Corporate jokes. Competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues: cool, funny and the most interesting

Funny, amusing competitions will allow you to have a good rest and have fun at the New Year's party. For the presenters, who are tasked with organizing the entertainment part, we offer an original selection of games, competitions and quizzes for the scenario of a festive corporate party!

The New Year traditionally comes with bitter frosts, snowdrifts, as well as corporate parties that gather “labor associates” into one cheerful, noisy company. Indeed, it is always nice to meet colleagues in a relaxed, festive atmosphere - away from office routine and busy work schedules.

In order for the holiday to be bright and unforgettable, it is important to draw up a script for the entertainment program in advance. So, funny funny skits for the New Year 2019 for adults will add a touch of humor and raise the general mood - be it short thematic performances, long performances, modern ones based on good old fairy tales. We invite you to use our cool video ideas and act out scenes at a corporate party in honor of the New Year. Undoubtedly, the Yellow Earth Pig will appreciate your acting talent and give her favor.

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - ideas for the script

Funny: “A fabulous gift!”

Several participants are called. Behind the back, Santa Claus or the presenter shows a picture, but so that the participant himself does not see anything. Before presenting the gift, Santa Claus asks the participant questions, and he must answer them.

After all the questions have been answered, and all the watching spectators have laughed heartily at the participant’s answers, Santa Claus pulls out their gifts from his bag (a baby potty, an enema, and a set: handcuffs, a whip, a gag): and gives them to the participants as souvenirs .

1st Participant – picture “children’s potty”:

Santa Claus addresses the first participant:: I have prepared a very interesting gift for you. But first you must answer a few of my questions.

So, questions:

  • How much do you think you need this gift?
  • How often do you think you will use it?
  • And if your best friend asks you for this gift, will you give it?
  • How long can you live without it?
  • Which of the people closest to you are you willing to give it to? Who needs it more than you?
  • Is there such a person here who has such a gift? And who is it?
  • Could someone around you steal it from you?
  • How will you return it?

The second participant is called. Behind his back, Santa Claus shows a picture of an enema.

  • Do you think this is a very precious gift for you?
  • Who loves you so much that they could give it to you?
  • Will you use it every day?
  • How will you feel? Please list!
  • Do you think that sooner or later you might get tired of this gift?
  • Who could you give it to? Who do you especially like among those present?
  • Will you watch how he uses your gift?
  • And can you give any advice on operation?

The third participant is called. Santa Claus holds behind his back, but so that everyone else can see a picture of handcuffs, a gag and a whip (a set for role-playing games).

  • Do you think you need it?
  • How many years have you missed this gift?
  • Will you like it?
  • Will you be able to share it with friends, or, for example, use it simultaneously while sitting in the same company?
  • What sensations will it give you? How do you feel when using this gift?
  • Will you suggest your colleagues to purchase this gift?
  • Would you buy it for your manager’s birthday?
  • This gift is very unusual and unique. Do you think it’s worth filming it when using it?
  • If you were asked to describe him in three words, what would you say about him? What is it for?

Santa Claus addresses the audience: Well, who else wants gifts from me?

Funny competition: “Sweet kiss!”

To conduct it, several participants are called in pairs.

The number of men and women must be equal. Each couple is given a balloon, on which the young man, looking at his couple, draws with a marker the eyes and lips of his partner in the competition.

To the music and at the command of the leader, the balls are placed between the faces in each pair. A woman can hold it with her forehead, nose, cheek or lips. Women's hands are behind their backs. Do not touch the ball. But the partner holds the ball with his hands, like the face of his beloved girl, and chews the ball with a kiss, or rather with his teeth.

From the outside it looks like a passionate kiss! Whoever bursts faster, and whoever does it more believably and artistically, wins the “Sweet Kiss!” competition. The winning couple is rewarded with a slow romantic dance.

Funny: A dramatization of the remade song “New Year's Song!”

Preliminary preparation:

Recording of the “backing track” of Mikhail Nozhkin’s song “I haven’t seen Mom for so long!”

6 men are participating. They should have a “crumpled” appearance. Ties are askew, shirts are improperly buttoned and tucked in incorrectly. Jackets are either inside out, or worn on one sleeve, the other dragging. The hair is shaggy and he looks very tired. They support each other.

