What causes nails to become wavy? Uneven nail surface: what does it mean?

Nails are skin cells that change during the individual development of the embryo. They consist of many layers of scales rich in collagen protein fibers and calcium salts. Doctors of traditional European medicine, as well as oriental healers, have studied various diseases for many centuries and observed changes in various organs and tissues.

To date received observations systematized into a separate direction - onychodiagnosis, which analyzes changes in nails under various pathological conditions. Using this data, a specialist can identify various diseases. This knowledge is widely used in modern traditional medicine.

Wide it is known that the skin reflects many internal problems human body. Nails, being modified skin cells, also change depending on painful changes that occur in the body. In order to understand the reasons for the deformation of the nail plate, it is worth clarifying what type of changes are present in a particular case. Wave-like changes in the surface of the nail can take the form of horizontal waves and grooves and vertical stripes.

Horizontal waves, as a rule, reflect the processes occurring in, namely, frequent and prolonged constipation. The frequency and severity of the waves directly depend on the duration and severity of the disease. The cause of constipation can be diseases in which the secretion of bile and pancreatic enzymes is disrupted, and intestinal activity decreases.

At the core all pathological processes, which are accompanied by changes in the nails, there is a huge range of diseases from:
- blood;
- liver;
- intestines;
- gallbladder;
- thyroid gland;

In a healthy person The norm is to have a bowel movement every day. When digestive products are retained in the intestines, inflammatory changes occur in the intestinal mucosa. If there is no stool for more than 3 days, the body’s defense system suffers, and waste products, including toxins, are absorbed into the blood. It is the retention of toxins and the proliferation of bacteria that lead to problems with skin and nails.

How to get rid of horizontal waves on nails?

Because altered nail plate is a sign of a disease, then in order to get rid of its symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate its cause. The main causes of constipation are:
- Not proper nutrition;
- infectious diseases;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- unreasonable use;
- lack of B vitamins in the diet;

Poor nutrition includes: lack of a meal plan, the predominance of dry foods such as "fast food", the absence of hot liquid dishes and vegetables in the daily diet. In a good way Prevention of constipation is the inclusion of cereal and cereal porridges in the diet. Cereals contain all B vitamins, which regulate the function of nervous system, improving the conduction of reflex impulses, which also stimulates intestinal function.

It is important to include diet calcium-rich foods and fiber-rich vegetables, which stimulate mechanical contractions of the smooth muscle muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and promote the elimination of digestive products. In addition, vegetables are very rich in a variety of vitamins, which increase immunity, improve the function of the nervous and endocrine systems, maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body, and therefore a healthy state.

Due to the fact that the reason appearance of wavy relief on the surface of the nails are internal problems of the body, local effects directly on the nail can only be worn visual effect. The cosmetic effect is achieved using the wisdom of manicurists, partly by filing away the surface, partly by using special gels.

Filing and leveling with gel can only be used for shallow grooves, since these formations are not growths, and the nail has the same thickness. Directly under the dense plate is located its delicate bed, abundantly supplied with small vessels, which is easily injured even when using nail files. The problem of plate relief can be radically solved only by treatment of the underlying disease and a proper balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements, including a variety of natural products.

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  • 1. Ribbed nails: signs and causes of deformation
  • 2. Longitudinal waviness
  • 3. Cross waviness

The transverse wavy deformation of the nails is usually more pronounced than the longitudinal one, and looks like grooves resembling dents that are located along the width of the nail plate. The causes of transverse waviness indicate the presence of significant health problems:

  • metabolic disorders and, as a result, diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • iron deficiency in the body;
  • fungal infection (if the nail has changed color).

Wavy fingernails should not be masked with a professional manicure, but the problem of the disease itself should be treated.

Ribbed nails: signs and causes of deformation

Signs of wavy nail plates:

  • the nail plate becomes uneven and ribbed;
  • my nails are constantly breaking.

Waves on nails can be longitudinal or transverse. All fingers can be affected by waviness, but often this phenomenon occurs only on the nails thumbs hands, the rest have an even and smooth surface. However, having discovered even one nail with such damage, it is worth thinking about the reasons for the appearance of ribbing.

