Cool comments for Ava. The most memorable comments to a girl’s photo as super words about her beauty

On this page we have made a selection of skits for our beautiful and wonderful women of the day, which can be performed both at work and at home, or in a cafe! In this section you will find scenes for congratulating women retiring, for a friend, colleague, mother, grandmother, sister, relative, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter, etc. We often publish new items, so visit us often!

Scenarios can be selected for any age, for example, girls on their 18th birthday, for young women - berries at 45 years old, traditional round dates of 50 and 60 years old, on their 55th birthday, grandmothers on their 70th and even 80th birthdays. You can also choose a scene about someone retiring, for example at the age of 56 in connection with the new pension reform.

A scene for a woman’s birthday can be performed by friends, work colleagues, relatives, and children. In all cases, preparation and a small rehearsal for a woman’s anniversary are needed.

To stage a skit, you first need to write a script and words that the participants in the mini-play will pronounce. The text can be prose or poetic. Rhymes are harder to come up with than simple sentences. It’s good when there is a talented writer on the congratulations team. But a rhymed text, especially a humorous one, is easier to perceive and is best suited for a congratulatory scene.

The scenario assumes the distribution of roles. Participants in a mini-play, before learning the text, must decide who is who. A skit for a woman’s anniversary is not a grandiose theatrical performance, so this stage of preparation is easy and quick.

An important part of any mini-performance are costumes. You can do without them, but in this case the expected effect from the production will be minimal. Costumes can be bought or made yourself from paper, cardboard, plastic, fabric and old things from “grandmother’s chest.” A mini-performance in costumes made from scrap materials is a truly fun and festive scene.

On the name day, the beautiful hero of the day is always given flowers. You can present a beautiful bouquet just at the end of the performance. It will be very touching. Or maybe the scene will end with the ceremonial blowing out of the candles on the birthday cake. You can act out anything and even involve the hero of the day in the performance.

We have already said that a sketch for a woman’s anniversary can be on a variety of topics. An example of a mini-play - a gift from relatives and colleagues to their dear birthday girls: a sketch for an anniversary.

In some examples there are no photos of the possible costumes of the participants, but from the text itself it becomes clear what the “actors” can dress up in. The main thing is that the performance is fun and that the hero of the day likes it.

Choose mini-options for performances, with dressing up and comic rhymes. Also prepare inexpensive gifts that you can give to the hero of the day.

Feel free to perform using fun props, costumes and masks. A round date is rare, but the holiday should be remembered!

In this article you will find options for comments and captions for VKontakte photos.

Beautiful words on social networks for photographs of children, daughters, sons: words, text

Sometimes signing your photos on social networks with simple words “my daughter” or “my son” can be quite boring. It’s much more pleasant to include necessary and important words or beautiful quotes that will create a mood and inspire reflection. In this way, the photograph itself will become more meaningful and valuable.

What can be used as a signature:

  • Personal philosophical thoughts
  • Memories
  • Emotional stories
  • Words and statements of famous people
  • Movie quotes
  • Book excerpts

Beautiful quotes for photographs of children, girls, boys on social networks: words, text

Of course, each child is individual and good in his own way. For his parents, he is the most special and the best. By posting his photo on social networks, parents, of course, are proud of their child. It is very easy to convey this note of mood by making an accurate and very sensitive caption for photos.

Beautiful comments on photographs of children, girls, boys on social networks: words, text

Even if you don't include photos of your children, you can always comment on someone's posted photo, showing off your good side and leaving a mark on your friend's page. Choose the most beautiful and wise sayings that can “awaken” emotions and make a positive imprint.

Beautiful words in social networks for photographs of girls and women: words, text

A beautiful photograph of a woman cannot be ignored. It evokes a lot of positive emotions and forces any social network user to react in some way: like it or leave a personal comment. To ensure that your words do not go unnoticed, you should choose the most effective and beautiful quote, or a personal emotional statement.

Beautiful quotes for photographs of girls and women on social networks: words, text

If you can’t find the words on your own or are lost in thought, you should leave quotes or aphorisms from famous personalities in the comments to the photos.

Beautiful comments on photographs of girls and women on social networks: words, text

Well-chosen words or quotes will definitely decorate every photo posted on social networks. If you want to please a person or just make him feel good, don’t miss the opportunity to leave your “special” comment.

Beautiful words in social networks for photographs of boys and men: words, text

Even men are pleased when women react to their photos. Don't miss the opportunity and make a small surprise to the “strong half of humanity” by leaving a couple of gentle and very precise words about their superiority.