All in chorus 1st verse:

It’s been so long, we haven’t rested for so long, We haven’t had a rest or drunk beer or eaten salad, Every day, we just plowed every day, And everyone is glad to give their strength to work.

1st Participant sings: There is fire all around, there are problems, but we knew

2nd Participant: What you need to do for sure, you need to definitely win.

3rd Participant: Clutching the chair, gritting his teeth, we waited,

4th Participant: When will we be able to pour a glass each!

5th Participant: Not all of us, not all of us will reach the goal.

6th Participant: Some were tired, some even got sick.

1st Participant: But definitely we, but definitely everyone wanted it that way,

2nd Participant: May the New Year, may the New Year arrive in time for everyone!

3rd Participant: Let someone out there, let someone out there, wander in the forest.

4th Participant: And looking for an elegant Christmas tree in the forest.

5th Participant: Let no one, let no one judge us.

All in chorus: After all, the holiday of happiness, the holiday of fairy tales is just around the corner!

The men hug and, congratulating each other on the New Year, leave the stage!

The New Year's corporate party is a bright and long-awaited event that opens a series of winter holidays. However, not everyone likes to simply treat themselves to salads and raise toasts at the table. Show a little imagination by diluting the traditional scenario of group gatherings with funny scenes - here you will find original ideas for adults. Thus, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 contribute to unification and maximum involvement in the process. We are sure that no one will be bored!

Ideas for funny modern scenes with gags for a New Year's corporate party

According to tradition, in some countries it is customary to pour water on each other on New Year’s Day - as a sign of cleansing from all bad things, as well as the best wishes. If you decide to surprise your colleagues and bosses, act out a funny scene for the New Year 2019 with “water” jokes. So, we stock up on two spacious jugs - pour water into one (about half the volume), and pour multi-colored confetti into the other.

First, the host makes a toast with best wishes for happiness and prosperity to everyone present. Then comes a proposal to follow the example of Thailand or Cuba - to douse with water to attract good luck in the New Year. The first jug is taken out “to the public”, demonstrating the presence of water inside the vessel. While everyone is preparing for congratulations, the jug of water is quietly replaced with a second container - with confetti. Having raised the jug, the presenter splashes its contents on his colleagues, which, quite expectedly, causes a lot of violent emotions. Here's a funny prank scene in honor of the New Year 2019!

Corporate themes are truly inexhaustible - for the New Year you can act out funny cool scenes with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. In theory, applicants come to the HR manager for interviews for these fabulous positions. Colleagues will act as candidates for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens - they will have to sing, dance or tell a funny New Year's joke. Of course, the decision to accept the “job” will be made by the audience of this funny skit about the New Year.

Funny scenes for a corporate party for the New Year 2019 - fairy tales with jokes, ideas, videos

Many still remember children's New Year's parties, filled with touching warmth and sincerity. As a rule, folk tales serve as the basis for the scenario of such an event, with the obligatory invitation to “visit” Baba Yaga, Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf and other famous characters. However, a fairy-tale theme can be successfully used for a corporate party - skits for the New Year 2019 with jokes will be remembered for a long time. We are sure that our video ideas will inspire you to create original reprises and funny fairy tales in a new “adult” way.

A selection of ideas for funny fairy tales for adults for the New Year 2019

The well-known children's fairy tale “Kolobok” is an excellent basis for a cool corporate scene for the New Year. We will need Grandfather, Grandmother, Hare, Wolf and Fox. For the main role, it is better to choose an actor of impressive build. So, Kolobok sits down on a chair, and the presenter begins the fairy tale with the words: “Once Grandfather and Grandmother baked Kolobok - cute, but very gluttonous.”

According to the script, here Kolobok threatens to eat Grandma and Grandfather, and in response the old people promise to transfer the apartment to him. Then the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox take turns on stage - Kolobok addresses each with the same “formidable” phrase. In order to avoid a similar fate, the Hare offers a carrot (you can take any fruit or a bottle of alcohol). The Wolf promises to give the Hare - he immediately catches him and gives him to Kolobok. And the cunning Fox herself is going to eat Kolobok, and almost realizes her plan, having previously selected the “carrot” and the Hare.