The nail is made up of dead skin particles. The longitudinal ribbing of the nail is characterized by grooves of varying depths, which are located vertically and run along the entire length of the nail plate from the hole to the edge. Usually they are not too pronounced; such grooves can be seen from the side and in good lighting.

Causes of longitudinal waviness:

  1. Cosmetologists and dermatologists agree that, first of all, the appearance of such deformation should be associated with a lack of B vitamins and microelements such as zinc, selenium and boron.
  2. Nutritionists note that improper, poor or unbalanced nutrition affects the growth and condition of the nail plates.
  3. Unprofessional manicure can cause wavy nails.
  4. Household chores and household chores associated with the use of detergents and cleaning products have a negative impact on the condition of hands and nails.

Longitudinal waviness

Longitudinal waviness indicates a general weak condition of the body, vitamin deficiency. In this case, you need to reconsider your daily routine, switch to proper nutrition, take up accessible and feasible sports, walk more, and move. Along with these recommendations, it is necessary to consult a doctor; he will select a course of necessary vitamins and microelements that the body is lacking. In cases external influence on the nail, such as a reaction to household chemicals, you need to once and for all make it a rule to carry out all household chores with gloves. Today in pharmacies and hardware stores wide choose gloves, you can choose the ones that are suitable in size and density.

In the case of an unprofessional manicure, which leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of wavy, peeling nails, you just need to change the nail service technician. Once a person has had a good manicure from a professional, he will never return to the problem of wavy nails.

Transverse waviness

Since transverse waviness indicates serious problems with health, here it is necessary to consult doctors such as an endocrinologist, cardiologist, therapist, dermatologist. This is the case when it is necessary to treat the cause, and not the effect, i.e., by identifying and eliminating the disease that led to the deformation of the nail, a person will get rid of the ribbing of the nail plates forever.

If a fungal infection of the nail is present, it should be treated immediately, since this disease spreads quickly. The presence of a fungal disease is characterized not only by deformation of the nail, but also by a change in its color to yellow. The dermatologist will direct the patient to undergo special tests to identify the type of fungal spores affecting the nail, and then prescribe treatment. At this time it is necessary to observe basic rules personal hygiene to protect others from contracting a fungal infection.

In any case, it is important to strengthen your body’s immune system, walk more, exercise physical activity, eat right, set a clear sleep and rest schedule for yourself. It is useful to eliminate any sources of stressful situations, since peace of mind is necessary to improve health. If it is not possible to eliminate such irritants for a long time, it is necessary, after consultation with a doctor, to purchase a course of sedatives.

During treatment, you should refrain from visiting nail salons; doctors even recommend trimming damaged nail plates as short as possible.

As treatment progresses, it will be possible to observe positive dynamics in changes in the condition of the nail plate. With successful treatment, they will grow back even, smooth, shiny and strong. Then you can treat yourself to a good manicure, but remember that it is better to avoid acetone-based nail polish removers. metal tools for working with cuticles. Files should have a fine abrasive surface.

Nails indicate a person’s state of health, so it’s worth taking a closer look at them, because beautiful, well-groomed nails are not only beauty, but also an indicator of excellent health.

Hands give away real age women. Uneven nail surfaces and cracks are the worst enemies of a perfect manicure. This is not just a cosmetic defect, but a sign that there are health problems.

The main causes of wavy nails are injuries, improper manicure (inaccurate cutting of cuticles) and problems with general health. Today, doctors often pay attention to the condition of the nail plates. This is due to the fact that they reflect how correctly the endocrine and circulatory systems work. Traces of any illness, stress and lack of vitamins immediately appear on the nails.

One French surgeon gave detailed description reasons for the appearance of horizontal indentations on the nail plates. These lines were named after him. You can notice all the irregularities by looking at the finger from the side and feeling it with the pad of your finger. So, this is what uneven nails mean according to the classification.

