Familiarizing preschoolers with the culture of the peoples of the Middle Volga region through the use of museum pedagogy. Lesson summary “peoples of the Volga region”

Familiarization of children of the older group with the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Volga region.

Khasanova Guzel Rifovna MBDOU No. 11 “Antoshka”, teacher of the first qualification category

Russia has always been a multinational state, and the Volga region, where peoples of different linguistic groups and traditions have coexisted for centuries, can be considered a unique laboratory for searching for ways to develop personality through the interaction of cultures. From early childhood, a child lives in his native national environment, “absorbing with his mother’s milk” the culture, values ​​and moral guidelines embedded in the culture of the people. Growing up, he himself becomes a representative of his people, a keeper and continuer of traditions.

Instilling in children a tolerant attitude towards other nationalities is one of the most important tasks of a teacher’s work. In our region live Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Udmurts, Bashkirs, and Maris.

Children should have an understanding of the culture, way of life, and life of another people that is accessible to their age.

Our goal: to introduce children of senior preschool age to the traditions and culture of the peoples of the Volga region.

What tasks does the teacher set to achieve the goal:

1. Arouse children’s interest in getting to know the traditions of the peoples of the Volga region.

2. To form in children knowledge and ideas about the way of life of the people inhabiting the Volga region, their customs, traditions, folklore and national costumes.

3. To develop in children the ability to apply acquired knowledge and ideas about the peoples of the Volga region in independent activities (productive, playful).

4 To interest parents in joint activities with children and teachers on the topic of introducing older preschoolers to the peoples of the Volga region.

5 To increase the competence of parents in introducing children to the customs, traditions, folklore and national costumes of the peoples of the Volga region.

6 To promote the active participation of parents in organizing excursions and leisure activities that help familiarize children of senior preschool age with the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Volga region.

In the section “Games and Amusements of the Peoples of the Volga Region” These are folk outdoor games; dances often reproduce the movements of birds and animals, imitate the habits of animals, that is, they are imitative in nature. Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor; often accompanied by counting rhymes, drawing lots, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic significance and constitute the most valuable, unique gaming folklore.

Folk outdoor games give children the opportunity to plunge into an atmosphere of general joy and fun, enticing them to participate in city holidays: Maslenitsa, Christmas, Easter, Nowruz, Kurban Bayram, Sabantuy.

peoples of the Volga region»

Senior teacher of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten"

combined type No. 3 “Star”

Ershov, Saratov region"

Martyshkina O.A.

One of the main tasks of educating preschoolers facing educators at the present stage is to instill in preschoolers a love for their native land. The idea of ​​the Motherland begins in children with a picture, the music the child hears, the nature around him, the life of familiar streets.

Year after year it expands, enriches, and improves. The use of local local history material in the educational process is of great importance for the formation, expansion and deepening of ideas about the native land, nurturing love for the native land. It is useful to introduce preschoolers to the successes of their native land, the traditions of the peoples of their native land, and cultural values, since local history information is closer and more understandable to them and arouses their cognitive interest.

The goal of the educational process in preschool educational organizations should be to create such conditions for education under which the spiritual, moral, aesthetic, patriotic development of preschool children would be carried out not only in the process of mastering the basic plan of knowledge, but also through familiarization with the regional component. It is assumed that by turning to the peculiarities of culture and life, children will realize that they belong to the cultural and natural environment and will understand the extent of their responsibility for its preservation and enhancement.

We live in interesting and difficult times, when we begin to look at many things differently, rediscover and re-evaluate many things. First of all, this applies to our past, which we, it turns out, know very superficially. What cared, pleased and worried our ancestors, what did they do, how did they work, what did they dream about, talk about and sing about, what did they pass on to their children and grandchildren? Answering these questions today means restoring the connection between times and returning lost values. Folk culture has at all times been the basis of all national culture, its historical basis. This simple truth should be remembered in the current difficult times, when not only the integrity of folk culture has been destroyed, but also everything that was connected with the spiritual and moral principles of people’s life, starting from home, family and ending with the attitude towards work, Mother Earth, Nature .