However, Kolobok proposes marriage to the Chanterelle - the bride and groom sit together on the same chair, and the rest of the participants are located around. On this cheerful note, the presenter ends the tale with the phrase: “And so they adopted the Hare, and began to live and live well and make good money.”

Cool fairy tale scene for the New Year 2019 for adults “The Three Little Pigs”, video

The New Year of the Pig 2019 is already on the doorstep - we invite you to act out a cool scene for adults, “The Three Little Pigs.” In the video you can watch your favorite children's fairy tale in a modern “adult” adaptation.

Short skits for the New Year 2019 for adults - funny impromptu videos

New Year's parties have long become a tradition and a mandatory “meeting place” for employees of many companies and firms. Such events usually do not leave anyone indifferent, and time passes quickly in a kaleidoscope of fun entertainment and surprises.

Each holiday scenario contains funny, cool scenes - for the New Year 2019, you can come up with and act out your own production. For example, it could be an impromptu event, the organization of which does not require special props or costumes. We have selected several options for funny short skits for adults and videos - a great number for the New Year.

A short funny skit for adults to celebrate the New Year

In every home, a festive table is set for the New Year with a variety of delicious dishes - here there are aromatic hot dishes, a variety of salads and delicious snacks. We offer to act out a funny impromptu scene with a “culinary” twist on the preparation of the famous “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad. So, one participant will play the role of a cook - you will need props in the form of a white cap and an apron. On stage we place two chairs opposite each other at a distance of two meters.

The cook begins to “cook”, naming the salad ingredients one by one. First comes a large and juicy herring - stately, large men are suitable for this role. Two men sit on chairs. A couple of blonde women will perfectly imitate an “onion” cut into rings, laid on top of a “herring” - the girls need to sit on the men’s laps. Rub boiled “potatoes” over the “onion” (men), then grease with “mayonnaise” (ladies). We also choose men to play the role of “carrots” and “beets” - don’t forget about the “mayonnaise” layer. As a result, we will get a wonderful “salad”, all the “ingredients” of which will be sitting on each other’s laps. Such a funny scene with a touch of humor will fit perfectly into any New Year's scenario for an adult company.

Video with a short fiery scene for the New Year

New Year is a time of fun, laughter and bright, incendiary jokes. If you want to arrange an unforgettable corporate holiday or friendly gatherings, we recommend acting out a funny scene from our video.

New Year's scenes for corporate parties - funny short tales on video

On New Year's Eve, many companies organize corporate parties for their employees - with fun competitions, dancing and other jokes. Thus, New Year's skits not only lift the spirits, but also help strengthen the corporate spirit and unite the team.

As an original entertainment, you can prepare funny New Year's scenes with the participation of employees. In the video you will find interesting ideas for funny scenes about the New Year with funny plots - you can rehearse them in advance or improvise them.

What funny scenes can you perform for the New Year 2019 at a corporate party, video

The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company - ideas, videos

Celebrating the New Year with a big, cheerful group is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances and just have a lot of fun. The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 will interest everyone present and create a unique holiday atmosphere. In a large company there will always be acting talents who can “light up” with their acting and charisma. With the help of our ideas in the video, you will arrange an unforgettable fun holiday for the New Year and have a fun time.

Video with ideas for a New Year's scene in a big, cheerful company

What skits should you perform for the New Year 2019? For adults, at a corporate party you can arrange a lot of entertainment - funny modern skits, short and long fairy tales in a new way, funny reprises in a cheerful company. Here you will find interesting ideas, as well as videos with original stories on the New Year theme. Happy New Year to you!

What do many compatriots expect from the upcoming winter holidays? New Year's corporate party, competitions, congratulations that begin at work and end at home, in the family circle. “Warming up” is important for the upcoming celebration, so for all those who will celebrate the New Year holidays with colleagues, we offer the best competitions for a corporate party for the New Year.

“We wish everyone!”

You should write the names of employees on pieces of paper and put them in one box, and put leaves with wishes in another box. Then, notes are pulled out at random from each box in pairs and with laughter they inform all those gathered what fate awaits them in the coming year.

“Intonate it!”

First, a simple phrase is pronounced, and the task of each participant is to pronounce it with a certain intonation (surprised, questioning, cheerful, gloomy, indifferent, etc.). Each subsequent participant must come up with something of his own in articulation, and the one who could not come up with anything new is eliminated from the competition. The winner of the competition is the participant whose arsenal contains the most different emotional connotations of pronunciation.