Thumb. Irregularities indicate the presence of inflammation and infectious diseases of the genital organs (in women - inflammation of the appendages, in men - sexually transmitted diseases).

Forefinger. The lines indicate infection with influenza viruses, acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases (damage to the upper respiratory tract and lungs). It may also be a sign of liver disease.

Middle finger. Stomach diseases (ulcers, for example), poisoning, previous inflammation of the hearing organs are reflected in irregularities on the nail of the middle finger.

Ring finger. All problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and eyes will manifest themselves here.

Little finger. The consequences of stress, anxiety, as well as gallbladder disease are visible on the smallest nail.

If you haven’t had an unsuccessful manicure before and there have been no injuries, then you should listen to your body, or even better, conduct a full examination.

Another cause of damage to the nail plate is fungus. Meet him at Lately very easy - swimming pools, saunas, nail salons, beaches and other public places. But the question arises - why do some people have fungus and others do not? The answer is obvious - the state of immunity. Healthy man A person who eats right, exercises and takes vitamins will never catch this infection.

Another, no less unlikely, reason for the appearance of waves on the nails is a deficiency of certain vitamins and microelements in the body. A calcium metabolism disorder or its deficiency immediately affects the condition of the nails. If such a situation arises, you should seek help from an endocrinologist, take a blood test to determine calcium levels, and also make sure there are no problems with the functioning of the parathyroid glands. It is possible to take calcium and vitamin D3 yourself, which promotes rapid and complete absorption of the element.

Iron deficiency (anemia, low level hemoglobin) may also affect appearance nails Again, to be sure, you need to take a blood test. It is necessary to eat meat every day, preferably boiled.

A lack of vitamin B will also leave its mark on your fingers. In order to replenish its reserves in the body, you need to introduce foods such as brown rice, spinach, walnuts, carrots, and potatoes into your diet.

But if it seems that everything is in order with your health, and you recently had a trimmed manicure, then you should change the artist or completely abandon this type of nail care. It is very easy to damage the nail matrix, but recovery will take time.

There are many reasons why nails are uneven. But it is better to initially analyze the situation and exclude/confirm the option of mechanical damage. If it was not there, and your nails are in poor condition, you need to visit a doctor.

The appearance of wavy nails often frightens women. After all, we have been repeatedly told from TV screens that changes in the nail plates are the most important symptom of various diseases. So why do nails become wavy? And is it really worth worrying about this?

Reason #1 – improper nail care

Quite often, the reason why nails are wavy is due to improper care. Here we are talking about performing a poor-quality manicure, which leads to systematic damage to the nail plates.

If you begin to notice that grooves have appeared on the surface of your nails, try changing your manicurist. If you do it yourself this procedure, then carefully read the rules for manicure. They are described in the following video:

Rule No. 2 – exposure to chemicals on nails

Answering the question why the nails became wavy, one cannot help but mention such a reason as the effect on them chemical substances. They are found in many cosmetic and cleaning products that we use at home. This:

  • cheap nail polishes and nail polish remover;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • powders;
  • various means for cleaning windows and floors, etc.

To restore the surface of your nails, you should first stop using cheap polishes and use only removers that do not contain acetone. When doing housework with household cleaning products, be sure to wear household gloves.

In addition, one cannot help but say that harmful substances may also be contained in medications. If you take any medication for a long time, then it may be the cause of the appearance of grooves on the nails.

If you need to take this medicine to maintain your health (for example, if you have), then you cannot stop it yourself. Just contact your doctor and tell him about your problem. If the reason for the change in the nail plates lies precisely in this, he will replace the drug with another one.

Is pretty common cause why the nails become wavy on the fingers. It can appear even in those people who carefully monitor their health. After all, it’s quite easy to pick it up – you just need to use someone else’s personal hygiene items, for example, wipe your hands on someone else’s towel.

It is worth noting that with a fungal infection, not only grooves appear on the nails. Their color changes (they become yellow), small white dots or veins appear on the surface of the nail plates, which gradually increase in size and merge with each other. The nail itself begins to thicken and soon completely collapse. In this case, severe itching and burning may occur, especially upon contact with water and detergents.