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a preschooler to the culture and traditions of his people and region, since turning to the paternal heritage fosters respect and pride for the land on which you live. Therefore, children need to know and study the history and culture of their ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people and their culture that will help in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest.

After analyzing the whole situation, I decided to introduce the children to the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Volga region. And I chose project activities as a form of educational work on this issue. At the moment the project is under implementation.

Project “Let's Preserve Culture and Traditions”peoples of the Volga region»

“Outside memory, outside traditions and culture, there is no personality”

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project participants: teachers, children of the preparatory group, music director, parents of pupils.

Relevance of the topic:

Currently, it is necessary from preschool age to pay attention to the issues of spiritual and moral development of children, which contributes to the formation of love for their native land. Respect for folk traditions, as well as the creative development of children in various activities. Traditions are part of the historical heritage; they must be treated with great care and observed, since they significantly enrich the sphere of feelings of a person, especially a child.

Our native Volga region is a multicultural region. Consequently, the upbringing and education of its future citizens should be built as an ethnocultural, deterministic activity that takes into account all the richness and diversity of national cultures, instilling in children interest and respect not only for the culture of their own people, but also for the culture of other peoples.

One of the most important means of aesthetic education and the formation of an active creative personality is folk art. Folk art generalizes ideas about beauty. Aesthetic ideals, the wisdom of the people, which are passed on from generation to generation. Through folk art, a child learns the traditions, customs, and peculiarities of life of his people, and becomes familiar with their culture. Folk art is rich in rhythms and repetitions, it carries specific images, colors, is accessible and interesting to the child, which is the basis for awakening and strengthening the emotionally positive attitude of children towards it.

The project is aimed at developing in children an idea of ​​the rich folk culture, familiarization with the ethnography and folklore of the peoples of the Volga region.

Objective of the project: nurturing a creatively developed personality of preschoolers by means of introducing children to the origins of the culture and traditions of the Volga region. On the basis of cognition, promote the speech, artistic, aesthetic, moral and social development of the child.


    To clarify knowledge about the concept of tradition, to introduce children to the cultural traditions of the peoples of the Volga region.

    To consolidate knowledge about oral folk art and folk and applied arts.

    To develop in children the ability to apply acquired knowledge and ideas about the peoples of the Volga region in independent activities (productive, playful).

    To cultivate patriotism, love for Russian culture and folk art.

Objectives of the designed process for parents:

1. To update the need of parents for joint activities with children and teachers on the topic of familiarizing older preschoolers with the peoples of the Volga region.

2. To increase the competence of parents in introducing children to the customs, traditions, folklore and national costumes of the peoples of the Volga region.

3. To promote the active participation of parents in organizing excursions and leisure activities that help familiarize children of senior preschool age with the culture and traditions of the peoples of the Volga region.

Expected results of the project:

    Increasing the level of formation of moral and patriotic feelings of pupils, strengthening folk traditions, culture of attitude towards other peoples and nationalities in families.

    Strengthening the educational field “child family - institution - society."

    Children know their nation, culture, language, traditions, and are proud of their people and their achievements.

    Fostering a sense of love and respect for one’s land and traditions of hospitality.

Means of project implementation:

    The use of various types of activities (cognitive-research, visual, gaming);

    parent education;

    reading works of fiction;


The project is being implemented in 3 stages:

1st stage organizational and preparatory stage;

Stage 2 practical activities;

Stage 3 is final.

Istage - organizational and preparatory stage:

    Studying special literature about the creative heritage of the peoples of the Volga region.

    Determining areas of work, choosing forms and methods of educational activities.

    Project development.

IIstage practical activity - project implementation


Cognitive activity

Play activity

Productive activity

Communication and musical activities, perception of fiction and folklore


Conversation about the peoples of the Volga region.

View slides on the topic: National costumes of the peoples of the Volga region."