"Push your place"

When coming up with funny competitions for a New Year's corporate party with colleagues, you can pay attention to the following option. Each participant in the competition is blindfolded and given a place in a certain queue. Then a signal follows, according to which participants need to stand in this queue in accordance with their numbers. What makes it difficult is that they must do it silently.

"Burst the Ball"

In this competition, the more participants, the merrier. A balloon must be tied to the left leg of each participant. Then the music turns on and the participants begin to dance, while trying to step on the opponent’s ball. The dancer who keeps their ball the longest wins. It will be even funnier if the participants are blindfolded during the competition.

"Dialogue of the Deaf"

People especially like cool New Year's competitions for corporate parties, and this one can be considered one of them. The leader calls the boss and subordinate. The first person puts on headphones with loud music playing. The subordinate will ask the boss a wide variety of questions regarding their work, and the boss, who cannot hear them because of the music playing, must guess from the lips, facial expressions and facial expressions of the subordinate what he was asking about, and answer the questions that he believes , were asked to him. Naturally, the answers will be out of place, and such a dialogue will be accompanied by peals of laughter from the audience. Then, so as not to offend anyone, the boss and subordinate are swapped, and the dialogue continues.

"Sew on a button"

People have come up with various funny competitions at corporate events for the New Year, for example, this one. You need to assemble two teams of 4 people, and line up all team members one behind the other. On the chairs standing next to each participant, you need to place a large fake button cut out of cardboard. At 5-6 meters there are large spools with twine wound on them. The first team member needs to unwind the string, thread it into a knitting needle and pass the tool to the participant standing behind him, whose task is to sew on the button. The next team members do the same. The work begins after the leader’s signal, and the team that completes the task first wins.

"Where am I?"

For this fun, you can select several people who are positioned with their backs to the rest of the audience. A piece of paper is attached to the back of each player, on which is written the name of some organization or institution, and if a sufficiently friendly company has gathered, then you can use such places as a toilet, maternity hospital, etc.

The public will see the names of these objects and answer leading questions from participants who, not knowing what is written on their backs, will ask again and again, while at the same time trying to understand what they are talking about. Such competitions for a New Year's corporate party with jokes will certainly be accompanied by ridiculous answers and bursts of laughter, which will greatly amuse everyone present at the party.


Among the party participants, you need to select two stronger men for a boxing match and put real boxing gloves on their hands. The boundaries of the ring will be marked by spectators holding hands. The presenter, with his comments, should strive to heat up the atmosphere before the future fight, and his participants prepare and warm up at this time. Then the judge explains to them the rules of the fight, after which the “boxers” appear in the ring. Here they are unexpectedly given lollipops, from which they must, without removing their gloves, remove the wrapper. The one who does it first wins.

"Dancing vinaigrette"

Interesting competitions for corporate events for the New Year are often associated with musical numbers. This competition involves several couples who will dance ancient and very diverse dances to modern music, such as tango, lady, gypsy, lezginka, as well as modern dance. Employees look at these “demonstration performances” and choose the best pair.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

Participants in the competition are given Christmas tree decorations and taken to the center of the hall, where they are blindfolded. Next, they must blindly try to hang their toy on the tree. In this case, you cannot change the direction of movement, and if the participant goes in the wrong direction, he must still hang the toy on the object he bumped into. As a result, disoriented participants will scatter throughout the room in search of the Christmas tree. Such fun competitions for the New Year for a corporate party can have two winners - the one who is the first to hang his toy on the tree will receive the main award, and a separate prize can be awarded to the one who finds the most unusual place for his toy.

Video with competitions for the New Year's corporate party:

"Next year I will definitely..."

Each participant in the competition writes on a piece of paper three things that he plans to do in the coming year. After this, all the folded pieces of paper are collected in a bag and mixed. After this, in turn, each participant blindly pulls a piece of paper out of the bag and reads it out loud, as if announcing their plans.

In this case, you will definitely get many funny options, for example, the boss will definitely “give birth to a baby” or “buy himself lace underwear,” and next year the secretary will definitely “go to the bathhouse with the men.” The more the participants’ imagination runs wild, the more successful and fun this competition will be.