Such symptoms should alert you greatly. After all, it is very complex and requires the use of urgent and comprehensive measures. You need to seek help from a doctor. He will identify the exact type of causative agent of the disease, and based on the data obtained, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Reason No. 4 – disruption of the digestive tract

Answering the question why the fingernails became wavy, it is also worth noting the possibility that their structure may be influenced by improper functioning of the digestive tract. Any diseases associated with the digestion of food (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.) lead to impaired absorption of nutrients, which can affect the condition of the nails and contribute to changes in their appearance.

If you experience frequent constipation, this may also be the reason for the appearance of grooves on the nail plates. In this case, they are usually located along the nail, starting from the nail hole and ending at the very tip of the plate.

What to do if your nails become wavy?

If grooves appear on the surface of your nails, do not file them under any circumstances. This will lead to even more damage to the nail plates. If the reason for the change in their appearance is due to poor-quality manicure or exposure to chemicals, then you just need to wait until healthy and beautiful nails, following all the above recommendations.

If the cause of the appearance of a wavy surface on the nails is diseases, then you should seek help from a specialist and undergo full course treatment. Remember until you completely eliminate negative factor, the condition of the nails will not improve.

Video about diagnosing nails

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Waves on the nail plates occur at any age. In addition to the unpleasant aesthetic appearance, a person’s self-esteem suffers. This is a pronounced problem for which it is necessary to consult a doctor for consultation and timely treatment.

The doctor will be able to judge the general condition of the body by looking at the nails.. But you shouldn’t feel discouraged when your nails become wavy. Eliminating the causes and timely treatment will allow your nails to return to their usual appearance and give your hands beauty.

Let's take a closer look at the topic Wave nails: causes and treatment.

There are many factors that lead to pathology. Wavy fingernails, the main reasons are as follows:

  • Injuries. Improper care or carelessness during manicure leads to injury to the nail plate. The integrity is broken not only due to impact or pinching, but also when cutting the cuticle and hangnails.

Damage can also be caused by burns, non-compliance with nail extension techniques, and poor quality gel polishes for care.

  • Infectious lesion. The integrity and appearance of the nail plate also changes with fungal infection. At the same time, no cosmetic procedures can hide defects.

Infection occurs in in public places, while the nails on both the lower and upper extremities are affected. Besides ribbed surface nail plate, the patient is bothered by itching and burning. Without consulting a dermatologist and prescribing the correct treatment regimen, it is impossible to get rid of the pathology.

  • Hormonal changes. If the thyroid gland malfunctions in the body, then the development of growths and deformations on the nail is possible, as a result: the appearance of a ribbed surface.

The change is observed not only in a person’s hands, but throughout the body as a whole. Diagnosis is possible only after consultation with an endocrinologist. Hormonal imbalance can be determined not only by nails, but also by rashes on the face, brittleness and hair loss, with causeless weight changes, and swelling.

  • Hypovitaminosis. Lack of iron in the body is the most common cause of ribbing of the nail plate. Only a specialist can determine the disease by taking blood. However, one should not assume that only iron causes pathology. The lack of other groups of vitamins and microelements also has a detrimental effect.

Vitamins of group E affect the appearance, add strength and hydration to the nail.

With sufficient vitamin content in the body, nails become healthy and strong, they do not peel or break.

Only a specialist can determine the lack of microelements and vitamins in the body by taking tests.

Calcium is the main element of the nail; deficiency in the body causes pathologies plates

  • Stress. Stressful situations and depression negatively affect the work and functioning of the organs and tissues of the body. Unfortunately, the nails stressful situation does not pass by.

Important! If your fingernails are wavy, what disease are you talking about? we're talking about, only a doctor can accurately determine.


Experts can classify uneven nails into several types:

  • Uneven appearance. At the same time, the grooves attract the attention of others. First of all, diagnosis is aimed at identifying the cause that caused the deformation of the nail. Longitudinal grooves not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but also indicate a health hazard.

