witchcraft everyone disappeared bright colors on the wings of butterflies.

Even though I’m a sorceress, I can’t help the poor things myself. So I came to you for help. We must return bright colors to butterflies.

So, are you ready?

The children stand next to each other.

Exercise: "Narrow path" - walking along footprints laid out on the floor: children must follow the footprint.

Educator: We came to visit a magic candle...

Oculomotor gymnastics: children follow the candle with their eyes: right - left, up - down.

Educator: Candle, candle, haven’t butterflies from a fairyland flown here? A magic candle allows you to look for them here. Let's use foam sponge and paint over the leaves and see who is hidden in it.

Children working at tables (pictures of different insects appear on sheets of paper)

Educator: No, not a single butterfly is visible here. We need to hurry further.

Exercise: "Cross the swamp" - walking one after another on a ribbed board.

Educator: So we went out into a clearing of flowers - the favorite clearing of butterflies.

And here are the butterflies. They are waiting and can't wait for help. We must help them urgently. The pattern on the wings of butterflies is the same on both wings, as if printed.

And in order to draw a symmetrical pattern, I will take a brush, spread the right paint water, I’ll scoop it into the pile, remove the excess on the edge of the jar and apply a thick layer to the butterfly’s wing, fold the butterfly in half, cover it with a napkin and press with my fingers so that the design is imprinted on the other wing. I'm moving on to the next paint...

Sit down at the tables.

Finger gymnastics.

Our butterflies were flying.
And a little tired.
Let them rest a little
And they will start flying again.

Children work at tables.

Educator: What wonderful butterflies we got in our country. They really like the new outfit. We will also prepare a surprise for the butterflies: we will draw a flower meadow using our fingers.

Finger painting.

Educator: I, the fairy sorceress, thank all the children for their help in "Land of Butterflies" . You were kind and skillful, sensitive and responsive, and did not leave butterflies in trouble. And helped give them back former beauty. And in gratitude I will reward you: accept the gifts (postcards are distributed - butterflies).