Lera Frost's real age. Lera Frost: biography, personal life

Valeria Demchenko was born in Ukraine 23 years ago. Already in her student years, the pretty brunette realized her dream of becoming a model and regularly participated in photo shoots.

While studying at the Faculty of Journalism, the girl worked part-time as a DJ in nightclubs under the sonorous pseudonym Frost.

She decided to continue her musical activity and went to Konstantin Meladze’s show “I want to go to VIA Gro.” Lera Frost was a pretty sweet girl before plastic surgery, but here she was already seen with a changed appearance.

Lera Frost before and after plastic surgery

The tuned beauty took part in a program where the advantages and disadvantages of surgical interventions were discussed.

According to Lera Frost herself, after plastic surgery at the age of 18, her popularity began to rise. True, the girl admitted that her first experience with lip augmentation was unsuccessful: she turned for help to a dubious specialist whom she came across on the Internet.

After plastic surgery, Lera Frost's lips, pumped up with biogel, became insensitive and asymmetrical, and after some time the error had to be corrected.

For the first time, Lera, a friend, came to the Dom-2 project in 2015 and immediately attracted attention.

She built love with Maxim Rozhkov, but the relationship did not pass the strength test. “Dom-2” became a kind of springboard for increasing the popularity of Lera Frost even after leaving the perimeter. Free swimming outside the television set had a positive effect on Lera Frost: she worked on herself, became prettier and changed her style in order to be on the screen again at the beginning of 2017.

In such a short time, the girl again aroused increased interest in her person and became a top participant in Dom-2.

According to Lera, she arrived at the project without a specific goal after being invited by the organizers. True, the simultaneous appearance of former lover Maxim Rozhkov raised doubts about the truth of these words. The girl says that she doesn’t care about the material well-being of her other half, but the show’s participants don’t believe it, because Lera needs finances to maintain her beauty.

Fans of the show “Dom-2” suspect that Lera Frost, after the negative experience of lip augmentation, did not forget the way to the office of a cosmetologist and plastic surgeon. They leave comments accusing the girl of abusing botulinum toxin and “acid injections.”

The brunette herself calmly speaks only about lip correction with hyaluronic acid injections, but does not confirm other procedures. Internet users are not satisfied with this answer, and they are looking for evidence in the form of photos before and after Lera Frost’s plastic surgery.

Based on early photos of the fatal brunette discovered, fans are speculating about rhinoplasty, contouring and breast augmentation. And if the shape of Lera Frost’s nose in the before and after photo is really different, then her breasts are practically unchanged, and doubts about her naturalness are groundless.

Now Lera Frost bears little resemblance to the girl who came to the project several years ago: she takes care of herself and knows when to stop cosmetic procedures.

Lera Frost worked on her appearance to make her dream of television come true. The change of image benefited the beauty and expanded her army of fans.

"Dom-2" is the longest running youth project on Russian television. This program has been successfully operating for more than 10 years. During this time, the project was attended by many participants, some of whom became truly famous. In “House-2”, under the gun of video cameras, young people meet, fall in love, get married, have children and even get divorced. A huge audience watches the life of each participant. One of the top participants can safely be called Valeria Frost, and it is she who will be discussed in the article. Let's get acquainted with the biography of Lera Frost, learn about her childhood and education. Let's talk about her relationships with young people. Let's find out when and to whom she came to the project.

Lera Frost: biography

First of all, let's get acquainted with her childhood. Lera was born in the city of Lugansk, Ukraine, in 1993 into the Demchenko family (Frost is her pseudonym). Her mother and grandmother were involved in her upbringing; the girl grew up without a father. But despite this, her childhood was very prosperous. From a very early age, Lera preferred to be the center of attention. In kindergarten she was considered the most restless child. Valeria studied at 3 and 4, because of her behavior, her mother was often called to school. During her school years, Lera sang in the choir and attended drama school.

Study and early career

From the biography of Lera Frost it is known that in 2011 she moved to the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. In this city, Lera enters the correspondence course at the university, choosing the faculty of journalism. For some time, in parallel with her studies, Valeria worked as a model (Lera Frost’s height is 174 cm). Since 2013, Lera began working as a prestigious DJ. Valeria always wanted to become famous, she tried to appear in a variety of programs and shows, trying to “shine up” on television.