D/i “Dress the doll in a national costume”,

“Pick a pattern”, “Whose headdress?”

Making papier-mâché women's headdress "Kokoshnik" and men's Tatar national headdress "Skullcap"

Learning proverbs and sayings about the friendship of the peoples of the Volga region.

Telling Russian and Tatar fairy tales.


Watching a video about the traditions and customs of the peoples of the Volga region.

Visiting exhibitions in the local history museum (excursion) “Your own hut is a dear friend”

Role-playing game "Family"

Coloring page "Folk costumes"

Creation of a baby book “National Costume”

Holiday "National Unity Day"

Participation in the municipal festival of nationalities

"In a single family"


Joint gatherings with parents and children:

"My Roots", "Traditions"

History of folk musical instruments: “Russian folk instruments”, “Tatar folk instruments.

Role-playing game “Masters in painting dishes”

Making beregin dolls (representatives of the peoples of the Volga region

NOD "Music of the Volga Region Peoples"

Entertainment "Tales of the Peoples of the Volga Region"


Reading fairy tales of the peoples of the Volga region

Conversation - family rituals

Learning outdoor folk games

Theatricalization of folk tales

Drawings by children together with their parents on the topic: “Ornaments of the Saratov province.”

Learning dances

Russian, Tatar, Kazakh.


Conversation “How the doll appeared”

Conversation: What great-grandparents played: “Folk Russian Games”, “Folk Tatar Games”.

Didactic game: “Decorate a towel, belt, scarf.”

Learning outdoor folk games

“The traditional toy of our grandmothers is a rag doll” - making dolls

Entertainment “Where customs are respected, they live happily”


Conversation: Rituals and holidays associated with human life

Didactic games: “The third wheel”, “Make a pattern”

Design of the photo album “National Holidays”

Decoration of the Mordovian national belt with beads

Spring ritual calls.

Entertainment "Maslenitsa"

Eh, stamp your foot!: “Russian ditty”, “Tatar ditty”, “Mordovian ditty”.


View slides: National traditions in crafts

Story-based role-playing game "Cookware Store".

Coloring book “Household utensils and household items”

“Decorate the apron” is an ornament of the Tatar people.

Learning proverbs and sayings about the work of different peoples.

Folklore from the cradle itself: “Russian lullabies”, “Tatar lullabies”, “Chuvash lullabies”.

Open display of NOD “National Heritage. Peoples of the Volga region"

Physical education festival “Festival of Folk Games”

Creating albums of family traditions


“We live together in our native land”

Activities with parents of preschoolers:

    Parent meeting on the topic “Formation of feelings of national dignity” - October.

    Round table discussion on the topic: “The role of the family in introducing children to the culture and traditions of their people” - December.

    Discussion “Broadening the horizons of children through the museum of everyday life” (pros and cons) – March.

    Consultations for parents:

- “How to play folk games” (November)

- “Outdoor games of different nations” (January)

IIIstage - final

Analysis and generalization of the results obtained. Project presentation.


    “Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll" Kotova A.S., St. Petersburg: "Parity" 2003

    Russian folk games" http://www.laduski.ru

    “Your folk costume. Traditional clothing of Russian peasants of the Saratov province at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century” A. A. Borovsky, 2002

    Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children. Toolkit. – M.: TsGL., 2005.

    Bogomolova M.I. Using the project method in the formation of the beginnings of patriotism in children of senior preschool age. // Issues in the theory and practice of preschool education - Saratov, 2009.

    Guryanova N.Yu., Gorina L.V. Implementation of an ethnopedagogical approach in teaching preschoolers to sing. // Questions of theory and practice of preschool education - Saratov, 2009.

    Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activities for preschoolers. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M. Mosaic – Synthesis, 2008..

    Grigorieva G.G. Visual activities of preschool children. – Moscow, 1997..