“Don’t take it off!”

When the fun is in full swing, and New Year's competitions for office workers follow one after another, you can try the following entertainment. Place a variety of clothing items in a box. Then the music starts playing, and at the presenter’s signal, the participants pass this box to each other. When the music suddenly stops, the one who currently has the box randomly pulls out one of the objects from it, which he must put on himself and not take it off for half an hour after that. And the competition continues. The process of this competition and the view of the audience after it are best filmed - it will make a very funny video.

"Song Assortment"

The public, fueled by alcohol, especially loves musical, fun New Year's competitions for corporate parties. In this case, everyone will have to sing, regardless of their ability to sing. All corporate party participants need to be divided into several teams and come up with a theme for the singing competition. Teams must remember songs suitable for this topic and perform at least a few lines from them. The team that offers the longest execution will win.

"Flying gait"

New Year's corporate competitions are rarely complete without equipment, the role of which in this entertainment can be played by simple glass or plastic bottles. You need to select several participants in this competition, place bottles in a row on the floor in front of them, and then blindfold each one. Next, participants must blindly walk the distance without touching a single bottle. It is not easy for a person who has temporarily lost his sight to do this, and he will twist and sweat in every possible way to complete the task. But the trick is that immediately after the volunteers are blindfolded, all the bottles are quietly removed. It will be funny for everyone present to watch how the participants in the game, stepping very carefully and dodging in every possible way, overcome a completely clear space. Of course, the bottles must be removed extremely carefully so that none of the competition participants suspects a dirty trick.

"Test cartoon"

Many people can participate in this competition, preferably from 5 to 20. You will also need paper, pencils and erasers. Each participant will have to draw a caricature of someone present at the party. Next, the portraits are passed around in a circle, and on the reverse side the next player writes his guesses as to who is depicted in the portrait. Then the results of all the “artists” are compared - the more similar assumptions, the more successful and recognizable the cartoon is.

"Noah's Ark"

Another interesting New Year’s competition for a corporate party, in which the presenter writes the names of different animals on pieces of paper, and, as in the legend, they must be paired. Of course, we must not forget about the symbol of the year. After this preparation, the competition participants draw out a piece of paper for themselves with the name of the animal, but they still have to find their mate. And this can only be done silently, using only facial expressions and gestures. The first one to correctly discover his pair will win. To make the competition last longer and make it more intriguing, it is better to guess less recognizable fauna representatives.

Cool video with a New Year's competition for a corporate party:

"Mountain slalom"

For this competition you will need two pairs of short children's plastic skis with poles, drink cans and two blindfolds. Each “race” will require a couple of participants. They are blindfolded, after which they must overcome the “descent”, going around obstacles - pyramids of empty cans. Spectators encourage the participants and tell them the best direction of the route. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line faster, and for each knocked down obstacle 5 penalty seconds are assigned.

"Draw the symbol of the year"

Competitions for New Year's corporate parties can reveal unknown talents of employees. This competition will require paper, markers or pencils, and since this is a truly creative competition that requires the application of skill, it is desirable that it be accompanied by a valuable prize. The competition participants are faced with the task of drawing the symbol of the year according to the Eastern calendar better than others. The prize will go to the participant whose creation is most favorably received by the public.

If there are good artists among the team members, then the result can be impressive, then they will be happy to hang it in one of the company’s premises until the next New Year’s corporate party.

“My Santa Claus is the most beautiful of all”

To implement this fun you will need garlands, beads, scarves and funny hats, mittens, socks and handbags. From among the fair sex, 2-3 candidates for the role of the Snow Maiden are selected, and each of them, in turn, chooses Father Frost among the men. To turn her man into Santa Claus, each Snow Maiden uses objects previously laid out on the table. The competition may be limited to choosing the most successful Santa Claus, but it may be continued. Each Snow Maiden can with wit advertise her Frost, who himself must play along with her - sing, read a poem, dance. Such competitions for a New Year's party for employees are a great chance to cheer and unite everyone, even newcomers.

Did you like our selection? Tell us in the comments if you organized such competitions at your corporate party, and which ones did you like the most?

The funniest statuses about corporate events

D For me, corporate parties are the only opportunity to drink, eat and NOT WASH DISHES!

TO Corporate events are good for vision. After them you can immediately see who is who.