Participation in various projects

Lera Frost's biography contains information about her participation in various castings and projects. She took part in the shows “Goddess of Shopping” and “I want to go to VIA Gro.” And although she failed to get into the VIA Gra group, they paid attention to her. In 2014, Valeria took part in one of the episodes of the “Ukraine Speaks” program (similar to the “Let Them Talk” program in Russia). The program raised the issue of pumping up different parts of the body. In the program, Lera had a conversation about how many times she had her lips enlarged and why. By that time, Lera had undergone plastic surgery for lip augmentation and rhinoplasty.

Lera Frost before plastic surgery

Before the first plastic surgery, the girl did not look very pretty. She was the owner of a large hooked nose and thin string lips. When Lera Frost first came (before plastic surgery) to Dom-2, a mixed impression was formed about her; some participants expressed the opinion that Frost was born a man and had sex reassignment surgery. Based on childhood photographs, we can conclude that Valeria has always been a girl, albeit with rough, pronounced facial features.

After plastic surgery

Many fans are interested in how old Lera Frost is? She is currently 23 years old and will turn 24 in December 2017. Despite her young age, Lera Frost does not hide the fact that she has resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. It is known that she had more than four plastic surgeries. She had her first operation at the age of 18, as Lera herself claims, it was after the operation that her popularity began to rise.

According to Valeria, the first experience was unsuccessful, her lips lost sensitivity and became asymmetrical. After some time, the need arose to correct the error. In addition to pumping up her lips with silicone, the girl had rhinoplasty. According to Lera, this operation was performed not so much because of beauty, but because of problems with the bridge of her nose; the girl could not breathe fully. After surgery, Valeria’s appearance improved significantly, the girl became more pretty.

Lera Frost at "House-2"

Lera came to the Dom-2 project twice. For the first time, Valeria came under the patronage of her friend Victoria Romanets (ex-participant of the project), this event happened in 2015. At first, the girl tried to build a relationship with Oleg Burkhanov, which was never successful. Then Valeria switched to Sergei Katasonov, who soon left Dom-2. After some time, Lera drew attention to former football player Maxim Rozhkov. Although he was in a relationship with Kristina Deryabina, Valeria managed to break up the couple.

Lera and Maxim soon moved into a separate room. After living together for several weeks, the organizers decide to send the couple to the Seychelles to test their relationship. Despite all the conditions created for a full-fledged romantic relationship, the couple was unable to show real feelings to TV viewers and project participants. Soon Lera and Maxim were returned from the island to the clearing, and a little later the couple was escorted out the gate. However, having left the perimeter, the couple soon broke up.

Return to the project

Despite the fact that Lera has a beautiful figure and bright appearance, the girl cannot find a worthy man. Photos of Valeria Frost can be seen in many men's magazines, and she is also listed among the top most enviable brides in Russia.

Lera Frost appeared on Dom-2 for the second time in January 2017 thanks to the support of Alexandra Kharitonova. Lera returned to the project, completely changing her image and having rhinoplasty. Her visit was to Ivan Barzikov, with whom she had a fleeting connection outside the perimeter. But Ivan was in a relationship with Liza Polygalova and did not pay attention to Lera.

Soon Lera switched to Sergei Zakharyash, despite the fact that he was in a relationship with Lilia Chetraru. Zakharyash, without hesitation, left Lilya and began dating Valeria. Chetrara did not remain in debt; she made up a story about her pregnancy, after which Sergei returned to her.

Lera Frost is considered one of the most scandalous participants. Tough fights often arose between rivals. After Lilia was exposed, Zakharyash began dating Frost again. The relationship did not last long; this time Lera herself became the culprit of the breakup. When the couple visited the cafe together with his girlfriend, Frost and Burkhanov retired to the men’s room, supposedly to talk. After this event, Valeria and Sergei’s relationship with the scandal was terminated.

Soon Lera flew to the Seychelles. After some time, the new member of “House-2” Zakhar Salenko expressed sympathy for the girl, he flew to her in the Seychelles, where they declared themselves a couple. After Zakhara’s betrayal with Elizaveta Triandafilidi, the couple broke up for some time, and soon they reconciled. At the moment, this is the most stable couple on the project, but they sometimes have difficult relationships.