    Nikolaeva E.F., Smolyakova E.V., Krivosheeva O.V. Children of the Volga region. Educational and methodological manual, Tolyatti, 2012

Russia has always been a multinational state, and the Volga region, where peoples of different linguistic groups and traditions have coexisted for centuries, can be considered a unique laboratory for searching for ways to develop personality through the interaction of cultures. From early childhood, a child lives in his native national environment, “absorbing with his mother’s milk” the cultural values ​​and moral guidelines embedded in the culture of the people. Growing up, he himself becomes a representative of his people, a keeper and continuer of traditions.

Instilling in children a tolerant attitude towards other nationalities is one of the important tasks of a teacher’s work. In our republic, and in our city, there live many representatives of the peoples of the Volga region. These are Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Udmurts, Bashkirs, Maris, Mordovians, etc.

And the little Tatar, and the little Chuvash, and the little Russian, and others should have an idea of ​​the culture, way of life, and life of another people, accessible to their age. During classes, we tell children about the peoples of the Volga region, their way of life, culture, read poems, fairy tales, and play various games that children play with pleasure. The kindergarten hosts entertainment and sports events using folk games of the peoples of the Volga region.

Now the national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are beginning to have a new attitude towards ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, in which the people left us the most valuable of their cultural achievements. Using the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Volga region in work with preschoolers and their mastery of it creates interest in it, enlivens the pedagogical process, and has a special impact on the emotional and moral aspects of the individual. Our main goal is to awaken in a child a love for his native land as early as possible, to lay down the most important traits of national character: decency, conscientiousness, the ability to compassion, etc.

In my group, a subject-spatial environment has been created that awakens the best feelings in a child’s soul and helps children from a very early age understand that they are part of a great nation. Children get acquainted with objects of decorative and applied art, the life of people in the old days. Work to introduce the peoples of the Volga region to the culture takes place in all regime moments and NODs.

In our preschool educational institution, conditions have been created for a more in-depth acquaintance of children with Mordovian folk art: a special room is allocated for the “Mordovian hut”, where preschoolers meet with grandparents in national costumes, can rock the cradle, get acquainted with dishes and antiques

Compiled by teacher Prokhorova O.I.

It’s hard to imagine the life of a modern preschooler without computers, tablets, and the Internet. You can argue endlessly about whether this is good or bad. And you can use ICT as a means of developing and educating the younger generation. Let's consider the use of ICT for the purposes of social, personal, patriotic education of children, for example, the module “Peoples of the Volga Region”.

An old saying goes: “Everything new is well forgotten old.” A person always distinguishes his own culture as special, the first with which he, as a rule, gets used to it, gets used to it, which he absorbs, as they say, “with mother’s milk.” This is probably why sooner or later a person begins to take a closer look at the culture of the past. Today one can see a revival of interest in national culture, in the rituals and customs of our ancestors, in their traditions. The importance of the culture of one’s own people, the ability to understand it, the desire to join in its further development can become the basis for a person’s active creative activity if he is introduced to his native culture from early childhood. A child needs an intelligent and tactful assistant who will lead him to an amazing country of the past, tell him about the life of his ancestors - those who were before us, teach him to understand and be surprised. Preschool teachers, in their work with preschoolers to introduce Russian folk culture and art, set themselves the following goal: Formation of the basis of the child’s artistic culture, through familiarization with the origins of folk culture and folk traditions.

Each nationality has its own customs, traditions, and holidays. How to convey to them the meaning of this holiday? ICT helps us with this: photo and film archives, the Internet, computer presentations. For children, we can create computer presentations that help solve the tasks assigned to us.

Slides No. 1 -2

"Cities of the Volga region"

Slides No. 3-4

"Costumes of the peoples of the Volga region"

Slides No. 5 - 6

"National dishes"

Slides No. 7 - 8

"National musical instruments"

Slides No. 9-10

"National holidays"

When preschoolers get to know the peoples of the Volga region, their history of their native country, and memorable places. And ICT also helps with this - with their help we introduce preschoolers to the peoples, cities, costumes, etc. of the Volga region without leaving the preschool educational institution. We select material that is accessible in content and of high quality execution.