P After 10 years of work, I have achieved zen, and I don’t get caught up in pictures taken during corporate events.

E If there is alcohol left after a corporate party, it means there are problems within the team.

TO corporate party - either it’s boring or you’ll feel ashamed after it!

N The New Year is a corporate event on a human scale!

TO How to behave correctly at corporate events? ...better, try to stretch out your first glass for the entire duration of the corporate party.

P these improvements in the performance of the organization are decided by its employees at a corporate party, after the third pile, mostly men

TO Collective sleep during working hours strengthens corporate spirit!!!

ABOUT When going to corporate events, remember that you still have to work with these people...

N Our people have unique reserve health capabilities. Many people wake up in the morning after a corporate party.

IN Snowflakes were hung in the office toilets, it looks like the location for the corporate event has already been decided.

D Children conceived during a corporate party are automatically included in the staff

N a husband from a business trip is not as scary as a wife from a corporate party...

IN Anya Urgant dreamed of becoming a great artist since childhood, but life brought its own corporate events...

TO then at a corporate party he is the most sober, and he will have to transport everyone.

N and at a New Year’s corporate party, it makes sense to ask Santa Claus for a salary increase as a gift. And it doesn’t matter whether Santa Claus hears it or not - your task is to make sure that your superiors hear it.

N and during corporate drinking, the main thing is not to lose your corporate image.


WITH The most influential person after a corporate party is the one who has the photos...

N and at a corporate party, the sooner you switch off, the less ashamed you will be the next day.

TO The corporate party will end... and the image of a decent girl will have to be restored...

N outro after a corporate party I saw a panda in the mirror, thought it was a squirrel, but it turned out to be me.

AND chalk, I mean all these corporate parties... I saw the genitals of the boss... I washed the blood from a boy from the store... I drank wine from my throat... On the way back, I drank the general director on the bus with vodka... And fell asleep on a new employee... And this is only after a month of working in the company... I think I’ll go to work, comrades... Sorry...

X The worst ending to a corporate party is when you have to look for a new job the next day.

P It’s a shame to go to work the day after the New Year’s corporate party wearing the same clothes you wore! But it’s so nice!

IN food weddings, corporate events, rallies, processions, presentations, birthdays, pickets...

We are preparing a New Year's corporate party 2019-2020: script, games, entertainment.

For a working person, New Year's holidays are also a corporate event. And if for ordinary employees a corporate party is a fun pre-New Year holiday, then for the management team that organizes the celebration this is a troublesome task. Especially if the celebration budget does not allow hiring a host and you need to prepare the script yourself. This article will be useful for those who decide to hold a corporate event without inviting professional presenters.

New Year's corporate party 2019-2020 - let's celebrate the Year of the Rat with fun!

Cool corporate party scenario for the New Year 2019-2020

A cheerful scenario with the fabulous Baba Yaga can be interpreted in different ways. Baba Yaga can be either an old woman or a sultry older woman (this will make her game even more fun). For the celebration you will need a Baba Yaga costume and song lyrics that are accessible to everyone (it is possible to display the text on the screen). Also print out small rhymes and ditties that will be distributed during the corporate event.

The presenter begins:

Baba Yaga comes out from the side, not just hobbling, but grinning and dragging behind her a bag that clearly contains gifts.

Cool scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2019-2020: words of Baba Yaga

Meanwhile, while Baba Yaga goes to the host on an impromptu stage, she takes five women with her (we recommend choosing cheerful, fun-loving girls and women). Distributes the texts of the ditties and, along with the ditties, ties scarves on their heads (make sure that the scarves are large enough and do not restrict their styling). The backing track from the cartoon “The Flying Ship” is played in the background and everyone is invited to start singing ditties.

Ditties for the New Year's corporate party

For the ditties, Baba Yaga gives gifts, hidden in advance in the very bag that she brought to the stage, and the presenter takes a step forward so that Baba Yaga remains in the background.

Words from the host at the New Year's corporate party

The presenter reads the riddle, and Baba Yaga, together with the whole company, guesses it, then they change places. The one who most actively guessed the riddles receives a gift from the bag.

Riddles for the New Year's corporate party Words from the presenter and Baba Yaga

The text of the song below is displayed on the screen to the music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Sing everyone together and as loud as possible!