Valeria posts many different photographs on Instagram. Valeria knows her best sides and how to present herself.

"on the TNT channel.

Valeria Demchenko (Frost). Biography

Valeria Demchenko (Frost) - former model, works as a DJ. Most of Lera's friends are men, because she does not believe in female friendship. In December 2014, Frost took part in the release of the program “ Speak Ukraine" on the topic "Silicon beauty: standard or bad taste?". Lera talked in the program about when, why and how many times she enlarged her lips.

For the project " House 2» Lera Frost came on March 6, 2015 to Oleg Burkhanov, with whom she communicated on social networks and called each other. But she also charmed Sergei Katasonov, however a few days later, Sergei left the television set.

It turned out that Lera is Victoria Romanets' girlfriend. The girls go to clubs and parties together. Lera really wanted to go to the Seychelles, so she agreed to go there even with Gobozov, as stated on a Saturday talk show in city apartments. True, Lera’s statement turned out to be just a joke. The girl built a serious relationship on a project with former footballer Maxim Rozhkov. So much so that just a couple of weeks after moving in, the couple went to test their feelings under the Seychelles sun - on the Island of Love. However, the couple soon left both Love Island and the project. According to the official version, the couple was unable to show real feelings and love. Having left the gates of the project, the lovers parted.

On January 29, 2017, Lera Frost again became a participant in the reality show “ House 2" They found a suitable match for her: her former partner in the show Maxima Rozhkova, with whom she had already built a relationship.

According to the latest news from the television project “House 2,” one of the brightest and most scandalous participants, Lera Frost, left the show along with her lover Zakhar Salenko. This is Valeria’s second departure from the show: a few years ago Frost was on the project for the first time. Then she met with Maxim Rozhkov, but the girl did not succeed in “building her love” with him. Despite the fact that Lera Frost (Demchenko’s real name) cannot be called a positive heroine, many are sure that it was her provocative behavior and fights with other participants in the show that kept the House’s high ratings for a long time. In addition to scandalous antics and a difficult character, Lera Frost is also known for her numerous plastic surgeries (photos before and after plastic surgery below). And just before leaving the show, Valeria was even accused of providing escort services. We’ll talk about biography, plastic surgeries and scandals involving Lera Frost further.

Lera Demchenko (Frost): short biography and photo from personal Instagram

Let's start with a short biography and photos from Lera Frost's (Demchenko) personal Instagram. If you take Frost’s word for it, she was quite popular long before she arrived on the television set. The girl's real name is Valeria Demchenko. The future star of “House 2” was born on December 21, 1993 in Lugansk. After school, Lera went to Kyiv to get an education as a journalist. During her studies in the capital of Ukraine, Demchenko constantly participated in various castings of popular shows dedicated to fashion and glamorous lifestyle. Valeria even tried her hand at selecting for the new lineup of the legendary Via Gra, but this attempt was unsuccessful. However, this failure did not prevent Frost from starting a fairly successful modeling career. Lera tried her hand in her student years and in the field of DJing in Kyiv nightclubs.

Personal photos from Instagram of Lera Frost (Valeria Demchenko)

A photo from Lera Frost’s personal Instagram is another hot topic surrounding the scandalous brunette. All viewers of “House 2” know very well that her bright appearance is one of Valeria’s main “trump cards”, which she uses with pleasure. In addition to her slim figure, Lera Frost on her page on the popular social network shows her followers literally all the attributes of a luxurious life. Her Instagram is replete with photographs from exotic countries, luxurious outfits, expensive brands and gourmet dishes. As they say, you can’t stop living beautifully!

What operations did Lera Demchenko (Frost) do - photos before and after plastic surgery

Those who actively follow the life of Lera Demchenko (Frost) are well aware of the plastic surgeries that the girl underwent (before and after photos below). It is enough to take a quick look at photographs of past years to notice the changed shape of the nose and enlarged lips. Lera herself does not hide the fact that she has repeatedly sought the help of plastic surgeons. According to her, the desire to change something in her appearance first appeared at the age of 18. Then Demchenko enlarged her lips using biogel, but this cosmetic procedure was unsuccessful. The unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist chosen by Leroy led to lip asymmetry and their excessive enlargement. But this failed experience did not stop Frost from experimenting with her appearance. To date, Valeria has undergone successful rhinoplasty and corrected the shape and fullness of her lips. They also say that Lera Frost has slightly changed the shape of her chin.