A modern child is growing up in an era of development and the emergence of new ICTs; it is necessary to use all the advantages of these technologies in solving all the tasks assigned to us in the upbringing and training of preschoolers.

Summary of GCD on the topic: “Peoples of the Volga region”

Zukau Elena Fedorovna, teacher, ANO DO "Childhood Planet "Lada" Preschool Educational Institution No. 130 "Rodnichok", Samara region

Annotation: this work is

Subject (focus): cognitive development.

Children's age: preparatory group.

Location: group room.

Software tasks:

  • Expand and deepen children's knowledge about our multinational Motherland.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the life and clothing of the peoples of the Volga region.
  • To develop children's cognitive interest in their native land.

Integration of educational areas:

  • Socialization is to cultivate respect for the customs, traditions, and culture of another people.
  • Music – continue to introduce children to songs about their homeland and folk musical instruments.
  • Reading fiction - introduce children to riddles, ditties, and sayings of the peoples of the Volga region.
  • Communication – introducing new words to the dictionary.

Material for the lesson:

  • Map of Russia.
  • Dolls in national costumes.
  • Items of national life.
  • Audio recordings of songs and music.
  • Folk instruments.
  • Blanks of paper products.
  • Artistic and visual media.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading folk tales, epics, songs.
  • Memorizing poems, ditties, riddles.
  • Listening to songs, music.
  • A conversation about the life, customs of different peoples of the Volga region.
  • Collecting and examining household items.
  • Visit to the Museum of Local Lore with your parents.

Progress of the lesson:

N. Sorokina’s song “Sweet Russia” is playing.

Guys, we listened to a very beautiful song about our Motherland. What proverbs do you know about the Motherland?

Children's answers:

“To live is to serve the Motherland.”

“The crow is also on the native side.”

“In my native land it’s like in paradise.”

“On my native side, even a pebble is familiar.”

What is the name of our country? Yes, that's right, Russia. Let's go to the map and find our country on it. How many seas, rivers and lakes, plains and mountains we see here.

Guys, do you know the name of the most majestic, full-flowing river in Russia? Yes, that's right, this is the Volga. Listen to the words dedicated to this river:

“...The road ahead of her is long and long.

From forest land to steppe region.

And they call it the Volga River,

Mother, dear nurse."

Why do you think we are called Volzhans? Of course, because we live on the banks of the Volga, that’s why they call us Volzhans.

Children, do you know what peoples live in the Volga region?

(Children’s answers: Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Mordovians...)

Yes, people of different nationalities live peacefully in our native land. Would you be interested in learning about their way of life, customs, and culture? (Children's affirmative answers). I would also really like to see and learn a lot.

Guys, where do you think people from all over the area used to gather? (Children's answers - at birthdays, at weddings, at fairs...) That's right, people from all over the area came to the fair to sell and buy goods, sing songs, dance, show off their outfits, eat delicious dishes, play games. This is the kind of fair we will go to now, because there we will be able to see everything, learn about everything.

Children with a teacher go to that part of the group that is decorated in the form of shopping arcades and counters with goods.

Well guys, you are welcome to our fair.

A Chuvash folk melody sounds. Children approach the trays with goods.

Guys, which of you has been to a Chuvash village? What antique objects did you see there? (Children's answers: tukhya - hat, ama - decoration made of coins, sanata - bast shoes, purak - birch bark tuesok).

How many interesting things have you seen? But in our Chuvash shop we have unusual folk instruments: horseshoe, jaw's harp, pie, bubble, linden cheese.

The teacher offers to play the instruments and compare their sound with modern instruments. Then the children get acquainted with the exhibits in the shop. They look at clothes, shoes, and household items. The teacher talks about the customs and traditions of the Chuvash people and offers to play the Chuvash game “Leap and Jump”.

To the accompaniment of a cheerful Tatar melody, the children move to the next shopping row.