Beautiful quotes for photos of guys and men: words, text

If it’s difficult to “gather your thoughts in a pile” and write something worthwhile under a photo, you can always use a famous quote or statement from a famous person.

Beautiful comments on photos of guys and men on social networks: words, text

Comments under photos are always an indicator of how beautiful the photo is and how much people like it. Therefore, do not be lazy to leave your comment under the photo of a man you know or just like.

Beautiful words on social networks for wedding photos: words, text

Of course, it is impossible to leave a wedding photo without some kind of caption. People who will view it must definitely feel the moment and only the right words can help in this. These could be personal impressions, poems or famous quotes about happy love.

Beautiful quotes for wedding photos: words, text

If you notice that one of your friends on social networks has posted a wedding photo, be sure to leave your congratulatory comment under the photo. It should contain the most beautiful words, convey all your admiration and joy for the fact that two people tied the knot.

Beautiful comments for wedding photos on social networks: words, text

The comment under the photo can be in the form of prose or a poem, the main thing is that it must be congratulatory. You can also notice how beautiful the couple is in the photo and wish them happiness.

Beautiful words on social networks for family photos: words, text

A family photo always brings joy. There are plenty of famous quotes about love and family left by famous people that are perfect for captioning a photo posted on social media.

Beautiful quotes for family photos: words, text

Sometimes, quotes will express the mood of a photograph much more clearly than words. Try to choose beautiful aphorisms.

Beautiful comments for family photos on social networks: words, text

Don't forget to comment on the photos of your loved ones and good friends on social networks. You will please them and be able to show how much you care. As a comment, choose a well-known phrase or aphorism.

Beautiful quotes for photos of friends and girlfriends: words, text

Friendship is one of the most important values ​​in life. She must be valued and respected, she must not be forgotten. You can show how much you need friendship with your comment or caption under the photo.

Beautiful comments to photos of friends and girlfriends on social networks: words, text

How many people - so many opinions, different points of view and comments. To be appreciated for your wisdom and sensuality, choose the most sensual words to leave a comment under a friend’s photo.

Hello, dear reader of my blog! In this article I will write about what comments you should leave under a girl’s photo on social networks or on dating sites in order to impress her. You will also learn what mistake many guys make when they leave comments on girls’ photos.

If you go to any social network right now, for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, you can see many beautiful photos of different girls there. Some girls in the photo look so sexy and beautiful that they can interest any man. In most cases, this is only the merit of the images, but in reality the girl can look much worse, but the point is different.

When a guy sees an attractive beauty in front of him, he, of course, wants to impress her. And how to do it? That's right - you can leave a comment on a photo of a beautiful girl. But the problem is that almost all guys leave just terrible comments that girls don’t even look at. They are simply tired of these compliments.

  • Beautiful;
  • Sexy;
  • I look at your photo and I just can’t stop admiring your beauty;
  • Wow, what sexy legs you have;
  • You probably decided to conquer all men with this photo.

If you enter now into any search engine, for example, the phrase “beautiful comments on photos in contact” or “beautiful comments on a girl’s photo,” you can find more than 1000 approximately the same comments that I wrote above.

So why are these phrases so bad? After all, many will think: “I wanted to please the girl,” “I gave her a compliment,” “I wanted to write something unusual.” It's all about significance. A guy who leaves such phrases under photographs automatically shows the high importance of this girl. And in order to meet a girl, you need to communicate with her as equals. You need to show her that she is no worse than the other girls you talk to every day.

If you write under the photo the phrase “you’re sexy” or
“You have sexy legs,” then this shows that you need sex, and by this you yourself lose your sexual attractiveness in the eyes of a beauty.

And of course, all these comments indicate that guys are just hitting on the girl and directly asking her to pay attention to them.

From all this we can conclude that you should never write phrases to any girl under photographs that overestimate her importance and also show your sexual neediness. By the way, you can also read another interesting article: “Don’t compliment a girl until you read this!!! “In it you will learn how to correctly give compliments on the street.

So, what comments should you leave on a girl’s photo?

No matter how good the young lady looks in the photo, if you want to impress her, then you need to hook her with something. To do this, you can write any joke. But, again, commenting on a woman's photo should not insult or humiliate her, because this could end very badly.

  • For example, if you see a girl near a beautiful car, you can write: “So it was you who stole my swallow from the yard yesterday...”
  • Girl in a beautiful dress: “You won’t believe it, but my grandmother has exactly the same dress...”
  • Girl with sexy legs: “Beautiful legs, but I wonder how long it takes to shave them?”
  • In the photo there is a brunette: “I think white hair would suit you better...”