The only time when a ribbed nail plate does not cause concern or harm to the body is advanced age. Since significant changes have occurred throughout the body. If longitudinal lines appear on the nails at a young age, then this is the first reason why you will have to see a doctor.

Why is the nail on thumb your arms are wavy, the doctor will say. Moreover, the disease cannot be hidden with nail polish.
Since it lies unevenly, it does not look aesthetically pleasing and ugly.

  • Waves. Waves on the nails indicate improper functioning of the body's systems. If the cause of a wavy nail plate is complete abstinence from meat. Vegetarians are people who have waves on their nails.

If transverse waves on the nails and peeling is added, this indicates the presence of a fungal infection. There is no need to panic, the fungus can be easily treated, a simple consultation with a specialist and simple manipulations will help cope with the pathology.

  • Lumpy appearance. Along with irregularities and waves, bumps may appear on the nail plates. They don't just appear. And, if tubercles are noted, you will have to urgently consult your doctor for consultation and treatment. The main reason for the development of tubercles is a lack of minerals and vitamins, and hormonal imbalance.

Wavy nails thumbs hands often arise due to improper cosmetic services and non-compliance with hand care rules.


First of all, you need to figure out why nails become wavy on fingers. Without ruling out the cause that caused the pathology, it is impossible to cope with waves and bumps on the nail plates. The patient will have to contact a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment regimen. why do nails become wavy on my fingers?


Therapy for nail plate pathology involves the use of pharmacological agents

However, not all patients are in a hurry to resort to drug therapy, which will have a detrimental effect on the spread of irregularities.

During therapy you must be presentpreparations that contain calcium and B vitamins.

These include: Nicotinic acid, Retinol, Chitin and others. The doctor may also prescribe vitamins A and E, which strengthen the nail plate and create resistance to environmental influences.

To enhance the effect, the doctor prescribes external antimicrobial drugs. For example, Miconazole ointment.

Vitamin therapy

In addition to taking pharmacological pharmaceuticals, the patient is prescribed vitamin therapy and a balanced diet. Nutritionists fully recommend eliminate or minimize flour and fatty foods. It is also recommended to take vitamins found in foods:

  1. B vitamins help relieve inflammation and speed up the tissue healing process. Contained in black currants, olives and so on.
  2. Iron performs the function of storing and transporting oxygen in tissues. Contained in poultry meat, zucchini, berries.
  3. Fluoride and vitamin C help not only the nail plate, but also teeth, bones, and hair. Vitamin C helps protect cells from destruction and strengthens the immune system. Contained in citrus fruits, nuts, tomatoes, chicken eggs and so on.
  4. Selenium eliminates layering and brittleness of nails, adding natural shine. Contained in onions, oatmeal, buckwheat and other foods.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes are widely used to help hands and restore beauty.
The most effective and common recipes:

  1. Applications from unrefined oil.
  2. Oatmeal mask made from flakes. You will have to apply an application of oatmeal for half an hour. Then rinse with running water.
  3. Tomato juice for baths. Keep for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Healing baths. Take 4 glasses warm water, dilute sea salt: two tablespoons, add four drops of lemon oil or iodine. Use as a bath three times a week for a course of 60 days.
  5. It is also useful to do baths with medicinal herbs and plants. For example, duma bark, calendula, chamomile and others.


It is easier to prevent any pathology than to subsequently treat it. Proper care on your hands will help you avoid problems with the nail plates. You will have to adhere to several rules:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Carry out housework with gloves to avoid contact with chemicals.
  3. Maintain break times between nail extensions.
  4. Application of nutrients and applications as a preventive measure.
  5. Filing the nail. The entire process should be done only at right angles.
  6. Before applying varnish, use a base coat.
  7. Take a course of multivitamins 2 times a year.

Well-groomed hands are the dream of every woman. Proper care and preventive measures help reduce the risk of inflammation and damage to the nail plate.

However, any manipulations should be carried out with the consultation of a cosmetologist, so as not to harm yourself instead of the desired benefit. Only a qualified specialist can say for sure why your fingernails are wavy.