Remade song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” Words from the Host and Baba Yaga

For the fact that everyone sang and tried to give everyone a gift from Baba Yaga. Meanwhile, the tables are set and the first toast is awaiting. We give a little time for food and finish the “skit” and then, if desired, once every 20-30 minutes the host conducts one of the competitions described below. And to end the skit and move on to the main feast, the words of the last song are displayed on the screen along with the backing track of the song “Five Minutes.”

Another song-remake for the New Year's corporate party

So, competitions for the entertainment program are selected at will. We recommend hosting competitions more often than once every 20-30 minutes, with music for dancing and time for feasting between them.

My number

Each person is given a piece of paper and a marker. Everyone writes their own number. This can be any number, but not 0. Now the presenter goes through the places and asks everyone a question, this could be a banal “how old are you?” and ironic, but necessarily related to the answer-number. In response, you need to pick up the piece of paper and show it to everyone. When writing questions, remember that they should all be fun, but harmless.

New Year's sign

New Year's signs are written in advance, and the truth is mixed with myths. Chaotically choosing an answerer from the audience, the presenter reads the omen, and the answerer says truth or myth. Whoever guessed the most gets a gift!

Choose both national and signs of other countries and religions. Add some funny chaotic signs according to the principle “Breaking a heel on New Year’s Eve means marriage” and have fun!


Yes, yes, those very beloved and unjustly forgotten ones. Each fantasy contains a creative task. It could be a dance, a poem, a song, an image of an animal, an actor, a statue, etc. The most creative person completing the task wins. Also, don't forget to reward those whose talents are undeniable!

Balls on the Christmas tree

If there is a Christmas tree in the hall, find out in advance the number of balls on it. We divide everyone into teams (2-3) and the winners are those who are the first to name the correct number.

Do we remember everything well?

We select 3-5 volunteers from the audience, blindfold them and take turns naming New Year's paraphernalia. If it is repeated, it does not count, you need to name another attribute. The one who names the last attribute wins and the others have nothing to add.

Funny cool games for New Year's corporate party 2019-2020

Games are just as interesting and no less fun than competitions. We suggest including them in the list of entertainment at the New Year's corporate party.

Tangerine relay

One end of the hall is two tables with tangerines, the other end of the hall is two teams of participants. Definitely a fan team! A bag for each team where to put the tangerines.

Run to the tray with a tablespoon, put the tangerine on the spoon and run to your team without dropping the tangerine (if you dropped -1 point). Victory goes to those who carried the tangerines first. If the winning team had “losses,” the mandarins are settled with the second team. The one who dropped the least wins.

The chimes are about to strike

You have only 3 minutes to complete the task. 12 tokens - 12 tasks. Everyone draws a token and looks at the task. During this time, everyone else must guess the task. Prize for everyone who took part!

Games at a corporate party are fun and bring the team together!

Serious Lunokhod

The whole team stands in a circle. It is advisable to do it in the middle of the evening so that everyone is a little hotter with alcohol. One person stands around and repeats the words “I am a serious Lunokhod” and imitates the movements of the Lunokhod. Whoever laughs first loses. And the loser is given a punishment - to sing a song of his choice.

Hard-boiled eggs

All the boiled eggs are laid out on the dish. The presenter selects two volunteers. Announces that one egg on the dish is raw, the rest are boiled. It is necessary to break eggs on the forehead of the “rival”. With each broken egg, the tension becomes stronger and stronger until the last boiled egg breaks and a full house of laughter follows.

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Rat


We put five chairs in a circle and seat the volunteers. We announce that the Titanic is sinking, and only one can be saved - the most cheerful and creative one. Everyone must present themselves and then make a decision through a joint vote. If they can’t do it themselves, they ask the audience for help. One “drowns” with a glass of champagne and moves on to a new presentation of the remaining ones. The winner gets a bottle of champagne.

Jokes for corporate parties for the New Year 2019-2020

In order to make the skits as clear as possible for implementation into your corporate event, we offer video versions of cool skits. Creating such scenes is more fun than creating children’s ones, because the adult audience, after a few glasses of wine, opens up in a new way and is ready for all sorts of intriguing and fun scenes.

Video: New Year's scene for a corporate party

Video: A fun corporate fairy tale!