And a lot of such comments can be written. With these phrases I do not insult the girl or humiliate her. This is just a light joke, after which she will most likely want to justify herself to me. Well, the second advantage is that these phrases distinguish me from other guys who simply compliment her.

If I wrote, for example, the phrases: “I don’t like your hairstyle” or “Where did you find this dress? It’s terrible,” then this would be a direct insult and humiliation. After these phrases, the girl can simply add the guy to the blacklist. It is very important to feel the line between teasing and insults.

If you learn to come up with these jokes well, you will have a big advantage over other guys. You can write these jokes under a photo or say them when meeting someone on the street. Such phrases can interest girls, and they will always answer you and prove the opposite. You can right now go to any social network in which you are registered or to a dating site and write beautiful comments on the girl’s photo, and then

Thanks to social networks, girls have the opportunity to receive compliments without going outside. They anxiously await the assessments of the opposite sex, posting the next photo on VKontakte. In addition, this is a great way to draw her attention to you and start getting acquainted.

Why do you need to compliment photos?

A nice compliment under a photo is a great opportunity to attract the attention of the girl you like. Any girl must read all the captions for her photos and even count the “likes”.

If you don’t know each other or know each other superficially, then the best way to start a conversation is to write a comment to the girl under her photo.

You can write not only a compliment, but also a question that she can answer. If a girl can only thank you for praising her appearance, then the question will become the beginning of your dialogue with her, thanks to which you can bring online dating into real life.

The whole point is how to properly praise a photo so that it is original, appropriate and makes the girl pay attention to you.

What compliments should you not give?

You need to be careful when communicating with the weaker sex, because girls often take any jokes too close to their hearts and get upset because of it. If you are not sure that the woman you like has a sense of humor, you should not compliment her in a joking manner. She may misunderstand him, and you will be blacklisted from suitors from the very first phrase about her appearance.

Examples of unsuccessful humorous compliments


Some ladies may laugh, and some will think about whether the tan is really so strong and what’s wrong with the smile. Make sure your words are chosen correctly.

For example, you should not write “You are pretty” or “You are pretty” because the girl may wonder why this was written and not “You are beautiful”. Between beauty and cuteness, according to many women, there is an abyss.

  • “You were as tanned as a black man”;
  • “Girl, you have such big beautiful teeth”;
  • “I think I’ve already seen this dress on someone.”

With a hint of sex.

A girl may not only ignore this kind of inscription, but also delete your comment, considering it just a way to make acquaintances that involve a one-night stand.
  • “You excite me”;
  • "You are so sweet";
  • “I know your lips are hungry for a kiss”;
  • “I would like to lie down next to such a beauty on the beach.”

In verse

Stupid poems from the Internet in the comments will not impress your girlfriend. In the most extreme case, you can quote the classics, such as Shakespeare or Pushkin. At the same time, do not forget to indicate the author. In all other cases, it is better to write comments in prose in your own words.

What is better to write

Praise for a girl should be truthful and reflect reality. Ladies are sensitive to falsehood and the slightest suspicion that you have embellished her advantages will be regarded as deception.

But this does not change the fact that all girls are vain by nature and many are overly self-confident. Thanks to this, you can embellish reality a little, just do it very carefully. Try to write from the heart, because you really like the girl.

You shouldn’t write banal literary things like “Your eyes are like bottomless lakes” or “I’m so fascinated by your beauty that I can’t breathe.” It is better to write in simple and accessible language.

First, think about what exactly you want to praise. If these are eyes, then it is better to write something like “You have beautiful eyes with a sparkle! It’s immediately obvious that you are a cheerful and sociable girl!” If you plan to compliment your figure, you can write “With such a figure you can be a model” or “It’s obvious that you spend a lot of time training.”

Compliments can also be given not only to the face and figure, but also to the hair, clothes, and eyes. You can read more about this in.

Review article on how to properly compliment a girl.

Don't forget to write to her sometimes.

If compliments are made correctly, then you can safely count on a first date. List of the best and most unusual places.

Learn how to behave on a date here.

Don't forget that brevity is the sister of talent. Therefore, your compliments should be short and sweet. Avoid complex comparisons and complicated phrases. The simpler your comment is, the more impact it will have.

Examples of original compliments to photos

With the help of a compliment, you can surprise a girl and instill in her the confidence that she is not only beautiful, but also unusual. A non-standard comment will attract attention and interest.

Examples of original compliments.