A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery by Lera Demchenko (Frost)

You can clearly see how the “House 2” star Lera Frost has changed in appearance over the course of several years in the following collection of photos before and after plastic surgery.

Lera Frost and Maxim Rozhkov: first appearance on the TV project “House 2”

Lera Frost’s first appearance on the television project “House 2” is inextricably linked with the name of Maxim Rozhkov. Evil tongues claim that Frost initially got on the TV show through casting, but thanks to the necessary acquaintances. Rumor has it that in the spring of 2015, Lera Frost joined the ranks of the “builders of love” under the patronage of her good friend Victoria Romanets. This rumor may well be true, since initially the girl did not express sympathy for a certain young man. Valeria tried dating Oleg Burkhanov, then switched to Sergei Katasonov. When nothing worked out for Frost with either the first or the second contender, she set her sights on Maxim Rozhkov, who at that time was paired with Kristina Deryabina. The presence of Rozhkov’s girlfriend did not stop Valeria, and she easily won Maxim away from Christina.

Lera Frost’s first visit to Maxim Rozhkov’s TV project: how their relationship developed

After the newly minted couple Frost-Rozhkova moved into “House 2”, they began to be considered one of the brightest and most expressive contenders for victory. Serious passions flared up between the young people, which riveted TV viewers to the screen and made them constantly worry about the relationship between Lera and Maxim. But after Frost and Rozhkov settled down and, as they say, “got used to” each other, their passion noticeably faded. The editors of the project decided to send Maxim and Valeria to the Seychelles. According to their idea, an exotic trip was supposed to rekindle the dying fire of love brighter. But, alas, upon returning from Seychelles, the couple became completely unpromising and soon Frost and Rozhkov left the perimeter of the famous construction site. Outside the project, Maxim and Lera were unable to save their feelings and finally broke up.

Lera Frost and Zakhar Salenkoushli from the project “House 2” - latest news

Frost's second return to the House 2 project occurred at the beginning of 2017. TV viewers immediately noted Valeria’s “tuned” appearance, on which plastic surgeons did a good job. The girl began to look more presentable, which helped her effortlessly win men's hearts one by one. In a short time, Frost managed to start an affair, first with Ivan Barzikov, then with Alexander Kharitonov. Afterwards Lera switched to Sergei Zakharyash. But in the end, she chose Zakhara Salenko. This explosive couple caused a lot of noise on the TV set. Lera and Zakhar have explosive personalities, so it is not surprising that quarrels and misunderstandings constantly arose between the young people. A couple of times it even came to fights, which ended in stormy breakups. In the end, Zakhar and Valeria finally made peace and continued to build their complex relationship on the project.

The latest news, why they left the project “House 2” Zakhar Salenko and Lera Frost

But according to the latest news from the “House 2” project, Lera Frost and Zakhar Salenkoushli are from the famous TV set. The couple was forced to leave the perimeter after a vote at which it was decided to expel Valeria. Zakhar immediately followed his beloved. The reason for Frost's expulsion lies in her explosive character - the girl started a fight with another member of the House, Masha Kokhno. Not so long ago, Leroux and Masha were considered bosom friends, which is very rare for a project. But after Maria told Zakhar about Lera’s meeting with a fan, which Frost chose to hide from her beloved, the situation changed radically. The girl literally accused her ex-friend of providing escort services. After a quarrel with Salenko, Frost attacked Kokhno with accusations, and then completely attacked the latter with her fists. Such aggressive behavior greatly outraged the project participants and Leroux was sent home. Despite the couple's frequent disagreements, Zakhar followed Frost into real life. And if you believe the pages on Instagram, everything is going as well as possible for young people outside the project.