Guys, let's see what goods they will offer us in the Tatar shop.

Children look at household items.

Children, does anyone know what these objects are called in Tatar? (Children's answers: uklau - rolling pin, dustygan - ladle, chinayan - cup, taba - frying pan).

Children act on objects, comparing their appearance and purpose with modern dishes.

Guys, how does Tatar embroidery differ from the embroidery of people of other nationalities? (Children's answers).

Children, the Tatar people are famous for their hospitality and daring fun. Now I will tell you Tatar riddles, and you try to guess them:

“The oven is full of cheesecakes, in the middle there is one roll.” (Sky, stars, month).

“The old joker doesn’t tell you to stand on the street, he’s pulling you home.” (Freezing).

“The red oven is full of black cakes.” (Watermelon).

Oh, it’s good to visit, I don’t mind visiting someone else. What about you guys? (Children's affirmative answers). I have a small chest, it is unusual:

"They rang the bell,

And they got to the palace.

The chamber opens

Look how rich she is?

Are there any monsters there?

Are there many treasures?

Now. Guys, we'll find out!

The teacher opens the chest, and everyone looks at the national costumes, utensils, and decorations.

Children, do you know what nationality women wore such jewelry? Yes, that’s right, such wonderful beaded jewelry was woven by Mordovian craftswomen.

The teacher offers to try on outfits and admire yourself in the mirror.

Guys, not only women were engaged in interesting work, but men, they were skilled craftsmen: woodcarvers, potters, jewelers. And the kids were cheerful entertainers. Listen to how the nursery rhyme sounds in Mordovian:

“Veike, kavto, kolmo, sile,

Mon sevigne commensurate with the saw.

Kavo, kolmo, saw, hang,

"Kinen pongi psakan pekes?"

"One two three four.

I ate a chicken ear.

Two three four five

Who will get the ponytail?

This is the kind of playful little counting rhyme Mordovian children had.

A cheerful Russian melody sounds.

Oh guys:

"From our neighboring villages

He came to our fair

A merry round dance,

The people praise the fair.”

It's time for us to have some fun too.

The teacher invites the children to a Russian folk dance to the melody “And I’m in the Meadow.”

Guys, I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to guess and find these goods in a Russian shop:

“In the forest he bows, he bows,

When he comes home, he’ll stretch out.” (Axe)

"The duck is in the sea, but the tail is on the fence." (Ladle)

"Four legs, two ears,

Just a nose and a belly.” (Samovar)

Well done guys! I also heard that during festivities, the Russian people always sing ditties, but to the accompaniment of a balalaika. (Children look at the instrument). Do you guys know ditties?

Children perform ditties:

“We were born in Tolyatti,

And we live in Tolyatti,

We are girls - Volzhanochki,

And we won’t get lost anywhere!”

“There are two flowers on the window

Blue and scarlet

I'm a fighting boy

Even though he’s small in stature.”

“Ahi - ahi - ahonki,

Our guys are tiny

Because of the hummocks, because of the stumps,

You can't see our guys."

What funny ditties you sang. And, of course, the guys in Rus' loved to play. I suggest you play the game "Stream". The fun fair is over, it's time for us to return. And now, guys, I would like to know if you remember what differences there are in folk costumes? I suggest you decorate these products.

Children form pairs and choose paper products for themselves: dresses, sundresses, hats, aprons, towels, shirts, etc. After finishing the work, the children examine and discuss whether the patterns were chosen correctly, according to folk traditions.

Guys, today we played, danced, solved riddles, and were creative. Well, what kind of fair is there without refreshments? So you and I have a rich table laid, and on it are treats from national sweets. And we will drink aromatic tea from a Russian samovar. You are welcome to the table.

Children drink tea with baked sweets prepared by their parents.

Follow up work:

  • Learning outdoor games of the peoples of the Volga region.
  • Creation of a mini-museum in the group “Treasures of Grandma’s Chest.”
  • Entertainment “Gatherings with parents.”