  • "Nice dress. I see that you are well versed in style”;
  • "Charming smile. Do you always smile like that, or is it just a lucky photo?”;
  • “You have such a mysterious look in this photo. Have you thought of anything?

If a girl’s appearance contains original features, it is necessary to praise them. This could be a dimple on the chin, a mole above the lip, freckles or a beautiful manicure. By paying attention to the little things, you show that you are attentive.

It wouldn’t hurt to read the comments under the photo left by her acquaintances and friends. This must be done in order not to repeat yourself and praise what others have not noticed. This technique will definitely make you stand out from the crowd of fans.

How to get someone interested in a compliment

To continue communicating with a girl, she needs to be encouraged to communicate. It’s best to link your question to the photo the girl posted. For example, ask her about the place where she was photographed. This will start a dialogue, and you can continue to charm the girl by correspondence.

If there is nothing remarkable in the photo, then you can interest the lady with the help of some phrases. Since girls are curious by nature, you can write something like: “And I know where to take you this Saturday,” “It seems that you and I have something in common,” “I have a business proposal, are you ready to listen?”

Don’t be afraid to express your sympathy, because a girl doesn’t just post her photos for everyone to see. Surely she is interested in making new acquaintances and wants to be appreciated.

There are always a lot of enthusiastic comments under the photo of any beautiful girl on social networks. Guys and adult men especially try to convey their admiration. Pleasant words sometimes confuse and surprise, but do not leave you indifferent. But what if natural modesty or imagination does not allow you to leave a great comment under the photo you like?

Our large selection offers a wide variety of comments for a girl to use under her photo. None of them will go unnoticed. And some will be able to hook you in such a way that they won’t let her forget about you for a long time. A successful comment on a girl’s photo is a great chance to continue communicating with her in the future. Then her sweet smile will delight you more often. After all, it’s impossible not to smile when flattering words are addressed to you!


Every photo you have is a demonstration of model data and a charming smile! You can’t take your eyes off, you can’t take your feet away!

You know how to surprise! Every new photo makes you look better.

So cute... This look suits you, although all the others are amazing too!

Gorgeous! A combination of elegance and outrageousness.

Very good) I would give a lot for such a smile.

Lovely! Does your mother need a son-in-law? Or are you a fan? I will rate every photo of yours an A.

Simply super-beautiful! A delight for the eyes, a joy for us, an irritant for envious people.

Being so beautiful is dangerous for men's health.

To cheer up, just look at your photo.

It’s a crime to have a smile like that and not show it off all the time! Correct yourself in every photo.

What eyes! What a figure! The goddesses nervously smoke on Olympus, jealous of your beauty.

I always get excited when I look at your photos. You are perfect!

Girlfriend, if I were a man, I would fall in love one hundred percent! You are gorgeous from every angle.

From your charms, even the photographs turn out extraordinary, as if they were taken by a brilliant photographer.

You get better with every shot. Do you want to become a fashion model?))

It's so nice to watch you grow up and get better every year. Or rather, even with every photo!

You don't have a single uninteresting photo. You are special in each one, but stunningly beautiful everywhere!

There are oceans in your extraordinary eyes. In this photo they are raging and beckoning brave swimmers to test their strength in rowing with obstacles!

Watching you even in photographs is my most enjoyable pastime. Make me happy more often))

Your beauty makes my heart beat loudly and sink into my heels, and the butterflies in my stomach just take ritual flights, going crazy from the signals of my brain))

Do you have at least one photo where you are not so beautiful? If you say yes, I still won’t believe it.

It seems to me that you are wonderful no matter what you are wearing or what environment you are in!

The place where you are is beautiful. You decorate reality with yourself. Continue this good work.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy your beauty))

God, with unheard of generosity, has given you all the best external characteristics. Be proud, value yourself))

I have seen precious stones shine - your shine is a hundred times brighter!

The magnetism of this photo is so strong that I am ready to rush and cuddle with you this minute!

Your beauty is hellish and heavenly at the same time. You are a sinful Eve and a passionate devil. In your eyes, fire and ice cannot divide leadership.

From such a delicious crumb, drool drips onto the keyboard, and the monitor sweats with lust))

Beautiful comment on a girl's photo

I want to be in the same frame with you. You decorate everything and everyone around you.

Let's take a photo together? So that I can then brag that I have a photo with a future star!

You are so extraordinary and beautiful in this photo that I want to address you as “goddess.”

This photo just begs to be framed and hung on the wall for daily admiration))

I’ll copy your photo, okay?! I want to see your smile all the time from the screen of my monitor...

Has someone already told you that your photography is art? I'm sure that's true.