Explosive Lera Demchenko (Frost): fights with participants on the “House 2” project, video

The scandals surrounding the explosive character of Lera Demchenko (Frost) were not limited to quarrels with young people, but were also regularly reinforced by fights with participants in the “House 2” project. In addition to the aforementioned fight with Masha Kokhno, which caused Frost to leave the show, Lera is also famous for other fights with local girls. One of the most memorable showdowns on the project was the fight between Lera Frost and Maya Dontsova. The eternal rivals often got into verbal altercations with copious insults and obscene language. But soon Frost and Dontsova moved to a new level and decided to sort things out “with their fists.” Masha Kokhno managed to separate the girls, and then Zakhar gave Valeria an ultimatum that he would not tolerate such behavior from his girlfriend. In the end, Lera Frost said that for the sake of love for Salenko, she would try to curb her explosive nature and leave Dontsova alone.

Video of drakLera Frost (Demchenko) with participants of the TV project “House 2”

Now that you know about some facts from the biography of Lera Frost (real name, how old she is, who she is dating), you can form a more detailed opinion about this explosive participant in the television project “House 2”. The bright and strong Lera Frost (Demchenko) was well remembered by the audience even during her first appearance on the show with Maxim Rozhkov. And her relationship with Zakhar Salenko, with whom, according to the latest news, the girl left the project, opens up a new facet in Lera’s personality. And despite the constant scandals with fights, escorts and facial surgeries (photos before and after plastic surgery above), Frost’s Instagram is gaining momentum, and the girl herself has started her own successful business. As they say, any PR can be beneficial.

Lera was born on December 21, 1993 in Ukraine, in the city of Lugansk. Valeria was raised by her mother and grandmother; Lera does not know her father. Lera Frost has loved to be the center of attention since childhood. In kindergarten, Lera was one of the most restless children. Lera studied at school No. 12. There were always threes and fours in Lera's diary. Due to bad behavior, Valeria's mother was often called to school. During her school years, Valeria showed interest in creativity. In the 5th grade she studied at a theater school, and in the 7th-9th grade Valeria sang in the school choir.

In the summer of 2011, Lera Frost moved to Kyiv, she entered the correspondence course at the university, majoring in Journalism. During her studies, Valeria worked as a model. Lera did not work in the modeling business for long. In 2013, Lera Frost began her DJ career. Lera performed in some of the most popular clubs in Kyiv.

Valeria took part in the “I Want Viagra” project, but, unfortunately, she failed to win. After the project, Lera became popular in Ukraine. Valeria was invited to various television programs. In one of the programs of the “Ukraine Speaks” program on the topic of plastic surgery, Lera was invited as a guest. The girl talked about her lip surgeries. It turned out that by that time Valeria had undergone more than 3 lip augmentation surgeries.

Participation in the television project “Dom-2”

Lera Frost came to the project in 2015. Before the project, Lera Frost was a close friend of Victoria Romanets; there are rumors that it was because of her friendship with Vika that Lera ended up on the television project. On the project, the girl showed herself to be a bright personality. Valeria tried to get Oleg Burkhanov out of the relationship and started fights with the girls. After 5 months of participation, Lera left the television project.

In 2017, Valeria returned to the project with Ivan Barzikov, Ivan did not show mutual feelings for Valeria, he had a relationship with Liza Polygalova. Then Lera began to cost the relationship with, after a month of the relationship, Lilya Chetrara took Sergei away, shocking everyone with the news that she was expecting a child from him. In July 2017, Valeria began building a relationship with.

Plastic surgery by Lera Frost

Valeria has had more than 4 plastic surgeries. Valeria performed the first three operations on her lips. In 2016, after leaving the television project “Dom-2”, the girl had rhinoplasty. Lera Frost wrote a post on her Instagram saying that she did rhinoplasty not only for the sake of beauty. Lera said that since childhood she had problems with the bridge of her nose, and she could not breathe normally, and rhinoplasty was her only option. It is worth noting that after plastic surgery Valeria looks more attractive.

Lera Frost's Instagram

Lera started her Instagram after she came to the TV project “Dom-2”. Valeria is a girl without complexes, so on her Instagram you can see a lot of candid photos. Valeria also very often posts advertising posts on her profile. Now the number of Lera Frost's subscribers on Instagram is 350 thousand - this is a small figure compared to the number of subscribers of other participants.

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